Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 5 Never Kill A Boy On The First Date

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 5 Never Kill A Boy On The First Date


00:00We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Muffy, and you're...
00:20Poor technique. Prioritizing subpar execution was adequate, but a bit too bloody for my
00:29taste. Giles, don't mention it. It was my pleasure
00:33to make the world safe for humanity again. I'm not saying that your methods are without
00:37merit, I'd say that you're spending too much time and energy. It should simply be plunge
00:42and move on. Plunge and... Hello? Oh, that's great. I kill him, you fence their
00:57stuff. What is it? I don't know. But it bothers you? Yes. I thought this vampire was just
01:08on a random kill, but it may be something else. Something big? Yes. I'd best consult
01:14my books. And there will be a time of crisis, of worlds
01:24hanging in the balance. And in this time shall come the Anointed, the Master's great
01:34warrior. And the Slayer will not know him, will not stop him, and he will lead her into
01:44hell. As it is written, so shall it be. Five will die, and from their ashes the Anointed
02:00shall rise. The Brethren of Aurelius shall greet him and usher him to his immortal destiny.
02:15As it is written, so shall it be. And one of the Brethren shall go out hunting the night
02:25before and get himself killed, because he couldn't wait to finish his job before he
02:32ate. Oh, wait. That's not written anywhere. The Anointed will be my greatest weapon against
02:47the Slayer, if you fail to bring him to me. If you allow that girl to stop you.
03:02Here endeth the lesson.
04:17The ring. I believe it's the rune for fidelity, but it doesn't connect with any of the sects
04:24that I've studied. What about this? On the inside it says Sun and Three Stars. Haven't
04:31we seen that somewhere? Let me see. No, I don't think this represents any... Well, it's
04:42right here. Sun and Three Stars. Check these guys out. Told you it looked familiar. Are
04:51they Order of Aurelius? Yes, you're right. Ooh, two points for the Slayer while the Watcher
04:58has yet to score. Ooh, Owen. Hi. What do you want? A book. Oh. See, this is a school
05:13and we have students and they check out books and then they learn things. I was beginning
05:18to suspect that was a myth. I lost my Emily. Dickinson. It's dumb, but I like her around.
05:27Kind of a security blanket. I have something like that. Well, it's an actual blanket and
05:34I don't really carry it around anymore. So, Emily Dickins, huh? She's great. Dickinson.
05:42She's good also. Poetry. I didn't think I'd find you here. Why not? I didn't mean... I
05:56mean, I think you can read. Oh, thanks. But you don't seem bookwormy. The type of person
06:06to lock themselves in a dark room with a lot of musty old books. Oh, and I've offended
06:16you. No. No, I'm just surprised you gave any thought to what I'm like. You shouldn't be.
06:25Oh, well, I love books. I mean, I really love books. What's this? Not this one. This one
06:38she doesn't love. Oh, Emily Dickinson. We're both fans. Yes, she's quite a good poet. I
06:48mean, for a... A girl? For an American. I'll see you in math if I open my eyes at some
06:58point. Cool. The Order of Aurelius is a very old and venerated sect. If they're here, it's
07:08for a good reason. That was Owen. Yes, I remember. Do you have any more copies of Emily Dickinson?
07:17I need one. Buffy, while the mere fact of you wanting to check out a book would be grounds
07:24for a national holiday, I think we should focus on the problem at hand. Right. I'm sorry,
07:33you're right. Vampires. Does this outfit make me look fat? Owen Thurman was talking to you?
07:45It's all true. Wow, he hardly talks to anyone. He's solitary and mysterious. He can brood
07:53for 40 minutes straight. I've clocked him. He was so nice. It was eerie. What did you
07:59guys have to talk about? Emily Dickinson. He reads Emily Dickinson? He's sensitive yet
08:07manly. But wait, you've never even read her. You vixen. Has anybody given any thought to
08:16what this green stuff is? I'm avoiding the subject. I think it's kale or possibly string
08:23cheese. So, Buffy, how'd this lane go last night? Xander. I mean, how'd the lane go?
08:33No, I don't mean that either. It went fine, thank you. There's some new hoity-toity vampire
08:39sect in town. That's bad. Well, hey, they're bringing the much-needed tourist dollars.
08:45Ooh, look at Mr. Excitement. Owen, he's all alone. Maybe somebody should sit with him.
08:55Just to be polite. Good luck.
09:04Okay, what just happened? Look, an empty seat.
09:11Let me get that. Thanks. Boy, Cordelia's hips are wider than I thought. At least you don't
09:19have to eat your soylent grain. Owen, a bunch of us are loitering at the Bronze tonight.
09:25You there? Who else going? Well, I'm going to be there. Who else? You mean besides me?
09:34Buffy, what about you? What? No, no, no. She doesn't like fun. How about we meet there
09:44at eight? Yeah, eight. There. It's not that big a deal. It's just a bunch of people getting
09:57together. It's a very big deal. It's not. It is. Tell her. I'm afraid it's very big.
10:05Thank you. Wait, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Boys. Yes, well,
10:13I'm talking about trouble. A violent and disturbing prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The Order
10:18of Aurelius. You're spot on about the connection. I've looked at the writings of Aurelius himself,
10:24and he prophesied that the brethren of his order would come to the master and bring him
10:29the anointing. Who's that? Well, I don't know exactly. A warrior. But it says he will rise
10:36from the ashes of the five on the evening of the thousandth day after the advent of
10:41Septus. Well, we'll be ready whenever it is. Which is tonight. Tonight, okay. Not okay.
10:47It can't be tonight. My calculations are precise. They're bad calculations. Bad. Buffy has a
10:55really important date. Owen. All right, I'll just jump in my time machine, go back to the
11:0012th century and ask the vampires to postpone their ancient prophecy for a few days while
11:04you take in dinner and a show. Okay, at this point, you're abusing sarcasm. Buffy, this
11:10is no ordinary vampire. But we have to stop him before he reaches the master. But cute
11:17guy, teenager, post pubescent fantasy. This will just have to be put on hold. The dark
11:25forces are aligning against us, and we have a chance to beat them back. Tonight, we go
11:31into battle. Perhaps I'm miscalculated. I'm thinking, yes. Well, you know what they say.
11:5090% of the vampire slaying game is waiting. You couldn't have told me that 90% ago. Well,
11:58we've certainly waited here long enough. Besides, there aren't any fresh graves. Who's
12:04going to rise? Apparently, no one tonight. Then I can bail? Ignore the bronze and find
12:11Owen? Very well, then. Follow your hormones if you want. But I assume I don't have to
12:18warn you about the hazards of becoming personally involved with someone who's unaware of your
12:24unique condition. Yeah, yeah, I read the back of the box. If your identity as a slayer is
12:30revealed, it could put you and all those around you in grave danger. Well, in that case, I
12:37won't wear my button that says, I'm a slayer. Ask me how. Goodnight. Five shall die, and
12:51from their ashes, the anointed shall rise. I was sure it was tonight.
13:22I went on an airplane. A pale horse emerged with death as its rider. You will be judged.
13:32You will be judged.
13:34It's real.
13:44It's real.
13:48If you wake up shouting some familiar name, it's not the same. You're just a girl.
14:09Just a girl who knows no shame.
14:19Who's desperate page has lost the stain? A never-ending thought displays.
14:27I care for what I can't complain. I'm so excited to explain.
14:35The girl who shares mine.
14:40That day's gonna bring fire. Fire coming down. Judgment. Don't think you're ready. Ready to
14:55look upon him. If there's sin in there, there's sin all around. It's a liquid. On that day,
15:02there won't be anybody telling us what to do or why we're doing it. You can't prepare.
15:11On that day...
15:13You gotta sit down, okay?
15:19Are you willing to stand with the righteous?
15:47Is everyone okay?
16:03Are you all right?
16:13Can you move?
16:15Can you move?
16:46So you just went home?
16:48What was I supposed to do? Say to Owen, sorry I was late? I was sitting in a cemetery with a
16:54librarian waiting for a vampire to arise so I could rent an evil prophecy from coming to pass?
16:59Or flat tire?
17:01I can't take this anymore. I feel like everyone is staring at me. The big hideous, dateless monster.
17:08What? Yeah, that's right. I have no life. Come on. There's nothing to see here, pal. Move it along.
17:14You're acting a little overly, aren't you? I mean, you could have any guy in school.
17:18He's not any guy. He's more Owen-y.
17:22Sure, he's got a certain Owenosity, but that's not hard to find. I mean, a lot of guys read. I can read.
17:34Hey, Buffy.
17:41Oh, look, it's Owen. Buffy and Owen. He's Andrew. That'd be me.
17:47Where were you last night?
17:49Oh. Well, um, my watch broke and we don't have any clocks in our house and so I didn't know what time it was or even what day it was.
18:00I thought I was the only one that happened to. How about we try it again for tonight?
18:06I'll even lend you my watch.
18:13Tonight? You and me?
18:16Well, we could invite the chess club, but they drink, they start fights.
18:21Oh, no, it's just... well, I sort of heard that you and Cordelia were somewhat all over each other. A little.
18:32I danced with her a couple times. She's kind of grabby.
18:37Well, let's see, if I rearrange that and I push that to... Sure, tonight I'll work.
18:44Great. I'll pick you up at seven?
18:47Um, seven.
18:49That's when the little hand's there.
18:53Oh, between the six and the eight.
18:57Um, I'll see you then.
19:03Tonight, isn't that so?
19:09Me and Owen.
19:14Yeah, so it is.
19:19It sure is so.
19:23Hey, how's it going?
19:25Um, all right.
19:27That's great. I see we're still working on that anointed one problem.
19:30That'll probably take a few days, right? I mean, that's one obscure prophecy.
19:34Yes, well, there are quite a few interpretations.
19:36So, tonight's looking pretty slow, right?
19:38Probably best to relax and regroup. No big disasters coming. That is so good.
19:42I will see you tomorrow, then. Bye.
19:46She is the strangest girl.
19:51You have done well.
19:54Everything is in place.
19:57When this night's work is done, I will have a mighty ally.
20:03I'll be one step closer to freeing myself from this spell.
20:09I've been trapped down here so long, I've nearly forgotten what it's like on the surface.
20:15There'll be time enough to remember.
20:19When I rule it,
20:22I will have a mighty ally.
20:26I'll be one step closer to freeing myself from this mystical prison.
20:38If she tries to stop you, kill her.
20:43Give your own lives, but do not fail to bring the anointed.
20:50I know you won't disappoint me.
21:01Okay, do I want to appear shy, coy, and naive,
21:05or unrestrained, insatiable, and aggressive?
21:09You know, Owen is a little homespun.
21:11He probably doesn't like that overly assertive look.
21:15Oh, hey, here's something.
21:18A nice, comfy overcoat and a ski cap.
21:22The ear flaps will bring out your eyes.
21:26Maybe I should mix and match.
21:28Guy's opinion.
21:31Which one do you think Owen will like better, the red or the peach?
21:35Oh, you mean for kissing you and then telling all his friends how easy you are
21:39so the whole school loses respect for you and then talks behind your back?
21:44The red's fine.
21:46Thanks. I'll go with the peach.
21:50Here, put this on.
21:54You're not bothering me.
22:00So where is he taking you?
22:02I don't know.
22:03Where do you suppose young kids go on dates these days?
22:06Well, I read somewhere once that sometimes they go to movies.
22:11Movies? Interesting.
22:14And I saw on TV once a bunch of people our age went to a party.
22:20Wow, never knew being a teenager was so full of possibilities.
22:31That's Owen.
22:34That's Giles.
22:36We need to talk.
22:37Buffy's not home.
22:39My calculations may not have been as far off as I thought.
22:43Five die in van accident?
22:46Out of the ashes of five shall rise the one.
22:50That's the prophecy. Five people have died.
22:53In a car crash?
22:54I know it doesn't quite follow, but it's worth investigating.
22:57Look, among the dead was Andrew Barber,
23:00whom the police sought for questioning in a double murder.
23:03He may be the anointed one.
23:05The bodies have been taken to Sunnydale Funeral Home.
23:09Giles, why do you want to hurt me?
23:11I beg your pardon?
23:16Uh, hi.
23:19You have a date?
23:20Yes, but I will return those overdue books by tomorrow.
23:23You're not getting off that easily.
23:25Man, you really care about your work.
23:28Uh, Owen?
23:31Yeah, a couple of things about tonight.
23:36Another date? Don't you ever do anything else?
23:38This is the first date. There's never been a date, okay?
23:42What? She doesn't like to dance?
23:44Well, it's a little too late to do anything about that.
23:47Uh, you should probably know that Buffy doesn't like to be kissed.
23:50Actually, she doesn't even like to be touched.
23:53As a matter of fact, don't even look at her.
23:55We don't even know if this is any good.
23:57No, we don't.
23:58And I haven't had a day off for a while.
24:01And a cranky slayer is a careless slayer.
24:03Buffy, maintaining a normal social life as a slayer,
24:07it's problematic at best.
24:10This is the 90s, the 1990s in point of fact,
24:13and I can do both.
24:15Clark Kent has a job.
24:17I just want to go on a date.
24:19Well, I suppose it was a fairly slim lead.
24:22Thank you, thank you, thank you.
24:24And look, I won't go far, okay?
24:26If the apocalypse comes, beat me.
24:29Is everything cool?
24:31All set.
24:32Yes, and you'll face a pretty hefty fine in the morning.
24:35Well, bye. Don't wait up.
24:39Is something going on?
24:42Oh, probably not, no.
24:44I suppose I'll just go to the funeral home in case,
24:49just to see if anything comes up.
24:52This is bad.
24:54I wish it was just bad.
24:56We should go along.
24:59Yeah, you're right.
25:01I don't trust that Owen guy.
25:03The eyes are crazy.
25:06Sander, we should go with Giles.
25:08He could get in trouble.
25:10Oh, he's gone.
25:12He's going to be all right.
25:14He's like super librarian, you know?
25:16Everyone forgets, Willow,
25:18that knowledge is the ultimate weapon.
25:21The thing about Emily Dickinson I love is,
25:47she's just so incredibly morbid.
25:50A lot of loss, a lot of death.
25:53It gets me.
25:55A lot about bees for some reason.
25:58Did she have a tragic and romantic life with a lot of bees?
26:04Kind of sequestered and uneventful,
26:07which I can really relate to.
26:10I don't get out much.
26:12I don't get that.
26:13It's my fault.
26:15I just find most girls pretty frivolous.
26:18I mean, there's a lot more important things in life than dating, you know?
26:26Did I say something wrong?
26:32Come on.
26:48It's weird.
27:01What is?
27:05One minute, you were right there.
27:07I got you figured.
27:09The next, it's like you're two people.
27:16Which one do you like better?
27:19I'll let you know.
27:41Are there laws against this sort of thing?
27:49Look at you here, all alone.
27:52Cordelia, I'm here with Buffy.
27:55Oh, okay.
27:57You want to dance?
27:58No, I'm still here with Buffy.
28:01You are so good to help the needy.
28:04Cordelia, Owen and I would like to be alone right now,
28:06and for that to happen,
28:08you would have to go somewhere that's away.
28:12Well, when you're ready for the big leagues, let me know.
28:38Come on.
29:38Let's go.
30:09Are you having fun?
30:14I almost feel like a girl.
30:38James, it's us.
31:03What are you doing here?
31:04We thought you guys were going to have fun.
31:06Are they...
31:07They are.
31:09Listen, you should get to safety.
31:11Can you get out this window?
31:14I'm afraid not.
31:16Look, I hate to state the obvious,
31:18but this looks like a job for Buffy.
31:20She has a beeping thing.
31:25No phone, of course.
31:26Look, we'll get her.
31:27Just hang in there.
31:42You want something to eat?
31:45Just make it something fattening.
31:47What a disgusting display.
31:50Is that really appropriate behavior in a public forum?
31:55I mean, I've never seen a girl
31:57throw herself at a guy like that.
32:04Hello, salty goodness.
32:08Pick up the phone, call 911.
32:11That boy is going to need some serious oxygen
32:13after I'm through with him.
32:24Why is this happening to me?
32:27I was hoping I'd find you here.
32:30You what?
32:31There's serious stuff happening tonight.
32:32You need to be out there.
32:34No, not you two.
32:36What do you know?
32:38Prophecy, anointed one, yada, yada, yada.
32:41So you know, fine.
32:43I just thought I'd warn you.
32:44Warn me?
32:46You see that guy over there at the bar?
32:48He came here to be with me.
32:51You're here on a date?
32:54Why is it such a shock to everyone?
32:57Here you go.
33:03Um, Owen, this is Angel.
33:07Angel, this is Owen, who is my date.
33:17So, where do you know Buffy from?
33:22You work?
33:25Look at this.
33:26You show up everywhere.
33:30You don't know the half of it.
33:32What's he doing here?
33:33I guess it's the same thing you're doing here.
33:36Uh, excuse me, what are any of you doing here?
33:38Look, we've got to get to, uh, oh.
33:41We thought it'd be fun if we made this a double date.
33:44I didn't know you guys were seeing each other.
33:47Oh, yeah, well, we knew it would happen eventually,
33:51so we figured, hey, why fight it?
33:54And you guys were thinking double?
33:57Because of the fun.
34:00And you're here because of work.
34:04Hey, maybe we should all go somewhere together.
34:07Gee, that's so nice of you to ask,
34:09but Owen and I were well sort of.
34:11Owen and I.
34:12You know what would be cool?
34:13The Sunnydale Funeral Home.
34:16I've always wanted to go there.
34:19The Funeral Home.
34:20Actually, that sounds kind of cool.
34:22Do you think we could all sneak in?
34:24We saw some guys in there before.
34:26They seem to be having fun.
34:29Bite me.
34:35Um, Owen, I gotta go.
34:38I thought we were going to the Funeral Home.
34:40No, you can't.
34:42I'll tell you what.
34:44I'll be back in a little while.
34:50What's the deal?
34:51Do you want to bail on me?
34:52No, no, no.
34:56Do you remember when you said I was like two different people?
34:59Well, one of them has to go,
35:02but the other one is having a really, really good time
35:05and will come back.
35:07I promise.
35:20She's the strangest girl.
35:32Which way?
35:34The room's around back.
35:44Damn it.
35:47Damn it.
35:49This is so cool.
35:52Owen, you can't be here.
35:55Oh, and I suppose you guys are allowed?
35:57What are we doing here?
35:58Are we going to see a dead body?
36:00Possibly several.
36:01Guys, watch him.
36:04Is she mad?
36:06She just wants to make sure there are no guards
36:08so we don't get in trouble.
36:11Good thinking.
36:12Good thinking.
36:16Come on.
36:49It is you.
36:51For good.
36:52What happened?
36:54Two more of the Brethren came in here.
36:57They came after me,
36:58but I was more than a match for them.
37:02I hid,
37:04but this chap was good enough to bunk with me
37:07till they went away.
37:09What did you do?
37:12That's what we have to find out.
37:14I don't know what these Brethren mean to do exactly.
37:17Find the Anointed or give them something perhaps.
37:21It's all very vague,
37:23and the Anointed may be long gone.
37:25But he may not be.
37:27We must find out.
37:29I just need to get Owen and the others out of harm's way first.
37:32Oh, in that case,
37:33I'll go with you.
37:35I'll go with you.
37:37I'll go with you.
37:39Owen and the others out of harm's way first.
37:42You brought a date?
37:44I didn't bring him.
37:46He came.
37:47Buffy, when I said you could slay vampires and have a social life,
37:50I didn't mean at the same time.
37:52I know.
37:53I'll get rid of him.
37:54You can't make him go out there alone.
37:56We don't know where the Brethren are.
37:58I'll just...
37:59No, no, Giles.
38:00If he sees you, he's going to have more questions
38:02than he already does right now.
38:04I'll take care of it.
38:10Is everything okay?
38:12It is.
38:13And we'll be leaving?
38:15We're not done looking around yet.
38:16No, he's right.
38:18So let's find a nice, safe, fun room to look around in.
38:23We tried the office here, but it's locked.
38:27No, it's not.
38:33Well, I don't think we'll find much in here.
38:36That's the plan.
38:44I have to go now.
38:46Um, to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom.
38:48If you hear anything, like a security guard or something,
38:51just be really quiet and barricade the door.
39:10Ugh. Pirates.
39:12Keep looking. He must be here somewhere.
39:24What are you guys doing?
39:26Oh, just in case.
39:30Oh, my.
39:45Oh, no.
39:47What are you doing?
39:49I'm going to get the door.
39:51I'm going to get the door.
39:53I'm going to get the door.
39:55I'm going to get the door.
39:57I'm going to get the door.
40:12Then I should must be gone.
40:14I guess.
40:16I mean, this is where they keep all the dead bodies, right?
40:23I read a lot about death,
40:26but I've never really seen a dead body before.
40:33Do they usually move?
40:57I have been judged.
41:09What's going on?
41:20Oh, no.
41:23He has risen in me.
41:26He fills my head with sorrow.
41:29Pork and beans.
41:31Pork and beans.
41:33Give me that.
41:35I can smell you.
41:39In the chair, unblessed,
41:41I'll suck the blood from your hearts, he said I may.
41:48He's in there.
41:50He's in there.
41:52Go! Get out!
41:54We should be okay. Come on.
41:56Shall we gather at the river
41:59The beautiful, the beautiful river
42:13The baby's coming this way.
42:21Oh, God, this is too much.
42:25What have you got?
42:27What'd you bring? Did you mistake?
42:29Oh, um...
42:33What should I do?
42:35Go outside and make sure the others are okay.
42:42Somebody's got out Buffy.
42:46He told me about you while I was sleeping.
42:50Why does he hurt me?
43:24You see that?
43:26He tried to bite me.
43:28What a sissy.
43:39He was found wanting.
44:01He killed my date.
44:03Buffy, Owen's...
44:05Just give her a sec.
44:09You killed my date!
44:15Your turn.
44:44Does anyone have an aspirin?
44:47Or 60?
44:54What happened to that guy?
44:58We scared him away.
45:00Oh, okay, because you know I would...
45:02I know.
45:10I'm sure this isn't exactly what you had in mind for a first date.
45:17I was hoping maybe we'd finish up at Ben and Jerry's.
45:22We still could.
45:26I think I'll just walk home.
45:33Which way is home?
45:35I'll get you there.
45:40I'll go alone.
45:42We'll make sure he gets home safely.
45:52Buffy, if I might...
46:02Well, did Owen say anything about me on the way home?
46:06You mean specifically about you?
46:09Or generally in the area, in the ballpark?
46:13Any sort of indication?
46:15Well, in that case, no.
46:17But he was pretty incoherent, so we might have missed it.
46:20You think?
46:24I knew it. I totally blew it last night.
46:27Well, see, what you need is a guy who already knows your deepest, darkest secrets
46:31and still says, hey, I like that girl.
46:34Someone like Owen.
46:39Well, this is our stop.
46:53This is going well.
46:57I don't really know how to say this,
47:00but about last night...
47:03You don't even have to. I'm sure you were pretty freaked out.
47:08And I was wondering when I could see you again.
47:14Um, that was my hopeful ear. Could you repeat that?
47:19I think you're the coolest.
47:24I mean, last night was incredible.
47:26I never thought nearly getting killed would make me feel so alive.
47:31So that's why you want to be with me?
47:36When can we do something like that again?
47:39Something like?
47:41Like walk downtown at 3 in the morning and pick a fight in a bar.
47:45How about tonight?
47:48Tonight would be not a workable thing.
47:52Did I just say that?
47:54Tomorrow, then. I'm free any night this week.
47:57I'm not.
48:00Please don't take this personally.
48:02It's not you. It's me.
48:07It's you.
48:09And I was kind of hoping that maybe you and I could still be...
48:13I get it.
48:16You just want to be friends.
48:19That'd be nice.
48:54I was 10 years old when my father told me I was destined to be a watcher.
49:00He was one, and his mother before him.
49:04And I was to be next.
49:06Were you thrilled beyond all measure?
49:08No, I had very definite plans about my future.
49:11I was going to be a fighter pilot.
49:14Or possibly a grocer.
49:16My father gave me a very tiresome speech about responsibility and sacrifice.
49:24Sacrifice, huh?
49:28It seems like a nice laugh.
49:35But he wants to be Danger Man.
49:40You, Xander, Willow, you guys...
49:43You know the score. You're careful.
49:46Two days in my world and no one really would get himself killed.
49:50Or I'd get him killed.
49:55Or someone else.
49:58I went to the funeral home of my own free will.
50:02And I should have been there.
50:05I blew it.
50:06I've heard stories of law, of prophecies, of predictions.
50:12But I don't have an instruction manual.
50:15We feel our way as we go along.
50:19And I must say, as a Slayer, you're doing...
50:25pretty well.
50:29Well, at least I did stop that prophecy thing from coming true.
50:34Handily, no more Anointed One.
50:37And I would imagine the Master, wherever he is, is having a fairly bad day himself.
50:47And in this time will come the Anointed.
50:53And the Slayer will not know him.
50:58She will not stop him.
51:01And he will lead her into hell.
51:11Welcome, my friend.
51:31Welcome, my friend.
52:01Grr. Arrgh.
