• il y a 3 mois
00:00Hola! My name is Raymundo. I have a special friend. His name is Bertram. We have lots of fun laughing, playing and dancing together. Come on, let me show you around.
00:30C'est parti!
01:00Ay caramba, look out!
01:08Last one to the watermelon patch loses a turn.
01:13Hurry, come on!
01:23Estampida de niños, keep stampede!
01:26Hey Raymundo, come on out!
01:33Buenos dias, good morning Bertram. Is the stampede over?
01:39All over. Everyone is headed to the watermelon patch.
01:44Is there a new Wambler being born?
01:47Si, it is true. Baby Wamblers come from watermelons.
01:53No, it's even better than that.
02:10Look what Gibby's mom and dad built.
02:13Ay chihuahua! It's a train. That's train in Spanish.
02:20I love train rides. Do you?
02:24Wow, it goes all around the watermelon patch.
02:30Ay, it is wonderful Bertram.
02:34Hola Gibby, we are here to ride your Wamblerful train.
02:46Hum, oh oh, you gotta be this tall to ride the train, Raymundo.
02:53Mi amigo, I am way above that.
02:57Oh no, I am much too small.
03:03Sorry about that, Raymundo.
03:11When you're too small, the safety bar can't hold you in.
03:14You could fall out and get hurt.
03:18Hey short shell, too bad you're too small.
03:23Hey short shell, too bad you're not big enough to ride the train.
03:29That just leaves more room for us big guys.
03:45Bertram, I am too small to ride the train. What can I do?
03:50If you can't ride, I won't either. It won't be any fun without you.
04:01Ah, tengo una idea. I have an idea.
04:10Two, I mean one ticket little Wambler girl.
04:17Hi Gibby.
04:21Hola Gibby.
04:27I never thought you were small before. I just thought you were Raymundo's size.
04:33There must be someone who can make me bigger.
04:37I know who can help. She can make anything look different.
04:45Make you bigger?
04:50Nothing easier.
04:52See, I told you Aunt Cordelia could help. She's a great artist.
04:57See, she is the greatest artist I know. She is also the only artist I know.
05:03This is going to be so much fun.
05:06Just put one arm up. Lean your head back.
05:11Close your eyes. Perfect. Don't move a muscle.
05:24All done.
05:26How big am I now? Am I ten feet tall? No?
05:33Then how tall am I?
05:34You're still Raymundo's size.
05:36Tia Cordelia, Aunt Cordelia, something went wrong. I am still small.
05:42Of course you are Raymundo. I can't make you bigger. I can only draw you bigger.
05:50Ay caramba, but I want to be bigger.
05:54You know, that's a really good picture of you.
05:56See, I look very handsome. Don't you think so?
06:03Maybe you just ought to be happy being as big as you are, Raymundo.
06:07The only thing that will make me happy is riding the train.
06:11And I can only do that if I'm bigger.
06:14That's the only thing that will make you happy?
06:19Si, that all makes me muy feliz, very happy.
06:23But those are things you can do only if you're Raymundo's size.
06:27But if I am Raymundo's size, I cannot ride the train.
06:31And riding the train is the only thing that will make me happy.
06:34I can only do that if I'm bigger.
06:37That's the only thing that will make you happy?
06:40Si, yes.
06:42How about riding on my shoulder or stealing paper boats in the big fountain?
06:47And riding the train would make me muy muy feliz.
06:52Can't anybody help me?
06:57Are you sure about this, Raymundo?
06:59Si. One of us must ride the wonderful train.
07:03And if it isn't me, then it must be my best friend.
07:08Come on!
07:10What's wrong, Gibby?
07:13Sorry, Jasper. It's locked up tight.
07:16Thank goodness you're here, Raymundo.
07:19Yo, me?
07:22I accidentally locked Jasper's blanky inside.
07:25You're the only one in Wombledon who can help.
07:28Because I'm the only one small enough to get under the door and unlock it from the inside.
07:42Raymundo to the rescue!
07:46Yay, Raymundo!
07:52Thanks, Raymundo. You know, a hero like you deserves a reward.
07:56Can I have a train ride?
07:59I don't see why not.
08:02Come on, everybody!
08:04Let's Womble!
08:13All aboard the Raymundo Express!
08:16Next stop, Wombledon!
08:20Hi, Raymundo!
08:25How do you like riding in Gibby's toy train?
08:29Es fantástico! It is fantastic!
08:32The train is just the right size for me.
08:35And I am just the right size for me, too.
08:39Réussis-le la prochaine fois!
08:41Je suis trop rapide pour tout le monde!