• 2 weeks ago


00:00Miranda is going home, still here.
00:11Miranda is gone now.
00:12I really love her, but someone has to go and me wasn't an option, I'm sorry.
00:19Baby, that was a shock.
00:21The thing is that I was the weakest in my group.
00:24Then I don't really agree that I should be in the bottom.
00:28If you did have to pick two, who would the two be?
00:31Your group, Alyssa, everyone.
00:33It felt like it was Alyssa's show with backup dancers.
00:37Lead with love and slay the scene.
00:41That's what I was feeling.
00:42Oh, no, no, no.
00:43Yeah, it's your opinion.
00:44We respect that.
00:48I felt like as a group, we worked really well together.
00:50I think Miranda being limited, it is what it is.
00:54Of course, of course.
00:55I think we're all probably going.
00:57The bottom could have been a little different, but we're all here today.
01:00I would actually put Alyssa in the bottom because she just made a routine that fucked
01:06up her whole group.
01:09It was just messy and a lot, and at least my girl group was a girl group and not a solo
01:16I am bored.
01:17Let's get out of drag.
01:18Come on.
01:19Opinions are like assholes.
01:20Now, let me get mine out of this panty.
01:27It's a new workday.
01:28It's a new day in the workroom.
01:29Miranda's gone home, which is very, very sad for her, but I've just won 10K, baby.
01:35Well, congratulations, Kitty.
01:37I'm a winner.
01:38The cheesy chips for the win.
01:39What about you, Vanity?
01:41Congratulations on slaying the lip sync.
01:42Lip sync was so fun.
01:43It was so funny.
01:44It was so fun.
01:45It's not going to happen again.
01:46That's for sure.
01:47Last week, that untucked was lit.
01:48That was good TV.
01:49I'm still feeling shaky.
01:51No, no, no, I'm not done.
01:52I'm not done, baby.
01:53I'm not done.
01:54There's a lot of things that I want to say, but for now, I prefer to focus on myself,
01:55listen to the other, and move on.
01:56I was feeling very attacked, because when Miranda said, Nalania, maybe she's in the
01:57top two, a lot of you were like, what?
02:38I appreciate your feelings.
02:39They're valid, but when we were sitting there, it was very hard not to be upset, because
02:40me and Kitty didn't even get to talk about our critiques, you know what I mean?
02:41And so if I did come across really angry at you, I was.
02:42I apologize.
02:43The atmosphere in the room is really tense, but I enjoy it.
02:44In the moment, it was just a lot, but new week.
02:45I can hear what you're saying.
02:46I do not want you to feel that way.
02:47And that's valid, but I'm really struggling with the privilege.
02:53I hate to see people have privilege more than me.
02:59I think we all have to understand, being here, in this room, in this competition, for me, it's...
03:05Oh! That was it!
03:07Enough of the kumbaya, bitch! Let's go!
03:11My dolls, life in plastic really is fantastic.
03:17So put the bust in blockbuster, and you can be the queen of the big screen.
03:23Lights, boobies, action!
03:34Hello, hello, hello!
03:37All stars!
03:39You know, we come from all over the planet, and yet, we share so much in common.
03:45I'm talking about charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and the talent to read a bitch to fill.
03:54For today's mini-challenge, in the grand tradition of Paz's birding,
03:59the International Library is about to be oponed.
04:03Because reading is what? Fundamental!
04:07That's right! Tessa T, come on over!
04:12Step right up, darling.
04:15Come on, Miss Tessa.
04:16Thank you, Mama.
04:17Okay, Tessa, the library is open.
04:19Pythia, the only cultural property Greece does not want back.
04:27Eva Laqueen, bitch, you are so trash that the only people who will pick you up are sanitation workers, bitch.
04:33Oh, you wanna go there, bitch?
04:35Bitch, you are so trash!
04:38Alyssa Edward, looking at you, I realize what free healthcare is important.
04:42You better look again, bitch.
04:46Because if you get it for free, you'll look like that whore!
04:49Show it on you!
04:53So, Tessa Testicle, I don't watch your season, but now that I met you, for sure, I'm not gonna watch it.
05:04Tessa Testicle, please shut the fuck up.
05:08That's it.
05:11Eva, opening a wallet is not a talent.
05:20Alyssa Edwards, the man, full stop.
05:28Gala, fuck me, full stop.
05:34And sewer, sewer, sewer.
05:36Well, judging by the sewing challenge, you're not, though, are you?
05:42Pythia, you remind me of the sun.
05:45Not because you're radiant, but because you're hard to fucking look at.
05:49I had to take some notes down.
05:51Okay, alright.
05:52Queen Kong.
05:53Now, hold on, the queen must be lost in transit, because all I'm getting is a wide-backed water buffalo.
06:01Melania, you're such a good actress.
06:05You play really good the victim role.
06:11Vanity Bank.
06:13Just like Ikea, it's giving basic.
06:17Eva Laqueen.
06:18We Filipinos are too nice.
06:20I know.
06:21Alright, motherfuckers.
06:23Kitty Scott Claus.
06:25You are such a picture of a fine Englishman.
06:30When in drag.
06:33Make it stop.
06:34Please, I'mma make it stop.
06:35Turn the cameras off.
06:36The white RuPaul, Alyssa Edwards.
06:38Do not reveal yourself!
06:43I'll take that.
06:45Queens, you all made a noble effort, but one of you earned a Nobel Prize in shade.
06:55The winner of today's mini challenge is...
07:01Kitty Scott Claus.
07:05Oh my god, I mean, judging by these girls, it was not hard to win the reading challenge.
07:10No one has got a mini challenge win and a maxi challenge win.
07:13Now I am a front runner at this point.
07:17You've won a cash tip of $2,500.
07:22Come on, girls.
07:24Now, ladykins.
07:25Before there was Barbie, there was Boobie, the world's first drag doll.
07:32Barbie and Boobie were both destined to become international screen sensations.
07:38So for this week's maxi challenge, you'll star in three Boobie movie sequels.
07:48Hashtag global all-stars.
07:50Oh, pit crew.
07:53Oh, Sebastian.
07:54I hope you don't mind me touching your big pink furry box.
07:59Now, Queens, to break you into three teams, you need to reach inside this big pink furry box.
08:06Pink furry box.
08:08And pull out a Boobie doll.
08:11Tessa, you'll go first.
08:13A purple doll.
08:15Patheia, a pink doll.
08:22You'll stand right next to Tessa T.
08:25Kitty Scott Claus, say hello to Sebastian.
08:27Hello, Sebastian.
08:29A blue Boobie doll.
08:32Queen Kong.
08:34A blue Boobie doll.
08:37Go back and stand with your blue sisters there.
08:41Purple one.
08:44Hi, Al.
08:45Hey, baby.
08:47It looks like we have our teams.
08:49I think they're going to say, like, oh, wow, Nelly and Pitia in the team of Sora, what's going to happen?
08:54I see the girls in their season, and I know Pitia, she's a good actress, so I'm okay.
09:00As the head of RDR Studios, I'll be assigning your Boobie sequels.
09:07Kitty, Queen, Alyssa, you'll star in Jurassic Boobie.
09:15Tessa, Vanity, Gala, and Eva, you'll star in Frankenboobie.
09:23I feel like most of these girls definitely have a leg up against me because I've never done any acting before, but I'm still going to storm them regardless.
09:32And Pitia, Nalania, and Sora, you'll star in Boobies of the Caribbean, the search for buried booty.
09:44All stars, start your engines, and may the best Global Gramazon win.
09:53Let's go, girls.
09:54Okay, God.
09:58So for today's maxi challenge, we are acting it out in our own spoof movie sequel.
10:03Shall we go through the characters?
10:04Let's go.
10:05First, we have the beautiful, mad scientist, Dr. Frankenboobie.
10:08Beautiful, check, mad, check.
10:13Then we have weird boobie, the mad scientist, weird but beautiful assistant.
10:17I love that one.
10:18Me too.
10:20I loved it first.
10:23There's no way I can give you the weird boobie.
10:25Weird boobie is written for me.
10:27I do not want the monster boobie.
10:29Are you fine with monster boobie?
10:30I want weird boobie.
10:32So one of y'all got to be weird boobie and monster boobie.
10:34Okay, shall we do like this for rock, paper, scissors?
10:37Yeah, for weird boobie.
10:39Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
10:44The monster boobie wasn't really the part that I wanted.
10:47Being in the bottom last week and also do like shit during the reading challenge.
10:51I got pressure.
10:53I want to be the pitchfork boobie.
10:56Because I'm carrying through and through.
10:58And I'm going to be the Dr. Frankenboobie.
11:02And I'm going to be the monster boobie.
11:07Then I'm going to be weird boobie.
11:09A weird boobie.
11:10Weird boobie.
11:12I love the team because Vanity is really disciplined.
11:15And Tessa is so funny.
11:17I'm excited to show RuPaul that I also can be funny.
11:20Not just the sexy lady in this room.
11:22My twisted formula to create the perfect boobie is ready.
11:26At last, the world will know my genius.
11:29Hi, boobie.
11:30Hi, boobie.
11:31A star is born.
11:33My pitchfork boobie only appears in like the second part of the trailers.
11:37How am I going to make this work?
11:42Boobies of Caribbean.
11:44I feel like you're already dressing the theme.
11:46And they say Caribbean, so it's my shit.
11:48Boobies of Caribbean, I was like...
11:53This is mine.
11:55Thank you, storyline. Thank you.
11:57I obviously love a villain.
11:58And a glitter beard boobie sounds very mean.
12:00I feel like I could even play with my chest hair and like draw on a beard.
12:03Oh, literally.
12:04I think it would be very funny.
12:06I want to be very stupid, totally blonde, move the teeth.
12:10Yeah, exactly.
12:11Just constantly shaking.
12:12I'm in the team with Petia and Zoya.
12:14And I'm so glad because I love both.
12:16They are very, very funny.
12:18And I'm very worried about the pronunciation of some words.
12:23So maybe you can help me.
12:24And then we motorboat each other.
12:27Do you know what motorboating means?
12:29It's when you put your face in the chest of a woman and you go...
12:36He's so silly!
12:41Professor Boobie.
12:42Oh, yes.
12:43Nutty, beautiful, older boobie scientist.
12:49I think it's a typecast girl.
12:50What are you saying? She typecasted me, didn't she?
12:55Paleontologist boobie.
12:56Oh, yes.
12:57A visiting scientist.
12:58Hey, I like the sound of her.
12:59She's cute, yeah.
13:00She sounds cute.
13:01And then Jurassic mega boobie.
13:03And then Jurassic mega boobie.
13:05Dinosaur size with large boobs and strange small arms like a T-Rex.
13:10How dare you rub my shoulder, Lizard?
13:12What are you saying?
13:13I think they typecasted me.
13:15I think you're definitely the paleontologist.
13:17Right, right.
13:18I'm the nutty old lady that created this bullshit of this Barbie T-Rex.
13:21And I'm the big beautiful one with glitches.
13:24I've been preparing for this role since I started doing drag.
13:27Give her the Emmy, give her the Grammy, give her the Oscar.
13:30I need the EGOT. Come on.
13:36It is now time to shoot our scene with award-winning Vishal Massage.
13:42Welcome, ladies.
13:45Lights, camera, boobies.
13:47You are starring in Frankenboobie.
13:50Here we go. You ready for take number one, Tessa?
13:52All right.
13:53Starring Tessa Testicle as Dr. Frankenboobie.
13:56My parents never let me play with boobies when I was little.
13:59Why'd you rip that off your head?
14:01Because it was dramatic.
14:02Oh, for dramatic.
14:04Okay, okay.
14:05Should I leave it on?
14:06I would leave it on.
14:08So, Dr. Frankenboobie.
14:10This is your introduction of your character.
14:12So we want you to say your line straight out to the front.
14:15Past camera, not into camera.
14:16Past camera.
14:18So this is your moment.
14:20All right, action.
14:21My twisted formula to create the perfect boobie is ready.
14:26At last, the world will know my true genius.
14:31You don't need to start it at a 10.
14:33Bring it down to like a 5.
14:35I've never acted before, so Michelle is giving me a lot of directions,
14:39and I guess I could let that freak me out,
14:42but I'm just going to roll with what Michelle is feeding me.
14:45Bring me the cake, old bitty.
14:48Yes, doctor!
14:50Dr. Frankenboobie, can you hold the boobies out of your face?
14:54You know, they're real boobies, so you want to hold them like, there you go.
14:57See how she's holding them?
14:59Are you sure they're not my old boobies?
15:01They look very familiar.
15:04I'm really excited because on my season, it didn't went too well.
15:21So this time, I'm ready to surprise RuPaul and the judges.
15:25Galavaro as weird boobie!
15:28Does this haircut make my ass look big?
15:31I would try to do it like you're a supermodel this time.
15:36And Galavaro as weird boobie!
15:38Does this haircut make my ass look big?
15:40Cut, good. Here we go.
15:42Expect drama!
15:50I can do it like, oh, whatever you want.
15:53I'm the weird Barbie.
15:54Weird boobie!
15:55Monster boobie! Great, perfect.
15:58Back in my season, we had an acting challenge, but I was in the bottom.
16:01Oh my god, what? Me? No!
16:09Yeah, I'm scared. I'm a little nervous.
16:11But hey, I'm going to embrace this character, be the character all the time.
16:15And introducing Vanity Vane as monster boobie!
16:22Did she just laugh at me?
16:24Cut. That was awesome.
16:26That's a good sign.
16:27Do it with Lady Gaga monster paws.
16:34One more time, with your paws up, groan, and then wink.
16:40Okay, here we go.
16:44And the Oscar goes to monster boobie!
16:48Hey! Hey! I want to speak with your manager, please.
16:52I hope that my pitchfork boobie will just bring me back to life in this competition.
16:57Wait till you land before you talk.
17:00Don't walk and talk.
17:02And don't block your face.
17:04Here we go, and action!
17:05Featuring Eva Lequeen as the annoying neighbor pitchfork boobie!
17:09Hey! Hey! I want to speak with your manager, please.
17:13When you turn around, be angry. Don't be smiling.
17:15So on your first line, let's deliver that with a little more menace.
17:18You're a bitch!
17:19A Karen!
17:20I'm sorry, out of the castle next door.
17:22And this village is not zoned for monsters.
17:25But it is zoned for musical theater!
17:28You ready? Let's do it!
17:30Five, six, seven, eight!
17:34Where were these steps during her lip sync?
17:40And cut. Moving on. Good.
17:43All right.
17:46How y'all doing?
17:48Boobies of the Caribbean!
17:49Hi, yes!
17:50Zoe's actually from the Caribbean,
17:52so this could give us the upper hand.
17:54Or should I say the upper hook?
17:57Can you make your boobs any bigger, Zoe?
18:02These boobies are ridiculous.
18:04Damsel boobie!
18:05My Bermuda Triangle is tingling.
18:12Can you do one?
18:13Don't touch your titties.
18:15Just say, the words are,
18:16my Bermuda Triangle is tingling.
18:19All right, action!
18:20My Bermuda Triangle is tingling.
18:24I've hidden someplace far from your prying eyes.
18:27We're just gonna do that one line.
18:31I've hidden it someplace far from your prying eyes.
18:36Because I have this zzz.
18:37That's the way you speak. Make it funny.
18:40And action!
18:41I've hidden it someplace far from your prying eyes.
18:47Moving on.
18:48I'm quite surprised about myself.
18:53I look good.
18:54I was funny.
18:56And Pathea as the dreaded glitter beard boobie.
18:59You better walk that fucking duck.
19:02You said duck.
19:03You need to say plank.
19:05Oh, shit.
19:06I got too into it.
19:08Sword fight a little bit.
19:09Here we go. Action.
19:13Just hit the tip.
19:14Just touch the tip.
19:15Just the tip?
19:18Go up and down longer.
19:22All right.
19:26I think I'm doing pretty well.
19:27I'm taking on direction from Jamal and Michelle,
19:29and I'm not doing too many takes,
19:31which I hope is a good thing.
19:32And line.
19:33I'll teach you the meaning of pain.
19:35Oh, you want pain?
19:36Try tucking.
19:38One more time.
19:40You want pain?
19:41Try tucking.
19:42Give it a break between.
19:44You want pain?
19:45Try tucking.
19:49That was much better.
19:51Bring it on.
19:52Touch your face.
19:53Touch your face.
19:54Like, ow.
19:55After she hits you, like, ow.
19:57Wrong side.
19:59You got to hit it.
20:09I just really want us to do well in this group
20:11because I do not want to risk being in the bottom again.
20:13And I wouldn't like to see any of the other girls
20:15in the bottom either.
20:21Cut, cut, cut.
20:22What the fuck?
20:23Okay, so glitter beard.
20:24Look through your telescope.
20:25But I don't see any women.
20:27Keep it to your eye.
20:28Keep it.
20:29I don't see any women.
20:37That's a wrap on Pirates of the Caribbean.
20:40Well, hello, boobies.
20:43Everything inside me is ready to go.
20:45Everything is ready to go.
20:47Let's go.
20:48Roll the cameras.
20:49Okay, you ready?
20:50And action.
20:52Welcome to Jurassic booby land.
20:55Can you all do this one and just make it a little faster?
20:58All right, here we go.
20:59Yeah, just don't drag it out.
21:00You're our very first visitor.
21:02Oh, you have an accent.
21:03I don't know.
21:05I've accidentally picked up Kitty Scott Claus's accent,
21:09so now I've morphed into this British old professor.
21:13What the hell is going on?
21:14That's literally offensive to British people, Alyssa.
21:18You won't be welcome back.
21:19Not after that.
21:20Dear God, she's figured out how to clone herself.
21:23Look higher.
21:24Dear God, she's figured out how to clone herself.
21:27One more time, Alyssa.
21:28Dear God, she's figured out how to clone herself.
21:31Say it again.
21:32Say it again.
21:33Say it again.
21:34Say it again.
21:36Well, we've all seen how I've been in the acting challenges in the past,
21:38the do all the do-dolls.
21:39Do all, do all.
21:43Do doll.
21:44Do all, do all.
21:46They went viral for all the wrong reasons.
21:49Dear God, she's figured out how to clone herself.
21:52Cut, cut.
21:53And introducing Queen Kong as Jurassic mega booby.
21:57Hi, booby.
21:58Hi, booby.
21:59Hi, Ben.
22:00Hi, the dinosaur.
22:05Bitch, I'm crushing it.
22:06I'm living for myself.
22:07I'm literally a big dinosaur.
22:09Stomp, stomp, stomp.
22:12And action.
22:13Hasta la vista, booby!
22:16Keep spraying.
22:21Kitty is up here going banana.
22:22She done broke the damn prop, the whole blow dryer.
22:25It's a good thing I know how to duck, dodge, and weave.
22:27I had to matrix that damn thing.
22:29I stayed in character, though.
22:31We got it.
22:32We got it.
22:33And Kitty's like, sorry.
22:36Great job, ladies.
22:37Cut and print.
22:38See you on the runway.
22:39At this point, this could be used as my audition tape to Hollywood.
22:45Hit it, Mark.
22:46Boom, boom, boom.
22:48Directors, call me.
22:50Come on, Michelle.
22:51Join us.
22:53Let's do this.
22:58I'm so happy with how my group did this week in the acting challenge.
23:01I feel like I'm definitely back on the top.
23:03You're not going to shave today?
23:05You're not going to shave today?
23:06Shut the fuck up.
23:10How are you feeling, baby?
23:11Felt like yesterday went good for us.
23:13How do you feel like in comparison to your last acting challenge?
23:16Well, I got on my lines.
23:17Here we are, bitch.
23:19You did not only just get your lines.
23:20You had an accent, too, girl.
23:21That was wild.
23:22That was something.
23:26Hey, girl.
23:28I've always wanted to ask you this, because I've seen Drag Race Canada
23:31and how Justin Trudeau went to one of the episodes.
23:35Oh, yeah.
23:36Oh, nice.
23:39So cool.
23:40It's a good way the politics get involved in the drag movement
23:44or in the TV community.
23:46So what's the political side of it?
23:49So what's the political climate like for drag queens in your countries?
23:53Canada, it's pretty, I would say, very, very progressive.
23:56But the human rights in Greece is very behind, especially with queer rights.
23:59In some places, you know, like Ciudad de Mexico, it's really open.
24:04You can go to anywhere and see drag queens.
24:07But in other states, it's really hard.
24:10They're still killing people just for being faggots.
24:15Well, my parents, actually, before I was on Canada Drag Race,
24:18we had a falling out because I did an interview,
24:21and basically I spoke about a lot of my realities growing up in Greece.
24:24And my parents, they were like, we've done everything for you.
24:26We moved to another country for you, and this is how you repay us.
24:29You have no right to say that.
24:30So we had a falling out.
24:32And I went on Drag Race, and I didn't tell them, and the show came out.
24:35My mom actually watched it, and she called me,
24:38and she started crying on the phone, and she was like,
24:40I finally understand what you do.
24:42I'm so proud of you.
24:43You're in your element.
24:44This is so beautiful.
24:45How did you feel at that moment?
24:47I was crying nonstop.
24:48I never expected that.
24:50And now she's one of my biggest supporters.
24:52It's so nice when I perform in some cities,
24:56and some moms came with their children and say,
24:59since I saw your story, I changed the way I saw life,
25:03and I'm here to improve my knowledge and also be with my kids.
25:08What we do is very important.
25:10This is drag.
25:12Deal with it.
25:13I'm not going anywhere.
25:15RuPaul's Drag Race, global all-stars.
25:18Her box office brings all the boys to the yard.
25:21Michelle Visage.
25:23That's because my rotten tomatoes are extra juicy.
25:27He puts the D in director.
25:30Jamal Sim.
25:32Ru, you know I love a little action.
25:36And our global style superstar, Carson Kressley.
25:41Now, did you play with dolls when you were growing up?
25:44Well, let's just say my sister's Barbies were impeccably dressed,
25:47but my G.I. Joes were always naked.
25:53This week we challenged our queens to star in trailers
25:56for blockbuster booby sequels.
25:59And tonight, on the runway, category is brown town.
26:04I've been there.
26:06All-stars, start your engines,
26:08and may the best global glamazon win.
26:11Because you're a star, baby.
26:14Now, what do you get when you mix all the colors in the rainbow?
26:19Category is brown town.
26:21Send in the browns.
26:23From Germany, Tessa T.
26:26I am giving you European fashion fresh off the Paris mother-tucking runway.
26:31She's the toast of the browns.
26:33Cachet for UPS.
26:38From Mexico, Galavaro.
26:40I'm serving post-apocalyptic Galavaro.
26:43Can you imagine having to sleep in that retainer?
26:46Mad Max is one of my favorite movies.
26:49Mad Max roadkill.
26:52From Sweden, Vanity Van.
26:55This look is a total homage to the winner of Drag Race Sweden,
27:00Admireth Underpussing.
27:02She did the hair for this look,
27:04and the dress is a complete copy of the silhouette,
27:08like the silhouette she does.
27:10Now, where did I put that chicken?
27:12She's been known to pluck a cockatoo.
27:17From the Philippines, Eva Laqueen.
27:20The inspiration for this look is the fashion week at Animal Kingdom.
27:24Hey, it's pleather weather.
27:27Feathers, fur, crocskin in shades of what? Brown.
27:32I look great in this color.
27:34It complements my skin. Amazing.
27:37From Canada, Hathia.
27:40I am serving ethical fur trade of the season.
27:43Oh, my God.
27:44I saw this look on her Growler profile.
27:47When I was designing this look,
27:49I thought about my love of, like, taxidermy and fur.
27:52Would you say she's into bareback?
27:54Two girls, one cub.
27:57From Italy, Nalelia.
28:00I serve to you a violin extravaganza.
28:05Oh, she's just having a little fiddle.
28:07I love to be glam, but I love to be quirky, too.
28:10The music came out from my boobs, and I play myself.
28:15Oh, is there something that I can say?
28:18Beethoven's 69th Symphony.
28:20Ooh, I'm familiar with that one.
28:22From France, Saoirse Meuse.
28:25I'm serving an homage to the first drag queen,
28:30William d'Orsay Swann.
28:33If you don't know William d'Orsay Swann,
28:35you need to go on Google Beach and do your research.
28:37Oh, I'm a fan. Yeah.
28:39With this kind of dress, with a lot of ruffles,
28:42and with a fan. This is him.
28:44And I want to bring this kind of story on this runway.
28:47I love her OnlyFans.
28:50From the United States of America,
28:53Alyssa Edwards.
28:54It's quite bizarre.
28:55I mean, I do got a damn clock on my head.
28:58The hat's a little cuckoo.
29:00Steampunk Alyssa is stomping this runway.
29:05What you jetpacking with Michelle Visage?
29:09Steampunk's not dead.
29:12From the United Kingdom,
29:14Kitty Scott-Clark.
29:16I am serving Kardashian realness.
29:18Send me to Calabasas, I'm going to film a sex tape,
29:21and that'll be my next movie role.
29:23Look, it's Khloe Kardashian.
29:26Bend and snap.
29:29She's the brown sheep of her family.
29:33From brown under, it's Queen Kong.
29:36Come on, island girl.
29:38Baby, this is quintessential elevated Queen Kong bitch.
29:41The deity from the Pacific mixed with warrior,
29:43mixed with sister, mom, nana, cousin.
29:47You're the Samoa.
29:48She's a warrior queen.
29:49All the details that lots of the women in my family made
29:52so that I could look like this damn bitch,
29:54I am so proud to be wearing them.
29:56Welcome to Kangaroo Paul's Drag Race.
30:04Welcome, all-stars.
30:07It's time for the world premiere of your booby sequel trailers.
30:12First up, Tessa Tessicle, Galavado,
30:17and Eva La Queen, starring in Frank and Booby.
30:25Brace yourself for the most electrifying horror
30:28ever seen on screen.
30:30My twisted formula to create the perfect booby is ready.
30:34Expect drama.
30:38It's on!
30:42And boobies.
30:45A star is born.
30:47Hello, boobies.
30:49My parents never let me play with booby dolls growing up.
30:53Look at me now.
30:55Does this haircut make my ass look big?
31:00I'd like to speak with your manager, please.
31:03I live in a castle next door,
31:04and this village is not zoned for monsters.
31:07Hi, pal.
31:08Hi, booby.
31:09What are you doing here?
31:12Listen, kid.
31:13You've got great knockers, but you're too stiff.
31:16But baby, I was born this way.
31:20This fall, horror goes Hollywood.
31:24You want bigger boobs?
31:26Frank and Booby, now in high max.
31:30Yeah, we could do that.
31:36Oh, my goodness.
31:38Oh, yeah.
31:39All right.
31:40I think it was really funny.
31:42I think I did a great job.
31:44Where's my fucking Oscar?
31:46Next up, Pathea.
31:48Nah, nah, nah.
31:49And so it amuse.
31:51In Boobies of the Caribbean.
31:53The search for buried booty.
31:56Ahoy, mateys.
31:58Get set for the most plunderful booby adventure of all time.
32:02Hand over your treasure map to the buried booty,
32:05or walk the plank.
32:07You'll never get your hook on the treasure map, glitter beard.
32:10I've hidden someplace far from your prime hide.
32:13Oh, you mean right there in your bosom?
32:15No, no.
32:17Give that back, you scurvy, scurly one.
32:20Or what?
32:22Hi, booby.
32:24Hi, booby.
32:25Yo-ho-ho, booby.
32:27Climb aboard Pirate Booby's pearl necklace pirate ship
32:30as they search for the mysterious buried booty.
32:33I hope it's roller skates.
32:35I hope it's a personal massager.
32:37I hope it's a hand with long fingernails
32:40and a little portable thumb.
32:42Prepare yourself for swish-buckling action.
32:48And motorboating.
32:50And hold on to your Jolly Rogers.
32:53Heist bag! Dance ahead!
32:56Because it wouldn't be a pirate movie without a twist.
33:02Hi, Ben.
33:04Hi, Ben.
33:05Hi, Ben.
33:06We know, white buddy.
33:08Forget it, Barty Treasure.
33:10It's all about the booty.
33:12Don't miss Boobies of the Caribbean,
33:14The Search for Buried Booty, rated R.
33:17Is the pirate ship still running?
33:23And now, Alyssa Edwards, Kitty Scott Claus,
33:27and Queen Kong in Jurassic Booby.
33:32On an island deep in the middle of the Pacific.
33:36They say you've brought a vintage booby doll to life.
33:39I enthuse the original booby doll with dinosaur DNA.
33:43Wait, you combine boobies with dinosaur DNA?
33:47What could go wrong?
33:50Director Steven Spielboob presents a movie
33:56with 65 billion boobies in the making.
33:59Oopsie, can someone please hand me my lipstick?
34:03Boys are made passers at girls who wear glasses.
34:07I love the smell of DNA in the morning.
34:12Hi, boobie.
34:13Hi, boobie.
34:14Hi, boobie.
34:15Hi, boobie.
34:16Hi, boobie.
34:17Hi, Ben.
34:18I do dinosaurs.
34:19Ooh, let's go on a date.
34:23No, boobie.
34:24You must be careful.
34:30Expect running.
34:31I just want to play with you.
34:33Oh, shit.
34:34Falling down.
34:36And a whole lot of jiggling.
34:40Jurassic Booby.
34:43Now in 3D and Triple D.
34:48I think we're going to need a bigger bra.
34:57I think all three sequels are funny.
34:59However, I think ours is hilarious.
35:03Well done.
35:05I saw, like, really great performances from the others,
35:08so I'm not going to put my expectations too high up.
35:12Ladykins, you all slayed the silver screen,
35:16but this week's winning trailer is...
35:22Jurassic Booby.
35:28Oh, well done, girls, but not quite as good as us.
35:32We are not the winner of this challenge.
35:36That is really unquestionable,
35:38but the girls who win the challenge
35:40were literally surprised they won the challenge.
35:44But, you know, that's the game.
35:46And the top all-star of the week is...
35:52Queen Kong.
35:58Well done!
35:59That's so good.
36:01Contragulations, you've won a cash tip of $10,000.
36:04Well done.
36:06Alyssa Edwards, Kitty Scott Claus,
36:08you are safe to slay another day.
36:11Thank you so much.
36:13You three may leave the stage.
36:15Thank you so much.
36:17Good job, girls.
36:19Good luck, girls.
36:20Because the competition is so close this week,
36:24no one is safe from elimination.
36:34Now it's time for the judges' critiques.
36:36First up, Tessa T.
36:39Dr. Frankenbooby was hilarious.
36:42You're not afraid to take risks.
36:44It felt like you were comfortable,
36:46it felt like you really understood your character,
36:48and you kicked off the piece.
36:49You were the first person I think that popped up on screen,
36:51and you really set the right tone.
36:53I love what you're wearing, too.
36:55I love the silhouette.
36:56It really matches your sense of humor
36:58and your ridiculousness.
37:00There's something about you that is just absolutely ridiculous.
37:04How long have you been doing drag?
37:06Seven years.
37:07Seven years?
37:09And all thanks to you.
37:10Well, don't blame me.
37:14Up next, from Mexico, Galavaro.
37:16Hola, mami.
37:17Weirdo Booby was a home run.
37:20The physicality of the character was amazing.
37:23It was important to be silly and goofy
37:25and willing to look ugly, for lack of better words.
37:28And you had fun.
37:29Tonight on the runway, I want to say my favorite part
37:31about this is the hair and makeup.
37:33It just needs to be more structured
37:35so we can see you under it.
37:36I think the critique that we probably all have
37:39is that it's not messy, it's just overwhelming.
37:42And when it was all kind of smushed together,
37:45it becomes confusing to the eye.
37:47Up next, Vanity Vane from Sweden.
37:51Let's talk about your monster, Booby.
37:53I thought that you were the star of your ensemble.
37:56I thought it was smart, fun, inventive, and memorable.
37:59I think that thing where you changed your voice
38:01made you stand out in this group.
38:03I did change my voice, like, really good.
38:07And then I can be just one that's also...
38:09That's great.
38:10I think you're going to get some voiceover stuff.
38:13Call me.
38:15I think your hair and your makeup is so beautiful.
38:18You're such a pretty queen.
38:19I think that this gown is beautiful,
38:21but I think it's a bit simple.
38:22I think it's a bit, I'm going to use the B word, but basic.
38:25And you're not a basic queen at all.
38:30Up next, Eva La Queen.
38:32Let's talk about your pitchfork, Booby.
38:34Yeah, she was, you know, the nosy, annoying neighbor.
38:37When I first saw you on screen, I was like,
38:39oh, she's got this.
38:40This is totally going to work.
38:42And then it kind of ebbed and flowed,
38:44but I think it was just
38:45maybe an inconsistency of character.
38:47It's really important when you come on
38:49to find out who your character is.
38:51I wanted it to be funny
38:52from the time you walked on all the way,
38:54but I feel like sometimes you would fall out of character.
38:58Tonight on the runway, Eva, you always look beautiful.
39:00This hair and makeup is absolutely stunning.
39:03But this, too, again, is a bit too simple.
39:06When I think of drag on a global platform,
39:09I want to see global drag.
39:10So this just isn't up to your level for me.
39:14You're welcome.
39:16Up next, Pathia.
39:17Okay, let's talk about your glitter beard, Booby.
39:19Drag is about over-the-top kind of silliness,
39:23and you really embraced it, you had fun with it,
39:26and because you did,
39:27we, the viewer, had fun with it as well.
39:30Pathia, this outfit is ridiculous.
39:32I love it so much.
39:33It's got the humor, it's got the class,
39:36but it's also got that funny-ass bear dragging behind you.
39:39Thank you, Ru, thank you, everyone.
39:41Up next, Nelania.
39:43Nelly, one thing you need to know about yourself
39:46is that you are naturally hysterical.
39:48Don't let anybody tell you that you're not.
39:50You are magical.
39:51So you did some great work as Damsel.
39:56I just wish it was down just a little bit more.
39:59This look makes me smile.
40:01It is so fun.
40:03Great idea, great execution,
40:05very sophisticated, very high drag.
40:08You stole the show.
40:09Thank you so much.
40:11Up next, from France, Soda Muse.
40:14Bonjour, chérie, comment vas-tu?
40:16How's your head?
40:19You keep surprising me.
40:20Just when I think that I know who you are,
40:22now you're funny, and I had no idea that that was coming.
40:25This look is really, really spectacular.
40:29I think it's one of the coolest hairdos
40:31we've ever seen on RuPaul's Drag Race.
40:33You tend to go very dark on your makeup colors.
40:36You like a dark lip, a dark eye, a dark eyebrow.
40:38I'm talking about just giving some life
40:41to all the browns and blacks that you put on your face.
40:43So it gives it some dimension.
40:45Does that make sense?
40:46Yeah, yeah, that's right, I understand.
40:47You look absolutely beautiful.
40:49You were fantastic in the movie trailer.
40:51I loved how you worked in your heritage into the role.
40:55I thought it was fantastic.
40:56Thank you so much.
40:57Thank you, all-stars.
40:59I think you've heard enough.
41:00You may leave the stage.
41:03Ciao, ciao.
41:04Au revoir.
41:05Oh, my God!
41:06Oh, my God!
41:08You did it.
41:09That was wild.
41:13Like, ugh.
41:14Firstly, thank you so much.
41:15I had such an amazing time with the two of you.
41:17The group chemistry was so dynamic, and that is important
41:20because I'll tell you, this was a challenge that I went home on.
41:23All right.
41:24How do you think the other girls did?
41:26I'm just kidding.
41:27So who do we think's in the bottom?
41:28Well, I don't want to say names.
41:32I'd say Eva and maybe Tessa.
41:36She had a lot of missed opportunities.
41:37A lot of missed opportunities.
41:38That's what I feel.
41:39Yeah, I think Gala played the weird Barbie,
41:41and that was kind of spot-on.
41:42I think that was good.
41:43It's a hard one.
41:44Is it, though?
41:45Flip a coin.
41:46If we take the runways into account...
41:48We always know Eva's going to be beautiful,
41:50but it's like...
41:52I want more.
41:54All right.
41:55All right.
41:56All right.
41:59I'm emotional.
42:00I'm fragile.
42:01It was crazy because I know I receive good critiques,
42:03but at the same time, I don't really appreciate it.
42:06They say I have a good performance.
42:09They were impressed because I bring something new.
42:13Sorry, I'm just...
42:14I'm just like...
42:15It's a lot of...
42:18But I'm here to show my real self,
42:20so my failure, my strengths, everything.
42:24They say that you have the most beautiful hairstyle
42:28in Drag Race history, baby.
42:31So, Benny, how did it go for you out there?
42:34It was kind of mixed.
42:35I'm just so disappointed
42:36because I didn't come here to be in the bottom.
42:38I'm starting to get in my own head,
42:40and that is not a good sign
42:41because I did that during my whole season
42:43back home in Sweden.
42:47Gala, how about you, babes?
42:48I'm really happy about my critiques
42:50because they love the character.
42:52Also, the concept of the look.
42:53Just question a little bit what is happening
42:55in the ways or in between
42:57because there is so much things happening.
42:59But I love it,
43:00so maybe the next time,
43:02I'm going to take something off
43:05to give them what they need.
43:08Eva, how about you, baby?
43:10I bet you look good.
43:11Hey, baby, take a couple breaths.
43:12You're all right.
43:13You're gorgeous.
43:14I didn't come 30 hours away from the Philippines to be here,
43:18not to give my all.
43:19I am really just full of emotions
43:22because I have the eyes and the hopes
43:25of an entire country resting on my shoulders.
43:28I'll get ready for the fight of my life.
43:31You got this, baby.
43:32Welcome back, all-stars.
43:34This week, you all put your breast foot forward,
43:39which makes this decision all the more difficult.
43:44Eva Laqueen.
43:50I'm sorry, my dears,
43:52but you are both up for elimination.
43:59The rest of you are safe.
44:04You may join the other girls.
44:07Well done, girls.
44:08I'm a little bit surprised
44:09because in some way,
44:11I thought that I could win,
44:13so, but if you want to show,
44:16let's give you some show.
44:18Two global all-stars stand before me.
44:22Ladies, this is your last chance
44:25to impress me and save yourself
44:29from elimination.
44:32The time has come
44:35for you to lip-sync for your life.
44:43Gala might be the ultimate performer,
44:46but I lip-sync with all my heart.
44:49For sure, if I'm going to lip-sync,
44:51I'm gonna fight.
44:53Good luck, and don't fuck it up.
45:04I'm talking away.
45:07I don't know what to say.
45:09I'll say it anyway.
45:12Today is not my day
45:14to fight shy away.
45:18I'm coming for you,
45:19I know the game.
45:20Take on me.
45:24Take on me.
45:26To be safe and sound.
45:27Take on me.
45:31Take on me.
45:33Take me on.
45:37Take on me.
45:38I'll be gone
45:42in a day or two.
45:47Take on me.
45:52Take on me.
45:54I'll be gone.
45:57Take on me.
45:59Take on me.
46:08Good job.
46:11That was fun.
46:13Good job, babies.
46:14Ladykins, I've made my decision.
46:24Shante, you stay.
46:27Well done, baby.
46:28You may join the other girls.
46:29Gracias, mamá.
46:33Eva Laqueen,
46:34you are and will always be
46:37an international icon.
46:40Now, sashay away.
46:42Thank you, thank you so much
46:43for this opportunity.
46:47I'll take it like a queen.
46:49Long live Laqueen!
46:55Condragulations, all-stars,
46:57and remember,
46:58if you can't love yourself,
46:59how in the hell
47:00are you gonna love somebody else?
47:01Can I get an amen up in here?
47:03All right, now let the music play.
47:05Next time on RuPaul's Global All-Stars.
47:07So start applying your makeup now.
47:10Oh, fuck off!
47:12For this week's maxi challenge,
47:14each of you needs to make
47:16your own cocktail dress.
47:18Vanity, you changed yours so much.
47:20I hate it.
47:22I totally ruined the whole idea.
47:24Are you okay?
47:25You look like you've been crying.
47:27Don't worry, I've been getting it.
47:29You sure?