• last week


00:00I love a nice cock and a tail.
00:16Okay, so it's our first Untucked, and I am very excited to be here.
00:21I'm very excited to sit down on the couch with the other girls and get to know them
00:24a bit better.
00:25Oh my God.
00:26Well, ladies.
00:27How are we feeling?
00:28That was our first runway.
00:29We're done.
00:32To season 14.
00:34All right.
00:35Do we want to go down the line and see how everybody's feeling and all that stuff?
00:39Daya, how are you feeling?
00:41I know.
00:42I don't have tons of money.
00:43I don't have expensive gowns.
00:46I'm not that kind of girl.
00:48My shit's fucking falling apart, but I'm proud of it, even though my titty's hanging out.
00:52Who cares?
00:53Let that nipple freeze.
00:54But you know-
00:55Say the nipple.
00:56I feel like I've more or less liked how I looked, so there's a little hope there, but
01:01I mean, it's just kind of sad to me to hear Ru say he doesn't know who I am, because it's
01:06like it took me such a long time to figure out who I was, and I feel like I'm so confident
01:11in who I am, and not being able to portray that to Ru is really disheartening to me.
01:16And if I got a fucking lip sync, I'm going to fucking do it.
01:21If my shit falls off my body-
01:23Let it drop.
01:24I'm going to just show him my titties and let it go.
01:26It's not a tear away, it's a fall apart.
01:28And it's still a reveal.
01:30Whatever happens, like you right now look so good.
01:33No, you do.
01:34Everyone looks amazing.
01:35I mean, I know.
01:38Matty, how are you feeling?
01:39I honestly don't know how to feel.
01:40I got like a lot of critiques from the judges.
01:42During my number, I was really trying to show like emotion, so I thought that if I was getting
01:47into it, that would make a better performance, and it actually hurt me, and I feel like it's
01:52like 50-50 chance that I'm lip syncing tonight.
01:55You're not giving yourself enough credit, like you're the only one that's like playing
01:58an instrument, so that's like being individually you, and that's good.
02:02They loved your runway.
02:04They didn't want to say they didn't like your talent.
02:06They just wish they could see you more.
02:07They felt like they wished that you would let them in.
02:09Yeah, well, I mean, like I would feel really good about it if like other girls got like
02:13a lot of awful critiques, but like-
02:16No, hold up, hold up.
02:18No, but what I mean by that is like the only people that really got negative critiques
02:22was me, Daya, and Deja.
02:25I do think they're excited about your drag, and I think what a great way to fucking start
02:29with that runway look.
02:30I think you just let everyone know exactly who you are.
02:33You gave us so much acting and so many, you know, ways of like moving your head and lifting
02:37your hands.
02:38It was very finessed.
02:39I loved every second of the runway.
02:42And they want to see more of you, too, you know, so that's a good thing, you know?
02:45They want you to do better and get better, you know, so-
02:48And I want to show them more, but, you know, fingers crossed.
02:51How are you feeling?
02:52Oh, my God.
02:53Not even going to lie, I feel on top of the world right now because, girl, I kid you not,
02:57I was so, so very nervous because if I were to fuck up on this, like, oh, my God, it would
03:03just be so embarrassing for me because this is what I'm known back home for doing.
03:07I'm a lip sync assassin, I feel like, and I don't want to disappoint nobody.
03:12And you opened the show.
03:13Oh, my God.
03:14I know that was-
03:15That's a lot of pressure.
03:16Girl, it was just amazing.
03:18You look so fucking impeccable.
03:19Thank you so much.
03:20Thank y'all so much.
03:21And legit, if it wasn't for y'all and, like, telling me, like, you're going to be fine,
03:26We got you, girl.
03:27Y'all are my sisters.
03:28Deja, how are you feeling?
03:31I feel good about what I presented on the runway.
03:38You got it, babe.
03:47I feel like the positive of this experience has weighed off the negative.
03:52It's just hard to not think of the negative.
03:56I feel like I had expectation within myself and a little bit, I feel like Ru had an expectation
04:05And I feel like I disappointed him.
04:09The thing is, is when we were talking in the workroom, like, he said, you are exactly what
04:14we're looking for in this competition.
04:16Like, for him to view my tape.
04:17Hi, Deja.
04:19I am so happy you're here.
04:20You know, because your audition reel was one that I really, really enjoyed.
04:25And I feel like you have the background to really excel in this competition.
04:29I'm hoping.
04:31To go from feeling on top of the world to feeling like you let down an idol, I feel
04:45like I dropped the ball and I have no one to blame but myself.
04:49I wanted to make sure that whatever I was doing was authentically me.
04:52Keep in mind, yes, I'm comedic, but I'm not a comedy queen.
04:56Like I'm on the whim kind of, yeah, yeah, I'm not a boom, boom, crash.
05:00It's your crass like attitude and things like that, your quick whip.
05:02Can I say something to you?
05:04I know people are going to fall so in love with you.
05:09Can I just be real for you for a second?
05:10Yes, we want to have expectations of ourselves.
05:12Yes, it's good to push yourself.
05:13You have to be, I feel like, aware that sometimes if you have an expectation of what you're
05:17going to do, you could actually go further than that if you don't have that expectation.
05:22So like, yes, push yourself, but don't hate on yourself if you don't meet your expectation.
05:28Next time, girl, like, you're going to be fine.
05:30You're going to be fine.
05:31So how are you feeling, sis?
05:34I feel like I'm very self-aware to the point where it's like detrimental.
05:37I'm so guarded a lot of the time and maybe it's ballet, maybe it's whatever, I don't
05:42know what it is.
05:43But like, just this dance thing that I did today, I was like going to go and I'm going
05:48to show her all my five, six, seven, eights, my pas de bourrées, but they don't even care
05:51about that.
05:52They don't.
05:53They want to see who you are.
05:54You are.
05:55I was like, fuck it.
05:56I'm just going to, you know.
05:57You like completely let go and we could all see you just having fun.
06:01I get it.
06:03The ballet training, absolutely.
06:04But it's not even just the ballet training.
06:06There's something protective and like that protection is a war.
06:10If I got in a plane tonight, I would be so upset if I was just this the whole time.
06:16Because who cares about that?
06:18And can I tell you something?
06:20Tell her.
06:21When you're talking about, I'm going to tell her.
06:23No, because I really gravitated towards you like here and I just want you to know like
06:28that wall, it's going to have to come down because I promise like you stand out just
06:35being you.
06:37You really do.
06:38You know what?
06:39You got to be you in order to be unique.
06:40See what I did there?
06:41I can't make you laugh, girl.
06:42We got to put a little light in this moment, girl.
06:47From this point on, because bitch, you ain't going nowhere.
06:49From this point on, I just need you to be you.
06:52Someone said to me once, you talk a lot about your childhood being the happiest place that
06:55you remember.
06:56And for me, it was like being in my room.
06:59I used to draw pictures of castles and I would wear fabric and dance around my bedroom.
07:03My dad would get home and I'd hide that shit.
07:05And she was like, picture yourself as a kid.
07:09What is the expression on your face?
07:11And I said, like worried.
07:12She's like, why?
07:13And I said, I'm like scared about what people think, like bullies.
07:16And she's like, ask that kid what they need.
07:20And as the kid, I said, I just want to know that I have permission to be who I am.
07:25Oh my God, yeah.
07:28Your younger self would be so proud looking at you right now.
07:32I want you to keep that in the back of your head at all times.
07:35We as queer people go through so much, especially as kids.
07:40And growing up in general is fucking hard, you know?
07:43So the person that you were then as a child would be so fucking proud of you.
07:47And you need to keep that in your fucking head.
07:49Because you finally, as a kid, especially as a gay person, you always like, oh my God,
07:54I don't even know why I'm going to grow up.
07:56Don't let it out.
07:57Don't be afraid.
07:58It's so hard as a kid to like not be yourself and like putting on this like facade.
08:03Yeah, man.
08:04And then like when you finally get to be yourself, it's like a really big moment in your life.
08:10Growing up, I had to fight for acceptance.
08:13It was always something I said or something I did that was too gay or was too faggy.
08:18And it was never just accepted for just me having my opinion.
08:21I never in a million years, like coming from where I came from, like ever thought I'd be
08:26able to make it this far.
08:28And I...
08:29You're here.
08:30You're here.
08:31And you know, we did it by ourselves.
08:36Like, it's from inside, you know?
08:42And I think every single one of us, whether we are in the top, whether we are in the bottom,
08:44whatever the situation is, we have to remember that we're here because of us.
08:49And we should be proud of that.
08:50Just, you know, that is something to be so fucking proud of because there's tons of queer
08:53people that aren't.
08:56And they're scared to be themselves.
08:57That's true.
08:59Oh, my God.
09:00I didn't think today was going to be so emotional.
09:01No, girl.
09:02Let it out.
09:03Let it out.
09:04And I'm like, I think I'm safe and I shouldn't be crying that much.
09:05I'm like...
09:06I obviously have a slightly different journey than some of you.
09:10Just a little bit.
09:12We didn't even even...
09:14No, no, no.
09:15But you have your own journey because you have to fight the stereotypes of a straight
09:18I still felt like a little different than people I grew up with.
09:19But like, honestly, like doing drag and being more part of this, it's like it's opened my
09:21eyes up a lot more to like the experience.
09:24It's like, you know, whenever I was in high school, I thought I was a good ally because
09:26I was like, yeah, I'm cool with gay people.
09:28But I've learned like so much more like being part of drag and like, you know, like I live
09:32in Arkansas.
09:33So like I leave the house in makeup.
09:35Like I peek out the blinds before I even go to my car, you know, and it's like I get to
09:39the club and like I watch my shirt.
09:41No one else is there before I'm going from the parking lot to the club because like I'm
09:44not queer, I'm not gay, but I'm still scared of what might happen to me because I'm in
09:48drag because people might perceive me that way.
09:51Honestly, like doing drag, I feel is like made me a lot more knowledgeable and like
09:55a better ally for the community.
09:57It's there's just so many things I didn't like realize.
09:59Because you're kind of in our shoes in a way.
10:01I know you're straight.
10:03However, to the untrained eye, that doesn't matter.
10:05So you do kind of feel like the fear we have.
10:07So I think that makes you understand even more.
10:09Yeah, a big eye opening thing for me was the first time like I went with some friends to
10:13like a pride festival, you know, and just like seeing like so many different people
10:17and like all different walks of life.
10:19There's like a million different ways to be queer.
10:21But then like growing up, you're taught there's only one way to be straight.
10:23And that's not the case.
10:29People that are like so like intently trying to avoid doing things that are like
10:33feminine or gay, you know, things like that.
10:35You're missing out on like half of like what life has like to offer.
10:38We're for the gay kids, but you're for the straight kids that wanted to drag.
10:41You know what I mean?
10:43I don't want to say like I'm for the straight people that wanted to drag.
10:45I am for the straight people that want to step out of their comfort zone and do
10:49shit that's not considered straight.
10:51Maddie, and we're lucky to have people like you in our community.
10:55I am like really privileged to be able to be a part of the drag scene and everything.
10:59But I honestly don't think that like a lot of straight people should do drag.
11:02It's not just like a fun thing to do with friends.
11:04Like it is a whole community.
11:06And like if you don't support the art and the people around it and the community around it,
11:10then you shouldn't be doing drag.
11:12Cheers to you, bitch.
11:14Cheers to you.
11:17Oh my god.
11:19Real quick, everyone down the line, who do we think is going to win? Go. Maddie.
11:22I think it's between you two and Georgia's.
11:25Okay, Georgia's got it.
11:26I think it's this bitch.
11:28Because girl, you showed your personality.
11:29They love you, bitch. They loved what you're wearing.
11:32Out of everyone, you were the one that completely showed who you were.
11:36The mini and the maxi.
11:38Bitch! Should I ask what to wear?
11:40Do it, bitch.
11:42I don't want to like be the bitch, but I have to go put this wig back on.
11:45Put this wig back on.
11:47Gotta get my shoes back on.
11:48If you do have the lip sync, bitch, I know you're going to eat.
11:50I know I have to lip sync, but I'm not scared of lip syncing.
11:54It comes with the territory.
11:55My confidence right now is just shaken.
11:58But this little stumble, it doesn't define me in this competition.
12:01I'm going to fight tooth and nail and show the judges that I deserve to be here.
12:05This hair is not the same as it was before, ladies.
12:08It's okay, though. They won't care.
12:09Where's the shoes?
12:10The fact that I'm here and I'm in the bottom,
12:15I'm going to have to lip sync for my life and prove that I deserve to be here.
12:19It's basically a nightmare to me.
12:21I'm living a nightmare.
12:23What's up, baby?
12:24I think it's going to be you and me.
12:25I think so, too.
12:26Everybody, gather your things. Let's go.
12:29Oh, shit.
12:30Oh, shit.
12:31I love you.
12:32I love you, babe.
12:33I love you so much, okay?
12:34Whoever it is, we...
12:35Whatever happens...
12:37How do I look?
12:40Let's hit it!
12:45Welcome back, ladies.
12:46I've made some decisions.
12:47Deja, Daya.
12:48The time has come.
12:49Are you going to lip sync for your life?
12:50Deja Sky.
12:51Shantay, you stay.
12:52Daya Betty.
12:53Sasha, away.
13:18I am sad that my time here is ending so soon.
13:25I feel defeated.
13:26I feel like I have let everybody down.
13:34I definitely feel like I'm packing up too soon, but fortunately, this is a competition,
13:56so someone has to be in my shoes.
14:02I'm proud of myself, like, only 14 girls got to be here, and I'm very lucky to be one
14:10of the 14.
14:12It's a great accomplishment, it's a feat for me, and not a lot of people get to do it.
14:18I don't want to say I'm not as confident as I thought walking into the competition, but
14:23This definitely is a 180 from where I thought I would be.
14:35I know that this one little peek of Daya is not what I have to offer.
14:40For me, drag is every face that I have, every feeling, every emotion that goes through my
14:47head is who Daya Betty is, and the judges only saw one part of that, and it's hard
14:53for me to show the judges in one week who Daya Betty is, because I'm a million different
15:01Some notes.
15:02This one says, Daya, my baby, I felt a true connection with you from the jump.
15:13You're a true star.
15:15However, this does not define you, and you made it.
15:17The world is yours, and you're going to slay it.
15:21Love you, sis, Daya.
15:24I love Daya.
15:25She is incredible.
15:29I just, like, hate that this is what played out for me, and it's, like, sad that I'm going
15:36to, like, miss so much that they're going to get to experience together, you know, because
15:41that's what I was looking forward to, but at least I had the time that I had, so, well,
15:53it's been short, but sweet.
16:02I know that even if you go home first in this competition, you've made it.
16:11I definitely see bright things for me in the future.
16:15You Betty, be ready.
16:17I'll see you soon.