WWF Monday Night RAW: March 11, 1996

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00:00The World Wrestling Federation, for over 50 years,
00:05the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.
00:11The Undertaker and Yokozuna were once the purest of rivals.
00:14Their casket matches were nothing short of legendary.
00:17Now they've buried their differences.
00:24And tonight, they'll take on Owen Hart and the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith.
00:28Acting President Roddy Roddy Piper here to tell us tonight who will face
00:31The Elk in the Gloria at WrestleMania.
00:34And Piper's here to confront Goldust, too.
00:36And how do you prepare for a one hour Iron Man matchup?
00:38The Hitmen and Shawn Michaels have returned to where it all began for
00:41both of them.
00:42We'll have that and a whole lot more tonight on Monday Night Raw.
00:48Welcome everyone to
00:53San Antonio, Texas.
00:58I'm your host,
01:03Randy Orton.
01:08And I'm your host,
01:14Randy Orton.
01:19Welcome everyone to San Antonio, Texas, the home of Shawn Michaels.
01:22Welcome to the Freeman Coliseum.
01:24Welcome to Monday Night Raw.
01:29Mr. Banner along with Jerry The King Mother in this third circle as we speak,
01:33the Ringmaster.
01:34He's stone cold for sure.
01:36But what happens when he locks up with Savio Vega?
01:39It's gonna be a showdown for sure, McMahon.
01:41But do you remember the movie High Noon or Shootout at O.K.
01:45Well, that's what it's gonna be like when Rowdy Roddy Piper comes here later tonight
01:49and faces Goldust.
01:51I can't wait for that.
01:51Savio Vega's ready for action.
01:53Here we go.
01:53This comes to a suspended overhead fall.
01:59Introducing first from the south box, weighing 256 pounds,
02:04the Caribbean legend, Savio Vega.
02:08Yeah, there he is.
02:12Vega against the man known as the Ringmaster.
02:15His peers here in the World Wrestling Federation dubbed him the Ringmaster.
02:19I would suggest you from the look on his face and his attitude,
02:22knowing him a bit better now, he's stone cold, if anything.
02:25And that certainly would describe his heart.
02:29Stone cold Steve Austin.
02:31I love him, McMahon.
02:33What an extraordinary competitor, both individuals.
02:36Have a degree of scientific knowledge,
02:38both individuals obviously from the street area as well.
02:41Elbows striking the side of the head there.
02:43Standing side headlock now, and this man, Steve Austin, is coming off the rope.
02:48And down goes Savio Vega.
02:50A cover.
02:50What? And a quick kick out there.
02:52Could have been the shortest match in the history of Raw, huh?
02:55I would suggest that's not likely here, but Savio Vega.
02:58Stone cold Steve Austin.
03:00Standing side headlock now on Savio Vega.
03:03Look at that.
03:04Had to go behind, looking right into the hammer line.
03:07On the outside, of course, ladies.
03:08My goodness.
03:09Catching an elbow there, stone cold Steve Austin.
03:12Coming off the rope, Savio Vega, underneath the clothesline, and.
03:16And that's all he can get.
03:19And arm drag takedown, Savio Vega.
03:21Another lunge, another takedown.
03:23Vega right back up and- Look out, look out.
03:26Terrific, did you see that?
03:28I did indeed.
03:29And Steve Austin, a master psychologist in the ring as well, master tactician.
03:35He made Savio Vega look like an idiot there, that was terrific.
03:38All right, fine.
03:39Vega was taking a chance.
03:40You're gonna have to take chances here in the World Wrestling Federation to succeed.
03:43Vega just tripped.
03:43He's clumsy, McMahon.
03:44He's so clumsy, he can trip over a cordless phone.
03:47I don't think so.
03:48Come on, Stone Cold.
03:51Look at that man's face.
03:52That's right.
03:53Santibiasi, the Million Dollar Man.
03:55Selecting Stone Cold Steve Austin as the man worthy of being known as
03:58the Million Dollar Champion.
03:59Took him years to find him.
04:01Look at that.
04:03And Vega now, and a nice clothesline.
04:04Savio Vega against Stone Cold Steve Austin opening things here tonight.
04:10Live from San Antonio, Texas, jam-packed Freeman Coliseum.
04:14And Austin now, coming off the rope.
04:16Missing with that kick and wow, devastating maneuver.
04:21Look, right now, I guarantee you Savio Vega's seeing those little stars and
04:25planets flying around.
04:27Yes, and there are plenty of stars here tonight.
04:29As a matter of fact, one of them, ladies and gentlemen,
04:30the strongest man in the world, joining us out about the ringside area.
04:34Matter of fact, Mark Henry, our Olympic hopeful in weightlifting.
04:38Wait a minute, look at this.
04:40Savio Vega locks up.
04:43One thing, we're not gonna see a lot of hair pulling in this match.
04:46No, I would suggest not.
04:47Look out now, trying to set up Savio Vega.
04:50Stone Cold Steve Austin, yes, nicely done.
04:54Mark Henry, out around the ringside, and one, two, and almost a near fall there.
04:59There's Mark Henry, the strongest man in the world, ladies and
05:02gentlemen, on his way to the Olympics.
05:03What about me, McMahon?
05:07Henry out there with his coach, Terry Todd.
05:09And who knows, maybe one of these.
05:14What a shot there, and another one.
05:17He better not make Austin mad.
05:19And Savio Vega taking it to Stone Cold Steve Austin.
05:22Look out.
05:23The knee's right into the midsection.
05:24And once again, Stone Cold Steve Austin in control.
05:29Got him right here.
05:30Cover and a foot, watch it, ref.
05:35Steve Austin, unquestionably, all the tricks of the trade.
05:40Protégé of the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase.
05:43A knee to the head there, and Stone Cold Steve Austin in control at the moment.
05:47Not too likely to stay that way over.
05:48Stay with us for more WWF action.
05:52Welcome back, everyone, to more Monday Night Raw.
05:55This capacity crowd on him sold out for some time, and yes,
05:58back up on his feet now, Savio Vega.
06:00Ooh, what a shot there to Steve Austin.
06:01Think of now, it's just, my goodness, don't we know.
06:05Right at the hose line from behind.
06:08Stone Cold Steve Austin taking it to Savio Vega.
06:12And Ted DiBiase firing up Stone Cold Steve Austin as if he needed it, rather.
06:17Huge crowd here tonight in San Antonio, Texas.
06:20You said it's the home of Shawn Michaels.
06:22There's also something else here in San Antonio, McMahon.
06:23I can't remember what.
06:24I think it might be the- No, no, no, Sea World.
06:27Sea World, I see.
06:28My goodness.
06:31And Stone Cold Steve Austin, look at this.
06:35On the outside, this man, literally, as well as stricken with his nose,
06:39the ropes, doesn't he?
06:40Yes, and I love it.
06:41He's all business, McMahon.
06:42He's not in there trying to impress anybody with how good he looks or
06:45like how pretty his hair is or anything.
06:47He just wants to beat up people and win matches.
06:50We had a look earlier on at Mark Henry, World's Strongest Man.
06:53Don't show him anymore.
06:54He was impressive earlier, as well, before we came on here, as a matter of fact.
06:58Forget it, McMahon.
06:58Yeah, you don't have too much to say about that, do you?
07:02What a shock there.
07:04Stone Cold Steve Austin with a hard right hand.
07:07Vega takes another shot to the midsection.
07:09Savio Vega, just as rugged as they come here in the World Wrestling Federation.
07:13Nice maneuver there on the part of Stone Cold Steve Austin.
07:15He did the back of the head.
07:18Vega, does anyone have any problems to it?
07:21A kick out by Vega.
07:22Vega was trying to run out of the ring.
07:23He's scared.
07:24Three weeks away, approximately less than three weeks away.
07:27Ladies and gentlemen, to WrestleMania.
07:30My goodness, live, of course, on pay-per-view from the Anaheim Ponds.
07:35Look at this.
07:38Right now, I don't think either one of these two individuals are thinking about
07:42They're simply- Yeah!
07:43This has been an intense match.
07:47My man, something's gotta give here.
07:48Both of these guys want it real bad.
07:52Look at Vega.
07:54Savio Vega, Street Fighter with a hard right hand.
07:57Vega with another one now.
07:58Stone Cold Steve Austin flailing around now.
08:00It's Savio Vega with the advantage.
08:02Coming off the rope, Savio Vega.
08:04Hips tossed nicely now.
08:06Get out of there, get out of there!
08:07Stone Cold Steve Austin having his problems.
08:09Vega turning it on to the buckle and here he comes!
08:15What a man!
08:18He is gonna be knocked out like a light.
08:21Stone Cold Steve Austin may be knocked out.
08:25Where did he get that from?
08:27What a shot there.
08:28Look at this!
08:29A strike festival to go to the outside.
08:31Get in the ring, Stone Cold!
08:33Vega trying to get back in and out.
08:36Austin pulls him out.
08:37He's up to seven, eight!
08:39Stone Cold Steve Austin trying to make it in now.
08:41Both men on the apron.
08:43Both men still striking it out.
08:45Neither individual apparently able to make the count.
08:49Savio Vega, Stone Cold Steve Austin and then, look at this.
08:52Yeah, that's one way to come in.
08:55Vega got counted out.
08:56The result of this match is a double count out.
09:00And both men counted outside.
09:02Nonetheless, I guess they haven't even heard the bell.
09:04Look at this.
09:05Stone Cold Steve Austin.
09:07And the official.
09:08What's the referee doing?
09:09Is he crazy?
09:09Trying to pull him off.
09:13On cover, but it's over.
09:14Well, it's, look at this.
09:15Come on.
09:17The official.
09:18What's up, Del Vego?
09:19Look at this.
09:22Steve Austin.
09:23Get in there, ref.
09:23He's not in there before.
09:25He got taken down as well.
09:27The official trying to gain control.
09:29And these two individuals.
09:30Hard right hand.
09:33Stone Cold Steve Austin and Savio Vega.
09:36My goodness, look at this from the other side.
09:40And Stone Cold Steve Austin.
09:42My goodness, was he ever leveled?
09:44He has no idea where he is.
09:46What a matchup.
09:48Savio Vega, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and there's the Million Dollar Man.
09:52Ted DiBiase over with his Million Dollar Champion.
09:55Stone Cold Steve Austin.
09:58Look at Savio, he wants more.
10:00Discretion may be the better part of valor here.
10:03And Ted DiBiase trying to keep Stone Cold Steve Austin out of the squared circle.
10:08However, in the squared circle earlier, ladies and gentlemen,
10:11here tonight was a gentleman by the name of Mark Henry.
10:13Big deal, let's talk about Savio Vega.
10:14No, no, no, no.
10:15Let's talk about Mark Henry.
10:17Come on, man.
10:17No. There it is, ladies and gentlemen.
10:19Here's a man who squats 1,000 pounds, and the King called him into the ring.
10:22And look what happened.
10:23I couldn't believe it.
10:24What's the matter with this idiot?
10:25Look at that.
10:26You said he wouldn't get over the railing.
10:27You said he wouldn't get into the ring.
10:29Not only did he do that, he got right into your face, didn't he?
10:32Okay, McMahon, look, get the camera off of that.
10:34We don't need to show any more of that.
10:36So the guy's strong, big deal.
10:37All right, let's take you now to the tag team tournament, ladies and gentlemen.
10:39Yeah, let's look at something more important.
10:41What do you mean more important?
10:42Well, the tag team tournament.
10:43We don't have to watch something muscly.
10:45All right, there is one match left, ladies and gentlemen, in the opening round.
10:48In a matchup that involved The Body Donners, as a matter of fact.
10:50But right now, here we go with the recent victory of Savio Vega,
10:54who we just saw in action, along with the bad guy, Reyes Ramon.
10:58They have preceded beyond the first round.
11:01Along with the British Bulldoggo and the Godwins.
11:03But here you see the last first round matchup this weekend.
11:07The Bushwhackers squaring off against The Body Donners.
11:09Luke and Butch are back.
11:12The Bushwhackers, wait a minute, we're expecting Roddy Roddy Piper to join us.
11:17Roddy Roddy Piper is scheduled up next.
11:20And look who's coming to the row.
11:22Here we go, McMahon, I told you something can happen.
11:26This is great.
11:27Yes, here he comes, ladies and gentlemen, Goldust, along with Marlena.
11:32Look at this, they have no business coming down here.
11:37Roddy Roddy Piper is scheduled next.
11:39He's scheduled to give Goldust a piece of his mind.
11:42You heard that poem last week, King.
11:44Well, I'll tell you this, Piper don't have too much to spare.
11:47He better keep all of his mind he can.
11:49But I can't wait for him to come out here.
11:51I wanna see the confrontation.
11:53It's like high noon.
11:55Marlena, smoking cigar and all.
11:57I thought Autumn's gonna be smoking.
11:59Hey, woman.
12:00Hey, where do you think you're going?
12:02Come on in the WWF Merchandise Store.
12:04This is Handsome Doc.
12:06I know you're getting caught up in WrestleMania 12 fever.
12:08Well, no better way to get caught up than to get caught with this on.
12:11Look at those gorgeous denim jackets.
12:13There'll be a million of you watching WrestleMania 12.
12:15And it's limited edition.
12:17Only 3,000 of you will be able to get them.
12:19They come in medium, large, extra large, and double XL.
12:21Now check out the left sleeve.
12:22Look at that.
12:23The do or die matchup.
12:24The Undertaker against Big Daddy Cool Diesel.
12:27Jason, if you will turn around, we'll show him the right sleeve.
12:30The right sleeve Bret Hart against Shawn Michaels for
12:32the World Wrestling Federation title.
12:34And now if Christine will just turn around, we'll show you the back.
12:37Look at that logo jump out at you.
12:39Now check this out too for you credit card buyers.
12:42Three easy payments of $22.95.
12:45Yes, did I say that?
12:46Three easy payments of $22.95.
12:49Wow, what a deal.
12:50You know how to get it too.
12:51All you do, dial 1-800-TITAN91.
12:55Ladies and gentlemen,
12:58Rowdy, Roddy,
13:05Look at that Piper's face.
13:12This is gonna be good.
13:18Yeah, go ahead McMahon, get in there.
13:20Try to keep him apart.
13:22Goldust is in a great mood.
13:24He just saw his favorite movie, Birdcage.
13:29Rowdy, Roddy, Piper, you said you were gonna give Goldust a chance.
13:34I'm gonna give him a chance.
13:36I'm gonna give him a chance.
13:38I'm gonna give him a chance.
13:40I'm gonna give him a chance.
13:42I'm gonna give him a chance.
13:44I'm gonna give him a chance.
13:46You said you were gonna give Goldust a piece of your mind.
13:53Remember, you don't have much to spare.
13:55What exactly is your major malfunction, you fruitcake?
14:06You know, you come out here
14:08in something that looks like somebody shot the curtains at the Days Inn.
14:12You're making yourself some Phyllis Diller haircut you got on here.
14:17Coming out, painting up your face
14:19like you're looking like some kind of great transvestite.
14:23I'll tell you something.
14:27You must...
14:32You must be real proud of yourself, huh?
14:37I saw your movie.
14:39I saw all this stuff you've been talking about in Hollywood.
14:43You know, something I made 17 movies.
14:45I ain't never seen you by the catering truck.
14:48One time, maybe in a dark alley.
14:50How many quarters did you make?
14:52How proud of yourself can you be for that?
14:54You know what you're doing?
14:55You know what you're doing, cream puff?
14:57You're embarrassing me.
14:59You're coming to the WWF,
15:02and what you're trying to do is get attention.
15:05That's all you're trying to do.
15:07Don't let this guy fool you for a second.
15:10Don't let him fool you for a second.
15:13Oh, mindless, I'll tell you.
15:15Yeah, mind games.
15:17I'm the one who dealt with Adrian Adonis.
15:21I beat him half to death with a baseball bat.
15:26These mind games that you are playing
15:30are not fooling me for one second.
15:33Because you know what?
15:35Only a great athlete
15:37could win the Intercontinental title.
15:40Only somebody that trained hard.
15:42And you think for one second,
15:44hey, let's first of all,
15:46let's get our sexuality right.
15:48You are what you are.
15:50Me, I'm a lesbian, okay?
15:55I don't think anyone's sexual proclivity
15:57has anything at all to do with this.
15:59Hang on, hang on.
16:00You know what you're missing, mister?
16:02And you know what ticks me off the most about you?
16:04I saw you blowing the bagpipes.
16:06Hey, I don't have to worry about that.
16:08You'll never have that kind of talent.
16:10So that doesn't bother me.
16:12You know what really bothers me, though,
16:14is the pride that you don't have.
16:16Look around you, man.
16:17Look, those are kids down there.
16:19Those are adults up there.
16:22The Intercontinental is a very prestigious position.
16:26Something you should be proud of, but no.
16:29You gotta make this big mockery come up against me
16:33so you can get yourself a little higher in the ratings, right?
16:36Are we playing mind games?
16:38Let me tell you something.
16:40You're messing with the wrong guy.
16:42You know what?
16:46Not even Freddy Krueger comes into my nightmares.
16:54Let's deal in what we know,
16:58not in what we don't.
17:02Patriot Games, 1992.
17:06Yeah, good movie.
17:08You see, President Piper,
17:12I want a piece of you real bad, baby,
17:16and I know that you want a piece of me.
17:19So quit pretending.
17:24I know all those Hollywood films that you've been in.
17:31Let's see you stray just a bit from reality,
17:36and I'm here to bring you down.
17:41Back down to Earth.
17:46So, President Piper,
17:57if you will,
17:59to my back lot
18:03because that's where I do my best work,
18:05and I know that you can do some of yours here, too, big boy.
18:11Look at Marlena.
18:19You are so hot, and you know what?
18:23Let's see.
18:25In the meantime,
18:29let's just have a little sneak preview.
18:37Hey, hey!
18:39That's enough.
18:41That's enough.
18:42No more.
18:58All right, I think we've had enough of...
19:07This is too much.
19:12Come on, Piper!
19:15Thank you, Jimmy.
19:17No, no, no, no.
19:18I got him.
19:25Here we go!
19:26I told you!
19:28You want a back lot fight?
19:30You want to fight, you jerk?
19:32Then I'll fight you, God!
19:34And you know what?
19:35I'm gonna make a man out of you!
19:41Roddy, Roddy, Piper!
19:43Roddy, Roddy, Piper!
19:46Roddy, Roddy, Piper!
19:48Roddy, Roddy, Piper!
19:51There is no way for a president to act!
19:55I can't believe what we've just seen!
20:17You want to do something on the back lot?
20:19We're gonna have ourselves a good old back lot brawl, apparently.
20:23All right, in the square circle after a moment, ladies and gentlemen,
20:26the Godwin family.
20:28Hillbilly Jim.
20:30Along with Hank and...
20:31Is that Hillbilly Jim?
20:32What do you mean?
20:34He's wearing...
20:36Which one is Hillbilly Jim?
20:37He's on the outside there.
20:38The pure-legged one.
20:40Phineas and Henry Godwin,
20:42along with Hillbilly Jim.
20:45Nice-looking hat he's wearing here this week.
20:47These guys love to dance and party, don't they?
20:49Hey, you know how to ruin a party at the Godwins' house?
20:51How's that?
20:52Flush the punch bowl.
20:54That's not very nice at all.
20:55The Godwins ready to lock up with Alex Porteau and Jerry Meade.
20:59Get that mud out of the ring.
21:00The Godwins, of course, ladies and gentlemen,
21:02have advanced in the tag team tournament,
21:04as we chronicled earlier on in the first round as well.
21:07Well, I mean, there's a capacity crowd here,
21:09and Old Blue or whatever that pooch's name is
21:13is apparently a little inhibited.
21:15Why not?
21:16Coming off the rope.
21:17Here we go.
21:18Well, big old boy there, Jerry Meade.
21:21And Meade against Henry.
21:24Down goes Meade.
21:26You know what they say, McMahon,
21:27it's a dog-eat-dog world.
21:29He's Hillbillies.
21:30I don't know that.
21:31Well, they bring all kind of critters, as they call them,
21:33to the square circle and share them with the capacity crowd.
21:36Very affable sort of individuals.
21:38My mother used to tell me it's a dog-eat-dog world.
21:40Your mom?
21:41That's probably why we were never allowed to have pets at the house.
21:44Tag is made now, and Alex Porto will come in.
21:47Look out!
21:48Well, maybe he won't come in.
21:49I don't know.
21:50Look at this guy!
21:51Look out now.
21:52Whoa, whoa, look at this.
21:53He knows that.
21:54Look at that!
21:55Look at Mule kick.
21:56Look at that.
21:57Look at that.
21:58I've never seen that before.
21:59He's going berserk in there.
22:00That's Phineas.
22:01And Phineas-
22:04I think he got kicked in the head by Mule
22:06when he was about four years old.
22:07He's never gotten over it.
22:08Something happened to him.
22:10Phineas Godwin.
22:13Well, long years in awe.
22:17I'll tell you-
22:18Oh, look out.
22:19Here we go now.
22:20Alex Porto.
22:21With Phineas, what can he do with big old Phineas?
22:23Phineas reversing things and-
22:28I can't believe it!
22:30Big and strong Phineas Godwin.
22:32Here comes Henry.
22:34And Henry drops an elbow and there is nobody there.
22:37That's good, boy.
22:40Coming off the rope now, we've got to-
22:42Right into the chest.
22:43Did you hear the smack?
22:44Oh, look out!
22:45Here we go with a slap!
22:47A little rooting going on there.
22:50Cover and-
22:51A three count.
22:52How about that smile?
22:53Missing a few teeth, but-
22:54This is Bill Clinton's favorite team.
22:56You know, they're from Arkansas.
22:57Is that right?
23:01You know, when it's 9 o'clock in New York,
23:03it's 1952 in Fitters, Arkansas.
23:06Not a very nice thing to say.
23:07The pride and joy of Fitters, Arkansas.
23:10The Godwin family, ladies and gentlemen.
23:12And who knows, they could be going to WrestleMania.
23:14Matter of fact, WrestleMania this year is brought to you by
23:19RC Maximum Heat!
23:22Makers of the hottest radio-controlled vehicles available today.
23:26You want to talk hot?
23:27You want to talk about, ladies and gentlemen,
23:29the Ironman Championship matchup?
23:31Yes, indeed.
23:32You want to talk about this match?
23:33One hour!
23:35It's going to be Shawn Michaels against Bret the Hitman Hart,
23:37and Jim Ross was on hand.
23:38They're chronicling Shawn Michaels' training here in San Antonio.
23:43Everything is big in Texas,
23:45and that includes the dreams and aspirations of a favorite son,
23:48the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.
23:50It's my state.
23:52It's my town.
23:54And it's my dream.
23:56WrestleMania and a World Wrestling Federation Championship.
24:00And now I'd like you to meet my friend
24:03and my mentor,
24:04Super Sock, Jose Lothario.
24:16Welcome home, my friend.
24:17Thank you very much.
24:18At 19 years old,
24:20this man told me that he could make my dream a reality
24:24if I just listened to everything that he had to say.
24:27But 11 years later,
24:29Jose Lothario and the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels,
24:32are on the threshold of WrestleMania
24:34and a World Wrestling Federation Championship.
24:37It's going to happen,
24:38and this is where it all began.
24:41You're going to do it, my friend.
24:42Shawn has practiced the methods of his legendary mentor
24:45for over 11 years,
24:47and now he finds himself on the threshold
24:49of his lifelong dream.
24:52That's what I have to tell him.
24:5311 years have gone by.
24:55Now, I know at 19,
24:56you had to say,
24:57you can do it,
24:58you can be the World Wrestling Federation Champion.
25:00Did you really think I could?
25:02Of course, of course.
25:03Let me tell you why,
25:04the reason I did it,
25:05because, you know,
25:06when I saw the enthusiasm that you really had,
25:10and I put you through a real heavy training,
25:13hoping for you to give up,
25:15but you never did.
25:17And that's why I said,
25:18this kid's going to make it.
25:20I mean, I'm still,
25:21I mean, I can't give up.
25:22I have to.
25:23You know how important...
25:24I don't want you to give up.
25:25I'm not going to.
25:26Remember, you got a dream.
25:28And that dream is going to come true, my friend.
25:33The two greatest athletes
25:34in the history of the World Wrestling Federation
25:36colliding in less than three weeks
25:37as we take you now,
25:38ladies and gentlemen,
25:39Jim Ross, again,
25:40chronicling this report
25:41from Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
25:43the home of Bret the Hitman Hart and family.
25:48Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
25:50Home to the WWF Champion,
25:52Bret the Hitman Hart.
25:54Like the cold Canadian Rockies,
25:55Bret Hart is rugged,
25:58and respected.
26:01Through the years,
26:02if you go back and look at the wrestling
26:04where I grew up,
26:05the roots that I came from,
26:06it's a really hard,
26:07hard, tough style of wrestling.
26:09I mean, it's tough.
26:10I don't think it was any tougher
26:11than it is right here.
26:12Sean's roots,
26:13you're talking about
26:14really sharp tie-in
26:17with Mexican wrestling.
26:18Jumping and running
26:19and moving,
26:20a lot of action.
26:21But as far as being tough,
26:23I don't know if any really,
26:24really tough
26:26Mexican wrestlers.
26:28When you talk tough,
26:29you're talking Stu Hart,
26:30Bret's father,
26:32and master of the submission.
26:35In this match,
26:36submission at any time
26:37is gonna be a factor.
26:38And nobody knows submission wrestling
26:39in the WWF better than I do.
26:41That's where Sean Michaels is,
26:42gonna find out that
26:44all these years of wrestling,
26:46the experience that I have,
26:48it doesn't compare with
26:49the limited wrestling he's got.
26:51You know, he reminds me more
26:52of a tennis ball
26:53bouncing around in the ring,
26:54but he doesn't really have
26:55any real effective moves.
26:56One is his big kick,
26:58and the other is just
26:59the conditioning factor
27:00as an overall.
27:01People actually believe
27:03that Sean Michaels
27:04is the best wrestler
27:06in the whole
27:07World Wrestling Federation.
27:08He's the top one,
27:09better than I am.
27:10And that just drives me nuts.
27:12It just drives me nuts.
27:14It really comes right down
27:15to what I know,
27:16and Sean Michaels knows,
27:18that he can't lace my boots up.
27:19You know, all the critics
27:20and the people that have
27:21jumped onto the click bandwagon
27:23are gonna go,
27:24he's good,
27:26but he's not the best.
27:28That'll be the one thing
27:29that rings through
27:30this whole match,
27:32is that Sean Michaels
27:33is very good,
27:35but he is not,
27:36and he never ever
27:37will be the best.
27:40You're likely to see it all,
27:41ladies and gentlemen,
27:42pinfall submission,
27:43count out disqualification,
27:44yes, whoever indeed
27:45obtains the most decisions
27:46in that one hour
27:47Iron Man matchup
27:48will be the WWF champion
27:50at WrestleMania.
27:51Still to come here tonight
27:52on Raw,
27:53Tag Team Action,
27:54Yokozuna and The Undertaker
27:56against Owen Hardy,
27:57the British Bulldog.
27:58Up next,
27:59Scheme Gene's gonna be
28:00talking about that
28:01geriatric matchup,
28:02and a great deal more
28:03as we take you now
28:04to the Slam of the Week.
28:07And now,
28:08Milton Bradley Karate Fighter's
28:10Slam of the Week.
28:12Is he gonna?
28:14He's stacking him up
28:15like corkwood.
28:16Is that what he's gonna do?
28:19This could be mashed potatoes.
28:20Oh no, here we go!
28:22The man they call Vader
28:23must be watching this.
28:28In stereo.
28:30And a count of three,
28:31it's over.
28:32Slam of the Week
28:33was brought to you by
28:34Milton Bradley Karate Fighters.
28:38We're back ladies and gentlemen
28:39from San Antonio, Texas
28:40on his way to the
28:41Square and Circle,
28:42yes indeed,
28:43Hunter Hearst Helmsley,
28:44and guess what?
28:45Here we go.
28:46Hunter Hearst Helmsley
28:47to face the most
28:48reckless individual
28:49in the history of the
28:50World Wrestling Federation
28:51at WrestleMania,
28:52The Ultimate Warrior!
28:55He was faster than a cheetah.
28:58Stronger than a grizzly.
29:01More terrifying
29:02than a great white shark.
29:05And just when they thought
29:06it was safe to go
29:07back into the ring.
29:17He's back.
29:19And you wouldn't see
29:20nothing yet.
29:24Oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen,
29:25you might even,
29:26you just might even say
29:28that this WrestleMania
29:29could be the
29:30Ultimate WrestleMania.
29:32Well I guarantee you
29:33The Ultimate Warrior
29:34gives new meaning to the term
29:35March Madness.
29:36He's back in a big way,
29:37but hey,
29:38don't sell this man
29:39short right here.
29:40This guy,
29:41this guy,
29:42Hunter Hearst Helmsley
29:43could, uh,
29:44he could ruin
29:45the homecoming
29:46for The Ultimate Warrior
29:47here at the
29:48World Wrestling Federation.
29:49Hunter Hearst Helmsley
29:50being escorted by, uh,
29:51Oh, okay.
29:53Michelle Snickler.
29:56Why in the world,
29:57what does she see and
29:58what does anyone see
29:59in Hunter Hearst Helmsley?
30:00You gotta be kidding me,
30:02Look at the physique on that guy.
30:03He is, I mean,
30:04he's an immaculate dresser.
30:05This guy wears more clothes
30:06in one day
30:07than Gandhi wore
30:08in his whole lifetime.
30:09Well I would,
30:12I think the air out in San Antonio
30:13is getting to him.
30:14Forearm uppercut
30:15nicely done there.
30:16That's what happens
30:17with Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
30:19you know,
30:20I would suggest that, uh,
30:21Hunter Hearst Helmsley
30:22is likely to be a little
30:23distracted here.
30:24I would,
30:25oh my goodness.
30:27nicely done.
30:28Hunter Hearst Helmsley,
30:29I would suggest,
30:30was told prior to this
30:31matchup by
30:32Rowdy Roddy Piper
30:33that he would be facing
30:34The Ultimate Warrior.
30:36and look at the determination
30:37on the face now.
30:39can you imagine
30:40what it would mean
30:41to the career
30:42of Hunter Hearst Helmsley
30:43to beat The Ultimate Warrior?
30:44I mean,
30:45we might be talking about
30:46that for years to come.
30:47I wholeheartedly agree with that.
30:48And what kind of condition,
30:49oh my goodness,
30:50is The Ultimate Warrior in?
30:52A lot of
30:53Ultimate Warrior sightings
30:54in the last three years
30:55of his absence.
30:56A great deal of speculation,
30:57a great deal of mystery,
30:59and driving the knee.
31:00I heard Jim Ross say
31:01on the Action Zone
31:02that The Ultimate Warrior
31:03has been a recluse
31:04for about the last three years
31:05somewhere out
31:06in the Arizona desert.
31:07What kind of shape
31:08can he be in?
31:09I also heard
31:10that he was down
31:11180 some odd pounds
31:12according to Mr. Perfect.
31:14I would doubt his sources.
31:17who knows?
31:18Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
31:19We'll see at WrestleMania.
31:20That's what's gonna be great.
31:23Hunter Hearst Helmsley
31:24slapping the opponent
31:25Ben Grier.
31:26Look at this.
31:27Now he's vicious.
31:28Look at that!
31:29And that's the way
31:30he's gonna have to be
31:31with The Ultimate Warrior.
31:32You talk about reckless abandon,
31:33you must be speaking
31:34about The Ultimate Warrior.
31:35And uh-oh,
31:36look out, here we go.
31:37Will we see the pedigree?
31:38And will he apply this hold
31:40to The Ultimate Warrior?
31:41Watch this,
31:42look at that, look at that.
31:43Isn't that great?
31:44The King,
31:45along with Michelle,
31:46moving in on Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
31:48Great, isn't he?
31:50Hey, King.
31:53Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
31:57Hunter Hearst Helmsley,
31:58ladies and gentlemen.
32:00And look at him,
32:01he's all calm,
32:02cool, and collected.
32:03Not worried in the least
32:04about The Ultimate Warrior.
32:05Who knows what's going on
32:06in his mind
32:07as it relates to
32:08The Ultimate Warrior.
32:09Stand by now,
32:10ladies and gentlemen,
32:11for the geriatric match
32:13of The Ultimate Warrior.
32:15Kenny Loggins said it best,
32:18this is it.
32:20WrestleMania is just around the corner
32:23and I can't wait.
32:24I can't believe this one,
32:26The Huckster and The Nacho Man.
32:28The WWF is gonna give it away
32:31for free on the free-for-all.
32:33Hey, they might as well,
32:34even I can't figure out a way
32:36to make a buck on this one.
32:39This just in,
32:41a stipulation has been added.
32:43No handcuffs or ladies' shoes
32:45will be allowed at ringside.
32:48Boy, that will surely handicap
32:49the intrigue in this one.
32:51I understand The Huckster's
32:52been training hard for this one.
32:54Let's take a look.
33:22Boy, it's obvious the Huckster's in the greatest shape of his life.
33:45The Nacho Man is also training hard, but in a different way.
33:50Nacho's looking for that psychological edge.
34:08What factor will Hare have in this matchup?
34:11We'll find out real soon.
34:14By the way, billionaire Ted will be the special guest referee for this match, if he can pull
34:20himself away from those FTC hearings, which, by the way, we will bring to you next week.
34:26Now, don't forget to call me on the hotline.
34:29Rumors are flying about the sun and the possibility of darkness tonight.
34:34Will there be nightfall?
34:37I can't tell you here on TV, but call my hotline for this exclusive information.
34:43Save your body, ladies and gentlemen, we can guarantee there's gonna be nightfall.
34:46Hey, McMahon, you might want to get some of that spray Nacho Man fuses, and
34:49you can get rid of that cheap toupee.
34:51Thank you very much.
34:52In the square circle, Baby Boy spit the British Bulldog going hard.
34:55And ladies and gentlemen, ready to make his way down to the arena.
34:59Yes, indeed, we're talking about the mighty Yokozuna,
35:03who's gonna be accompanied by The One, The Only, The Phenom, The Undertaker.
35:09They were once bitter rivals, but however, tonight on Raw,
35:13they will get it together perhaps just never before.
35:17What a tag team matchup this is gonna be, The Undertaker and Yokozuna.
35:23Stay with us for more WWF action.
35:25Bret Hart, he personifies the term fighting champion.
35:32Never shying away from a challenge, never backing away from a battle.
35:37And at WrestleMania XII, he will be involved in a full scale war.
35:42So how does The Hitman prepare for such a confrontation?
35:46The only way he knows how, in the ring.
35:49Bret Hart battles Tataka.
35:52It's Raw, and it's next week.
35:54All right, here we go, ladies and gentlemen.
36:00The Freeman Coliseum jam-packed, the lights are out.
36:04The most phenomenal World Wrestling Federation superstar of all time
36:10is on his way to the square circle.
36:12Yes, being met by Paul Bearer, the man from the dark side,
36:17the man who will face Big Daddy Cool Diesel at WrestleMania.
36:22And this unquestionably could very well be The Undertaker's bravest match.
36:27And we're told standing by, Big Daddy Cool Diesel obviously checking out
36:33The Undertaker as it relates to WrestleMania.
36:36I'm checking him out, Vince, but you know what?
36:39This weekend, I got some tag matches with Shawn Michaels versus The Undertaker and
36:43Bret the Hitman Hart.
36:45And I'll check him out in person, then.
36:47I just hope the rumors with Shawn Michaels aren't true.
36:50And you wanna let us in on what those rumors might be?
36:55I guess not.
37:01What rumors?
37:04I have any idea.
37:06I can tell you this, Shawn Michaels will hold up his end of the bargain.
37:10He always has.
37:11Now, this is Square Garden Gym Center, ladies and gentlemen.
37:20Hart, the Civic Center, here we come.
37:24Paul kind of live World Wrestling Federation action.
37:26I didn't know for sure if The Undertaker was gonna be here tonight or not.
37:31What do you mean by that?
37:32Funeral services are tomorrow for George Burns.
37:34You know he's gonna be there, huh?
37:35I don't know anything about that.
37:38What a matchup it's gonna be.
37:43Big Daddy Cool Diesel in less than three weeks' time
37:49against The Undertaker and The Undertaker.
37:52Bringing the lights back up and boosting this capacity crowd.
37:57Here's what I'm wondering, McMahon.
37:59How are The Undertaker and Yokozuna gonna get along here tonight?
38:02Did you see when that bell tolled, you saw the look on Yokozuna's face.
38:06Yes, I did.
38:07He's still a little edgy, he's still a little worried.
38:10These guys were once, I mean, hated rivals.
38:13Yep. And now they're gonna try to team up.
38:14I don't know, McMahon, something could happen.
38:17Anything can happen here in the World Wrestling Federation.
38:19Not much is for certain.
38:21We saw you lifted higher above.
38:23Hey, hey, hey, what?
38:24Don't even talk about it.
38:25Mark Henry, what?
38:26My goodness.
38:27That'll be the last time you call somebody up.
38:28Hey, man, I don't want to talk about that.
38:31Let's talk about it.
38:31You know, nothing I do impresses you, does it?
38:34I mean, if I went out and walked on water, you'd say, hey, look, the king can't swim.
38:37Yeah, well.
38:38Mark Henry, ladies and gentlemen, on The Tonight Show this coming Thursday night.
38:43But right now, tonight, look at this.
38:45Wait a minute.
38:46They're gonna fight.
38:47They may.
38:49There's some teamwork for you.
38:50Wait a minute.
38:51They got from behind.
38:52I thought for a moment Yokozuna had reunited with Owen Hart in the British Bulldog.
38:58Obviously, that's not the case.
39:00Look at this.
39:01Four men in the ring at the same time.
39:04Yokozuna with a shot on the British Bulldog.
39:06The Undertaker busy with Owen Hart.
39:08My goodness.
39:09Cornette has come to call for retreat.
39:14And the official about to gain some control here in this matchup.
39:17Disqualified by the Undertaker.
39:18He's choking the life out of Owen.
39:19He's not doing anything.
39:20He's standing there.
39:21That's what he's doing.
39:21He's choking the man.
39:22Wait a minute.
39:23Wait a minute.
39:24No, no.
39:27Brother in law.
39:29Together and that's one way to have a family reunion.
39:32That's not funny, McMahon.
39:33Look out, Cornette.
39:34And again, the official allowing all four men in the ring to say what a close by by
39:40Look, McMahon, the referee.
39:41The referee's obviously been paid off.
39:44Forget about it.
39:45Where is the referee?
39:46The official trying to maintain some control.
39:51He has been unable to do so from the very get go to the outside, Owen Hart.
39:56Get out of there, Bulldog.
39:57Yeah, the British Bulldog and Owen Hart outside the ring and, wait a minute.
40:02Hey, wait a minute.
40:04Here comes trouble, McMahon.
40:06The Undertaker is over here hammering it out with Owen Hart and Diesel coming up.
40:12Wait a minute.
40:13Diesel's there with Paul Bearer.
40:16Look at this.
40:17An egregious clothesline, Paul Bearer.
40:19Look what he, wait a minute.
40:21Paul Bearer didn't do anything to Diesel.
40:24Paul Bearer didn't do a thing.
40:26The Undertaker.
40:28Where are they going, Hart?
40:28He's not even seen it.
40:29The Undertaker didn't even see what happened, McMahon.
40:31Yeah, Diesel picked his shot.
40:33What a cheap shot that was.
40:36Big daddy cool Diesel.
40:37Look, look.
40:38Anything but cool.
40:39And wait a minute.
40:39I just think The Undertaker just spotted Diesel.
40:42Look at this.
40:43They've been going tit for tat for some time.
40:48No, no.
40:49The Undertaker out there with Paul Bearer.
40:53The Undertaker has the urn and Paul, Paul saying, motion go get him.
40:58That's what he's gonna do.
40:59The Undertaker's on his way to lock up with Diesel.
41:04We may have WrestleMania tonight.
41:06Hey, Rubus.
41:08We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
41:09Yes, we are back with more Monday Night Raw.
41:11John Yokozuna has been pummeled by both men.
41:14No, it was not double teaming, McMahon.
41:16It definitely is exactly what it was.
41:18What a cheap shot.
41:19You talk about a cheap shot.
41:20Look, here we go.
41:20Let's show you now what happened.
41:22Diesel, saw The Undertaker was busy with Owen Hart on the other side of the ring.
41:26Clotheslining, and then from there, hammered Paul Bearer.
41:29Why did he do that?
41:31You're talking about the mind games going on between these two.
41:34And, wow.
41:37And we're trying to find, ladies and gentlemen,
41:38the Undertaker who is still apparently looking for Big Daddy, Cool Diesel.
41:43We have sent our cameras back.
41:45We've sent our cameras back to the locker room area to see what we can find.
41:49Meanwhile, the British Bulldog and Owen Hart, no love lost here with Yokozuna.
41:55Not at all.
41:56And I can assure you, Cornette's got a big smile on his face, but
41:58he better not get too close to the ring because Yokozuna,
42:01with love, could get his hands on Cornette.
42:05The British Bulldog, and come on, ref, get some control.
42:07This just doesn't stand.
42:08Hey, wait a minute.
42:09Wait a minute, here comes the man they call Vader.
42:13Vader time, Vader time.
42:15Yokozuna, Yokozuna going to work.
42:18Coming in from behind.
42:22Look out.
42:25Have you ever seen Yokozuna knock down like this?
42:27Yokozuna being pummeled on Matt Johnson now in the ring to come and help out.
42:34Owen Hart coming off the rope and.
42:35A man they call Vader hammering away at Matt Johnson doing what he can to clear
42:40the ring as well.
42:41Look at this, Vader hammering away on this big, powerful old man Johnson.
42:45Old man's set up now, coming off the rope and, wait a minute,
42:50Jake The Strike Robertson's coming in.
42:54We've got ourselves a war, it's D'Alamo all over again, look at this.
43:01A man they call Vader, back over, hammering away with a helpless Yokozuna.
43:11Look at him, like a pack of wild dogs all over Yokozuna.
43:14Matt Johnson coming out to help.
43:17Jake The Strike Robertson trying to help as well, look at this.
43:22My gosh.
43:24The British Bulldog with Jim Cornette's tennis racket.
43:27Tennis, did he won?
43:28WWE officials trying to get some control here in this Yokozuna.
43:33Back up on his feet.
43:34Look out, get out of here.
43:39You guys are going nuts now again.
43:42Yokozuna, and Vader, look at, old man Johnson.
43:47And the ring, ladies and gentlemen,
43:53full of humanity officials trying to get some control.
44:00Vader's out of there.
44:01Get your guys out of there, Cornette.
44:03What a cheap shot, what a, The Undertaker apparently, ladies and
44:07gentlemen, is outside the building.
44:09Diesel apparently is taking off, The Undertaker is terrifying him.
44:13Hey, Vader's just got a chair from ringside.
44:16Wait a minute, Jake The Strike man's a lunatic.
44:19He has no business here in the World Wrestling Federation.
44:22Don't get suspended again, Vader.
44:23You saw what he did to Gorilla Monsoon.
44:26Vader, one on one with Yokozuna at WrestleMania.
44:33And obviously, look, Vader, Cornette can't even control Vader.
44:39Look at old man Johnson, he's begging Vader to get out.
44:41You don't want none of that, Johnson.
44:43You don't want none of Vader.
44:47Vader with his cohorts, Owen Hart and the British Bulldog.
44:51Jim Cornette, camp Cornette if you want.
44:54Meanwhile, Yokozuna does have some friends.
44:57Call the name of Jake The Snake Roberts.
44:59Call the name of old man Johnson.
45:02Vader preparing for his matchup at WrestleMania.
45:05With Yokozuna, who knows what's gonna happen there.
45:09What a battle.
45:10Ladies and gentlemen, join us for more Raw action.
45:14Jake The Snake Roberts against the British Bulldog.
45:17And the Hitman in action as well.
