• 2 weeks ago


00:00This is my first Untucked and I'm very excited.
00:14Not only are we back in the Untucked lounge, but very excited to have a little beverage.
00:23This is still only the first week, this challenge is going to set the precedent for the rest
00:27of the competition.
00:28I want to show all of us who to really be watching.
00:31Would it make anyone uncomfortable if my tits were out?
00:34There it goes.
00:34How's everybody feeling?
00:36Wait, does everybody have their drink open?
00:39Well, I just wanted to propose a little toast.
00:40We may have walked in second,
00:41but Diva, look at everyone here.
00:42I think that we're placing first.
00:44Like, this is drag excellent.
00:45Here's to season 16, the B-team.
00:47Come on, B-team.
00:48Is everybody, like, feeling more comfortable
00:50now that we've done everything and we gotta do more?
00:52I mean, like, it was kind of surreal being on the runway.
00:55I wish I could have seen it.
00:57Oh, because your lenses.
00:59The whole time, I'm like,
01:00follow the light, follow the light on the floor.
01:02Don't let me go falling off this stage now.
01:05Plain Jane, how does it feel to be, like,
01:07the stupidest queen on KSB?
01:10I am the dumbest bitch in the world, and I love it.
01:13I was dying, like, what the hell?
01:15It was the mustard and ketchup at the end for me,
01:17but they would not stop coming out the front.
01:18Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:20I wanted it to last forever, you know?
01:22I wanted to just, like, keep looking at that camera.
01:25We can feel that, we can feel that.
01:25It felt like it.
01:26It was the sound of it hitting the floor,
01:28bouncing off your tits.
01:29It was so cute.
01:32We were all just, like, sitting there, like.
01:34I was like, mustard?
01:35Yeah, I was like, I don't feel so good.
01:37That was truly, like, a dream-come-true moment for me.
01:42You know, having Ru, like, live for my idiocy and stupidity
01:46and, you know, my titties and my burger finger.
01:48I've never heard those two words,
01:50burger finger, together before.
01:52And I am living for it.
01:55Oh my gosh.
01:55They can do whatever they want in Congress
01:57and all their little things.
01:58We have burger fingers.
02:00Ha, ha!
02:01Here's to burger fingers.
02:03Burger fingers!
02:05Coming, coming soon.
02:06All right, Miss Maya, are you genuinely physically okay?
02:11Okay, good.
02:12Well, no, no, no.
02:13She's like, are you mad?
02:14No, no, that was not me being.
02:15That was shade.
02:16Yeah, no, no, no, that wasn't shade at all.
02:17The hair stand, bitch?
02:19Oh, that was fucking fierce.
02:20Yeah, I don't even know.
02:21I couldn't even describe to you how you got up on that box.
02:25I just saw your limbs flailing
02:26and all of a sudden you were up.
02:28So for me, like for the talent,
02:29I was comfortable, I was confident
02:31and energized and feeling it.
02:32But when it came to the runway look,
02:35like it all went down.
02:36You know, coming from where I'm from in Miami,
02:38you like to give the whole glamour look
02:40and I just kind of feel like I'm in a incomplete outfit.
02:43Still looked good.
02:45But I'm gonna redeem myself definitely.
02:49I felt the same way.
02:50This was not my first choice.
02:52It was supposed to be like a candy wrapper,
02:55but I tried to make it all in the hotel,
02:57ran out of fabric.
02:57So I said, maybe I'll cut it in half
02:59and like make it a little Hershey's Kiss type of situation.
03:02But then I would have to like squat
03:03and like do this on the runway.
03:04I mean, that would be so good.
03:05But I felt complete, like stupid, but in a bad way.
03:08I thought you liked stupid.
03:09I like stupid, but I don't like stupid stupid.
03:11You're like tasteful stupid.
03:13So does anybody else have any excuses
03:15why they look like shit today?
03:16No, I'm kidding.
03:17Let's talk about you.
03:20Would you like to start?
03:21You start.
03:22My designer, I was supposed to have three reveals actually.
03:26Stop relying on those buns.
03:29Miss Banana Queen.
03:31You gagged me.
03:31Did I?
03:32Did I gag you with bananas?
03:34No, I thought your reveal was just going to be
03:36like the green thing.
03:37So when you kept taking more and more stuff off,
03:39I was like, ah, ah, ah.
03:40Baby, I am showing you the whole evolution
03:44of a banana and how it rocks.
03:47Who did this fucking hair?
03:48It is so good.
03:49My friend from Taiwan.
03:50Will you send us their Insta when we're out of here?
03:51Of course.
03:52Okay, great.
03:53We all come out for a reunion
03:55and we're all a different fruit or vegetable.
03:57She got hers, I got mine.
03:58What y'all got to do?
03:59Mine's self-explanatory melons.
04:01I'm more of a passion fruit myself.
04:04Bitch, yeah, an impassioned fruit.
04:06Your talent show, no seriously,
04:08like also being someone who grew up in Texas,
04:10I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
04:12And knowing that, no offense,
04:13but like knowing that this shit is still incredibly real.
04:17I don't know, in New York,
04:18I feel like sometimes we live in a bubble
04:19because most places that we go and drag are safe places.
04:24But I mean, even in places like New York,
04:27in the last year, I've been feeling the unease.
04:30So, you know, maybe it wasn't the most entertaining thing,
04:35but I'm still so insanely proud
04:38that I could do that on national television
04:41and speak that message to millions of people
04:44who maybe do love drag,
04:46but don't realize like we're more than just characters.
04:48We're actual human beings.
04:50You have to protect us too.
04:52So I do not regret a single second of it.
04:56Your number definitely conveyed like an important message
04:59and it was clearly very important to you.
05:00But do you think that your number
05:02was the best representation of like what you bring
05:04and your talent and what you do as a drag artist?
05:13I fully don't expect to be like in the top.
05:17I'm happy with what I did.
05:19That's the kind of drag that I love doing
05:22and that speaks to my heart.
05:24Doing numbers about issues in the world.
05:27There was a moment where I was kind of like,
05:29damn, maybe I should have just leaned into the comedy
05:32and done something super wacky and funny.
05:34But at the same time for me,
05:36making a statement is kind of worth the risk.
05:39You don't change the world by doing things safely.
05:42You kind of have to, you know, break a few molds
05:45and do something out of the box.
05:48I mean, I get it.
05:48So I feel like I just have to now go the extra mile
05:51of showing them that yeah, I'm fucking stupid as hell too.
05:55But I got to send a message that I really believe in.
05:57So I'm happy.
06:00I think it's really hard
06:01because I feel like everyone showed something so different.
06:04Like no two of us like were the same.
06:06Like everyone brought something personal to them.
06:09How do you feel, Ms. Hershey LaCour?
06:11So I was glad that everybody like got the performance
06:15that made me feel so good
06:16because I was nervous as hell.
06:18Especially when I squatted behind the trees
06:19and everybody was looking at me like,
06:20what the fuck is happening over here?
06:22I'm not gonna lie, at the beginning I was like,
06:23is she peeing or what's this thing doing over there?
06:26What is happening?
06:28And I like to be glamorous and stupid.
06:29So I knew the performance was going to be like dumb.
06:31Like, why were you in the wilderness?
06:32Because that's why I was looking for the whiplash.
06:34You're a little wild.
06:35But yeah, a mix of emotions because it was really good.
06:37But I was telling good sis over here earlier,
06:39I have two kids.
06:40So being here this week has been very emotionally
06:43all over the place for me because going to sleep,
06:45I can't hear them.
06:46It's weird not hearing their voice.
06:48And it got to me a little bit.
06:49Well, Hershey, if you miss them so much,
06:51we can send you home.
06:52I'm okay.
06:53You can just ask one of us.
06:55We can always outperform you in a lip sync battle
06:57to help you out, you know?
06:59The flip side of that is this is also a vacation
07:01from two toddlers.
07:02So I think-
07:03There she goes, there she goes.
07:05They're with their other father and they'll be just fine.
07:08Cheers to that.
07:10Cheers to that, girl.
07:12Cheers to some alcohol at the end of a long ass week.
07:17So did anyone have a critique
07:18that they didn't personally like?
07:22I didn't.
07:23Did you say you didn't?
07:24Come on.
07:25Listen, I like my little old lady church skirt.
07:28Can you not show us the length again?
07:29Because I was like standing right next to you
07:30and I was trying not to go like-
07:31Me too.
07:32Like looking right at you, yeah.
07:33You know, the church mother hem,
07:35you know, they cover their shins.
07:36You don't show too much leg.
07:37That's not ladylike.
07:40So since it's up to us to decide like who is in the top,
07:43do we think we should go by-
07:45I think we have a new queen.
07:47Now what the fuck is she doing?
07:48I'm a bitch!
07:49I'm a bitch!
07:50I'm a bitch!
07:52Is this an actual pound cake?
07:53Is she a straight up motherfucking dick pic?
07:55Or not?
07:56If it is, you broke it, girl.
07:57You broke an heirloom.
07:59Put stuff back.
08:00No, put it back.
08:01Put it back.
08:01Pound cake loves you.
08:03I love pound cake.
08:04I think we should let little pound cake
08:06decide who's in the top.
08:07Why don't they just say much?
08:08She's, yeah, well.
08:09So who do we think would be like
08:11the top talents of this week?
08:14How much does Runway weigh into it?
08:15Since we're talking about immunity,
08:17I'm looking at everything that everybody brought.
08:19So I'm looking at performance and the runway.
08:20We talking about immunity,
08:21I ain't about to let you have it easy.
08:24If we're talking about critiques,
08:26I think we can all agree that Jane got the best critiques.
08:29I appreciate that.
08:30Well, I have ears, so I heard what they said.
08:33But it's up to, you know,
08:34it's up to my sisters to judge fairly, so.
08:38I feel good about Rhea Queen
08:39because I got amazing critiques on the Runway.
08:42And there's no doubt in my mind
08:44that I will be in the top this week,
08:45but we'll see how it goes.
08:48So full disclosure,
08:49like I'm gonna lay my cards out on the table.
08:52Everybody gagged me in a good way.
08:53Like, I have to admit, you know,
08:55I feel like I underestimated, you know,
08:58probably, you know, most of you
08:59when I first walked in here,
09:01but I feel like I-
09:02Put a name on it.
09:03Okay, okay.
09:04Let me, let me, let me just go for it.
09:05So I think that I really enjoyed you.
09:08You killed it.
09:10And I really enjoyed Geneva, so.
09:12Thank you, Miss Burger Finger.
09:13Of course.
09:14You have the Burger Finger seal of approval,
09:17certified fresh.
09:19So do you-
09:20You've been Burger Fingered.
09:21Did I get to smell your finger?
09:22Yes, smell it, baby.
09:25Plain Drake, you and Geneva,
09:26I didn't know what y'all were coming with.
09:28So I was like, waiting for y'all.
09:29You gagged me the most.
09:30Like, out of everybody.
09:31To be completely honest with you.
09:33Miss Plain, you also really, like,
09:34impressed me and shocked the fuck out of me
09:36because I was like,
09:36what the fuck is this bitch gonna do
09:37with mustard and ketchup and burgers?
09:39And then also, Nymphia, like, honestly,
09:41like, I kind of did underestimate you.
09:44I'll say it to your face, girl,
09:44because that's how we do it in Texas.
09:46You did actually amazing, and I'm like, fuck, you know?
09:48So for me, y'all two would be the ones
09:51for me to get rid of.
09:52Did I just now get it?
09:53Oh, get rid of?
09:54I bet.
09:56So for me, Banana Lady.
09:58I don't want Banana Lady.
09:59My Mexican diva, Geneva.
10:02Y'all did something no one ever did on the show,
10:03so kudos to that.
10:05You see, that's why I kind of wanted to do,
10:07because I'm like,
10:08no one's actually ever danced Mexican folklore,
10:10much twisted with, like, a little bit of comedy.
10:11It's like, talking about, like,
10:12sucking dick, but with a chitlet.
10:13You gave us a little bit of everything, you know?
10:16Yeah, girl.
10:18Now I know your name for sure,
10:19but I don't know what's going on behind,
10:21like, Geneva, the love of the diva.
10:23You know, I just wanted to come here
10:25and being the first Mexican-born queen on the show
10:27and also the first one from Brownsville, Texas,
10:29I wanted to just showcase that there's a lot of talent
10:31that's, like, hidden over there deep in Texas.
10:33Deep in the heart of Texas, baby.
10:35I think it's a toss-up between the three of you
10:40on the sofa over here for me.
10:43Plasma, despite what Michelle had said,
10:46I fully enjoyed everything you did,
10:49and your voice is fucking amazing, first of all.
10:51Fuck you.
10:52Oh, yeah, yeah.
10:52You were good.
10:53You were good, girl.
10:54Singing was, like, my first love, like, in this life.
10:58Thank you for saying that.
10:59I appreciate it.
11:00I sort of agree with what Michelle said.
11:01Like, my approach with the talent show was,
11:04if, like, Plasma had an hour or two-hour variety special,
11:07what would she do?
11:08She would do impressions, which, like...
11:14Untucked cameras rolling.
11:16What would she do?
11:17She would do impressions, which, like...
11:20Oh, my God.
11:22Girlie, girl!
11:23I love an onstage moment,
11:24but I also love a backstage moment.
11:25Can I come hang?
11:28Becky G!
11:29Oh, my God, I'm so excited for her!
11:31And it's kind of like, oh, my God, we get another chance
11:32to, like, talk to her and ask her more questions.
11:35And I never got in to go to one of her concerts,
11:36so maybe I can slide into the backstage now.
11:39We were all discussing the fact that we're impressed
11:42with the group as a whole being, like, so different
11:44and so versatile and, like, I don't know,
11:46not to, like, toot our own horns, but...
11:48Toot the horns.
11:48Where are the horns?
11:50Yeah, where are the motherfucking horns?
11:51Where are the horns?
11:52They showed me that, yeah.
11:54I love that.
11:55I'm so happy that you guys feel that way.
11:56I wanted to ask you guys how you guys felt after everything,
12:00like, about each other, but more importantly, of course,
12:02how you guys felt about yourselves.
12:04Honestly, I feel great about my performance
12:07because I was nervous that nobody would get it.
12:08People got it, so great.
12:09One of my goals being in the competition,
12:11I want more drag friends.
12:12And everybody here, in one way or another,
12:14has been, like, really sweet to me.
12:15So I'm enjoying my week.
12:17Love that.
12:18Wait till next week.
12:18No, no, no.
12:20I'm still coming!
12:21I'm gonna come back just for fun
12:23because the quads will be out.
12:25Period, yeah.
12:25In Spanish, I like to say,
12:27juntos somos mas, together we are so much more.
12:29And I love what you were saying about enjoying this week
12:32and this process because I really do think
12:34it is about community.
12:35Like, being able to come together
12:37and lovingly push each other to become the best
12:39that we can become.
12:40That is sometimes putting a little fire
12:42into each other's asses,
12:43but it always, I think, should come from a place of love,
12:45for sure.
12:46You have a genuine spirit.
12:47Like, you have a good energy around you.
12:49I feel so safe to be myself here with you guys.
12:52Like, that, I think, is, like, the best part for me.
12:54And you guys know how it is as entertainers and artists.
12:57It's hard to take things in life
12:58and then make them into something beautiful
13:01and then present it to the world
13:02and then put it out on the stage for people to judge.
13:04So when we get to have these backstage moments
13:05and we get to just kick the heels off,
13:07it's a breath of fresh air and it's really nice.
13:09I feel so lucky to be able to share this moment
13:12with you guys, truly.
13:12The feeling is so mutual.
13:14Oh, oh, you good?
13:16Yeah, I can't see anything.
13:19Not even my own hands.
13:20And that's where my eyes are.
13:21I know, it's because the eyes are a little off-glide
13:23a little bit right now.
13:23Yeah, she heard you walk in and she was like,
13:24oh my God, Michelle.
13:28I love that, what a compliment.
13:30Do you have any advice for us, like,
13:31moving forward in the competition?
13:32Um, I would say everyone you see on the way up
13:35is everyone you see on the way down.
13:36Always be a good person.
13:38There's so much behind the outfits,
13:40the glitz, the glam, the makeup,
13:42the charisma that we have to have to turn on that switch.
13:45But I think to be a professional
13:47and really be in this for the long run,
13:49it's being a good person, yeah.
13:52It's gonna be hard for all of these rotted bitches,
13:53but thank you, thank you, Becky.
13:55I just gotta be the little bit of a...
13:59I'm gonna leave you guys to it.
14:01But keep loving one another,
14:03keep loving yourselves, and keep being proud.
14:05And yeah, I love you guys.
14:08I love you, Becky G.
14:10Te quiero, Becky G.
14:12Te amo.
14:13Bye, guys.
14:13Thank you, mami hermosa.
14:15Queens, this is your five-minute warning.
14:16Stand by to rate a queen.
14:18Thank you, Justin.
14:19Five minutes.
14:20Five minutes.
14:21Wait five minutes before we rate the queens,
14:23so we have five more minutes to, like, deliberate.
14:25Who do y'all think should go home?
14:27You, it's you.
14:28No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
14:29But I just cleared custom.
14:31Cleared, sorry, bye.
14:34Let's get all cameras up.
14:35Rolling, rolling.
14:37While we're still here,
14:38does anybody have any campaign pitches
14:40as to why they should be, you know, picked?
14:43I don't, but none of y'all about to buy Whiplash?
14:45That was a good commercial.
14:47I just wanna say,
14:48I thought it was a Bob the Drag Queen song
14:50when I first heard it.
14:51I didn't realize...
14:52Bob the Drag Queen is my mom in my head,
14:54so I'll take that.
14:55That's a compliment to me.
14:56I love Bob.
14:57Bob, you heard it here first.
14:59Bob, you have your new daughter.
15:01All right, queens, follow me.
15:02It's time to rate a queen.
15:04Oh no.
15:05Stop yelling at me.
15:06Let's hit it.
15:07Yes, thank you.
15:08I need carrying.
15:09This way?
15:12Rolling, rolling.
15:14Okay, in first position.
15:17So now it is time for rate a queen.
15:18I'm a little nervous.
15:19I'm not gonna lie to you.
15:20I'm a little shaken.
15:22Cus are we gonna get an opportunity
15:24to see the other seven girls?
15:25Who knows?
15:27I have a lot to prove to myself.
15:28I have a lot to prove to my children.
15:29I have a lot to prove to the other girls
15:30in the competition,
15:31because nobody's really looking at me
15:33like I'm something to worry about,
15:34and I hate that.
15:36I understand the game that I'm playing,
15:38and I understand the risk that I took,
15:41and you kind of have to accept the consequences
15:43of taking a risk.
15:45But I have so much more that I wanna do and show,
15:48and I cannot go home right now.
15:51Kind of terrifying.
15:52And that's the team that you need.
15:55Welcome back, queens.
15:56This week, no one is going home.
16:02This week, the top two queens will lip sync for the win.
16:06Based on your rate a queen results,
16:09our top two queens of the week are
16:12Plain Jane and Geneva Carr.
16:15This is your chance to impress me
16:17and earn immunity from a future elimination.
16:21Time has come for you to lip sync for the win.
16:35Plain Jane, congratulations, you're a winner, baby.
16:41I think the queens knew that I was the one to watch,
16:45and this just confirmed it for them.
16:47There probably will be some fierce competition.
16:50There will be some fiercer bitches
16:52that I'm gonna have to watch out for in the group to come.
16:55But who knows?
16:56Maybe they're all just dead weight.
16:57I guess we'll see, girl.
