Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics CINDERELLA (Part 3)

  • avant-hier
00:00...must have heard you two bellowing at each other.
00:03What does Her Majesty want of me?
00:05I know that you're my husband's loyal servant.
00:07But even if this mysterious shoe should fit one of those dreadful girls,
00:11and you attempt to force her upon my son,
00:13you'll end up in the deepest, darkest dungeon in the palace.
00:16For the prince will never marry her.
00:18What? But if the prince doesn't marry her, the king will show me no mercy.
00:21Is this what I deserve after all my years of loyalty
00:24to spend my life in the deepest, darkest dungeon?
00:27Oh, what am I to do?
00:28It seems there's only one thing you can do, Ignaz, and that's stall for time.
00:32If you ever do find that shoe, throw it away or burn it.
00:35No matter what the king says,
00:36do not choose either of the girls for my son's bride,
00:39unless, of course, you want to lose your position or your head.
00:42I'm quite fond of my head.
00:44Mother, I'm bored.
00:46When's he going to make up his mind?
00:48Quiet, girls. When you become part of the royal family,
00:51you'll learn that waiting is something they do a great deal of.
00:57Where is that mincing little minister now?
01:00Ignaz, forget about that blasted shoe and get down here,
01:04or I'll string you up by your mustache!
01:10I wish he'd stop staring at us.
01:11Why doesn't he lie down somewhere and take a nap or something?
01:16It worked! I'm finally free!
01:18Thank you so much, my little friend.
01:20Come on now, Cinderella, we've got no time to lose.
01:22Are you about ready for your maiden flight?
01:24Yes, I'm ready whenever you are.
01:26All right, I'll make sure everything's in order.
01:28Be ready to go when I get back.
01:35He spotted us!
01:48Open this door!
01:49You hear?
02:12Come on, everyone, pull together! Pull together!
02:18Wait! Come back here!
02:22Now I've got you!
03:05Oh, my goodness, which one will it be?
03:07Oh, dear, oh, dear!
03:10I'm doing the best I can, Your Highness.
03:12Hurry up, then, and make your choice! Quickly!
03:15I am trying, Your Majesty.
03:17However, in such matters of state, I wouldn't think to decide for my sovereign.
03:21My concern is the prince's welfare.
03:23Do you expect me to make this decision all by myself?
03:26Of course, my counsel is always available to His Majesty,
03:29but I wouldn't want to make a hasty decision.
03:32Throw this man in the dungeon!
03:36The shoe! You found it!
03:40Yes, I must have.
03:41Give it to me! It's mine!
03:42Girls, behave! Stop this at once!
03:44Give it to me!
03:46It's my shoe, and you knew it!
03:52Oh, my God!
04:04She's obviously some kind of a witch.
04:06You must destroy her, Your Majesty, before she has us all under her evil spell.
04:10Destroy her, you fool!
04:12No, wait! Your prince commands you!
04:16She's not a witch. She's only my dancing teacher.
04:20Your son is under her spell, Your Majesty.
04:23You've got to stop her!
04:30Cinderella! Cinderella!
04:32You've forgotten your gown!
04:34But don't worry, we'll be there in a moment.
04:37So at last I've discovered the name of the lady who taught me to dance.
04:41You must promise me that no matter what happens, you'll never run away from me again.
04:46If that's what you wish, my prince, I'll stay by your side always.
04:50Oh, come on! Why won't my foot fit in this stupid thing?
04:53Perhaps that's because it doesn't belong to you, Miss Piggyfeet.
04:56I suppose it fits you like a glove.
04:57Excuse me, please.
05:00Well, isn't that a beautiful shoe?
05:02And I think I know just who should wear it.
05:05I believe this belongs to you.
05:19Oh, well! Would you look at that! Bravo!
05:22Spread the news! The wedding will take place as planned!
05:26My dear, it's time for us to seriously consider how many grandchildren we want and what their names are going to be.
05:32Don't you think it might be just a little too early for that?
05:35In that case, my dear, tell me how you feel about Reginald.
05:38Quite nice, eh? But what about Hercules? Or is that just asking for trouble?
05:44The king and queen would have many grandchildren indeed.
05:47And that was as it should be.
05:49For as the years passed, Cinderella and her prince fell more deeply in love than even they had imagined possible.
05:57Which is why it was only natural that they lived happily ever after.
06:05To be continued...
06:35To be continued...
