• last year
The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.


00:00Assalamu Alaikum, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshi Aariyan.
00:21Friends, nowadays everyone is in a hurry.
00:23Everyone wants to get what they want quickly.
00:27In the case of man, it has happened that he wants to succeed very quickly.
00:33He wants to do nothing.
00:36He wants to get a shortcut and succeed.
00:38But when you look at history, you realize that this is not the system of nature.
00:44From the birth of man to the time when an insect becomes a butterfly,
00:50to the time when a plant becomes a plant,
00:53this is not the law of nature that you can hit your target like a sharpshooter.
01:02This is not possible.
01:04This is not the law of nature.
01:05And whoever breaks the law of nature,
01:08whether it is for fame, wealth, power or anything else,
01:13he will stay for a few days and leave.
01:16If you really want to succeed,
01:21in which nature is with you and it will stay with you for a long time,
01:26then be patient.
01:29Those who have succeeded,
01:31study their journey.
01:33You still have a lot of time.
01:35Don't think that I have to achieve all this in two days, two months, two years.
01:41Look at the hard work of people.
01:43People work hard for 20 years to run a few seconds so that they can go ahead.
01:49So you too, with patience and courage,
01:52keep your target time very realistic and set it.
01:56Come, let's start today's show with this message.
01:59Today we will show you,
02:00KBC, who will become a millionaire?
02:03And let's see what the contestants do.
02:09Very good!
02:11Very good!
02:13Very good!
02:15Very good!
02:17One minute, let me breathe.
02:19Ladies and gentlemen, once again,
02:21Amitabh Bachchan is present at your service.
02:23This is my 16th season.
02:27Let's clap together.
02:31So where are the contestants today?
02:33Today we have invited celebrities.
02:37My guests will be surprised to see you.
02:39Of course.
02:40First of all, I would like to congratulate Pakistan,
02:42Arshad Nadeem.
02:47Well done, well done, Arshad Nadeem.
02:49Keep throwing your hair like this.
02:51Our boy went there.
02:54Neeraj Chopra.
02:55Let's clap for him too.
02:56Very good.
02:57Very good.
02:59Okay, and you see,
03:01people often think and ask,
03:04why do other nations,
03:06especially America and China,
03:07spend so much money on sports?
03:09They have it.
03:10No, they don't.
03:12But they spend so much money because
03:15one boy has united all the people of Pakistan
03:18on one platform.
03:21There is no party,
03:23no language,
03:24no province.
03:26All the nations have become one.
03:28And now this is just one gold medal.
03:30So this is how important the role of sports is
03:32in any country.
03:33And see, sports also joins nations.
03:35Before this, India and Pakistan
03:37used to talk about fighting among themselves.
03:39But both the players have joined them.
03:42Okay, you see,
03:43this is what sports diplomacy is.
03:45His mother said such a beautiful thing,
03:47that he is also my son.
03:48But there is a funny thing in this.
03:50What is that?
03:51All the people have come to take the credit.
03:53What is this?
03:54You see, many parents become successful.
03:58And the failure is an orphan.
03:59The number of times this man has come,
04:01when he could not win,
04:02no one encouraged him.
04:05But I congratulate him,
04:07he became a millionaire
04:08before coming on my show.
04:11There is another person,
04:12he also gave a plot worth Rs. 1 crore.
04:15I told him,
04:16he should quit the game and become a property dealer.
04:21So let's start the show.
04:24Who will become a millionaire?
04:28My first contestant,
04:30the smart Mr. Chaudhary.
04:33Wow, Mr. Chaudhary is here.
04:35Thank you, thank you.
04:36How are you, Mr. Mehta?
04:39He did not even work on my show,
04:40then how did he become a millionaire?
04:44By the way, you had kept it here.
04:45Mr. Chaudhary stays here,
04:46you don't know about this.
04:48I welcome you to my show.
04:50Thank you very much.
04:51Please come, please come.
04:52Mr. Chaudhary, someone has come with you.
04:54Chaudhary Hashmat.
04:56Mr. Chaudhary Hashmat, please come.
05:03How are you, brother?
05:04His world record,
05:06the golden fort of Putra.
05:09I think Mr. Chaudhary,
05:10you have come from Punjab,
05:11and you have come from Rajasthan,
05:13you come here.
05:14I think you have come from Naseebo Lal's family.
05:16My next contestant,
05:18Mrs. Tufail.
05:19Wow, wow, wow.
05:22I am very happy to meet you.
05:25I welcome you to my show.
05:28I have seen your movies with Eddie.
05:31Where were you?
05:32This is Eddie.
05:33Please increase the volume,
05:34he doesn't understand movies.
05:37Please come, please come.
05:38I am very happy today.
05:40Okay, by the way,
05:42I really liked the movies,
05:44Sharabi and Majboor.
05:47I have been sleeping since six years.
05:49I used to sleep alone at night.
05:54Didn't Mr. Tufail come today?
05:56He is sitting on the bench,
05:57wearing a turban.
05:59He doesn't move from there.
06:00By the way, Mr. Tufail,
06:01he is not like you.
06:03He should have been like me.
06:08But he is not like me.
06:10He is not like me.
06:14Ma'am, who has come with you?
06:16My daughter-in-law has come.
06:18What happened?
06:19She was talking all this time.
06:21So where is your daughter-in-law?
06:23She is outside.
06:24Say yes to her.
06:25Say yes at least.
06:26That means call her inside.
06:27Okay, I will call her.
06:29Mrs. Tufail's daughter-in-law,
06:30please come inside.
06:33Sir, how are you?
06:34How are you?
06:35Sir, how are you?
06:38Sir, I am a big fan of yours.
06:41You have made my mother-in-law
06:42win today.
06:43What is your attitude
06:44with your mother-in-law?
06:46My daughter-in-law treats me
06:47very badly.
06:50Why are you talking
06:51about family here?
06:53You should ask that
06:54because my mother-in-law
06:55was also a daughter-in-law.
06:57Sir, it is very important
06:58to win against poverty.
07:01You do one thing.
07:02Yes, sir.
07:03You sit there
07:04with Mr. Chaudhary.
07:05Come, sister.
07:06Come here.
07:07Thank you, sir.
07:09And my next contestant
07:11is the smart
07:12Jolly Amal.
07:18Sir, how are you?
07:19How are you?
07:21Sir, I am a big fan of yours.
07:23Sir, I wish you were
07:24my father.
07:26Sir, I don't know.
07:27I will go with you.
07:28You will go.
07:29You are getting emotional.
07:30I understand.
07:31I have seen you for the first time.
07:32I can understand
07:33your emotions.
07:34Leave me.
07:35Sir, I want to be with you.
07:36The main person is behind.
07:37Come here.
07:38The main person is behind.
07:39How are you?
07:42I am a big fan of yours, Mr. Amitabh.
07:43I am also a big fan of yours.
07:46I have watched
07:47all your movies
07:48all night long.
07:52Please sit.
07:54Please sit.
07:55Please sit.
07:56So, friends,
07:57the program has started.
07:58We have found him.
08:00Mr. Chauri.
08:01What happened?
08:02The car broke down.
08:03Uncle, how did you come here?
08:05Where did you get the car from?
08:07Mr. Chauri,
08:08I sold the car
08:09and came here.
08:10Why did you sell the car?
08:12Sir, I had to come here.
08:14Why did you have to come?
08:16Mr. Chauri told me
08:17that when the car breaks down
08:19I have to come here
08:20and tell him.
08:21How much did the car cost?
08:22How much did you sell it for?
08:24I sold it for Rs. 35 lakhs.
08:25So, how much did you pay for the ticket?
08:26Rs. 1.5 lakhs.
08:27You sold the car for Rs. 35 lakhs, uncle.
08:29Why did you sell the motorcycle?
08:31I didn't sell it for that.
08:32Why did you have to come here?
08:35He is right.
08:36It costs a lot to sell a car.
08:40Mr. Chaudhary,
08:41what kind of a person are you?
08:42The car you had
08:43costed only Rs. 35 lakhs.
08:44Which car did you sell?
08:46Mr. Chauri,
08:47the new jeep
08:48that you had bought.
08:49Then you sold it
08:50for Rs. 35 lakhs.
08:52I sold it for Rs. 1.5 lakhs.
08:54I sold it for Rs. 35 lakhs.
08:56I sold it for Rs. 35 lakhs.
08:57Okay, Mr. Chaudhary.
08:58I sold it for Rs. 35 lakhs.
09:00how much did you pay for the ticket?
09:02I didn't ask him for any money.
09:03He gave me
09:04Rs. 1 crore
09:05for his happiness.
09:10Listen to me.
09:11Are you going to stand here?
09:13If I don't stand here
09:14then I won't be able to do the show.
09:15If you don't stand here
09:17and if I don't win Rs. 10 crores
09:19then I won't be able to do the show.
09:21You sit here.
09:22Let's start the show.
09:24let's call the contestant.
09:27One of our..
09:30How are you, Mr. Amitabh Bajrang?
09:31Are you fine?
09:32I am fine.
09:34who has come inside?
09:35Take him out.
09:36Mr. Amitabh Bajrang,
09:37I am a contestant.
09:39there is a celebrity show.
09:40I didn't call you.
09:41Sir, I live on the phone.
09:42You sit outside.
09:43I will call you.
09:44What is happening?
09:45I live on the phone.
09:46I live on the phone.
09:47I answered your questions.
09:48You want me to go outside?
09:49You answer a lot of questions.
09:51Do one thing.
09:52Mr. Chaudhary.
09:54Stand behind him.
09:57Stand there.
09:59It's okay.
10:00Mr. Chaudhary,
10:01your height is
10:02exactly like Tufail.
10:07He is looking at me.
10:10Pakistan's celebrity
10:11will play with us.
10:12Who will become a millionaire?
10:13Mr. Chaudhary Tufail
10:14will come first
10:15on eight seats.
10:16Mr. Chaudhary Tufail.
10:17Who is Chaudhary Tufail?
10:18He looks like Kairi Tufail.
10:19He is giving an example.
10:21Only Chaudhary comes first.
10:25Mr. Chaudhary.
10:29Mr. Chaudhary,
10:30he will win.
10:31God willing.
10:32Why not?
10:33He has come.
10:34He has won.
10:39Mr. Neeta Bachchan,
10:40I am a big fan of yours.
10:42I liked your film
10:44Mard Khote Wala.
10:48It was not Khota,
10:49it was Mard Thangewala.
10:52I don't watch TV shows.
10:55So, the first question
10:57is on your computer screen.
11:03The first question is
11:05if there is a well of death
11:06of eight and a half times,
11:08how many elephants can dance in it?
11:10Option A.
11:14Option B.
11:17Option C.
11:19And Option D.
11:215 or 6.
11:22Is this a question
11:23for Mr. Chaudhary?
11:24Absolutely right.
11:25How many elephants
11:26can dance in it?
11:28Option C.
11:32You are asking
11:33what kind of question is this?
11:37This computer screen
11:39should be locked on C.
11:45Mr. Chaudhary,
11:49I will go for charity.
11:52Mr. Chaudhary,
11:53you have given
11:54the right answer
11:55to this question.
11:58Long live, Mr. Chaudhary.
12:01I will go for charity.
12:02Mr. Amitabh Bachchan,
12:03you are being unfair
12:04with an educated person
12:05like me.
12:06What unfairness am I doing?
12:08you will break your bones
12:09and eat all the food.
12:11Which Mahabharata
12:12are you fitting?
12:14I have studied Punjabi.
12:16you have studied Punjabi.
12:17Speak properly.
12:18What is there in Punjabi?
12:19Why will a son-in-law
12:20eat his father-in-law's food?
12:21I am tolerating
12:22your unfairness.
12:23The stove is outside.
12:24What is the problem?
12:26you just remembered
12:27and you don't know
12:28what to bring.
12:32You have studied Punjabi.
12:33I have also studied it.
12:34That means,
12:37give me the biryani.
12:38Get out.
12:39Go away.
12:40Mr. Amitabh Bachchan,
12:41please forgive me.
12:42I am a poor man.
12:43Please sit down.
12:44Please sit down.
12:46Thieves' stuff
12:47on the legs.
12:48What misbehavior
12:49have they done?
12:50They have put
12:51kheva on Pukha's head.
12:52This is wrong.
12:53We tied it
12:54and we danced.
12:58They also gave
12:59spices on us
13:00and you also gave it there.
13:02Oh, hello.
13:03You keep talking.
13:04You don't like
13:05such things from your mouth.
13:07Get out of here
13:08with the thieves.
13:10Mr. Amitabh Bachchan.
13:11Get out of here
13:12with the thieves.
13:14Mr. Amitabh Bachchan,
13:15I wish you were my father.
13:16I would have eaten
13:17as much carrots as you eat.
13:19Mr. Chaudhary,
13:20you have won Rs. 20,000.
13:21The next question
13:22is on your computer screen.
13:23Here it is.
13:28The question is
13:29how many dogs
13:30can cut
13:31a one-foot long dog
13:32at a time?
13:34What a question.
13:35Option A,
13:37Option B,
13:39Option C,
13:41Or Option D,
13:42six or seven.
13:43Option A,
13:44Option B.
13:47The question
13:48is not that difficult, Mr. Acharya.
13:50You have to put up
13:51a one-foot long dog.
13:52Mr. Chaudhary,
13:53go with Option C.
13:55Option C?
13:57Option C.
13:58Mr. Computer,
13:59three dogs
14:00are coming in C.
14:02There is very little time.
14:03No, no.
14:04C is my definite answer.
14:06Mr. Computer,
14:07lock up
14:08three dogs
14:09in C.
14:13Mr. Chaudhary,
14:14tell us
14:15if you have ever
14:16read a book.
14:18No, no.
14:19But you have given
14:20such a perfect answer.
14:22Three dogs
14:23are in C.
14:24The answer is correct.
14:27Well done, sir.
14:28Well done.
14:29Mr. Amitabh Bachchan,
14:30this is unfair to me.
14:31You have ignored
14:32an educated person
14:33and made them sit.
14:35Do you have
14:36an example?
14:38Tell us
14:39what example
14:40you had on this occasion.
14:41Mr. Arun,
14:42the way this show is going on
14:44this must be the same thing.
14:46The oil of the bones
14:47or the bones?
16:33Okay. Okay.
16:36Ladies and gentlemen, we have a short break.
16:38We will meet you somewhere after the break.
16:46Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
16:47Ladies and gentlemen, we have a poet with us during the break.
16:50He doesn't look like a poet, but he claims to be a poet.
16:53He doesn't even look like a human being, Mr. Arun.
16:56He claims to be a human being.
17:00By the way, he looks like a gas station seller.
17:02Malaika, when and where did you last see a gas station seller?
17:06Sir, she is online now. She was eating a while ago.
17:10The gas station is being run by the government.
17:12My wife and I, we are two people in this house.
17:14Our bill is only Rs. 1,57,000.
17:16Rs. 1,57,000.
17:18He is respectable for us.
17:20He is respectable for sitting in his seat.
17:24But he shouldn't be cruel.
17:25I don't know how much electricity he gets.
17:27How much he gives us. Where does he go?
17:29Mr. Salim, the thing is that
17:31you have lived your life.
17:33You can tell someone about it, but you can't make anyone feel it.
17:37You have seen how difficult the situation was.
17:40You have seen the difficulties.
17:42You woke up at night, you worked hard.
17:44You yourself say that you used to perform on the streets.
17:47There is a whole story of Agha Majid's life.
17:50He can tell it.
17:52Only he can feel it, who has gone through it.
17:54Yes, sir.
17:55Now, the thing is that all our politicians
17:5999% of them don't have electricity.
18:05There are generators in their houses.
18:08They don't have to pay bills.
18:09They don't have any such problems.
18:11Their children don't go to government schools.
18:13Most of our people, whom we see
18:17we can at least feel
18:20the difficulties they are going through.
18:22Sir, if you want to take time to talk
18:24then don't touch the poet.
18:29Sir, he has got worms in his feet.
18:31Don't touch him.
18:32His feet are so hot, they can melt ice.
18:35Mr. Marhoon.
18:36Yes, sir.
18:36Hassan Sahab is the one who has started this show.
18:40Now, let's keep the dead body in front of us and make him laugh.
18:43No, I won't do it.
18:44Sir, I agree with Mr. Salim.
18:47What is it?
18:48Sir, he has said that the person sitting on the seat
18:51should be respected.
18:52I would say, sit here.
18:54Tell me one thing.
18:55The conversation that is going on here
18:57doesn't matter to you?
18:58Don't you get a lot of bills from your house?
18:59No, I don't get it.
19:00No one gives me anything to talk about.
19:06Aren't you ashamed?
19:07You have come for the second time in three weeks
19:08with the poetry.
19:09Am I ashamed to do poetry?
19:12You are shameless.
19:15Okay, I was just saying
19:16that you are respectable and respectable.
19:18Sir, if you don't want to listen to poetry for some time..
19:21..then I will go and get them sprayed.
19:24I was just saying that you are respectable.
19:27But the problem is that even we should listen to it.
19:29Sir, please give him a moment.
19:32Sir, he has to go to the NG.
19:33Then we won't be able to get straight.
19:35He has to wear the NG uniform.
19:37Mr. Arun, at least get his boot and cap off.
19:40We will take time.
19:43Mr. Arun, I will travel.
19:44You also go in the car.
19:46God has been so merciful on our country.
19:48In our country, there is a lot of greenery.
19:50Wheat, rice, whatever crop is there.
19:54We see it everywhere.
19:56So, we don't see it in other countries.
19:58So, where did it come from?
19:59Sir, you are so generous
20:00that we don't see wheat in other countries.
20:03No, it is very less.
20:03In other countries, because it is so hot,
20:06why don't we see wheat?
20:08No, he is absolutely right.
20:10It is an agricultural land.
20:12Do you know that if you combine
20:13the land of East and West Punjab in the world,
20:17statistically speaking, out of ten,
20:19every six people eat something from Punjab's wheat.
20:25Sir, if you want to take some time,
20:28they say that there is salt on the stomach.
20:32Mr. Arun, I can see from here that his stomach is bloating.
20:35Is it bloating?
20:38I say, keep the towel in the fridge.
20:41We won't be able to recognise our faces after two hours.
20:47Please listen to his poetry.
20:48It is bloating.
20:50Is it bloating?
20:52But Mr. Arun, will there be an alternative
20:56to the electricity after 10 to 20 years?
20:59What will happen?
20:59Because it can't go on like this.
21:01Sir, there is a photostate machine here.
21:04Sir, I am distributing the copies to everyone.
21:07A great treatment is being found for it
21:09through fission reaction.
21:11And it will be done.
21:12With the help of the eyes, the arrow will be..
21:17With the help of the eyes, the arrow will be..
21:20With the help of the eyes, the arrow will be..
21:23With the help of the eyes, the arrow will be..
21:25Sir, look at our country.
21:27The mountains are also a part of the system.
21:29Even I have turned a blind eye to it.
21:38I have been a bachelor till now.
21:41I want to make someone's mind simple for marriage.
21:46It's a good couplet.
21:47Recite it again.
21:48I want to make someone's mind simple for marriage.
21:51Even I have turned a blind eye to it.
21:56He has turned a blind eye to it.
21:58Sir, look at our country.
22:00I have been a bachelor till now.
22:04But the reaction is similar to the nuclear reaction.
22:06Nuclear reaction.
22:07I have been a bachelor till now.
22:10For marriage..
22:12It's a vegetarian reaction.
22:12You are speaking so loudly.
22:14You are overlapping again.
22:19Okay, we were disturbing you.
22:21Actually, we were doing your leg pulling.
22:23We are very sorry.
22:24So, please come again some other day.
22:28Sir, just tell me the poet's name.
22:30My name is Taqseem Noni.
22:32Mr. Arun, why are the electricity bills
22:34increasing even after installing solar panels?
22:36No, they are not.
22:36Your solar panel is on two people.
22:40I have turned a blind eye to it.
22:43Even I have turned a blind eye to it.
22:47I have been a bachelor till now.
22:51For marriage..
22:52I have turned a blind eye to it.
22:56He is amazing.
22:57He has turned a blind eye to it.
22:58He is amazing.
23:00I can't give jewellery to my mother now.
23:03It's okay.
23:04It's okay.
23:05He is angry now.
23:06Now, I have to convince my bride.
23:11I have to shoot arrows from my eyes.
23:14Now, I have to turn a blind eye to it.
23:18Which poet was he?
23:20I am Patan Deya. I have written it.
23:22Okay. You have written it?
23:23Wow! Very good.
23:24Very good.
23:25Sir, such a beautiful poem.
23:27When we move ahead with fossil fuels,
23:28we will move towards better energy sources.
23:31Okay. The vision is that it is clean energy.
23:33And a small rod can burn an industry for 42 years.
23:38A small rod, sir.
23:39Yes. Now, these issues will end.
23:41Electricity should not be made like this.
23:42Who is this rascal who has come here?
23:45Is he Mishra?
23:46No. Mishra said that he won't come back.
23:54Ladies and gentlemen, we have a short break.
23:55It will be fun. We will meet after the break.
23:57Be alert. Be alert.
24:00Be alert. Be alert.
24:03Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
24:04Today, we have brought a very nice gift.
24:09It will go with someone from the audience.
24:11That's great.
24:12For that, we will have to play a buzzer game.
24:15So, should we talk to the audience first
24:17or should we play a buzzer game?
24:19Buzzer game.
24:20Should we play a buzzer game first?
24:21Okay. The three people who will support our talent today..
24:28Mr. Agha.
24:31Yes, you can come.
24:33What else?
24:34Please protect me.
24:36May you be blessed.
24:40Secondly, Salim, you can come.
24:43Come. Come.
24:44Why are you doing this to me?
24:44Your talent is very swingy.
24:46It goes in that direction.
24:48He is a representative of men.
24:49He is a representative of men.
24:50Now, Irza, you can come.
24:53What to say?
24:54All the talent was sitting here.
24:56I told you to do the right thing.
24:57Otherwise, I would have picked you up from the flank.
25:00Okay. You choose. Who will you call?
25:02I would like to call a very cute girl.
25:07Has anyone come?
25:07Like her.
25:08Okay. She has come.
25:13What is your name?
25:15You also call someone, Mr. Salim.
25:18If someone comes, I will shake his head.
25:20Okay. Raise your hand. Who all want to come?
25:22You come and wear it.
25:24Come on.
25:24What should I say?
25:29What is your name?
25:30My name is Mohammad Tahir Sandhu.
25:32Mohammad Tahir Sandhu.
25:33I have come from Gujranwala.
25:35Okay. You have come from Gujranwala.
25:36I have seen you before.
25:38I have seen you before.
25:40Mr. Agha, you choose. Who will you call?
25:42Raise your hand.
25:43Mr. Agha.
25:43Give it to me.
25:44No. I was alone.
25:47You come.
25:49Come. Come.
25:52Come. You come here.
25:55Come. Come.
26:00Greetings. What is your name?
26:02My name is Ahsan Akbar.
26:03Ahsan, you have come to our show once before.
26:05For the first time.
26:06But I love you a lot.
26:09I think you are ready.
26:10Let's start with an easy question.
26:14What is it that runs very slowly
26:17but no one can stop it?
26:23Mr. Agha.
26:24A tortoise.
26:25Have some shame. He is Mr. Agha.
26:28Wrong answer.
26:30No. After that, Salim will answer.
26:31No. No.
26:32An ant.
26:33An ant. You can't stop an ant.
26:35You can't stop this.
26:36How long will it take?
26:37It will come to bite you.
26:40Time. It doesn't run slowly.
26:41Time runs very fast.
26:43No, sir. According to the second one, it runs slowly.
26:45She is saying that yours runs fast.
26:47Ours runs fast.
26:48Thank God, it runs fast.
26:49It is the whole country but it runs very fast.
26:51Time just flies away.
26:54Sir, I have already told you.
26:55You have been there for an hour and a half.
26:58Salim, you were supposed to say a tortoise.
27:05It runs slowly.
27:06Yes, sir. We can't stop it.
27:09Now, try to guess.
27:13How does it run?
27:15We can't stop it.
27:18It can never happen that I stop the sky.
27:32No. No.
27:33Sir, even the breath...
27:34Look, you said it runs slowly.
27:36He is not saying breath. He is saying breath.
27:39Next question.
27:40What is it that the maker doesn't have?
27:46The question that was still there.
27:48Give it to him.
27:50Mr. Agha is making it again and again.
27:51After that, the time is over.
27:52The question is still there.
27:55Now, it is my turn.
27:56The one who has to give the deer first.
27:59Deer. Yes.
28:01You have to give the deer.
28:04Mr. Agha, you have to give the deer to me.
28:06You have made a mistake.
28:07Of what?
28:08You made a mistake.
28:08You rang the bell first.
28:09My question was not completed.
28:10No, I am sorry.
28:11You are sorry.
28:13You are coming out of the limbo.
28:15How can you hit such a tall person?
28:17Mr. Agha has to give the punishment
28:19that he has to lift Mr. Salim in his lap and show it.
28:21Oh, yes.
28:22I have to do it. Why should he do it?
28:26You have to do it.
28:27Mr. Agha has to lift Salim in his lap and show it.
28:37Yes, please.
28:39Come on.
28:40Come on.
28:42Don't you feel at peace?
28:43Don't you feel at peace?
28:45Dad, when I was hit, I felt so good that I was spitting.
28:53What is the sound that no one can hear except you?
29:01He rang the bell.
29:02You will get a deer.
29:03You will get it.
29:04You answer first.
29:06Tell me.
29:07I think it's our heartbeat.
29:10Can't a heartbeat be heard by a doctor?
29:11After that, you rang the bell.
29:14Sir, it was the sound of conscience.
29:15Oh, conscience.
29:20But since you said it first
29:24you will get a deer.
29:26And Mr. Salim has to do it.
29:27Okay, Mr. Salim, your deer is
29:30that you..
29:32I have to lift him in my lap.
29:35Mr. Agha, lift him in your lap.
29:36Then only God will forgive me.
29:40Your deer is that you had an accident in the mud.
29:45You fell down from the bike.
29:46You are drenched in mud.
29:48And you have a sprain in your leg.
29:50You are giving this news to your family
29:52and you are thrashing them.
29:55You have to give the news while crying and thrashing them.
29:58Come on.
29:58Sir, it was a serious accident.
29:59Come here.
30:01I am trying to call him but I don't know where he is.
30:06Hello, brother.
30:08I fell down from the bike.
30:13Why? What happened? How did you fall?
30:15I slipped on the bike.
30:17I didn't know that it was a sprain.
30:20When I turned around
30:22the bike slipped and I fell down.
30:29I have called you.
30:30Now answer in this style.
30:36Don't worry at all.
30:37I will solve everything.
30:43Listen to me.
30:45It's a long question.
30:46A dash boy was singing a song on the dash.
30:52And the dash girl heard it.
30:54There is only one word in all these dashes.
30:58What is that?
30:59Mr. Agha played it first.
31:01I will think about it.
31:02Okay, think about it.
31:04You asked a small question.
31:07I will think about it.
31:10No, Mr. Salim played it after that.
31:12Tell me. Answer first.
31:14A dumb boy was singing a song on the dumb.
31:19And the dumb girl heard it.
31:21It's wrong.
31:22Come on, Shahbhai.
31:23Yes, tell me.
31:25A sugar boy was sitting on sugar.
31:28Sitting on sugar.
31:29Answer it.
31:32He was shaking his hands.
31:33He came to pick him up from the airport.
31:36Sir, a dirty boy.
31:38A dirty boy.
31:39A dirty boy was sitting on a dirty girl.
31:43Yes, sir.
31:44A dirty girl heard it.
31:45What are you saying?
31:47Are you out of your mind?
31:52On the hill.
31:54On the hill.
31:54A hill boy was sitting on a hill.
31:57And you can sing a song on the hill.
31:59A hill boy was sitting on a hill and singing a song.
32:02There's only one word.
32:03On the hill.
32:06Salim is very close.
32:08He said the right word a couple of times.
32:10This is also a hint.
32:16Mr. Arun, I said it.
32:18What a hill.
32:18He is singing a song on the hill.
32:20I said it.
32:21Where is it?
32:21I literally said it.
32:22I said it.
32:24Where is it?
32:25I said it.
32:26I said it.
32:27Wait a minute.
32:29Let's vote.
32:30I'll set myself on fire.
32:31Mr. Arun, I said a song on the hill.
32:34A song on the hill.
32:35Irza said it.
32:37Where is it?
32:38Okay. Wait a minute.
32:39Let's vote.
32:40Who wants Irza and Safa to go?
32:45The public has given their decision.
32:47The question is, what is it
32:49that even if you tie it, it keeps moving?
32:54Wait. Why did you say it?
32:55Why didn't you say it earlier?
32:57Time is up.
33:02Now, both of you are tied.
33:03Now, both of you are left in the game.
33:04If you give the answer, you'll be trapped.
33:06We'll give the answer, God willing.
33:07What is it that makes a person cry
33:13without any emotional reason?
33:17Mr. Agha, you said it first.
33:18He is too far behind.
33:19No. You said it first.
33:20Come on.
33:21Sir, I'll go. You tell me from my side.
33:24Sir, I'll support you.
33:29I'll open the door.
33:33I can't hear you, Irza.
33:41Very good.
33:42Very good.
33:44Very good.
33:44Very good, Irza.
33:46Very good.
33:49Girls' power.
33:51Girls' power.
33:52This is your reward from our side.
33:56Go safely.
33:57Keep it with you.
33:58It will help you in whatever you do.
34:00You'll know how it will help you when you open it.
34:02Thank you very much.
34:04Come on.
34:07Viewers, we'll meet after a short break.
34:09Don't go anywhere.
34:10Beware. Beware.
34:14Beware. Beware.
34:16Welcome back, friends.
34:18What should we do now, Irza?
34:19Let's talk to the audience.
34:22The poor audience has come from so far.
34:24I don't want them to go back empty-handed.
34:25Mr. Agha, it's 12.45 p.m.
34:27You said you'll eat the table and leave.
34:30You can't eat like this.
34:31There's no ketchup or anything.
34:33Mr. Agha, Panda eats the table and leaves.
34:36Does Panda eat the table?
34:36Yes, he eats the tree and eats the pizza.
34:42They don't let us applaud Iqbal.
34:45They say he comes and leaves.
34:47Who has the mic in the audience?
34:49I want the audience to sing a very melodious song for us.
34:55My name is Rana Jawad Rajput.
34:57I'll sing a couplet.
34:58Put your eyes in my eyes and listen to it.
35:00That's it.
35:02Your eyes are yours.
35:03That's why they're number four.
35:06Look, I've seen thousands of people.
35:08I don't know them.
35:10You sing.
35:11I'll sing. That's their job.
35:13Farooz, steal from the shop.
35:14He's a snake charmer.
35:16He'll bite me.
35:17Oh, God.
35:18Oh, God.
35:19Don't do it.
35:20Shut up.
35:21He's the one who fights in a fight.
35:24He drinks a bottle of water and gets wet.
35:27Oh, God.
35:28He'll put me in a gutter.
35:30Let me do it.
35:31Samra, get out of here.
35:33That's it.
35:34He has such a weak eyesight.
35:37He asks me to get out of the way before I hit him.
35:38I'm right here.
35:39Oh, God.
35:40What is this?
35:41What is this nonsense?
35:42Come here.
35:44Focus on the camera.
35:45I can't see you. I can't see you.
35:47I can't see you.
35:49I can't see you.
35:51He was saying the same thing that you did.
35:54He wants you to be engaged with him.
35:57It's better if you keep quiet and tell him.
36:00The more engaged you are, the more he will trouble you.
36:02You go to the store and get free ice-cream with the kid.
36:10He slapped the boy and said, sorry, you are a good boy.
36:14You are beautiful but very jealous.
36:16You know a lot about love.
36:18Then tell me what you know about his eyes.
36:22Very good.
36:23It was perfect.
36:25Very good.
36:25What did you do? Who will teach us?
36:27He will recite a poem and the last one will say,
36:29I needed some money to buy drops.
36:33During the rains, I will wear underwear.
36:35I will wear slippers and slippers.
36:39My name is Sara.
36:40Yes, Sara.
36:42Yes, please recite it.
36:43Very good.
37:12I have given my heart and soul to you.
37:20Look at yourself in my eyes.
37:30There is no stain on you.
37:38I have given my heart and soul to you.
37:47I have given my heart and soul to you.
37:56Very good.
37:57Very good.
37:58Very good.
37:59Very good.
38:00That's it.
38:01Very good.
38:02Very good.
38:03You also wanted to say something.
38:08How are you?
38:08I am fine. Thank you.
38:10My name is Sana Khursheed.
38:11Sana, what do you do?
38:13I have done B.Sc. and Master's in Applied Psychology.
38:17Okay, usually we see that doctors work less.
38:21Nurses work more.
38:23In post-op, emergency and other things.
38:26Because all the work is done by nurses.
38:28Whether it is male or female, nurses work more.
38:31But we have seen a difference.
38:32Because I have experience.
38:34America, UK, hospitals here and there.
38:36Even in Pakistan.
38:37There is a clear difference between empathy, sympathy and courtesy.
38:42Why is that?
38:43To make each other understand.
38:45How will nursing be fine if you understand each other?
38:48If you open the door for someone and stand up.
38:50He is a stranger.
38:52He doesn't thank you. He just walks away.
38:54He thinks he had a right.
38:55He had a right to open the door and stand up for him.
38:58This is not basic courtesy.
38:59Otherwise, they know each other very well.
39:01Courtesy comes from acceptance, I think.
39:04If you don't accept each other, there will be no tolerance.
39:07In your opinion, shouldn't there be more empathy?
39:11She wants to say something.
39:13Are you a student or a teacher?
39:15I am a nutritionist and a dietitian.
39:17I want to know your question.
39:19Why are we different?
39:21It doesn't matter if you are a doctor, a nurse or an actor.
39:25What matters is how much humanity you have.
39:28This is the answer.
39:31This is the answer. Very good.
39:33Very good.
39:34And never think that if you have given a syringe, an injection
39:39or a lecture, you are paying for that.
39:42No. You are being paid for the thing
39:45which you are giving with your heart and loyalty.
39:49You will still get paid for your good deeds.
39:51Very good answer. Very good.
39:55There was an incident during the show.
39:58There was an incident during the show which no one understood.
40:02Mr. Dhani was sitting like this.
40:04Irza said that you wore a very nice watch today.
40:07I am praising him.
40:08She is praising you for wearing a very nice watch today.
40:11He said, yes, it has grown in time.
40:19How are you?
40:20I am fine.
40:21I have brought a gift for you.
40:22Wow! What is your name?
40:25Yes, Erum. What is the gift?
40:30Give it to me. Give it to me.
40:31I will come and receive it myself.
40:34Thank you very much.
40:40Open it and see.
40:41I will open it in front of everyone if you allow me.
40:43Yes, open it and see.
40:45I will open it and see.
40:46Wow! What is this?
40:48God has given me so much.
40:49This looks like a suit.
40:50Come here. Open it.
41:00I am sorry. I am a bit clumsy.
41:02Open it carefully.
41:06Oh, God!
41:08He does this every time.
41:11He is such a packing master.
41:13It looks like he is opening a seam.
41:22DRY News.
41:26DRY News.
41:29Very nice.
41:32DRY News.
41:37Very nice.
41:40Come here. Come here.
41:42Come here.
41:43No, it is enough.
41:44Come here, Charlie.
41:45Give it to me.
41:46We both are also a hit.
41:47Come here. Come here.
41:49I have a problem.
41:51Come here.
41:52Come here.
41:57Ladies and gentlemen, this was today's show.
41:59God willing, we will meet again in the next show.
42:02Take care of yourselves.