The Ghost Detective S01 E16 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 days ago
The Ghost Detective S01 E16 Hindi Dubbed


00:00:30Jeevan, I have to go to the restroom.
00:00:53I'll take you.
00:00:54I'm fine.
00:00:55Everything is safe here.
00:00:56And now even Sion is dead.
00:01:26I think you should reconsider.
00:01:33What will happen to Yule after that?
00:01:36That's why I've made a decision.
00:01:38Because I don't think I'll be able to live again.
00:01:40Sion said he would kill everyone you love.
00:01:44And these are the people you love very much, Mr. Lee.
00:01:51You have to save them.
00:01:56I will try to save them even after my death.
00:02:07It's better than dying on the bed.
00:02:16I want to save Yule.
00:02:19I want to save her at any cost.
00:02:27And I will take Sion out of Yule's body.
00:02:29Then at 1 o'clock at night, she will try to enter me.
00:02:34But how will you get Sion out?
00:02:37I will pretend to kill Yule.
00:02:40As if I have no other option but to kill her.
00:02:45You can't kill Yule.
00:02:47But you are not Yule.
00:02:49You are just a bad soul.
00:02:51Then you go out with Yule for a while.
00:02:53And come to check me at 1 o'clock.
00:02:57It's important for me to be there.
00:02:59Because it will be safer for her to leave Yule and enter me.
00:03:06In other words, my spirit is like AB blood type.
00:03:10I can accept any spirit.
00:03:12And why are you telling me this?
00:03:14So that you get confused.
00:03:16As soon as she comes out, she will try to enter me.
00:03:19And at this time, we can set her free forever.
00:03:23I don't have any spiritual power now.
00:03:25So the ghosts can't control me.
00:03:28If she forces herself, she will be in trouble.
00:03:32Won't this be dangerous?
00:03:37You don't have to worry about me.
00:03:39You don't have to worry about me.
00:03:45One more thing.
00:03:47As soon as she enters me, you have to kill me.
00:03:55Take out the respirator.
00:03:59I have lived once.
00:04:01And I don't want to live again.
00:04:10We have no other choice.
00:04:14You have to do this at any cost.
00:04:29What will happen to Yule after that?
00:04:33As soon as Siyonu comes out of her body, I will send her out of the room.
00:04:37Junkyal, get out of here right now.
00:04:45What are you doing?
00:04:47Please don't do this.
00:04:48Junkyal, I said get out of here.
00:04:51And go outside and wait for Jeevan.
00:05:52Listen, Mr. Lee.
00:06:00Stop hating.
00:06:02Your father, your mother.
00:06:07And yourself too.
00:06:12This is the time.
00:06:14Move on.
00:06:26Resin piece, Siyonu.
00:06:37Resin piece, Siyonu.
00:09:04It's all over.
00:09:08It's all over.
00:09:19We had no choice.
00:09:21I'm sorry.
00:09:23You should have stopped him.
00:09:26You should have killed me.
00:09:28This was Dial's decision.
00:09:30You decided to enter Siyon's spirit to save us all.
00:10:00I'm sorry.
00:10:30I'm sorry.
00:10:44You made a mistake.
00:10:46Nothing will change if I leave.
00:10:50There are many spirits like me.
00:10:53And there are many people who will continue to be their prey.
00:10:57Maybe you're right.
00:10:59Then why did you risk your life?
00:11:01What did you gain from it?
00:11:03I couldn't save everyone.
00:11:05But I wanted to save the people who love me.
00:11:09When people are in pain, they hate someone.
00:11:13If not someone, they hate themselves.
00:11:17Everyone chose what I chose.
00:11:21Except you and Yul.
00:11:23Why did this happen?
00:11:25Why did you choose a different path?
00:11:27What's so special about you?
00:11:30We're not different.
00:11:32And there's nothing special about us.
00:11:35I'm sure there are many people who think like you.
00:11:39There are also people who can give up their lives to save their loved ones.
00:11:45Do you know that?
00:12:10Does this mean I was wrong?
00:12:48You did the right thing.
00:12:56Thank you so much.
00:13:15I hope...
00:13:19We'll meet again.
00:13:21No matter what happens...
00:13:26We'll meet again.
00:13:52The investigation that has been going on for the past month has finally come to an end.
00:13:56This case started with the mass murder of doctors.
00:13:58Which was committed by nurse John Dakjun.
00:14:01He kidnapped coma patient Siyon.
00:14:03The police have formed a special team.
00:14:05All the serial suicide cases that took place in Sopo...
00:14:10Were found to be irrelevant to this murder case.
00:14:13The police said that behind the serial murder case...
00:14:16There were culprits John Dakjun and a woman.
00:14:18Who did plastic surgery to look exactly like Siyon.
00:14:24May your soul rest in peace.
00:14:27Mr. Lee had said the same thing in the last moments of Siyon's life.
00:14:33I don't understand...
00:14:36Why did he say that?
00:14:43Despite this...
00:14:45I still want to catch him.
00:14:48After catching him...
00:14:50I'll ask him...
00:14:52Why did he do this?
00:14:54Why did he do this to Airaan?
00:14:57And also...
00:14:59Why did he do this to your mom?
00:15:02I'll ask him...
00:15:04Why did he kill her?
00:15:08I think he was also looking for the answers to those questions.
00:15:12When we were looking for Siyon...
00:15:14He was looking for Siyon.
00:15:17He always tried to understand Siyon.
00:15:21But maybe he couldn't find anything.
00:15:25I know why you're doing all this.
00:15:28But you didn't kill your dad.
00:15:30He didn't kill himself because of you.
00:15:33That's why you don't have to go to this extent.
00:15:37This was to stop him from killing other people.
00:15:41Does it hurt?
00:15:42Did it hurt when you killed him?
00:15:45Why did you kill him?
00:15:47I want to know the answer.
00:15:50The situation he was in...
00:15:53Instead of being angry at him...
00:15:55He was more worried about people getting hurt...
00:15:57His death and not being able to protect them.
00:16:02The person I loved...
00:16:05He was such a person.
00:16:08And maybe this is the reason...
00:16:10Not just me, but he too...
00:16:13Was able to get rid of Siyon.
00:16:21How does it feel?
00:16:23Mr. Lee really liked this place.
00:16:33You were too young for him.
00:16:36He liked you.
00:16:37That's why he used to bring you here.
00:16:43What did you two talk about here?
00:16:46Without me?
00:16:49All I'm saying is...
00:16:51We should rest for a while.
00:16:56He said...
00:16:58We should rest.
00:17:08I'm slowly getting closer to you.
00:17:19I'm walking towards you.
00:17:26I know you won't turn back.
00:17:31Why are you crying?
00:17:32You said you'd say goodbye with a smile.
00:17:35What are you saying?
00:17:36I'm not crying.
00:17:38I'm getting old.
00:17:39My eyes are watering.
00:17:47This is a great place for peace.
00:17:50You're right.
00:17:52There's a lot of peace here.
00:17:58I'm very happy.
00:18:01Because I have memories...
00:18:04I can smile with.
00:18:23Will you be able to handle yourself, Mr. Khan?
00:18:25Of course.
00:18:26You can go.
00:18:27You can see for yourself.
00:18:29See for yourself.
00:18:31See what I can do.
00:18:40Don't worry about me.
00:18:42Dr. Gill and Detective Park will keep coming.
00:18:45It's just a matter of a week.
00:18:48I won't need this again.
00:18:50But remember to meet the doctor regularly.
00:18:53Of course.
00:18:54Don't worry.
00:18:56You can go now.
00:18:59I'm trying to do something new.
00:19:01I have a new business plan that I want to work on.
00:19:12Will you...
00:19:15...really go?
00:19:18Just for now.
00:19:22Always stay in contact with me.
00:19:28Take care.
00:19:30Always think positive.
00:19:32Eat well.
00:19:33Sleep well.
00:19:42Thank you very much, Mr. Khan.
00:19:47What's this?
00:19:51Wait a minute.
00:20:00Keep this with you.
00:20:11What about you, Mr. Khan?
00:20:12I can't keep it.
00:20:14Everything here belongs to her.
00:20:54Before Hirang died,
00:20:55what did she tell you?
00:20:56Do you remember?
00:20:59Don't listen to Sion.
00:21:02She told you to run away.
00:21:04She wanted to save you.
00:21:06She didn't blame you.
00:21:09It's not your fault.
00:21:25I'm sorry.
00:21:53You'll catch a cold.
00:21:55It's not good to be so stubborn.
00:21:57I told you, you'll catch a cold.
00:21:59It's not good to be so stubborn.
00:22:22When a dead person's soul...
00:22:24When a dead person's soul...
00:22:26returns to her loved ones,
00:22:27she touches their feet.
00:22:31Where did you read this?
00:22:43What nonsense!
00:22:44What nonsense!
00:22:54You can talk.
00:22:55Because of the accident,
00:22:56you lost your ability to listen,
00:22:57not to speak.
00:22:59Why do you always write?
00:23:01You do this on purpose, don't you?
00:23:14Why do you always write?
00:23:15You do this on purpose, don't you?
00:23:32Hirang, is that you?
00:23:38You didn't believe me.
00:23:48It was very difficult for you, wasn't it?
00:23:52But why are you crying?
00:23:57Why did you do this?
00:24:01Why did you take my place?
00:24:04Why are you joking?
00:24:05Why would I take your place?
00:24:08I just...
00:24:10took a very wrong decision.
00:24:13I thought about it.
00:24:15And I regret it.
00:24:24You know, I love you the most.
00:24:28And I will always be thankful to you.
00:24:35Now promise me that you won't be sad.
00:24:38And yes, don't worry.
00:24:43Just live your life to the fullest.
00:24:47I will be very happy.
00:25:17I am really happy...
00:25:21that you are my sister.
00:25:25Thank you so much.
00:25:30I love you too.
00:25:33Hirang, I love you.
00:25:42I love you too.
00:26:02In this way,
00:26:04Mr. Lee
00:26:06and Hirang
00:26:08disappeared from this world.
00:26:10But it doesn't feel like the world has changed.
00:27:04after Mr. Lee left,
00:27:07we all changed a little.
00:27:30Come on, come inside.
00:27:41Will you...
00:27:43really listen to such stories
00:27:46that no one believes in?
00:27:48Once upon a time, Mr. Han was known as Sherlock Holmes.
00:27:51Will you really solve my case?
00:27:56Yes, of course.
00:27:58So tell me,
00:28:00what's going on in your mind?
00:28:02As his wife wanted,
00:28:04he started helping those who didn't get justice.
00:28:11Take care.
00:28:19Cheon, an ex-shaman whose mind was always disturbed,
00:28:23who used to contact spirits to resolve cases,
00:28:26now became a real medical examiner
00:28:28who used to listen to the last words of dead people through autopsy.
00:28:36Hi, I have completed my first autopsy.
00:28:40I think I have done it perfectly.
00:28:42But please, take a look at me once.
00:28:46You are fine. What's wrong with you?
00:28:48You always do as you wish.
00:28:50And today, you are suddenly asking questions.
00:28:52Why? You seem to be interested in work.
00:28:54Hey, why are you saying this?
00:28:56I have always been doing hard work.
00:28:58I don't know where the sun rose today.
00:29:05Detective Park, he can't kill himself.
00:29:08This is not a suicide case.
00:29:10It's a murder case.
00:29:18If you want, you can take more time.
00:29:21But we have to investigate all aspects of this case.
00:29:25Have faith in me.
00:29:27Detective Park,
00:29:29who used to look at the cases with his mind,
00:29:31now started looking at the cases
00:29:33from the perspective of victims and their families.
00:29:35The attorney of Park Law Firm,
00:29:37has exposed his client.
00:29:38The director of Myung Jang Daily,
00:29:40Lee Sung Won has resigned.
00:29:43In a whistle-blowing case of Sgt. Lee Dial,
00:29:46whose in-charge attorney was Baig Dai,
00:29:48he said that his client, Kim Wong Go
00:29:50was involved in the case of drugs and gambling.
00:29:53At that time, Sgt. Lee Dial exposed him.
00:29:57Kim Wong Go was the instigator of Staff Sgt. Kang
00:30:00who told him to harass Private Kim Jong Sang
00:30:04who saw Kim Wong Go doing drugs and gambling.
00:30:06But he didn't get any punishment.
00:30:08Despite the testimony of Lee Dial and Sgt. Kang,
00:30:11he was known as a victim of false testimony in the media.
00:30:15Look, you have exposed your client's secret.
00:30:18So, you will have to pay the damage.
00:30:22I know.
00:30:24And I am ready for it.
00:30:26So, you used your client's information against him.
00:30:30Don't you have any ethics?
00:30:32More than business ethics,
00:30:33more than business ethics,
00:30:35my morals are more important.
00:30:39Just like Lee Dial's morals five years ago.
00:30:43Attorney Baig and Mr. Kang
00:30:46started telling the world about us in their own way.
00:30:55I made a big mistake in the past.
00:31:01As a result, a man killed himself.
00:31:05And at that time, I chose my cowardice
00:31:10instead of taking responsibility for his death.
00:31:14Why did you write that false letter?
00:31:16Weren't you afraid of being punished for it?
00:31:22But on the other hand, there were some people
00:31:25who thought of choosing something else.
00:31:27They risked their lives.
00:31:28They risked their lives
00:31:30to save people from those ghosts
00:31:32on whom no one believed.
00:31:34And this video was made
00:31:36to tell the truth about those people
00:31:39who did all this.
00:31:59You said you would stay in contact.
00:32:02But you are not.
00:32:08Oh wow!
00:32:10What a beautiful day!
00:32:13How are you, my dear friends?
00:32:16Stay happy like this.
00:32:23Look at this.
00:32:30I like it now.
00:32:49Yol, is that you?
00:32:54Uncle, this letter came to our post box by mistake.
00:32:58I'm sorry.
00:33:06But do you know how to read letters in English?
00:33:20Mr. Li, I'm absolutely fine.
00:33:23As you said,
00:33:25I eat well, sleep well,
00:33:27and walk daily.
00:33:29Mr. Han,
00:33:31you were complaining
00:33:32that I didn't call you yet.
00:33:35You waited for so long.
00:33:38Are you okay?
00:33:42Chiyan, I miss you.
00:33:45I had a great time with you.
00:33:48Now I'm smiling more than before.
00:33:50Sometimes I wish
00:33:52you were here with me.
00:33:54What is this?
00:33:57Yol's letter.
00:33:59You don't want it, right?
00:34:00Wait a minute.
00:34:04Detective Park,
00:34:05how are you?
00:34:06With love.
00:34:07I'll always be thankful to you.
00:34:09Oh my goodness.
00:34:11As you said,
00:34:13I'm living a normal life like a normal person.
00:34:17You're welcome.
00:34:18Let's go.
00:34:27I hope all of you are fine.
00:34:29How did you sleep without eating?
00:34:32I miss you all.
00:34:49Mr. Lee,
00:34:51I'm back.
00:34:56If I'm able to live again,
00:34:59I'll take you there
00:35:01where you always wanted to go.
00:35:05I kept my promise, right?
00:35:18Mr. Lee,
00:35:19I'm back.
00:35:20I'm back.
00:35:21I'm back.
00:35:22I'm back.
00:35:23I'm back.
00:35:24I'm back.
00:35:25I'm back.
00:35:26I'm back.
00:35:27I'm back.
00:35:28I'm back.
00:35:29I'm back.
00:35:30I'm back.
00:35:31I'm back.
00:35:32I'm back.
00:35:33I'm back.
00:35:34I'm back.
00:35:35I'm back.
00:35:36I'm back.
00:35:37I'm back.
00:35:38I'm back.
00:35:39I'm back.
00:35:40I'm back.
00:35:41I'm back.
00:35:42I'm back.
00:35:43I'm back.
00:35:44I'm back.
00:35:45I'm back.
00:35:46I'm back.
00:35:47I'm back.
00:35:48I'm back.
00:35:49I'm back.
00:35:50I'm back.
00:36:13Somebody help me, please!
00:36:17I'm talking to the bus stop in front of Sopo Park.
00:36:32Someone stabbed the bus driver.
00:36:34He's here.
00:36:35Send the police immediately.
00:36:47I didn't want to kill him.
00:36:50But I started getting angry.
00:36:53I just wanted to kill him.
00:37:08What's this?
00:37:10Who gives ticket money like this?
00:37:12What do you mean?
00:37:13I can give my ticket money to anyone.
00:37:15What did you say?
00:37:17You're a very rude girl.
00:37:45Did the driver die?
00:37:59You said you wanted to kill him.
00:38:02Then how did you stop him?
00:38:05Who stopped you?
00:38:09Someone stopped me.
00:38:12It felt like someone grabbed my hand.
00:38:16I couldn't move.
00:38:18But I didn't see anyone in the bus.
00:38:21Can you think and tell me what happened?
00:38:25This is not a lie.
00:38:26Someone really grabbed my hand.
00:38:29I tried to get myself out.
00:38:31I tried.
00:38:44I remember seeing a tall man getting out of the bus.
00:38:53A tall man?
00:39:11Detective Park.
00:39:15I need your help.
00:39:17Go and help her.
00:39:21What happened here?
00:39:22I'll tell you later.
00:39:23I have to go somewhere now.
00:41:31I knew I would meet you.
00:41:35It's you, right?
00:41:38It's good to see you again.
00:41:43You're the one who stopped that woman in the bus, right?
00:42:00But how did you know I would meet you here?
00:42:06I thought if there is a place where I can find you,
00:42:13then I might have to come back here.
00:42:16I planned to come here.
00:42:17I did.
00:42:18As soon as I came back to Korea.
00:42:29But how did you come back?
00:42:32I heard your voice that day.
00:42:37You did the right thing, Mr. Lee.
00:42:40Thank you so much.
00:42:41I'm sure we'll meet again.
00:42:50I'll definitely come back.
00:42:55But I can't say for sure that's why I came back.
00:42:58No matter what the reason is,
00:43:00I don't care.
00:43:01I don't care.
00:43:06But does that mean you've been alone all this time, Mr. Lee?
00:43:12Does Mr. Han and John know you're back?
00:43:17They don't.
00:43:20And I don't think they should know.
00:43:23That's why I didn't go to them.
00:43:25I can't stay with them forever.
00:43:29And I know you won't be able to see me later.
00:43:36Like you're seeing me now.
00:43:39Listening to me.
00:43:44And being able to touch me.
00:43:59I want you to forget everything and live a normal life.
00:44:05I want you to smile, laugh, eat well and sleep well.
00:44:11That's exactly what I did.
00:44:13I was very happy.
00:44:15I ate well and slept well.
00:44:19But Mr. Lee,
00:44:22everything is incomplete without you.
00:44:26So please Mr. Lee,
00:44:28don't go anywhere.
00:44:30Please don't disappear.
00:44:39I'll feel like I can live without you,
00:44:44I'll tell you
00:44:47that I'm fine now.
00:45:04So for now,
00:45:07please stay with me.
00:45:13I'm with you.
00:45:22I made a lot of friends.
00:45:25That's a good thing.
00:45:27I ate at a lot of places,
00:45:29went to new places, met new people.
00:45:34I'm glad to hear that you met different people.
00:45:38There was no other option.
00:45:44Tell me,
00:45:46you mentioned a mountain to me once.
00:45:48Did you go there or not?
00:45:50Yes, I went there.
00:45:52I liked it a lot.
00:45:54I want to travel a lot in my life.
00:45:57Then leave today.
00:46:01Traveling is not everything in life.
00:46:04You don't have money, do you?
00:46:06That's not true.
00:46:09Do you remember
00:46:11what you told me?
00:46:17To go where I want to go.
00:46:21That's when I understood
00:46:24what you want.
00:46:26Irang gave you these shoes for a reason.
00:46:29Maybe she wants you
00:46:31to go in a different direction in life.
00:46:33Forget her and move on.
00:46:35And be happy in your life.
00:46:37So I kept thinking
00:46:41what it means to live my life.
00:46:45Finally, my long-time dream came true.
00:46:48But what am I going to do now?
00:46:54What else?
00:46:56I have another dream.
00:46:58Tell me.
00:47:00My new dream is...
00:47:05I'll tell you that later.
00:47:08Tell me now.
00:47:11What is your new dream?
00:47:14Stay with me until you tell me.
00:47:20Let me tell you.
00:48:06What? You...
00:48:08All right. Let's get to work.
00:48:11Am I dreaming?
00:48:13A fairy put this in my mouth
00:48:15while I was sleeping.
00:48:17Yes, Mr. Khan.
00:48:19I've heard a lot of such stories.
00:48:21Is this the time to sleep?
00:48:23Don't you want to solve a case?
00:48:25Wait a minute.
00:48:27Is this a dream?
00:48:31Yol! You're back!
00:48:36How are you, Mr. Khan?
00:48:38I'm fine.
00:48:40When did you come back?
00:48:42Yol, why didn't you call me?
00:48:44I would've come to pick you up.
00:48:46What's all this?
00:48:48Are you coming straight from the airport?
00:48:50Mr. Khan, sit down.
00:48:54Look at this.
00:48:56And this.
00:48:58You'll understand when you see it.
00:49:00He's a great driver.
00:49:02He knows all the shortcuts.
00:49:04She knows Jiu-Jitsu and can handle any situation.
00:49:06What are you saying?
00:49:08I don't understand.
00:49:10Look, I've just come back from a long trip.
00:49:13I haven't paid my mortgage yet.
00:49:15So, I'm worried about the money.
00:49:17Don't you need an assistant?
00:49:21Tell me.
00:49:24Of course, I do.
00:49:28If you become my assistant,
00:49:30then I won't have to worry.
00:49:32In fact, even if you didn't ask me,
00:49:34I would've asked you.
00:49:36Why don't you take the chief position?
00:49:41Hey, Yol.
00:49:43I missed you so much.
00:49:45Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
00:49:47How are you?
00:49:49Let's have dinner together.
00:49:51What would you like to eat?
00:49:53Something special? Kimchi stew?
00:49:55Yes, of course.
00:49:57I've earned a lot of money.
00:49:59The party is on my behalf.
00:50:01Wait a minute.
00:50:36What's up?
00:51:01How are you?
00:51:03Am I dreaming?
00:51:06That's him.
00:51:10Dial? Dial?
00:51:12Have you come back?
00:51:14Dial, are you really there?
00:51:19I can feel you.
00:51:22I can even see you.
00:51:25You won't disappear now, right?
00:51:27Your eyes won't turn red, right?
00:51:29Even if I want to,
00:51:31I can't do that now.
00:51:33I can control myself now.
00:51:34But I can't show myself all the time.
00:51:37That's it.
00:51:41Are you a human or a ghost?
00:51:55It was nice meeting you, Jeevan.
00:52:05Every night,
00:52:07I have only one dream.
00:52:10My eyes turn red.
00:52:13And I kill people.
00:52:18I recognize some of them.
00:52:21And some are strangers.
00:52:27I live in anger even in my dreams.
00:52:31Why has my life become like this?
00:52:34I can't control my anger.
00:52:37This case is just like Sion's case.
00:52:40His anger and sense of guilt
00:52:42was used to hurt others.
00:52:44And who did it?
00:52:46I think there is some ghost
00:52:48or some supernatural power behind it.
00:52:50Police can't investigate it officially
00:52:52as we saw in Sion's case.
00:52:54So we won't do it officially.
00:52:56Sorry, I'm a little late.
00:52:58I'm the victim.
00:53:00I'm going to defend the victim.
00:53:03CEO Likyungyu will pay for it.
00:53:06Attani Baik is going to work with us.
00:53:09Any case of suicide or assault
00:53:12will be called a ghost case.
00:53:14We will call it as a court case.
00:53:16I'm afraid of ghosts.
00:53:19So I will handle murder cases.
00:53:21It will be right.
00:53:23From now on,
00:53:25only Sopo police station
00:53:27will have a ghost detective team.
00:53:29It will be official.
00:53:38Your hair.
00:53:43I didn't expect
00:53:45to meet you like this.
00:53:47I know.
00:53:49By the way, the bus driver is fine now.
00:53:52Because the weapon was small
00:53:54and the force was less.
00:53:56He is out of danger now.
00:53:57Thank God.
00:53:59Thanks to you. You saved him.
00:54:03I didn't save him.
00:54:28How are you?
00:54:36Thanks for what you did that day.
00:54:53Let's talk about yesterday's case.
00:54:55We think that yesterday's case
00:54:57is similar to the case of Sion.
00:55:00That woman
00:55:02is behaving strangely.
00:55:05I'm sure there is a ghost controlling her.
00:55:08But that day
00:55:10I didn't feel anyone other than me.
00:55:13We also suspect
00:55:15that we didn't get any lead from the testimony.
00:55:21we heard her talk again and again.
00:55:23We heard her talk again and again.
00:55:26What kind of a hospital is this?
00:55:28I had an accident recently.
00:55:30I don't have insurance.
00:55:32So, I will have to pay for it.
00:55:34If I don't work for a few days,
00:55:36they will fire me.
00:55:38I need treatment.
00:55:46All this happened because of that crazy woman.
00:55:49She attacked me suddenly
00:55:50and I got injured.
00:56:04This ghost
00:56:06wants to kill the bus driver.
00:56:09And he wants the victim to be defamed.
00:56:12He is doing exactly like that woman.
00:56:15Just like Sion was controlling everyone.
00:56:18Her eyes would turn red.
00:56:23I didn't answer him.
00:56:25We are just two people.
00:56:51What is happening?
00:57:15What are you doing?
00:57:21Be careful.
00:57:23Sir, please.
00:57:33There is a lot of crowd at this bus stop.
00:57:35And there is an overpass before the next bus stop.
00:57:38He wants to get this bus down from the bridge.
00:57:41This is not possible.
00:57:43I never thought like this.
00:57:45Why would I think like this?
00:58:12I don't know who that ghost is.
00:58:14But he should be around.
00:58:16I will meet you at the overpass.
00:58:18Dr. Gill, come with me.
00:58:20Let's go.
00:58:24There are people in this world
00:58:26whom you don't know.
00:58:28Some of them
00:58:30will make you angry.
00:58:32And some of them
00:58:34will take advantage of you.
00:58:36This is a case of court.
00:58:38I am going to the crime location
00:58:40to catch the suspect.
00:58:42Okay. I will send backup.
00:58:44Let me know if you need anything else.
00:58:55Before you take a wrong decision
00:58:58I hope you remember one thing.
00:59:01Even if you feel that
00:59:03there is no one around you
00:59:05but there is someone whom we don't know
00:59:07he is always
00:59:09protecting us
00:59:11in some way.
00:59:20To be continued.
00:59:50To be continued.