A Haunting - S06E04 - Possessed

  • 2 days ago
Edwin and Lillian find their dream home, but soon things turn nightmarish when Lillian becomes violently possessed.
00:00a couple buys an infamous Victorian mansion and soon discovers they are not
00:11the only ones living there ghost hunters try to make contact with the spirits
00:18how long have you been in this house but unleashed demonic forces is time
00:25running out for the living or the dead in America there is real evil it lurks
00:33in the darkest shadows and in our most ordinary towns between the worlds we see
00:39and the things we fear there are doors when they are open nightmares become
00:47reality for more than a century Gardner Massachusetts has been known as the
01:01furniture capital of New England moguls like the Haywood brothers and Sylvester
01:06K Pierce made their fortunes here building businesses and homes that have
01:11withstood the test of time generations have lived and died within these old
01:16walls but some of the dead have not moved on
01:28in the summer of 2008 Edwin Gonzalez and Lillian Otero are looking for a new home
01:36in South Gardner we lived in Boston our whole entire life and then actually came
01:42across this beautiful mansion online and of course Lillian quickly ran to it
01:48she loves Victorian she's always wanted one the house is a historic landmark in
01:53Gardner I felt like we were going back in time like it was just a beautiful
02:07Victorian mansion it was just elaborate it had all this spectacular woodwork
02:11you can see the stained glass windows it was built in 1875 by a man named SK
02:15Pierce he was quite an important figure in town built his furniture business
02:19from the ground up and when he died he was one of the wealthiest men in the
02:21county Lillian was so excited about taking as much photos to show to her
02:25family I knew that this was finally an opportunity that to have one of her
02:30dreams come true was to have a beautiful Victorian
02:34she's already set her heart on moving into the mansion
02:48but her photo shoot is cut short when her camera abruptly stops working that's
02:54weird she noticed that the the battery light came on that it needed new
02:59batteries and she was puzzled because she had just put in brand new batteries
03:02let me see yeah stop working I wouldn't worry about it you'll have plenty of
03:10opportunities to take pictures later come on the couple brushes off the
03:15incident Edwin and Lillian quickly make a bid on the property it seems a steal
03:21at just under $200,000 within a matter of months they've settled into their
03:26dream home
03:32not long after they move in something captures the eye of one of their
03:50there's a friend of mine who lives next door I didn't realize you and Lillian
03:55had a son we don't I just then who's that I saw darting between the windows
04:01upstairs Mike there haven't been any kids there since we moved in and he goes
04:06every so often I see him running back and forth I see him on these two windows
04:09over here then all of a sudden I see him on the other two windows on the other
04:13side there's no way that you could see a little boy on these two windows and all
04:17of a sudden see you in the other way he would literally have to go through two
04:19walls and a staircase I guess I'm just tired both Lillian I thought well maybe
04:24he was just seeing something and we kind of more or less really didn't pay too
04:28much mind to what he was saying
04:33weeks pass quietly and the sighting is all but forgotten
05:28the door just slammed on its own stay there
05:46there was nobody there but we couldn't figure out what caused the door to slam
05:52these are big doors that don't slam on their own they usually take a lot of
05:57force just to swing them I kind of just try to forget about it try to relax and
06:09went back to bed it's 5 a.m. the following morning Eddie someone's at the
06:20door hmm we'll be up this early maybe it's the hitting guys what the hell
06:41there was nobody there you kind of start questioning like what is going on in
06:47this house a few nights later Edwin is alone in his home office
07:01in 2008 Edwin Gonzalez and Lillian Otero have just purchased the historic
07:1826 room Victorian mansion in Gardner Massachusetts but their dream home is
07:26quickly becoming a nightmare a neighbor sees a young boy in upstairs windows but
07:33the couple has no children and now Edwin is face-to-face with something evil
07:48when I turned to look there was no one there there was nothing there I think
07:55that was a turning point when you physically see something in front of you
07:59that you can't explain it leaves such a deep imprint that all your what your
08:06beliefs are completely has changed Edwin can no longer deny that something
08:13paranormal is going on in his home in hopes of learning if the house has a
08:21history of being haunted Edwin contacts the previous owner hi my name is Edwin
08:27Gonzalez I'm the current owner of your old house I don't know how to quite put
08:31this did anything strange ever happen or do you ever experience anything weird
08:38here he started telling me about specific things that he knew about the
08:43house the history he goes I don't know if you know this but there was a man who
08:47burned to death in your master bedroom
08:58the previous owner tells Edwin to seek out a book called haunted Massachusetts
09:03for more answers
09:14and there was our house the book's author is paranormal investigator
09:20Thomas D Agostino the house was built in 1875 by furniture mogul SK Pierce it was
09:29built in the course of nine months using 200 workers working around the clock 24
09:337 it was considered a modern marvel of its time shortly after the home was
09:39built SK Pierce's wife passed away in the house it was taken over by his sons
09:46Frank and Stuart and Stuart later transferred the house to Edward Pierce
09:50in 1929 that's be about the time of the Great Depression he had to find some way
09:56to augment their income so the home became a boarding house around then
10:00there was a bizarre tragedy in 1963 involving a tenant 48-year-old you know
10:08sorry died in the home the official report was that he had died from smoke
10:13inhalation in third-degree burns but legend has it that he spontaneously
10:17combusted that's when I came to the conclusion
10:25the person that I saw
10:28was you know sorry
10:35meanwhile Lillian's at home alone
10:49Edwin is that you hun?
11:29don't sneak up on me like that Edwin there was something growling at me
11:44you do believe me don't you I think we need to find someone who knows more
11:47about this stuff than we do look this is what I found our house is in this book
11:53so our house is really haunted I don't know but it's a place to start that's
12:03when I decided to go ahead and reach out and speak to Thomas regarding his
12:14Edwin invites the author to the house to conduct a paranormal investigation
12:23we set up cameras in all the rooms and we put recorders as well in all the rooms
12:30so we can capture any kind of activity visual or audio Thomas is accompanied by
12:38his wife Arlene a spiritual medium we were looking for EVPs electronic voice
12:46phenomenon okay you ready yes go I'm reaching out to Eno sorry Eno are you
12:57here are there any children in the house with you
13:05can you show us that you're here with us now
13:16something kicked the camera in the master bedroom
13:31I hereby banish all negativity from this space only positive light they cleanse
13:37the home with sage a Native American ritual that helps to banish or control
13:42spirits you need to do this every night you have to assert your authority over
13:48this house don't be afraid of it and then we suggested that they cleanse the
13:52home in their own way in their own prayers in a positive manner regularly I
14:01felt really relieved but at the same time I was also very scared because this
14:06thing is for real figure it out
14:15Edwin and Lillian take his advice and try to remain positive a few nights
14:54Edwin Gonzalez and Lillian Otero are experiencing terrifying paranormal
15:00encounters in the Victorian mansion they recently bought in Gardner, Massachusetts
15:06their home is featured in a book of haunted houses the couple believes
15:13there are multiple spirits including a mischievous boy and a man that burned to
15:19death in their master bedroom now something is on the move
15:27Lillian! Lillian! What happened? The door just slammed and I thought there was somebody in here
15:35Come on, let's go downstairs. I don't want you up here alone.
15:42What is that? Do you hear that? I think there's someone in the kitchen
15:58It's okay, come on.
16:09Are you ready? Okay. On the count of three. One, two, three.
16:20There's nothing broken. What did it all mean is what is kind of like rattles in
16:26my mind what does it mean when the door is closing what does it mean that the
16:29cups are being thrown is it one spirit is it a series of spirits are they
16:35angry come on the troubling events in the house are starting to rule their
16:41lives Edwin and Lillian are desperate for answers
16:46are you the owner of the house yeah you are my name is Bill Wallace I knew the
16:58former owner Dave I'd like to talk to you about your house okay the arrival is
17:08out of the blue to Edwin but Bill is a spiritual empath and has visited the
17:13house many times before I knew who he was because the previous owner had told
17:18me about having Bill at the house before and how he's able to communicate with
17:23certain entities are at the house oh she's doing a really good job who is
17:32Maggie he said there was one in particular who was very protected of the
17:37house and she was almost like a motherly figure she was overseeing everything in
17:42the house for years Maggie was the nanny for SK Pierce's children she
17:49protected them and now she's trying to protect you protect us from what from
17:55the others the other spirits before Edwin's predecessor bought the house in
18:002000 it was empty for quite some time I spoke to him about have you ever
18:07wondered why after this house being fallow for 20 years there's no vandalism
18:12that's Maggie I just I thought you should know that thank you Bill has
18:19wandered the Victorian house many times before and sensed evil and torment I
18:27knew that there was something nasty in the cellar I knew there was something
18:31nasty on the second floor I knew there was a child who had been abused
18:35terribly life and was still being abused by somebody in the house as a
18:55we may have to learn to live with this but if things get worse what are we
19:03supposed to do then well I think we should probably get more investigators
19:09maybe someone could help us figure out what's wrong with this house both Lily
19:15and I were determined that we were gonna make this work even though we were
19:20encountering all these different things that were happening this is our dream
19:24home and we're not gonna give up on it I'm just not ready to leave then after
19:2810 terrifying months Edmund and Lillian decide to hold an open house for
19:33paranormal investigators believing it will help them understand what's
19:37happening we thought it was a good idea because we were searching for answers so
19:43we allowed them to come in hey John hey I was still expecting a few more people
19:51paranormal investigator John Brightman agrees to coordinate the event I just
19:57told him I have a very strict policy no Ouija boards I don't want to be a part
20:02of that and have something coming to the house that could actually hurt them even
20:06more than what's there many different groups of investigators set up in
20:11different rooms a couple in the cellar breaks the rules by sneaking in a paper
20:22version of the spirit board and dabbling in Satanism
20:35up in the master bedroom John Brightman is leading another team I'm gonna be
20:41starting soon so so quiet please we were asking the spirit to communicate with us
20:45through the different equipment through the audio recording we had what we
20:50called an obvious which is a voice box that actually spits words out that the
20:55spirits can manipulate in use he's trying to communicate with the ghost of
21:00you know sorry who died in the house you know sorry what year were you born how
21:14long have you been in this house
21:21if I'm not getting a response I try to be more assertive and push the envelope
21:26you know I understand you don't like it when strangers sit on this bed I think I
21:34might stay the night here you know what do you think of that
21:40after experiencing a series of troubling events Edwin Gonzalez and
21:55Lillian Otero have invited teams of paranormal experts into their Victorian
22:00home how long have you been in this house in the basement to investigators
22:09are taking a forbidden approach using a spirit board to practice Satanism you
22:17know I understand you don't like it when strangers sit on this bed meanwhile John
22:21Brightman and his team have been trying to make contact with the ghost of you
22:25know sorry I think I might stay the night here you know what do you think of
22:33there's something attack me
22:47we need to get out of here now they got a recording from the obvious box that
22:55said squeeze every throat in this house Edwin yeah you need to see something
23:00what is it oh my there was three large scratches going up the side of his
23:07stomach how did that happen what happened your eye something hit me
23:14punched me in the face I think we need to stop I don't think this was such a
23:17great idea okay yeah I'm gonna tell the rest of the groups it's time to leave in
23:2210 years the most I've had happen to me is maybe a little tug of a shirt or a
23:27door slam on me hear a voice that's normal occurrences but to be physically
23:32attacked like this and have something touch you the way it did it's scary
23:40hey sorry guys open house is over we need to leave now
23:55it just basically left us the same way they came in they got some evidence and
24:00then they left and they left us with no answers
24:04after what's just happened Edwin only allows a select group to visit
24:11including good friend Bob Pfeiffer
24:18so this is where the investigator team was set up
24:22he's hoping for his own ghost encounter
24:25he's hoping for his own ghost encounter
24:32what's that
24:36it's a kiln kind of like an old oven
24:51someone actually drew a ouija board that's when I knew that the groups weren't really
24:57trying to help us out they were actually just trying to conjure up as much action as they can
25:04I felt a finger go right down my neck
25:12there was nobody there are you okay yeah let's just go come on
25:25I decided for just a little bit hang out in the lobby on the second floor just to see
25:30if I could you know experience anything
25:47I just remember being in a state of panic and fright and I didn't know what to do
25:52Bob you okay?
26:02hey you all right man
26:08I tried to tell my legs to move and just I was not moving
26:14I tried to tell my legs to move and just I was not moving
26:28what happened I think he fainted almost fainted
26:33is he diabetic no I don't think so Bob Bob
26:37Bob Bob are you okay?
26:46Bob Bob
26:50as soon as Lillian touches Bob he feels normal again I just remember
26:56instantly just just like that I was feeling great again I think I should go home
27:07now Lillian's all alone in the house
27:37Edwin Gonzalez and Lillian Otero are on the verge of abandoning their once dream Victorian home
27:46after a series of frightening encounters with spirits
27:52now Lillian is under attack
28:21you all right babe just tired me too come on let's go to bed
28:31no I think I'll stay here for a while
28:32are you sure
28:47I love you
28:56Edwin notices a dramatic change in Lillian who becomes increasingly withdrawn and unstable
29:03I was starting to lose her
29:10she was slipping away I didn't have any answers I had no one to turn to
29:19I just wanted her to get better I didn't want her to go through any more
29:23pain or whatever she was going through
29:25she was becoming more exhausted sitting in the couch all day long she wouldn't eat all day
29:33I thought this is really the house that's affecting her
29:40Lillian continues to grow more and more depressed and withdrawn
29:47Edwin too finds himself emotionally challenged by the house
29:51I didn't know if I had just had a dream I was so overwhelmed with the feeling of sadness and grief
30:01like as though she had lost someone and the only thing I could relate to that is when my father
30:06passed away feeling that sense of loss and sadness and grief and I just couldn't get over it
30:13of sadness and grief like as though she had lost someone and the only thing I could relate to that
30:18is when my father passed away feeling that same emotion and it just happened all over again
30:26now at his wit's end with all the anguish Edwin calls in an exorcist
30:43he felt that he indeed got rid of a very powerful spirit that was at the house
30:55I think maybe we'll be fine now that everything will be back to normal a few days of peace pass
31:05Edwin and Lillian go back to the house
31:13hon what are you doing Lillian hey don't touch me leave me alone let me finish
31:23I knew that this was not Lillian that was something else that's trying to get a hold of her
31:27get out get out I knew that this was becoming scarier now because now it's using her body
31:37to make it do something and I was like if it's able to do this what else could it make her do
31:42what is that she found a newspaper clipping in the early 1900s there were several children that
31:59drowned on the property after reading the article I think that gave an explanation of why we were
32:05seeing a child spirit at the house the way Lillian unearthed this new information
32:13does little to calm Edwin's fears about the house
32:43several nights later
32:50bill hi Edwin sorry to bother you so late but it's important I believe Lillian is in danger
32:56bill the empath familiar with the home pays another surprise visit when he senses a change
33:03with the house she's gone Lillian's in the dining room no not Lillian Maggie
33:11Maggie's gone what what have you done Maggie the guardian spirit
33:18wasn't there anymore he told me somebody had come in and done a cleansing
33:24and apparently led Maggie the guardian spirit of the house out the door
33:37and I was mortified for the very first time ever I was afraid to be in that house
33:50Lillian look who's here how you feeling Lillian
34:06in Gardner Massachusetts
34:09Edwin Gonzalez and Lillian Otero are being terrorized in their 18th century home
34:16that has been the site of several gruesome deaths
34:20the empath Bill Wallace senses that a ghost called Maggie who protects the house from evil
34:26spirits was inadvertently driven out by an exorcism and now the couple is in danger Lillian
34:35look who's here how you feeling Lillian
34:49there was someone standing behind her with her hand on Lillian's shoulder
34:56he said she's from the Victorian time and that she is trying to harm Lillian he doesn't care
35:03what happens to me at all he doesn't touch me he doesn't move me Lillian was mad he didn't
35:13touch me he didn't come down to see if I was okay he didn't do anything and the more she said it
35:21the deeper the growl got in her voice Edwin Lillian really needs you right now
35:30I need to tell you about the couple who lived in this house before you I knew them and
35:37uh when I first met them they were absolutely madly in love with each other
35:45but after two years of living in this house they couldn't stand to be in the same room together
35:52you can't let that happen to you we have to fight this you have to fight it together
35:58that's the only way
36:05something of Lillian at that moment fought its way
36:09to the surface and looked at her husband and saw him
36:15so how do we fight this thing well up until now Maggie has been protecting you but Maggie's gone
36:23now it's up to you you have to use your faith I must have said it a thousand different ways
36:30you have to find something to believe in okay he says you need to find that and find that quickly
36:38otherwise the house is going to tear you down
36:45how are we supposed to live like this I don't think we can
36:53should we leave
36:56I don't know
36:59I don't know
37:05let's go to bed okay
37:42what is it
37:47so it's fine what happened I just held her and I told her it'll be okay that's it
38:00we're getting out of here right now it's one thing that you try to fight it but when it's
38:06affecting the person you love more yeah that's when yeah I don't want to see anything like that
38:15happen to her come on come on it's one thing when you could deal with it but when it's affecting her
38:24like she means everything to me so I just I just can't deal with that so we just left
38:35when I found out that Edwin and Lillian were no longer going to be living at the Vic
38:39I was just relieved happy for them just thrilled
38:48that they wouldn't have that kind of a pressure on their relationship anymore
38:52I think it's the best thing they ever could have done
38:56I felt that I could not protect her that last month there was too many things that was going
39:02on that was affecting us physically mentally it was one after another it's just not worth it
39:08anymore you just walk away and we had so many hopes and dreams that we could do with the house
39:16we envisioned the house being brought back to the way it used to be and unfortunately
39:26we we kind of lost our dreams Lillian remains fearful of the spirits they encountered
39:33and chose not to be interviewed
39:37Bill Wallace believes Lillian was being possessed by Abigail
39:44the spirit of a former servant who once worked in the mansion
39:49if looks could kill I would have joined her on the other side at that moment
39:55that's when I told him that was a very dangerous place to be I hereby banish all negativity from
40:02this space historian and paranormal investigator Thomas D Agostino believes the house has had
40:07negative energy almost from the day it was built that's K Pierce's first wife had a dream of living
40:14in this beautiful home and barely got to live there a year before she passed away much like
40:20Lillian who had a dream of moving out of the city to this beautiful home and they barely lived there
40:25a few years before they had to leave as well we decided to stay with Lillian's sister and it was
40:35like everything was fine again we felt so much better mentally physically we were happy again
40:42hey I'm gonna go swim by the house real quick is there anything you need me to get no I'm good
40:48I love you love you too it's been three years since Edwin and Lillian moved out of the Victorian
40:55but even now they still can't bear to part with it in the back of my mind I always hope
41:04and pray that that we can have the house of our dreams back again that's what we're hoping for