The Gate Keeping Fan: A Rant

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00:00And I don't know why we have to talk about it on a day that they can clinch the things
00:04I don't understand.
00:05And I do kind of feel this is a topic in itself.
00:09What is the most annoying fan behavior things?
00:16Because I will tell you for one, I mean, I told you I'm annoyed when people are lifelong
00:20Detroiters and then all of a sudden they're like, hey, I'm a Broncos fan because they
00:23like John Elway and they quit on the Lions.
00:26That annoys me.
00:27But the biggest thing that that annoys me from other fans is this kind of crap.
00:33The fandom gatekeeper.
00:35You didn't believe.
00:36So I'm a better fan than you.
00:38You weren't around, you know, three when they lost one hundred and nineteen games.
00:42So I'm a better fan than you.
00:45I must have missed the part where what they give you like a fan card, kind of like a Jersey
00:51Mike's card.
00:52And you go on in and you get it punched.
00:54Oh, you went to so many games.
00:57You're a better fan.
00:58No, it's ridiculous.
01:00But all that's come out and not all, but a lot of what's come out is that.
01:06When the Tigers in 2003, when they were the worst team in American League history up until
01:11this year.
01:13And then in 2006, you know, you had the same thing.
01:16Oh, where were you?
01:17I was there and all this.
01:19Nobody cares.
01:20But that means you were kind of stupid.
01:21Let's be honest.
01:22You were kind of stupid.
01:23If you went, you know, three.
01:26What does that mean?
01:27That means you spent your money on a product that was subpar.
01:30So what does that get you?
01:33I mean, you went to the game.
01:34I guess there were shorter lines.
01:36You know, there was this story that came out on Wednesday that Tony Paul and Johnny Kane
01:41were talking about that people would go to the beer vendors on Wednesday's game.
01:46They had thirty two thousand fans there.
01:48Do you hear this now?
01:49And a lot of people were just floored that Comerica is cash free.
01:53Oh, yeah.
01:56They've been there.
01:57And so they're like, I can't use cash.
01:59And this beer vendor is like, welcome back.
02:02So like a lot of people are coming back.
02:05And here's the dirty little secret.
02:06Today's going to be sold out.
02:07Tomorrow's going to be sold out.
02:09Sunday's going to be sold out.
02:11You should come.
02:12You should support them because they're giving you a good product now when before they weren't.
02:17It bothers the hell out of me when people are.
02:20This city is not a good sports town because of nobody shows up to see the team play when
02:26the team blows.
02:28Why should people spend their money on?
02:30No, don't watch.
02:31Check out.
02:32I mean, dude, when you care more than the team, that's a problem.
02:37And a lot of the times when the team stinks, you feel like you care more than the team.
02:43You really don't.
02:44But they do care, even though they suck.
02:48The most annoying fan aspect.
02:49Is it the gatekeeper?
02:50Yeah, I think it's the one who it's kind of the same thing that people would accuse you
02:54of being a bandwagon.
02:56I don't jump on board.
02:57Who cares?
02:58How does it affect you?
03:00It's weird.
03:01I don't get it because I guess and everything's got to be a urinating match.
03:06So I guess when you're talking about fans, you got to talk about like, I'm a bigger fan
03:12than you.
03:14Hey, hey.
03:15Did you see 2003?
03:16Did you see Roger Clemens?
03:17He was going for his 300th win.
03:19Tigers beat him in 19 innings.
03:21Did you stay the whole game?
