The Jeremy Kyle Show (14 March 2018)

  • 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (14 March 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show...
00:12Craig, 25. Your brother is Dylan, who's 23. You say he's a nightmare.
00:17You've got it coming for you, sunshine.
00:19Yeah, bring it.
00:23Did he proposition her?
00:24Uh, yeah. He was like, um, oh, leave, Craig. I can give you a better life than what he can.
00:31You look like I'm not smacking shit, huh?
00:35You sat on that stage and basically called me a bad dad. I am there for you.
00:39You were the one saying you had a son.
00:43Get back in your box.
00:44No, you get out of your box, you little idiot.
00:47Have you heard yourself? You're not manipulating me again.
00:50He's obsessed. He can't leave me alone.
00:52I believe in you a little bit.
00:53So why are you posting about me still three months later?
00:56Why are you sending me flyers from Blackpool?
00:58He's an absolute fool, Luke!
01:02I ain't even got a mobile phone, so damn because of you.
01:05You've got nothing to do with her.
01:06Well, stop messaging me, Luke!
01:29Hello, my friends. Good morning and a big, big welcome to The Show.
01:32Our first guest today, Craig, is here to confront his brother, Dylan,
01:35who he says is basically a violent and abusive thug.
01:38He says that Dylan is an embarrassment and even banned him from his own wedding.
01:42Check this. After his brother tried to sleep with his wife.
01:47Craig says he's here today to tell him,
01:49you're no longer a part of this family, stay out of mine and my wife's life for good.
01:52Do one. Craig's on the Jeremy Carr Show. That way!
01:59How are you, sir?
02:01You like that?
02:03Do I like it?
02:04Yeah, do you like it?
02:05Lovely. How are you, Craig?
02:06I'm fine, thanks, mate.
02:07Why have I gone into that accent?
02:08Welcome to the show, Craig, 25.
02:10Your brother is Dylan, who's 23.
02:12You say he's a nightmare.
02:15Yeah, he is an absolute nightmare, Jez.
02:18We had him round one New Year for Christmas.
02:21I was going to say, all that growing up, were you close?
02:23We was close, actually.
02:24My mum actually said one point, we were like the Mitchell brothers.
02:29Tom, my team, it's gone too far.
02:31I am here to humiliate this low life and to have him out of my life.
02:34What's been going on? Blood is thicker than water, isn't it?
02:37Well, you know, I mean, they say that you can't pick your family,
02:40but, you know, I picked mine.
02:43I did pick mine, and my family's my wife and my daughter,
02:46do you know what I mean? I don't want him anywhere near them.
02:48You say he's a benefits scrounger.
02:50Yeah, of course he is. I mean, I'm on benefits myself,
02:52do you know what I mean? I'm on benefits myself,
02:54but I work for a charity, do you know what I mean?
02:56And we make furniture and, you know, stuff like that,
02:58and we give, like, to people less fortunate.
03:01You've got it coming for you, sunshine.
03:03Yeah, bring it.
03:06He abuses the system.
03:08Yeah, he does, yeah.
03:10What, works and claims?
03:12Well, he doesn't, you know what I mean?
03:14He's never really got a... on anything, Jez.
03:16You say he's a liar, he's a trouble, he causes trouble, what do you mean?
03:19Well, like, he was sending my wife, like...
03:22Well, he came to live with you, didn't he?
03:24Yeah, he did, actually, yeah.
03:25I mean, he were homeless for a bit, so we put a roof over his head,
03:28and he didn't have to pay no rent, he didn't have to do none of that, mate.
03:31Do you know what I mean?
03:32Because I didn't really want to take anything off him,
03:34do you know what I mean?
03:35Didn't help out, though, did he?
03:37No, he didn't, no.
03:38I went to work one day, cos I was actually working at that point,
03:41and I come home and I said to my wife,
03:44has he done anything round the house?
03:46And she said, no, I haven't done it at all.
03:48Nothing? Nothing at all.
03:49And then, shockingly...
03:51Oh, I like that.
03:52I asked him to wash the pots and he head-butted my bathroom door.
04:00Did you wash up? No!
04:03I don't know what's wrong with him, man,
04:05he looks like a drunk Frank Gallagher.
04:08He messaged your missus and said, leave him.
04:11Did he proposition her?
04:13Yeah, he actually did send her that message,
04:15he was like, oh, leave Craig's,
04:17I can give you a better life than what he can.
04:20Yeah, him.
04:21So he's living in your house, cos he's homeless,
04:24and he asked his own brother's wife to get it on with her
04:27and to leave you.
04:29He's got the same tattoo as I have on my neck, what does that mean?
04:32Oh, yeah, well, I've got this tattoo here to represent,
04:36you know, the sad tragic loss of my granddad, you know, there it is.
04:40And he went out and got the same one.
04:44He's not worthy to have that tattoo.
04:46Is this underneath or on top?
04:50Can you put them back up again, please?
04:52Cos the one underneath's a bit better, isn't it, to be honest?
04:55It does look a bit better, to be fair.
04:57He's got a better tattoo than you.
04:59Yeah, it does look a bit better, to be fair.
05:01That's why you don't like him, isn't it?
05:03Oh, no, no.
05:04You'll be saying to your wife, will you have it with me?
05:06No, I'm joking.
05:07So, today, why are you here? Why are you doing it here?
05:09Basically, I just want him to leave my wife and my family alone,
05:11I don't want him in my daughter's life,
05:13I don't want him in my unborn child's life,
05:15I don't want him basically anything to do with...
05:17Right, you're a low-life deadbeat who's made his life hell
05:20and he hates your guts.
05:22It's just going to go well, isn't it?
05:24Dylan's on the Jeremy Kyle show that way.
05:32My guts do it?
05:35Why do you hit my guts a minute ago, do you know what I mean?
05:38Cos you've got Emily wrapped around your little finger,
05:42whatever she says, you do it anyways.
05:45No, no, no, mate, it's not even like that, do you know what I mean?
05:47Yeah, it is.
05:51You look at him, you're smacking straight in the mouth.
05:56I'm not here for you, right, why are you even here?
05:58She's here to support me.
06:00You can't stand up for yourself.
06:02You should do what friendly men do instead of lying,
06:04you two...
06:08Well, that's a nice entrance, isn't it?
06:11Welcome to the show.
06:12Why are you taking advantage of his hospitality
06:14and saying, like, why are you trying it on with his wife?
06:16I never tried it on with his wife at all.
06:18Yeah, you did try it on with my wife. No, I didn't.
06:20Yeah, you did. No, I didn't.
06:22You came down to her mother's place where we were staying
06:24because we didn't have a place to live at that time.
06:27I went to the toilet, we got to the train station
06:29and you said, did she try it on with you?
06:31Come on, Dylan!
06:32No, I never tried it on with her.
06:33Why would I try it on with your missus?
06:35You told my team that he hates his brother from the moment
06:37he slept with somebody you slept with or he was going out with
06:39or something, what was the truth?
06:41Because she told me they're split up.
06:43Somebody else? Yeah.
06:44So you're jealous of your brother, are you?
06:46No, I'm not. Why do you live in his house?
06:48If you hate him so much, then why don't you get your own place?
06:51Because I didn't hate him at the time.
06:53I didn't hate him at the time.
06:55Why didn't you get a job?
06:59Have you ever had a job? Yeah.
07:01Doing what? Painting and decorating.
07:03So what's happened?
07:04Well, he says you're abusing the benefit system.
07:06No, I'm not at all.
07:07Go out to, you know what I mean, get a decent job to pay your way.
07:10I bet many of these people in this audience sat here today,
07:13I bet half of you work, right? No, I don't.
07:16Stand up if you work for a living.
07:22Lazy man.
07:24There are a lot of people, well, hold on a minute,
07:26there are a lot of people trying to get a job,
07:28but you're not trying to get a job, are you?
07:30How do you know? Cos he told me.
07:32Just cos he told you, I am trying to get a job, actually.
07:35Are you? Yeah.
07:36Well, what's happening then? Why are you living in his house?
07:38Because I had nowhere to stay at the time, yeah, I will say that.
07:41Right, and I'm actually glad he took me in.
07:43Yeah, and I was good enough to put a roof over your head and so was she.
07:46I know, I'm not denying that.
07:47And then, and then... Then? had the up and bald cheek to go out on that New Year,
07:52I told you not to have too many drinks because you can get violent, mate.
07:56Oh, nice. And then, you know what I mean,
07:58and then you was in my face, my wife got in yours,
08:00and then you nearly had them down the stairs, man,
08:02and, you know what I mean, she was a newborn kid.
08:04I was trying to get by her.
08:05Why would I want to push her down the stairs?
08:07You tried to push her down the stairs?
08:09You tried to push her down the stairs?
08:11No, I never, I was trying to get by her so I can get out of the house.
08:14If I had not caught her, when I did,
08:16she would have fell with my newborn baby.
08:18Did you have bad blood when he asked you to clean the pots?
08:20No, not at all. Are you sure?
08:21I'd rather headbutt you.
08:22Oh, you want to headbutt me?
08:24And that's going to happen, isn't it?
08:26I don't even like you, little...
08:31You don't like me?
08:32No, why would anyone want to like you?
08:34You can't even win an award, right? I like you.
08:50I tell you what, if I had this bit of music, I'd win.
09:01Lee thinks there isn't much to you, Barth, that's fine.
09:04Listen, no, I haven't won an award, right?
09:06But I have got a damn job and I don't abuse my family,
09:09I don't abuse my brother's wife, do I?
09:18So why don't you like me?
09:19No, no, let's have this bit. Why don't you like me?
09:21Why would anyone like you? Sorry?
09:23Why would anyone like you?
09:24Because somebody takes you on and tells you exactly what you are,
09:26you lying, low-life piece of whatever.
09:28Why don't you get a job?
09:32Why are you abusing his hospitality?
09:34Why don't you sit there while you don't give a damn
09:36and the world owes you a damn living?
09:38The world doesn't owe me anything.
09:40Good, then apologise to your brother for misusing his house and abusing...
09:43It doesn't matter... Do you know what he said to us?
09:45He's controlled by his wife, he's round a little finger.
09:47Is there anything you want to say about this
09:49or are you just stunned into silence?
09:51I've got nothing to do with him, mate.
09:53I'm just here to basically tell you to leave me and my family alone
09:56and don't bother coming anywhere near Lexi, do you know what I mean?
09:59She's my one in a million mate, you don't even deserve to be an uncle.
10:02You don't deserve to be...
10:06Back off to the break, don't go anywhere.
10:08My life and her life and my daughter's life ain't no game, mate,
10:11and to you, I'm not going to have you be a part of that, I really am.
10:15I picked myself up when I fell.
10:17You can do the damn same.
10:38It's all kicking off, security.
10:46This test says you're a liar, love.
10:50This isn't about you, this is about your children.
10:52Oh, here we go, the car's in peace.
10:54OK, more happiness after.
10:59Oh, get off!
11:00No, no, no, no, no!
11:04Oh, my Lord.
11:06I think Felix Scofield has to put up with this.
11:13There's a feud in the family tearing your family apart.
11:16Do you think you're being lied to and need my help to prove it?
11:19If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
11:22email talk at along with your number.
11:25Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
11:27Text cost 25 pence plus one standard rate message.
11:30Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
11:32It's 123456.
11:34Course cost 25 pence plus network access charge.
11:46Thank you very much indeed. Welcome back.
11:48Before the break, we met Craig, who came out and said,
11:50my brother's a scrounger, he's a user, he's taken advantage of me and my family,
11:53he's abused my wife, tried it on with her, been horrible to me kid,
11:56so happy came out.
11:58You don't like anybody, do you?
12:00No. What?! No.
12:02What's wrong with you? Why are you so miserable?
12:05Why are you so miserable?
12:07Cos I've got to stay at your office.
12:12Cos I said I've got to stay at your...
12:16I'm quite easy. It's absolutely fine to say that, quite seriously.
12:20I really don't get affected because if I did, I'd probably...
12:23Anyway, never mind. What's your wife called? Emily.
12:25Emily's on the Jeremy Carr Show.
12:32You call him a bad dad?
12:34Yeah, a lie about him being a bad dad and whatever else.
12:37His daughter wants for nothing, nothing at all.
12:41What, both of you?
12:50Where are you going?
12:51Away from you.
12:52What are we doing now?
12:53You're not running away.
12:55Where are we going?
12:57You ain't running away or something.
12:59Oh, we're just doing the Cardinal Olympics.
13:07I'm going.
13:08Come on, you little liar!
13:10Here comes the big man routine.
13:12What are you doing being so aggressive?
13:14Cos I can.
13:15Cos he's a little...
13:18Here comes the big man routine.
13:20This is a talk show, not a walking show.
13:29Dylan, what's the point of this?
13:35No, you're right, I don't want nothing to do with you.
13:37I've got all my reasons why to...
13:39If you don't want nothing to do with him,
13:41if you don't want nothing to do with him, why bring him here?
13:44You sat on that stage and basically called me a bad dad.
13:47You were the one saying you had a son.
13:50And you've never had a child.
13:52You're not man enough to give kids.
13:56Come on, then.
13:57I want to say I'll have a Facebook and whereabouts,
14:00but where's your mouth now?
14:01I put my little girl to bed every night and I read her a damn story.
14:04And do you know what she gets up in the morning and says?
14:07Does anybody want a biscuit?
14:11Do you want a biscuit?
14:12Come on, Dylan.
14:14Do you want a biscuit?
14:16No, thank you.
14:19Where are we going now?
14:20I'd have a biscuit if I had a bro joke.
14:22Here you are. Well, there, have a biscuit.
14:24It's a chocolate biscuit.
14:25Oh, look at that. I can see I've got biscuits.
14:27Where are you going, essentially?
14:29You wanted to speak to me, so get over here and speak to me.
14:32Just me and you, then. Just want to speak to his brother.
14:34Just me and you.
14:38He's married to her!
14:41He's together!
14:43You are the one that's spreading lies about her!
14:45You are the one!
14:49You've got every right to be here just as much as you do!
14:52You're the one that's spreading lies about her, Sunshine!
14:54What lies has he spread?
14:56He's spread lies about...
14:59Apparently I tried coming on to him in my mum's house.
15:02She tried coming on to him.
15:03Have you seen the state of that? Seriously!
15:05She sent him messages, or it could have been him sending her messages,
15:08but, yeah, that were the bits of gist of it.
15:10Do you know what I mean?
15:11He's brought me on here and he says that he wants to speak to me on my own.
15:14I don't know what he's doing, really. He seems to have run about a mile.
15:17He'll never grow up.
15:18He needs a microphone.
15:20He'll never grow up.
15:21Has he taken his microphone off?
15:24Aw, does baby want his dummy?
15:26Don't start now, you're not helping.
15:28It's pathetic.
15:30Yeah, I understand that.
15:31He needs to give it in, instead of the drugs.
15:34Oh, dear.
15:35You need this microphone if you're going to talk to your brother, pal.
15:38I can't do it if you've taken your thing off, yeah?
15:40You want to speak to me, you do it with her here.
15:42And I didn't mean to call him a bad dummy, look.
15:45I'm sorry I said that.
15:47And I'm sorry, Emily, for calling you what I did.
15:51I'm not interested in nothing.
15:53Can I do this, because I can't...
15:55I just want a relationship with my brother.
15:57Where do you think it's gone wrong, pal?
15:59Yeah, I won't lie to you, Jeremy, yeah, I have treated him bad.
16:02And we used to...
16:04But we used to be close.
16:06And when I was on the show last time, yeah, I didn't say much,
16:09I didn't say I was afraid and anything else like that, right,
16:11but I'm actually here, yeah.
16:13Why did you come?
16:14Because I miss him.
16:15Right, that's...
16:16I don't like the way I've treated him, yeah.
16:18Listen to him, he can't do any more than say that.
16:20And I am sorry, and I'm sorry about him, right,
16:22you're not a bad dad.
16:23I've seen you with Lexi.
16:24That's why I say it.
16:25Because he's trying to score points.
16:27Yeah, I was trying to score points, yeah, and I said it out of anger.
16:30That's fair enough, to be fair.
16:31And I wish I never said it.
16:33That's fair enough.
16:34If you know someone's not a bad parent, why say it?
16:36Because she is scoring points.
16:38I said it out of anger.
16:39He said it, I said it.
16:40You haven't apologised to me.
16:41You haven't said anything wrong.
16:42And I'm sorry.
16:43You haven't apologised to me yet.
16:44And I'm sorry, Jeremy.
16:45I'll be crying later.
16:46You still haven't told me the reason why.
16:47You nearly pushed her down the stairs with my newborn baby in her arms.
16:50I was trying to get past it.
16:51Yeah, of course.
16:52You pushed her, admitted, you pushed her.
16:54No, I don't hurt women.
16:55Can I ask you a question?
16:56Can I ask you a question?
16:57Don't get upset, answer me man to man.
16:59You're a little bit envious of your brother.
17:03Of course he is.
17:04Yeah, because he's had a better life than me.
17:06That's not my fault.
17:09I just want it to be me and him.
17:10I just want to talk to him.
17:12Obviously she doesn't want to talk to me, right?
17:14And I can't blame her.
17:15Neither does he.
17:16Yeah, but he's got to make his own mind up for that, hasn't he?
17:21Stand there, stand there.
17:24Do me a favour and let them speak.
17:25Come here.
17:26Yes, she can.
17:27Not a word.
17:28Not a word.
17:29I picked myself up when I fell.
17:32You can do the damn same.
17:34Yeah, right, well...
17:35You don't need to go spreading lies about people.
17:38I mean, she's my wife, mate.
17:40If it weren't for her, I'd probably be dead or in jail.
17:45If it weren't for her, mate, she picked me up.
17:48Can't be easy to hear that, though,
17:50when somebody else is saying it to you
17:52and you're in that position they were once in, can it?
17:54Oh, no, I'm not...
17:55I don't... Do you know what I mean?
17:57Mate, can you do me a favour?
17:58I'm not having a go at you at all, Emma, like you,
18:00but just let the brothers speak.
18:03I know.
18:04You love your brother, don't you?
18:06Yeah, course I do.
18:07But he came and apologised.
18:09Come on, give him a break.
18:10His apology doesn't mean anything.
18:11I wish I could...
18:12Let him speak.
18:14Seriously, now, that's not fair.
18:15Let him speak. Go on.
18:17I can't talk to you when she's here, mate.
18:19You have to...
18:20You have to be quiet now, Emily.
18:22I know she's your missus, mate, but I just want to talk to you.
18:25I don't want to argue with her.
18:26I know what you're doing,
18:27but you still haven't admitted the fact
18:29that you nearly had her down the stairs,
18:31and you still haven't admitted the fact of...
18:33Why did you lie to me?
18:34What was the reason for lying?
18:36Because I seem to be good at lying, that's all I know.
18:39That's good.
18:40Why did you lie to me?
18:41Were you trying to score points to get her?
18:43No, I wasn't.
18:44Did she try on with you?
18:47Did you try on with her?
18:49I've got to tell you...
18:51I actually didn't try on with her.
18:53You told me you did.
18:54Of course he did, cos he was outscoring...
18:57I was outscoring points.
19:00I didn't mean it.
19:01No, this ain't a game, mate.
19:03In my life, in her life, in my daughter's life,
19:05ain't no game, mate.
19:06And to you, I'm not going to have you be a part of that.
19:08I really aren't.
19:09What's the point of me standing here, then?
19:11You brought us here.
19:13No, I will not.
19:14You brought us here.
19:15That is what I'm saying to you.
19:16You brought us here.
19:17Yeah, obviously I care about you,
19:19cos I wouldn't have travelled all this way
19:20if I didn't want to talk to you.
19:21I don't want to know him, Jeremy, I really don't.
19:23Well, go on, then.
19:24Sorry, Jeremy, but I've tried to talk to him.
19:27Oh, God.
19:30Go on, then.
19:31See you in a bit.
19:33What, you're going to start speaking to my wife like that?
19:35I'm not going to start speaking to my wife like that, really.
19:37Watch out.
19:40Oh, what is he doing?
19:41Don't start speaking to her like that.
19:45Come out.
19:46That's what I'm talking about.
19:47That's what I feel like.
19:49The bathroom door.
19:52See you.
19:53Nice knowing you.
19:54Well, you know what?
19:55I said it before.
19:56Do our best to offer people the chance
19:58to come and talk in a calm way.
20:00I think he's very angry because I think he's jealous.
20:02I think he's done and said things he probably regrets.
20:05She is very vocal.
20:06We'll do our best to offer them the chance as brothers to sit down.
20:09We'll let you know. We'll keep you updated.
20:12Did you have sex with Stella?
20:15See, he's gone round telling people, he actually has.
20:17Why haven't you told people you haven't?
20:19Yes, you haven't got the screenshots, the lot.
20:21I've never slept with him. Never.
20:23And if she did, what happens to your mate of nine years?
20:26You shaved my mate, no more.
20:27Clearly wasn't my mate in the first place, was she?
20:45It's all kicking off. Security.
20:54This test says you're a liar, love.
20:57This isn't about you, this is about your children.
21:00Oh, here we go.
21:02OK, more happiness after.
21:07Oh, get off.
21:08No, no, no, no, no.
21:12Oh, my Lord.
21:15Nick Fenix, go for it.
21:16Who wants to put up with this?
21:22Are there three people in your relationship?
21:24Are you in a love triangle or want to expose a love rat?
21:27If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
21:30email talk at along with your number.
21:33Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
21:35Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
21:38Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
21:43Costs 25p plus network access charge.
21:55Thank you very much, everybody. Welcome back.
21:57You might remember my next guest, Andy, from a previous encounter.
22:00Take a look at this.
22:03Why are you here today?
22:05To prove what a dirty little...she is.
22:08You want to find out if she's a cheat
22:10and you're also here to prove that you haven't catfished her.
22:13I am, yeah. She's got a Twitter account
22:15and on that Twitter account it says, available for adult work.
22:20You haven't made my life!
22:21I've been living out for the last three months.
22:23You slut!
22:24I don't want you to come anywhere near me, you piece of...
22:28What's the message in me?!
22:30You catfished me as...
22:32Claire, you absolute...
22:35You fat lady slob!
22:36So we asked him,
22:37did you set up the fake Facebook account in the name of Claire
22:40and you said no. Why did you say no?
22:42Telling the truth.
22:43The test says you're a liar, pal.
22:45During your relationship with Andy,
22:47apart from the one time you've just admitted to,
22:49have you passionately kissed anyone else?
22:51You said no. Why did you say no?
22:52Cos I didn't.
22:53Well, the test says you're a liar as well.
22:57In fact, let's be perfectly honest,
22:59you failed every single question, including intercourse.
23:02You catfished her and you slept around.
23:04Why the hell are we having this kind of...
23:06There's nothing but dirty...
23:11Well, that went well.
23:12Now, after that show, Andy says that Susie is still harassing him
23:15and even accusing him of sleeping with her best friend Stella.
23:18Once he proves his allegations are false,
23:20he says he never wants to see either of them again.
23:22Did he have sex with Stella?
23:24Does he like a Stella? I don't know.
23:26Andy's on The Jeremy Carr Show. That way.
23:35You all right? Fine.
23:37Excellent. Just help me out, cos I'm getting old.
23:40The lady with the blonde hair... Yeah?'re not with her any more. No.
23:45She's called Susie. Yeah. Susie the floozy.
23:47Susie what? The floozy.
23:49Susie the floozy.
23:52The other woman is...
23:54Who are you today? Who are you today?
23:57Are you Andy today? Who are you today?
23:59I'm Susie, always have been Susie, darling.
24:01Get back in your box. No, Roger, you get back in your box, you little...
24:05..idiot. Have you heard yourself?
24:07You're not manipulating me again.
24:09Just do one, will you? No. It's not your show, is it?
24:12Could you do one a minute? No.
24:14Please? No. Please?
24:16Don't wink at me.
24:25There's a woman in the front row, quite a glamorous lady,
24:27who said, what's catfishing? Notice I've got the glamorous in there.
24:30You don't know what cat... You catfished her, didn't you?
24:33Yes. Oh, you did? Yes.
24:38What is...
24:40What? Sit down.
24:44Yeah, come on, what does catfishing mean?
24:46Sit down. Answer him.
24:49I've got really a clue, don't I?
24:52You don't know what you did to her? No.
24:55Pretended to be a woman.
24:57You pretended to be a woman? Apparently.
25:00What do you mean, apparently?
25:03Right, anyway, basically, you lied to her and she lied to you.
25:07Sit down, she admitted she's cheated.
25:09Why are we... Cos going to bed with him's like going to bed with a book.
25:13She wasn't very complimentary about your sexual techniques.
25:16Well, I thought you were.
25:18You're back today because she's accusing you
25:20of sleeping with her friend Stella.
25:22Apparently so. I didn't accuse him, he's told everyone he has.
25:25Have you slept with Stella? No.
25:27No, I haven't slept with her,
25:29but then you thought they were a couple of lesbians.
25:31We are a couple of lesbians.
25:32How do you know they're a couple of lesbians?
25:34They sleep in the same bed in the living room.
25:40I haven't slept to my own for six weeks cos I've got a new boyfriend.
25:44Shows what you know, doesn't it?
25:47Me harassing you?
25:48You're the one sending messages to her,
25:50pretending to be...
25:58How long were you with her for? Only three months.
26:01The worst three months of my entire life.
26:04Mine too.
26:05Are you not in love with her any more?
26:07Good God, no.
26:10So you're here to clear your name, you didn't sleep with Stella
26:13and then you want them to get on with their lives?
26:15You absolute...
26:17..come to Jeremy Cole's show.
26:32Oh, don't leave me.
26:34Son of a... Poor state of affairs.
26:39So has he explained to me what we're here for?
26:41You're not with him, are you? You did cheat on him.
26:43I told him I had.
26:45All right.
26:46He makes me go to sleep.
26:48The other guy made me scream. Which are you going to choose?
26:52Which are you going to die?
26:54Why does it matter to you? You sent her to sleep.
26:57She admitted one.
26:58Yeah, I did.
27:00Yeah, that's one.
27:02He made you scream?
27:04Not him, no.
27:06He made me scream with disgust, yeah.
27:09Was he no good at sex?
27:11I can't remember cos he got me paralytic twice that I slept with him.
27:15Yeah, Lord...
27:17So I wasn't paralytic, do you want to see the pictures?
27:20You got yourself paralytic.
27:22He says...
27:23I bought my own mushroom vodka, did I?
27:25No, you did.
27:26You asked me to buy it. No, I didn't.
27:28It's like last time I was at your offer.
27:30Babe, on your way...
27:31Did you not message me, my Stella, two nights ago,
27:35saying, can you stand around with Susan because Andy needs to speak to her?
27:39He says you're a prostitute.
27:41Listen, I don't charge you.
27:43What? I said, why would I charge?
27:47I said he's catfishing.
27:49Right, for a year and a half, I was talking to a girl called Claire,
27:53who I believe to be a girl.
27:54She was telling me her mate Andy really liked me.
27:57He's writing to me.
27:58It turns out this psychopath was Claire's...
28:03And he failed the test.
28:05Why don't you just say to her, I'm Andy, instead of be a woman?
28:08Cos he knows he wouldn't stand a chance.
28:10Have you seen it?
28:11Well, you've seen it, haven't you?
28:12I know, all desperate.
28:14I tell you what, next time you jump off a pier, love,
28:16do a proper job and do it properly.
28:18Next time, come with me so I can actually get you out of my life once and for all.
28:22I'll push you off.
28:23Why are you two so hateful?
28:25Why are you two so hateful to each other?
28:28Is it sexual tension?
28:30Listen, he's not hated between me.
28:32Have you seen his wall?
28:33His what?
28:34His Facebook wall.
28:35I thought you said his willy for a moment there.
28:37No, you need a magnifying glass.
28:39Susan, Susan, Susan, Susan, Susan.
28:42Look at my wall, it's full of me and my new boyfriend.
28:44He is obsessed, he can't leave me alone.
28:46Why can't you leave her alone?
28:47Hey, I'm not leaving her alone.
28:48So why are you posting about me still three months later?
28:51Why are you sending me flyers from Blackpool?
28:53I'm what, hotel flyer?
28:55I work in a hotel now.
28:57No, I don't.
28:58So why would I send him a flyer from a hotel?
29:00So he's showing a lie detector today,
29:03he says to prove that he hasn't slept with Stella,
29:05your mate who allegedly you might have had a lesbian fling with.
29:07Well, no, I've never had...
29:09I like younger girls, not people like that.
29:12I am bisexual, yes.
29:14You are bisexual?
29:15Yes, yes.
29:16No, I don't even share a bed with her cos I don't stay at home.
29:19She's 40, she's too old for you?
29:20Yeah, yeah.
29:21So you prefer a younger girl?
29:22Did you know she was bisexual?
29:24I did, yes.
29:25Yeah, of course you did.
29:26He knew everything about me,
29:27he's just a reject from Wigan.
29:30Where was he?
29:31In Birmingham.
29:34My husband lives in Birmingham.
29:37She said in my quote,
29:38he looks like and lives like he's going to a permanent funeral.
29:41He does, yeah.
29:42That's how she described you.
29:43Tell me he doesn't.
29:45Did you have sex with Stella?
29:48If he said he didn't, why are we doing a bleeding light?
29:50Because he's gone round telling people he actually has.
29:53Why have you told people you haven't?
29:55Yes, you haven't got the screenshots of the lot.
29:57I don't believe she has.
29:58You did get a bit suspicious that they had.
30:00Yeah, because when I write, she's my friend of nine years.
30:03Is she?
30:04Me and Andy fell out.
30:06Andy quickly had to move in with him.
30:08No, no, no.
30:09Pictures on Facebook of them together drinking and all the rest.
30:11So, yeah, I did have suspicions.
30:12However, she said she hasn't.
30:14If she has, she ain't coming back to my flat,
30:16cos I'd put her up.
30:17You don't go there anyway.
30:18No, but she ain't coming back to my flat anyway,
30:20and I've to ask me and her...
30:22She is a bit old. How old is Stella?
30:25That's not old.
30:26No, but it's too old for me.
30:28She's not much hotter.
30:29I'm 52.
30:30Oh, well, maybe I can make an exception for you.
30:36My, the benefits of doing this show.
30:38Er, Stella's on to Jeremy Cash.
30:40How that way?
30:50Are you a lesbian?
30:51No, I'm not, and I've never slept with him. Never.
30:55So why are you telling people? You do look a bit dodgy.
30:58I've never said anything to anyone about...
31:00You told a friend? Why do you think you slept with me?
31:03She set a Facebook account up in my name.
31:06Did you?
31:07I wouldn't set an account up in your name!
31:09Only when you're drunk.
31:12Me people, you're an old case.
31:14You're the one who brought sign of war.
31:16Thank you, Claire, for my lovely tea.
31:18Then you write back to yourself as Claire.
31:20It's OK, babe, that was lovely. Thank you for having me.
31:23That's you! I love it!
31:25What are you doing?
31:28I genuinely don't know what you mean.
31:30You pretended to be somebody else, to write to yourself,
31:32to then write back to yourself as a person who doesn't exist.
31:35Thank you for taking those cheap nasty butterflies.
31:38It's how you are.
31:40Him on your friends list, you would be, too.
31:44I'm glad I met you, mate.
31:47What is a friend... What's a friends list?
31:52Well, that's your friends that you have on Facebook, isn't it?
31:55I don't know. Yeah.
31:57Come on, Jess, you're not that old.
31:59You've done this show for long enough.
32:01Do you know what a friends list is on Facebook?
32:03I don't know what a friends list is.
32:05He's educating. I'll show you later.
32:10So, interestingly, probably for the first time in the history...
32:13Why are you grinning?
32:15Oh, hello. Why are you grinning?
32:17Dan again. Dan again.
32:19Why are you grinning? It's your problem, Dan.
32:23Steve, you are in trouble.
32:25Always am.
32:27You all right? Yes, Mr Kyle.
32:28Anything changed from your last appearance on the show?
32:30No, thank you.
32:31You want to tell the nation what you had done this morning?
32:34No, Mr Kyle.
32:35You had your eyebrows waxed.
32:38He had his eyebrows waxed!
32:45In a very first for the Jeremy Kyle show,
32:47you're on here saying,
32:48I haven't slept with Stella, I don't need to prove it,
32:51and Stella came out and said, I haven't had sex with him.
32:53So quite while we're doing this, I've no idea,
32:55but you said it's because he's been telling everybody in Blackpool.
32:58Yeah, cos he's an absolute...
33:00...fool, you!
33:03You freak! where you work.
33:09To Birmingham, actually.
33:10I don't live in Birmingham!
33:13You moved to Birmingham in January.
33:15Is that another lie?
33:17No, I haven't told you I moved to Birmingham.
33:19You told me I'm homeless.
33:20I live in the same place I did when I lived here before.
33:23Came to the last show, you demented...
33:26Sorry, he's not...
33:28...useful, there's nothing useful about him.
33:30Nothing useful about you, either.
33:31Oh, well, you seem to think so,
33:33considering I'm plastered all down your wall.
33:35No, you're not.
33:36Oh, Susan this, Susan this, call Susan this, Susan that.
33:39I ain't even got a mobile phone,
33:41cos I dare him, cos of you.
33:42Yeah, because...
33:43Send your message out!
33:44Yeah, I can send it.
33:45Send it to Susan.
33:46Andy needs to speak to her.
33:48She hasn't got a mobile phone,
33:49cos the one I bought her, she had to sell to Customs.
33:52Why don't you just leave?
33:53Smash it!
33:54Why don't you just leave her alone,
33:56because you're giving her...
33:57Andy, I want nothing to do with her.
33:59Well, stop messaging me, then!
34:04I mean, I was just sitting in my own house,
34:06and I did not expect you to be messaging my friend for me.
34:09What do you mean?
34:11No one's ever had no kids or missus.
34:17Why are we doing this?
34:19You told me you're homeless.
34:20I've been telling her to leave me alone,
34:21and to find out if she actually did.
34:23And if she did, what happens to your mate of nine years?
34:25She ain't my mate no more.
34:26Clearly wasn't my mate in the first place, was she?
34:30I wouldn't do that to you anyway.
34:32Andy, have you ever had sexual intercourse with Stella?
34:35You said no.
34:36Why did you say no?
34:37Telling the truth.
34:38He was telling the truth.
34:39He hasn't had sex with her.
34:41So that's a bit flat, that, isn't it?
34:43Well done.
34:44Cos he said he hadn't done anything.
34:46But he's gone round telling everybody he has.
34:48He's asked every question,
34:49which means he hasn't had sex with your mate.
34:52Now, it's been...
34:53I just want to say this in a very calm way.
34:55It's been thrilling meeting you all again,
34:57but I don't want you to ever come back.
34:59No, well, tell him to stop mailing me.
35:02Stop mailing her.
35:03And start messaging Stella.
35:04And start messaging Stella.
35:06I've got nothing to do with them.
35:07Well, then...
35:08Don't start texting me!
35:10Don't you dare!
35:15Stop shouting.
35:16Simple right, Andy.
35:17You live in Wigan, I live in Blackpool.
35:20Where you come from?
35:21Do not contact her or me again!
35:23I won't.
35:24Get it that clear!
35:25Thank you, gentlemen.
35:26In your head!
35:27It's a...
35:34See you.
35:39What are you supposed to say?
35:40I'll let you know.
35:41Right, my next guest today,
35:42Rhys, he's here for all important Live Detectives as well,
35:44with his partner Hope.
35:45He says that Hope, he hopes,
35:48has a reputation for sleeping around,
35:50he's found flirty messages to other blokes
35:52and he came home to find another man in her house.
35:56In her house.
35:57Rhys says if she fails the Live Detective, the relationship's over.
36:00He's not been very complimentary towards Hope.
36:02He's got a lot to say for himself.
36:03Rhys is on The Jeremy Carl Show, that way.
36:10All right, sir.
36:11Welcome to the show.
36:13Hope's your girlfriend.
36:16A bit older than you, isn't she?
36:18How long you been with her?
36:19Four and a half months.
36:20Do you love her?
36:22Why so rude to her, then?
36:23Why does she cheat on me?
36:24Let's have the story. How did you meet?
36:28What does that mean?
36:29So, what, you were trolling your Snapchat thing
36:31and you saw a picture of a woman you thought,
36:33I like, and so you chatted her up?
36:35She added me.
36:36She what?
36:37She added me.
36:38She thought I looked good, apparently.
36:40Now, you told my team,
36:41I want to expose my lying, lazy, waste-of-space girlfriend.
36:47So, after five months, nearly, it's not going great.
36:50Was it good at the beginning?
36:52Is that your girlfriend?
36:54Why do you think she's cheated on you? Let's have some facts.
36:56Well, she thinks flirting's not cheating
36:58and I've seen her flirting with her ex-boyfriend,
37:00saying that she can share beds with him, this, that, the other.
37:02Living with hope is hell, the house is a tip.
37:05I do everything, she's a lazy... is what you said.
37:09It's already the way to endear yourself to a woman, is it?
37:12I was nice to her at first, but then she treated me with disrespect.
37:16You said you can't wait to see her squirm on national television,
37:19you're not coming over very nicely.
37:21Have you got... Come on, mate, give me more than that.
37:24Have you seen or got any proof that she's cheated?
37:27She's admitted to me once,
37:28well, I found out that she cheated with another boy once already.
37:31Already? Have you cheated on her?
37:34Who's Jake?
37:35The boy that she cheated on me with, also her drinking buddy.
37:38He says she...
37:39Hope and Rhys's relationship's a joke,
37:41they argue constantly over cheating allegations.
37:43I hate him, he controls her.
37:45I admit that me and Hope had a drunken snog, but it meant nothing.
37:48Rhys needs to grow up and get over it.
37:51You say... I mean, I'm not trying to be rude here,
37:54but you describe your girlfriend as a lazy woman,
37:58she spends her entire time flirting with other men,
38:01she drags you down, she's got no personal hygiene
38:05and she's even growing a moustache.
38:08Um, why are you with her?
38:11Love her.
38:12You love her?
38:16I'm somewhat lost.
38:18If Hope fails, I'll be leaving her for sure.
38:21Hope is on the Jeremy Carl Show.
38:25This way.
38:29I'm the truth, you admit it to me.
38:31You kissed a girl a few days ago, I stink.
38:34You make me look like a mug on telly, are you stupid?
38:37There's one that cheats on me all the time.
38:39One kiss and I admit it to you.
38:41How many boys have told me that you're sleeping with them?
38:44I admit it to you, I cheated once and that's it.
38:48Invite an ex-boyfriend over to go see your grandad.
38:50This test will prove that I ain't cheated on you.
38:52It's only been 18 weeks, why did you cheat?
38:54And why don't you wash more?
38:56I do wash.
38:57I'm sure you do.
38:58I do clean the house.
38:59He says you're lazy.
39:02He's always on his Xbox and on his phone.
39:04On his what?
39:05Xbox and his phone playing stupid...
39:08I'm so angry I can't talk.
39:10Little boy games on his phone and Xbox.
39:12Why are you with him? He loves you, apparently.
39:14He doesn't love you for your personal hygiene,
39:16he loves you for your personality.
39:20Why were you kissing Jake, basically?
39:22I heard a rumour that he kissed another girl.
39:25So you heard a rumour that Rhys was... What?
39:27I heard a rumour that he kissed my friend.
39:29No, brilliant.
39:30Also, she sent me a picture of them two in bed.
39:32Who sent a picture of you?
39:34The girl that he apparently kissed.
39:36Is that true?
39:37Yeah, it is.
39:42So you sit there like Butterwood and Mel,
39:44slagging your girlfriend off,
39:45saying she's got a moustache and a big backside,
39:47which is patently not true, by the way,
39:49just because you can't grow that moustache,
39:51am I allowed to point that out?
39:52And then you admit that you spent the night in bed
39:55with one of her friends.
39:56Not that nothing happened.
39:57Not the night, because I was at hers,
39:59having a drink up while she paid for it,
40:01and then she dumped me because she couldn't get her own way
40:03of getting sick all over the bed, so me and her friends left.
40:08Do you work or do you just sort of walk around in sneak...
40:12He lives off my money.
40:13He lives off your money?
40:15Why are you with him?
40:16Cos I love him.
40:18What do you love about each other? You hate each other!
40:27He said... Before I go to the break, William,
40:29I'm going to share this with you.
40:30He said, if she fails, I'm gone,
40:32but if she passes, we're going to have a night of passion.
40:35She said, if he passes, he better get on my knees
40:38and apologise and suck my toes.
40:41Back in a minute, thanks.
40:43Have you cheated on him?
40:46Are you sure? Yeah.
40:47How many people think hopes are cheap,
40:48but you're out of them here?
40:51Since the start of your relationship with Rhys,
40:53have you passionately kissed anyone else?
40:55And you said no, didn't you?
40:56Why did you say no?
41:03It's getting worse, yes?
41:04I need your help and I'm not leaving this stage
41:06till I get your help.
41:08I want my life back.
41:10Give me a chance to prove you wrong.
41:11What do you mean?
41:12Give me a chance to prove you wrong.
41:14I want to see her.
41:15I want me kid.
41:19My name is Emma.
41:21And I believe I'm your daughter.
41:24This is my last chance.
41:26I've always thought about you.
41:28Get in contact.
41:32She got a full house!
41:36It's your grandchild.
41:39We'll sort this, OK?
41:40I promise you.
41:41Listen, it's all right.
41:43He wants to be a dad.
41:44He wants to have a relationship with his child.
41:47He's your dad!
41:50You will, today, go to repub.
41:53You are the child's father.
42:01You can change it.
42:02If there's anybody out there who thinks I can't,
42:04come and get Jeremy's help.
42:05Trust me.
42:08If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
42:11then email talk at along with your number.
42:14You need to text the word TALK plus your name to 63334.
42:18Text costs 25 pence plus one standard network rate message
42:21or you can call the team today.
42:22It's 09011.
42:24It's 123456.
42:26Calls cost 25 pence plus your network access charge.
42:37Before the break, we met the dynamic couple named Rhys and Hope.
42:41Why are you together?
42:44Being thrown in jail would be more fun than sitting talking to you two.
42:48He's already been in prison.
42:52Honestly, I really... I do... I can't...
42:55Well, anyway, have you cheated on him?
42:59Are you sure?
43:01How many people in the audience think that hope springs eternal
43:03and, in fact, she has cheated?
43:05How many people think hopes are cheap? Put your hands in the air.
43:08How many people hope that hopes are cheap?
43:10No, I'm joking.
43:11How many people hope that hope's not cheated?
43:15We are...
43:16We are...
43:20Did you get that shot?
43:22Cos, I mean, I'm not having a go, right,
43:24but it's not an awful lot to ask, is it?
43:26How are you, anyway? We like to do a weekly update
43:28cos you've had a hard time recently.
43:30Are you all right, yeah?
43:31Are you sure?
43:32Are you sure?
43:33Why did you get embarrassed?
43:35Are you sure you're OK?
43:36Cos I worry about you.
43:37You've worked here a long time, you haven't been happy
43:39and we're a family and we love you, all of us, OK?
43:42And if it ever becomes as desperate as it's beginning to think,
43:45we'll club together and buy you something, all right?
43:53Hope admitted to kissing one person, Jake, on one occasion.
43:56OK, so we asked her,
43:58since the start of your relationship with Rhys, the happy one,
44:00apart from the one occasion you've just admitted to,
44:02have you passionately kissed anyone else?
44:04And you said no, didn't you?
44:06Why did you say no?
44:07Because I'm Jewish.
44:08This test says you're a liar.
44:13Cos I didn't.
44:14You what?
44:15No, I didn't.
44:16Since the start of your relationship with Rhys...
44:20Oh, it's my fault now, is it?
44:22Why didn't you get up?
44:23No, you've had sexual contact with another,
44:25you said no, this test says you were lying on that one as well.
44:29In fact, you lied on all three questions.
44:34Can I have that, please?
44:36Told you it's all...
44:42Oh, God.
44:45Oh, God.
44:47I'm sick of walking.
44:50Why don't you all just go home instead of make me follow you?
44:55Where have you gone?
44:57Wherefore art thou?
45:01You were right.
45:03You were spot on right, son.
45:06Spot on right.
45:08Now, listen, be quiet, audience.
45:10Look, can I just...
45:11I know you're not going to listen to me
45:13and I know you think...
45:14Stu, get in here a minute.
45:15I know you think that, like,
45:17what I'm going to say is going to sound harsh.
45:19You're young, you should be having fun,
45:21you shouldn't be in a relationship that's causing you so much trauma.
45:25I mean, I know I'm boring, he's boring as well,
45:28but at your age, just 18-ish, right,
45:32you shouldn't be doing this.
45:33I'm not saying you should be out and being promiscuous,
45:35I'm saying you should be out having fun with your mates.
45:38If you find somebody, have some fun, be safe.
45:41Just the one thing, help me out,
45:43do you not think everybody's growing up too quick?
45:45Too quick.
45:46Too quick? You're 18, man.
45:47And the one way that I knew she was lying
45:49is because she said flirting's not cheating.
45:51It isn't.
45:52At the end of the day, mate, it's too serious.
45:54You've plenty of time to be serious
45:56and plenty of time to be dragged down
45:58and plenty of time to be worrying about stuff,
46:00but really, I'm not going to chase after her.
46:02She's blatantly cheated on you.
46:06But you don't need to do that, you can be dignified,
46:08you don't need to sit there and...
46:10If that's not what you thought she was, you're very young,
46:12move on, don't slag her off, rise above it,
46:14be dignified and find somebody better.
46:17We'll take you with Stewie, we'll sort you out.
46:22What's she doing now?
46:25What does she want now?
46:27Do you know what?
46:28I'm going to get a motorised scooter round this studio
46:30and I'm not jumping on your back again
46:32cos I'll break me wrist.
46:34We stand by the test a lot, you're a cheater, aren't you?
46:36You're 22 years of age, I'll say to you what I said to him,
46:39you're both young, you're both...
46:41Why are you even in a serious relationship?
46:44Just enjoy your life.
46:45You know the test is right and so do I, don't try and lie.
46:48It is right, isn't it? I'm not lying.
46:50Really? Yeah. Your face says you are.
46:52Good luck, you might need it. I'm moving on.
46:58I know I'm getting old,
46:59but I just want to say this before we finish today.
47:01This is like a plea.
47:03If you're that age, just, you know, be sensible but have fun,
47:06don't get tied down cos life will no doubt catch up with you.
47:09I'm for this morning out of time.
47:11If you want to be on my show, you need my help.
47:13Visit my website, the details are on screen.
47:15To my guests in this audience and to you four watching at home,
47:17you know who you are, I'll see you soon, take care, bye-bye.