Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 22 Becoming Pt 2

  • 2 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 22 Becoming Pt 2


00:00do anything do it now
00:03this one's dead what about up there
00:09get her out of here wait just see if he's okay please
00:20please you don't understand you do well to keep your mouth shut
00:23miss but i didn't do anything why do i find that so very hard to believe
00:27in there you know this girl buffy summers if there's trouble she's behind it you stupid
00:33little troll you have no idea attitude problem serious look i just want to know if my friends
00:40are okay that's enough you have the right to remain silent anything you say can
00:47stop get out
01:02all units we have a fugitive on foot at the high school homicide suspect
01:06female blonde approximately 16 years old suspect is very dangerous
02:56sander oh
02:58oh i was so worried i didn't know if you were okay
03:04the cops yeah i i heard him chase you out i was just coming at it
03:09souvenir what about the others
03:14are they okay
03:22okay that was about equal parts protecting me and copping a feel right
03:38what is it
03:50the doctor said it was head trauma
03:54she can wake up at any time but um the longer it lasts the less likely it is
04:04i never should have let her try to do that curse
04:06where are your parents with relatives in phoenix i gave them a call they're
04:29they're getting on a plane back disaster
04:31no oh man i didn't even think i'll call them
04:48how is she the doctor told me yeah we're uh still waiting you're okay i ran
04:58i think i made it through three counties before i realized nobody was chasing me
05:03not too brave it was the right thing to do did giles keep up with you
05:10i didn't see giles you mean he's not in the hospital no
05:27oh hi rupert i wasn't sure you were gonna wake up you had me worried
05:37what do you want i want to torture you
05:42like i used to love it it's been a long time i mean the last time i tortured somebody
05:50you didn't even have chainsaws
05:59oh yeah katha he's an even harder guy to wake up than you are i mean i've performed rituals
06:09said all the right phrases blood on my hand got nothing they don't at all for my troubles
06:15i figure you know the ritual you're pretty up on these things you could probably
06:20tell me what i'm doing wrong but honestly i sort of hope you don't
06:29because i really want to torture you
06:34no it's impossible there's been some terrible mistake and you have no idea where your daughter
06:41is she said she was going to her friend willow's house maybe she slept over
06:47is that willow rosenberg yes second victim what your daughter has a history of violence
06:56doesn't she miss summers well
07:03you call us okay she decides to stop by the best she just comes in
07:18giles giles i don't think he's here
07:25who are you whistler what are you doing here waiting for you why because i i need a date to
07:36the prom i have had a really bad day okay if you have information worth hearing then i am grateful
07:46for it if you're gonna crack jokes and i'm gonna pull out your rib cage and wear it as a hat
07:50hello to the imagery very nice
07:56it wasn't supposed to go down like this
07:58nobody saw you coming i figured this for angels big day but i thought he was here to stop kathle
08:08not to bring him forth then you two made with the smoochies now he's a creep again
08:16and what are you gonna do well what are you prepared to do whatever i have to
08:24maybe i should ask what are you prepared to give up
08:29you don't have anything useful to tell me do you what are you just some immortal
08:32demon sent down to even the score between good and evil
08:37i guess well why don't you try getting off your immortal ass and fighting evil once in
08:43a while because i'm sick and tired of doing it myself in the end you're always by yourself
08:48you're all you've got that's the point spare me the sword isn't enough you got to be ready
08:57you got to know how to use it
09:17all right there put your hands on your head do it
09:32hello cutie
09:37oh none of you hold on a second hey white flag era quit let me clear this up for you
09:54we're mortal enemies we don't get timeouts you want to go around pet oliver gale time of it
09:59you want to stop angel we're gonna have to play this a bit differently
10:04what are you talking about talking about your expat i'm talking about putting him in the bloody
10:08ground this has got to be the lamest trick you guys have ever thought up he's got your watcher
10:20right now is probably torturing him what do you want i told you i want to stop angel
10:26angel i want to save the world okay you do remember that you're a vampire right
10:34we like to talk big vampires do i'm going to destroy the world
10:42it's just tough guy talk strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood the truth is
10:49i like this world you've got dog racing manchester united
10:58and you've got people billions of people walking around like happy meals with legs it's all right
11:07here but then someone comes along with a vision with a real passion for destruction
11:24angel could pull it off
11:27goodbye piccadilly farewell lester bloody square you know what i'm saying
11:31okay fine you're not down with angel why would you ever come to me i want drew back
11:46i want her like it was before he came back
11:50the way she acts around him you're pathetic
11:55i lost a friend tonight i wasn't and i may lose more the whole earth may be sucked into hell and
12:01you want my help because your girlfriend's a big ho well let me take this opportunity to not
12:06care i can't fight them both alone and neither can you
12:15i hate you and i'm all you've got
12:23all right talk i'm just gonna kill this guy
12:30all right let's get inside
12:34do you want some coffee i don't want to leave if she might uh i'll get it
13:10come on will
13:15look you don't have a choice here
13:16you gotta wake up i need you will
13:25i mean how am i gonna pass trick you know
13:31and who am i gonna call every night
13:35and talk about everything we did all day
13:41you're my best friend
13:43you're my best friend
13:47you've always
13:58i love you
14:13i'm here
14:21she's starting to wake up
14:26hey baby i'm gonna go get a doctor
14:34how are you feeling
14:35um my head feels big is it big
14:45no it's head-sized
14:58is everybody else okay
15:21uber buddy
15:27i'm here to tell you i'm impressed
15:35hey um how you holding up
15:44never glad to hear it
16:01tell me when it hurts
16:22where have you been are you okay police were here i've been looking for you
16:28you know mom let's let's go inside and i can explain who is this man who are you
16:33mom i'm okay buffy terrible things have happened what were you doing what your mom doesn't know
16:40know what that i'm uh in a band a rock band with spike here right she plays the
16:51triangle drums drums yes she's a hell on the old skins man and uh what do you do
16:57well the same you know what why don't we go inside and and we can talk about this
17:04i'm i'm not sure how i feel about
17:28i'm one of angel's boys yeah probably watching me
17:31and you yeah he won't get a chance to tattle on us now buffy what is going on
17:51i'm a vampire slayer
18:06i'm okay buffy really i mean i don't feel good but i'm awake and i know my name and who's
18:16president and how many fingers so they don't think my brain got mushed at all thank god
18:25so sorry i can't be there i know i'm sorry i didn't get to cure angel don't be it just wasn't
18:34meant to be i know i'm never gonna get him back the way he was it just makes it easier i guess
18:42any luck finding giles yep i got a lucky break what you wouldn't believe me if i told you
18:50if i told you
19:07sander angel and the others are halted outside town you remember that funky looking mansion
19:12you showed me that time on cropper street sure that makes sense what's the drill i'm gonna hit
19:18Let it come daybreak.
19:19You'll need back-up.
19:21You stay there.
19:22I'm covered.
19:23Do you, um...
19:24Do you think Giles is still alive?
19:25I think he is.
19:26I just wish he was here to tell me what to do.
19:37Have we met?
19:50You hit me with an axe one time.
19:54Get the hell away from my daughter.
20:05So do you, uh, live here in town?
20:10Is Willow all right?
20:12She's fine.
20:13All right.
20:15What's the deal?
20:19You let me and Drew skip town.
20:21I help you kill Angel.
20:22Angel your boyfriend?
20:24Forget about Drusilla.
20:26She doesn't walk.
20:27There's no deal without Drew.
20:28She killed Kendra.
20:30Drew bagged his slayer?
20:33You didn't tell me.
20:34Good for her.
20:35Though not from your perspective, I suppose.
20:36I can't believe I invited you into my house.
20:44So you didn't kill that girl?
20:46Of course not.
20:48Did she explode like that man out there?
20:51She was a slayer, Mom.
20:53Like what you are.
20:55Look, this deal works only one way, full stop.
21:00Me and Drew for Angel.
21:03Honey, are you sure you're a vampire slayer?
21:07I'll take her out of the country.
21:08You'll never hear from us again, I bloody well hope.
21:14Get back to the mansion.
21:16Make sure Giles is all right.
21:17I mean, have you tried not being a slayer?
21:20Mom, be ready to back me up when I make my move.
21:26If Giles dies, she dies.
21:35It's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it?
21:38It's just fate, Mom.
21:39I'm the slayer, accepted.
21:40We should call the police.
21:41No, we're not calling the police.
21:42Well, now that we know that you're innocent, it's...
21:44You thought I was guilty?
21:45Geez, feeling the love in this room?
21:46No, I didn't think that.
21:47It's just, now we have proof.
21:49I am sure that they will understand.
21:50Get them involved, you'll get them killed.
21:56Well, you're not gonna hurt them, are you?
22:09I'm a slayer, not a postal worker.
22:11Cops can't fight demons, I have to do it.
22:15Do what?
22:16Buffy, what is happening?
22:18Just have another drink.
22:20Don't you talk to me that way.
22:22You don't get to just dump something like this on me and pretend it's nothing.
22:26I'm sorry, Mom, but I don't have time for this.
22:28No, I am tired of I don't have time or you wouldn't understand.
22:33I am your mother and you will make time to explain yourself.
22:38I told you, I'm a vampire slayer.
22:42Well, I just don't accept that.
22:44Open your eyes, Mom.
22:46What do you think has been going on for the past two years?
22:50The fights, the weird occurrences.
22:53How many times have you washed blood out of my clothing and you still haven't figured it out?
22:57Well, it stops now.
22:58No, it doesn't stop.
23:00It never stops.
23:02Do you think I chose to be like this?
23:05Do you have any idea how lonely it is?
23:08How dangerous?
23:10I'd love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or God, even studying.
23:18But I have to save the world again.
23:21No, this is insane.
23:23Buffy, you need help.
23:24I'm not crazy.
23:26What I need is for you to chill.
23:29I have to go.
23:30No, I am not letting you out of this house.
23:33You can't stop me.
23:35Oh, yes, I can.
23:39When you walk out of this house, don't even think about coming back.
24:01So, Buffy's going for the big showdown, huh?
24:04I wish we could help, you know, without dying.
24:08I don't see how.
24:09I want to try again.
24:11Try what?
24:12The curse. We never got to finish it.
24:15Maybe we can restore Angel's soul.
24:18I don't like it.
24:19You're talking about messing with powerful magic and you're weak.
24:22I'm okay.
24:24You don't look okay.
24:25Does she?
24:27You should listen to him.
24:28The hair, it's so flat and the lips.
24:32Could we stay on topic here, honey?
24:35Look, it's not a good idea.
24:37There's no use arguing with me.
24:39Do you see my resolve face?
24:42You've seen it before.
24:43You know what it means.
24:45This can help Buffy.
24:47If we turn Angel back soon enough,
24:50we can stop him from ever awakening a Kathla.
24:53Okay, I pretty much missed out on some stuff, didn't I?
24:56Because this is all making the kind of sense that's not.
25:00Go with Cordy to the library and get my things.
25:03She'll fill you in.
25:08I'll drive.
25:11Sander, go to Buffy.
25:13Tell her what we're doing.
25:14Maybe she can stall.
25:16But I...
25:17Resolve face.
25:21Be careful.
25:26You know, I can stop the pain.
25:30You've been very brave, but it's over.
25:35You've given enough.
25:40Now let me make it stop.
25:53Please tell me what I need to know.
26:02In order...
26:05To be worthy...
26:08You must perform the ritual...
26:13In a tutu...
26:19All right.
26:20Someone get the chainsaw.
26:22Don't now, don't.
26:23Let's lose our temper.
26:24Keep out of it, sit and spin.
26:27You cut him up, you'll never get your answers.
26:30Since when did you become so level-headed?
26:33Right about the time you became so pig-headed.
26:36You have your way with him, you'll never get to destroy the world,
26:39and I don't fancy spending the next month
26:41trying to get librarian out of the carpet.
26:44There are other ways.
26:46Enlighten me.
26:59Do you want to play a game?
27:21You do know this is a crime scene, don't you?
27:26But then...
27:28You're a criminal.
27:30So that pretty much works out.
27:32You know I didn't do it.
27:35The police will figure it out.
27:38I don't think so.
27:41I don't think so.
27:44I don't think so.
27:48The police will figure it out.
27:50In case you haven't noticed,
27:52the police of Sunnydale are deeply stupid.
27:58It doesn't matter anyway.
28:00Whatever they find,
28:02you've proved too much of a liability for this school.
28:08These are the moments you want to savor.
28:10You wish time would stop
28:12so that you could live them over and over again.
28:17You're expelled.
28:27You never, ever got a single date in high school, did you?
28:31Your point being?
28:48It's Snyder.
28:51Tell the mayor I have good news.
29:02It's not better.
29:11Poor thing.
29:15Poor thing.
29:19Let's see what's inside.
29:28Of course.
29:35Look at me.
29:45Be in me.
29:54See with your heart.
30:18I thought I'd lost you.
30:23I'll never leave you.
30:28We have to get out of here.
30:34I can't believe it.
30:43Did you tell Angel
30:46about the ritual?
30:53We have to get him away from our Catherine.
30:59We have to get him away from our Catherine.
31:05Why? Is he close to figuring it out?
31:11Tell me what to do.
31:17It's all right.
31:22We'll be together.
31:28We'll have everything we never got to have.
31:36Never got to feel.
31:42Just tell me what to do.
31:46We have to get Angel away from our Catherine.
31:51Angel himself.
31:56He's the key.
31:58His blood.
32:01He must...
32:21The blood.
32:23Of course, the blood on my hands must be my own.
32:26I am the key that will open up the door.
32:29My blood, my life.
32:34Okay, kill him.
32:36But what if he's lying?
32:39Yeah, good point.
32:41All right, don't kill him.
32:43You know, I kind of like having you watch my back.
32:47It's kind of like old times.
32:52Uh, Drusilla?
32:58We are finished here, dogs.
33:12I was in the moment.
33:20What did you mean, the sword isn't enough?
33:23You know, raiding an Englishman's fridge is like dating a nun.
33:27You're never going to get the good stuff.
33:30Tell me how to use it.
33:34Angel's the key.
33:37I'm the key.
33:40I'm the key.
33:43I'm the key.
33:46I'm the key.
33:51His blood will open the door to hell.
33:54Akathla opens his big mouth, creates a vortex.
33:59Then only Angel's blood will close it.
34:02One blow will send them both back to hell.
34:05But I strongly suggest that you get there before that happens.
34:10The faster you kill Angel, the easier it's going to be on you.
34:13Don't worry about me.
34:15It's all on the line here, kid.
34:17I can deal.
34:20I ain't got nothing left to lose.
34:26Wrong, kid.
34:29You got one more thing.
34:45You got one more thing.
35:08Calvary's here.
35:10Calvary's a frightened guy with a rock, but it's here.
35:15That's better.
35:17You're not here to fight. You get Giles out and you run like hell, understood?
35:21I can't protect you. I'm going to be too busy killing.
35:24Now that's a new look for you.
35:26It's a present for Angel.
35:30She told me to tell you.
35:34Tell me what?
35:38Kick his ass.
35:48Fundatus sum.
35:51Rote necavi.
35:54Sanguine meum.
35:56Rote effendum.
35:59Cuome dignam.
36:02Esset monstrum.
36:05Are we ready?
36:07Stinky herbs are a go.
36:10Did I mention I didn't take Latin?
36:12You don't have to understand it. You just have to say it.
36:15I hope.
36:22Now, Carfla.
36:25You will be free.
36:31And so will we all.
36:43Hello, lover.
36:45I don't have time for you.
36:47You don't have a lot of time left.
36:49Coming on kind of strong, don't you think?
36:52You're playing some D-bots here. Do you really think you can take us home?
36:56No, I don't.
37:13Come on.
37:20Excellent, isn't it?
37:43I don't want to hurt you, baby.
37:50Doesn't mean I won't.
37:59Not dead, nor not of the living.
38:03Spirits of the interregnum, I call.
38:15Can you walk?
38:17You're not real.
38:19Sure I'm real.
38:21It's a trick.
38:23You get inside my head and make me see things I won't.
38:27Then why would they make you see me?
38:32All right, let's go.
38:36Come on.
38:40Come on.
39:11Here he comes.
39:16God bind him.
39:18Cast his heart from the evil realm.
39:28You almost made it, Buff.
39:30It's not over yet.
39:32My boy, Cothlehir, is about to wake up.
39:34You're going to hell.
39:37Save me a seat.
39:40Come on.
40:11Come on.
40:29The return.
40:33I call on...
40:38Are you okay?
40:48This is a good thing.
40:53Hey, speak English.
41:19Sorry, baby, if there was another way.
41:23Come on.
41:36God, he's going to kill her.
41:47That's everything, huh?
41:49No weapons.
41:51No friends.
41:53No hope.
41:57Take all that away.
41:59And what's left?
42:52Come on.
42:56Come on.
43:32What's going on?
43:46Where are we?
43:48I don't remember.
43:52Where are we?
44:06You're hurt.
44:14Oh, Buffy.
44:16Oh, God.
44:18I haven't seen you in months.
44:20God, I got everything so muddled.
44:27Oh, Buffy.
44:48What's happening?
44:52Don't worry about it.
45:19I love you.
45:21I love you.
45:26Close your eyes.
46:18I love you.
46:48I love you.
47:49Hello. Are you sure you should be out of bed?
47:52Look, he's talking.
47:55Any word?
47:57You guys haven't seen her either?
48:01But we know the world didn't end, because...
48:03Check it out.
48:05Well, we, uh...
48:07We went back to the mansion.
48:09It was empty.
48:11The catheter was dormant.
48:14I think the spell worked.
48:16I felt something go through me.
48:19Plus, the orb did that cool glow thing.
48:23Well, maybe it wasn't in time.
48:25Maybe she had to kill him before the cure could work.
48:28She'd want to be alone, I guess.
48:30Or maybe Angel was saved, and they want to be alone together.
48:36Well, she's got to show up sooner or later.
48:39We still have school.
48:43She'll be here in a while.
49:16I never thought I could feel so alone
49:21In your darkness I feel like letting go
49:34Follow the strength and follow the courage
49:40Come and lift me up from this place
49:46I know I can love you much better than this
49:54For Christ's sake
50:11I know I can love you much better than this
50:23It's better this way
50:40It's better this way
51:10Oh, I need a hug.
