• il y a 2 semaines
00:00J'espère que vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la chaîne pour ne manquer aucune de mes nouvelles vidéos !
00:30Abracadabra ! Simsalagrim !
00:46Prête pour une nouvelle aventure ?
00:49C'est parti !
01:00J'espère que vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la chaîne pour ne manquer aucune de mes nouvelles vidéos !
01:30J'espère que vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la chaîne pour ne manquer aucune de mes nouvelles vidéos !
02:01Il nous a certainement sorti de ce jambon !
02:10Hey ! Ce n'est pas si mauvais !
02:12Qui êtes-vous ?
02:14Oh, salut ! Je suis Yo-Yo, la plus grande aventureuse sur Terre depuis...
02:19Bon, depuis toujours !
02:22Permettez-moi d'introduire moi-même, Croc... Docteur Croc, scolaire, philosophe et virtuoso...
02:32D'accord, d'accord, ne vous en faites pas maintenant ! Et avec qui avons-nous l'honneur ?
02:37Moi ? Bien...
02:51Je suis le tailleur, c'est la seule chose que je fais, j'arrange les vêtements pour peu et il n'y a rien de nouveau
02:58J'aimerais quitter ce lieu et devenir l'héros qui sauverait la race humaine, sauver la race humaine
03:09Sauver la race humaine, sauver la race humaine
03:17Bon, si c'est l'aventure que vous voulez, vous avez de la chance de nous avoir trouvé !
03:22Ah oui ? Pourquoi est-ce ? J'espère que vous ne vous en prenez pas compte, j'ai vraiment faim
03:28Alors, racontez-moi plus !
03:34Sors-toi, toi l'impudente !
03:407 ! 7 avec un coup ! Vous l'avez vu ? Je veux dire, j'ai fait 4 et 5 avec un coup et il y a deux ans, j'ai eu 6, mais 7...
03:53Vous êtes un vrai héros !
03:56Un vrai héros, hein ? Hmm, vous avez raison mon ami, c'est mon appel, je suis venu pour plus
04:04Manger des vêtements et faire des vêtements pour des commerçants de vin, c'est une occupation inutile pour un homme qui a terminé 7 intrus avec un coup, n'est-ce pas ?
04:15C'est vrai !
04:16Je vais vaincre le monde !
04:18Bien sûr !
04:19Allez, ne l'encourage pas, je vais attraper les bandits !
04:23Sauver les maidens !
04:24Défendre les dragons !
04:26Chasser les fantômes !
04:27Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Allez !
04:34Now they've both gone nuts
04:50Help !
04:51What's the matter with you ? You look like you've just bit into a lemon
04:55It's just that something really reeks around here
05:00Oh that ! Hey, just take a bath !
05:02Very funny !
05:05It must be the old cheese I packed to eat on the way
05:08Hardly befitting a hero of your caliber
05:10Oh, that'll change soon ! Make way, here comes the brave tailor
05:15Knight of the seven with one blow !
05:22There, there, there, there
05:26Oh, oh my goodness, who did this ?
05:29Who do you think ?
05:30It was the son of that horrible family of giants that have been terrorizing the land
05:35This is the third harvest they've destroyed
05:38We're close to ruin
05:41If only someone could do something about it
05:44Hmm, sounds like a task for a hero, right tailor ?
05:48What ? Are you out of your mind ?
05:52Yeah, sure, no problem
05:56Where can I find this giant kid ?
05:59Just follow his tracks
06:07What makes you think you can stand up to them ? They'll kill you
06:12Don't worry, before you stands the famous knight of seven with one blow
06:18That's right
06:21Hey, you really think someone who wiped out a couple of flies can defeat a horde of giants ?
06:30Pah ! Size is of no consequence for a true hero
06:41Hey, how about that, another traveling companion
06:51Holy moly !
06:57Hey, what's a little worm like you doing on my hill ?
07:03Please, you little worms, plural
07:09We and our friend here, we're afraid of no one
07:13Oh yeah ? I'll squash you like a fly
07:19Oh yeah ? Well, take a look at this first
07:23Seven skulls ? What does that mean ?
07:30It means he's killed seven
07:33With one blow
07:36That's right, seven with one blow
07:40What ? I don't believe it
07:49All right, show-off, you see this stone ?
08:01Try that, you big mouth
08:05No problem, one moment
08:09There is no way I can do this
08:11Yes, you can
08:14Here, take this
08:19Nothing to it
08:26What's that terrible smell ?
08:29I guess your feet
08:36We'd better be on our way then, come on
08:42All right, one more test
08:46Together we'll carry this tree trunk as far as we can go
08:52Whoever gives up first, loses
08:56Hey, no problem
08:58Yeah, hey, no problem
09:00Are you crazy ? I can't do that
09:02I'm sure our genius will come up with something
09:05Oh sure, now he wants my advice
09:09Usually it's all get into trouble first and ask questions later
09:13What are you waiting for ?
09:15Just a minute
09:16Think of something quick
09:18Well, maybe there is a possibility
09:25Ready ?
09:28Throw it
09:38It's a great idea, but I can't hold on much longer
09:42Oh, hey, man, this is heavy
09:46So you give up
09:48After you
09:56I can't take this much longer
09:58Neither can he
10:00Just hang in there for a bit longer
10:05Can you give up ?
10:08Of course not, actually I'm just starting to enjoy myself
10:28Well, it looks like you're no match for me in this either
10:34This is incredible, we must tell the king about this
10:39Oh yes
10:53What a lovely day in the kingdom
10:57Oh, fair is the princess
11:00And sweet is her smile
11:03And if I'm real lucky
11:06She'll walk down the aisle with me
11:11If that night Corbinian serenades me one more time
11:20Your majesty
11:23What is it ?
11:24We've just seen a great hero defeat the young giant
11:29The young giant ?
11:31Oh, impossible
11:33We saw it with our own eyes
11:36Well, you must tell my father all about it
11:39I'll be right down
11:48Come closer, my friend
11:54At your service, your majesty
11:57So you are the hero who has defeated the young giant ?
12:01Yes, that is so, your majesty
12:03How peculiar
12:05You wouldn't know it to look at you
12:07Yes, knight Corbinian ?
12:09Your majesty, perhaps this wholesome hero
12:12Could also free our land
12:15Yes, your majesty
12:17I'm not sure
12:19Your majesty, perhaps this wholesome hero
12:22Could also free our land from the young giant's parents
12:26Many have tried that and failed miserably
12:30Including you, if I remember correctly
12:35So you think this knight Corbinian is up to no good, huh ?
12:38Are you kidding me ?
12:40Until now, he has frightened away every one of the princess' suitors
12:45Even driven them to their deaths
12:48Oh my gosh, we must warn the tailor
12:53Marvellous idea, Corbinian
12:55If you are successful, I will cover you in gold and riches
13:00But father, it's so dangerous
13:02I would be delighted, your majesty
13:09Let's see what kind of hero he really is
13:19When I find out who did this to our son
13:25I'll tear his heart out of his body with my own two hands
13:37Maybe I shouldn't have eaten those last three sheep
13:41Let's have a little nap
13:44Before we keep looking for that monster
14:00Those are some nutty ideas that Corbinian guy comes up with, huh ?
14:04Look at the size of them
14:06How about, while they're sleeping
14:08We sneak up on them and tie them up
14:11And after you
14:13Hey, I know what to do
14:15Come on
14:23What are you doing ?
14:25You'll wake him up
14:26That's just what I want
14:28Watch this
14:32Get away, you cat-head
14:35And don't pretend to be asleep, you can't fool me
14:41What's the matter ?
14:43Stop throwing them pine cones at me
14:47Nonsense, let me sleep
14:53Take that
14:54Here's one for you
15:01I told you I didn't do it
15:06You're worse than your mother
15:09That old bitty
15:11Leave that old b...
15:13My mother out of this
15:36Hurray, we did it
15:40Your Majesty should have seen it
15:43We heard this terrible noise
15:45We found the giants beat up on the ground
15:48They had enormous bruises and black eyes
15:52My hero
15:59Look, Knight Corbinian
16:01This is a man of action
16:04What ?
16:06So, if he is such a hero
16:09Why doesn't he try to outsmart the vicious unicorn ?
16:13No, father, it's too dangerous
16:17Too dangerous ?
16:19For this man of action ?
16:21Just think, Your Majesty
16:23What a relief it would be to be rid of that unicorn
16:26He's a problem I'd like to get rid of
16:31Majesty, I have an idea
16:35Majesty, nothing shall frighten me
16:37As long as I may be of service to you and your beautiful daughter
16:41All right, Knight of the Seven with one blow
16:43If you defeat the unicorn, you shall have half the kingdom
16:47Half ?
16:48But, Your Majesty
16:50Well, let's say a third of the kingdom
16:54I'm on my way
16:56Good luck
16:58This time, he's in over his head
17:01Now, we'll see who's a real hero
17:06Ah, Pasha
17:07What can be dangerous about such a ridiculous creature ?
17:12Unicorns have magical powers
17:16They can put anyone under a spell
17:19Provided, of course, that they don't lose their horn
17:23But how could they ?
17:24It's screwed in pretty tight, isn't it ?
17:32Oh !
17:33Magnifique !
17:34Wow !
17:35C'est dangereux, Hélio
17:37Très dangereux
17:40Et c'est...
17:44All right, we must act quickly
18:02Get out of the way !
18:04Out of the way !
18:16I like you a lot more like this
18:22I travelled all your lands, my lord
18:25Fought with my hands without a sword
18:29I battled with the unicorn
18:32And even brought you back its mighty, mighty horn
18:36It was seven on one strike
18:39I went out so I could save this land
18:43Fought the giant with the help of my two friends
18:47And now we're back to let you know
18:50That peace is back from now until forevermore
18:54It was seven on one strike
18:57I'll fight the biggest fight
19:00Fight the beast all day and night
19:04Cause my princess, this is true
19:08I'll save this land to love and marry you
19:11It was seven on one strike
19:15Seven on one strike
19:20Knight of the seven with one blow
19:23You have proven yourself equal even to this time
19:27The third of my kingdom is yours
19:30Ouch ! Ok, this is it
19:33This time, I'll get him for sure
19:36I am eternally grateful, your majesty
19:45Yes, well, there is one more thing
19:48This time, the reward shall be nothing less than
19:52The hand of my lovely daughter
19:55Name your challenge, your majesty
19:57I will do anything for the hand of the princess
20:01Anything ?
20:03Father, you're not thinking of the wild boar ?
20:08Yes, exactly
20:09A wild boar is roaming my forest and killing my animals
20:14If you defeat him, I will offer you my daughter's hand
20:18If she agrees, that is
20:21Thank you, father
20:23Your majesty, your wish is my command
20:32What can I do for you ?
20:33It's more what can I do for you, noble knight
20:37Here, catch !
20:39A packed lunch ? A pistol ? What do I need this for ?
20:43You'll be better off if you have this to defend yourself
20:46Oh, thank you very much
20:50I wonder how grateful he'll be when the pistol backfires
21:03I still can't believe that grumpy knight, Corbinian, wants to help us
21:08Yeah, I don't get that guy at all
21:11Let's just be grateful, it looks like we can use some...
21:20The pistol ! Use Corbinian's pistol !
21:26Corbinian ? Wait till I get my hands on him !
21:30Quick, into the chapel
21:36Careful, he's right behind you
21:50Yes !
21:55We did it !
21:58We did it ! Hurray !
22:02Great job !
22:03Great job !
22:14He almost made me forget how much I actually like wild boar
22:19With a lovely cranberry sauce
22:27Let us raise our glasses to the new royal bride and groom
22:32May they read honestly and justly and live a long and happy life
22:38And grant me many grandchildren
22:44And now, enjoy the feast, my friends
22:47Music !
22:49Come on now, Corbinian, sing us a song, would you ?
22:53Oh, fair is the princess and sweet is her smile
23:00But I'm not so lucky, she married meanwhile
23:07To him
23:18Are you sure you don't want to stay any longer ?
23:20It's not that we don't want to
23:23It's just that, well, other adventures await
23:28Book of fairytales, come pick us up
23:35Goodbye, so long
23:38Hey, eight with one blow, what does that make me ?
23:46And they all lived happily ever after
23:57And they all lived happily ever after
24:04And they all lived happily ever after
24:11And they all lived happily ever after
24:18And they all lived happily ever after
24:22And they all lived happily ever after
