The Legend of Tarzan S01 Ep21 - Tarzan and the Outbreak

  • 2 weeks ago
Bob Markham is an unscrupulous logger who doesn't care about the jungle, until his workers and his child contract a mysterious disease. Then he's forced to turn to Tarzan for help.


00:00how about here hmm possibly I'm not sure about the light I don't get it
00:07why paint a parrot because they're so beautiful just look at the vibrant
00:12colors if you want to look at a bird go outside there's only a bazillion of them
00:16in the jungle but that's not the point the painting is about how I see the
00:20parrot it's a way of remembering this thing of incredible beauty oh what about
00:26here sure
00:34that wasn't me
01:56hey did you guys hear something I didn't hear nothing
02:03ain't either what are you doing here nothing I'm just logging that's all who
02:12said you could destroy my jungle Marco he told us to clear the timber
02:19hey tell me on this I don't want any trouble take me to this Markham
02:29call him mr. Markham sir everything all right Walter I heard the engine switch
02:36off yeah we had a little incident back there something I can help you with mr.
02:42take your machines and get out of my jungle your jungle does that mean you
02:47own it the jungle belongs to no man well you see that's where you're wrong
02:51friend it belongs to me Bob Markham I got the papers here that grant me the
02:55timber rights to a thousand acres of this jungle technically you're
02:59trespassing on my property but I like being a good neighbor so I won't have
03:03you arrested paper or not this is my family's home and I will protect it oh
03:10my Abigail you are getting to be a big girl well this is Tarzan it's very
03:24pretty Abby hmm it smells good too why don't you go inside the tent now honey
03:30and he's got some business he has to finish bye you see Tarzan you're not the
03:39only one who has a family to protect good night little duckling said the moon
03:44and the little duckling fell fast asleep ah that was my favorite story when I was
03:50your age you're nice why thank you Abby I think you're nice too you don't look
03:57like Tarzan you look like a normal person well that's because I come from
04:01England Tarzan on the other hand was raised by gorillas here in the jungle
04:05seems like only yesterday Abby's mother was reading to her like that been over
04:10three years since she passed Abby's all I have in the world now that's why I
04:14came to Africa to give her the best life I could by destroying the jungle people
04:18need lumber Tarzan well this very house is built of wood quite a bit of it too
04:23my concern mr. Markham is not with the harvesting of lumber per se but in the
04:29way you are harvesting it the jungle is an ancient and delicate ecosystem
04:34tampering with it could be disastrous listen I've sunk every penny I have
04:39into this logging enterprise I'm not going belly-up over some posy that might
04:42get squashed yes it's very beautiful well I know how you can keep it looking
04:52pretty forever really here put the flower carefully inside this book now
04:59gently close the cover like this yes then in a week or so it will be
05:04perfectly preserved come on can't we come to some sort of compromise
05:10compromise yeah is there anywhere I could log which would be acceptable to
05:14you well I would think the further away from the gorillas the better all right
05:20you can log on the south side of the river far from here great see I knew we
05:25could work something out you did what why didn't you just send that log a
05:31packing it was a compromise now everyone is happy I don't know about this whole
05:36compromise thing you know I mean you're going soft in your old age buddy I mean
05:40when was the last time you use this I've been looking all over for that
05:45excellent for weeding the garden you know yeah you see this right here is
05:49evidence for my case relax Turk Markham and I have an agreement
05:56perhaps you should have gotten it in writing
06:13my fault is it the boss gave okay to lock in this part of the jungle we were
06:17just following his orders Markham Abby why don't you go brush your teeth and
06:24get ready for bed but I already brushed them well brush him again sweetie I have
06:28to talk to mr. Tarzan yes daddy I know why you're here we had an agreement you
06:37broke it that land is all bogged they'd sink in the mud but the gorillas look I
06:41tried it your way but it didn't work out so I'm doing what I have to do for my
06:45family for Abby then I will do what I have to for my family
07:15finally a little action now this is the Tarzan I remember I only see two of the
07:23bulldozers we're not gonna hurt anybody are we no we're just going to stop those
07:29machines from doing any more damage you mean us against those big scary loud
07:33metallic things I don't know
07:39what do you expect Tarzan to keep up his action hero image when one of his
07:43very own sidekicks can't even do you hear that
08:04something's wrong do you think that maniac tried to run us over I mean
08:09doesn't that seem a bit drastic a bit
08:14no something's wrong with the driver I said he tried to run us over
08:19weren't you listening
08:23anybody care to explain what all the wreck
09:09Sorry, Mr. Markham. I tried to stay on the job.
09:36Don't worry, Walter. I think we can manage without you for a day or two.
09:40His breathing's irregular, and I've never seen a rash quite like this.
09:43I'm sure it's just a 24-hour flu.
09:45Nevertheless, I'll take a sample for study.
09:48It's just about the darndest thing. Walter's usually as healthy as always.
09:53I do have a theory about what's causing his illness.
09:56What's that?
09:59Yes, you. You and all your confounded machines that have been tearing up the jungle.
10:04You've obviously released some long-dormant virus or bacteria.
10:08Oh, okay. I see what's going on here.
10:10You're just trying to scare me off this land.
10:12Well, it won't work.
10:13Now, get out of my camp.
10:14You heard me. Get out of here!
10:16And don't come back!
10:22You know, I can't help but notice that we still have the lager problem.
10:26A minus-one bulldozer.
10:28Minus-one bulldozer. Now, if you ask me...
10:31I didn't ask you.
10:32Yeah, and that's a recurring problem, I've noticed.
10:35Anywho, I think our problem was this whole covert ops business.
10:40But I felt so stealthy!
10:42Oh! Sorry, sorry.
10:45Oh, think nothing of it, Tantor.
10:48See, what we need to do is hit them head-on, full force, head-to-head, toe-to-toe!
10:55I'm afraid that won't be necessary, Turk.
10:58This virus will take care of Markham and his men soon enough.
11:02It's what I tried to explain to Mr. Markham.
11:05Tampering with the jungle's ecosystem is dangerous.
11:09You see, jungle soil is home to thousands of ancient microbes.
11:14You know germs, bacteria, and whatnot.
11:16Oh, I know just the type.
11:19Well, I do.
11:20When Markham tore through here all willy-nilly, he unearthed hundreds of microorganisms.
11:26But at least one of them is deadly.
11:29Deadly indeed.
11:31We must warn Markham and his men.
11:32We already have, Tarzan.
11:34I just want a lesson.
11:42The virus hit them hard and fast.
11:46So what do you think, Professor?
11:48These men are very ill.
11:50Without a cure, they will most certainly die.
11:53Well, we'll just have to find a cure.
11:56Not now, Abby.
11:57Easier said than done, Mr. Markham.
12:05I don't feel very good.
12:08Shh, sweetie.
12:09Daddy will take care of you.
12:11I know you have nothing to gain in helping me.
12:13We will help you.
12:14You're a good man, Tarzan.
12:17I shan't rest until I've found a cure.
12:21Oh, you're not serious.
12:22You're not really gonna help that Markham guy.
12:25His men are sick.
12:26Yeah? And what's gonna happen if you cure them?
12:28You think Markham is just gonna say,
12:29Oh, thank you, Tarzan, and walk out of here?
12:32I don't think so.
12:33He'll go right back to bulldozing the jungle.
12:36We can't control what Markham does.
12:38We can only do what's right.
12:40Markham and his men will die if we don't help them.
12:42Hey, I don't mean to sound cold or nothing,
12:45but that's their problem.
12:46In what way is that not cold?
12:48You've just gone soft, that's all.
12:50I remember when the title,
12:51Lord of the Jungle, carried some real weight behind it.
12:55I mean, whatever happened to good old-fashioned,
12:57poetic jungle justice, huh?
12:59Bad guys come here looking for trouble
13:01and get what's coming to them.
13:03Turk, what about Abby?
13:06Markham's little girl.
13:07You mean the really cute little one
13:09with the big eyes and the sweet smile?
13:11What about her?
13:12She's also very sick.
13:16Why'd you have to go and bring her up for?
13:19Come on, let's get to work.
13:22And then the princess plucked the flowers' petals off,
13:25one by one, and threw them into the river.
13:29While she chanted,
13:30he loves me, he loves me not.
13:33He loves me.
13:39Easy, Abby.
13:40Now try to rest.
13:42Jane, am I gonna feel better?
13:45Well, I certainly think so.
13:48My father's promised to find a remedy,
13:50and he's never let me down.
13:51My daddy's never let me down either.
13:54Well then, I think we should both be quite fine.
13:57Now, doctor's orders, get some rest.
14:01Yes, ma'am.
14:05Don't let us down, Daddy.
14:12A cure is conceivable,
14:14but I must have these ingredients.
14:16I'll find them.
14:17Wait, I know this jungle better.
14:19Tarzan, my daughter's life is on the line.
14:22Then we go together.
14:47Come on.
15:10How many more?
15:11Just two.
15:12Great. What's next?
15:13The sap of a durama tree.
15:14That'll be a breeze.
15:15No, it won't.
15:16Why do you say that?
15:17The durama tree belongs to Butoh.
15:28You get the sap. I'll deal with Butoh.
15:31I'd say I got the better end of that bargain.
16:06Are you finished?
16:07Uh, actually, I'm just getting started.
16:10How long can you hold off that beast?
16:16As long as we need.
16:32All finished.
16:47I think I went too far when I pulled his tail.
16:55This is the last one?
16:56Yes. The flowers are just over this hill.
17:00Or at least they used to be.
17:03This is the only place where you can find the flowers?
17:05It was.
17:07Oh, what have I done?
17:10You wanted to do the right thing for your daughter.
17:13You just made a mistake.
17:16Yeah, a big mistake.
17:21It was a mistake.
17:23It was a mistake.
17:25It was a mistake.
17:27It was a mistake.
17:29It was a mistake.
17:32Glowing lichen, yes.
17:34Borgweed, excellent.
17:35Durama tree sap and...
17:41What about the...
17:48Hi, Daddy.
17:49Hello, Angel. How are you feeling?
17:51Not very good.
17:54Can you read me a story?
17:57Sure, darling, sure.
18:00Once upon a time in a kingdom far away...
18:04What's this?
18:05Where did you get this flower?
18:09In the jungle, remember?
18:13Why, this is the very flower we need.
18:16I'll have a cure whipped together in no time.
18:19What's everybody so happy about, Daddy?
18:26Brace yourselves.
18:32I tell you, Mr. Markham, I feel like a million bucks.
18:36Glad to hear it, Walter. Glad to hear it.
18:42I'm telling you, Markham and his men are going right back to log in the jungle,
18:46just like I said they would.
18:48Relax, Turk.
18:49Hey, this is what you get for being all Mr. Nice Guy and doing the right thing.
18:56You need a makeover, buddy.
18:58Go back to the shed, the softer, gentler image,
19:00and go for the dark, brooding, vengeful, lord-of-the-jungle thing.
19:05Make sure you get that area. Don't miss a spot.
19:08Come on, people, you're on the clock here.
19:16What kind of logging is this?
19:18They're not logging. They're planting.
19:22Here you go. Plant them about a quarter of an inch deep.
19:29Irrigation, anyone?
19:37In a few months, this field will be blooming with those pretty flowers again.
19:41What do you think about that, Abby?
19:42Yeah, you're it!
19:44It? I'm not it.
19:46I'll have you know I haven't been it since I was ten years old.
19:53I can't thank you enough, Tarzan.
19:55I can't thank you enough, Tarzan.
19:57What will you do now?
19:58I don't know. Maybe something a little less destructive.
20:01That's for sure.
20:02I hate to think what might have been lost forever because of me.
20:05At least it wasn't your daughter.
20:07Come back here!
20:09Hey, wait up!
20:10Irrigate! Irrigate!
