Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics CINDERELLA (Part 1)

  • avant-hier
00:00Once upon a time, there was a peaceful little kingdom.
00:04Well, usually it was peaceful.
00:06This morning, however, there's a great commotion in the royal palace,
00:10for today is the prince's 20th birthday,
00:13and his father the king is letting no one forget it.
00:15Where is everybody? Hurry there!
00:19Hmm, not a peep!
00:20You're making your king very angry!
00:22Coming, coming!
00:23Where's the captain of the guard?
00:25Your Majesty, the captain of the guard is still asleep in bed.
00:28Oh? And my servants and ministers, where are they?
00:31They're all in bed as well, Your Majesty.
00:33And my breakfast?
00:35The royal cook is in bed as well.
00:38What if my castle came under attack while those good-for-nothings were still asleep?
00:41Would they expect to fight them off with pillows?
00:43Wake them up, every one of them!
00:45Darling, will you please stop bellowing?
00:47Of course everyone's still in bed.
00:49Why, it isn't even daylight yet!
00:51Where's my son, the prince?
00:52Sleeping, like any normal person.
00:54And may I remind you, he is our son.
00:56Oh, don't bother me with technicalities, doesn't he know this is his birthday?
01:00Wake him up at once!
01:01Don't you shout at me! Why must you always be such a bully?
01:04Has any monarch ever been so misunderstood?
01:07Have you forgotten about the royal ball this afternoon?
01:10This ball you planned is just one more example of how selfish you can be.
01:14You know quite well your son would do almost anything rather than attend this affair.
01:18He doesn't even know how to dance, but you insist on holding a birthday ball for him.
01:22Ah, but this ball will be different.
01:24He won't have to dance. All he'll have to do is flirt.
01:27What silly idea are you planning now?
01:29I was hoping to keep it a secret, but now that the cat's out of the bag,
01:32I might as well tell you that I've invited every eligible young woman in the kingdom.
01:36So be sure he scrubs behind his ears.
01:38What in heaven's name are you driving at, you silly old man?
01:41You're plotting something and I want to know what.
01:43I'm giving our son the opportunity to find himself a wife.
01:45He's going to be 20 today.
01:47You must be out of your mind. He's hardly more than a baby.
01:51It's far too early to be thinking of marriage.
01:53Are you saying that I'm wrong, madam?
01:55I certainly am. I'm not going to let you play the matchmaker with my boy
01:59just because you want a few grandchildren to bounce on your knee.
02:02What's wrong with wanting grandchildren to bounce on my knee?
02:05And you must admit that you want them just as much as I do.
02:08Well, then stop complaining.
02:10Wait, what are you doing? I, uh...
02:13I've been thinking of a name for our first grandson.
02:16How does Catbird strike you?
02:18Please, dear, you're making me dizzy.
02:20Dizzy? There's a possibility.
02:23King Dizzy the Bird.
02:30You're to come into the house this minute.
02:32I wonder if poor Cinderella is still asleep.
02:34She was up doing needlework for half the night.
02:39Sleeping late as usual, I see.
02:41Mother, please don't give me back my pearls.
02:44They're my pearls.
02:45You'd better let go of them, Griselda, or I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
02:49These are my pearls, not yours.
02:51No, they're not. They're mine.
02:54Cinderella? Cinderella?
02:56Cinderella, your stepmother's calling you.
02:58Time to wake up, Cinderella.
03:01Good morning.
03:07It's mine! Give it back!
03:09Let go! Let go!
03:11How awful. I slept through half the morning.
03:20Thank you so much for waking me up.
03:22Good morning, Cinderella. Lovely day, isn't it?
03:24Yes, it is, but how could I have overslept today of all days?
03:27My goodness, if they're going to keep you working late into the night,
03:29they can't expect you up at the crack of dawn.
03:31Once those silly stepsisters of yours have gone to the ball,
03:34you'll be able to take a rest.
03:37I am looking forward to relaxing a bit.
03:41Already planning your lunch break?
03:43Oh, uh, good morning, stepmother.
03:45Good afternoon's more like it.
03:48And when were you planning to make our breakfast?
03:50Right away, ma'am.
04:10Honestly, Cinderella, the way they treat you,
04:12I simply don't know how you put up with it.
04:15It's not so bad.
04:16And they give me a place to sleep and food to eat.
04:21Can you imagine those two foolish girls at the prince's birthday ball?
04:26What if they have a fistfight in the middle of the ballroom?
04:29I don't understand how those people in the palace
04:31could invite her two sisters and not invite Cinderella.
04:34Me neither.
04:35They must be out of their minds.
04:36Now, you mustn't talk like that.
04:38This ball is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to them.
04:40They've been getting ready for it for a month.
04:42What you really mean is that you've been getting them ready for it.
04:47I've lost count of the time you've spent
04:48making just this one dress for that silly goose Phoebe.
04:51It was such a relief when I finally finished.
04:53What a shame you won't be able to wear it, Cinderella.
04:56Imagine how beautiful you'd look.
04:58You're right, Gwendolyn.
05:00If she went to the palace wearing that,
05:02she'd be the belle of the ball.
05:03I'm certain the prince wouldn't be able to resist her.
05:06Stop it, you two.
05:07I'm not going to the palace and that's that.
05:09And please remove yourself from my dresses.
05:11I don't want them ruined.
05:13Stepmother's already furious with me.
05:15Cinderella, where are you?
05:16The girls are sitting here waiting to have their hair done.
05:19Yes, I'm coming.
05:20Hurry up, we don't have all day.
05:22Cinderella certainly seemed to get angry all of a sudden.
05:25No, Algernon, she was sad.
05:29About not being able to go to the ball.
05:33And who wouldn't be?
05:34Every eligible girl in the kingdom will be at the prince's birthday,
05:37but poor Cinderella doesn't have a dress to wear
05:39or a carriage to take her to the palace.
05:42So she'll be left behind
05:44while those horrible sisters of hers, Phoebe and Griselda,
05:46go to the prince's birthday ball and have all the fun.
05:50It just isn't fair.
05:52There we are.
05:55Well, how do I look?
05:56It suits your figure perfectly, dear.
05:58I'm sure every young man at the ball
05:59will want to dance with you when they see that dress.
06:01Just so long as they don't see that face of yours.
06:04You'll have to eat those words
06:05when you see me waltzing with His Majesty the Prince.
06:07It will be lovely.
06:09Ha! Poor Griselda, you silly thing.
06:11Once the prince gets a good look at me,
06:13he won't have time for anyone else.
06:15Why would the prince dance with a bag of bones like you?
06:18Stop it, both of you!
06:44Oh, excuse me, Stepmother.
06:46You're behaving like a foolish dreamer.
06:48I don't know why.
06:50I'm so embarrassed.
06:55Don't be.
06:56It's quite funny watching someone do that.
06:58I don't know why.
06:59I'm so embarrassed.
07:03Don't be.
07:04It's quite funny watching someone do that.
07:06I was?
07:07I don't know how it could have happened.
07:09One minute I was looking at your dress,
07:10and the next my mind was drifting off.
07:12Of course.
07:13You imagined that you were waltzing at the ball.
07:15Am I right?
07:16And I suppose everyone was terribly impressed
07:18with your shabby dress and dirty face.
07:22And of course you found a prince to dance with you.
07:24The Prince of Chimney Sweeps, perhaps?
07:26May I come to the prince's birthday ball with you?
07:29What in the world?
07:30Yes, I want to come along, too.
07:32Oh, please, please, Stepmother.
07:34Let me come along with you to the palace.
07:36Absolutely out of the question.
07:38But Stepmother,
07:39the invitation that came to the house
07:40says that every young unmarried woman in the kingdom
07:42may come to the ball.
07:44I'm certain the invitation wasn't meant to include
07:46every homely, little, dirty-faced washerwoman
07:49who was foolish enough to put herself on equal footing
07:51with her bedders.
07:52Of all the nerve!
07:54Listen to me carefully, Cinderella.
07:56When your parents died, I took pity on you,
07:58gave you a bed to sleep in and food to eat.
08:00All I've ever had in return is laziness
08:02and complaints.
08:03Remember, I took you out of the gutter
08:04and I can put you back.
08:06Forgive me, Stepmother.
08:07I'm very grateful for all that you have done.
08:09Well, you can show me how grateful you are
08:10by being a bit more obedient.
08:12Yes, of course, Stepmother.
08:13I'm sorry I spoke out like that.
08:14Forgive me for upsetting you.
08:16We're wasting time.
08:17Come along, you two.
08:18The carriage is waiting.
08:20Cinderella, I want this house perfectly clean
08:22when we return.
08:23I'm tired of your laziness,
08:24you ungrateful girl.
08:26Sweep the cobwebs from the attic,
08:27chase the rats from the cellar,
08:29and as for your ridiculous idea
08:31of attending the ball,
08:32put it out of your mind once and for all.
08:38I'm warning you, Father,
08:39this little scheme of yours will never work.
08:41I don't even want to think of getting married yet.
08:43Ow! That's hot!
08:45Why is everybody in this family defying me?
08:47I'm only thinking about your future.
08:49I think I'll go and join the circus.
08:51You set one foot out of this palace
08:53and I'll have you arrested and jailed.
08:56I don't know what that would be like,
08:57but I think I'd prefer it to this.
09:00So I suppose you'd rather watch your father
09:01be made a fool of?
09:02Is that what you're trying to tell me?
09:04Uh, well...
09:08I want you to keep a close watch on him.
09:10Don't take your eyes off of him for a second.
09:12Don't even blink.
09:15I want Gurds posted at every door
09:17of the prince's under house arrest.
09:19What a wonderful birthday.
09:26There they go at last.
09:28I hope they enjoy dancing with each other
09:30because I doubt anyone else will dance with them.
09:33Oh, look! There she is!
09:36Poor Cinderella.
09:38You were right about her.
09:39She obviously wants to go to the ball very much.
09:41It's not fair!
09:46Wait a minute!
09:48We can't just sit here and let her heart be broken.
09:51There must be some way we can help her get to the ball.
09:53That's more easily said than done.
09:55To begin with, she hasn't a thing to do.
09:57To begin with, she hasn't a thing to wear to the palace.
09:59Yes, I suppose that is a problem.
10:01Well, if she had a suitable gown,
10:03that would at least be a beginning.
10:05A ball gown?
10:07Uh, excuse me, but was that you talking just now?
10:10Well, who else would it be?
10:16That tree did speak to me.
10:18You all heard it, so I'm not imagining things.
10:20You'll see.
10:23The wind has blown many things up
10:25into my branches over the years.
10:27I might have just what you're looking for.
10:30Look, the tree's moving.
10:31What's that?
10:35Oh, look at that lovely dress!
10:37What a beautiful gown!
10:38You see, our wishes have come true.
10:43How wonderful!
10:47Oh, what a glorious gown!
10:50Cinderella will be the most beautiful girl at the ball.
10:57I have a wonderful surprise for you.
10:59Oh, what a beautiful dress.
11:02Are you absolutely sure it's meant for me?
11:04Of course it is.
11:05Who else would it be meant for?
11:06Now hurry up and try it on.
11:08It's too wonderful for words.
11:13Thank you, Mr. Tree. It was very kind of you.
11:15I'd appreciate it if you keep this a secret.
11:17Oh, mum's the word.
11:18I can understand why you don't want something like this to get around.
11:21Say, do you want us to return the dress after the ball is over?
11:24Yes, I think it would be best if you did.
11:26All right.
11:28Let's see what else I can find up here.
11:33Thanks, think that should do it.
11:46It's perfectly splendid!
11:49It's a dream come true.
11:50I've never worn anything so wonderful in my whole life.
11:53Oh, please, let us see what it looks like when you dance.
11:56Dear me, I can't believe I'm going to be dancing at the Royal Palace.
12:00Cinderella, it's beautiful!
12:03Wait, wait!
12:04Your shoes!
12:07Oh, I almost forgot!
12:10What pretty shoes.
12:11Hurry, there's no time to waste.
12:13Come on!
12:21Be careful of your stepmother.
12:23Don't let her see you and try to get back before she does.
12:25Don't worry, I'll make sure that I'm back home before it gets dark.
12:28We all hope you have a marvellous time, Cinderella.
12:31I know I will.
12:32Bye, Cinderella!
12:41We've come to a complete standstill.
12:44What a mob!
12:45If you ask me, there are far too many unmarried young women in this kingdom.
12:49At this rate, we'll be unmarried old women by the time we finally arrive at the Royal Palace.
12:54There'll be such a crowd, we won't even see the Prince, let alone dance with him.
12:58Calm down, dear.
12:59Don't worry about this riffraff.
13:01I've been assured that only a select group of the finest women in the realm will be allowed into the Grand Ballroom, and that includes us.
13:52Vous comprenez?
13:53Je comprends parfaitement, je vais essayer de ne pas m'effacer de nouveau.
14:11Oh, c'est merveilleux!
14:13Mais la question est, est-ce que je serai capable d'entrer tout seul?
14:18Peut-être que je devrais rester un peu plus longtemps.
14:21S'il vous plaît, je voudrais présenter Madame Pompadour et ses deux filles, Phoebe et Griselda.
14:29Mes filles sont ravies de vous rencontrer.
14:32Je suis sûre que le sentiment sera mutuel.
14:34Ne soyez pas si poussé!
14:35Arrêtez-vous, sortez de mon chemin!
14:39Oh, vous êtes tout petit!
14:44Qu'est-ce que vous faites?
14:47Phoebe! Griselda! Arrêtez-vous!
14:59Tout ce temps d'attente m'a tout de suite fait très fatiguée.
15:16Le jeune homme avait réussi à s'éloigner de la balle.
15:19En essayant de s'en sortir, il se demandait comment il pouvait relâcher son bordeau.
15:25Sans savoir qu'il allait tomber dessus.
15:30Chut, pas un mot.
15:32Je suis désolé, mais vous voyez, je ne m'attendais pas à rencontrer une jeune dame
15:36qui se lève au milieu des jardins de la palace.
15:40Oui, je devrais être fou de venir jusqu'à la balle royale et de tomber en sommeil.
15:45C'est embarrassant.
15:46Ne soyez pas embarrassé.
15:47Je souhaiterais seulement que j'aie l'espoir d'aller en sommeil quand j'ai envie.
15:51Je déteste absolument ces danses.
15:53J'aimerais plutôt faire quelque chose qu'aller à elles.
15:55Pourquoi détestez-vous-elles?
15:56Je vais vous dire un petit secret.
15:58Juste entre vous, moi et le Shrubbery, je ne sais pas comment danser.
16:01Je trouve ça difficile à croire.
16:03La plupart du temps, j'évite d'être demandé comment danser.
