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Video Information: 30th Advait Learning Camp, 25.3.17, Jim Corbett, Uttrakhand, India

With passion pray.
With passion make love.
With passion eat and drink and dance and play.
Why look like a dead fish
in this ocean of God?
~ Rumi

¬ What does passion mean?
¬ For what should one be passionate?
¬ How can inner fulfillment be attained?
¬ What does truth mean?
¬ What is the mind?
¬ Why is love a prerequisite for our passion?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00With passion, pray. With passion, make love. With passion, eat and drink and dance and
00:18play. Why look like a dead fish in this ocean of God? Shobit is asking what passion is.
00:34The last line must reveal it to you. Passion is to not to feel as if you are an outsider.
01:02Passion is to not to feel that you are thirsty. Passion is to not to believe that you have
01:19to reach somewhere. Passion is an inner fullness. When you play with that inner fullness, you
01:33play to play, not to win. When you make love with that inner fullness, you make love to
01:44make love, not to feel satisfied or not to impress. When you eat and drink with that
01:56inner fullness, then you eat and drink to eat and drink, not to become somebody else.
02:09Passion is the thing that the mind has for the truth. What is that thing? That thing
02:23is it cannot be far away. It is mine. Wherever I might be, the truth is my destiny. This
02:37is passion. You are passionate about something when you can not only not do without it, but
02:54you also know that there is complete security, so you will never need to do without it. Passion
03:06means not only is something very very dear to you, it is also assured that your dear thing
03:18is never going to be taken away from you. The relationship between the fish and the ocean
03:25can be summarized in two sentences. One, the fish loves the ocean. Second, the fish is inseparable
03:40from the ocean. It is not necessary that both these conditions are met for everybody and always.
03:47You may find yourself in a situation where you find that the one that you are with is not lovable.
03:57That is what often happens to those who are stuck up in the world, caught in relationships. You find
04:06you are with somebody, but there is no love there. Conversely, it is also possible that you find that
04:13you love, but the object of your love is either unattainable or only temporarily yours. None of
04:26these two are applicable with respect to the relationship of the fish and the ocean. The fish
04:37loves the ocean, that love is absolute. Second, the fish knows that it cannot be separated from
04:48the ocean, that security is absolute. Do you see what passion is? And do you see why passion makes
04:58one go ecstatic? Firstly, I love someone. Secondly, my love is totally secure. And I repeat that in
05:11our case, it is not necessary that both these conditions are met. Usually we find it difficult
05:17to love. And if we do love, then it is not necessary that the love has a secure base. I'll
05:30come back to the two conditions. What was condition number one? There must be love. What was condition
05:35number two? The love must be secure. In our case, even the first condition is unlikely to be always
05:43met. Love is not there. Love is a rarity. And if love is there, our love is always vulnerable. It
06:01needs all kinds of defenses and protection. It can be snatched away or killed at any time. Passion,
06:14the fullness of joy, when you know that that which really, really pulls you and captivates you,
06:23is within your reach. Do you see the euphoric feel of passion? One, I am in love. Second,
06:42my beloved is secured. Firstly, I am in love. That itself is a rarity. That itself is bliss.
06:52Second, my beloved is well within my reach and always within my reach. So there is security.
07:01That is passion. I want to run towards my beloved and I know I can run and I know I can reach. That
07:13is passion. Now, how would you run? What would be the quality of your steps? Joyful, energetic,
07:24and poetic at the same time. Passion is energy meeting poetry. Both these must be simultaneously
07:49fulfilled. We have a lot of examples where either none of them is fulfilled or only one
07:59is fulfilled. It is possible to love and yet be cynical. It is possible to deeply love and yet
08:10feel that your love is going to remain unanswered. That your love is going to remain unfulfilled
08:17because the one that you love is beyond your reach and if God and truth are the one you love,
08:30then it is very easy to dismiss your chances of ever reaching them. You will say, I am a body
08:39and God is bodiless. How will the body ever reach the bodiless? You will say, I am limited and God
08:53is limitless, infinite. How will I ever reach him? You will say, I am so imperfect and God is total
09:01perfection. How will I ever reach him? So, it is very possible that you love and yet are very
09:10hopeless about your love. Then you won't be passionate. Then your love would rather be a
09:22drag. You would all the time be singing sad songs. Have you seen those plays and movies where the
09:33protagonist is deeply in love but at the same time his love is doomed to fail. The one he loves can,
09:44for some tragic reason, never belong to him. We have so many tragic love stories. That is not
09:57passion. In passion, you must love and you must also know that come what may, I belong to my love,
10:10my love belongs to me. There can be no mishap. There is a total assurance. If the total assurance
10:20is not there, then your love would rather become a load upon your mind. Then your love will become
10:28your own misfortune. Then you will curse the day you fell in love. Then you will say, you would
10:36have been better had you not loved. You would meet many such people. A lot of poets only write
10:43poetry of frustration. They, in fact, literally curse the day when they saw that particular man
10:57or woman and were enamored. They say that was the day of the beginning of my ruin. That is not
11:10passion. That is rather poison. To really live in a centered way and to really live in a way where
11:28there is abundance, ebullience and unhindered flow, you must have both. Attraction towards the
11:46truth and a certainty that you will reach there. Always be certain that you will reach there. You
11:58are destined to reach there. In fact, be so sure that you will reach there that know that you are
12:06already there. Because if you say I will reach there, but there is some distance, then there
12:14still remains a faint chance that you may not reach. After all, distance is still there and
12:19who knows what may happen in the course of the distance. Life is unpredictable. There might be
12:28robbers along the way. You may meet an accident. You have to be so certain that you will reach the
12:36destination that you feel like saying I am at the destination. Then there is passion. Passion
12:46is the exuberance of living. Passion is when you are in so intimate contact with the total that
12:59your cup starts overflowing. Your cup is little and the total is great. So your cup has to overflow.
13:07Passion is that overflow. Your mind just cannot contain the joy that it has been blessed with. So
13:19joy is just dripping over, flowing over and you are totally wet. That wetness is passion.
13:32Mind you, such passion is not mere excitement because that excitement which we normally
13:55experience does not last. It is an excitement that drains out our energy and then itself gets
14:03drained out. If you remain excited for any period more than an hour, then you have chances of a
14:15physical problem. If you remain too excited, you may get a heart attack. That is the quality of
14:24our day-to-day normal excitement. So passion is not comparable to a normal state of excitement.
14:31Passion is deeper. Excitement doesn't last and that is why we find excitement so valuable because
14:41it is rare. For 30 minutes in a day you can remain excited and then you say my passion is to let's say
14:49run or cook or write or play the drum. But tell me for how long in the day can you run or write
15:06or cook or play the drum? For how long in the day will you run? Let's say two hours, four hours? Not
15:18even that much. For how long in the day will you cook? For how long in the day will you write poetry?
15:26For how long in the day will you play drum or flute or anything else? So passion cannot be
15:40activity-centric. But you usually find people saying I am passionate about this, I am passionate
15:49about that. We relate passion to an object, sometimes even to a person. You say I am
15:56passionate about meeting somebody. Now that somebody will always not be the same in your
16:04eyes. If today you are passionate about meeting him, tomorrow that passion will drop. That doesn't
16:11mean that the person will drop out from your life. The person may still remain but the passion may
16:18sink. Excitement is only there when there is a rarity, only when there is a beginning. When
16:28something becomes regular and known, then passion drops. This is the quality of our so-called
16:34passion. The passion that Rumi is referring to is not such passion. The passion that Rumi is
16:43referring to is the passion in which the object is infinite and hence the energy associated with
16:49that passion is also infinite. If the object, if your passion is a limited being, then your
16:58passion is also going to be limited. 30 minutes a day for 30 days, full stop. But if you are
17:07passionate towards the truth, then your passion will be everlasting. Then it will show up in
17:12everything that you do. If you are passionate about playing the drum, then the moment the
17:19drumming stops, your passion will also drop. That is what happens when you say that you are
17:26passionate about something X. Then everything that is not X only sees a lackathetical, a
17:36disinterested face of yours. You don't have any worth there. You look drowsy. In fact,
17:55after you are freshly done with your bout of passion, you look the most drowsy. You have
18:06played the drum for two hours. Now your passion is exhausted. What do you want to do now? Sleep.
18:12The height of passion is gone. Falling from the crest, now there is only the trough. You are at
18:25the mountain peak. Now you are in the valley. You want to sleep. But look at what Rumi is saying.
18:34Rumi is saying eat with passion, drink with passion, make love with passion, pray with passion,
18:39which means passion has to be all-pervasive. Passion has to be 24 hours. Passion has to be
18:45there in every activity. This passion cannot be there in every activity if it is object-specific.
18:52Hence, it has to be only towards the truth. When you are passionate towards the truth,
19:04then there is passion in everything that you do. And that passion is not merely an overflow of
19:15energy. That passion is not merely a periodic excitement. That passion is much more than that.
19:45Sit with passion, sleep with passion, wake with passion. Let passion be the environment in which
19:52you do anything. Sleep with passion. Now what does this passion have to do with energy?
20:04It is something else. It's a quality. It's a way of living.
20:14Rise with passion, fall with passion. Up with passion, down with passion. Speak with passion,
20:31listen with passion, meet with passion, depart with passion, win with passion,
20:47lose with passion, build with passion, demolish with passion. If you are passionate only about
21:02building, then demolishing will demolish you. You have to be just passionate. Then you are
21:13passionate about both building and destroying. Now that's nice. With great passion you are
21:27destroying everything that you yourself build. Nice. Kiss with passion, kill with passion.
21:38Heal with passion, hit with passion.
22:08Come close with passion, break apart with passion.
22:23You will then be able to say, I've just had a very passionate breakup.
22:40What does that mean? They will never know. Most people never know anything anyway.
23:10So when we talk about this passion versus all this love, why we tend to relive our experience
23:34of love. It is just much more than worldly love. What Rumi is talking about is surely
23:52applicable to worldly love as well. But it is not limited to worldly love. When Rumi says,
24:03love passionately, that includes the love that you make to your wife.
24:11But that is not limited to loving your wife. Rumi says, live passionately and life does include
24:24the gamut of all your relationships, the totality. So you can indeed mean Rumi's words to imply
24:42that you should have a passionate relationship with your wife.
24:45But Rumi is saying have a passionate relationship with your wife and your dog.
24:53And the tree in your courtyard.
25:00So it is not limited to one object. Passion is the total environment in which you live.
25:10When the wind blows, it caresses every leaf.
25:17The touch of the wind is not reserved for a single leaf. That is passion.
25:24Everything is touched and caressed.
25:33When the sun shines, everything is illuminated.
25:40The sun does not say here that one is my favorite house.
25:45I will illuminate that particular one only.
25:47To be passionate is to illuminate everything. To be passionate is to caress
26:01every face you come across,
26:05is to greet every person you come across.
26:17Good evening.
26:33Not only we met the artists, but even then that
26:38beta was there and he was also very modern.
27:03if you want to see the lack of passion, just see how you are after your bout of passion.
27:13Just see how you are after the party has just finished.
27:20Then you will see what is meant by lack of passion. Our passion is very dualistic.
27:26We reserve our energy for specific people and occasions.
27:30And if you want to see a total lack of energy, see how we are after that occasion.
27:42After a very passionate weekend, look at your face on a Monday morning.
27:59After spending a few passionate hours with your girlfriend,
28:03look at your face at the time of farewell.
28:27passion is love and security taken together.
28:37That security is faith.
28:43I have faith that I will never lose my beloved. I love
28:56deeply and I have faith that I will never lose my beloved.
29:03When both these things are together, that is passion.
29:18Of course, relaxation. And not just a resigned relaxation.
29:26It is a celebratory relaxation. You are relaxing at the summit.
29:33You are relaxing at the destination. Like a winner.
29:43So, you have great ebullience.
29:52As we just said, there is so much that your mind can't even contain it. It's overflowing.
30:12Dhyan to me is the same thing. Dhyan is attention. Attention is to attend to the truth.
30:37In passion too you are attending only to the truth.
30:42But passion has an added quality. You are not only attending to the truth,
30:47you are also assured about the truth.
31:04You know that you are not fighting a losing battle.
31:09You know that the battle is already won. You see, you can be very valiant and you can very
31:20energetically fight a losing battle also. But that will not have the quality that Rumi is
31:28referring to as passion. Passion is when you are fighting the battle and you know in advance
31:37that the battle is already won. You cannot lose it. Now you fight it with passion.
31:47You know two things parallelly. One, the battle is for something invaluable.
31:55The battle is for your beloved. And second, you also know that you cannot lose this battle.
32:01Now you fight with abandon. Now you fight with all that you have.
32:07Now you fight without inhibition. That is passion.
32:31If your goal is small, you can never be secure. The smaller your
33:02beloved object is, the more unreliable would it be. When the small cannot
33:18even belong to itself in the sense that it has no mastery of itself,
33:23how can then the small belong to you?
33:33The small is always susceptible to the vicissitudes of time, situation,
33:42coincidence. Hence the small is never reliable. Today the small may claim that it belongs totally
33:54to you, tomorrow it will back off. Today what seems like a flourish will tomorrow become a withering.
34:06The only way then to remain assured about your love is to love the grand, the big, the regal.
34:26If you love anything less than the biggest, then you will always live in fear about losing your love.
34:37The smaller the object of your love is, the more fickle would be the relationship.
34:49It would be very moody. It would be full of ups and downs and ultimately it will collapse.
34:56Even if it does not collapse, it will keep you annoyed and anxious always and that is as bad as a collapse.
35:07In matters of love, make sure that nothing less than a Himalayan bigness attracts you.
35:28Don't fall for the petty. You will find that your life is being spent in petty affairs.
35:46Avoid the petty as much as possible.
35:48With the petty, there can be no passion. With the petty, there would only be pettiness.
36:09Passion and fullness are inseparable. Passion and bigness are inseparable.
36:19Don't try to be passionate about something little.
36:30I am passionate about cooking sambhar.
36:38I am passionate about brushing my teeth.
36:48People are passionate about strange things. I am passionate about cleaning my left ear.
37:08Don't be passionate about the little. The little is so little that it won't be able to take the
37:22weight of your passion. If you are too passionate about cleaning your left ear,
37:27chances are very soon you will lose your hearing.
37:38Your little left ear won't be able to bear the weight of your passion.
37:48Either your passion will be exhausted or your ear will be exhausted.
37:56I once met a fellow who was very passionate about cleaning his tongue.
38:12Some amongst us might be passionate about monkeys.
38:15That is not good news, neither for you nor for the monkeys.
38:36Be passionate about the large and that does not mean a gorilla.
39:03I hope the ladies and gentlemen here will understand that
39:06by largeness I do not mean dimensions of limited objects. I am not referring to size.
39:22I am referring to another quality, the quality of immensity, the quality of immeasurability.
39:37Otherwise, you will start being passionate about a Maharaja dosa. It is quite large.
39:55So, you have graduated from sambhar to Maharaja dosa.
40:06That will only give you some fat.
