Welcome to Plathville - Season 6 Episode 12 - Hold My Earrings - PART 1

  • 12 hours ago




00:00I know I've talked to you a bunch about starting a band.
00:03Why don't we get together and come up with songs
00:07and just one time do a concert all together as a family?
00:12Looking back on the family band,
00:15I would say those were some of the most happiest days
00:17of my life in the sense of being together as a family
00:20and playing music and traveling around.
00:23This beautiful bright yellow coming in,
00:25this is total transformation and shift.
00:26So bright new things heading in,
00:28whether that's like moving somewhere together.
00:31Thinking about moving for a relationship,
00:35like it feels like a big decision.
00:36It feels like there's a lot of like responsibility.
00:39What if Brendan and I broke up?
00:40We didn't stay together.
00:41Am I going to regret it?
00:42I want to make choices that feel right for me.
00:45Congratulations, guys!
00:52It's really fun to see all of us together.
00:54The next family gathering, I'm bringing Ken.
00:58Do you think you'll ever feel comfortable
00:59having Ken at family events?
01:01It's just a matter of time, you know, for me.
01:04These songs are birthed out of the pain
01:06she went through with that guy.
01:09I was in a relationship.
01:11I was constantly left hanging,
01:14waiting for a lot of promises that weren't kept or broken.
01:18So I left.
01:19We were telling her like, no, that's not okay.
01:22They did some digging and they found some stuff.
01:25Looking back, if I could change anything,
01:27I would have at least gone to him
01:30with the questions I had and asked.
01:48I finally booked a date for the concert
01:51and it is much sooner than I expected.
01:54My whole family is all coming at different times.
01:58Lydia, me, my dad, Ethan, Isaac,
02:01Amber, Cassie, Mercy, Mom, and Ken.
02:04Did I get Micah?
02:06You ready?
02:08And Veronica's coming too.
02:10We're all just gonna have a mini vacation here
02:12while we get ready for the concert.
02:15Made it.
02:17I called Barry and asked him if he would be okay
02:20if Ken came to the concert.
02:23If Ken came, I was surprised, pleasantly surprised,
02:26when he said, yeah, that's fine.
02:28All that driving was worth it.
02:31I'm just wanting to see who punches who first.
02:38Let's go.
02:39It's been probably six years since we all played together.
02:43So what could possibly go wrong?
02:46I see a margarita in our future.
02:49That'll be good.
02:53The first rehearsal will be the day of the concert.
02:57Does that concern you?
02:59No, I'm fine.
03:01We've all been rehearsing separately, basically,
03:03because our lives have been kind of chaotic.
03:07I've driven from Minnesota to St. Pete.
03:10I brought most of everything,
03:14all the sound equipment for the band.
03:17Hi there.
03:18Checking in?
03:20That's your bed.
03:21That's my bed.
03:22If somebody attacks us, they're getting you first.
03:24I already claimed it.
03:26It's mine.
03:27I'm very excited to be here.
03:28I have no idea what's going on, but-
03:32I'm excited to be here, and I'll wing it.
03:34Aren't you in the family band?
03:36I think I'm supposed to be in the family band, but-
03:39Fake it till you make it.
03:41Come on.
03:42I haven't seen everyone in so long.
03:44I haven't seen the luggage in like 20 minutes.
03:45Need the keys?
03:47Both my parents are here, my mom's boyfriend.
03:50Hopefully I get along with my dad.
03:52I'm Switzerland.
03:58I think the resort's beautiful.
04:00It's a lot of fun.
04:02I love the beach, love the pool.
04:04I just, I need a hot guy in a thong right there
04:07fanning me with a banana leaf.
04:17I personally am here to get some sun.
04:19All I need is like an afternoon on the beach
04:21and it'll perk up my tan.
04:23And yeah, enjoy.
04:25Enjoy just lounging and relaxing.
04:31This is really fun here.
04:33I haven't spent a few days at the beach in a long time.
04:38Family time!
04:41Okay, I'll meet you guys.
04:45Isaac is finding girls on the beach.
04:50They all have bikinis on, they're all cute.
04:52He brought some schoolwork
04:54and he hasn't found time to work on it.
04:58Girls are, man, I always say that I could just
05:00turn off the want for girls.
05:03Their mom was really nice too.
05:10Yeah, this is like a milestone
05:12where Kim and I and all of us are together.
05:15Ken's here, so for me, everything is good.
05:19Internally, my internal emotional state, I'm good.
05:24Everything's great, I'm enjoying everything.
05:40Ethan, Lydia, and Isaac,
05:42they're all parasailing together.
05:44Whoa, whoa, that is awesome.
05:50We get to see Ethan's wet jeans.
05:54Did y'all have fun?
05:56I gave the guy in my boots, rolled up my jeans
05:59and put a life jacket on and waded out in the water.
06:07I brought swim trunks with me.
06:10They were up in my hotel room.
06:11Next to skydiving.
06:13Yeah, well, he had so much fun,
06:15although I'm not wet and I jumped out of the trampoline.
06:17It's okay.
06:18You want to go have a drink a little bit later?
06:22Sounds good.
06:22Or a snack or whatever.
06:25I feel like this is kind of our only window
06:27to really, he and I, just kind of sit and talk.
06:31Ethan seemed receptive, he seemed happy.
06:35I'm excited and nervous.
06:37It would be so hilarious seeing mom go up there.
06:40I would love it, it'd be awesome.
06:41It'd be so peaceful.
06:42It'd be so peaceful.
06:52Hey, there's a duck.
06:53Yeah, I know, that's what I was looking at.
06:57So far, it's been a fun trip.
06:59Did you have fun parasailing?
07:02I had fun wading in the water watching you.
07:05Are you going to do it?
07:07I'm not going to pay for it.
07:09I have too many bills right now.
07:12I'm trying to.
07:13Why'd you pay for me to go do it?
07:13Well, we all chipped in,
07:15and I'd chip in and pay for you to do it.
07:19I don't know what the mending process
07:21of my relationship with my mom looks like.
07:23I think I'm getting to know my mom as an adult,
07:28you know, and my mom's getting to know me as an adult,
07:31because I'm definitely different than I was
07:33even just two years ago.
07:36The little girls think the world of you.
07:39You're like the big brother
07:41that they just look up to more than anything.
07:46I was looking at that family band brochure that we had.
07:51You know, it had pictures of all of us kids.
07:55Yeah, everybody was cute.
08:00And then you grow up and, you know,
08:02life kind of hits you hard sometimes.
08:06Are you doing okay after the divorce?
08:17I have no idea where everybody is.
08:19We have a concert tonight.
08:20We haven't practiced together in six years.
08:23It's literally a chaotic hot mess.
08:29Are we just doing this for fun?
08:30I don't know.
08:31I don't know.
08:32I don't know.
08:32I don't know.
08:33I don't know.
08:35Are we just doing this for the mic sound?
08:40A lot of us didn't feel like we knew
08:42what the hell we were doing there.
08:54Are you doing okay after the divorce?
09:00Oh, I don't know.
09:02Some days are better than others.
09:05I don't know.
09:13I don't really know why we couldn't have made it work out.
09:18But even just like having a relationship with you guys
09:22was so complicated when we were together
09:24and I don't think it should be that way
09:26when you're with someone.
09:31Well, the way I look at it,
09:32the right person will enhance your life
09:34and make it better and not make it harder
09:38and more difficult.
09:39Yeah, I know that's true.
09:43I just never have loved someone like I loved her
09:45and I don't feel like I ever can again.
09:50Well, you deserve someone that treats you really well.
09:55Shouldn't treat you like you deserve to be treated,
09:57you know?
09:59And yeah, I mean, I want you to meet somebody
10:01that you love just as much as her,
10:03but that also treats you right.
10:11It kind of breaks my heart to hear him say
10:13that he doesn't think he ever could love anyone
10:16that much again.
10:17Because I mean, I really want him to find someone
10:21that he just loves more than he can even contain.
10:25I want him bubbling over with love for somebody.
10:29I mean, I think everybody deserves that.
10:32I found my Ken, maybe he'll find his Barbie.
10:38Do you miss the beach when you're up in Minnesota?
10:42You like it?
10:43I love it.
10:43I mean, I grew up at the beach,
10:46so this is, you know, it feels like home to me.
10:52Our relationship hasn't been what it should be,
10:55but there's reasons for that,
10:58and things are different now.
11:01It definitely feels like a first step
11:03in the right direction has happened.
11:06We should do this more often.
11:08More often than once every six years.
11:12I've missed you.
11:17Me and my mom are doing pretty good,
11:21and we're at peace, I would say.
11:25I still owe her an apology for my part
11:29in the drama that's played out over the last couple years.
11:33And I should have done that today, but I kind of forgot.
11:38Well, I'll walk off with you
11:40if you want to head back to the hotel.
11:42Yeah, I wish I was successful enough
11:43that I had paid for everything I want
11:45and could pay for everything you guys want, too.
11:47Oh, yeah, yeah, I wish you were, too.
