A performance of the Sekino gohommatsu, an Shimane min'yō, with lyrics. 島根県民謡の"関の五本松"の演奏と歌詞、簡単な説明です。
Meaning of the lyrics:
The famous spot in Mihonoseki is where five pine trees grow. If one were to be cut down, only four would remain. This means two pairs of married pines, so don't cut any more than this.
Mihonoseki is a beautiful spot. In the morning sun, a fresh wind blows from Mt. Daisen.
It would be delightful to meet you in Mihonoseki. I hope we can become a married couple soon.
In the past, there were five pine trees in Mihonoseki that served as landmarks for navigation. However, the feudal lord cut down one of the trees, considering it an obstruction to passage. The first verse of this song laments that loss. The original song is said to be Shokobano oido (Shokoba's well) which was a work song sung during embankment construction in the Chūgoku region.
Vocalist: Suzuki Toshitsugu
Audio/image editor: Suzuki Shingo
Meaning of the lyrics:
The famous spot in Mihonoseki is where five pine trees grow. If one were to be cut down, only four would remain. This means two pairs of married pines, so don't cut any more than this.
Mihonoseki is a beautiful spot. In the morning sun, a fresh wind blows from Mt. Daisen.
It would be delightful to meet you in Mihonoseki. I hope we can become a married couple soon.
In the past, there were five pine trees in Mihonoseki that served as landmarks for navigation. However, the feudal lord cut down one of the trees, considering it an obstruction to passage. The first verse of this song laments that loss. The original song is said to be Shokobano oido (Shokoba's well) which was a work song sung during embankment construction in the Chūgoku region.
Vocalist: Suzuki Toshitsugu
Audio/image editor: Suzuki Shingo