• last year
The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.


00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshiyariyan.
00:21Friends, there are many people in the inbox who send messages, they are students,
00:25they are young people, they ask how to achieve inner peace and how to attain Atmanan-e-Qalb.
00:34The real thing is that the answer to this is very simple that why do you need Atmanan-e-Qalb?
00:42You can look at all the people in the world who have been very successful, who have made inventions,
00:49who have brought revolutions, who have brought positive changes in the world.
00:54Were they peaceful?
00:56Did they have inner peace?
00:58Did they sit and do yoga or go to the mountains or go to the sea and do some exercise?
01:04No, they didn't do that.
01:06They used to sit and contemplate.
01:08And the inner peace is to keep yourself on the right track in that storm.
01:20And it comes only by having faith in Allah, by knowing about Him.
01:25How will you have faith?
01:26How do you have faith in anyone?
01:29When you keep meeting him, you start knowing him, then you come to know that he is trustworthy.
01:35Know about Allah, know about God.
01:38When you have the right understanding, you will start trusting Him.
01:42And then you will feel peaceful even in the storms.
01:48The Atmanan-e-Qalb that you are looking for, you don't need that.
01:51Come, let's start today's show with this message.
01:55Today we will take you to the Pakistanis who live in Dubai.
02:00And let's see what their situation is like these days.
02:03Oh, he has come out of the jaws of death.
02:07So don't tease the girls.
02:09Dubai is a beautiful city, don't tease the girls here.
02:12Who hit you?
02:13I didn't get hit, brother.
02:15This is Dubai, no one can hit anyone here.
02:17It was an accident, brother.
02:19Oh, road accident.
02:20Yes, it's my fault.
02:22How did the accident happen?
02:23I was just crossing the road.
02:24The bridge was good, I didn't want to go from there.
02:27I was sleeping, I didn't go from there.
02:30Brother, I just remembered that I am from Dubai.
02:32I am remembering my home town.
02:34I thought I was on the Ishrayali river.
02:36Brother, where is your wife?
02:38Oh, she didn't wake up.
02:40She has brought the wheelchair.
02:40She is sleeping.
02:41I am not able to move.
02:42I will get it.
02:43Believe me, when the car hit me, I remembered my home town.
02:47I will get your wheelchair.
02:49If you have been hit directly by the car,
02:52then why didn't your legs get hurt?
02:54Oh, sister, I got injured due to fear.
02:58Oh, thank you.
02:59This is a Pakistani boy, Praha.
03:03Who is he?
03:04Pakistani Teddy, his name is Teddy.
03:06He is Praha.
03:08See, Pakistanis help Pakistanis.
03:10We are foreigners, but we are Pakistanis.
03:12Oh, that's right.
03:13We get more help when we go abroad.
03:15We don't get any help here.
03:16But when we go there, we realise that we are brothers.
03:19I lost my shoe there, believe me.
03:20I didn't get hurt as much as I lost my shoe.
03:23Mr. Haroon, what is this?
03:24When a person has an accident, his clothes tear.
03:26If there is blood on the clothes, then it's okay.
03:28God bless this boy.
03:29May God help him.
03:31It's okay.
03:31It's not a big deal.
03:33It was our duty.
03:34I lost my shoe in the ambulance.
03:37I went to the hospital.
03:38They changed my clothes.
03:39I went home.
03:40They bandaged my shoes.
03:43Change your clothes at home.
03:44They will bandage your shoes at the hospital.
03:47I lost my memory.
03:50Thank you very much.
03:51If you have any problem in Dubai,
03:54I will help you.
03:57The doctors in Dubai are very good.
03:58Believe me.
03:59They gave me a lot of love.
04:01Like my grandfather.
04:04Your father is very good.
04:05The doctors have done a good job.
04:07The doctors have done a good job.
04:09My father has given me a lot of love.
04:13Does your family know that you are about to die?
04:16I had an accident in Damoriya.
04:18In Dubai.
04:20The thing is..
04:21Your accident is over.
04:23God saved you.
04:25May God bless you with a long life.
04:27Don't tell your family.
04:28They will be worried.
04:29I will never tell my family.
04:31I will never tell them.
04:32This is a very good thing.
04:33I have seen many Pakistanis.
04:36I have a lot of experience.
04:37My family is abroad.
04:39They tell their problems later.
04:43They say that it happened two months ago.
04:44But they didn't tell you.
04:45You will be worried.
04:46You can't go that far.
04:48Mr. Arun, it happens that families are abroad.
04:52They don't tell you.
04:54Thank you for coming here, Dad.
04:57We couldn't find an angel like you.
05:01No. There is no one here.
05:03Give me Rs. 500.
05:05For what?
05:06I have brought Rs. 250.
05:06I will give it to him.
05:11I think it is better to give him Rs. 250.
05:16You are so moral.
05:18Give it to him.
05:19Rs. 500?
05:21Give me Rs. 500.
05:22There is no one here.
05:25There is no one here.
05:27There is no one here.
05:29Are you ready?
05:31You have to pay me.
05:34You have to pay me.
05:34No, I..
05:35You have to pay me.
05:37I have brought a choker.
05:38I thought it is safe in my pocket.
05:43You have my number, right?
05:44Yes, I do.
05:45Delete it.
05:49Take me there.
05:51Mr. Arun has gone abroad to his country.
05:54Whenever he remembers us, he says
05:55that he is his mother.
05:57He says that he is his mother.
05:58He has said it three times.
05:59He says that he is his mother.
06:00Okay, then?
06:01He was an Arab.
06:01He didn't know what he was saying.
06:04Did you get a fracture?
06:05No, God has given me a new life.
06:08Oh, God!
06:11Did you get a tetanus shot?
06:13No, he will get it.
06:15He will get it.
06:16The doctors there are very good.
06:18There is a hospital in Kuwait.
06:20It is very good.
06:22Mustashfa, Kuwait.
06:23He told me that his bed is very beautiful.
06:24He said that he wants to sleep here for five days.
06:28By the way, you should have someone
06:29to take care of you here.
06:31All my friends have gone to work.
06:34They will come.
06:35Mr. Arun, believe me.
06:36If there is an accident in our country
06:38then you don't get your love there.
06:39People get together here.
06:41There is no one there.
06:42Okay, no.
06:42It happens here as well.
06:43In fact, you are going to a desolate area.
06:47You are going in the middle of the night.
06:49If there is a small accident
06:50then five to six hundred people
06:51don't know where they come from.
06:52They don't know where they come from.
06:54Is it Praved?
06:56Hey, Praved.
06:56I got a call from a guy
06:58saying that you have met with an accident.
06:59I mean..
07:01I am not good at boxing.
07:03I swear, I was very worried.
07:05I was at work.
07:06Of course, you get worried.
07:07Yes, I got to know that I met with an accident.
07:09It's okay.
07:10Be strong.
07:11We are with you.
07:12Don't worry about me.
07:14By the way, genuine friends are like that.
07:16Praved has met with a serious accident.
07:18He broke his leg.
07:19But I don't want to talk in front of him.
07:22It's nothing like that.
07:23Don't worry.
07:24I am not worried.
07:25I left my son here.
07:26Who left your son?
07:27Poor guy.
07:28It's decided that he was a teddy.
07:29I see.
07:30Praved, tell me something.
07:33It's a matter of fate.
07:37It was destined.
07:39It's a matter of fate.
07:40But God has saved him.
07:41He has blessed him.
07:43Tell me, how can I help you?
07:44Get up. I am enjoying it.
07:48He is telling me to get up.
07:50I have been getting up all night.
07:52What happened?
07:54I was going to my in-laws' house.
07:58I have come to my in-laws' house.
07:59I was crossing the road.
08:01I am getting up.
08:02Aren't you feeling pain?
08:04No, get up slowly.
08:05I have a pain here.
08:06I am getting up slowly.
08:07You know, there is zebra crossing here.
08:10I crossed the road from the other side.
08:12The car is in speed.
08:13It doesn't come in speed.
08:14It comes in speed.
08:16What is this?
08:19It's a matter of fate.
08:20But you don't worry.
08:21We will take care of it.
08:22Mr. Arun, if he was crossing the road from the wrong place
08:24then he must have been fined.
08:26Because he is injured.
08:28The police didn't come on time.
08:30A man has brought him home.
08:31So, I think the police will come now.
08:35Listen to me for a minute.
08:36We have a problem.
08:37Listen to me.
08:39Do you know?
08:40What kind of thing do you need?
08:42A pot or something like that.
08:44Do you need anything?
08:45I will give you a massage.
08:47I will give you a massage.
08:48Yes, I am enjoying.
08:49Let's go.
08:52You are very beautiful.
08:54You will give me a massage.
08:55You are beautiful.
08:55Now tell me, do you want to go to the washroom or me?
08:59I have come to the washroom.
09:00You have come to the washroom.
09:01So, you are the one.
09:03My brother, get up properly.
09:05I am in the washroom.
09:07You don't get up.
09:08You don't get up.
09:09Yes, I have come to the washroom.
09:10He is a foreigner.
09:12He doesn't get up.
09:13He can never get up.
09:13I will give you a massage.
09:14You will have to get up yourself.
09:15No, no, no.
09:16You don't get up.
09:16I will come to the washroom.
09:18Be careful.
09:20No, don't worry.
09:22Oh, my God.
09:24He thinks that his leg is hurting.
09:28So, believe me.
09:30I got to know at 9.15.
09:32I didn't feel like working at this time.
09:35So, what were you doing?
09:39Oh, my God.
09:41What happened?
09:41What did you hear about the entry?
09:44There was an accident.
09:45He had an accident.
09:46He had an accident.
09:50What happened?
09:50He had an accident.
09:51He had a big accident.
09:53His leg was cut off.
09:54It has been saved, right?
09:59What do you mean by it has been saved?
10:00It has been saved.
10:01The leg has been found.
10:04But I am surprised.
10:05Look at the foreign countries.
10:06The medical point of view is that
10:08they are fast countries.
10:09Half of the leg has been cut.
10:10Half of the leg has been saved.
10:15You know, I am surprised.
10:17He is a very courageous man.
10:18He is.
10:19His leg has been saved.
10:20But he is not courageous enough.
10:22Look, now your leg will be saved too.
10:23It will be saved.
10:26You don't want your fruits to come.
10:30Oh, my God.
10:31When I got to know that
10:32I used to leave my work before that.
10:33Yes, this is our friendship.
10:34Oh, wow.
10:34Because I was getting ready.
10:36Then I got another work.
10:38Sir, our friend was getting ready.
10:41I was standing outside.
10:43I didn't go inside.
10:44I went to the fruit stall first.
10:47He is in the washroom since so long.
10:48He might have fallen somewhere.
10:50No, he can't fall.
10:51If he stands, he will fall.
10:56Take me.
10:57Look, he has promised.
11:00But you don't have to cry in front of him.
11:04He is very courageous.
11:05Yes, he is very courageous.
11:06He is very courageous.
11:07I will tell you.
11:07Yes, he is very courageous.
11:08I am so tired.
11:09I am so tired.
11:11He didn't let me keep my fruits.
11:15Take me.
11:16Oh, my God.
11:17Go inside.
11:18I will take you.
11:19But there is one more thing.
11:21I am thinking.
11:22I don't know if you are thinking or not.
11:23Oh, my God.
11:24He is a driver.
11:25Yes, he is a driver.
11:26He has cut his legs.
11:27Oh, my God.
11:28Brake, accelerator.
11:29Oh, my God.
11:30How will he drive?
11:31One minute.
11:32My phone is here.
11:37What is he doing now?
11:38He is calling his wife.
11:40I am thinking.
11:42He is a driver.
11:43He has cut his legs.
11:46The thing is,
11:47where he met with an accident,
11:48if we bring his legs,
11:50he will not be able to hold his legs.
11:53No, he is right.
11:54Bring his legs and hold his hands.
11:59Brother Rakesh.
12:00Brother Rakesh.
12:01My name is Rakesh.
12:02Yes, brother Rakesh.
12:04Where are you?
12:05I am in the office.
12:09Mechanic and office?
12:10I got it wrong.
12:11I think I am an income tax officer.
12:14Brother, I am in the office of the wood shop.
12:17Brother, do one thing.
12:18have you seen our guest house
12:20where we stay?
12:21Yes, yes.
12:22Let's take a tour here.
12:23I have an important work with you.
12:24No need to worry.
12:26We are coming.
12:26I have called the mechanic.
12:28Which mechanic?
12:28He wants to say that
12:29I will pay as much as he wants.
12:31With the steering,
12:33the race,
12:35whatever it is.
12:36I will set it so that
12:38he can run his business.
12:39Yes, Sadiq.
12:40Don't feel bad in front of him.
12:42Don't cry in front of him.
12:43I will treat you very badly.
12:45Why should I feel bad?
12:47I have spent a lot.
12:48No, no. God forgive me.
12:49Don't cry.
12:50I will get it.
12:51Why do we need two mechanics?
12:54We are staying here, right?
12:56Why don't we worry about anything?
12:58Yes, that is fine.
13:06Oh, God.
13:07Oh, my God.
13:08Oh, God.
13:16Oh, God.
13:24Give me my stone.
13:27Why are you laughing?
13:28I got a call.
13:31Why are you laughing?
13:32Give him some courage.
13:34Hey, what happened?
13:36He keeps kicking me on my cheeks.
13:40Mr. Haroon, he's in shock.
13:44You know what?
13:46You're too brave.
13:49The day before yesterday, he told me that he's very fond of photography.
13:53Tell me, who's the car?
13:56Oh, God!
13:58I would've died if I was in your place.
14:01It's okay. I'll take you to the place where I met with an accident.
14:06I think you should've slapped all of them.
14:11He's in shock.
14:15He's in shock because he lost the fruit.
14:19I've brought my brother Ali.
14:21There's no problem.
14:22I'll cut it and give it to you.
14:26What's wrong with you?
14:28Who's going to tell me that I look like a cripple?
14:32Hello, is this for me?
14:35Is this for me?
14:37Keep the red thorns there.
14:39That's enough.
14:41You don't lose hope. I'm with you.
14:43No, I've lost hope after seeing him.
14:47Mr. Haroon, believe me.
14:48In foreign countries, there are people like him.
14:51He's like that.
14:52Oh, God!
14:52We're not like him. We're like your legs.
14:55There's vitamin C in this.
14:59Eat a little.
15:01Mr. Parvez, who's going to tell me that I look like a cripple?
15:06Go, Mr. Parvez.
15:09He's the first one to get up.
15:15Mr. Parvez.
15:16I'll stay here.
15:19Mr. Haroon, I'm feeling very sad in the morning.
15:24It happens.
15:26You get vibes.
15:28I wanted to go for a walk.
15:32But I couldn't. I got a call.
15:34Oh, an accident?
15:37Then I got worried.
15:40So, I went for a walk.
15:41But when I found out...
15:43Everyone went to the dance club.
15:46I thought I'd come here and dance.
15:48Greetings, sir.
15:49Can I come into your room?
15:50Is there any privacy?
15:51No, sir.
15:51You're already here.
15:52There's no privacy.
15:53He's the guy who had an accident with my car.
15:56Was it your car?
15:57I don't think so. Let me check.
15:59Come back.
16:00He's sitting in the bathroom.
16:03Stop me, please.
16:05An accident with your car?
16:07I'm here on behalf of my conscience.
16:09For his health.
16:11This young man has ruined our lives.
16:14The conscience has given you the address.
16:17What do you mean by ruined?
16:18Pappu's clothes got cut.
16:20Because of you.
16:21I don't know.
16:22I don't know what happened.
16:26You were driving like an old man.
16:28It's not a big deal.
16:30I had a month's ration money.
16:32I'll get a new leg in that time.
16:33I'll cut it for you.
16:34Don't you have any sense?
16:36When the tire fell off his car,
16:38he found out.
16:39Didn't you?
16:40He's an ignorant man.
16:42He's looking at such a big
16:448000 horsepower SUV.
16:46Brand new.
16:48Why did it come under my 200 cc?
16:51Oh, God.
16:52Your car is 200 cc.
16:54Electric car has a smaller engine.
16:56How fast were you driving?
16:58The speed limit is 120 kmph.
17:01I was driving at 110 kmph.
17:03Actually, he was crossing from the wrong place.
17:07How did you become so thin after the accident?
17:12Please forgive me.
17:15What did you do?
17:18He met with an accident.
17:19It's your car.
17:19The police didn't let me stop there.
17:22They don't let you stop there.
17:23They told me to leave.
17:24They'll do the formalities later.
17:25He met with an accident.
17:27You shouldn't have left him alone.
17:29It's my fault.
17:30I thought he was crossing the road from that place.
17:33You're right.
17:34Okay, bye.
17:35Oh, God.
17:37What happened?
17:38All the responsibility and money is on me.
17:40What's going to happen to you?
17:41What's going to happen?
17:42You're done for.
17:43Okay, bye.
17:44I'll teach you a lesson.
17:46I'll kill you.
17:48You kicked him.
17:49I didn't kick anyone.
17:51Listen to me.
17:53It wasn't my fault.
17:54But it's an accident now.
17:56If I give you Rs. 100,000, will you be happy?
17:59How much?
18:00Rs. 100,000.
18:02Rs. 100,000.
18:02Rs. 200,000.
18:03Rs. 200,000?
18:05You don't have that much money?
18:06I don't have that much money.
18:08I have Rs. 200,000.
18:10You don't have that much money.
18:12Rs. 250,000.
18:13Are you sure?
18:13Yes, I'm sure.
18:16Give him the money.
18:17I'll kick him.
18:24Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a short break.
18:25We'll meet again after the break.
18:33Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
18:34Now we're going to play a fun,
18:39and amazing game.
18:42Buzzer Game.
18:43Buzzer Game.
18:47The special thing about today's game is that
18:49I want to tell the audience
18:51that Irza hasn't lost a single game yet.
19:01First of all, I want Irza to choose
19:04who she wants to play with.
19:05Mr. Arun, I can't choose.
19:06I think it's very unfair.
19:08I don't want to break anyone's heart.
19:09Whoever is the most intelligent and wants to come, come.
19:13Oh, man!
19:16He's coming.
19:27What's your name?
19:28Muzammil Hussain.
19:29What do you do, Muzammil?
19:30I study.
19:31You study?
19:32What are you studying?
19:33I'm doing a BBA from UMT.
19:34Now I want Goga
19:36to see what you have to choose
19:38if someone wants to play with you.
19:44Very good.
19:45Goga's personality has attracted him.
19:52What's your name?
19:53Khadija Ramzan.
19:54Khadija, that's a lovely name.
19:55What do you do?
19:56I study in the second year.
19:58You study in the second year?
20:00What are your subjects?
20:01Science subjects.
20:02So, you're studying science subjects
20:04in the second year.
20:05You look very decent.
20:07I mean, why do you want to play with Goga?
20:10Actually, she's studying science.
20:12She wants to prepare a chemical for it.
20:16I'm sorry.
20:20Good luck to you, Khadija.
20:22I want to experiment.
20:25Sister, you're studying science.
20:26Do you have any knowledge about encyclopedia?
20:32A little.
20:33I don't think so.
20:37We have two lovely names here.
20:39Muzammil and Khadija.
20:41Now, the deceased.
20:43Let's see who wants to play with you.
20:45Sir, the one who looks the most intelligent
20:47is my sister.
20:48Please come with me.
20:49Please come.
20:56Should I make a prediction?
20:57What should I do?
20:58The deceased will win.
20:59The deceased will win?
21:02I've won.
21:03She'll win.
21:04She'll win.
21:07Dear, what's your name?
21:08Zaroor Sharif.
21:09Zaroor Sharif?
21:10What are you doing?
21:12You're doing ICS?
21:14And that means
21:15the girl must be sitting on the computer
21:17and must be studying encyclopedia.
21:19Her IQ level must be good.
21:22What do you think?
21:23Is your IQ good?
21:24I think so.
21:25You're so confident.
21:26I think you'll win today.
21:28But I have good wishes for both of you.
21:31Listen to the rules.
21:32The one who rings the buzzer first will speak.
21:34The rest of you won't interrupt.
21:36If you do, you'll be punished.
21:40if you give the answer
21:42and there's no second chance
21:44then I'll go to the other person.
21:46If I come to you again
21:48then you can give the answer.
21:50Let's start with a riddle.
21:53A mother gave birth to a baby
21:55and pushed it out of the house.
21:58A mother who has a baby
22:00pushed it out of the house.
22:02This is the answer to the riddle.
22:03This is a family issue.
22:07A mother gave birth to a baby
22:09and pushed it out of the house.
22:11This is a simple riddle.
22:13Your question is
22:15a mother gave birth to a baby
22:17and pushed it out of the house.
22:19This is the answer to the riddle.
22:23I know that
22:25this is something like a crop.
22:27It's not.
22:29I'll give you a hint.
22:31This thing
22:33was used in wars
22:35in the olden days.
22:37It was used in wars?
22:46It was used to throw stones.
22:50Are you done?
22:55Sir, my sister wants to answer.
23:03Now an easy one.
23:07Which thing
23:09can't be used without breaking it?
23:11Yes, Irza.
23:19A cowboy.
23:21Next question.
23:23This is a riddle.
23:25This is a riddle type question.
23:29A cowboy
23:31came to a city
23:33on a Friday.
23:35He came on a Friday
23:37and left on a Friday the next day.
23:41It's a Friday.
23:47I feel like
23:49asking you to do a photo session.
23:51You don't help me.
23:53You don't help the poor girl.
23:55She's getting old.
24:00Now I'm asking you this question.
24:02If I see
24:04the answer
24:06I get the answer.
24:08I've given you a hint.
24:10Gogai Atharag.
24:12She says,
24:14Gogai Atharag.
24:18The question is
24:20which is
24:22a big and heavy thing
24:26even if it goes over you
24:28you don't feel anything.
24:36One point.
24:38I'm dead.
24:40I'm dead.
24:42I'm dead.
24:44I'm dead.
24:46The question is of two points.
24:48The question is of two points.
24:50Come on.
24:52Let it be.
24:54What is the difference
24:56between an elephant
24:58and a jeep?
25:04Very good.
25:06Very good.
25:08Very good.
25:10Very good.
25:12I'm in tension.
25:14I want to retain.
25:16Very good.
25:18Let's ask the third question.
25:20Either someone will win
25:22Gogai, buzzer first.
25:24We'll give Gogai an opportunity
25:26to buzzer first.
25:28I'll buzzer later.
25:30Hold the buzzer.
25:32Very good.
25:34Even the girl should get an opportunity.
25:36Shall I ask the third question?
25:38Shall I ask the third question?
25:42He'll decide.
25:44There's a word in English
25:46that starts with T
25:48and ends with T
25:50There's a T in English too.
25:54Very good.
25:56Very good.
25:58Why should I ask you
26:00such a stupid question?
26:02Sir, can I ask you a question?
26:04Irza and I are not going to buzz.
26:06Let him buzz.
26:08If he buzzes,
26:10how many of us will answer?
26:12This game
26:14has won
26:16with a clear margin.
26:21Let's give a gift to Irza.
26:23Irza! Irza! Irza!
26:25Irza! Irza! Irza!
26:29Thank you so much.
26:33Viewers, this was a small break.
26:35We'll meet again.
26:42Welcome back, viewers.
26:46Irza, let's go to the audience.
26:48You'll get a sore throat.
26:52If God gives you money,
26:54He won't take away all the thorns.
26:56This is very lightweight.
26:58He'll take it as a diamond.
27:02Let's go to the audience.
27:04We've been waiting for a long time.
27:06I went to the hospital.
27:08The doctors got all the tests done.
27:10There was no illness.
27:12The surgeon came and said,
27:14you should pray for your son.
27:16He asked me,
27:18where does my father live?
27:20I said I'll show him.
27:24Good afternoon.
27:26My name is Imtiaz Kaukab.
27:28And I perform magic tricks at schools.
27:32It's great honor for me
27:34that I'll get the chance
27:36to work with Mr. Salim Alwaila
27:38and Mr. Raghav Majhi
27:40to create
27:42I have also got a chance to work with Mr. Kaukam.
27:47They are brilliant and they are outstanding comedians of our country.
27:51The rest of them are also very good.
27:54Mr. Kaukam, what is the matter?
27:56You were injured in UK Saturday.
27:58Yes, sir.
27:59You went there and got some money.
28:01Why did you get injured there? What happened?
28:04While working.
28:04Sir, I fell down from the escalator.
28:08And I had a fracture on my left arm.
28:13I paid Rs. 850,000.
28:15Who gave you Rs. 850,000?
28:16The Queen of Britain gave it to me.
28:23Salim has also said that your injury is imported.
28:26Mr. Pinda, it was my grandmother's injury.
28:27Oh, my God!
28:30Please don't do this.
28:32He said, did Kaukam come today?
28:36Yes, sir.
28:37How do I celebrate my husband's birthday?
28:40Tell me, how do I celebrate my husband's birthday?
28:42How do I celebrate my husband's birthday?
28:44Tell me, how do I celebrate my husband's birthday?
28:47I don't have any money.
28:49I have to spend it on my wife.
28:53I have a sugar and blood pressure problem.
28:56I am suffering from it.
28:59What will you do with the money?
29:00You can take a loan from me.
29:05I want to give a message to the men here.
29:07I want to say it clearly.
29:09If your wife wants make-up, you will get it for her.
29:13You can never refuse.
29:14Yes, why not?
29:15In fact, pray that the day doesn't come
29:18when she stops applying make-up.
29:22If my wife is from Gogar, I will get her make-up for her salary.
29:27And if my wife is from Gogar, I will get her make-up for her salary.
29:34Yes, sir.
29:36What did you say?
29:37Tell me, how do I celebrate my husband's birthday?
29:40I don't have any money.
29:43I have to spend it on my wife.
29:45I have a sugar and blood pressure problem.
29:47I am suffering from it.
29:49I will go to the market without any money.
29:52I have to spend it on my wife.
29:57Your first line was perfect.
29:59Sugar and blood pressure.
30:00He didn't have a throat problem.
30:04Usually, in poetry, women are given a lot of respect
30:09as a mother, as a sister, as a daughter.
30:13But in the form of a wife, it is often said
30:16that a wife spends a lot.
30:18I have a small request to everyone.
30:20You are fine.
30:21You can write whatever you want.
30:23Freedom of opinion.
30:25You can give your opinion.
30:26But even when you are at home, with your wife
30:30or even when you are talking to her,
30:32just check if you can talk to your daughter or sister
30:38about this or that.
30:42If your wife is no less than your daughter or sister,
30:46then talk to her when you talk to both of them first.
30:49Yes, sir.
30:49That's it.
30:54We keep watching Mr. Gokab.
30:56May God give you a long life.
30:57What's special about you is that
30:59whenever I have seen you on the screen,
31:02you are always smiling.
31:04You are an ever-smiling personality.
31:06I can smile as much as I want.
31:09You are always smiling.
31:11You look very nice.
31:12And in our society,
31:13there are very few smiling faces.
31:17People don't smile anymore.
31:18They think it's an immaturity.
31:21Or the circumstances are such.
31:23But you are smiling.
31:24May God always keep you smiling.
31:25Thank you very much.
31:28Mr. Gokab, did you feel what we said?
31:31Yes, I did.
31:34That means we have succeeded in our mission.
31:38Yes, sir.
31:38Greetings, sir.
31:40My name is Zahul Haq.
31:41I have come here from Jhelum Pehli Azad, Kashmir.
31:45And I would like to sing a Ghazal for Ghulam Ali Khan.
32:20I am so broken
32:24that I will break if you touch me.
32:32Very good, sir. Very good.
32:36Yes, dear.
32:37Sir, my name is Mukaddas Abbas.
32:39Sir, I would like to sing a Ghazal for Tejammul Kaleem.
32:46And I am sure
32:47you have made a very good choice.
32:50But before that, I would like to dedicate a couplet to you.
32:54Now I am a little doubtful.
32:58The fragrance that can be mixed in the air in a silky way..
33:03The fragrance that can be mixed in the air in a silky way..
33:08Only a few people are left who can speak Urdu.
33:15Very good.
33:16The sun is shining red.
33:19Why is the day so dull?
33:22The wind is blowing.
33:25The wind is blowing.
33:28The clouds are getting heavy.
33:31The moonlight is dying.
33:34The moonlight is dying.
33:37The sky is blue and the sky is red.
33:40After seeing Jhuli Manjeeb's sister..
33:43After seeing Jhuli Manjeeb's sister..
33:46..the brave man is equal to the wealth.
33:50The purity of the upper and lower layers..
33:52..is equal to the condition of everyone in it.
33:54Equal. Wow!
33:57Very good.
33:58Very good.
34:00And who are the kids?
34:04My name is Sadafashik.
34:06I am a first year student.
34:07You are from Bukhara?
34:09I left from there and everyone is after me.
34:13I want to say a few words for Ms. Malaika.
34:17For Ms. Malaika. Wow!
34:20The company of fresh air spoils it.
34:24The company of fresh air spoils it.
34:27The open roof spoils the pigeons.
34:30Our great saint Mir had said..
34:34..this love spoils the respect.
34:37They are like walking shops.
34:41They spoil the wealth of the new rich people.
34:46Very good.
34:51Very good. Thank you for such a beautiful couplet.
34:55It's not a couplet. She scolded you.
34:58A couplet for Mr. Agha.
34:59Just like I dedicated a couplet to Ms. Malaika..
35:02..I am dedicating a couplet to Mr. Agha.
35:04The rich people have a soft nature.
35:11The rich people have a soft nature.
35:17Your tone is telling me that your wealth is not new.
35:22Anyway, son. That was his story.
35:25He packed his luggage with importance.
35:29You ruined my character.
35:30Oh, God!
35:34No one recites a couplet for Irza and me.
35:38I request Mr. Danish to recite a couplet for Irza and me.
35:42Mr. Danish, recite a couplet for them.
35:44I often recite a couplet for them.
35:47The poet says..
35:49..I asked for a long life and got it in four days.
35:53What a poem!
35:54I asked for a long life and got it in four days.
35:57Two Irza's wishes were fulfilled.
36:03Ladies and gentlemen, there is a short break.
36:05We will meet again at some other place.
36:07Beware! Beware!
36:10Beware! Beware!
36:13Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
36:14Yes, Irza.
36:15Mr. Arun, today is World First Aid Day.
36:17We had done a segment on this.
36:20What is the importance of this day?
36:22Why is this day celebrated?
36:24What does it reveal?
36:26Irza, all the days that are celebrated..
36:28..have an important purpose.
36:33The purpose dies when the day is celebrated.
36:37The day is celebrated because..
36:40..as you asked..
36:41..the question should be asked..
36:43..what is the importance of this day?
36:45For example, Iqbal Day is celebrated.
36:48People say, Iqbal Day is on Friday.
36:51There is a holiday on Saturday.
36:53Let's do Thursday and go to Murree.
36:55Isn't it?
36:56Of course.
36:56Let's spend four or five days there.
36:58Let's make it a weekend.
37:00Those who don't have money go to Gokha.
37:02They go to their aunt's grave.
37:06Iqbal Day is celebrated..
37:08..because you have time and holiday.
37:11You can sit at home..
37:12..and read about the teachings of Allama Iqbal.
37:15You can watch a video or attend a conference.
37:18There are conferences.
37:18The purpose of World First Aid Day is..
37:21..that many deaths..
37:23..in my acquaintance and in my loved ones..
37:26..happened because no one in the family..
37:29..was given training for first aid.
37:31I made this mistake.
37:33I was a very young child.
37:35I had taken a new license to drive a car.
37:39It is a very sad thing.
37:41I will hide it for now.
37:43Because it is someone's privacy.
37:45But an old man from our area..
37:49..despite his privacy..
37:52..came to me and said, son, take me to the hospital.
37:55I have a chest pain.
37:58I took him to the hospital.
38:00I parked the car.
38:02He got down and walked inside.
38:04He came back.
38:05He said, son, take me to the other hospital.
38:08I parked the car there.
38:11He walked inside.
38:12The two times he walked inside..
38:15..proved to be fatal.
38:16He died as soon as he went inside.
38:19He was suffering from a heart attack.
38:22He was a brave man.
38:23Despite that, he came to me.
38:25When I took him home, he was dead by then.
38:31If I had been given this training in my school..
38:36..that if someone has a heart attack, they shouldn't walk..
38:40..they shouldn't put any medicine under their tongue..
38:44..then life would be in God's hands.
38:46No doubt.
38:46But you should be trained.
38:49There are many incidents where people choke while eating.
38:53He choked while breathing.
38:55I have seen small children.
38:57I have seen elderly people.
39:00I have seen thyroid patients.
39:02They choke.
39:04In the entire house, there is a Heimler maneuver.
39:08There is a way to remove something from a choked person or child's throat.
39:13It is a very easy way.
39:14If anyone had it at home, they would have survived.
39:17But they couldn't.
39:18For a long time, a person can't hold his breath.
39:21The importance of today's day is that..
39:25..if you really love your family..
39:29..then it doesn't take much time.
39:30You can watch a video on TV.
39:32In your house.
39:333-4 CPR is done.
39:35Heimler maneuver is done in which you cure a choked person.
39:39And there is one last training.
39:43To understand symptoms.
39:46People know CPR.
39:49People know Heimler maneuver to cure a choked person.
39:52But there is a learning of symptoms.
39:55You can tell a person that he has a heart attack.
40:00For example, a person says that he has a pain in his jaw.
40:03And it is behind his neck.
40:05It is in his arms and I am sweating.
40:08You won't say that you have a toothache.
40:10You will say that you have a heart attack.
40:13It can be a problem.
40:15I will take you.
40:16Sit with your children, wife, siblings and parents.
40:21Especially today.
40:24It will take only half an hour.
40:26Watch 10-minute videos.
40:28Which are of first aid.
40:30For example, they say that if you are a warrior..
40:36..and you are a gardener..
40:39..it is better that you are a gardener and you have to fight a war.
40:46It is better that you know this.
40:49Secondly, we don't keep first aid boxes at home.
40:53Normally, women have a thread of every colour.
40:57There is a button of every colour.
40:58Yes, in the biscuit box.
41:00Biscuit box.
41:01The biscuit box has troubled us a lot.
41:05Whenever we open the box, there are needles inside.
41:06We used to think that there might be biscuits in the box.
41:09So, they are there.
41:11If you open the box and find biscuits, people get worried.
41:14What is this?
41:14It is someone else's earring.
41:16And there is salan in the ice cream box.
41:21Sir, when you say that your throat gets choked..
41:25..our ancestors used to punch us.
41:28They were right.
41:30They used to punch like this.
41:32No, they didn't.
41:32One time, when his burki came out..
41:35..grandfather hit him with a stick.
41:38My grandfather died in an accident.
41:40The rickshaw driver said that he didn't know how to go there.
41:43He said, I will do as you say.
41:44I will light it up and give it to you.
41:50Mr. Haroon, how do we train teenagers?
41:52For example, if I sit to explain something to a teenager..
41:56..he will say that you are talking non-serious.
41:58Look, the thing is that..
42:00..we don't know the statistics until we see the realities.
42:04For example, there is a very important thing.
42:08Whenever you have to..
42:11..take a needle..
42:12..you should smell it.
42:14You shouldn't light it up.
42:15Yes, you are right.
42:17You should never light it up.
42:19The first thing you should do is..
42:20..to find out where the smell is coming from and light it up.
42:22He is saying that he used to light matchsticks when he was a kid.
42:29Such incidents have happened to my close relatives.
42:33The smell was coming from the first floor.
42:36The kid came down and told me that his mother went upstairs..
42:38..and before she left, she turned on the light.
42:40There was such a blast that the roof of the house broke.
42:43So, you should know these things.
42:46The biggest task for kids in schools is..
42:50..no one must have taught you where to go in an earthquake.
42:54Mr. Haroon, I have heard that if there is a surface like a table..
42:57..then you should go under it.
42:58If you have stairs around you..
43:01..then you should go under the stairs.
43:02If there is a door..
43:04..then you should stand in the gap of the door..
43:08..and stand in that gap.
43:09If that is not there..
43:11..then you should stand next to a pillar.
43:14If that is not there..
43:16..then you should go under the table.
43:17This is proper training.
43:18This is the job of schools.
43:20But Mr. Haroon, in schools, colleges and universities..
43:22..no one pays attention to this.
43:24You are not taught any kind of first aid or rescue work.
43:30So, you should pay attention to this.
43:31You go to big universities.
43:33Tell me, are there fire drills?
43:34I have only seen a fire drill once in my 20-22 years of career.
43:40It was not a fire drill.
43:41It was an earthquake drill.
43:43So, it didn't happen.
43:44Just once.
43:44So, this day is important because you should teach this.
43:47And one more thing.
43:49Like Irza talked about teenagers..
43:51..who take water very casually.
43:54Often, boys go to take a bath as teenagers..
43:56..and there is always an accident with them.
43:59You should give them training..
44:00..that if their friend drowns..
44:03..how to save them and how to give them first aid.
44:05This is very important.
44:06You must have heard that a man drowns while saving someone.
44:11He doesn't know how to save.
44:12That's why he drowns.
44:13The reason is that the man who is drowning..
44:16..is hitting his hand or leg.
44:17His hand or leg..
44:20..whatever is hurt..
44:21..regardless of it..
44:23..he will put his foot on it and come up.
44:25He tries to put his foot on it.
44:27He is already drowning.
44:28The one who has come to save him..
44:30..tries to put him down.
44:31Both of them die.
44:33If you have training, you should know..
44:35..how to stay up..
44:37..and how to hold it with your hair.
44:39If you don't have hair, you should hold it with your hair.
44:42If you don't have hair..
44:44..you should put your hand under the armpit.
44:46This is proper training.
44:47Mr. Haroon, you can't pull it up from the armpit.
44:50The thing is that you are very heavy..
44:51..and your arms are also small.
44:53It's over. I am done.
44:55No, Mr. Agha can't drown.
44:58He has drowned once.
44:59Okay, by the way..
45:00He can't drown. He has drowned once.
45:04My clothes are torn.
45:05I am going on a pilgrimage.
45:10What is that thing used for releasing the air..
45:14..which is like a syringe?
45:16This is used to manipulate the air from the pipe..
45:20..to circulate the air.
45:24So, you can't breathe.
45:26So, a hole is made here..
45:28..with a pipe so that you can breathe.
45:32Mr. Arun, there is a power cut at home.
45:34Please tell us about it.
45:36Power cut?
45:37Yes, there is a power cut at home.
45:39So, don't touch anything that has a power cut.
45:43I mean, he gives so many tips.
45:45I remembered one good thing about you.
45:48Even if there are bandages at home,
45:51there is one very important bandage that should be at home all the time.
45:54It is not there.
45:56People suffer a lot because of it.
45:57Especially, children suffer a lot.
46:00They get scars all their life.
46:02There are different types of bandages at home.
46:04There is a burn bandage.
46:05There is a certain bandage.
46:06People don't keep it at home.
46:08A child's hand got burned.
46:09Your hand got burned.
46:10Something happened.
46:11A bike's silencer gets burnt.
46:13A bike's silencer gets burnt.
46:14Get me a nail. Get me a paste.
46:16Yes, this is how it works.
46:17You shouldn't apply it.
46:18You shouldn't apply it.
46:19I am a Gokhaar.
46:20If a Gokhaar's house catches fire,
46:21they don't let it burn.
46:22They burn the entire tupper bag.
46:27So, do keep that bandage at home.
46:30I remembered a very interesting thing.
46:31Students have come to learn this.
46:35Water never drowns a man.
46:38If water drowns a man,
46:40all the boats will drown.
46:42If water drowns a man,
46:44the water tube will drown.
46:46The tire will drown.
46:48The balloon that has air in it will drown.
46:51Even the boat won't drown.
46:53It won't drown because
46:54until the water doesn't go inside the boat,
46:56the balloon, the tube,
47:00the balloon won't be able to drown.
47:02Do you understand this?
47:05And those who become divers,
47:07they just have to understand
47:09that if you don't let the water go inside,
47:12you can't drown even if you want to.
47:14The water will go inside,
47:15then you will drown.
47:17So, in the same way,
47:18whatever problems there are in our country,
47:21whatever problems there are,
47:22if someone says something bad to you,
47:25whatever they say,
47:26if they say no to you,
47:27you can't do this.
47:28These things can never stop you from progressing
47:31until they go inside.
47:33Don't let them go inside.
47:35You will keep swimming and reach your destination.
47:41Gokha's brother was a good swimmer.
47:45But he drowned.
47:46I said, you didn't have water to go inside.
47:48He said, I drank a lot of bitter gourd.
47:51He told me that
47:52when the earthquake happened, the stairs fell down.
47:55Mr. Salim's uncle fell down the stairs and died.
47:58Because the stairs were stuck.
48:04Ladies and gentlemen, this was today's show.
48:06We will meet you in the next show.
48:08Take care of yourselves.