The Jeremy Kyle Show (12 March 2018)

  • 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (12 March 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:12On today's show...
00:15Fletcher came back from a friend's house and his bags were packed.
00:18He's using this, I think, as an excuse to bury his head in the sand and basically use this as an excuse to up and leave.
00:25Her plastic's moved. Her own family member's telling me that my daughter is not mine.
00:34Imagine you being left not knowing anything.
00:37You mean too much for you? She's got a sick child to look after.
00:44I can't keep playing the I was put into care card.
00:47Who is that? Could you stop looking? Who's sorry?
00:51I'm a meddling little...
00:53I'm a meddling little...
01:01Maybe she feels like she was the outsider.
01:04No, she was not.
01:05She went to care.
01:06Was that my fault?
01:07What part?
01:08Leave it!
01:29Hello, my friends. Good morning and a big, big welcome to the show.
01:32My first guest this morning, Lisa, is here to prove to her ex-partner, Craig,
01:35that he is the father to her 18-month-old daughter, Ruby Grace.
01:38Now, Lisa says that Craig's always been a brilliant dad,
01:41but their family has been ripped apart on two fronts recently.
01:45Firstly, malicious rumours fuelling Craig's DNA doubts,
01:48but also the news that this beautiful child
01:50is currently being investigated for a serious medical condition.
01:53Now, in all my time on this show,
01:54rarely can a set of results mean as much as today.
01:56She says, look, I want this guy to know he's the dad
02:00and I want him to step up and come back into my kid's life.
02:03You know, he walked out, he left me high and dry.
02:05I don't know whether she's still in love with him,
02:07I don't know whether she's concentrating on the kid,
02:09but I'll tell you what we're going to do.
02:10She's in one of the green rooms, we're going to have a chat,
02:12we'll see how she's feeling with the baby
02:14and then we'll bring him out as well.
02:16So, hopefully... Are you all right?
02:18She should be through here.
02:22There she goes.
02:25Hello. Hello, love.
02:26How are you? I'm all right. Nice to meet you.
02:28Hello, darling.
02:29Are you OK?
02:31Ruby Grace.
02:33Welcome to the show, Lise. Hiya, love.
02:35Um, you rang?
02:39I know your life's been turned upside down recently.
02:41Yeah. With the news that she isn't well.
02:43Briefly, what is it? What do you know so far?
02:45Basically, she's under investigation
02:48for a lot of chronic illnesses
02:51and she's just basically...
02:53She's been fighting her whole of her life.
02:55She's seriously poorly a lot of the time.
02:57And she's just...
02:59Yeah, she's had bacterial pneumonia
03:01more than 20-odd times now.
03:03She's just... She's had heart attacks.
03:05And what's really difficult, interesting, really, from this story,
03:08and you wanted to do this,
03:10is that here's a guy who was in your life,
03:12aware that she was ill...
03:14And just walks away from his kids, like, basically.
03:17I don't know what...
03:19Rachel's going to take Ruby Grace.
03:21Yeah. If that's all right. Yeah, of course.
03:23And you're going to come out with me.
03:25You're not still in love with this bloke?
03:27No. No.
03:29How long have you been in love? I'm literally...
03:31I'm here for my daughter, and that's it.
03:33And if no-one can understand that, basically,
03:35if someone can just get up and walk out of a life,
03:38then, basically, today's the day
03:40he even mans up and steps up. When did he walk away?
03:42Three days ago. Out in the blue?
03:44Packed his bags and left. Packed his bags and left.
03:46And if he doesn't step up today
03:48and be the man and the dad that we need him to be,
03:50then he can step out, for God's sake.
03:52Seems fair enough. All right, do you want to give everything to me?
03:56That's gorgeous.
03:59You all right? Happy to come out.
04:01Debbie would have picked up the baby,
04:03but she's done her arm and she's getting older as well,
04:05so we'll just go through here.
04:07Give Mum Lisa a round of applause.
04:09Go that way.
04:18She's in good hands, and that's the most important thing.
04:20This is... It's very different for me, right?
04:23Because here's a guy who...
04:25The baby was planned? Yeah.
04:27You were happy? Yeah.
04:29Any sign that there were any troubles? No.
04:31He knew about the illness.
04:33In fact, the two of you have been a united front.
04:35You described him, when I did the introduction,
04:37as a brilliant dad. Oh, yes, fantastic.
04:39Out the blue, three days ago. Out the blue.
04:41Just up to the left.
04:43Literally, I came back from my friend's house
04:45and his bags were packed.
04:47He said,
04:49why would people be saying all this stuff
04:51if there were no truth in it?
04:53I can't be a...of this any more.
04:55He's basically accusing you of being a cheat, isn't he?
04:58Yeah, with every Tom, Dick and I, basically.
05:00Apparently, you went out one night.
05:02I'm just going to be honest, and came back without any knickers on,
05:05so he's assuming, but her explanation for this...
05:07Who said that?
05:11What, you never said she's a cheat?
05:13No, never said she were a cheat.
05:15Can I just explain, actually, what happened on that?
05:17Listen, if you want to go out with any knickers on,
05:19it's your own business. No, no.
05:21I went out, yeah, and I got steaming, and pants.
05:25I literally...
05:30So I had no knickers on.
05:34What did he say?
05:39Well, obviously, he thought I were out cheating,
05:42so what would you think that it was in someone's underwear?
05:45I don't know, what?
05:47Right, well, there we go.
05:48So that's all gone particularly downhill.
05:50Anyway, so from that moment, he started to have doubts.
05:54So here's my million-dollar question for you.
05:56I was thinking about this when I was doing it this morning.
05:58Does he doubt you, or is, in fact, the truth
06:01that this guy can't handle the fact that his daughter's ill
06:04and he's doing a run-up?
06:06Yeah, he's using this, I think, as an excuse
06:08to bury his head in the sand
06:10and basically use this as an excuse to up and leave.
06:12Are you in love with this guy, Stu? You want to be with this guy.
06:15This shocked you, what you did?
06:16Yeah, I love him, but what he's done...
06:18I've been there.
06:20I'm not saying you haven't been there, Craig.
06:22When have I ever said... Craig, don't be premature.
06:24I'm getting you in a minute, OK? Don't worry about it.
06:26But what you've just done...
06:27Please welcome Craig to the Jeremy Carl Show.
06:35You up and leaving us, your kids, Craig, is...
06:37Why did I leave you, love?
06:39For the past six months, your own family members
06:41have been telling me that my daughter is not mine.
06:43All right, so you're all right to believe people, Craig,
06:45that go around saying...
06:46For the past six months, haven't they from your own family?
06:48Your daughter, though, Craig, is a...
06:50That's what people have been saying, yeah?
06:53What, your own mother?
06:54Yeah, my own mother.
06:55Your own mother says,
06:57my daughter, this is important that we do this,
07:00because you've had it for 30 minutes or however long.
07:03You've got to... Darling...
07:04Oh, yeah, no, no...
07:05My daughter is a compulsive liar.
07:07She is an attention seeker and all she cares about is herself
07:10and it doesn't matter who she hurts along the way.
07:13I've done everything that I possibly can to help my daughter.
07:16I took her into my house last year
07:18and I found out so many things about her and I was shocked.
07:21I want the truth to be out there.
07:23Craig is not Ruby Grace's father.
07:25My daughter told me that herself.
07:28Craig is not Ruby Grace's father.
07:31My daughter told me herself,
07:33all I want is quiet and happiness, let the truth be out there.
07:36You can't blame the bloke with that, can you?
07:38No, I can't, no, but do you know what?
07:40That's your own mum!
07:41That's coming from someone, yeah,
07:42that couldn't even back it up by being here today.
07:44He's believing people...
07:45Are you believing that woman?
07:47Tell me, I haven't heard from him.
07:49You're 80, 20% sure that she's not your daughter.
07:51Are you being for real?
07:5280, I think she's mine, 20%.
07:54Craig, have I been more stronger than you've been to me?
07:57Oh, my God, really?
07:58Yeah, really.
07:59You go out, leave me with both kids,
08:01stop out all night long,
08:02come home the next day with no knickers on.
08:04Cos I've **** my pants, but you can sit on your playstation
08:0724 hours a day, seven days a week,
08:09I look after them kids,
08:10but you're telling me now that I'm in the wrong.
08:12Our child's pulling,
08:13it feels like you're using any excuse to leave her,
08:16so you either step out today...
08:17No, no, why do you leave, then?
08:18..or you step out, and that's it, done.
08:25Adam, you watch me, I'm just having a little bit.
08:28So why did you leave, then?
08:29What was the decision for you to leave in?
08:31Every time someone...
08:32Oh, so your head went...
08:33Don't you think my head's gone?
08:34Thinking that anything could be wrong with our daughter,
08:36but I have to put up with her every day.
08:38Where were you, then, Craig, when that's happening?
08:40I'm in hospital, 23 days, Craig.
08:42I did not leave my daughter, 23 days.
08:45So what's the difference, though?
08:48You don't think I miss my son?
08:50You don't think I miss him?
08:51That's your daughter, Craig.
08:53That's her.
08:54That's her.
08:55So you tell me, then, how you can walk out and leave her.
08:58Not me, I don't care what people say or what they do to me.
09:01You've got too much...
09:02You've got too much.
09:03So, for six months, people told you stuff,
09:06and you decided, despite the fact they were horrible
09:09in what they said about your kid,
09:10that you would believe them and walk out.
09:12Quick question for you, you're going to go to a break, do DNA.
09:15She says a million per cent.
09:17She thinks you're using this as an excuse
09:19cos you can't handle the fact that your daughter's ill.
09:21I can't handle the fact my daughter's ill.
09:23You can't?
09:24Yeah, I can.
09:25Then why did you walk away?
09:26Why do you never want to speak about it, then?
09:28Answer me that.
09:29Why, every time I try to confront you, Ruby's poorly or Ruby's this,
09:32you go, we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.
09:34Leave it, leave it at that.
09:35Because, I mean...
09:36Don't you think I'm going through...
09:38And I am, I'm with you.
09:39And I want to speak to you about it, but yet you're not there.
09:42Your answer is, oh, I'll just run away.
09:44I'll run away from the situation.
09:45OK, I've run away once.
09:46I'm not even a dad.
09:47Oh, whatever.
09:48I've run away once.
09:49Once, OK, Craig.
09:50Because I couldn't...
09:51Is he...
09:53Why did you leave three days ago?
09:54Because I...
09:55You know your sick daughter, even if you don't love your missus any more,
09:58for the last three days?
09:59I love her.
10:00Then why did you walk away, you idiot?
10:02I got that.
10:03Because you're a man and you buried your head in the sand.
10:05DNA after this break right back.
10:07I'm heartbroken for Rubek,
10:09because at the end of the day, you know that the kids are everything to me.
10:13Everything to me and all.
10:14So then why walk away, Craig?
10:16But you did cheat, didn't you?
10:18That's what he told us.
11:00Welcome back for the break.
11:01I'm joined by ex-partners Lisa and Craig.
11:03I've got to be honest with you, you won me over completely.
11:05I read this this morning, I read what your mother had said, I thought...
11:08Oh, she's... What mother?
11:09No, but I hear in you, absolutely,
11:11what's amazing about you is that actually you do put that kid first
11:15in everything you say.
11:16She's not bothered, right?
11:17This is how much of a good mother I can tell you,
11:19categorically, this woman is.
11:21If you've left her for her, she...
11:24She's talking only about that kid, and that is very rare on this show.
11:28She's not talking... She's not selfish.
11:30Says she went out and got drunk.
11:32She looks after the kids the whole time.
11:34I'm not going out. I'm not going out.
11:35Why don't you get a job?
11:40Why don't you get off your Xbox and go and support your sick child
11:43by earning some money and putting some food on the damn table?
11:46I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job.
11:48Yes, I'm looking for a job.
11:50If you're going to play on the Xbox,
11:51why don't you look a little bit harder, then?
11:53I've been trying to look for a job. Really? Yeah, I have. Yeah.
11:56You love this woman, do you? Yeah, I do.
11:58I said to marry me. Tell him how you feel. Tell him the truth.
12:01Like, absolute...
12:03And not only that, I'm heartbroken for Ruba,
12:05because at the end of the day, you know that the kids are everything to me.
12:09They're everything to me at home. So then why walk away, Craig?
12:12Imagine, yeah, being left not knowing anything.
12:14Just, oh, do you know what, yeah, I've had enough, and I'm going,
12:17you're a liar, you're a... You're this.
12:19I don't call you a... So you've never called me a...
12:22Please answer that. On national television, you've never said that.
12:25I love this girl. You've never said that.
12:31Shall I tell you something else you need to know as well,
12:33cos I'm an old man?
12:35You are, at this moment, in danger of potentially messing up
12:39the best thing that will happen to you.
12:41She is a top, top woman, trust me. Switched on to anything.
12:47So, based on the fact that certain people
12:50who've insulted your daughter with one of the most heinous comments,
12:53you chose to believe them over her.
12:55How many people in the audience believe
12:57that this man is not the child's biological father?
13:03But you did cheat, didn't you? No.
13:05That's what he told us.
13:07Oh, yeah, we'll say that. I never said that.
13:09Says she's never cheated. No, no, no.
13:11Says she's cheated once, never said she cheated on me.
13:13So why did she leave? Because, like I say, I believed all her family.
13:16Why did you say she didn't cheat?
13:19You just said, I categorically don't believe she's cheated,
13:22but I've left on the whim because her mother or A...
13:25Yeah, you've got too much for me. You mean too much for you?
13:29She's got a sick child to look after. That's not why.
13:32You are the child's biological father.
13:43I love her.
13:46You're better than that.
13:52All this time, I've told you...
13:54What will your family be saying to you?
13:56I'll forget the family.
13:58After everything they've done to me,
14:00and I've always been the one that's been suffering,
14:03and I'm still doing it to this day,
14:05and you walk away, not from me, from your daughter.
14:08You walk away.
14:10It's absolutely wrong.
14:12And her mother's an absolute liar.
14:14She's a disgrace, and I want her on this show.
14:16I want her on this show.
14:18Needed to disannoy, to look completely down that camera
14:21and go, your mother's a complete, blatant liar.
14:23Literally, you are a liar. You know who you are,
14:25and you know what you've done.
14:27All of you know what you have done.
14:29All of you know what you have done to me,
14:32and not just to me, to my daughter.
14:34Don't ever think I'll see her again, any of them.
14:37What do you want from him?
14:39I just want you to step up and be a dad to your kids.
14:41What about sorry, then?
14:43I am sorry. I've messed up, big time.
14:45You know who you need to mainly apologise to? Your daughter.
14:47I won't apologise to my daughter.
14:49I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you.
14:55Big time.
14:56And if it takes me all my life to make it back up to you, I will do.
15:01She needs you, mate. I know that. I need her.
15:03And actually, this is the bit that is different to what I said earlier.
15:06Look at me.
15:07All she's talked about as a kid, but this woman needs you.
15:11How can you say that I'm selfish and I'm a drama queen
15:14and I've come on here for myself?
15:16No, no, listen to me, though, please, for one minute, Craig.
15:19Just let me finish my own part, yes?
15:21She's not a drama queen.
15:23She's one of the most real people I've ever interviewed.
15:26I've travelled all the way here with our kids, yeah,
15:30to prove to you that she's your daughter.
15:34And I go through hell, and I know you might say you do, Craig,
15:37but where are you, then, when I need you the most?
15:39What gives you the right to get up and leave your kids, not me?
15:42My head went, my head went.
15:44So your head went. Don't you think my head goes?
15:46But I have to stay there. I have to be with them kids.
15:48I can't walk out. So what makes you think that you can?
15:57I think it's being called Upper Creek without a paddle,
16:01and I think those Friday nights out when she comes back without her underwear on,
16:05I think they're going to be every Friday at the moment, to be honest.
16:08I think you're going to have to get on your hands and knees and beg, pal.
16:11That's what I think.
16:1399.9%, Craig.
16:15Oi, I'll tell you something, right?
16:17I've done this a long time, and this is a proper, proper woman.
16:21I know that.
16:22Well, say sorry, then.
16:24I haven't said I'm sorry.
16:25Get over there. Don't jump on her, for God's sake.
16:27But give her a hug. Yeah.
16:38How are you?
16:39OK, bye.
16:40I'm sure you're far more aware about women than I am.
16:42I'm going to give you a little bit of advice, right?
16:44She's going to make it very hard for the next few weeks,
16:46but you have to get your nut down.
16:48Real pleasure to meet you. You too. Thank you very much.
16:50Look after her. I will do. And your kid, and good luck.
16:52Give them a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you.
16:55We'll miss them, but best of luck. We'll let you know.
16:57Right, my next guest today, Martin, is no stranger to the JK show.
17:00He's here to confront Sarah, a sister he hasn't seen for seven years
17:03until he watched her berating their mum on this very show
17:06at the beginning of the year. Take a look at this, my friends.
17:10That's... That's her. What do you mean, that's her? That's her.
17:13I'm a better grandmother than you'll ever be.
17:15Whatever! You've never been a mother, have you?
17:17Yeah, I have! You are not a mother! I've been a better mother than you!
17:20You are not a mother! I've been a better mother than you!
17:23You are not a mother! Whatever! Whatever! I'm not talking to you!
17:26I'm talking to her! And I'm talking to it!
17:29It! It! I'm it!
17:31Look at me, Lord!
17:34Now, while Martin says Sarah is still a foul-mouthed liar
17:38and needs to grow up, he says he's going to be the bigger man
17:41and give her one last chance to piece their family back together.
17:44It's been seven years. Martin is on the Jeremy Carr Show again that way.
17:53How are you? Yeah. Seven years. Hi.
17:56So, the show at the beginning of the year, I mean, it was pretty explosive.
18:01Sarah, I mean, you saw there, and your mother at Logheads,
18:04the big gripe on that show was that Sarah is living with,
18:08married to, sharing her life with a guy who's a paedophile.
18:11Yeah, which I actually find disgusting,
18:14but one of the things I actually do find more disgusting than that
18:17is the fact that she's spreading vicious lies about my mum being a swinger
18:20and stuff like that. And, to be honest, it's...
18:23She's in a motorised scooter. Can she swing from that?
18:26I'd like to not. Is she a swinger, your mother?
18:29No, because, apparently, she was doing it while I was living at the house.
18:32I didn't move out of the house, family house, until I was 20,
18:35until I met my partner and moved into my own house with her.
18:38No, I'm sorry, but if I was... It's not just swinging, though, is it?
18:41I mean, she's pretty horrible to your mum. No, she's basically said...
18:44There she is. There's my mum. There she is.
18:46There's the swinger in the motorised scooter.
18:48Apparently so.
18:50I love it.
18:52No, but it's like she's spread so many lies and so many vicious lies...
18:56You say I've got a good relationship with Mum. I do, yeah.
18:59But Sarah and she have always been in logheads
19:01and you are fervently on your mother's side.
19:03Yeah, I've always stuck by my mum, do you know what I mean?
19:05Cos, at the end of the day, it's my mum. You only get one mum in life.
19:08But you grew up and you and Sarah got on well, so what happened?
19:11We did, but because of the vicious lies, what she said about my mum.
19:14This girl, apparently, according to him, lied about her...
19:17What lies have I said, Martin?!
19:20Do you know what lies you've said?
19:22Who is that? Could you stop...
19:26That was my sister. Who are you?
19:28I'm his sister.
19:30Yeah, but you can't attack somebody.
19:32I'm not going to attack her, I'm telling her to shut her mouth.
19:35She's got no right. Don't start!
19:37What? Don't start!
19:39I'm a meddling little...
19:41Yeah, you are a meddling little...
19:43I'm here to support my mum and my...
19:46I'm like you!
19:48You're like me? I don't need your support, Ivy!
19:52You don't need anybody!
19:54I don't need no-one!
19:56Well, if you don't need no-one, then...
19:58I don't need no-one because I don't even know what your beef is with me!
20:01You're going round spreading vicious lies about my mother.
20:04Don't say you've not...
20:06Our mother...
20:08She actually offered me...
20:10Oh, yeah! That's what it is!
20:12Guys, guys, guys!
20:14She's jealous because she didn't get an invite!
20:17You can't even go there, babe!
20:19That's what it was, wasn't it?
20:21What is it you want?
20:23That's enough.
20:27So why is it so many lies?
20:29You're shameful on the family!
20:31Am I?
20:33Well, at least I stayed...
20:35There's no...
20:37There is no...
20:39Do not...
20:41I swear to God, not...
20:43Stop me!
20:45I can't...
20:49Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
20:51Go and sit down.
20:55Ivy, could you go and sit down?
20:57There's no need to bring that into it.
20:59No-one having a go at me!
21:01I'll deal with her in a minute.
21:03Sit down!
21:05There's no need for her to say what she said to Ivy because...
21:09Fair enough. Ivy's done what she's done in the past, yeah.
21:12What did she do in the past?
21:14Basically, like, she...
21:16She walked out on the two kids, yeah, which she's held her hands up against.
21:18We don't need to spin that up, Matt. We're not here.
21:20Jeremy's asking that. We're not here.
21:22Can I just say something? I'm not sticking up for anybody.
21:24I'm supposed to be the middle man.
21:26I've made mistakes. Of course I have.
21:28All right, well, don't start crying, cos you can jump up and tell her.
21:30I'm not going to cry, Emma, come on.
21:32When she gives it back, all right,
21:34you're only here to slag her off for what you want to slag her off for,
21:36but if she dares to raise something,
21:38and I'm not sticking up for her, you get the hump and burst into tears.
21:40Am I crying now? Am I crying?
21:42Probably not.
21:44No, not to shut up.
21:46That's one of the things that I knew for a fact she was going to bring up with.
21:48So, she's accused your mother of being a swinger,
21:50although she's in a motorised scooter.
21:52She's had her go at you. Why are you all against her?
21:54Explain to me why she's married to a paedophile.
21:56It was a pretty good reason not to torture her, in my humble opinion.
21:58To be honest, I didn't find out she was married to a paedophile
22:00until I actually seen that on Facebook,
22:02then I found out off my nephew.
22:04You say she's a liar.
22:06She lied about her nan dying to get time off work.
22:08Yeah, she did.
22:10She did, because I was in college...
22:12You said before, though, she was the only one put into care,
22:14and is that the reason?
22:16Do you know what? To be honest, Jeremy,
22:18she can't keep playing the I was put into care card.
22:20She can't do that, because at the end of the day, yeah...
22:22Shut up, you silly girl.
22:24We all learn about childhood.
22:26What are you here to do?
22:28I'm here today, basically, to say, look,
22:30she needs to stop all the lies, because at the end of the day,
22:32it's destroying the family.
22:34The lies between her and what she said about her nan.
22:36Do you agree with that, despite the shouting?
22:38He's almost offering an olive branch, isn't he?
22:40I don't have anything to do with it, to be perfectly honest.
22:42Do you want anything to do with it?
22:44No, I don't.
22:46I want her to leave my brother and the rest of the family alone
22:48and stop spreading rumours.
22:50Right, so this lady is rude and a liar.
22:52She's accused your mother of being a swinger.
22:54She's lied about your nan dying so she can get time off work.
22:56You don't want anything to do with her.
22:58You are offering an olive branch, but she's got to stop lying.
23:00Yeah, because at the end of the day...
23:02I want to meet your mum in a minute, and the old motorised,
23:04scooting swinger. Sarah's on the Jeremy Carr show. That way!
23:10Calm down! Calm down!
23:12Calm down, if you've got anything to say!
23:14Big woman! Calm down!
23:16And say what you've got to say to me!
23:18Really? Come on, then!
23:20Oh, trust me, girl. Come on!
23:22And your sisters, are you? Come on!
23:24Yeah, we're supposed to be. If that's what you call it.
23:26Oh, and the chair's going to be dragged.
23:28Watch this. No, I want to just move it and look a bit, Jeremy.
23:30Jeremy, the funny thing is, when she was on the last,
23:32she didn't have that. How do you feel about all of your family
23:34having to go at you? Why are you lying so much?
23:36Lying about what? Your mother's not a swinger.
23:38Is she a swinger? Yes, she is. No, she's not.
23:40How do you know she is?
23:42Cos she invited me to one of her parties.
23:44She invited you to one of her parties?
23:46Yes, she did.
23:48A long time ago.
23:50Yeah. Basically, you say
23:52that the only reason he and her are against you
23:54is cos your mother's brainwashed them.
23:56Well, it seems that way.
23:58Why are you here today?
24:00I want to get some answers for myself, Jeremy.
24:02About what? About...
24:04Go on. ..what his so-called beef is about with me.
24:06Cos you're horrible to his mother.
24:08Exactly. Do you know what it is?
24:10She's my mother as well. Pass me that camera.
24:12You don't treat her like a mother.
24:14Let's go. Go on.
24:16Oi, Heather, ramp up the...
24:18I'll tell you what, ramp up the scooter.
24:20Heather's on this show in just a minute.
24:22Don't go anywhere.
24:24You, just get out of my...
24:26Would it be fair to say that whenever you come here,
24:28whatever the argument, this all comes back,
24:30don't say a word, put your arm up.
24:32It all comes back to me. Does it come back to the fact
24:34that you've got a stinker and you've got a gripe
24:36against your mother?
25:04Welcome back.
25:06She's on her way.
25:08Martin and Sarah at Loggerhead's.
25:10I visit Loggerhead's with Sarah.
25:12But the woman, here she is, Formula One racing driver.
25:14She's coming. Come on.
25:16Heather's back on The Jeremy Carr Show.
25:20I just want you out of my life, leave me alone.
25:24And... Are you a swinger?
25:26No, I'm not Jeremy.
25:28And let me get on with my own life.
25:32Would you like to get on with your own life?
25:34I'm not Jeremy Carr.
25:36Would you like to get on with your own life?
25:40Would you like to get on with your own life?
25:42No, she's...
25:44I'm not Jeremy Carr.
25:46She's not.
25:48get on with my own life! Can you explain this? That's not true! This is not true? No, it's not true! That is a genuine copy, love. No, it's a genuine copy!
25:58I don't know who you are! Give it to me! Give it to me! She's got one! I've got one, Jeremy, and that's wrong. What do you mean it's wrong?
26:08Can I just have a look at it? I'm not going to do anything to it! Don't rip it, because I need it! I'll shove it down your throat in a minute, shut up!
26:13I'm not going to put a pin on you, no! Oh, shut your face, Jo! You shut your face! You, just get out of my sight and leave me alone!
26:20You're my daughter! Bye, darling! I'm still your mother, whichever way you want to go!
26:26Could you drive, but not over his feet, because they're flat enough already. Could you come over?
26:30Jeremy, I'm still her mother! Behave like one! What do you mean, behave like one?
26:35What you just did, I don't want you, I'll do it for you. I don't want her! I don't want her in my life!
26:39She doesn't want her! She doesn't want her! Jeremy, don't take the... I'm trying to get yourself and see you.
26:44What's wrong with you? Why have you sat on the stage? I can't be doing... Get a chair!
26:49What is that about the birth certificate? Right, in the meantime, I'm talking to your mother, thank you. What's the beef here?
26:58I've had all the birth certificates, right? We moved from... Yeah. Right? And you know yourself, Sarah, we had to move quick.
27:08What, hold a second, what's that got to do with the birth certificate? I could not get all the birth certificates.
27:13So you don't know who your father is? No, we don't. Yes, you do.
27:16Excuse me. You're a liar! You're a liar! You are, darling, don't call me darling, you're a liar!
27:28No, I'm not having a go at her. She's going to get it in a minute, trust me.
27:34All right, then, all right, Gobby. You, you... I'm talking to your mother, Milly, will you?
27:39Oi, she's having a go at her. You tell her you're her mother. I'm talking...
27:42What the hell are we doing here, then, just letting the matter go off?
27:46Will you tell her to listen to me? Don't talk to me like that, you liar!
27:50Oi, your mother's talking, be quiet. Sorry. All right, then, Gobby.
27:53Can you remember if I can do that as well as you, you little...
28:00Be quiet. Would it be fair to say that whenever you come here,
28:04whatever the argument, this all comes back, don't say a word, put your arm around...
28:08It all comes back to me. Does it come back to the fact that you were put in care
28:11and you've got a gripe against your mother? No, it doesn't.
28:13And for as long as you can remember, you've been trying to score points
28:16because you're not happy that you were... Were you in care? No, she wasn't.
28:19No, she wasn't. No, she wasn't. Were you in care?
28:21Were you in care? No, I wasn't.
28:23Well, you see, that's why she's act off, then!
28:25Excuse me! Excuse me!
28:29The reason she was put in care, Jeremy, was because she wouldn't go to school.
28:35All I'm saying is I'm just trying to help.
28:37Yeah, because I got rid of her. I got rid of the man over there.
28:40Yes, I know, but maybe she feels like she was the outsider.
28:43No, she was not. She went to care.
28:46Was that my fault? Well, partly, yes.
28:49How can it be my fault when I had four other kids to look after?
28:52Well, how did she protect the other four but not her?
28:54I didn't protect her, but she wouldn't go to school.
28:57Jeremy, what it was is when we were younger...
28:59Don't try and blame it back on me, Jeremy.
29:01I'm not, I'm trying to... Don't start on me.
29:03Well, don't blame... Well, don't start on me.
29:05Don't try and put the blame... Don't start on me.
29:07Don't try and put the blame on me.
29:09I think not all of this, right? Just for a minute, right?
29:11Don't put the blame on me, Jeremy.
29:13Or take some of it, love, cos you can't be totally...
29:15She can't take none of the blame.
29:17She can, but you're not listening. No, she can't, Jeremy.
29:19You're not listening. No, I'm sorry.
29:21You said she wanted a lot of advice. Let me make a suggestion.
29:23Just hear me out.
29:25She is probably, hear me out, a liar.
29:28She is a liar. Oh, let me speak.
29:30A liar, a fantasist, somebody who exaggerates.
29:33Do you think, the three of you, just calmly for a minute,
29:36that maybe the angst, the jealousy, the bitterness,
29:40everything that she is, hear me out,
29:42comes from the fact that somewhere in her mind,
29:45don't jump at me, she was...
29:47You go, I'm sure you did your best,
29:49but the fact is, one out of five, her, went to care.
29:52Now, if you're her and you're in care,
29:54whether you're a bad-behaved child or not,
29:56you are going to grow up thinking, I wasn't wanted,
29:58I'm the black sheep, I'm not as good as them.
30:00The first thing she said in my notes was,
30:02oh, he's golden balls, he was the... No, he's not.
30:04Oh, please listen, love. Jeremy, do you know what it is?
30:06Trying to find a way, otherwise you're going to spend
30:08the rest of your life shouting at each other.
30:10Maybe the girl, yeah, she's wrong. Don't shout at me.
30:12I'm not shouting at you. I'm not shouting at you.
30:14I'm not shouting at you. What?
30:16I've heard, but I'm not there, Jeremy.
30:18Oh, so you were shouting at me, but now you're not?
30:21You said, call down, and that's what I've done.
30:23Mum, calm down. Yeah.
30:25Jeremy, do you think... So it works both ways, Jeremy.
30:28Apparently. Do you think that... You don't shout at me,
30:30I don't shout at you. It's my show, can you let me get on with it?
30:33I don't care whether it's your show or not, you don't shout at me.
30:35Jeremy, Jeremy. You've shouted at me.
30:37And you shouted back. Jeremy.
30:39We're both talking properly now. Your daughter's crying.
30:42Just, Ivy, one sec, please. No.
30:44Let's try one more time.
30:46She's a liar, she's this, she's that.
30:48Do you think that you've ever, any of you,
30:50contemplated the reasons for that?
30:52That's all I'm saying. That's what I think you...
30:55I basically, with what's happened in the past few months,
30:58which I can't bring up, yeah,
31:00it's made me think that life's too short,
31:02you know what I mean, for these petty arguments,
31:04cos that's what it is at the end of the day, it's petty arguments.
31:07Can you and Ivy stay here? Come with me a second.
31:10Ivy, you all right there, yeah? Yeah, I'm all right.
31:12Don't shout, though. Yeah, well, don't shout at me then.
31:14It's life's too short and life's too precious
31:16to be wasting on petty arguments.
31:18Can you do me a favour, and I'm going to put my foot down now, right?
31:21Just stop shouting and screaming and listen,
31:23because this man, this man came here and he said,
31:26I want to somehow find an olive branch.
31:28I absolutely, right, do believe that you've done things,
31:31said things and stuff that's wrong and horrible
31:34and that's what the world now thinks of you.
31:36I happen to believe there's probably a reason for that.
31:39Right, have a chat without any shouting, please.
31:41At the end of the day, yeah, you know what happened in September?
31:45Yeah, with a certain person, yeah? I know.
31:48Now, to me, that's made me realise...
31:51I was heartbroken. Can you listen to each other?
31:53At the end of the day, yeah,
31:55I see it as life's too short for these arguments,
31:58cos that's what they are, they're petty
32:00and they're just tit-for-tat scoring points.
32:03That is what they are, yeah?
32:05You've got to understand that if it was flipped the other way round...
32:08And you had a really, really good relationship with my mum,
32:11which I've got, and no-one can dispute that,
32:13you would be exactly the same as me.
32:15I think... Can I just jump in?
32:17One of the things I've learned over the years
32:19is that when families are fractured
32:21and everybody's been arguing for a long time,
32:23it doesn't always work for everybody,
32:25but there's no reason why you two can't try and cultivate something.
32:28Hear me out, maybe it's too late for Ivy, maybe it's too late for your mum.
32:31What you have to understand is that your way of trying to get attention
32:35or trying to right the wrongs or lash out
32:37because you're unhappy about the past,
32:39the things that you've said and the things that you've done
32:42have alienated people.
32:43That's a fact, whether you like it or not,
32:45and I'll stand here and shout at you forever,
32:47because I don't believe that a lot of what you've done
32:49has been thought through at all.
32:50I think you've done it to get a reaction,
32:52and I think the more you've done it, and the worse that you've been,
32:55you've just solidified everything they think about you.
32:57But you said something at the beginning,
32:59and this is what I want to work on, you two with Graham and the team,
33:02if there is any common ground, the fact is, right,
33:06there were five kids and one went into care.
33:08Your mum's answer to that is to shout in my face,
33:10and I'm not blaming your mother, there was a difficult situation.
33:13What I'm asking you to understand is that if it had been you instead of her
33:16or it had been Ivy instead of her, I very much suspect
33:19you might not have told as many lies,
33:22but you might have been a little bit angry
33:24and you might have wanted to score a few points
33:26and you might have wanted to lash out at your mum,
33:28and I'm sorry, you can come here and shout...
33:30I'm not going to. I've had enough.
33:32But I really believe this, Ivy. Can I just say one thing?
33:35If you had been the child in care, just...
33:41You wouldn't be out there supporting your mum.
33:43You'd be shouting from the rooftops.
33:45I am not sticking up for the things she's done.
33:47I wouldn't be scared of rumours, though, would I?
33:49You might be doing anything, but I'm not sure that we would know.
33:52I think you guys need to just do this and sit and do it calmly.
33:57At the end of the day, we wasn't in care.
33:59I'm not painting her out to be an angel.
34:01That's all I wanted.
34:03Listen, I'm not going to go round in circles.
34:05I am not angry. That was when I was angry.
34:07Everyone's been angry.
34:19Listen, no more to be said.
34:21Graham is going to do this in a far better way than I do it,
34:24one by one and calmly.
34:26I'm not saying it's ideal, I'm not saying it's perfect,
34:28but it's worth it, all right?
34:30All yours, G, man. Give him a round of applause.
34:32Thank you very much indeed.
34:35Good luck to them.
34:36My next guest today, Jim, is in desperate need for help
34:38with his son, Mark, before he says it's too late.
34:40A little while back, men came to the house
34:42with the intention of assaulting son Mark over an unpaid debt,
34:45hurting Jim as well when he intervened to save his son's life.
34:48He says that Mark's behaviour is causing massive stress in the house.
34:51And he says, you know what, I'm tired of wiping his backside.
34:53He said, I want help, but at the end of the day,
34:55I want somebody to convince this young man
34:57he needs to step up and be counted.
34:58Jim is on The Jeremy Carl Show. That way.
35:08You all right? Yeah, fine.
35:10Do me a favour, cos I'm going to be really, really honest.
35:12We were talking about this this morning.
35:14A lot of the stories on this show are very argumentative
35:17and it's very raw. Some are very sad.
35:19I think this is the sort of story that would resonate
35:22and people would be able to say, my God, especially parents, right?
35:25You're 49. You've been married how long?
35:2825 years.
35:30Your son Mark is basically...
35:35You can get a clap for anything on this show nowadays.
35:38Great marriage, everything good, got this son, 24.
35:42Let's not lie, doesn't do anything, doesn't provide.
35:45You've tried wiping his backside. His mother's as soft as butter.
35:48And you have had enough. That's, in essence, the truth.
35:51That's quite true.
35:53Well, isn't this right? I've had enough.
35:55Good for you. If he continues the way he is,
35:59he's going to be outright on his backside.
36:01There was this story, wasn't there,
36:03that some people came to the house for an unpaid debt?
36:07Yes. What happened?
36:09Well, basically, right, I heard the car pull up.
36:13Somebody shouted. Yeah.
36:15I went out, right, said, who's this?
36:18Who was it? Just two geezers.
36:21Saying he owed them £300.
36:23£300, that's ridiculous. What for?
36:25Right, I don't know, right, exactly whether it was weed or anything.
36:29I don't know. Have you ever told your son
36:31how much he annoys you and what a lazy pain in the back?
36:33Yeah, I have. And what does he do?
36:35Well, the thing is, right, he just, like, clams off.
36:38What are you going to say to him today? Shake up or ship out.
36:43Give him a hand.
36:48He's 24 years of age.
36:50You probably won't like what I'm going to say to him, right?
36:53Mark's on The Jeremy Carl Show, that way.
37:03You all right? Fine, thanks, yourself.
37:06Why are you living home at 24? Have you got a job?
37:08Yeah, I'm working with my old mate.
37:10But only recently, yeah? What about before that?
37:12You're 24 years of age, people fight wars at the age of 16.
37:15Have you lived? You're a pain in the backside,
37:17you don't do anything for them. You sponge.
37:20Why are you not a man who goes to work, gets your own place
37:23and does your own thing? What's going on?
37:29Do you pay your parents money to live?
37:31Sometimes, yeah.
37:33What happened a few weeks ago when these men arrived,
37:35wanting £300 out of you, what happened then?
37:38It was when I was borrowing and I'd touched drugs then,
37:41but I haven't touched them since.
37:43What did you want to say to him? What can I say to him?
37:46Tell him. I've already, like, told him, right?
37:49He's like, they're going to bury me.
37:51He's your dad. You should respect him.
37:53You sit there like you don't care.
37:56What's your wife called?
38:00Let's get Mum Tina on The Jeremy Carl Show, please.
38:10Why don't you keep... I mean, I understand,
38:12cos me mum would have done the same.
38:14Why aren't you harder on him? He's a waste of time.
38:16I have tried to be.
38:19I worry about him.
38:21I want him to be happy.
38:23I want him to have a good life.
38:25What about tough love, babe?
38:27I've tried it, but it don't help.
38:30What can I say to him? It goes in one ear and out the other.
38:33Why's that? Cos you don't respect your parents, yeah?
38:36You're 24, for God's sake.
38:38I know. Come on! I've messed up in my life.
38:41What do you want from your life?
38:43Just to have a happy life.
38:45Start a family.
38:47You've had a rocket up your backside.
38:49What do you want to achieve in your life?
38:51Because the way you're going, you're going to achieve anything.
38:54It doesn't matter what you have.
38:56It matters if you can look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day
38:59and you can wipe your backside.
39:01They're basically saying, go and do something with your life.
39:04Stop sitting there.
39:06Why does somebody like you go through it?
39:08Why do I need to tell you that?
39:10Cos I'm starting doing that.
39:12You spoiled him, haven't you? Yes.
39:15It hasn't helped.
39:17Being a parent ain't easy, is it? No.
39:19I probably spoiled my kids. I was probably spoiled.
39:22But you have to find that in you to want to make something, do something.
39:25I just don't see anything... You are still smoking dope.
39:28Look at your face, mate. Tell him what it does to you.
39:31Look at him, tell him.
39:33It's killing us inside.
39:35As parents, you can only do so much.
39:37You want your kids to be successful, happy, whatever,
39:40but you want them to have fight, you want them to have verve,
39:43you want them to have commitment, you want them to be hungry.
39:46You're a lazy man.
39:48You're one of those people who thinks the world owes you a living.
39:51You're one of those people who carries...
39:53Look at you, you look like you've got the whole world on your shoulders.
39:56Are you ill? No.
39:58Are you homeless? No.
40:00Are you a drug addict? No.
40:02I don't know why you came here.
40:04I'm being really honest, I don't know why you came here.
40:06I don't know what I can say to this kid apart from, you know...
40:09Well, we was hoping you'd be able to get through to him,
40:12cos we can't. It's like talking to a brick wall.
40:15There's a problem somewhere, right?
40:17But you won't tell us right where?
40:20We've sat him down, we've asked him,
40:23it's... That's it, that's all you get.
40:27Cos you're trying to control my life.
40:30Ah! Get out of there house and have a tea made, you little boy!
40:34Don't control your own damn life!
40:39They're trying to control your life, they're sick to death of you, mate.
40:42You're like a virus that hangs around.
40:44Do you know what you need to do? Go and speak to Graham, seriously.
40:47Go and speak to Graham and grow up and learn to stand your own damn feet.
40:50That's what you need to do.
40:56Right, you two are still there and after the break,
40:58we're back with more from the Jeremy Carr Show.
41:00Don't go anywhere, right back.
41:02Brothers, I grew up knowing you were there,
41:05but have never had the opportunity to meet you.
41:09I've longed to meet you for many, many years,
41:13but unfortunately, it never happened.
41:19I got a message from one of your brothers called Jimmy.
41:31Welcome back, I'm Jeremy, welcome back.
41:33My next guest today, Anne, is here to make an appeal
41:35to find her long-lost brother, Frank.
41:37Now, Anne was born as the result of an affair
41:39and was put up for adoption over, check this, 63 years ago.
41:43And while she's always known that Frank must be out there somewhere,
41:46she's never known any blood relatives other than her own kids.
41:49Finding Frank, she says, would mean the absolute world to her
41:52and she said, I wanted to come here
41:54and I wanted to hopefully get some help from Jeremy Carr.
41:56Please give her a big round of applause. Anne's on the show.
42:09How are you, my darling? Really nice to meet you.
42:11Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on. Take a seat.
42:13You OK? Yeah, a bit nervous, obviously.
42:16You rang the show, didn't you? And I really appreciate you doing that.
42:20It's an extraordinary story. Yeah.
42:23Adopted 63 years ago. Do you want to tell them why?
42:27You can tell them the story.
42:34You OK? Yeah.
42:36My biological mother, she had me.
42:40Queen Charlotte's London.
42:42And she must have been in a relationship.
42:46Can I say that? Yeah.
42:49Between the time...
42:52..she was pregnant and was to have me.
42:57And it was with, at the time, with a white chap, an English man.
43:02So, to what I was told, she came from Scotland,
43:06where I was conceived, down to England to start a new life.
43:10She'd met this gentleman and from there they got together.
43:16You were adopted out. I was adopted out at five months.
43:20Your real mother came to visit you only once.
43:23Now, here's the story. You looked out of the window one day
43:25and you saw your brothers. You believed that you were the brothers
43:27playing in the car. Yeah.
43:29Now, interestingly, weirdly, 24 years ago, briefly, what happened?
43:35You spoke to one of the brothers. Yeah.
43:38That was... That's Frank. Frank Jr.
43:41He was named after his father.
43:43You spoke to him? How did you lose touch again?
43:45Well, what actually happened, things were going on.
43:49I actually lost the number.
43:53I was... I fell pregnant. I was 40.
43:5840, coming up 41.
44:00God bless him. He was born with a very, very rare condition.
44:04And for the last 22 years, I've done nothing but look after him.
44:09Backwards and forwards to hospitals.
44:12Why now?
44:14Now. No, no, no.
44:16Why now to try and find what you believe to be?
44:18I've never stopped thinking about them.
44:22I love you so much.
44:24And as far as I'm concerned, I want...
44:26Can you bring me that camera?
44:28Cos you've got a letter you've written, haven't you?
44:30Yeah. Can you bring that in a little bit, please, sir?
44:33Brothers, I grew up knowing you were there,
44:36but have never had the opportunity to meet you.
44:40I've longed to meet you for many, many years,
44:44but unfortunately, it never happened.
44:47Frank, I know I got in touch with you over 20 years ago,
44:53but due to difficult circumstances,
44:57I lost your number and never heard from you again.
45:02I've never stopped wanting to meet you.
45:05I'd love to hear some memories of my mother.
45:09I want to see photos of what she was like
45:13and hear all about your childhood.
45:16I long to meet the family I never had.
45:20It's hard to put into words,
45:25as we don't really know each other,
45:28but I just want to tell you that I love you.
45:44I found a photo of your mum.
45:51Oh, my gosh.
45:55They said that I...
45:57I got a message from one of your brothers called Jimmy.
46:01My dearest sister, Anne.
46:03I never knew about you, but now I do.
46:06I'm so excited to meet you and welcome you into our family.
46:09I'm really, really sorry that I can't be there today,
46:12but I promise I will come and visit you soon.
46:15Love you forever, your youngest brother, Jimmy.
46:23I can't believe it, Jonathan.
46:25I can't believe it's going to happen.
46:28It's a picture of your mother,
46:30a message from Jimmy, and guess what?
46:33Brad's here.
46:35Oh, my gosh.
46:37These get me these parts.
46:39Frank's on the Jeremy Clark show.
47:24All right?
47:26And I'm not going to expect you to say too much,
47:28cos you've got so much, but he wants to tell you one thing.
47:31The first thing this man said to us was,
47:33-"What about your mum?" -"She always loved you."
47:35I know.
47:36She didn't want to keep you up.
47:38I know, I know.
47:40I know.
47:43And, Jimmy, we'll come and see you soon, we'll arrange that.
47:46Are you happy?
47:47Yeah, very, very. Thank you. Thank you and your team.
47:50It's the team, it's not me.
47:52Thank you, yeah.
47:53And you know when we've done something proper?
47:56Old Graham gets the volleybones out in the pipeline.
47:59You go that way. Give them a round of applause.
48:03Thank you. See you later, guys.
48:11Lovely way to end this morning. I am out of time.
48:13If you want to be on my show, you need my help.
48:15Visit my website, the details are on screen.
48:17To my guests, to this audience and to you four watching at home,
48:19you know who you are. I'll see you soon. Take care, bye-bye for now.
48:26Tonight on The Kyle Files.
48:29Listen, at the moment, I'm going to detain you for a search
48:31and there's an issue with the drugs out here.
48:36Do you want that?
48:38You want me, don't you?
48:45That is absolutely disintegrating, isn't it?
48:58This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
49:01If you want to stop this, click here.
49:03This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
49:06If you want to stop this, click here.