• last year
(Adnkronos) - La famiglia in cima alla scala dei valori degli italiani, come emerge dall’indagine “Valori, donazioni e lasciti solidali” condotta da Walden Lab-Eumetra per il Comitato Testamento Solidale, impegnato da oltre un decennio nel coinvolgimento del mondo del Non Profit in importanti attività di studio del settore, di informazione e di sensibilizzazione. Secondo lo studio, presentato presso la Camera dei Deputati, in occasione della Giornata Internazionale del lascito solidale, il 75% degli italiani ritiene che la famiglia sia la principale promotrice dei valori, mentre il Terzo Settore gode di grande fiducia per il suo impegno nella costruzione di una società migliore.


00:00The family is at the top of the scale of the values ​​of Italians, as emerged from the
00:08investigation of the values ​​of donations and solidarity bonds, conducted by Walden Lab
00:12and Umetra for the Solidarity Testament Committee, engaged for over a decade in the involvement
00:17of the non-profit world in important studies activities of the sector, information and
00:23There is a greater knowledge of the solidarity bond, that is, Italian citizens, particularly
00:29all those who have exceeded 50 years of age, know the meaning of the solidarity bond
00:36and above all many, with an increasing percentage, have decided to write in their testament
00:43the solidarity bond or have decided that they will do it.
00:46So this is the result of an 11-year work by the Solidarity Testament Committee,
00:52which from the 6 initial organizations today sees well 28 organizations that operate in
00:58different fields.
00:59According to the study presented at the House of Representatives, on the occasion of the
01:03International Day of Solidarity Bonds, 75% of Italians believe that the family
01:09is the main promoter of values, while the third sector enjoys great trust
01:15for its commitment to the construction of a better society.
01:18The choice of the bond must be a choice shared within the family nucleus,
01:24that is, the spouse and children must be involved, it is a choice that is made together,
01:29not that it must be discovered at the moment of the opening of the testament.
01:33The third sector is seen as positive not only from a social point of view, for what it does
01:40to contribute to a more equal, more inclusive, more just society, but also from a cultural
01:48point of view, that is, our interviewees tell us that the third sector embodies values
01:54that are fundamental for the maintenance of our society.
01:58In this context, the awareness of the solidarity bond that presupposes the writing of a testament,
02:04with which you can decide to leave in heredity a part of your assets to entities that deal
02:09with social causes, is growing.
02:11In essence, 6.3 million Italians declare themselves in favor of this form of bond.
02:18The notary is here in particular because he has always supported the Solidarity Testament Committee,
02:25because with our support, with our training and information, we want,
02:32this is our mission, to bring to Italian citizens the culture of the testament,
02:39first of all the Solidarity Testament, as a support to leave, let's say, a better world.
02:48The theme of the Solidarity Testament and of the Solidarity Asylum, often defined as a family affair,
02:54involves close relatives in the decision, confirming the strong bond between solidarity and family values.
