
  • 2 days ago
00:00You were trying to trick us, weren't you?
00:03That's why I said that we can prepare it as soon as possible.
00:08Well, well, everyone.
00:10Even if you are from the land of demons, you will have to pay for it.
00:16Right, Mjölnir?
00:18Goodbye, Prince Mjölnir.
00:22Then let the merchants rest in peace.
00:26Pay for it with Dwarven gold.
00:29That's why...
00:40Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:45Greetings, Your Majesty Rimuru.
00:48I am Prince Mjölnir of the Kingdom of Gaston.
00:52You seem to have caused quite a stir.
00:55I was about to cry when I heard that the merchants were about to pay for it.
01:00I'm sure they have enough budget.
01:03But if they only accept payment through Dwarven gold...
01:08As you know, the only thing the merchants trust is Dwarven gold.
01:13And this is the land of demons.
01:15It's only natural that we have to make a deal with the money we can trust.
01:20Your Majesty Rimuru.
01:22If you are in trouble, I will be the one to help you.
01:29Very well, Mjölnir.
01:31Go to the Demon King Rimuru's manor.
01:34I will pay you back with my trust.
01:36Leave it to me.
01:38I will do it for the sake of the Lodz Clan.
01:42Is this some kind of a favor?
01:44If it were me, I would give you Dwarven gold...
01:47I don't need it.
01:48Come in.
01:53Very well.
01:54I will pay you in Dwarven gold.
01:59W-Wait a minute!
02:01Is this real?
02:04You want to say it's fake?
02:08I'm sorry.
02:11If you don't trust me, you can judge for yourself.
02:16Yes, sir.
02:17Your Majesty Rimuru.
02:18The reporters want to report on the negotiations.
02:22Perfect timing.
02:24I will verify the gold.
02:26I want everyone to participate.
02:36It's real!
02:37It's the real Dwarven gold!
02:43Then I will pay you.
02:46I will pay you in Dwarven gold.
02:51Thank you very much.
02:53The international negotiations are now complete.
03:00Impressive, Your Majesty Rimuru.
03:02How did you manage to gather so much gold?
03:06Well, if you can protect the international law, I have no complaints.
03:11If you continue to help us...
03:14I won't do that.
03:16The negotiations with you are over.
03:18There won't be a next time.
03:20What do you mean?
03:22He said he would trust you if you paid him.
03:26I can't trust a country of monsters.
03:28You're the ones who were making such a fuss.
03:31We don't want to negotiate with anyone we can trust.
03:36That's why we won't allow you to do business in our country.
03:41We won't allow you to do business in our country?
03:44You just violated the international law.
03:48You seem to be mistaken.
03:50Our country is not yet a member of the council.
03:53It doesn't matter if we can't join the council.
03:56Because we're going to create a new huge economy here.
04:04You don't have to force yourself to join the council.
04:07I can't do that.
04:09That's right.
04:10Then I'll be the leader of the council.
04:14I won't do that either.
04:16Because you're going to lose your job.
04:20The reporters here will go back to their countries and write articles.
04:25They're merchants who only pay by the door.
04:29They're not related, but they're great nobles who gather merchants.
04:34What do you think the people who read the article will think?
04:41Then I'll leave the rest to you, Yonomairu.
04:44Leave it to me.
04:46Please wait, Your Majesty!
04:50The negotiation has ended without a hitch.
04:53Everyone, please leave.
04:56All right.
05:02Thanks to you, we were able to finish the negotiation safely, Lord Hermesia.
05:06I'm glad I could help.
05:09But I didn't expect Lord Rimuru to be so strict with the merchants.
05:16This was all part of Lord Rimuru's plan.
05:20What do you mean?
05:22If you want to obey your opponent, it's better to be kind than to intimidate them with fear.
05:28Thanks to Lord Rimuru's threats, I was able to persuade His Majesty.
05:35And those merchants came to me.
05:41Next, we'll have a black screen.
05:44A black screen?
05:46That duke, Miuse, is a useless person.
05:50Now that I've disobeyed the duke and followed his rules,
05:54I have no choice but to deal with the higher-ups.
05:59Now that we've solved the problem, I'd like to start a meeting to exchange opinions.
06:04Feel free to say whatever you want.
06:07There's something I'd like to say as the king of the Alliance.
06:11Rimuru, what do you mean by that?
06:14Huh? That?
06:16It's a huge video that was shown in the arena.
06:19Oh, wasn't that convenient?
06:22That's not going to work.
06:24We'll get detailed information about the location from the video.
06:28It may change the concept of war from reconnaissance to strategy.
06:33Is that so?
06:35You wanted me to say that first, didn't you?
06:38That's my line!
06:40This country is full of convenient things.
06:44Elle, I have a lot of things I want you to incorporate.
06:48I understand, Ellen-chan.
06:50Let's talk about it later.
06:52Your Majesty, please don't spoil her.
06:55Ellen-chan, you shouldn't call the emperor's name like that.
06:59You're so noisy, Herald.
07:01Dad is always exaggerating.
07:05That's why...
07:08I want you to send a technician to our country.
07:12If that's the case, the problem is transportation.
07:15If that's the case, I want you to send a technician to our country.
07:20This magical train is still under development.
07:24Magical train? What's that?
07:27It's a power plant that uses spirits.
07:30It's equipped with a spirit magic box.
07:32We're going to build a system to properly control it.
07:35It's perfect, isn't it?
07:37That's easy to say.
07:39It's not easy.
07:42That's why...
07:44It would be great if a magical science expert could help us.
07:48Of course.
07:50I'll pay for it, too.
07:52Right, Herald?
07:54Yes, Your Majesty.
07:56It looks like a serious joint research is about to begin.
08:00The magical science that Sarion is proud of...
08:03and the spirit magic that Dwargon has cultivated...
08:05are connected by the Tempest.
08:08I can't wait for it to happen.
08:11Then let's put the rails up to Sarion first.
08:14We can do it in parallel with the road construction,
08:16so we don't have time to build a tunnel.
08:20When will we need that tunnel?
08:25Oh, soon.
08:27There's also a plan to destroy the magical train.
08:29Digging a hole through the mountains?
08:32Yeah, but I'm not going to force you to do what you don't want to do.
08:38I understand.
08:41If it doesn't affect Miyama,
08:43let's approve of the tunnel construction.
08:46Yes, seriously.
08:48However, the person in charge of the construction...
08:53I can't!
08:55I don't know anything about construction!
08:57I know, right?
08:59It's a shame, but Benimaru is my one-arm.
09:03I only visit him once in a while.
09:05Oh, that's fine.
09:07If you're going to come to my village at that time...
09:11It seems that this place was a trap from the beginning, Benimaru-kun.
09:17Boss, no, Rimuru-dono.
09:20Can I ask you something?
09:22What is it, Youmu-dono?
09:24I want to explain, but unfortunately I don't have time.
09:28So I'd like my wife to explain instead.
09:31Is that okay?
09:33Of course.
09:34Please, Miyuohi.
09:36Thank you, Your Majesty Rimuru.
09:38The story of passing through our country from Blumund to Dwargon...
09:44This is also part of the construction of the new Jinma Kyoei Prefecture.
09:48Is it okay to think so?
09:51Jinma Kyoei Prefecture?
10:03Jinma Kyoei Prefecture
10:07Jinma Kyoei Prefecture, huh?
10:10That's great. It seems that our ideal has become a reality.
10:14In order to realize that ideal, our country will do its best to cooperate with Your Majesty Rimuru.
10:20Then, as I asked you before, let's start with agriculture.
10:24We are already working on the cultivation of the designated crops.
10:27Then, let's talk about the aristocrats.
10:30The rebellious aristocrats have all become more powerful thanks to Diablo.
10:36Then, what about domestic security?
10:38With the reorganization of the Knights, domestic security is stable.
10:42The people are becoming one under the banner of the King of Yomu.
10:47Then, can you gather the people who are busy with work?
10:51Busy with work?
10:53The people who were studying under Gerudo will be able to go to school soon.
10:58I'm going to let them be in charge.
11:01I see.
11:02Then, I'll make the one who can read and write the leader and divide it in half.
11:07I'm kind of excited.
11:09The transportation network by the Magical Train will be the lifeblood of Jinma Kyoei Prefecture.
11:16It's going to be able to deliver what you've been carrying on a carriage for a week in less than three hours.
11:23The amount of transportation is more than 100 times that of a carriage.
11:27We have to learn.
11:29In order to respond to the new era.
11:33Is it okay for us to participate in that learning?
11:38Why are you hesitating, Fuse?
11:40If you look at the people around you, everyone will be disappointed.
11:45Sorry, sorry.
11:48I'd like to talk about the topic I mentioned earlier.
11:55I am Beliard, the minister of the Kingdom of Bulumund.
11:58I am grateful to His Majesty Rimuru for giving me this opportunity.
12:01Sir, you don't have to be so formal.
12:05So, what do you want to talk about?
12:08Well, I'm afraid...
12:10The Magical Train that will change the common sense of physics.
12:14If Beliard is going to build a transit base for it,
12:17it is necessary to gather various cargo from all over the world.
12:21We will manage the cargo and find out what each country is missing.
12:28Isn't that what His Majesty Rimuru is trying to do for our country?
12:34You're sharp.
12:36That's right, but can you do it?
12:38I don't mind if you just give me the location.
12:41Are you kidding me?
12:43Let's build the best transport system as a collection point for logistics.
12:48Please do.
12:50Yes, sir.
12:52Anyone else?
12:53I can't accept this!
12:55What are you talking about?
12:57The dungeon!
12:59We've built it a hundred times,
13:01but there's no sign of the challenger we're looking for!
13:05We even trained to welcome adventurers!
13:09Don't worry.
13:11The announcement of the dungeon to each country was a great success.
13:16The dungeon video attracted the attention of each country.
13:20It seems that a unique weapon came out of the treasure chest.
13:25And we're thinking of introducing a bounty system.
13:32Those who conquer the 100th floor of the basement will be awarded a huge bounty.
13:37If you do that, a strong and experienced challenger will come to you.
13:44I-I see!
13:45And Mr. Yuuki,
13:47I want you to manage the bounty system of this dungeon.
13:54The first reason is to promote it.
13:59What's the real reason?
14:01I want you to use the adventurer card to manage the challenger.
14:07You're trying to minimize costs and maximize what you have.
14:12That's a good idea.
14:14But there's also an advantage for the guild.
14:19What is it?
14:20The monsters in Jura's Great Forest are under the command of His Majesty Rimuru,
14:25and the border will be managed by our country from now on.
14:29If that happens...
14:31Will there be fewer monsters?
14:34That's right.
14:35However, by defeating the monsters in the dungeon,
14:38you will be able to buy various materials on a regular basis.
14:43So it's a new job for the adventurers who have lost their jobs.
14:47I can't believe it.
14:49Can I join you?
14:51Y-Yes, please.
14:53It's true that this dungeon is perfect for improving your skills.
14:57But once you get used to not dying, your awareness of danger decreases,
15:00and I feel like you'll be more careful when you're out and about.
15:04Well, that's true.
15:06So here's my suggestion.
15:08I'm thinking of sending a priest from the Seihousei Church.
15:12It's a good idea.
15:14Y-You're serious, Princess?
15:17A priest is a user of sacred magic, right?
15:21If it's a good idea,
15:22I'll be able to manipulate the miracle of God that can heal the loss of one's body.
15:26But without experience and knowledge, it's impossible to grow.
15:31At this rate,
15:32it may lead to the accumulation of inherited knowledge and inherited miracles.
15:37So you're saying you want to improve their skills here?
15:41If you take it, you'll be able to receive healing treatment from sacred magic.
15:48I think it's very effective to analyze inherited sacred magic
15:52while keeping the cost of faith and gratitude as a complete thing.
15:58There's no reason to disagree.
16:00I'm looking forward to working with you.
16:02And as part of my training,
16:04I'd like to have the Holy Knights conquer the dungeon as well.
16:08Are you serious?
16:09Are you ready, Lord Veldra?
16:12I mean, Lord Gimei.
16:15W-What are you talking about?
16:17I've never cooked yakisoba.
16:22The second dungeon, the saints.
16:25I'm looking forward to seeing you reach the 100th floor.
16:31It's over.
16:34Ms. Rimuru.
16:35I'd like to consider your suggestion.
16:39If you're going to place a branch,
16:41could you provide a building?
16:43Yes, of course.
16:45This will make the dungeon even more vibrant.
16:52Well, I think we've covered everything.
16:55There's one last thing I'd like to confirm with everyone.
16:59I'd like to ask you about the East Merchant.
17:08It's over.
17:10I'm done for.
17:15I couldn't do anything about him.
17:20I knew you'd fail, Grandpa.
17:24You're right, Mariabelle.
17:26I just thought it'd be a shame to crush that country.
17:30That can't be helped.
17:33I saw it, I heard it, and I felt it.
17:37The scent of nostalgic culture.
17:40That's why we should have destroyed it.
17:43Before it became known.
17:50Don't worry.
17:52I'm a greedy person.
17:54I want everything.
17:56I'll take everything in my hands.
17:58This world belongs to the Rozzo family.
18:02That's right, Mariabelle.
18:05I'll leave everything to you.
18:10The East Merchant, huh?
18:12The Roargon recognizes the freedom of movement,
18:16but all those who enter are under the watchful eye of the dark side.
18:20I don't see many of them in Bulumund.
18:23Our country is a weak country.
18:25I don't think it's a good trade partner.
18:28I don't know if you can say that yourself.
18:32My country is a half-hearted country.
18:34Of course.
18:36All foreign goods are managed by the central government.
18:39The 13th royal family has no right to intervene.
18:43I think we're the most dangerous.
18:46Oh, by the way, Diablo ordered me to investigate the situation.
18:50I'm going to find out how much influence he had,
18:53and cut off all ties to him.
18:55I see.
18:57What about the guild?
18:59I guess we'll have to leave it to each of them.
19:01Some of them are doing business as usual.
19:04We can't cancel all of them.
19:07I guess you're right.
19:09Well, the headquarters will take care of it.
19:13The Seihousei Association...
19:15No, Rubellios has completely stopped trading with the Eastern Merchants.
19:20What? Why?
19:22Because he's about to be used.
19:24By an Eastern Merchant named Damrada.
19:27On Walpurgis Night, someone broke into Rubellios.
19:32I happened to be there, so I was chasing him.
19:35Actually, I was going to meet Damrada that day.
19:39That must be connected.
19:42Damrada and his intruders...
19:46We'll have to build a guard against the Eastern Merchants as soon as possible.
19:51Let's try to get our country's intelligence agency involved.
19:55It would be helpful if they could negotiate with each other.
19:59Well, that's it for the meeting.
20:01No, the meeting is over.
20:03I want you to take a good rest today.
20:06I don't want to go home.
20:08Then let's sleep together tonight.
20:11Eren, what are you doing?
20:13I agree!
20:14Your Majesty!
20:20I'm sure of it now.
20:23The person Crayman was talking about must be Yuuki.
20:28I think so too.
20:31In the first place, few people know about my relationship with Shizu.
20:35Hinata also said that he was blown into by the Eastern Merchants.
20:39According to Mew, he's never heard of the Eastern Merchants.
20:43Crayman was a cautious demon king.
20:46I think he was hiding the existence of the Eastern Merchants.
20:50But he seemed to be in close contact with the Eastern Merchants.
20:54Mew also said that he saw them a few times.
20:57So the Eastern Merchants were in contact with Crayman because they saw the Merchants?
21:03It seems that they also showed up in front of Adalman.
21:07The Eastern Merchants were in contact with Crayman.
21:10I'm sure of it now.
21:13Then the one who killed Crayman must be Laplace, who didn't show up at the time of the battle.
21:20Yuuki admitted his relationship with the Eastern Merchants.
21:25I can't deny it.
21:28The paper handled by the guild is imported from the Eastern Empire.
21:33Did you target me when you tried to make Rimuru-sama and Hinata fight?
21:38I think the church forces were in the way of the Eastern Merchants expanding their influence in the west.
21:45So the guild is cooperating to expand its influence.
21:50Do you want to question him?
21:53If I let Yuuki get away with it, it's over.
21:57Above all, I can't say that there's no possibility that I'm mistaken.
22:01Yes, I guess that possibility is very small.
22:08Yes, it's a guess.
22:10That's why I'm quietly preparing now.
22:14Jinma Kyoeiken.
22:16Prepare for a confrontation with those who hinder our ideals.
22:25And so the opening ceremony was over.
22:31Those who enjoy getting in the way.
22:37Those who stay in Tempest.
22:42And then the next battle begins.
22:48It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:01It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:06It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:11It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:16It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:21It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:26It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:30It will be a month from now that a letter will arrive at Tempest from the Western Empire.
23:35To be continued...
24:00Wakatteru, wakatteru, mou ichido sa
24:07Wish upon a heart, did you get my message?
24:12Wish upon a heart, did you get my message?