The Legend of Tarzan S01 Ep30 - Tarzan and the Prison Break

  • 2 days ago
Hugo and Hooft have been hauled away to the world's worst and most impenetrable prison, and Tarzan is going to rescue them, but will Cape Doom prove too much for our jungle hero?


00:10Yeah a little to the right a little higher
00:20No, no, not that one that one
00:25It has to be that one only if you want it to be good
00:38Hey, good job Kimo Sabe. Yeah, that was smooth swinging nature boy
00:43Thanks, so what did you guys need this for?
00:48Hugo and hoofs jazzy jungle barbecue sauce
00:51Now I don't want to brag sure you do you go. He's right. I do Tarzan. This stuff's gonna make us rich
00:56Yes, sir, this sauce here is our ticket and you'll never guess what the secret ingredient is, uh
01:01Fruit bingo. Yeah, it gives our sauce. It's extra zing. Yeah, we owe it all to you Tarzan. Thanks
01:07Well, I'd do anything for you guys
01:09We're friends. Oh, that's sweet
01:12So hereby waive all rights claims on current and or future profits sign here. Well, that's what we thought friends till the end
01:22Hugo and hoof are still alive
01:26They won't elude me a second time
01:39Assemble a squad we're going after these treacherous villains, but sir, they're friendly jungle man will protect them. Oh, yes
01:50He was an unknown element last time
01:53But this time I shall be prepared
01:59Right, right, let's try the so-called jazzy jungle sauce
02:03I've been hearing so much about dickhead pops over the teeth and through the gun. Look up belly. Here it comes
02:09seasonings that require warnings
02:15Smoky flavor much like
02:30Provide the secret ingredient try it Jane. Oh, I'm sure it's very good Tarzan
02:35But this sort of dish isn't part of my usual diet. Oh, come on sis. This is the best barbecue sauce on the continent
02:42That's right. We couldn't say that if it wasn't true. Well, we could but would risk besmirching our fine reputations. Yes and fine
02:50reputations they are
02:52Especially for two men who are supposedly dead colonel stock. Hey, how's tricks seize them?
03:03Go Tarzan, I said go don't argue with a man
03:15Look at that nature boy guy can't hold him off forever though. We got to split up you go rendezvous when the heats off
03:21Yeah, good thinking hoop. They'll never catch us both
03:26Okay slight miscalculation
03:32Hang on I'll get you down
03:36Did you think I would come here without a plan
03:40shame on you
03:42Hugo and hoofed for your crimes of insubordination
03:46Desertion and evading arrest you are hereby sentenced to a fate worse than death Cape
03:53Doom Oh not Cape Doom anything but Cape Doom. Yeah, give us the guillotine instead
03:58No, no, give him the guillotine and pardon me as a symbolic gesture. It'll be good PR Cape Doom. Oh
04:05It's a horrible place a foreign legion prison feared for its grueling labor and isolated location
04:12If that's where they are taking Hugo and hoofed then they are truly lost to us. I
04:19Have to help them. Yes, we'll contact the local magistrate and let him know that Hugo and hoofed are innocent men
04:25Oh, yes, that'll clear this whole situation right up
04:28Won't it doubtful the magistrate can be difficult to contact and even more difficult to move
04:34Then we'll just have to be persistent Hugo and hoofed need help now
04:38Tarzan this is a matter of the law. It's no time for daredoing. They're my friends
04:43They would do the same for me my friend. If you are determined to do this, there is another boat headed up north
04:50Will it take me to Cape Doom no, but it will take you close tell the captain you are my friend he will help
04:56Thank you too much. There's nothing I can do to stop you
05:00Gee, I know I know
05:03They're your friends
05:10This is as close as we get the island is about two miles in that direction, thank you
05:17Usually men try to break out of Cape Doom. You're the first one I've met trying to break in
05:25Godspeed Tarzan
06:17Told you we shouldn't have put our faces on that level. Yeah. Well who knew the French ate barbecue eight snails. I'll eat anything
06:24You got hoofed. What are you doing here? Oh, you slide dog. Come on. We're not out yet
06:31Not yet
06:33Not ever
06:35You couldn't leave well enough alone good you Tarzan well no matter there's always room for one more inmate
06:44Welcome to Cape Doom
06:50Masquerade costumes when I ordered ten crates of tea
06:57Ridiculous yes, I'm trying to reach the magistrate
07:03Magistrate so sorry mademoiselle, but you should contact the magistrate through the mail. Yes, but I'm quite far away
07:10And this is a rather urgent matter
07:12Then you can speak with the magistrate I can
07:17Yeah, you see what you can accomplish when you go through the proper channels
07:25Seems it's a frustrating day for us both Jane
07:33Thank you dog
07:37Hey story read dragged it down here with us buddy you have done the same thing for me after all
07:43Friends. Yeah. Well, okay. Let's look at the bright side. At least you look good in stripes
07:49Yeah, they accentuate you're already powerful shoulders and taper nicely to your waist
07:56Don't I know ye me huh? No, not me. I've never been here before. In fact, I'm not staying long
08:02I'm just passing through really I do know ye. You're the dog who stole me money in a rigged game of dice
08:10Whoa, slow down there buddy. I've never played dice before in my life. Yeah, he's more of a shuffleboard player. I'm the dice player
08:21Leave them alone. Oh and what's he to you we man? They're my friends
08:47Try to quiet there are no excuses here there is only
08:54Obedience take him to the pit
08:59No, stack a not the pit. Oh, yeah. Come on up. Don't you think that's a wee bit harsh? Oh
09:05It is far more than a bit harsh. It is profoundly cruel
09:17Welcome to the pit Tarzan when you disobey this is your reward
09:23There is no food or water here, but it's an excellent chance for you to work on your tan
09:44Oh geez here comes Tarzan
09:52Tarzan, are you all right buddy speak to us?
10:07Jane it pains me to see you like this. If only there was something I could do
10:12Well, there isn't a thing that you can do. Monsieur de Mont not a single thing and because of it I may lose Tarzan
10:22You're wrong Jane. There is something I can do, you know how to contact the magistrate
10:27No, but perhaps I can give you the next best thing
10:46Laziness your laziness take him to the pit
10:54Don't worry about a thing nature boy. Yeah, that's right. We're busting out of here tonight. Oh
11:02Water water I
11:05Gotta have water. There's no water for the likes of you. But if you need to rest perhaps a trip to the pit
11:14I'm fine. I just got my second wind feel like a new man now. I saw this much
11:19Dan your dreams meet and you go you wankers devil tonight. We escape
11:41Hang on Tarzan buddy will have you out in a jiff
11:47About me
11:48Well, we thought you might just say you're not you big essentially dumb lug. We'll send you a postcard from Zaire
11:54But your way escape
11:57Prisoners escaping escape. Oh boy. Do you come on?
12:03Ignore him. He's delirious
12:11Hey, looky here, but last night's crew will add some zing to it
12:20I'll throw here
12:28Your turn
12:33I guess I've been eating too many carbs
12:44Over here this way
12:50Send out the dogs
13:05Careful thanks, buddy. Oh, no, they're sending the dogs and I smell like bacon. Come on boys. We're safe
13:16Look right we're happy. I left it. Let's go
13:36Boy they got Tarzan should we go back? You got him. We got him
13:47Tarzan can handle himself, right? Yeah. Sure. We're just getting his way now roll for all your worth junior
13:52Don't you think you're setting the sights a little low?
14:07You have proven to be a difficult animal to cage Tarzan
14:11far too difficult
14:14So at high noon tomorrow
14:17You shall hang
14:32Are you going to eat that no point in it going to waste
15:04We're free as a bird. Yeah, that's right. What did it cost us zip?
15:07Nada, do not hold up kiss negligible financial impact
15:14Now wait a minute. It did cost us something. What's that? You go our buddy Tarzan. Oh boy. You got a point there jr
15:54See no reason to drag this out with last requests and other such boring nonsense execute him
16:10Came back couldn't leave our best buddy behind. Yeah, who'd pick all the fruit for us?
17:27Stand down Tarzan you cannot win
17:47Your strength is that you never fear for your own safety, but you do have a weakness
17:55execute Hugo and hope
18:03You actually care about those two goals
18:07So predictable and a fitting epithet for the Lord of the jungle
18:20What are you doing here stopping you from breaking the law colonel ridiculous I am the law
18:30Really the magistrate may have a different view what is going on here?
18:41I'm just executing criminals your honor. Nobody filed execution orders with my court who is in charge here
18:48That's your man up there, sir. Yeah, the one with the evil sneer and the poor people skills can't miss him. I
18:54Trust there is a reasonable explanation for all this I can explain sir
19:21Thanks for coming through for us lady Jane, yeah, but next time feel free to cut it a little less close
19:26How did you get the magistrate to come? Well, let's just say we can thank mr. Dumont. I think that would be appropriate
19:34Given that I am mr. Dumont. Well, hey, that's a scam worthy of us. Yeah, we don't just toss around compliments like that
19:46Tarzan you really came through for us pal. Yeah. Thanks, buddy. Once again, our lives are indebted to you
19:51I don't know how we'll ever repay you nature boy. Well, you could cut Tarzan in pretty cool share of the profits from your source
19:59Whoa, slow down there missy. Yeah, don't go getting all carried away. Yeah, he just saved us not the whole world
20:04Besides our friendship with Tarzan is pure and beautiful. Yeah, we wouldn't want to cheapen it with something like money. That's right
20:09We'll cheapen it without spending a dime. You can take that to the bank missy
