The Last of Us part 1 Remake Ch 6 - Bloater

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00:14Let's gear up
00:17Uh-uh, what I need a gun
00:20No, you don't Joel. I
00:23Can handle myself? No
00:28Stay here
00:31Fine just wait around for you to to get me killed this goes on record is the worst fucking job you've ever taken
00:39It's up there. I'm the hell is Tess. Okay with his suicide mission
00:44Actually her idea really
00:47Well in the broads not as smart as I thought she was
00:49What fucker?
00:53Seriously you got to take that kid back to where you found her
00:55I can't just take her back and send her packing let her find her own way
01:00But let me tell you a story
01:02once upon a time I
01:04Had somebody that I cared about
01:09Partner somebody I had to look after
01:15And in this world that sort of shit's good for one thing getting you killed
01:20So, you know what I did wasn't the fuck up and I realized it's got to be just me
01:25Bill today it ain't like that. It's bullshit is just like that
01:31Hey what I said you we walk down the steps what I say just fixing your stupid pile don't
01:41God damn it
01:43You keep babysitting long enough and eventually it's gonna blow up in your face
01:48Can we please just get on with it
01:53Here let's get on with it
02:04All right before we go any further I got something I got to show you what you got
02:17Really careful this thing blows it shreds anybody standing there by yeah, I've seen your handiwork
02:45We got shotguns and bombs the hell we doing with them well every few weeks this military caravan rides through town
02:51I assume they're out looking for supplies. I mean you'd be amazed at the shit that they overlook
02:59Few months back they were rolling through and they get overrun by this horde of infected
03:03They were all over the truck it plows right in the side of the high school
03:06Still sitting there with the battery in it. So we take that battery and we put it in another car bingo. I
03:12Wanted to get it, but it seemed too dangerous with all the infected on that part of town
03:16Fuck it. Joel needs a car. Hey, what if it's damaged? Yeah, those trucks are like tanks. It's just sitting there
03:24Thanks in my work
03:37Kid I swear to God if you took anything hey, man, I don't need any of your shit. Trust me Joel
03:43You are keeping an eye on her right like a hawk
03:53Nice place you got here if you got anything to confess, this would be the place to do it
04:13Time to sack up
04:25Valley come on
04:28Look there's a school. All right ready. Yes. We'll find out
04:44Oh, yeah, come on, you don't need to be looking at that
04:51All right
05:00I'm on it. Hey, keep quiet
05:43Think that's it clear yet. Hold up. I got a key for that gate. I
06:09Suggest we move quietly
06:43You weren't kidding about this place, were you?
08:03What about this
08:08This way
08:11It's tied on the other side what about going through here want the doggie door
08:26Be very careful, of course, maybe you should have given her a gun. Okay, Bill
08:42Ain't seen us yet stay down
09:02How far is it bill we're getting close now we're gonna be quick about it go in
09:33I don't want to get trapped over there. All right, I get it
09:45Although I got some idea who might have come through here schools on the other side of this house
09:50Let's get inside. Come on, Ellie. I
09:55Think we're good
09:59Damn those things
10:01Nobody's bitten, right? Nope. I'm good. We're all fine. Let's just keep going
10:18What I tell you there's that truck sticking out of the school right there come on
10:24There's a bunch of them up there try not to make a sound
11:02Well, that was easier than I thought it'd be
11:04They must be holed up somewhere else. Well, let's not test our luck. How do we get inside?
11:15Someone left a ladder on the bus
11:41Don't get killed up there Thanks Bill
11:54We're okay, we just need to get to the hood of the truck
12:06Shit you hear that they're coming move it kid
12:12We're gonna get the battery we're gonna get the hell out of here
12:24Go go go
12:44Make it fast grab this
12:54Please tell me you're done
12:57Tim what fucking it feel weird to build where anywhere but here
13:24We got the back you to follow me I'll get us out of here
15:09Looks like there's a path down this hallway
15:15Help me open this. All right ready?
15:24More on the way barricade the door
15:31This thing gonna hold up for long I don't sound good
15:46Ellie take cover
15:59Just stay away
16:09We gotta get up there
16:28It's been infected for a long time we call them bloaters
16:34I hate to interrupt your little biology lesson, but can we get the fuck out of here, please?
16:43Get on top of these bleachers you boost Joel
16:49Let's go people
17:01Joel behind you
17:36Let's go
17:54This way
18:21Keep going I'm right behind you
18:47So that worked out well
18:52I'll go check out this side of the house
18:56Bill somebody had the same idea. They stole my shit. Well, then what the hell is plan B?
19:00You ought to be thankful. You're still drawing breath
19:03That was plan ABC all the way to fucking Z and furthermore tell Tess. She could take this job
19:16What you know this guy or something
19:21Who the hell's Frank?
19:24He was my partner
19:30He's the only idiot that would wear a shirt like that
19:42He's got bites here
19:52Reckon he didn't want to turn. Yeah, I guess not
20:01Well, fuck him
20:11Look what I found. It's got some juice in it
20:15That's my battery
20:18Fucking asshole
20:22Get out get out geez
20:34Batteries drain but
20:36Cells are alive
20:38Meaning meaning we push it get it started and the alternator recharge the battery
20:43Is that your guess look you wanted a plan B is as good as it gets
20:51What are you thinking
20:54Thinking you drive and we push
21:02That's more of my stuff
21:09What I'm just gonna steal my shit run off
21:18Sure, there's more supplies. It's good idea. I'll give you a holler
21:40You won't be okay with this. Yeah, not a problem
21:45You're doing a good job, I figured you should know that I won't let you down with this
22:04Found this in there and I I figured you should have it
22:10That's how you feel fuck you too Frank
22:16Fucking idiot you ready to go
22:38Put her in first
22:41Already did it
22:43Keep your foot on the clutch and when we get the right know how to pop a clutch
22:48How the hell do you know what? I don't care. Just don't fuck it up
22:52All right, Ellie get ready
22:57Now hit it hit it
23:39Just make it to the hill just get it over the edge
24:22Fucked my day up
25:25Don't Ellie started up
25:33You hear that sound bill
25:56This'll do stop
26:02Just keep her running. All right
26:05That girl nearly got us killed
26:09You gotta admit
26:11She did hold her own back there
26:16You ain't gonna make it oh
26:23Here what's this you'd be amazed at how many cars still got gas in them
26:32the bill
26:34About your buddy back there
26:36That's a tough deal
26:41We square we're square and get the fuck out of my town
27:19Hey, what happened is sleeping
27:21Okay, I know it doesn't look like it but this here is not a bad read only one problem right there to be continued
27:31Hey cliffhangers, where did you get that?
27:36Back at bills, I mean all this stuff was just lying there
27:43What else did you get well
27:46Here this make you all nostalgic, you know, that is actually before my time
27:54That is a winner though
28:01Well better than nothing
28:05Oh, I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight
28:11Light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos
28:14Ellie that ain't for kids. Whoa
28:17How how the hell would he even walk around with that thing get rid of that hold your horses?
28:23I want to see what all the fuss is about. Oh
28:26Why are these all stuck together?
28:31I'm just fucking with you
28:44You know what this isn't that bad
28:56What you try to get
28:59Even tired
29:12No, perfect
29:47Are we gonna help him put your seatbelt on Ellie? What about the guy? He ain't even hurt
29:58I am
