Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 145

  • 2 days ago


00:30No, no.
00:32What's going on?
00:33What's going on?
00:35We'll have to get used to this type of thing.
00:39Look how beautiful she is for her first day as manager.
00:43It's not that, Andres, please.
00:46So what?
00:47Look at me that way.
00:50Because I went to the bank to ask if they gave us the mortgage now with my salary increase.
00:55They said yes.
00:58I have the opportunity to live something with a man who loves me
01:02And I will not allow anything or anyone to prevent me from carrying this to the end
01:28He is not waiting, he is asking for another chance
01:33Dreams of freedom, although the past hurts
01:37Start again, love whoever I want
01:42Screaming is my truth, living without fear and without looking back
01:58Dreams of freedom
02:28I can't stop thinking about Julia, Andres
02:30And how to fit the poor girl and find out who her father really is
02:33And what he has been able to do
02:35We'll figure it out later
02:38In the end she will accept and realize that it is the best
02:42Jesus used her to control you, Begoña
02:44I know, Andres
02:45And I am aware that the only way to protect the girl is to imprison Jesus
02:49And for that we have to find Valentín's body
02:52But how?
02:53How? It's been too long
02:55Begoña, a body does not disappear just like that
02:58We will find him
02:59Do you think?
03:00I am convinced
03:01The evidence is surely there
03:04Okay, let's rebuild what we know so far
03:07Jesus, when he discovered the lovers, ended his life taken by rage
03:12Yes, but when he regained control, he had cold blood
03:16He made up a story that in addition to blaming him for the crime, would make him a victim
03:22And he told that Valentín had killed Clotilde and had fled
03:25And to corroborate his version, he pretended to steal the money from the factory
03:28But most importantly, he also had to hide Valentín's body
03:36What I want to tell you, Gemma, is that when you need to know something about me, ask me
03:41Before going with the story to my son
03:43Yes, you are right
03:44I should have talked to you first, but I don't know, I was in a hurry to ask you about something so personal
03:48Well, I'm going to make it easier for you, so you don't have to rush next time
03:52I confirm that you are right
03:54Damián and I are together
03:59And I don't judge her, everyone is free to live their own way
04:03There would be more
04:04What I mean is that she has every right to fall in love
04:07And it doesn't matter what her children say
04:09You and Damián don't hurt anyone by loving each other
04:14I wish they understood it as well as you
04:17Well, give them time
04:19Your children love her very much
04:21It's not fair that she has to spend the rest of her life alone because she is a widow
04:27I think it's going to be difficult for them to accept that she is with Damián
04:32I see
04:34But love doesn't understand last names or ages
04:37You just feel it and that's it
04:44What's wrong?
04:45Gema, I want to tell you something
04:48I think it's going to be good for me to share it with a woman
04:51And you are my family
05:00Where he could have buried him is the only loose end that could have been behind his plan
05:05Yes, because the rest of the evidence was eliminated
05:07I saw the empty safe myself
05:10Andrés, if Jesus had the coldness to hide all that
05:14Who knows where he could have left the body
05:16If he could have thrown it into the river or buried it anywhere
05:19The safest thing is that he was buried
05:21If he threw it into the river, it would have been exposing him too much
05:23Yes, but where could he have done it?
05:25Who tells you that he didn't put the body in a car and buried it far from here?
05:28No, he didn't have time for that
05:30I don't know, where could he have done it?
05:32We don't even know where to start
05:34We have to stand up for him and think like him
05:37Jesus is very smart
05:40If you were looking for a place to hide something, how would you choose it?
05:46I don't know, I would look for a place that is not very busy, I suppose
05:50And you could also control it, right?
05:52To find out if someone is passing by and seeing us
05:56A private land, a family land
06:01The Olmos, for example
06:04Yes, it's far away and it's easy to access
06:08And nothing would be strange if Jesus were passing by
06:11Begoña is a beginning
06:16My husband didn't like women
06:20But if he was married to you, how would he look at other women?
06:24My husband was attracted to men
06:33By the look on your face, I know my son hasn't told you
06:37I'm glad
06:39He has done it out of respect for his father's memory
06:42How could he tell me? I don't understand
06:45How could it be if they had three children?
06:49I'm still almost as amazed as you
06:53But I also feel relieved
06:56I can finally begin to understand why in his last years
07:00He was so distant, so dodgy, so far away from me
07:06But you mean a lack of passion?
07:10It goes beyond that
07:13Complicity, details, looks
07:18His was very sad
07:21Gemma, with Damián I feel truly loved
07:27Loved like a man loves a woman
07:30I understand
07:31And forgive me for speaking in these terms
07:33I assure you that I appreciate it
07:36And he says his children already knew this
07:40For them it has also had to be very difficult
07:44Although they are assuming it, it is something that gives a lot of shame
07:48In a way, shame
07:51I suppose that's why Joaquín didn't tell me anything
07:55I still can't fit it in
07:58And my head is full of questions
08:01How did I not notice? How?
08:03No, no, no, Digna
08:04It's not your fault
08:06And what you have to do now is think positively
08:10At least now you can understand why it wasn't the way you needed it
08:16Yes, that's right
08:19You know, it also gives me some freedom
08:21That my feelings towards Damián
08:31Wait, Jesús, I have to talk to you
08:34You tell me, what is that matter that can't wait?
08:40Do you want to talk about me, father? Am I okay?
08:42You, yes
08:43What worries me is the people around you
08:45What worries me is the people around you
08:49The family is falling apart in front of my own eyes
08:53And you are to blame
08:56If someone is worried about the well-being of this family, that's me
09:00Sending Julia against her will to a boarding school in Sigüenza?
09:03Causing Marta and Jaime to leave for Barcelona?
09:06Not to mention the war you started with the Merinos
09:09Stealing from you a business they thought they were going to start
09:12Well, yes
09:13Decisions made for the good of this family, your family
09:16And this company, your company
09:18No, I'm partly to blame for everything that's happening
09:22For always giving you my unconditional support
09:25But in reality, you are destroying this company
09:28Killing this family, Jesús
09:32You are my damn sentence
09:36Very well, and now that you have reached that conclusion, what are you going to do?
09:40Get away from me? Get rid of me?
09:43For now, I'm going to try to rebuild the family
09:45And that includes preventing you from stepping on anyone again
09:49I won't allow it
09:52Anything else?
09:54Hatred only brings more hatred
09:56And everything you've done to your cousins, to your wife, to your daughter, to your sister
10:01All of that will one day turn against you
10:07I won't take it into account
10:09But all of what you accuse me of, I haven't done it out of hatred
10:12It's hard for me to believe it
10:14Julia is in Sigüenza so that they don't turn her against me
10:17The war with the Merinos goes back to the times of you and Gervasio
10:21And as for Marta
10:24One day she will thank me that my sister lives her shame away from everyone's eyes with her husband's pusilánime
10:29How can you talk like that about Jaime?
10:31Now he's a sick man
10:34But if they were in full faculties, don't doubt that I would have put you in your place for what you've done to Marta
10:40Don't make me laugh
10:41I would have done it myself
10:48I'm not like you
10:50Are you crazy? Look how you've put me
10:52I'm not like you
10:53You've made that clear
10:55I'm going to clean myself
10:58You can go now if you want
11:00And I hope these words don't fall into a broken sack
11:03And you'll be able to reconsider
11:04Because otherwise
11:07You're going to be very lonely
11:12I'm not alone anymore
11:14I'm not alone anymore
11:27Hey, don't be like that for having seen Carmen and me this morning sitting together, alone, the two of us
11:32Look, apart from you, I would be the last person in this world that I would be jealous of
11:37If it's a joke, it's not funny
11:40I was helping with the accounting of the stores
11:42Although, I don't think he needs more classes because your wife is smarter than a rabbit
11:45Gaspar, can you leave the subject, please? Can I have my coffee in peace?
11:48Go to hell
11:50If you have problems with your wife, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault
12:01Look, Gaspar
12:03The problem I have is with her job
12:06But why?
12:07They just promoted her
12:09They value her
12:10They value her?
12:11And surely you've even helped her with her salary
12:13Well, there you have it
12:15But since when is it a problem that they raise your salary, man?
12:17Since my wife earns more than me, it doesn't seem like much to you?
12:21Come on, let's finish
12:24So you're one of those, right?
12:26What do you mean, one of those?
12:27Well, one of those who instead of being happy because more money comes into their house
12:30They come out with the pride of machito, right?
12:32What do you know?
12:33I know numbers
12:34And more than you, from what I see
12:35But weren't you regretting because you wanted to buy a flat?
12:38Well, now you can, man
12:39We've already done it, Gaspar
12:41We went to the bank, we asked for a loan and they gave it to us almost with our eyes closed
12:44You see? Thanks to Carmen's nomination
12:47How can you tell that you didn't have to go through that mess, Gaspar?
12:50You don't know what it's like to go to the bank
12:52To ask for a loan and the director of the bank looks at you over the shoulder
12:54He was frowning in front of my wife
12:56Gaspar, I was there with Carmen signing the papers
12:58And he was looking at me like that, half-naked, as if I were a clown
13:00Eustasio, now that life is starting to smile at you
13:03Are you going to look for trouble?
13:05I don't know if you're right, Gaspar
13:06I don't know, but now I feel more insignificant than I used to
13:12You felt insignificant?
13:14You used to hide it so well
13:17What will people think of me when they find out?
13:21They'll think I'm a useless, hungry, fat guy
13:25But what do you care what people think of you?
13:29Look, you've won a woman's heart
13:32Look, you've won a woman who's worth a lot
13:35And that has brought you prosperity
13:37And the people we really love are happy for you
13:41Well, I'm sorry
13:42But for me, for my wife to be the head of the family, I'm really upset
13:45And go for it
13:47Maybe you don't deserve her
13:50Gaspar, what I deserve is to bring prosperity to my house
13:52And that my wife feels proud of me, which is not happening
13:54So right now, what I should do is try to solve this issue as best I can
13:58Anastasio, the caveman
14:01Be careful with what you do, Anastasio, we know each other
14:04Don't get yourself in any trouble
14:29Yes, tell me
14:33Yes, it's me
14:36Dr. García
14:38He's got it?
14:42Do you mind if we check that the name is correct?
14:45Dr. Borrell, with a double L
14:49That's it
14:50And when can I receive it?
14:54Great, as soon as I have it, I'll send it to you
14:59No, no, no, you can send it directly to the dispensary
15:04Or even better, to the address I gave you
15:07To the residence of the Reina family
15:12That's it, bye
15:15Sorry if I interrupted something
15:17No, no, no, he was a visitor, a doctor
15:21You know how annoying they get
15:24Sometimes they can be very insistent
15:28Jaime, if you want, I can finish picking it up, you look tired
15:31No, no, no, it's not fatigue, it's melancholy and a little nervous
15:48This is not easy for me either
15:52I've spent so many years on a boat
15:55And I've said goodbye so many times that I've even lost count
16:01But you don't get used to this
16:04I want to think it's because this place is special to you
16:08This place?
16:11You are special, Luz
16:15Although at first, I must say it wasn't hard to stay here for a week
16:21Don't even remind me
16:23Don't even remind me
16:25Come on, I haven't been tempted, sometimes, to leave through that door and not come back
16:29Did I make it so hard for you?
16:31Well, I was also on the defensive
16:35They were spitting sparks
16:39And now, look at you
16:42Who was going to tell you?
16:48Luz has been so important to me
16:51I owe you so much
16:54I'm the one who owes you so much
16:58You've proven to be a great doctor
17:01But a much better friend
17:07And something else, I also have to tell you
17:10Well, that didn't last long
17:15Short but intense, like all the good
17:18You weren't just the good thing, you were the best
17:24Jaime, you've taught me so much
17:28In everything
17:37Well, before we turn this into a sea of tears, let's focus a little
17:43Here's a list of the patients I've been treating
17:47Their records are in their place and they're all up to date
17:54I think I've seen some of them around here
17:58I'll have dealt with them in a few weeks
18:01Besides, with Begoña fully incorporated, I'll be able to delegate some visits and consultations
18:07In any case, when I get to Barcelona, I'll leave you my number in case you want to talk to me about anything
18:13Of course, I'd love to talk to you
18:15But why would you tell me about the Barceloneta or the Barrio de Gracia?
18:19I have very good memories from there
18:21Jaime, are you okay?
18:24Jaime, what's wrong?
18:26Jaime, tell me something
18:28Jaime, please react!
18:30Jaime, what's wrong with you?
18:34Jaime, please...
18:43Jaime, please react!
18:53I'm Dr. Borrell, I need an ambulance at the dispensary
18:56It's a matter of life or death!
19:03I know, darling, I know
19:05The food here is much better than there
19:07But you have to obey and eat whatever they give you
19:12Look, let's do this
19:14Darling, if you promise me that you'll eat very well
19:18I'll get you a box of cookies
19:22Yes, I'm also looking forward to seeing you again
19:25Yes, Julia, yes
19:27See you soon
19:29Thank you, darling
19:32What's wrong?
19:33I was talking to my granddaughter
19:35She doesn't seem to adapt very well to the boarding school
19:39I guess it'll be hard at first
19:41But soon she'll make friends, I imagine
19:44Sit down, sit down
19:46You didn't come here to talk about Julia, did you?
19:49Is there a problem at the factory?
19:55I've come to talk about my mother, uncle
20:00I know that you and her have started...
20:06Well, that you're together
20:10Why are you laughing? Do you think it's funny?
20:13No, no, no, son, don't take it the wrong way
20:15I'm just very happy that your mother has spoken to you
20:20Because that means that she has decided to go on with our relationship
20:26Yes, Joaquín, relationship
20:28We call things by their names
20:30Well, you can call it whatever you want
20:33But my brother and I were caught by surprise
20:36And it's a lot, what separates our families
20:40And don't you think this is the best way to solve our problems?
20:44Uncle, after your family took over the land, the thermal waters
20:50And after everything we've had to go through
20:52Don't you think it's a bit naive of them?
20:55My family? No
20:58Jesus, you mean
21:00His son
21:03You see, Joaquín, this thing that your mother and I are starting
21:07I'm so excited that I even see the possibility of a reconciliation between the families
21:18Is that what you're looking for?
21:20Do you want a drink?
21:24Let's be clear, uncle
21:26What do you want from my mother?
21:30You see, nephew
21:33I understand that Luis and you are worried
21:36And I think it's even nice that you try to protect your mother
21:42But I'm not going to hurt her
21:44I'm very much in love with her
21:49That's not a guarantee of anything
21:54And it doesn't answer my question
22:03What do you want from my mother, uncle?
22:07To see her happy
22:10I've loved her in secret for too long
22:13To waste this opportunity
22:18You've never noticed anything between your mother and me?
22:22They're together, yes
22:25But we thought it was brother-in-law affection
22:28Well, now you know the truth
22:30And I'd go further
22:32If it were up to me, I'd marry her tomorrow
22:36But it's been hard for your mother to take this step
22:38And I understand that it's better to take it easy
22:42Yes, it's better this way
22:45My mother has suffered a lot
22:47And I don't want her to be hurt again
22:50I'm going to protect her
22:52I love her more than my life
22:55Trust me, Joaquín
22:57You're going to witness it
23:01You're not the one who's worried
23:05Jesus, again?
23:09Jesus knows how I feel about your mother
23:11And I don't need his approval to live my life
23:14Whether he likes it or not, he'll have to accept it
23:17I'll have to see it with my own eyes
23:21And I hope I don't have to remind him of this conversation
23:31So, how's it going?
23:33What time is it?
23:34It's time to close
23:36Oh, my God
23:38I'm going to make the box
23:40I'll do it
23:41And Mrs. Adolf's order too
23:43By the way, I came to pick up that beautiful German driver
23:46He's so handsome, I love him
23:48Thank you very much, Claudia
23:49I wouldn't do it without you
23:51Come on
23:52It's a shame I can't help you with this
23:55But math is not my thing
23:57I don't care about numbers
23:58I don't care about numbers
23:59I do
24:00And look what Gaspar explained to me, slowly and clearly
24:03There's no way
24:05What are you going to do?
24:07What am I going to do?
24:08I'll keep doing it and if I don't find out, I'll throw the towel
24:12I don't know if Tassio will be right
24:14Carmen, why would Tassio be right?
24:16Because he knew what was going to happen
24:18I don't have enough preparation for this
24:20Don't be silly
24:22He told me he was afraid I'd make a mistake in a number and mess it up
24:26He's got experience in that
24:28It's like he only sees peace in the eyes of others
24:30Even if he's his wife
24:32Yes, for once he's right
24:34He won't be good at math to handle the accounting and all this
24:39I say you'll have a lot of money with that
24:41No, Claudia, no
24:42A teacher has to have studied accounting
24:45And I, to start working here at the factory, I left my studies
24:50Don't worry, if that's the case, you'll have an easy solution
24:53Yes, of course
24:54That's it
24:56The other day I went to Toledo
24:58Because I wanted a confectionery I liked
25:01And you taught accounting there?
25:03No, I sat on a bench in front of the confectionery
25:06And I saw that they had opened an academy
25:09It's called Academia Pulido
25:12And what did you do?
25:14I hadn't thought about it
25:17And I saw that they taught mechanics, language and accounting
25:22And it didn't look like it was very expensive
25:24No, if it's not for the money, it's for the time, more than anything
25:27Well, I'm sure there are night classes, come on, I have no doubt
25:31I don't know, Claudia, what do I do there?
25:33A housewife in the middle of all the high schoolers
25:36No, no, take it off, what a shame
25:38Look, Carmen, really, there's no one to recognize you
25:40Come on, with how annoying you are
25:42What else do you care what others think?
25:45I don't know
25:49Have you seen my father?
25:50Yes, he's waiting for me to take these blankets
25:53How do you see her?
25:54How do I see her?
25:56With this new thing from Damián
25:58Ah, that
26:00Oh, look what you do to her
26:01Well, I see her, I see her very excited, really
26:05And I no longer see her upset with me for having gone off the tongue and having betrayed her
26:09You really can't tell her anything, Joaquín
26:12You didn't even take five minutes to open that mouth
26:14Have you talked about it?
26:16Well, yes, and I'll tell you one thing
26:18Your brother and you should support her
26:21Your mother deserves to be happy
26:22And she has every right to choose her partner, whether you like it or not
26:27I'm just worried about her
26:28Really, how many mistakes are made in the name of concern
26:32Luis and you have to understand that she needs to feel loved
26:36Feel courted, and in her case even more
26:41Don't tell me she also told you about my father
26:46What I don't understand is why I had to find out about her
26:49Well, because they are intimate things, of my parents
26:51And they are also things of the past
26:53You don't have to go around it
26:55Well, I partly understand
26:57And I, if I were in his case
26:59Gemma, come and get the manteles
27:02How strange to see you around here at this time, son
27:04Yes, I was passing by
27:07Do you take them to the dining room and set the table for dinner?
27:09Of course
27:17It's very ugly to lie
27:19And if it's to another mother
27:21I've seen how you entered Damian's office
27:23And for the time it took, I'm sure it was a very deep and long conversation
27:29Well, we were talking about trucks
27:32A truck is going to pass over you
27:36Very well, we were talking about you
27:38And what are you talking about? You have to talk about me with Damian
27:41Because I don't want him to hurt you, mother
27:43But you hear yourself
27:44I'm your mother, son
27:46Not a teenager who is your daughter
27:49Yeah, well, but what I wanted was to make sure
27:51What are your intentions with you
27:53For God's sake, Joaquín
27:56I don't give credit
27:58You've been so good with the glove and you've given it to him on the cheek
28:01And you've stayed with him at dawn
28:03And I'm wearing the flower
28:05Don't joke, please
28:06I don't know what's wrong with a son worrying about his mother
28:08You don't have to
28:10It's an intimate matter
28:12Of my private life
28:14And I'm an adult and I can take care of myself
28:18We don't oppose each other
28:20Really, mother, we don't oppose each other
28:22But Damian...
28:24What are you afraid of?
28:26That I get pregnant?
28:30That they break your heart
28:32Do you know what's going to break my heart?
28:34That your rejection is just out of resentment
28:37It will break my heart to continue with this relationship
28:40Without your consent
28:43Joaquín, it's an opportunity I'm giving myself to be happy
28:46Irina, there's an ambulance at the door
28:49An ambulance?
28:55See you later, Carmen
29:07Have you been there?
29:10And have you found out anything?
29:12I've talked to the guard, it's the adjacent estate
29:14And he said he worked in the lands near there
29:17He doesn't remember seeing anything strange
29:21Of course
29:22Los Olmos is Jesus' estate, but it's also yours and Marta's
29:25Jesus isn't stupid
29:27If he buried Valentín's body there, it's logical he'd make sure no one saw him, right?
29:31And he knows it's a well-known neighborhood
29:34He wouldn't have gone there to check
29:37Andres, we're going blind
29:40Begoña, what do we do? Surrender?
29:43It's like looking for a needle in a haystack
29:48What if we ask someone who was there?
29:51Isidro, for example
29:52No one should suspect you, you know that
29:55I know, I'm sorry, it's just...
29:57It's just desperate
29:59We can't surrender, it's the first step
30:02If he buried the body, Los Olmos is the place to do it
30:05And what do we do? Empty the whole estate?
30:09I don't know, Begoña, I don't know
30:15The only thing I can think of is getting into Jesus' head
30:19He's the only one who can lead us to the proof
30:22I don't know what to do
30:34Thank you for everything
30:43Thank you for calling the ambulance
30:52What happened?
30:54The tumor has increased the intracranial pressure
30:57He was about to die
30:59We won't be able to say goodbye
31:03What are the chances that he'll wake up?
31:08Doctor? Yes?
31:10What are the chances that he'll wake up?
31:13I don't know, I wouldn't know
31:15We have to find out if the pressure has increased because the tumor has grown
31:19We have to do more tests
31:22Why didn't they do it?
31:24Why didn't he stay in the hospital?
31:26Don't worry, he's explaining
31:28Neurological damage is irreversible
31:31Jaime didn't deserve to spend his last days under test
31:34That's why they didn't let him come back
31:37Jaime wanted to be at home
31:39I insist that he should be in a hospital
31:42Let's respect his will
31:44He should stay here, calm
31:47Surrounded by his loved ones
31:49This time, if it's what's best for him
31:53At least he'll be surrounded by love
32:13I'm looking for the smell of rain
32:15More specifically, wet land
32:19Very good, it would be a great achievement
32:22It's one of the most pleasant and recognizable smells
32:26Really? Yes
32:28But I'm afraid it's very hard to find
32:30Hey Luis, I wanted to tell you something
32:33I'm a little worried about Madre
32:37Are you back and forth with Damien?
32:39Yes, she's hurt because we didn't find out about her
32:44And she didn't want me to talk to Damien
32:47About Madre?
32:49Who could it be?
32:51A responsible son
32:53I wanted to make sure that our uncle's intentions with our mother were honest
32:57Oh my god, I should have seen you
33:00What did you tell her?
33:02I warned her not to hurt him
33:04And above all, to control Jesus
33:06If that's possible
33:08In any case, I'm the eldest son and I feel responsible for Madre
33:12I understand, Joaquin
33:14But you know, Madre is very reserved for her things
33:16And I don't think...
33:17Well, I'm not particularly excited to meddle in Madre's sentimental life
33:22But I don't want to see her hurt again after what happened
33:26Discovering the story of our father
33:28Well, we'll have to give uncle Damien a chance
33:30Because he's not Jesus, I've shown it many times
33:33Besides, we'll have no choice but to support Madre
33:37Because she's always been supporting us
33:39You with Gemma and me with Luz
33:41And neither your relationship nor mine
33:43Have been easy relationships
33:47So we'll have to support her, yes
33:49And I hope she does well
33:51Well, whether she does well or not, Joaquin
33:53We have to be by her side and avoid reproaches, okay?
33:59Madre and Damien?
34:02Do you realize that if this goes well
34:04Uncle Damien will be our stepfather?
34:07And our cousins?
34:09Our stepbrothers?
34:13Jesus is going to get a slap
34:17He wants a slap
34:18He wants a slap
34:30Do you want me to make you something?
34:32Everyone is excited about Jaime
34:35If you want, I can offer you something
34:37No, I just wanted a glass of water
34:39I'll serve it to you
34:43It's a shame what happened to your son-in-law
34:46Just now that he was going to move to Barcelona with Marta
34:49Yes, we thought the illness would give him some peace
34:52But life is always in charge of putting us in our place
35:07Let's go
35:15I wanted to ask you something
35:17But if you don't think it's a good time, we don't have to say it
35:23No, go ahead
35:28It's a business matter
35:31Specifically because of the deal with Mr. Miranda
35:35Can I know where that interest comes from?
35:38Well, I was also at that meeting
35:40I organized the food, remember
35:43I think the relaxed atmosphere that was generated helped me get out of the operation
35:48Even Jesus congratulated me
35:50Nobody is taking away your merit, daughter
35:53But what I don't understand is where that interest for the negotiation comes from
35:59I'm also part of the family, it's normal for me to be interested
36:02And I made a lot of effort
36:04What less than knowing if the deal is finally closed or not
36:08You're right, daughter
36:10Well, your work was rewarded
36:12Miranda was delighted with the meeting
36:14She told me when I accompanied her to the car
36:19In the end it was closed then
36:21Well, a negotiation doesn't close overnight
36:24At a meeting like that, if a phone call is made, the call is returned
36:30More meetings are held
36:32The important thing is that Miranda takes us into account
36:35And now we just have to wait
36:37A lot?
36:38I don't know
36:40As soon as I make a decision, I'll call Jesus and they'll start negotiating
36:45Why Jesus?
36:46What do you mean, why Jesus?
36:49I don't think he's taking the merit
36:52Andrés is also his son, he's also in the board
36:56I don't understand why Jesus has to take the merit of my effort and not my husband
37:00I'd love to give you the reason, but in this case I can't
37:03You yourself had to beg him to attend the meeting
37:06A bad moment is happening because of Julia
37:09I have to remind you that she was absent from it without giving explanations
37:12That Jesus had to step up to justify it
37:16Andrés is a noble man, he doesn't like to pretend he's okay if he's not
37:19Being noble is a very good quality
37:22Another very different thing is being impulsive
37:26Is it so bad to let yourself be carried away by feelings?
37:29Well, in life I wouldn't know how to tell you, but in business it's lethal
37:33Why don't you talk to him?
37:36And tell him what he just told me, to influence him
37:39Andrés has started a new life with you
37:43And it's you who should give him that impulse
37:46I don't know, I have no idea about business
37:50But you have ambition
37:52And you want what's best for your husband
37:55I'm willing for Andrés to take the place he deserves, but I'm not going to give him anything
38:00Then tell me how I should do it
38:03Well, to begin with, controlling that temperament so...
38:10My son is excessively trained, but being so visceral penalizes him
38:16Companies are run with the head, not with the heart
38:20And that's where he needs you
38:23Will you help him?
38:28Of course
38:31How is he?
38:33His blood pressure is normal
38:36That's a good sign
38:42If you want, I'll take your relief, so you can rest
38:46And you?
38:48I'll take care of Andrés
38:51And you?
38:53I'll take care of Andrés
38:56And you?
38:57You can rest
38:59And you?
39:01I'm used to guards and a few hours of sleep
39:06No, I don't want to move next to him
39:12Marta, it's going to be tough days
39:14This has just begun
39:19I'd rather stay
39:21Besides, I don't think you can close your eyes for five minutes
39:27It seems so unfair that this has just happened to him
39:31He was serious, but very excited about the idea of moving to Barcelona
39:36It was an achievable goal, I'm sure it gave him strength
39:40And he was very excited to spend his last days near the sea
39:43Too much time on the mainland
39:46And it's my fault
39:48No, I don't think Jaime will blame you for his return
39:52He did what his heart told him
39:55I don't think he'll regret leaving Naviera
39:59I don't regret doing it either
40:02The last few years haven't been easy for us
40:07But Jaime has been and is such an important person in my life
40:15He knows
40:17I would have liked to show him in Barcelona
40:20Taking care of him as he deserves and accompanying him
40:22And it's not fair what you're doing now
40:29I'm sorry I ruined the trip to Barcelona
40:43What's wrong?
40:45The flan wasn't good?
40:47Yes, yes, everything was very good
40:50But I don't have much appetite
40:56The truth is that I'm very grateful that you stayed to accompany me
41:03Because what happened to Jaime has affected me more than I want to admit
41:07You don't have to thank me for anything
41:10I'm delighted to be by your side
41:13What happened to Jaime is terrible, yes
41:15Jaime is terrible, yes
41:18Should I put on the radio?
41:20So we can hear the break?
41:22The break is over
41:25Even if you haven't tried anything, tell Gemma that everything was very good
41:30She's getting better day by day as a cook
41:33She's had the best teacher possible
41:37I'm as good in the kitchen as you at telling me jokes
41:46Are you going to deny that you've taught her everything you know?
41:50I'm very happy with her
41:53She's changed a lot in the last few weeks for the better
41:56And now she's a great support for me
42:02She knows what's good for us
42:05What do you think?
42:07The other day when she saw us, we were more together than normal
42:18We have nothing to hide
42:21Now I get the impression that your children don't like us being in a relationship
42:28You don't have to cover for my son Joaquin because he told me he spoke to you
42:35You scared us
42:40Where am I?
42:42At home
42:43You fainted in the pantry while you were packing
42:47An ambulance brought you here and you've been unconscious for a few hours
42:53What was it, Luz?
42:56I spoke to your oncologist and he told me the tumour could cause hypertension
43:01Hypertension in the uterus
43:03That's it
43:05Is it confirmed?
43:08What did he say?
43:10What's that?
43:13I don't know
43:25Jaime can't see
43:29What do you mean?
43:32His optic nerve is affected
43:38The inflamed nerve prevents vision
43:43Hey, hey, hey
43:47Don't cry, I know you
43:50I don't want you to ruin that wonderful look
43:54I'm not crying
43:55I'm not crying
44:04If I'm being honest, I thought it was good and I even liked that Joaquin came to make sure of my interactions with you
44:13That means how much they love you
44:16Yes, I know they love me a lot
44:19But I don't like to be organized behind my back
44:22But understand them, this is very strange for them
44:26I've always been Uncle Damián, apart from his boss
44:30And now he's going to take over the position his father took
44:35It's strange for them
44:37Yes, that's true
44:39Do your children know?
44:41No, I haven't had a chance to tell them yet
44:44I'd like to get the three of them together to tell them
44:47And you're not afraid of their reaction?
44:49I know perfectly well how each one of them will react
44:53I know them very well and I don't expect surprises
44:56And the good thing is that Jesus won't be caught again
44:59Despite that, your son is...
45:01Don't be afraid, woman
45:03Trust me
45:05I know how to handle family matters
45:08I've been taking care of this house and the factory for years
45:12Your discomfort has cost you
45:22What's going on?
45:28Where are you taking me?
45:30Well, it's still...
45:32It's too late to listen to the party
45:35But we have something left
45:37What the human being invented so long ago
45:40And what they called music
45:47Do you dance?
45:48Are you crazy?
45:52We're going to wake up everyone
46:13It's too late
46:15I have to go
46:16I love you, Anna
46:47It's me
46:50I'm very sorry about what's happening to you, Jaime
46:54Why have you come, Jesus?
46:56You can't get anything out of this
46:59I can't be useful to you anymore
47:03I'd like to...
47:05I'd like to...
47:07I'd like to...
47:09I'd like to...
47:11I'd like to...
47:13I'd like to...
47:14I'd like to...
47:16I'd like to get out of doubt because I think I judged you wrong
47:21The other night when you threw the glass of a big hand at me
47:25It wasn't a robbery, was it?
47:28You didn't want me to drink it
47:32I told you
47:34I'm not like you
47:35Stop guessing, Jaime
47:38What was in that glass?
47:44And a few drops of arsenic
47:59But you didn't have the guts to finish the job
48:05If you've come to destroy me, go ahead
48:08I'm not afraid of you
48:15It would be so easy, wouldn't it?
48:22But since I'm in debt to you because you saved my life with a big hand
48:28We're even
48:33You should take notes
48:37I wasn't able to kill you
48:40But someone will have to be able to reach the end
48:45I can see your face, Jesus
48:49Oh, really?
48:52Now you're aware that you could be dead right now
48:59And you'll never be able to bury the fear that someone will make you pay for all the harm you've done
49:07I'm not afraid
49:09Well, you should
49:11I'm sure that I'm not the only one who thinks that this world would be a much better place if you weren't in it
49:37Goodbye, Jaime
49:54You're not going to see Julia, Begoña
49:56Oh, no?
49:59And how are you going to stop me?
50:01Are you going to lock me up again?
50:03Or are you going to kill my cousins?
50:06Your aunt Dina and I have started a relationship
50:10A relationship?
50:12I'm talking about exploiting the land that belongs to us
50:15For example, the Olmos farm
50:19The Olmos?
50:20And I'm going to go there and waste time, right?
50:22I didn't say that
50:23Well, Carmen Chitón is already there
50:24The only thing I want is to make more money for me and for you
50:30It was Father
50:31He wants us to meet at home so we can eat together
50:35He says he has something important to tell us
50:37Well, Mother, we're asking you not to stretch the rope so much
50:40Because we can't overlook everything Jesus has done to us
50:42It's only been a couple of hours
50:44Why is everything so difficult with you?
50:46No, no, no, no, I'm sorry
50:47Better say, why was it so difficult with the Queen?
50:50I need to ask you one last favor
50:52Whatever it is
