• last week


00:00:00I'm devastated, but obviously I have to win one, and this time, Pupi, I think she felt
00:00:18that Onyx was on the loose in the previous episode, and in this one, she has taken advantage
00:00:22of that situation a little bit, and she has really acted above all for affinity and not
00:00:27for those who have made the challenge worse.
00:00:31I am as if a part of me has been overcome, and obviously I feel a little disappointed,
00:00:39a little, for not having been able to do a little more for him, and a little empty, I don't know.
00:00:50I'm also, I mean, you know it, I mean, it hasn't been, ah, how easy, how good, you know?
00:01:00I have decided that Onyx will go as an opportunity for Sagittaria, not only for the contest,
00:01:07but a personal opportunity to open up more and get to know each other.
00:01:12And the rest, how are you, Sagittaria?
00:01:15Happy, right?
00:01:16No, come on, talk now.
00:01:18Let's see, I can imagine who you have chosen.
00:01:22Do you want to open it, Pupi?
00:01:28I don't want you to take it personally or much less.
00:01:31I understand it perfectly.
00:01:32I think anyone would have done the same in this situation.
00:01:35I understand that his tears are real because his friend has left, but it's not going to be
00:01:40fucking funny to me that you want to kick me out.
00:01:42If I'm in the top, Sedlas has to be careful.
00:01:45What elasticity you have, Pupi.
00:01:47Yes, we have been strong.
00:01:49Unknown, right?
00:01:50Actually, I was lame.
00:01:52In the first season, I was a little lame.
00:01:54And I said, look, I was so, so hot and I threw up and now it doesn't hurt me at all.
00:02:00Maybe tomorrow Tina Turner will kick you out.
00:02:03Pupi, winner.
00:02:04Anything can happen.
00:02:06They're going to give you a badge too, another badge between us.
00:02:09I don't know about you, but I don't think I'm the only one who's up to this.
00:02:14So I don't know about you, but I'm going to take this shit off.
00:02:18I can't.
00:02:19At the moment, one of the one has saved the one.
00:02:21One of the two has saved the two.
00:02:23Will the season agreements in the All Stars be broken?
00:02:28The one who raps stays.
00:02:32I'm going to rap tomorrow.
00:02:33The alliances are being seen.
00:02:35I'm going to go get them.
00:02:37I'm going to mine them from the inside.
00:02:39I'm going to fuck that whole group.
00:02:41I'm going to make friends with them so that they hesitate when they have to choose me.
00:02:49The competition is strong.
00:02:50I'm already wearing make-up.
00:02:51I'm already wearing make-up.
00:02:52I'm going home.
00:02:53I have to fight because the next one could be you.
00:02:56Come here, come here.
00:02:57Come here.
00:02:58I'm going to show you something.
00:03:00Friends, one more has gone.
00:03:02This deserves a guttural chant.
00:03:08New week in the Spanish All Stars.
00:03:10And there are seven dwarfs left.
00:03:12Seven dwarfs.
00:03:13The best message in the mirror of the world.
00:03:17Hashtag Team Settlers.
00:03:19And a bad kiss.
00:03:20Team Settlers.
00:03:21Well, if she wants to go with those, I'll do my best.
00:03:25She has clearly left you a message.
00:03:27I love her, I love her, I love her.
00:03:28But we have to erase it.
00:03:29We have to continue.
00:03:30I'm very sorry.
00:03:31I'm very sorry, very sorry.
00:03:32But I share with her that I am also Team Settlers.
00:03:36And she has signed with her new name, which is One Ashleys.
00:03:39Which is a strange thing.
00:03:41Her language is like Juan Carlos, I guess.
00:03:43Let's see your brooch.
00:03:47We are brooch sisters, Pupi.
00:03:49Calvas and brooch.
00:03:51I want you to win one of the ones you have not won.
00:03:53So that you feel the feeling of,
00:03:57Oh yes, you win, how good.
00:03:58And at the moment you forget.
00:04:00Oh, I just felt it, it's true.
00:04:02You just felt it.
00:04:03I just felt it, but I want to feel it again.
00:04:05I have no problem, really, to feel that again.
00:04:08Very difficult, very difficult, but you take 2,500 euros.
00:04:13I was very clear that Settlers was going to save Onyx.
00:04:17But I wasn't so sure you were going to save Sagittarius.
00:04:19Of course.
00:04:20Me neither, really, look.
00:04:21I thought about it.
00:04:22I didn't have it.
00:04:24Because I read something on Twitter and of course, I didn't know.
00:04:28It's that Sagittarius is very active on Twitter.
00:04:30Kari, because I see everything with these futuristic electronic glasses.
00:04:33And here Twitter is telling me that you didn't have a very good relationship.
00:04:37It seems to be a lie, doesn't it?
00:04:39Or do you still have a group pact?
00:04:41No, but that was at the beginning, in the season.
00:04:44We didn't have a lot of relationship.
00:04:47I mean, I was between the two all the time.
00:04:50But in the end, it's like, I don't know,
00:04:53the heart to me, in the end it can do more.
00:04:55I hope Pupi has chosen as a good strategist.
00:04:59We have to go for those of season 2, which are many.
00:05:02Too many.
00:05:04Well, Sagittarius, your moment on stage.
00:05:06What happened to you, my dear?
00:05:08No, let's see, it was a hard moment.
00:05:11A lot of things came together and I don't know, I felt a little lonely.
00:05:15Are you striped?
00:05:18Don't ask me why I'm striped.
00:05:21No, let's see, what's up? Why are you sad?
00:05:23No, because, let's see, I knew I was coming here with maybe someone who would think
00:05:26that I was a danger to humanity, you know?
00:05:31Or something like that, because I talk on Twitter, you know?
00:05:34Maybe they think that after a while I'm getting rid of the rest, you know?
00:05:39But I'm not like that.
00:05:41There's the virtual Sagittarius and the Sagittarius that is here.
00:05:43Of course, obviously.
00:05:44Come on, you have two faces.
00:05:45Of course, and what I say...
00:05:47I don't understand Sagittarius.
00:05:49Like, he's fine, he cries, but he doesn't cry, because he's a crybaby.
00:05:53He says half-truths.
00:05:55I mean, I notice in her a certain...
00:05:59a certain falseness.
00:06:04Susito, baby, it's an alarm!
00:06:07Grab the flag, Marichocho!
00:06:10Let's see if this ball has a message for you.
00:06:13It's for us.
00:06:24You're telling me perfectly.
00:06:26Look, look, look, look.
00:06:28Seven sinners will have to do penance.
00:06:31It's for us.
00:06:32We're the sinners.
00:06:33Transvestites and sinners.
00:06:35You have no idea, right?
00:06:38Well, less sinning and more languages, dear.
00:06:43Seven sinners.
00:06:45Well, honestly, I don't understand a thing Supreme is saying.
00:06:49Hello, hello, hello.
00:06:51Look, the green shirt inside, how nice.
00:06:53Ah, it's a one-body shirt.
00:06:55How cool.
00:06:56What good faces, right?
00:06:58How good, yes.
00:06:59Good faces because, obviously, you don't know the work you have ahead of you today.
00:07:04Doesn't it tempt you to know?
00:07:08Yes, come on, yes.
00:07:10Today it's all about temptations.
00:07:14I mean...
00:07:17What is she saying?
00:07:18I don't understand, it doesn't make sense.
00:07:20Does it tempt you to sew?
00:07:27It doesn't tempt me to sew.
00:07:28I say it openly to the world.
00:07:30I don't know how to sew.
00:07:32I just saw the same thing in your faces.
00:07:34Heaven in some and hell in others.
00:07:38You heard it well.
00:07:39You heard it well, right?
00:07:40Well, look, look how I see it, because heaven and hell are the first two categories of the ball of this season.
00:07:47Ball stars.
00:07:49To find out what the third look will be, you have to come with me.
00:07:53Let's go.
00:07:54Let's go with the signs.
00:07:56Come with me, we're going to sin.
00:08:00Superstars, we are in front of the tree of the Garden of Eden.
00:08:05You are going to choose an apple each.
00:08:07You start, Samantha.
00:08:10Towards the gate of Bethlehem.
00:08:12Have you seen this?
00:08:13A snake that ate something?
00:08:16This one.
00:08:17Heavy, huh?
00:08:18No tree has been mistreated for the recording of this program.
00:08:21No one has been licked on it either.
00:08:23No transvestite, no bitch.
00:08:25I am here.
00:08:26Come on.
00:08:27You don't get there.
00:08:28Jump, woman, jump.
00:08:29Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:08:30Oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:08:47Well, now that I'm here.
00:08:48Very good.
00:08:49Well, come on, since you're there.
00:08:50There's a white snow roll that gives a little bit of yu-yu.
00:08:51This story.
00:08:52Superstars, well, now it's time to bite the apples.
00:08:53One of you has the sweet apple.
00:08:54The apple is sweet.
00:08:56Samantha, let's start with you.
00:08:57Come on.
00:09:01It's so good.
00:09:02It's good.
00:09:03It's a bit bad.
00:09:05It's bad.
00:09:06I've eaten shit, it's better than the apple.
00:09:09I assure you.
00:09:13It's disgusting.
00:09:14No, no, girl.
00:09:17But it's disgusting.
00:09:23Go for it.
00:09:24Come on, go.
00:09:26Is it good?
00:09:28Oh, no!
00:09:30It's not good.
00:09:31I was fooled.
00:09:34Now what?
00:09:37It's spoiled.
00:09:38It looks like it.
00:09:41I don't know what to do.
00:09:42I don't think she's dumb.
00:09:44She's pretending it's good because she knows
00:09:46that touches the good apple has a very strong power and you are doing a bit of the crazy
00:09:52Pupi, you're eating it like that.
00:09:53Let's see if a partner tries it.
00:09:54Cornelia, try it.
00:09:55No, no.
00:09:56It's not necessary.
00:09:57Yes, yes.
00:09:58Let's see.
00:09:59Try it, Eddas.
00:10:00Oh, my God.
00:10:01Oh, how disgusting.
00:10:02You're a whore, girl.
00:10:03How are you going to eat that?
00:10:04Did you have any doubts?
00:10:05Pupi has the sharp tongue of licking the floor in nightclubs in the province.
00:10:10You're going to see what she's got in her mouth, I'm telling you.
00:10:13There are two left.
00:10:14You're going to bite the apple at the same time.
00:10:17At the same time.
00:10:19Three, two, one.
00:10:29Yuri has won.
00:10:31Well, mine tastes very good.
00:10:32I mean, an apple all my life, and with that ice cream there.
00:10:38We have Eva.
00:10:40How are you?
00:10:41How are you?
00:10:43And to know the advantage you will have in the challenge, I want the seven capital sins
00:10:47to appear here, like this, all of a sudden, reincarnated in seven maromos.
00:10:59How handsome.
00:11:10Oh, envy.
00:11:11How big.
00:11:12Queens, as you know, you will have to make the look of the third show of the bowl
00:11:16here in the workshop.
00:11:17And yes, there is a sin for each of you.
00:11:20Who is going to assign the sins?
00:11:25Who will be distributed first?
00:11:26The two of them?
00:11:29It could be.
00:11:30If you think so, let's start with yourself.
00:11:31What sin do you like the most?
00:11:33Well, come on.
00:11:34For that.
00:11:36It hits her, honey, because my girl, the chichi sometimes weighs on my girl.
00:11:40Who were you?
00:11:42Envy, right?
00:11:53Do you consider me envious?
00:12:03I'm a stripper, honey.
00:12:05And calm.
00:12:06Thank you, Yuri.
00:12:18Me, me, me, me?
00:12:20Me or not?
00:12:22The gula.
00:12:23The gula.
00:12:24I can do the guarra too.
00:12:25Can you do the guarra?
00:12:26We would love it.
00:12:27We are looking forward to it.
00:12:31What a bitch.
00:12:33How bad.
00:12:35I don't know, maybe she wanted to call me chubby.
00:12:38I don't know.
00:12:45Honey, my sins are all.
00:12:47I commune with everyone, so everything is for me.
00:12:52And lust for the sagittarius.
00:12:55Attention, because Setlas, as a carrier of envy, is there any other sin that you want more?
00:13:06Because you have the possibility of exchanging yours with that of another partner.
00:13:14What the hell was the meter and a half?
00:13:16Will it change the sin or not?
00:13:18I'm not envious at all, but I'm going to stay with arrogance.
00:13:24You stay with arrogance.
00:13:26Do you see how arrogance did not identify me?
00:13:32At the tables you have all the necessary materials to make your looks.
00:13:36And in a little while you are going to receive a surprise visit that can especially please one of you.
00:13:45It fits, right?
00:13:46Cher for a sewing challenge.
00:13:48Cher is the beginning of everything, of the Big Bang.
00:13:50Cher comes out in the paintings of Altamira.
00:13:52Cher is the beginning of transvestism.
00:13:55Cher, come.
00:13:58And before I go, I also warn you that the special guest judge, in addition to a temptation, is a model.
00:14:04Laura Sánchez.
00:14:07Hi, I'm Laura Sánchez and taking a walk down a catwalk is my life.
00:14:11But taking a walk down this catwalk gives life.
00:14:14And now I'm going to take a walk with the seven sins to see if a snake tempts me.
00:14:19What do I lack?
00:14:20Smart girl, smart girl.
00:14:21Good luck and don't fuck it up.
00:14:25And you neither.
00:14:26Let's go.
00:14:28See you tomorrow.
00:14:29Avarice wants it all.
00:14:32Avarice doesn't know how lucky she is.
00:14:40What is all this?
00:14:43Look, that's mine.
00:14:45I love it.
00:14:47Let's see what's in the boxes because, of course, everything depends on what's there.
00:14:50In the end, your fate depends on what's in a box.
00:14:54I'm already dressed, girls.
00:14:55Oh, I love it.
00:14:56I wanted this.
00:14:57It's a luxury.
00:14:58This is a lot, huh?
00:14:59I'm naked, huh?
00:15:00Oh, for here.
00:15:02When I see my box, I scratch a little because I see the boxes of the other partners
00:15:05and I do see more variety, cooler things.
00:15:10And where the hell do I put this, honey?
00:15:12I can think of a lot of things.
00:15:14For the body?
00:15:16Well, this is really tight, huh?
00:15:20They say it's a sewing challenge, honey.
00:15:21I sew, I puncture, I screw up with the punctures.
00:15:23I put them one by one in my ass.
00:15:26When we did the sewing challenge, I put on too many things.
00:15:29And in the end, you couldn't see anything.
00:15:30Because, in addition, there are straws and things.
00:15:32How are you going to put that in a look without it looking like a costume?
00:15:35Of course, you have to put the right things, you know?
00:15:37Of course.
00:15:38Look, two drawers with that.
00:15:39I like my box or I don't like it because I see everything as very childish.
00:15:45A lot of toy things.
00:15:50And the gula, well, it's like the childish gula.
00:15:53I don't like it very much.
00:15:55I don't like the shit.
00:15:57That's vinyl, right?
00:15:59I have to say that I'm not a big fan of vinyl, really.
00:16:02Oh, but it's good.
00:16:03It's not bad, it's not bad.
00:16:04This is good.
00:16:05No, no, no.
00:16:06It doesn't break, honey.
00:16:07You do this in one go and goodbye.
00:16:08No, no, yes, I know I can do things with this.
00:16:10I see the box and I get a lot of ideas.
00:16:12I think I'm going for a sexy look.
00:16:14A look as if the goddess of lust would come down to me and say,
00:16:21fuck you, you know?
00:16:23Well, yes.
00:16:24What the fuck do I have here?
00:16:25Money, money, money, more money.
00:16:28For now, I see that there is good material here.
00:16:30You can take advantage of it.
00:16:36How good, all the fabrics are very rigid.
00:16:39With all this that I have touched, these brilliant fabrics, so lizard,
00:16:44I start to have an idea with which I also identify myself.
00:16:47Do you know what I know?
00:16:48I know.
00:16:51But advanced level?
00:16:52Man, of course.
00:16:53Son of a bitch.
00:16:54The strategy here is, even if you're fucked up, don't show it.
00:16:58Come on, piece of whore, everyone to work.
00:17:12I mean, me.
00:17:13What a caress.
00:17:14If this sounds like laziness to you.
00:17:15I can help you.
00:17:16Are you going to travel?
00:17:19But it's like you send me a lot of dollar symbols and I don't take them out.
00:17:24It's like...
00:17:25Wait, I need a mannequin.
00:17:26Stay here.
00:17:28Look, he's going to travel by plane.
00:17:30To Teletubby.
00:17:36Hello, hello, hello.
00:17:37You're here.
00:17:38How are you?
00:17:42I told you I was coming with a visit, so look, Ana Locking here in the workshop.
00:17:49What happens is that Ana Locking is going to be reserved.
00:17:52What a sin, capital.
00:17:53She wants everything for herself and doesn't share it with anyone.
00:17:56You're the greedy one.
00:17:57You're the greedy one of the edition.
00:17:59For me.
00:18:00For you alone, darling.
00:18:01Samantha, you're going to have Ana Locking's help just for you.
00:18:05It can't be.
00:18:06What's going on?
00:18:07What's going on, darling?
00:18:08No, this can't be.
00:18:09I have the concept of the greed that broke the sack.
00:18:12The sack, here are the legs that I haven't drawn.
00:18:15It opens, it opens, it becomes a skirt, and on that skirt goes all my greed.
00:18:18You have to make sure that the look is a visual impact from afar.
00:18:22That it's not a small bag that you have.
00:18:24No, a big bag.
00:18:25That it's a very impactful thing.
00:18:26Exaggerated face.
00:18:27Very impactful.
00:18:28It seems that she likes my idea because she never tells me to discard it.
00:18:32I mean, she even gives me guidelines so that it goes with her.
00:18:34That the silhouette, the graphic of the silhouette, is clean, well done and well built.
00:18:38And that the way of doing the reveal and opening is precise.
00:18:43I put everything very well in my head and I'm going to listen to her.
00:18:45If she tells me...
00:18:47Let's go.
00:18:48Well, I want to see what the others are doing.
00:18:50Just, just see.
00:18:53Yes, leave the girls alone.
00:18:54Please, please, please.
00:18:56If you see and you don't say anything.
00:18:57I don't say anything, I promise.
00:18:59Ana Loquín is a heaven.
00:19:00She has the heaven won.
00:19:02Hey, this is good.
00:19:03This is good.
00:19:04This is good, huh?
00:19:05This is divine, divine.
00:19:06Have you seen the open sky with this?
00:19:07I have seen the open sky because I am quite a rascal.
00:19:10I also see it as very, I don't know, based on envy, the lizard,
00:19:13as what is inside envy, which is a snake, an evil, right?
00:19:17That is the main concept.
00:19:18And then also the envy that is with the eyes always in everything else.
00:19:22She has a thousand eyes.
00:19:23She has a thousand eyes but always on the side.
00:19:24She never looks straight ahead.
00:19:27Watch out.
00:19:29I see in Ana Loquín's face that she likes what I'm telling her.
00:19:32Thank goodness she has decided to see what we are doing and give some advice.
00:19:39Why did you choose this one?
00:19:40Because it defines me much more than envy.
00:19:42I am more self-centered than envious.
00:19:47I would like to see a construction of these.
00:19:49That not everything is left naked of the body, but a construction,
00:19:52suddenly, something more.
00:19:54Exuberant, right?
00:19:56I didn't want to give you many details because I really want you to be surprised
00:19:58at the walkway and see the concept that I want to carry out.
00:20:02Let's go now with laziness, which is Yuriy Giderkli.
00:20:07Little star.
00:20:08I love it.
00:20:10I am like a motor 10, so first I have to think about it a lot,
00:20:14know where I'm going to throw it, but I haven't started yet.
00:20:17I'm lazy.
00:20:19I'm going to make a kimono base and I'm seeing a bit how to connect the top with the suit.
00:20:25Do you have dredon?
00:20:27Yes, here they have brought me this.
00:20:28I don't know if to make the padded with this.
00:20:32And this can also give like a mattress.
00:20:37This is going to be the kimono base.
00:20:39Wrap it up and do it yourself.
00:20:40Now, because the advantage was for Samantha.
00:20:43Ana is the best, so in the end she helps us a bit.
00:20:47I'm going to get down to work because in the end the bull catches me and this look,
00:20:51now it's just a blanket.
00:20:53Well, I have everything edible, everything food, everything food.
00:20:57And then it also occurred to me to do all this food,
00:21:00because since it's the bull that eats it, it's like a necklace that goes ...
00:21:04Why don't you take it to a tokado?
00:21:06Well, I think she told me something to mislead.
00:21:10She tells you the opposite of what you have thought and then she creates doubts.
00:21:13Let's see, I think I have to choose the materials, not wanting to put everything.
00:21:18Find the right place for everything.
00:21:21Will there be a fight?
00:21:23I'm getting angry, I'm getting angry.
00:21:27I got angry, which is Paquita.
00:21:30Oh, my Ana.
00:21:31I'm going to eat it.
00:21:32I want to get out of a trench, furious, angry, to eat it all.
00:21:37And is this going to be very well placed or is it going to be broken?
00:21:40I want to break everything.
00:21:42If I have come out of a trench ...
00:21:43Indeed, it cannot be perfect.
00:21:45I can't be perfect.
00:21:46Well, Kari, indeed, from a trench you can't be perfect,
00:21:49but I can't help perfection.
00:21:51Well, Sagittarius Luxury.
00:21:53Luxury, look, you have hair, honey.
00:21:57Yes, let's see.
00:21:58What have you thought?
00:21:59I have thought of a siren-tailed suit,
00:22:04and behind, everything open and tied.
00:22:07I think the suit I have proposed to make is very difficult.
00:22:11The design is very cool, but I'm nervous because I don't know if I will have time.
00:22:17You have to lift it with all this tool, and if not, the tool will crush you.
00:22:21Ana, that's it, let's go.
00:22:22Well, you're right.
00:22:23I'm going to get out of here, from the workshop.
00:22:26To adjust the other, to extend.
00:22:28I know perfectly well that I'm not going to sleep tonight,
00:22:31so I'm going to go with eight coffees,
00:22:34and well, if I have a heart attack, well,
00:22:36at least I will have finished the suit for sure.
00:22:40We let you work, hoping to see what you are going to show us on the walkway.
00:22:45Goodbye, my sinners.
00:22:47A kiss.
00:22:48See you.
00:22:50Bye, friend.
00:22:52Bye, Eri.
00:23:02I'm super tired of sewing all night, really.
00:23:05Well, but it looks very cool, doesn't it?
00:23:07Yes, do you like it?
00:23:09Honestly, I think it's a great dress, everything I've done.
00:23:13I'm very nervous that this will be my first dress, as such,
00:23:17because the one we did in the makeover...
00:23:21I feel divine, I mean, I feel elegant.
00:23:25I look perfect.
00:23:27What do you think of the top?
00:23:29Well, with the one I have, I can dance.
00:23:33I'm happy with what I've done,
00:23:35compared to what I did the other time.
00:23:37I think I've taken a step forward.
00:23:39A small step for Pupi, but a big step for humanity.
00:23:43Who do you think it could be?
00:23:45Let's see, I've seen Paquita's, and it's very cool.
00:23:49But it's a bit of a mystical thing.
00:23:54Yes, I didn't understand it very well.
00:23:57I think Samantha's is a bit ugly.
00:24:02I can see mine ugly, but I see it more...
00:24:06Less ugly.
00:24:07Less ugly.
00:24:08It depends, let's see.
00:24:10I see Selah's as good, but more of the same.
00:24:16I think Samantha's is one of the ugliest.
00:24:21It's a mess of things, it's not understood.
00:24:24And I think Selah's is a corset with four crystals.
00:24:27I don't like that.
00:24:29Welcome to the main stage of Drag Race Spain All Stars!
00:24:35I'm warning you, I feel like sinning.
00:24:38Javier Ambrosi, have you eaten a lot of poisoned apples?
00:24:42I've eaten so many things,
00:24:44that I think I'm fine with a poisoned apple.
00:24:48Ana Loqui, which of the capital sins would you like to repeat?
00:24:51The only thing I want to repeat is the gula.
00:24:57Javier Calvo, I'm going to ask you very directly.
00:25:00What sin am I to you?
00:25:02I'm also going to say the gula, because you're about to eat, honey.
00:25:05And seeing our special guest judge in person is not being able to present her otherwise.
00:25:10The temptation lives there.
00:25:12Laura Sánchez!
00:25:13Thank you, dear.
00:25:14Good evening, Laura.
00:25:15Good evening, what a pleasure.
00:25:16My dear, that skin and that face are trying to ask you for a beauty trick,
00:25:20although obviously you don't need it.
00:25:22Oh, thank you very much, but there is a trick.
00:25:24It's watching this show from head to toe.
00:25:27Oh, how nice.
00:25:29Hey, thank you very much.
00:25:30Of course, that's how we're all here, without even a wrinkle.
00:25:33Here, with a normal necklace.
00:25:35Welcome, it's a pleasure to have you here.
00:25:37Today, our superstars will touch the sky,
00:25:39walk through hell, and show a capital sin,
00:25:42each with a look that they have made themselves in the workshop.
00:25:46Racers, start the engines and may the best superstar win!
00:25:54The category is...
00:25:58Yuri G. Derty.
00:26:01Today, on La Pasarela, I present a look inspired by the 80s Club Kids scene in New York,
00:26:07paying homage to Lee Bowery, who is a great drag reference for me.
00:26:11Oh, girls, I'm going home because I have a balloon.
00:26:16I'm wearing a monkey with a cloud print, a wicker corset, and a giant balloon.
00:26:25Yuri G. Forge's adventures.
00:26:27I take off my jacket and get up, because what I want is to rise high towards success.
00:26:33Letting go of the star.
00:26:35That's what you always have to do.
00:26:36Grab a balloon and let go of the star.
00:26:39I feel like a rocker, I feel like an 80s girl, and I'm floating among the stars,
00:26:43because this is all the stars, darling.
00:26:48Have a good trip!
00:26:49Ice with her!
00:26:53Samantha Valentine.
00:26:56In the sky, there are birds, there are planes, and there was Pegasus once.
00:27:01I open my wings, which are my arms, and I see that the jury doesn't expect it at all, darling.
00:27:07Valentine gives you wings.
00:27:09How nice!
00:27:11It's a very calm look, it's a very fantasy look.
00:27:14Visually, I think it's amazing, and I'm having a great time, really, very, very good.
00:27:19Your little pony.
00:27:22As is.
00:27:28Today I bring you to Pasarela, to the Immaculate Concepción.
00:27:32I'm Concepción, I'm coming in.
00:27:34How immaculate she must be, because she's already unleashed, she's gone crazy,
00:27:39and what she wants is to live life.
00:27:42She's no longer a virgin.
00:27:43If Murillo raised his head.
00:27:45I feel divine, and with that piece of body that I have, the eggs in my throat.
00:27:50Ave Maria Purissima.
00:27:51My sin, conceded.
00:27:53I have a very small halo, my long natural hair.
00:27:58Where have you seen a virgin with this hair?
00:28:01Show me.
00:28:08In the Pasarela de Cielo, I wear a suit inspired by Luis XIV.
00:28:13A sun. It comes out and it's on, it comes out and it's on.
00:28:16I wear a touch inspired by the door of the Palace of Versailles, and the truth is that I feel divine.
00:28:22I think I've never felt more beautiful.
00:28:24She doesn't sleep alone.
00:28:26I feel very confident with this suit.
00:28:29The touch is divine.
00:28:31I have an elevated look, I have a fine look, I have a very elegant look.
00:28:35And before I go, today, a black hole.
00:28:40A little bit of ass, and I'm leaving.
00:28:42Kiss, enjoy it.
00:28:47Poopy Poison.
00:28:48Poopy Poison.
00:28:50For the Pasarela de Cielo, I go out like I'm peeing.
00:28:53Like I'm looking for a place to expel.
00:28:58She's pregnant.
00:28:59Look at the gut.
00:29:00And when I unbutton my legs, I have shiny veins, as if it were rain.
00:29:05And then the rainbow appears.
00:29:08Oh, it wasn't pregnant, it was full of colors.
00:29:12I wear a wig that is almost a touch, as if it were a sun in an immense blue sky.
00:29:22I don't wear panties.
00:29:23And I said, well, in heaven there is no sex without panties.
00:29:28Goodbye, heaven.
00:29:34Pornela góngora.
00:29:36I enter Pasarela like Beata, looking at the light that raises me to the sky.
00:29:43I've had an arrow.
00:29:44My look is inspired by the saint of the mariquitas, San Sebastián,
00:29:49who received a lot of arrows.
00:29:54He's peeing.
00:29:56And he survived them, like me in my season.
00:29:59What do we do with those arrows? We are going to turn them into something beautiful.
00:30:04Buy me this bouquet.
00:30:07It's worth more than a real one.
00:30:09I know judges can't take their eyes off me because I'm imposing.
00:30:19Drag Set Blast.
00:30:22I enter Pasarela like floating to discover the Holy Spirit.
00:30:28Blanca Paloma.
00:30:29Straight to Eurovision.
00:30:31I've created a cowboy look,
00:30:33disheveled with bleach and painted by hand the Holy Spirit.
00:30:41On top of that, I'm wearing a vinyl coat that symbolizes the clouds
00:30:44and an iron structure touch, lined in cowboy,
00:30:48which symbolizes the M of Mary.
00:30:51I like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
00:30:53I feel that I'm beautiful, that I have a great look
00:30:57and I'm selling it like it's the best.
00:31:01Come up to my cloud.
00:31:08The category is...
00:31:12Yurichi Derkli.
00:31:15I present to you the ugliest version of the Yurichi Derkli, darling.
00:31:19For this look, I was inspired by that day when I said certain things
00:31:23with a chain dress.
00:31:26The category is...
00:31:30I open my mouth and, zass, red light comes out.
00:31:33That viperine tongue.
00:31:34Because you know that when you touch my boob, I light up.
00:31:40Little butt!
00:31:42I turn around and show my weapon of massive seduction,
00:31:46that cullamen that my mother gave me,
00:31:48which drives more than one crazy.
00:31:52I always captivate with that smile.
00:31:54Samantha Valentine.
00:31:57My Hell look is inspired by Terry Mugler in La Alta Costura.
00:32:00But to give it a touch of humor,
00:32:02I wear a belt with an invisible dog from Hell
00:32:06that takes me through the catwalk and doesn't leave me alone.
00:32:09It's Cruella Dragdell.
00:32:10With a metal detector.
00:32:12There's luck, darling.
00:32:14And the dog, which is non-binary, is called RuPaul.
00:32:17Like the owner of the house.
00:32:19And the dog, which is non-binary, is called RuPaul.
00:32:22Like the owner of the franchise.
00:32:24The one we're in.
00:32:26Has anyone seen my boobs?
00:32:29And look, I took advantage of my baldness
00:32:31to have the sides shaved off my head
00:32:33and wear some really cool cones
00:32:35with the same fabric that I wear under the sequins.
00:32:37It's a really cool sequin from Hell.
00:32:39Ma'am, pick up the dog's excrement.
00:32:45In Hell, I bring you a lot of fashion references.
00:32:48I bring a piece of cancan with a gigantic skirt
00:32:51and a Alexander McQueen-style corset.
00:32:54And I have two pieces of nailed spear
00:32:56that my partners are nailing
00:32:58because they're all really bad.
00:33:00The devil dresses as a goat.
00:33:03I wear a headband with a deer skull
00:33:06covered by a veil
00:33:08that blurs this angelic face that I have,
00:33:11even if it's demonic.
00:33:12And another one that goes without a belt.
00:33:15If there are creatures like me in Hell,
00:33:17they should take me already.
00:33:22Bye, pincer.
00:33:28I'm afraid of spiders,
00:33:30so I've chosen this category as my own Hell.
00:33:34Curiosity kicks in.
00:33:38I have a super tight silhouette.
00:33:40I go with a grey make-up with red details.
00:33:43I wear marabou feathers.
00:33:44And then I wear a monkey underneath,
00:33:46totally made with spray,
00:33:48imitating the dead body.
00:33:50Esthetician Adams.
00:33:54I feel infernal.
00:33:55I feel like the queen of spiders.
00:33:58And I feel absolutely divine.
00:34:01Dead, but divine.
00:34:09Poopy Poison.
00:34:11For the walkway of Hell,
00:34:13I bring a tribute to Thierry Mugler.
00:34:17He left me stoned.
00:34:19I'm wearing a snake suit,
00:34:21with scales made one by one,
00:34:23with little stones,
00:34:24a golden chest,
00:34:26a face of heart attack, of fright,
00:34:28red eyes,
00:34:29and a lot of snakes on my head.
00:34:31Medusa, Medusa of love.
00:34:33I feel evil,
00:34:36but I also feel comical,
00:34:38because it's a suit that's very scary,
00:34:41and I don't want people to get scared.
00:34:45Ornela Góngora.
00:34:48My hell represents death.
00:34:51Anubis, Cerbero, La Parca, Caronte,
00:34:55they all open the gates of hell.
00:34:57Oh, look, Samantha's dog.
00:34:58Oh, here she is.
00:34:59I had lost her.
00:35:00Here she is.
00:35:01But hell is not only death,
00:35:03but renewal.
00:35:04It's a message to the judges.
00:35:06I come renewed.
00:35:11Take it off.
00:35:13Take it off.
00:35:14Take it off.
00:35:17I feel beautiful,
00:35:18I feel like a diva,
00:35:20I feel like a mythological animal.
00:35:24Marilyn Manson.
00:35:28In Pasarela, I'm showing a very theatrical Ornela,
00:35:32full of desire to eat it all.
00:35:40This look symbolizes the history of Dracelas 100%.
00:35:45I'm wearing a fabric designed by a friend of mine
00:35:48that I love,
00:35:49all impregnated with newspaper clippings
00:35:52of the complaint I received from the Christian lawyers,
00:35:55wrapped in fire.
00:35:56I'm going on Twitter.
00:36:01On my neck, I'm wearing an iron structure
00:36:03surrounded by a lot of micros,
00:36:06symbolizing the social pressure
00:36:08and the interviews I received during that time.
00:36:10Test, test.
00:36:11Two microphones.
00:36:13And around me, some birds, like crows,
00:36:16symbolizing all those people
00:36:18who wanted to take advantage of me at that moment.
00:36:21You're not going to record me anymore.
00:36:28The category is Capital Sins.
00:36:33Yurigi Derkli is laziness.
00:36:39I'm laziness,
00:36:40and the truth is, it suits me very well
00:36:41because I'm dead alive,
00:36:43I don't know my name,
00:36:44I'm very tired,
00:36:45I haven't slept at all,
00:36:46and I get the acting, honey,
00:36:48worthy of an Oscar.
00:36:58No, for what?
00:36:59For what?
00:37:00I'm wrapped in a kimono,
00:37:02like Dredon,
00:37:03with a baroque touch
00:37:04and blonde hair,
00:37:06Renaissance style,
00:37:07with some pre-Raphaelite undulations
00:37:10that I love.
00:37:11Be careful, it's going to stick to you.
00:37:13What's stuck to her is the sheets.
00:37:15The pillow didn't stick to her.
00:37:17A coffee, and up.
00:37:22Samantha Valentines is greed.
00:37:26I go out as if I were a bag,
00:37:28and in the middle of the runway,
00:37:29the bag breaks,
00:37:30the greed breaks,
00:37:31because it's full of money,
00:37:32of coins, of necklaces,
00:37:33and I throw myself on the floor
00:37:34to take it all, because it's mine.
00:37:35It's mine, my treasure.
00:37:38Operation Malaya.
00:37:41The suit is a little bit of gold,
00:37:44a little bit of time.
00:37:45Avarice in the country of wonders.
00:37:48I'm selling it to you,
00:37:49and you're understanding it.
00:37:51I'm offering it to you,
00:37:53and I think I'll get it, honey.
00:37:55For you.
00:37:56Fucking money, man.
00:37:57Yours, right?
00:37:59Yours, look how it shines.
00:38:00Because if it shines...
00:38:01If it shines, I'll tell you later.
00:38:07Paquita is anger.
00:38:10For this look, I was inspired
00:38:11by the story of the Thirteen Roses.
00:38:13I made a dress
00:38:15where the Thirteen Roses are arranged.
00:38:18It's Paquira.
00:38:21And when I get to the end of my runway...
00:38:29Anger explodes,
00:38:30and everything is unleashed.
00:38:32I stage how those bullets fall to the ground,
00:38:35and how that Thirteenth
00:38:38is left alone, desperate,
00:38:41and angry, full of rage.
00:38:45This girl is always angry.
00:38:51I feel that in this look
00:38:52I'm defending all my sisters,
00:38:55and anything that can happen to them
00:38:57will unleash my anger.
00:39:02Zafitaria is lust.
00:39:05In my look of Capital Sins,
00:39:07I represent lust,
00:39:08so I decided to go for a red look.
00:39:10It's totally inspired by Jessica Rabbit.
00:39:14I'm not a whore,
00:39:15they drew me like that.
00:39:17I put on a hood,
00:39:19because for me,
00:39:20lust can also be mysterious.
00:39:23I'm wearing a whip,
00:39:24which gives a more...
00:39:26weird look.
00:39:27Whip girl.
00:39:29The way I dress,
00:39:30I don't know if you noticed,
00:39:31but between the hat and the bottom part,
00:39:34I look like a whore.
00:39:38A little more, and I whip myself.
00:39:46Poison is...
00:39:49For the runway of Capital Sins,
00:39:51I'm in Pacha.
00:39:53Under the table,
00:39:56I eat an omelette.
00:40:00I'm a little bit childish,
00:40:02a cabaret girl,
00:40:04a cake costume,
00:40:08and a huge necklace of pearls,
00:40:10as if they were grapes.
00:40:12So, that's the balloon.
00:40:14I mean, the food at home.
00:40:17I know that maybe
00:40:18I won't be next to the seven wonders of the world,
00:40:21next to Taj Mahal,
00:40:22and none of that,
00:40:23but I'm happy with what I've done,
00:40:24compared to what I did the other time.
00:40:28Eating and scratching.
00:40:29And peeing.
00:40:30Everything is starting.
00:40:31Me too.
00:40:33It came out of my soul.
00:40:38Ornela Góngora is...
00:40:42I represent the stepmothers of fairy tales,
00:40:46the great antagonists,
00:40:48the great envious ones.
00:40:50Today, at the helm of Actualidad...
00:40:52Dirty envy.
00:40:53Dirty envy.
00:40:55I have my head covered with magnifying glasses,
00:40:56because I look at everything around me,
00:40:58my body represents the snake,
00:41:01and in my hand,
00:41:02there's the same snake
00:41:03to throw poison at the judges.
00:41:08Elemental, dear Guarro.
00:41:11I look gorgeous.
00:41:13It's a truth.
00:41:14Like a temple.
00:41:15Those two kinds of sewing
00:41:17that I've done during all that time,
00:41:19have done what they had to do.
00:41:22One last look.
00:41:25Drax Atlas is...
00:41:29The main concept of my look
00:41:30are the broken mirrors,
00:41:32of looking at myself so much.
00:41:35I've introduced them to myself
00:41:36throughout the corset,
00:41:37a high boot cuff,
00:41:39some black gloves.
00:41:41You've taken a little bit of crystal.
00:41:43I wear this kind of touch
00:41:45that doesn't let me see
00:41:46another person other than myself.
00:41:48That's what arrogance symbolizes.
00:41:50What a beautiful mirror.
00:41:52Let's see.
00:41:53What a beautiful mirror.
00:41:54Who's the most transvestite in the story?
00:41:56I feel like I'm stepping hard,
00:41:58with energy.
00:41:59And I think that
00:42:00you can play that tonight,
00:42:01in my favor.
00:42:11Congratulations to the seven of you
00:42:12for the super star parade.
00:42:16Now, when I say your name,
00:42:17please take a step forward.
00:42:20Ornela Góngora.
00:42:23Samantha Valentine.
00:42:28You're saved.
00:42:30You can leave the stage.
00:42:33Good luck, my girl.
00:42:35You five are the best
00:42:37and the worst
00:42:38of today's show.
00:42:40Let's hear the jury's opinions.
00:42:43Yuriyi Derkli.
00:42:46I already wanted to see
00:42:47a little bit of Club Kid
00:42:49on the runway of Drag Race Spain.
00:42:51Suddenly, we had the transgression
00:42:52of Ed Bovary.
00:42:53The first look was very beautiful.
00:42:55It was fantastic.
00:42:56In the second look,
00:42:57suddenly, it was intimidating.
00:42:59That mouth that,
00:43:00when you opened it,
00:43:01came out like that darkness
00:43:02of the devil.
00:43:03The suit has a perfect fit.
00:43:05And in this runway,
00:43:07what you've done is incredible.
00:43:09How you've placed all the hair,
00:43:11how it holds perfectly,
00:43:12which is not easy at all.
00:43:13And the fit of this look,
00:43:15worked in just one afternoon
00:43:17and one night,
00:43:18is very, very wonderful.
00:43:20This is an OVA for you, honey.
00:43:22Thank you very much.
00:43:24I think there's a very important thing
00:43:25in this challenge, Vicky.
00:43:26It's not only to make a good look,
00:43:29but the look speaks of the challenge.
00:43:31Your look is brilliant
00:43:32because it speaks of laziness.
00:43:34Thank you very much.
00:43:35Can I speak?
00:43:36Of course, of course.
00:43:37We're hoping, Laura, that you speak.
00:43:38Yes, I can speak.
00:43:39We're hoping.
00:43:40Girls, what a gift.
00:43:42Ornella, you have an attitude
00:43:44that I take off my hat.
00:43:49I want to be your bitch.
00:43:53Can I?
00:43:54When you want to, honey.
00:43:56Yuriyi, congratulations.
00:43:57You have an attitude,
00:43:59you have imagination,
00:44:01you have a seam
00:44:02that I'm going crazy about.
00:44:04And you have things
00:44:06that move me inside,
00:44:08and that's the best thing
00:44:09I'm going to get today.
00:44:10Let's talk now with Paquita.
00:44:13the first look,
00:44:14the story was very beautiful,
00:44:16as you were telling it.
00:44:17With a perfect corset,
00:44:19because it was very well adjusted
00:44:21to your body,
00:44:22and it also had very spectacular
00:44:24finishing touches on the bass.
00:44:26I also liked the second look a lot.
00:44:28We have this impressive ornament
00:44:30and then these spears.
00:44:32In essence, it was you all the time.
00:44:34Notice that even in this last look,
00:44:36that at the beginning,
00:44:37yesterday, when I was in the workshop,
00:44:39you were going the other way,
00:44:41and you took it to the essence,
00:44:43which is Paquita,
00:44:45but I think it was a mistake
00:44:47to make it look so beautiful,
00:44:49because you played it all
00:44:50to the action, to the scream.
00:44:51And the look doesn't represent anger,
00:44:53it represents the scream.
00:44:55I agree with what Ana says.
00:44:57I want to see anger in the suit.
00:44:59I don't know if it's a broken suit,
00:45:00I don't know if it's a wrinkled suit,
00:45:02and I think you're a person
00:45:04who can speak very well of anger.
00:45:06Why did you choose to change
00:45:07what you told Ana and me in the workshop?
00:45:09When you start the creative process,
00:45:11you know that many times
00:45:12it collides, it collides, it collides,
00:45:14and I was shocked,
00:45:15because I was seeing that
00:45:16what I was doing wasn't me,
00:45:18and I decided to be as much of me as possible.
00:45:21Maybe I'm wrong being me?
00:45:23I don't know.
00:45:24I don't think you're wrong.
00:45:25What you are is wonderful,
00:45:26and you can see it in the first two looks.
00:45:28I just think that this challenge
00:45:29required a little more imagination.
00:45:30Paquita, you're spectacular.
00:45:32Thank you, Bonbon.
00:45:33And now you're going to have a hard time.
00:45:35I want you to feel like you're 2.80 meters tall,
00:45:38because when you walk,
00:45:40you have moving sands on the runway,
00:45:43and you have to float,
00:45:44and it's a matter of you, I think,
00:45:47not believing it today.
00:45:49Let's talk to Sagittaria now.
00:45:51How ingenious you were.
00:45:53We have to talk about the sky,
00:45:54and the sun is in the sky,
00:45:55and I'm talking about the sun king.
00:45:57There you go.
00:45:58I'd get it.
00:45:59And you've done a beautiful look.
00:46:01The second look,
00:46:02you went to a black and white,
00:46:04in which you're talking about your fear of spiders.
00:46:06It was very beautiful.
00:46:07Maybe my feathers were a little short,
00:46:09simulating spider legs.
00:46:11And then, that third look,
00:46:13but seriously,
00:46:15you've done it.
00:46:16I mean, I'd like to do this look in an afternoon,
00:46:19but it's true that if you don't take out the whip,
00:46:22I don't know what you're talking about.
00:46:24The look has to talk about the challenge.
00:46:26I can't tell you much more,
00:46:29because I was shocked
00:46:32by the fabrics you used.
00:46:34Seeing your waist still shocks me a lot,
00:46:37or you not waist, call it whatever you want.
00:46:39I think this last look is surprising.
00:46:41I loved it.
00:46:43Now, let's talk about Poopy Poison.
00:46:45This challenge was perhaps more complicated for you,
00:46:47because of the sewing challenge, right?
00:46:49But we're in an All Stars.
00:46:51So, the first look, the idea was very beautiful,
00:46:53but it needed something more.
00:46:56In the second look,
00:46:57for my taste, it wasn't well integrated.
00:46:59There wasn't a beautiful coordination between everything.
00:47:02It wasn't well woven.
00:47:03And in this third look,
00:47:04I see the look and I understand that it's the Gula,
00:47:06but I expect something more spectacular.
00:47:09I hope that maybe there's a giant donut in your head.
00:47:13Or, for example...
00:47:14I'll eat it.
00:47:16I agree with Ana.
00:47:17You can make it fun.
00:47:19You can make it surprising.
00:47:20And also, Poopy,
00:47:21you left us speechless in a bowl
00:47:23when you suddenly became Rapel.
00:47:26From one moment to the next.
00:47:27I mean, you know how to do it.
00:47:29Let's talk about Drag Settlers.
00:47:33Your storyline is one of the most amazing.
00:47:36It's autobiographical.
00:47:38The second look, for me,
00:47:41and I get emotional when I say it,
00:47:43is one of the most impressive I've seen in Drag Race.
00:47:47Because it talks about a moment of yours
00:47:50that is redemption,
00:47:52that you had a terrible time.
00:47:54Tell us about it.
00:47:55For me, that year was...
00:48:01On the one hand, it was very cool,
00:48:03but on the other hand, it was a real shit,
00:48:05because I remember leaving Gala
00:48:08and I spent two weeks
00:48:09not stopping to check my fucking phone
00:48:11with a thousand calls and journalists
00:48:13touching my dick.
00:48:14And it was also a very important year for me
00:48:16because my grandmother died that year.
00:48:18So, it was like a huge pile.
00:48:21And, well...
00:48:23I think the suit spoke for itself.
00:48:25The suit spoke for itself, totally.
00:48:27The microphones there, the print.
00:48:30That look is a double over, honey.
00:48:34You do it so easily,
00:48:36being so difficult,
00:48:38and it can't be that with one image
00:48:40you take me to your hell of a year.
00:48:44And what impresses me the most
00:48:46is that you take that shit
00:48:48and you take it in a positive way
00:48:50and you use it to give us moments like that.
00:48:52So, I'm not even talking about this one
00:48:54because I'd go crazy.
00:48:55So, congratulations.
00:48:56Thank you very much.
00:48:57It's absolutely spectacular.
00:48:59Because you could prepare the first two looks,
00:49:01you could have help,
00:49:02you could bring it,
00:49:03but then you arrive and one day you do this,
00:49:05which is absolutely consistent with everything before.
00:49:07That means that the mind that is behind Setlas
00:49:10is your experience, your emotions,
00:49:12your fears, your own talent.
00:49:14I mean, you've left us open-mouthed one more night.
00:49:23After the jury's words,
00:49:25I'm going to announce the decisions we've made.
00:49:29Yuriyi Derkli.
00:49:37You are the two superstars of today's show.
00:49:43Aster Love gives you a necklace and earrings game
00:49:46for each of you.
00:49:48Because if it shines, it's Aster Love.
00:50:00You're safe.
00:50:01You can go behind with your partners.
00:50:08If I understand it well,
00:50:09this means that you two,
00:50:12Paquita and Pupi,
00:50:14are at risk of elimination today.
00:50:19And now it's my turn to make the ball.
00:50:21If I don't make the ball,
00:50:22oh my God.
00:50:24Well, that's it.
00:50:29I remind you that each of you
00:50:31will have to decide
00:50:32which of the two worst queens
00:50:34you want to eliminate
00:50:35if you win the lip-sync.
00:50:37While you deliberate in the workshop,
00:50:39the judges and I
00:50:41are going to decorate some bottles.
00:50:45You can leave the stage.
00:50:48Thank you very much.
00:50:49To you.
00:50:54Holy shit.
00:50:55I don't think that Setlas
00:50:56deserves to be in the top,
00:50:58or that Paquita deserves to be in the bottom.
00:51:00And the looks that are better for me
00:51:02are Paquita's,
00:51:04and mine.
00:51:05There's no mystery.
00:51:13Wow, Pepi.
00:51:14What a day.
00:51:17I'm tired and horny.
00:51:19I'm tired and horny.
00:51:21I'm tired and horny, too.
00:51:24I'm hot.
00:51:27My first win.
00:51:33Honey, what are you doing here?
00:51:34Are you traveling to Red Playa or what, honey?
00:51:36My mom told me
00:51:38that I had to go home with the crown
00:51:40and I'm very obedient.
00:51:42Three episodes, three weeks,
00:51:44staying on top,
00:51:46receiving so many nice comments.
00:51:49I can't believe
00:51:51that I'm happy.
00:51:52I love you so much.
00:51:53Congratulations, honey.
00:51:54Thank you so much.
00:51:55Congratulations to you, too.
00:51:56Congratulations to Yuriyi, too.
00:51:57It's the first time.
00:51:58It's the first time.
00:51:59How do you feel?
00:52:02I'm disassociated and lost.
00:52:03I don't know how I'm going to do
00:52:04a lip-sync with this bed.
00:52:07Sahi, what's wrong with you?
00:52:12What's wrong with me?
00:52:13I mean,
00:52:14I think it was
00:52:15absolutely awful
00:52:17the way you judged this episode.
00:52:21Because, yes.
00:52:22Because, I'm sorry,
00:52:23neither Paquita deserved to be in the worst,
00:52:25and I'm sorry,
00:52:26and I'm not going against you,
00:52:28but Sedlas,
00:52:29for me,
00:52:30you weren't a winner
00:52:32of the challenge.
00:52:34And I'm not telling you
00:52:35because I've seen
00:52:36all the outfits they've worn,
00:52:37and I don't think
00:52:38it's the best.
00:52:41That's it.
00:52:42I don't think it's the best.
00:52:43I think Sedlas' look
00:52:44is one of the worst.
00:52:45He took a corset
00:52:46that was full of pebbles,
00:52:47and he stuck it
00:52:48with the four crystals
00:52:49he had to stick,
00:52:50and he said,
00:52:51look, that's it.
00:52:52I'm sorry,
00:52:53there's no merit.
00:52:54I don't see it.
00:52:55It's true that I have to tell you
00:52:56that beyond
00:52:57taking a needle
00:52:58and sewing patterns,
00:52:59there's an idea,
00:53:00there's a concept,
00:53:01there's a story,
00:53:02and sometimes that transcends
00:53:03a lot more
00:53:04than the one
00:53:05that's beautiful
00:53:06from my point of view.
00:53:08I have no fucking idea
00:53:09about sewing.
00:53:10No fucking idea.
00:53:11Let's put a machine
00:53:12in front of me
00:53:13and I'll start talking
00:53:14about sewing.
00:53:15Let's put a machine
00:53:16in front of me
00:53:17and I'll start talking
00:53:18about sewing.
00:53:19Like Samantha
00:53:20when she's drunk
00:53:21and she starts talking
00:53:22to herself.
00:53:23But I also have
00:53:24a good side,
00:53:25and that is
00:53:26that I give it
00:53:27my all.
00:53:28I start with a concept
00:53:29and I express
00:53:30that concept
00:53:31to the maximum.
00:53:32And if I'm not able
00:53:33to transmit
00:53:34that sin,
00:53:35no matter how well
00:53:36I've sewn,
00:53:37then the challenge
00:53:38is also about that.
00:53:39You can't have
00:53:40a sagittary attitude
00:53:41in this contest,
00:53:42in your real life,
00:53:43in high school,
00:53:44because in the end
00:53:45you're here to compete
00:53:46and you're here
00:53:47accepting some rules
00:53:48that you have to follow.
00:53:49And if you don't accept them,
00:53:50girl, go away.
00:53:51Because probably
00:53:52some of you
00:53:53will do us a favor.
00:53:54Because what you can't do
00:53:55is be giving your ass
00:53:56with that shitty attitude
00:53:57and transmitting
00:53:58not only to me
00:53:59but to your other
00:54:01a bad vibe.
00:54:03are we going to talk
00:54:04to the girls or what?
00:54:06I can't wait to talk.
00:54:07Come on,
00:54:08let's go,
00:54:09let's go.
00:54:10The rabbit inside.
00:54:11Well, look,
00:54:12the one that came to me
00:54:13and now I'm starting
00:54:14to find out
00:54:15about the brown one
00:54:16about winning.
00:54:17Because sometimes
00:54:18you're happy
00:54:19but you have to
00:54:20slap someone.
00:54:21That's not cool.
00:54:22Let's see,
00:54:23about the seam,
00:54:24you know
00:54:25it's not
00:54:26my thing.
00:54:27I think I have
00:54:28many things left
00:54:29to offer.
00:54:31it's also
00:54:32I feel
00:54:33I feel
00:54:34a little
00:54:37I deserve
00:54:38to stay.
00:54:39I can't
00:54:42I don't want
00:54:43to stay
00:54:44for this,
00:54:45for the other.
00:54:46It's like
00:54:47I'm asking for forgiveness
00:54:48or something like that.
00:54:50I tell her
00:54:51I want to stay
00:54:52and that's it.
00:54:53We all
00:54:54can have a bad day.
00:54:55I'm not going to judge
00:54:57you or Paquita
00:54:58for having
00:54:59a bad day.
00:55:00I don't want
00:55:01whatever happens
00:55:02to happen
00:55:03to make you think
00:55:04you don't have
00:55:05your place here.
00:55:07I don't think that.
00:55:08What happens
00:55:09is that
00:55:10being here
00:55:11doesn't mean
00:55:12I don't deserve
00:55:13to be here
00:55:14or I can't be
00:55:15an all-star.
00:55:17You are already
00:55:18an all-star.
00:55:19Pupi is very iconic
00:55:20but it's true
00:55:21that this look
00:55:22for me
00:55:23is not up to
00:55:24an all-star.
00:55:25Think about
00:55:26who should stay
00:55:27or who
00:55:28you think
00:55:29needs it more
00:55:30or who
00:55:35save me
00:55:36if you want,
00:55:37if you like it.
00:55:38Give me the chance
00:55:39but it's a
00:55:41I feel
00:55:43with myself
00:55:44for not being able
00:55:45to understand
00:55:46what the jury
00:55:48You know?
00:55:49And maybe
00:55:50I've gone down
00:55:51the path
00:55:52I shouldn't have
00:55:53gone down
00:55:54and in something
00:55:55that I think
00:55:56I could have
00:55:57benefited from
00:55:58a trial
00:55:59a week
00:56:00that could have
00:56:01come out
00:56:02a little better
00:56:03for Ada.
00:56:04I have a lot
00:56:05of admiration
00:56:06for Paquita
00:56:07because I think
00:56:08she's a girl
00:56:09that stands out
00:56:10from those roses.
00:56:11To me,
00:56:12she's spectacular.
00:56:13I really appreciate her
00:56:14a lot
00:56:15and I don't know
00:56:16what to tell you.
00:56:17Don't tell me anything.
00:56:18Just save me.
00:56:19That's it,
00:56:20I'm going
00:56:21at my own pace
00:56:22and I don't see yourself.
00:56:24in my season
00:56:25I've already
00:56:26hit a nail
00:56:27on the road
00:56:28that someone stole from me
00:56:29and in this season
00:56:30they didn't let me shine.
00:56:31What are we going to do?
00:56:33I'm someone
00:56:34who always thinks
00:56:35that you have to
00:56:36beg first
00:56:37for the heart.
00:56:38Then I understand perfectly that you saved Onyx and I understand that now you are going to save me.
00:56:44It's a super complicated decision.
00:56:47It's super complicated, Kario.
00:56:48Well, you think you do what you do, I'm not going to take into account the decision you make.
00:56:53She tells me to do what I do, that nothing is going to happen.
00:56:56And that, on the one hand, makes me breathe a little because I know she's not going to have it as something personal.
00:57:00But I love her, so I don't know what I can do, really.
00:57:09I'm angry!
00:57:13Kari, it's a game, it's like that.
00:57:15I mean, a game, I think it's also part of an equality.
00:57:19But I don't think we're all in the same equality.
00:57:22I think some of us are getting along too well.
00:57:27And to others, it's like you have a slip or you have something that doesn't fit them.
00:57:32And that was Pun Corse with Los Cristalfejos.
00:57:35Let's see if the sin of envy wasn't for me.
00:57:38And it was for Sagittarius, who is jealous that the judges were evaluating her very well.
00:57:43Do them.
00:57:44The criticism they've given you has been super cool.
00:57:48But I don't care.
00:57:49But you haven't understood the criticism they've given you.
00:57:51Do you understand it?
00:57:52But tell me, do you understand it?
00:57:53Do you give her the reason or do they say no?
00:57:55Honestly, it's not true.
00:57:56I mean, it's true that I think they think that maybe putting more belts and more shit
00:58:02and more, oh, I don't know, what do they want her to wear, you know?
00:58:08Envy, everyone interprets it as they want, just like everything.
00:58:11It doesn't make sense.
00:58:12It makes me angry.
00:58:13It makes me angry, that's it.
00:58:14I mean, it doesn't fucking make sense what has been done.
00:58:17Don't get like that.
00:58:18Don't be aggressive.
00:58:20Sagittarius, what the fuck is wrong with you, man?
00:58:22I mean, you have your elbow to the ground like a 15-year-old girl.
00:58:25You're very pretty, well-conceived.
00:58:27But honey, that's not the concept of envy.
00:58:30Don't you understand it or what the fuck is wrong with you?
00:58:32How are you?
00:58:33Let's see, what am I going to tell you?
00:58:36Well, that I would like to stay, I would like to show more things.
00:58:41Or I don't agree with what Sagittarius says.
00:58:46And then you want to see as something unfair where there is not.
00:58:50Which is also, they are opinions, it is the jury that is, decides what it decides and that's it.
00:58:57I think that Sagittarius has just been a girl-girl relationship.
00:59:00I'm not going to take it into account, but it doesn't matter to me.
00:59:02Yes, but I've seen you there a bit, I don't know.
00:59:05It has made you very serious.
00:59:07But because I have...
00:59:08And I hadn't seen that from you.
00:59:10And it gives me a little bit of, uff, it gives me a little bit of fear.
00:59:15I don't know.
00:59:17I don't know, just like I hadn't seen that girlishness from her either.
00:59:22I mean, why are you crying?
00:59:25Be honest with me.
00:59:27Let's see, for example, in the first season, I've been laughed at.
00:59:31But I'm actually super emotional and super empathetic with everything.
00:59:37And in the end it's like, I put myself in everyone's shoes.
00:59:42And I see it and I say, it's super difficult.
00:59:45Something super different is happening to me with Pupio because there has not been a conversation of
00:59:50you should choose me to stay for this.
00:59:53I don't know her very well.
00:59:54I only know her from her season of getting two or three times with her.
00:59:57But I think she has a good heart, she has a good background.
00:59:59And in this case she is interested in knowing how I am.
01:00:02And that for me is a plus.
01:00:04My love, I'm very bad.
01:00:06I'm very bad at the head, at running.
01:00:08I'm very bad.
01:00:10Tell me.
01:00:11I don't know how to tell you to save me.
01:00:13I'm going to approach Yuri in a different way.
01:00:15I want to tell you that, well, whatever happens tonight, we don't know.
01:00:20The fact that you are here makes me have a better time.
01:00:25And be more fun.
01:00:27And maybe I should have had more fun in this game.
01:00:30I hope you had fun, right?
01:00:34But I hope I have a good time, if I have the opportunity.
01:00:37Well, I hope.
01:00:38I hope it happens.
01:00:39I have done everything in my power.
01:00:41Now it's up to the two queens.
01:00:43Let's see.
01:00:44Let's see.
01:00:46Oh, what craftsmanship.
01:00:47According to the way you paint the bottle, you reflect your personality.
01:00:50Well, look at me.
01:00:51Well, the little pitcher has been a little small for me.
01:00:53I've made a pitufo heart.
01:00:54Oh, and this.
01:00:55Oh, these smells.
01:00:56Oh, it transports me to adolescence.
01:00:58Let's see.
01:00:59I like this.
01:01:00Oh, I like it.
01:01:01Let's see.
01:01:02Oh, please.
01:01:03Do you want to try again?
01:01:04I like it.
01:01:05I like it.
01:01:06I like it.
01:01:07I like it.
01:01:08I like it.
01:01:09I like it.
01:01:10I like it.
01:01:11Let's see.
01:01:12I know.
01:01:13I know.
01:01:14Beter than not know.
01:01:16I continue in the texture of not knowing what the fuck to do, what paint the lips
01:01:23to choose.
01:01:24I look at one, I look at the other, I just want to get away from there.
01:01:33VIBE GIRL
01:01:39And in the end, I choose one of the lipsticks, not by choice, but by the last feeling of the moment.
01:01:49I'm going to see which lipstick I'm going to choose. I'm going to try to connect that last neuron to the one that decides, and we'll see what happens.
01:01:58We have Pupi, which is very iconic, and we have a fresh color with Paquita and a roll that I like a lot.
01:02:12I feel like I haven't made any decisions, but since I have to make them, that's it.
01:02:20I don't know if I've chosen well, but it's what it is.
01:02:24I like to see you develop your creativity.
01:02:28I focus on a game of Ekren.
01:02:30It's a collaboration that Agatha and I are doing.
01:02:36Bring me my superstars.
01:02:53Two superstars are in front of me.
01:02:59You're going to play I'm crying for you by Kau Minerva.
01:03:05This is your last chance to impress us, win €2,500, a luxury brooch, and be able to hit one of the two worst queens.
01:03:17It's time for the lip sync.
01:03:21For your legacy.
01:03:24Good luck.
01:03:27And don't fuck it up.
01:03:47I'm crying for you.
01:03:58I'm crying for you.
01:04:00I'm like always wishing for you.
01:04:03I'm tired of waiting for you endlessly.
01:04:06I know I need you every day.
01:04:09I'm crying for you.
01:04:39I'm crying for you.
01:04:41I'm crying for things of yesterday.
01:04:45And every day, every day it hurts me more.
01:04:50It hurts me more.
01:05:00I'm crying for you.
01:05:03I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:05I'm crying for you.
01:05:08I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:12I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:15I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:18I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:21I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:24I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:27I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:30I have an impudence of who can win.
01:05:32I'm crying for you.
01:05:34I'm crying for you.
01:05:36I'm crying for things of yesterday.
01:05:40And every day, every day it hurts me more.
01:05:45It hurts me more.
01:05:51For things of yesterday.
01:05:54And every day, every day it hurts me more.
01:06:20Congratulations to both of you.
01:06:23I see what the judges have decided and I'll tell you right away.
01:06:38The judges and I have made a decision.
01:06:44Drag Sedlas, you are the winner.
01:06:48Congratulations, dear.
01:06:49You take 2,500 euros and the coveted light brooch.
01:06:57Congratulations and take it with pride.
01:06:59Thank you very much, I'll put it next to the other one.
01:07:022,500 euros, an Aster Lab award, another brooch.
01:07:08Wow, this is becoming a fucking madness.
01:07:13Yurigi Derkli, you are saved.
01:07:16Congratulations, my love, you can go behind with your companions.
01:07:24Poopy Poison, Paquita, come closer, please.
01:07:38Drag Sedlas, great power entails great responsibility.
01:07:44Which queen have you chosen to hit the jackpot with?
01:07:50The queen I have decided to hit the jackpot with ...
01:08:01I'm sorry, Paquita.
01:08:03I'm really sorry.
01:08:11Oh, I've already been hit, I only have my tits left.
01:08:14That's how it's written and that's how it will be done.
01:08:18Paquita, you are and will always be a superstar.
01:08:23Remember that, please.
01:08:25But now, Sashay, you're leaving.
01:08:29It's a shame that I have to wake up so soon from this dream,
01:08:33but that's life.
01:08:36Thank you very much.
01:08:39And remember that you will soon have these brooches available
01:08:43for Merchan.
01:08:53I already felt like a superstar and I had a great time.
01:08:57For me, being here has been a walk with friends
01:09:00and we'll see what comes next because I'm ready for everything.
01:09:04Who cares what I do?
01:09:06Who cares what I say?
01:09:08I am like this and I will continue like this.
01:09:11And I will never change!
01:09:13Let the music play!
01:09:17Thank you for watching!