• last year
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Saving Edward
00:05It was summertime on the island of Sodor.
00:09All the engines were working hard, carrying goods and passengers.
00:15They cheerfully chuffed up and down the lines.
00:22All except Edward.
00:26Edward was worried. He wheezed as he puffed and steam hissed out of his cylinders.
00:36One morning the Fat Controller came to the sheds.
00:40He had an important job for Edward.
00:43A special delivery of fruit and vegetables is coming to the docks today, he told him.
00:50I want you to take it to Knapford.
00:53Yes, sir, said Edward.
00:55But he was worried about his wheeze. It felt worse today.
00:59Thomas, you are to go to the docks and shunt Edward's trucks.
01:04After that you can carry on with your usual jobs.
01:09Yes, sir, said Thomas eagerly.
01:15Thomas and Edward puffed up to the water tower.
01:19Edward tried to stop wheezing, but he couldn't.
01:23What's the matter? asked Thomas.
01:26You don't sound well.
01:29I can't seem to get up steam properly, said Edward.
01:33But I'll manage. Don't tell anyone, Thomas.
01:38Thomas wasn't sure about this.
01:41I don't want the Fat Controller to know, hissed Edward.
01:46Thomas could see Edward was worried, so he agreed.
01:51He hurried off to shunt Edward's trucks.
01:55Edward followed slowly to the docks.
01:59Edward was very worried.
02:02What if he was too weak to pull his train?
02:05He would be of no use to the railway.
02:08He wouldn't be useful at all.
02:11Edward shuddered at the thought.
02:15Must keep going, must keep going, he wheezed fearfully.
02:22At the docks, Thomas had shunted Edward's trucks into place for him.
02:27Soon Edward was coupled up and ready to go.
02:31Go on, Edward, you can do it, called Thomas encouragingly.
02:36Edward puffed as hard as he could, but the train hardly moved at all.
02:43I'm sorry, Thomas, Edward wheezed miserably.
02:48I'm not a really useful engine anymore.
02:52The Fat Controller will have to send me for scrap.
02:56Thomas was very upset. He wanted to help Edward.
03:00I'll do my other jobs first, he said, then I'll pull the train for you.
03:08Edward watched Thomas puff away.
03:12He wasn't sure if it was right to let Thomas do his job.
03:16Edward felt very worried.
03:21Thomas needed to do all his jobs as quickly as possible,
03:25so that he had time to pull Edward's train.
03:30Hurry up, hurry up, he told the troublesome trucks.
03:34What for, what for, they snapped.
03:36For Edward, puffed Thomas, and he biffed them crossly.
03:43Edward waited sadly by his train.
03:47He hoped Thomas would come back soon.
03:52When Thomas finished all his jobs, he puffed back to collect Edward's train.
03:59Edward was very pleased to see him.
04:02Don't worry, Edward, puffed Thomas.
04:05I'll have your job done in no time.
04:08You go back to Tidmouth, and I will meet you there later.
04:12Thank you, Thomas, wheezed Edward,
04:15and Thomas pulled away with the long line of trucks.
04:21Thomas was tired.
04:23He'd been working all day, and Edward's train was very heavy.
04:29But he was determined not to let Edward down.
04:34The Fat Controller was talking to Gordon as Thomas puffed in.
04:40Thomas, this train is late, he said crossly.
04:44And why are you pulling it?
04:47Where is Edward?
04:50Thomas didn't want to get Edward into trouble.
04:52He had to think of an excuse.
04:55Edward took on the wrong sort of coal, sir.
04:58The wrong sort of coal?
05:01The wrong sort of coal?
05:03Boomed the Fat Controller.
05:05What nonsense, Thomas!
05:07I'll find out what Edward has to say about this later.
05:10The Fat Controller was very cross.
05:13He gave Thomas another job to do.
05:16Yes, sir, said Thomas.
05:20Gordon left Knapford and steamed through the countryside.
05:25And then he found Edward having a rest.
05:32What's all this about the wrong sort of coal?
05:35Huffed Gordon.
05:38Edward looked puzzled.
05:41Gordon told Edward all about Thomas and the Fat Controller.
05:45Edward felt very bad.
05:49He wanted to put things right.
05:51He decided he must go and see the Fat Controller straight away.
05:57Edward hissed and wheezed his way to the station.
06:01His fire felt feeble.
06:04His wheels felt weak.
06:06But he battled on.
06:11At last, Edward puffed into the station.
06:16He found the Fat Controller.
06:18It's all my fault, sir, he said sadly.
06:21I asked Thomas not to tell you I couldn't work.
06:25I was afraid of going for scrap.
06:28I'm very sorry.
06:30I should have talked to you this morning.
06:32Yes, said the Fat Controller.
06:35You should always tell me if you have a problem.
06:38You are a loyal, hard-working and really useful engine.
06:42I will send you to the fittest yard straight away.
06:46Edward was very relieved.
06:48Thomas was very tired from his extra work.
06:51But they both agreed, even when it's hard, it's always best to tell the truth.