Ep 7 - Mr Benn

  • avant-hier
01:01À 52, M. Ben regardait de sa fenêtre.
01:06La rue, qui avait été vide, était maintenant vivante avec ses enfants.
01:11La voiture était une voiture d'ici-creme.
01:14Et les enfants s'occupaient de leurs ici-cremes.
01:25Pendant un moment, M. Ben voyait la rue.
01:28Puis, il entrait par la fenêtre.
01:31Lorsque M. Ben venait à sa porte d'entrée, portant son chapeau et son chapeau,
01:35la voiture était partie.
01:37M. Ben allait faire un tour.
01:48Son tour l'empruntait à un endroit particulier.
01:52Un endroit particulier, où M. Ben voyait la rue.
01:56Son tour l'empruntait à un endroit particulier.
01:59Un endroit, où les aventures pouvaient commencer.
02:07A l'intérieur de l'endroit, comme si par magie,
02:10le gardien apparaissait.
02:12« Bonjour, monsieur », répondait-il.
02:14« Quel costume voudriez-vous essayer aujourd'hui ? »
02:16« Celui-ci », répondait M. Ben.
02:18Et pointait vers les vêtements blancs d'un chef.
02:23A aucun moment, il avait pris le costume dans la salle de changement.
02:27M. Ben changeait les vêtements des chefs.
02:33Et il se souriait dans le miroir.
02:38Puis, il passait par la porte, qui lui conduisait toujours vers l'aventure.
02:43A l'extérieur de la porte, M. Ben se trouvait à côté d'un groupe d'enfants.
02:49Ils étaient fins.
02:51Et leurs vêtements, juste des sacs.
02:57M. Ben se trouvait dans la rue.
03:01Il marchait dans la rue, et voyait d'autres enfants,
03:04aussi pauvres que les premiers.
03:07Après un moment, M. Ben se trouvait à côté d'une rue.
03:13Dans la rue, il y avait d'autres chefs,
03:15tous en train de parler de rentrer dans le palais.
03:20M. Ben les suivait.
03:23Les chefs marchaient à travers les gardes du palais.
03:33Et à travers les portes du palais.
03:38Le chef des chefs se trouvait dans la rue.
03:42Il se trouvait dans la rue.
03:45Il se trouvait dans la rue.
03:48Il se trouvait dans la rue.
03:49Il se trouvait dans la rue.
03:51Il se trouvait dans la rue.
03:56M. Ben se trouvait dans la rue.
04:00Il se trouvait dans la rue.
04:08Ce n'est pas la forêt.
04:10Vous ne la connaissez pas,
04:11mais vous n'êtes entendu.
04:13Vous êtes pour de l'argent,
04:14si vous mettez l'argent,
04:16vous n'aurez rien à penser.
04:17eat, she just refuses. We want you to cook something that will make her want to eat. We've
04:24tried all these. And he pointed to food arranged on a table. Now, get to work. Mr. Ben stood
04:34back and watched the other cooks. They fetched, poured, roasted, pounded, iced, boiled and
04:43tasted for all they were worth. Each cook made his favourite food. As soon as one was
04:54ready, everyone would stop what they were doing. The cook was proudly let off carrying
05:00his food. But before long, the cook, still carrying the food, would return, looking
05:13very sad, because the princess would not eat it. The others would go back to their fetching,
05:21pouring, roasting, pounding, icing, boiling, tasting and so on, until another cook was
05:26ready to take his food to the princess. But the princess did not eat it.
06:27On the table, the pile of food grew and grew and grew. But still, the princess would not eat.
06:35As the next cook went in, Mr. Ben found a place where he could peep through into the other room.
06:43In the other room was a long table. At the far end of it, sat a worried-looking king and a
06:53worried-looking queen, and a princess who didn't seem to be interested in anything.
07:00Then, another cook came through the door. The king and the queen said things like,
07:10Oh, how lovely! Doesn't that look nice, Annabella? Now, eat up, if you want to be beautiful like your
07:17mummy. After which, Annabella said, No. The king looked at the queen. The queen looked at the
07:27servant. The servant looked at the cook. And they all looked at Annabella. The cook picked up the
07:37food and carried it away. Back in the kitchen, the servant said, What shall we do? We've tried
07:45apples, bacon, cake, donuts, Easter eggs, fish fingers, and everything else we can think of. She
07:52just won't eat. There's nothing wrong with the food, said Mr. Ben. I have an idea if the king
08:01will let me try it. The king didn't even wait to hear the idea. He said, Yes, anything, just get
08:08her to eat. Mr. Ben ran out of the palace. Back in the kitchen, the cooks prepared more food, and laid the long table for a feast, and then prepared even more food.
08:38Mr. Ben went back to the dingy street he'd seen before. He called the hungry children together, and said, You're all invited to a feast at the palace. Ask your parents if you can come, and meet me back here. Later, Mr. Ben returned to the palace, and said, I'll be waiting for you.
08:58They passed through the palace entrance, and arrived at the palace gate, where they met the king. The king was very happy to see them, and said, I'm very happy to see you. The king was very happy to see them, and said, I'm very happy to see you.
09:26They passed through the palace entrance, and along the corridors, until they reached the room where the feast was.
09:56Mr. Ben said, Children, help yourselves. They didn't have to be asked twice.
10:26After a while, a boy offered Annabelle a plate of cakes. She took one, she ate it, then another, and then some jelly. And soon, she was tucking into the food, just like the other children.
10:56Mr. Ben's plan had worked. The princess turned to the king. Daddy, she said, can they come back again next week? Of course, dear, said the king, they can come back every week.
11:27A man suddenly appeared beside Mr. Ben, and said, would you take this back to the kitchen for me, please? And he gave Mr. Ben a wooden spoon.
11:44Mr. Ben did as he was asked, but as he went through the door, instead of the kitchen, he found himself back in the changing room of the shop. He took a last look at himself as a cook, and then changed.
12:02Back in the shop, Mr. Ben returned the cook's outfit. What shall I do with this wooden spoon, he asked. You can keep that, sir, said the shopkeeper.
12:22Thank you, said Mr. Ben. I hoped you'd say that. From the door, he waved goodbye. Back in Festive Road, the usual street things were going on. The children there didn't look hungry.
12:52At his gate, Mr. Ben remembered the wooden spoon in his pocket. He smiled and thought, I'll keep it safely with my other souvenirs.
13:52THE END