The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 7

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The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives Episode 7 - The Book of Trust


00:05Didn't even know till I got here
00:07Can you just stop for a second and just like think of me as a person and my character?
00:19The coda and Zach are mad that their wives are going to chip and nails are not even going to chip and nails but just
00:25walking inside the building
00:29What did you say to him? I was like, it's chip and Dale's he goes dumb and I was like, it's just a performance
00:34It's honestly shocking that they're so mad
00:43Thought this girl's trip would be drama free and if there was drama
00:46Maybe it'd be between the girls, but somehow the dramas now with the husbands and I was not expecting this
00:51I feel like drama just follows us right when we're in a good spot and we're progressing. It's like something else has to happen
00:57I haven't done anything wrong. No, you've not even gone in there. Like I just hate when he starts questioning my
01:10My husband is blowing up my phone and he is just
01:15Absolutely beside himself. I should have known I should have known the difference between
01:21The Saints and the sinners says that for someone like me
01:25I think
01:26Most of my friends know where my boundaries are out with my husband me being a part of this
01:31Group of girls has already been a lot for him and I really think this just kind of crossed the line
01:37Jen, I'm gonna go home with you
01:41Are we shocked
01:44Really yeah, why?
01:46Cuz this is an extreme level. Yeah, it's very I don't know if they understand what this is
01:52I think Dakota being with Zach. They're kind of the same the protective
01:56I think they were looking up things and like showing each other like what we were seeing and doing making up this story in their
02:02Head, so Jen are you and then you're coming right? Mm-hmm. Okay, so us three can go chill or something if you want home
02:08We'll meet you guys back there here
02:10We have a perfect example of the misogyny that goes on within the Mormon Church
02:15And I don't know if that's going to be solved by them not going to Chippendales seats are right here
02:45Trying to bring it to me, it's baby you're gonna believe
03:10Was actually only super you're watching tonight is us literally in Taylor
03:19What's so hard is I love him so much, I don't want to disappoint him and I just
03:25In this situation, I was giving him a chance to be more chill, you know
03:33Backs making me feel like I did do something
03:35He's making me feel like I cheated on him or something and I clearly didn't do anything and he knows like my heart and my
03:42intentions and so it's
03:44So upsetting that he he doesn't believe me or trust me. I would never do anything to
03:50jeopardize our marriage and
03:53It makes me sad that he doesn't feel that way
04:11Chippendales I've heard of it all my life. This is my first time going and honestly jaw on the floor. I
04:21Can't believe the other girls are missing this right now. We're having the time of our lives. We are letting loose
04:26We're having fun and this is what Vegas is all about
04:30One of my favorite moments from the show is when Layla gets pulled on stage. She's single
04:59She's the one that deserves it. But seeing her get like bent over and danced on just made my night
05:09Just want to be with my kids same
05:14Through this trip screw everyone. Well, I guess I haven't had enough chocolate doughnuts today. So
05:22So take a seat screwing myself over with baby weight
05:26I do feel like for Jen and I this trip is gonna be pretty shitty
05:29It's like we have more on our mind now
05:31We're on eggshells of like what we can and cannot do what we can say
05:35Dakota is not happy about it, but I'm like you can just shut up now
05:39It's not good for any of us. Let's just say
05:42Text message that Zack just sent me was I'm done Jen not interested in talking. I can't do this anymore with you
05:50Zack he's typically the type of person who likes to talk things out for him to
05:56Respond this way
05:59Honestly scares me to be honest, I I really don't know what's going on
06:11Dude Brett, what's up dog? I'm doing okay, bro
06:17Like just like me and Taylor it sucks cuz it's like, you know, they all went to like freaking Chippendales and stuff
06:24He's gambling right now and then he's like pissed to it Jen like and
06:30You know all I all I can envision dude
06:33It's like I'm one of those people where I might go to worst-case scenarios
06:36And I'm like envisioning like these male strippers like dancing on Taylor while she's 36 weeks pregnant with my kid. I
06:45Want this relationship to work?
06:47Like I want to raise my kid with Taylor and I want to like have that family
06:56Like I don't I don't dude I don't want to lose that and I think that's why I like scares me so bad is cuz
07:01I just
07:03it's like some I don't want to lose like I
07:08Don't know I just sometimes I'm like damn I don't even know if I could handle something like that
07:20Really do appreciate you answer man, like sometimes that's like what I need is they just need to like almost talk a little bit
07:30Take care, buddy
07:43Chippendales was so fun. I'm so glad that us girls stayed and got to experience that I'm just sad that not everyone was there
07:49So now we're gonna go home and check on the girls see how they're feeling since their husbands wanted them to be locked away in
07:54The house tonight, but I just want to make sure that they're still able to have a good weekend
07:58There are men here I will actually lose my
08:18Stage like he was like straddling over me and then he
08:21Pulled his pants down and put my hands on his butt and I went to be good
08:30Profile is bio says God first dancer for Chippendales second. He has a heart. Oh cute. He's not just a good
08:38STD, but it's fine. Oh, yeah
08:42What's wrong he said he's just done with everything
08:47Pardon me
08:49Done with everything
08:55He's saying I'm not gonna be married to someone who doesn't have values and morals like why he likes that yes
09:01It's like what have I done in this situation to like lose your trust?
09:04He has no right to like be saying those things not threatening your marriage
09:08That's really weird to me
09:10Someone who carried two of your freaking children and has been nothing but supportive and bending over backwards to try to support him through medical
09:17School and everything. That's gross. Sorry. There's no other way to put it. That's gross
09:22it's like
09:24He's judging you on
09:27Something you didn't even do
09:30It's not okay. I know that doesn't make it the situation better but
09:35Totally valid it is
09:38Boy, and we're not there. I'm like, why are you why are you still talking like she's there? That's what I'm saying
09:44That's what I told Dakota. I was like, I went home. There's nothing else to say zip it
09:48It's shocking to me that not only Taylor is dealing with this, but also Jen. I'll be back guys
09:53I'm gonna change if their husbands and boyfriend are still pissed about this. It feels like they're stuck in another era
10:00I don't know how to say this any nicer, but if I was in your relationship
10:06How do you do it both of you my gosh, are you miserable
10:14Like not just in the relationship, I'm just tired in general like I
10:18Don't know but I've created I mean I've created a lot of these issues to like it's not no aren't you guys done being miserable?
10:24It's exhausting. Yeah, and I told him that I was like if you're like miserable and not happy like you gotta walk away
10:30I just been looking at marriage
10:32And if these problems are already kind of coming up with Dakota and I I feel like you're on a better behavior dating than you
10:38Are in a marriage so I don't want that to get to that level ever with like how Zach tries to control Jen that will
10:44Never be okay with me, and I really want to confront Dakota about it and shut it down or he's like alone
10:52Yeah, what in his thoughts? You know do you want to go see him?
10:55I don't think I'll be able to sleep unless I like talk to him about it
10:59I don't want to see Dakota, but I want to sleep alone. I mean I'm not apologizing for anything
11:04I mean, I'm not apologizing for anything, but you did what you're supposed to you came home. There's nothing else you could have done
11:17Good morning
11:21The only thing going is just the wings
11:24These little cherries
11:35I am extremely pregnant. I'm frustrated. I'm exhausted and I'm tired Dakota
11:40And I haven't talked since last night and honestly like I am
11:46taking shit
11:47You where's did Jen leave? Oh, you're gonna die. I told what happened last night
11:53Jen left the house at 2 a.m. This is her for literally two hours
11:58Oh, no
12:00Just texting texting i'm like, why don't you call him? He won't talk to me. Why don't you go see him?
12:05He doesn't want to see me. He's done. Zach is the biggest narcissist
12:10Oh, no the things he was saying guys what she had me read their entire thread and i'm so glad I did because it literally was
12:1910 times worse than I could imagine
12:22I'm fucking done. Jen
12:24I'm done with you. I'm done with our marriage. I'm done. You're disgusting. He said I don't love you anymore. I don't love you
12:31Yeah, no
12:33Zach was essentially just playing games with Jen and she kept saying can we get on a phone call? Can we talk?
12:39Can I come see you? He literally just said this is where I am come right now or
12:44Or i'm not talking to you he's threatening to take the kids he's threatening to move home to his mom's house
12:50It's getting crazy clearly. She's upset
12:52She left at two in the morning in vegas and then I never heard from her again
12:57You can't take those words back. Even if they work through this. She's always gonna have that in her head
13:01This is gonna damage her the rest of her life
13:08Zach texts Jen
13:10And he was like the fact that you would even put yourself in this situation
13:13Jen, no, he's like I didn't know
13:16that everyone else's husbands are
13:19Like have a good time. I love you. I trust you
13:21I thought that there would be a some sort of response in that vicinity knowing our history
13:25And he goes stop bringing up other couples that I would want to be nothing like he's like jess cheated on her ex-husband
13:34Which is not true i'm like, where did you get that?
13:37Macy and jacob are a joke. Um, she walks all over him. He's he's called respect bitch. No, literally
13:46Demi divorced and married to a 50 year old
13:52But he is like trying to come off like he is this alpha and i'm like
13:57You look like the biggest baby bitch right now
14:01I had an idea of how controlling zach could be but I
14:05Really had no idea it was this bad until hearing and seeing all the text messages
14:10And I don't know if it's a matter of trust
14:12I don't know if it's a matter of like these men being in the church and maybe seeing the traditional values
14:16I'm, not quite sure but as mom talk we all rally around each other see that this behavior is not okay, and it's not normal
14:23She's like, what would what would you do?
14:25What would you and i'm like?
14:27This isn't the jen that I see that's no fierce and like yeah confident and he sucks the life out of her
14:34Like she's like a ray of sunshine. He like dims it. Ew
14:39Hi, what are you doing?
14:43I'm at a go-karting place. Oh fun. Who you with?
14:48By myself, why are you by yourself? Zach? Just like, uh bounce. I don't know. I don't know what's going on
14:54I can't like he like text me last night, but what do you say?
14:59Oh, he's just going back to his room and that was the last I heard of him
15:02Well, Jen, Jen went over there last night. Oh, she did. Yeah, I felt bad. She didn't leave here though till like I think 2 a.m
15:09Well, yeah, I think he gambled till like probably
15:121 30 or two
15:17So zach was gambling till 1 30 a.m. Oh shit
15:23Wait, why was I not supposed to say that or something?
15:26I think zach's gambling is bad
15:29Jen told me that his family gave him a chunk of money to
15:32Help them through medical school and kind of ease the burden and he blew right through it. I don't even know what's going on
15:40Jen was like crying because she was like he was making her feel like she did something super wrong
15:44Like he went in there. We met them and stuff and like we obviously generally you met them
15:51Oh, you didn't tell me that. Well, i'm telling you that right now
15:55Well, why didn't you tell me that last night we haven't talked at all so where would I have told you that
15:59Last night i'm telling you right now. So what's the issue?
16:03The fact that you didn't tell me that last night. I didn't okay. I didn't tell you last night
16:06But i'm telling you right now. So where's the issue dakota is so mad that taylor went backstage and met these dancers. I think when
16:14Men get upset about this kind of thing
16:16It really shows that they have a lot of insecurities and it makes me feel like he's hiding something like there's something off about that
16:22And now I got this confession about dakota
16:24I feel like this easily could be true and I feel like we need to get to the bottom of it
16:28Why did you call me again?
16:31I don't know
16:32Yeah, just checking in cool
16:35Did you hang up on him? Yeah, why'd he call me?
16:38I do know for a fact dakota and I do trigger each other
16:42I don't know if he's intentionally picking fights because I won't commit to him. I do feel like as time goes on
16:48He gets more frustrated which always causes fights. It's just it's frustrating
17:04Jen's gone. She's not answering any of our texts and
17:07Of course i'm worried about her because I feel responsible
17:11Chip and dale's is supposed to be a fun place and hearing what dakota and zach's reactions were
17:16I would like to say that i'm shocked, but i'm not zach is the typical lds husband who expects perfection from his wife
17:24Even if it's hypocritical because he makes mistakes, too
17:26And that makes me really sad because I don't think she did anything wrong who's here
17:32I'm, I just feel like i'm so sick of men rooting our trips. I know
17:39I just think it's the silliest
17:41It's all insecurity and that's just so silly
17:44Like why are we acting like little toddlers running around?
17:46The men have caused more drama in this group than the women have I feel like at this point like it's kind of weird
17:52I wouldn't say that. I don't know about that. You're I think you're a little bit. Um
17:57Rose-colored glasses without whitney here. Oh true that I keep forgetting. She's a part of our group. It's the first thing
18:02She's not if she wasn't here then for sure. No, i'm just praying. She's not
18:07She's not part of my group and I will say she's always been impulsive, but i've never seen her
18:12This impulsive lately very hot and cold and she's getting angry easily and crying easily. Are you okay?
18:18I haven't given up on whitney being part of mom talk
18:21I know everyone else has and they're having these conversations, but I still feel like there's a chance that she could come back
18:27Apologize for the things that she's done to the group. You guys know where whitney is. Oh, is whitney not here yet?
18:32She's not coming. What do you mean? She unfollowed all of us
18:37I have a gift for you though
18:44Fruity pebbles i'm dead so dumb
18:48But the one thing I will say is this trip has been a bit more peaceful without her there because I don't have to
18:52Be going back and forth between the friends
18:54It almost seems like sometimes she can't control her emotions until like a little bit later. I'm like wait like calm down
19:00Like I think angry wise she's never been this angry. She's always been this impulsive
19:04She's always been back and forth like
19:07I truly don't know if she's capable of true friendship
19:10Until I can see that there is some reciprocation there and like some actual acknowledgement of like her part in things
19:18I am taking 20 steps back 100% me, too
19:25We've got three bowls you open the top and then you squirt it in I can help you
19:31I just got off the phone with jordan
19:34You're not gonna believe what he told me
19:38I know you're trying to like avoid the drama. So yeah, you want me to tell you what's going on?
19:43I mean, yeah, what?
19:45Everybody went to vegas. Yeah, but I guess dakota and zach also went down. How did it want to go down alone?
19:51Because he's an ex-addict without having someone there to support him and I guess last night
19:55The girls decided to go to like a show fun
19:58And they decided to do chip and dales
20:01Because according to jordan the girls got like vip access so they got to go like backstage and like help oil up the guys
20:10and dakota were
20:12pissed off
20:14zach blows up on jen
20:17Calls her
20:18Terrible names according to what according to jordan like a terrible mother. He started threatening
20:24Threatening jen with divorce said I want a divorce. My stuff's gonna be out of the house by tomorrow
20:29Like you have no values you think he's being serious
20:34I don't know and I don't care
20:36It's not my marriage
20:38Just saying I could see where he's coming from because I don't think she's a good friend
20:44I think it's fair to say what happens in vegas doesn't always stay in vegas. I made the right choice to not attend that event
20:51So far in this mom talk group, honestly, macy's really my only friend
20:56Nobody's talking to me. Nobody's reaching out to me. That's totally fine. But
21:00Macy's definitely my only girl right now. I like can't relate with these women
21:04I don't want to be around those women because every because of what's happening every single time i'm around you
21:09Yeah, don't feel safe. I leave a feeling horrible about myself when i'm trying to get better
21:16Why would I want to be around people like that?
21:17It takes a lot of confidence and a lot of courage to make the decision you made to
21:22You know to say you know
21:23What like I need to create this boundary for myself to protect my emotions to protect how I feel to protect my mental state
21:29I love what mom talk stands for and I feel like i've already done so much for this platform that
21:34I can continue to do so much
21:36But I don't know if it's if I want to do it with this group of women
21:39The easy decision would have just been to go
21:42I mean i'd be lying if I said I didn't have a bit of fomo
21:45for sure, but also
21:47After hearing all this did it go away? Absolutely mom talks not what it was and I don't know if it ever will be again
21:58Wendy we play pickleball for 15 minutes. Yeah
22:03You're playing with a ping-pong champion
22:08That was a dark
22:11Even though you won that point didn't count because you weren't serving
22:15Vibes are just off and I feel like we need to blow off some steam
22:19But jen is missing and i'm worried. I mean, maybe I watch too much true crime
22:24But I feel like you hear these stories a lot and i'm not saying that zach would do that
22:27But at this point my mind's in circles. I feel like anything could happen especially because she's mia. She's not answering her phone
22:33There you go
22:37That's game, baby
22:40Smack them shane gonna break up
22:42We have to make sure we're there for her when she returns. It sucks, but we also make sure we're taking care of our friend
22:49Oh, that is hot
22:51And then it got cold
22:54This group of six right now and like I love I know no, it's great issue. Yeah
22:59Guys, I don't think you realize that my skin is damaged
23:02I know
23:03We were dying that you posted like a photo of jen and tagged her you should have been like jen. Where are you at?
23:07The phone why'd you know I should post it last scene
23:11Sending out a missing person missing person alert
23:15Wait, jen just text me. What?
23:18What did she say she said we were up all night dude
23:21Oh, it was the hardest conversation i've ever had with him
23:25What does that mean?
23:27I mean, i'm sure she'll tell us later. We're so invincible. What does it mean?
23:32Is he laughing? Is he still aflac or not? What did you say to me?
23:36I said, holy shit, dude. I'm, so glad you're okay was legitimately worried. I want to hear it all. How did it end?
23:42I'm, just gonna be kind of annoyed if she comes tonight
23:44She like drags down the mood or she's like you guys it's all fine
23:47Like he he respects me now because she does that a lot where she's like, no he understands and i'm like, no he doesn't
23:54Jen and I we do share different religious views which can be hard
23:57But I feel like zac is the exact type of person that I have a problem with in the church
24:02Jen likes to tell me that zac is protective
24:04But I prefer to say controlling it really saddens me that
24:07She's been living with this for so long and she hasn't confided in us as her friends
24:11It's actually my first time sitting on this couch
24:14But i'm like, where is it from because I actually kind of want it because the depth
24:18Doesn't it have like a little tag or is it on the cushion? It's on that one under your head
24:23It's not oh your titties are in my face
24:26There's not much
24:28There's not much to see now your coochie's in my face there's much to see there what is happening
24:33Count yourself lucky. Oh, here it is
24:36Good heavens
24:38Look, what is it doesn't say? Oh great all that for nothing
25:00It's dakota
25:12It's dakota
25:16Come on can I come in?
25:18What do you need?
25:19Taylor what she's not here. Oh, she is. Yeah. She's been sleeping. She's dead asleep up. So like an hour
25:25She has been yeah, yeah, I just want to talk to her about what oh, no, she's actually
25:31Just real quick. You better not start some shit
25:38Hi, hi
25:44I just wanted to come and talk to you
25:48I just feel like uh, I definitely like overreacted last night
25:55Oh, that's nice
25:58At least he's there to apologize
26:03I'm trying not to breathe so I can hear them
26:05we've had a lot of issues and a lot of like very
26:09Sensitive things throughout our relationship
26:12and so
26:14I'm just sorry
26:17I really am taylor
26:41I I know you're too tired and and that's why and that's why
26:46I just think this would be the time that you could just like
26:49Be patient with me and like I feel bad because we're like 17 days away from having a baby and we're like so bad
27:06I feel like i've trust issues with everyone because
27:09What i've done one those stay with you and then not only that I saw so many lies from other people
27:17It's just so hard
27:29Came into this relationship where
27:32You did show me a completely different you
27:35You were extremely loving to me you extremely reassuring to me. You're extremely in this and committed to me
27:41And things progressively got worse and worse for you
27:45No things got worse. I mean I disagree with that
27:48I don't want bid. That's how it went. No, it went. I I let you in. Yeah, and the guard went up because of the lies
28:06By the way, here's this message someone sent me like i'm like
28:10I'm, like well, I haven't told her yet
28:13Do you think I should?
28:14That's what i'm saying like
28:16I think she puts on a strong face, but every time they know she's breaking down
28:21I'm feeling really nervous to tell taylor about the confession about dakota
28:25She deserves to know the truth, but i'm worried because we're days away from her having a baby
28:30We're in vegas and airbnb. I don't want her giving birth in our airbnb
28:33I won't be able to catch that baby. So we need someone else to do it
28:38Has anyone ever heard of an adrage as a baby that's like almost worse
28:44We're both very broken and it's really sad. Yes
28:48I don't know how two broken people that are drowning help each other, you know
28:53Right now I feel very fed up. I think i'm just one
28:57So exhausted i'm so pregnant. Just let me have this time deliver and then when the time's right we can discuss these things
29:03But right now you see me struggling all day every day
29:07Maybe keep your mouth shut and like just feel for me at this time
29:10I care to come to some sort of resolution. I hope at least
29:14And then i'm like, by the way, look what I got. Don't I mean it's like gosh
29:19But I also feel like she needs to know I just now i'm wishing I told her earlier
29:23I just wish it wasn't something that you got and I wish this whole situation wasn't happening. I know
29:30I'm stressed just thinking about it. I mean we have to tell her tonight because we're leaving or mornings. We have to tell her tonight
29:46Cute cute you look hot. Um, let's get the hell out of here
30:00Your sister is going to jail stop taking pictures of yourself, who's my sister
30:04Taylor oh i'm kidding. What?
30:06I'm, jim. I am not going back there never
30:10Taylor learned her lesson. You guys did jen text any of you back? No, I was just gonna say that
30:14Is she gonna show up to dinner? I doubt it
30:18Look i've got us here safe. You did good job. I'm so proud of you
30:27Oh, this is so cute very cute
30:30I'm, so hungry. I can't wait. I'm so stoked. How are you doing? Are you okay? Yeah, why?
30:34He's just so pregnant. I just i'm like worried
30:37Wait, well, how did your conversation with the quota go? We're both like
30:43On our own. Yeah, but I told him I just didn't want to meet jen in five years
30:49I was like thankful. I wasn't married. Yeah
30:51So I guess jen's not coming
30:54So I heard they were talking did they amend things like i'm curious what they did all day
30:59What bugs me is that making jen feel guilty like this bad person for?
31:05Showing up to a surprise we didn't have any idea that was going on
31:09He went out and did his thing. He's not proud of
31:13Gambling, it's frowned upon in our religion
31:15I know that that's like a hidden little secret of his but I just feel like she's enabling it with like letting him gamble and
31:21Stuff that to me is very confusing and hypocritical and not fair
31:26Are you gonna say something to her about it? I I kind of want to like i'll leave that up to you because I made a promise
31:32Do you have her location so but I I was gonna call her and I forgot
31:37Call her and just know you'll be on speaker with zach as well. Yeah, it's true
31:41Hi, baby girl
31:44Oh my gosh, i'm so happy to hear your voice. Finally. I know I know
31:48Wait, where are you? You're not on speaker. I just got to the house. I'm gonna
31:53Start getting ready, but I just wanted to see where you guys were at and if you guys ordered already
32:00We just got our food are things okay with you and zach
32:03Oh things are great. Oh my gosh. It was honestly so needed
32:08Jen finally calls us back and she just sounds so different on the phone. I get needed to happen
32:14Like it does not sound like her it almost sounds like she's like under her head and she's like everything's wonderful. Everything's perfect
32:20I'm, so happy
32:22And yet she's like dying inside and like sweating
32:24Because the way you left in an uber at 2 a.m. I am freaking confused
32:30I feel like zach dims
32:33Jen's light feels like she can't even say what she means because she's so worried about his opinion and what he thinks
32:39And this is pretty much the opposite like everything we stand for as a group at mom talk
32:43We're about like empowering women about being strong and standing up for ourselves. And that's how jen is until she's with her husband
32:50No, but i'm good now. Don't don't worry
32:53Okay, I love you
32:56She's on speaker she's like
33:00Yeah, I know it's like it went fabulous like she he's you guys I was in this relationship like I know like
33:06My ex husband was just like this
33:08You guys I cannot see zach tonight
33:10Like if he is at the house, like I will not be able to hold myself back either. It's always the nicest guys like
33:16Ted bundy like not to say he's gonna do that. But like people say he did. He was like very charismatic
33:23He has to know how to drop people in
33:25So to the bars because this the guy that owns this place owns all the bars on the street
33:29We're gonna walk the street check out the bars. We're gonna bar hoppin, baby
33:35Taylor's like great. I'm on probation. I'm, sorry
33:40Taylor can't go to the bar. So i'm gonna hang back with her. She's pregnant
33:43I don't want her to be alone and I feel like this might be my only chance to tell her about the confession
33:48I received about dakota's living with someone else. You're a true friend. Of course
33:52I know some of us aren't but you know
33:55Throwing shade
34:11I'm winning with taylor
34:19I'll meet you in there later
34:23Oh, let's just look if I had a cute little spot to chill or something but enter the pub
34:29Definitely not in utah anymore
34:32Look how cute the fireplace is. Is that where we're going? Yeah
34:38Why are you looking at me like that? Like what? I don't know you did like
34:42What? What? I don't know. I could just tell you like your faces are off
34:46I feel like I need to tell you something
34:52Oh, I didn't want to bring it up and then like you had that fight when I was there at the house
34:56And I was like, well, maybe my gut is telling me something that I need to show her to her
35:00But I didn't want to upset you and I feel horrible even telling you now because you're about to give birth
35:05Yeah, but I feel like it for me
35:07I would want to know and I feel like you'd probably want to know the more I think about it and so
35:11Long story short like, you know, I did my like confession sundays or whatever like the center sundays. Yeah
35:17Someone sent in a confession about dakota
35:22Taylor and I have been friends for years
35:24And so that's why I care so much to tell her these things if I was in her situation. I would want to know
35:30The only thing that still makes me worried about telling her is the fact that she's gonna have a baby any day
35:35I don't want to put her into labor. You want me to read it to you?
35:39They said I accidentally slept with dakota before I knew he and taylor were together
35:44And I only met taylor once i'm terrified to tell her but I feel like she has a right to know how
35:49I accidentally slept with dakota
36:01I accidentally slept with dakota. That's where well, that's what I don't know what that means
36:07I'm in shock. I don't know what to think. This is exactly what i've been afraid of this whole time
36:12If you're telling me you love me and you're going to f another bitch. I don't want you. Oh, yeah in my mind
36:17I would like to think but this isn't true
36:19But at the same time i'm in my head like this could be true because of things that have happened
36:23So I don't know what to think. I'm just so tired
36:25I'm, like at this point if it is like I am done with you buddy, like 101
36:30I don't care that i'm having his kid. I'll leave him in a heartbeat. There'd be no question for me. Bye
36:38Hey guys, where's she's freaking alive
36:47I was definitely a hard night with zach. We talked everything out and he ended up apologizing
36:53So i'm meeting up with the girls to let them know that we for the most part I figured everything out
36:59Has there been drama? No, it was fun. Really dinner was so fun. Yeah, like the whole day today has been fine
37:08Seems weird that it was when you and whitney are away
37:13Shut up
37:14i'm shocked that zach
37:16Let jen out of his sight tonight
37:19Oh, hello
37:22Jenny's here. Oh my gosh, jen
37:25I really don't know what version of jen i'm gonna get and as scared as I am of zach
37:30I'm a little bit nervous of jen right now because depending on the day and the conversations that she just came from
37:37With zach we get a little bit of a different version of her
37:41And I don't think she's fully comprehending how serious this situation is right now
37:46What did what did I miss? What do you guys been up to?
37:48Oh, not just a little chatty chit chat a little girly chat. Has it been a long day for you? Yeah
37:53It's been a really long day. I'm so curious for you. It's been dealing with all day
37:57Oh gosh, I don't even know where to start. Um
38:01Obviously you guys saw that saw how upset zach was last night. And um, yes, and you know what?
38:08he knows he's in the wrong and
38:11all I know is like
38:12We argued and a lot happened. But at the end of it like yes
38:17He has like these narcissistic traits about him and like they come out in like situations like this
38:23Like every few months but like who's to say in another marriage that won't be the same thing
38:30The conversation zach and I had in that hotel room was probably one of like the hardest conversations i've ever had with him
38:36we spent that whole night talking about everything and
38:41He definitely feels really
38:43Really bad about how he treated me
38:45And honestly how he handled the whole situation. I do feel like the good outweighs the bad
38:51I truly feel like i've never met someone who loves me more than him
38:54And I I honestly don't feel like you got married at like 20
38:58100 but I just kind of the theme with our church though and like kind of what the problem is
39:03Is everyone's getting married before their brains even develop?
39:06So we don't want you to feel trapped because you're not just because you have kids with him
39:10Like that's such a taboo thing. That's out the window
39:13You should be safe happy loved supported and all the things you deserve that
39:18The more I learn about zach, I do think he falls into a stereotypical
39:23Mormon, he makes the decisions he dominates the relationship and he calls the shots and I think he would be perfectly happy if jen
39:31Followed his every move and didn't have a personality of her own. All of us are disgusted with zach
39:36I think he's disgusting and I have no problem saying that and I know you all agree. So, please back me up
39:41Well, it's because we love you. I love you so much. And we don't want to see this
39:44Like this frustration is not towards you. This is jen. You've done jack shit to the man
39:49Nothing, but support him nothing but love him. Yeah, nothing but be there for him and that's how you got treated. That's narcissistic
39:56It's crazy. This is a serious thing
40:00It's definitely hard hearing them
40:03Bash on zach, I feel very defeated because
40:07to hear all my friends
40:09validate a lot of the emotions i've had like
40:13Man, like is this a deal breaker? He was so fucking pissed over nothing
40:18And so this is passion for you, you know, it's a normal thing for you
40:22And that's what's sad because you wouldn't have gotten over it that fast if it's not something that happens a lot. Yeah
40:28I literally agree with you. I'm not i'm not disagreeing with you
40:30I I clearly see it was until I started vocalizing my opinion until I started providing until I had kids that I realized
40:37Oh shoot
40:37Like I do have a voice and I do need to speak up and now that it's happening
40:41He hasn't seen this side of me throughout our whole marriage and it's now just coming out
40:45So this is us working through it and it's bringing out this
40:49Narcissistic side of him because he feels like he doesn't have control. And so that's just everything we're working through
40:58To be honest like I love him so much that i'm
41:01And I love my kids so much and do you think it's okay for your kids to learn this behavior?
41:05Do you want nora being treated this way?
41:07Do you want luca to treat a woman this way because that's the track you're on
41:10And you're going to show them that it's okay to stay in that and when they're older they will see it
41:14I'm, not kidding. It's not going to get better. Jen. He's not going to change
41:18You know, like the percentages of like narcissists being able to change like it's pretty much zero
41:23Yeah, we all love you and like they said I know i'm coming off really strong right now
41:27It's just because I feel like you deserve so much better and I want you to know i'm always team. Jen
41:32I am
41:331000% not team zach for also the stuff he said about all of our marriages last night in those texts
41:38And I think we have a right to be pissed and I never want to be in the same room as him
41:43The stuff he said about me. Are you fucking kidding me that he knows not true. He knows isn't true
41:48I cheated on my ex-husband. Where'd he hear it the stuff he said about macy flirting with my husband
41:53And how layla single she's married to a 50 year old like so disrespectful to all of your friends when we've done nothing to you
42:00But support and love you when he treats you like shit because you can't see it when you're in it
42:05You notice that there's patterns, but it's almost like you're not adding it up
42:10Gosh this is hard for me to talk about
42:13It's okay. Jenny. I'm, sorry. I know it's hard
42:17This type of behavior is exactly what mom talk is trying to break
42:23in our lds faith
42:26We're not doing this anymore like we don't need to
42:29Look or act or be a certain way
42:32To be the perfect wife
42:34Like we have to go easy on her because it's hard to hear
42:37This is why the sisterhood of mom talk was created in the first place. We don't want anyone to feel alone and
42:44To have that support that a lot of women don't have
42:48Oh my god
42:52Mom talk that is important to me
42:57I don't really care
43:00Macy got this dm. I think a while back and it's about me. Yes
43:04Whitney hasn't shown up yet. If whitney doesn't walk through that door. We all unfollow her. Yes
43:10But in the literal plot, what the hell is she doing here? But you and mckayla aren't friends
43:15Mckayla doesn't like you. I don't think that mom talk is as important as I thought it was this is not good
43:21You are sabotaging us. I'm the one who truly cares about taylor
