Intergalactic Thanksgiving (13)

  • avant-hier
00:53Pourquoi ne pas nous rejoindre dans la chanson ?
00:55Victoria, il y a un temps et un endroit pour tout, sauf la chanson.
01:03En plus, tu sais que ton père ne peut pas le porter.
01:07Quoi ?
01:08Non, tu as raison, maman. Je suis un terrible chanteur.
01:18Oh, Cromwell, nous n'avons jamais eu de plaisir.
01:22Si tu étais aussi bien un chauffeur que tu es un chanteur, nous serions à l'avant où nous devons être.
01:29Nous faisons 55 kilomètres par heure maintenant, maman.
01:36Oh, d'accord.
01:38Allons-y vite.
01:41Warp factor 8.
01:44Maintenant, regarde ce que tu m'as fait faire. Tu m'as fait tomber sur une planète.
02:14Les aliens arrivent.
02:26Les aliens arrivent.
02:36Annoncez, Lord Titodros.
02:41Pour mon roi, le plus drôle de la terre.
02:54Hey, mon fils, tu penses que c'est un bon truc ?
02:58Regarde ça.
03:24Regarde ça.
03:31Pourquoi ces choses-ci ne fonctionnent pas ?
03:36Allô ?
03:37Votre roi Sillinus, les aliens arrivent, mon fils.
03:40Quoi ?
03:41Un ship has landed là-bas.
03:43Là-bas où ? T'es sérieux ? Je ne suis pas venu pour ça, vieux gars.
03:46En plus, nous avons un jeu officiel à faire. Est-ce drôle ?
03:50C'est un peu drôle.
03:52C'est un peu drôle ?
03:53C'est un peu drôle ?
03:54C'est un peu drôle ?
03:55C'est un peu drôle ?
03:57C'est un peu drôle ?
03:59Ok, ok.
04:11Père, c'est vrai, quelque chose a lancé. Regarde.
04:18Il a raison.
04:19Il a raison, il est un peu drôle, et tout, c'est une sorte de conversation royale.
04:23On dirait que ça peut être amusant.
04:25Subjects, bring the whoopie cushions, the thermal trousers, the hand buzzers, the sprays...
04:29Oh, brother...
04:31Is this where we're gonna live, father?
04:34Yep, I'm gonna plant my rutabaga patch right over yonder.
04:38Now, Pa, that's where my pansies are going.
04:42But I saw it first.
04:44Pa, did you remember to pack the farm?
04:47Yep, here it is.
04:49One Instafarm Deluxe model.
04:53Stand back, everybody.
05:02I never saw anything like this before in my life.
05:05Take it easy.
05:07Come on, you'll give it away.
05:10Come on, you'll give it away.
05:12Victoria, tend to your chores.
05:15Oh, I almost forgot.
05:18Thanks, Cromwell.
05:24I claim this planet in the name of...
05:34Hey, Martha, looks like we got neighbors.
05:38I'm sorry, what did you say, Pa?
05:42It comes down! It's an attack!
05:44Quick, Victoria, into the wagon, quick!
05:54You're the funniest. I think you're absolutely hilarious.
05:58Pa, it's time for the speech. Have you got it?
06:02Oh, yeah.
06:05We mean no harm.
06:08We bring peace.
06:10We bring goodwill.
06:12We bring tidings.
06:14Did you bring presents?
06:17Just kidding, just kidding.
06:19Welcome to the planet Laugh-A-Lot.
06:21Put it there.
06:23Ha, ha, ha, hardy, ha, ha.
06:26The old fake hand trick gets them every time.
06:29Just fooling around, just fooling around.
06:32My name is Gucci, and I'm the king of Laugh-A-Lot.
06:36Son of Eric the Whoopee Cushion,
06:38cousin of Terence the Terrible and Terence the Pickler.
06:41We're called the Spade Minder family.
06:44We're simple, hard-working farmers,
06:46and all we want is a place to plant.
06:49Get away from here.
06:53What are you laughing at?
06:55That was funny. What's your name?
06:57My name is Victoria.
07:00Not funny enough.
07:01It's not supposed to be funny. It's my name.
07:05I know. My name is not funny enough.
07:09Gee, that's a funny name.
07:11It's my father's idea of a joke.
07:14That's your father?
07:16Yeah, he sure is.
07:19Gosh, if he's the king,
07:22then you must be a prince?
07:25Not a very good one, I'm afraid.
07:30You want to farm?
07:33Okay, but you can't expect to drop out of the sky and start farming.
07:37You're in the wrong spot.
07:39We are?
07:42Yeah, I know a much better spot.
07:44Besides, this one's taken.
07:46It's mine.
07:47Oh, sure. We understand.
07:49We can easily pack up.
07:51Stand back, everyone.
08:01Right there.
08:03That's your spot.
08:04Come on, son.
08:05There's plenty to do.