Welcome to Plathville - Season 6 Episode 2 You Kept the Plants Alive part 2/2

  • 2 days ago




00:00Hi. How are you? There you go. Enjoy. So I recently got a job at a restaurant in Tallahassee.
00:16It's a 45-minute drive back and forth from Cairo, but it's worth it. What would you like
00:22to drink? Caffeine. Caffeine? Awesome. I've learned that when you have money, you have
00:27more freedom. When you have no money, you have no freedom. And I've been working, working,
00:33working as much as I can to save up to record music. That's really what I want to do.
00:39Try and target at least two or three different drinks that you know really well, just so
00:42if anybody wants a recommendation, like, oh, this one has this, this, this, this, this in it.
00:46So you at least sound like you know what you're doing. Exactly. I trained as a server and a
00:49bartender, so I do both. I love bartending. I feel like that's probably my favorite.
00:59All right. So today we're going to make the mint chocolate chip martini.
01:02This is one of my favorites. It is, let's see.
01:11And this is a good drink if you like sweet things. And I like sweet things. I'm sweet.
01:15I wanted to do waves. Is that very wavy?
01:22I'm proud of myself. So we're going to need a cup of Avgo and a cup of gumbo.
01:26If you want to go ahead and make those, you can. I'll go make them. Yeah.
01:32Serving is a little bit more
01:38manual labor. This is the Avgo. Avgo limonade for you and seafood gumbo for you. Please don't mind
01:49the mess. I am loving working there. It forces me to be social and I need that because I wouldn't
01:56do it by choice. Usually I'm kind of like, well, you know, I'm gonna spend today with my dog if
02:00it's free. Here you go. Get you some water. This makes me like, all right, I'm going to go out and
02:06talk to people and be kind to people and enjoy seeing people. Hello. How are you doing? I'm
02:13doing wonderful. I needed to just get my butt up and work, work, work. So I'm actually moving
02:20forward. Even if my life feels like it's not in a good place, if I'm working, I'll feel like,
02:23all right, my life is gonna get somewhere one of these days. So with these, so when we sell
02:27bottles of wine, we are going to take these off. Okay. There's a trick. This is why I go to the gym.
02:44Thank you very much. So now what do I do? You draw. And then what am I going for with these?
02:49You can go for threes or fours or. I would probably rather play sorry than play this.
02:53Well, that's a sorry approach. Tonight, the three young girls are down in Florida with Kim,
02:59but Mariah's at home. Lydia's at home. Isaac's at home. And then one pops up from South Florida
03:04now and then. Look at this back to back wild thing. That's a wild thing. I take a lot of pleasure in
03:11having them come back and visit and hang out here. You do that there. And then I have,
03:17you can't do that. Hey, it's been a few months since I played this game.
03:21It's just so awesome. The whole family being here or all of us older siblings,
03:24his socks are these. Yeah. I just heard that Ethan's on his way down here
03:30to visit us. So I look so forward to seeing him and just spending time together as a family.
03:45Hi, Ethan. Oh, Ethan. Hey, dude. How's it going? It's good to see you. Oh, good to see you. It's
03:53good. After seeing Olivia in Minnesota, I decided that I want to see my folks again, get away.
04:00Olivia's visit, I feel like went terribly.
04:07I take a chair. I feel like I'm kind of running away from maybe what I just should have finalized
04:12with Olivia. Maybe I should just rip the bandaid off and done the papers and just had it over with.
04:18But I didn't. I physically felt like I couldn't. Hi, Ethan. Hey, Miranda.
04:26I'm very glad to be here. Still, I don't want to burden them with like, oh, you know,
04:30I had a bad day, blah, blah. I don't know. I don't know how to talk about all this stuff.
04:35So what's new in Minnesota? Is it cold yet? It's like 30. It was like in the 40s today.
04:42That's cold. I'm still riding my motorcycle in Minnesota, though.
04:45Really? No, no, no. You mean you're still riding your bike? I don't know how you can do that so
04:50well because you spent so many years in Minnesota. You know, the first thing that I see is the old
04:57Ethan is there with a smile and his like radiant, joking persona. All right. But you know,
05:04but, you know, you can see it in his eyes. He's got that that look in his eye,
05:07like going through some stuff that's rough. So what else is new?
05:14Well, me and Olivia are getting a divorce. That's what's new.
05:26Yeah, we've been separated since March or February, late February.
05:30So I was, I was kind of hoping something maybe would have changed after the summer, but
05:38I've asked her to if we can give it another go. And I guess that's a no. So.
05:49I don't know like what to say. It hurts. I hurt for him just knowing what he's going through.
06:00Today, Lydia and I are going to see a tarot card reader.
06:07The man that's in your life, you've got to be patient and give him time to grow.
06:23Me and Lydia are getting a divorce.
06:25I was, I was kind of hoping something maybe would have changed
06:27after the summer, but I've asked her to if we can give it another go. And
06:33I guess that's a no. So.
06:42I'm sorry to hear that. I was not surprised what he told me. I just had this inkling that
06:50it was coming, but just a matter of when. So I'm just kind of concerned for Ethan,
06:56because divorce is a rough thing to have to go through it.
07:01We're here for you. Yeah, I thought I'd come down and get away from it for a little bit, I guess.
07:09Well, Ethan, if there's anything you need, just never be scared or hesitate to let us know.
07:13Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, no matter what happens, you're always here for us.
07:18Yeah. So, I mean, no matter what happens, you're always,
07:20you can always come down and get some support here if you need it.
07:27Last year was a rough one for my relationship with Ethan. In the past, we've let a lot of things
07:36be issues, I guess, that I never should have let be issues.
07:40Like, he needed me a lot in that time, and I just wasn't there for him.
07:45I never want things to get in the place that they've been again.
07:50I find it really ironic, because, like, I felt like I had to do things or not have relationships
07:56with people to try to make us work. And maybe it worked for a short time, but it wasn't,
08:05it certainly wasn't the answer in the long run. And then after all that's said and done,
08:09and it doesn't work, you guys are still here for me, and she's obviously not.
08:17Like, if you need somebody, and you're up in Minnesota,
08:20just give them a phone call away, and I would even fly up and see you.
08:23Okay. I ultimately want what's best for Ethan, and I ultimately want what Ethan wants. So,
08:30I've forgiven Olivia for probably most of the hurt that I at least felt like she had
08:35caused in my family. So, yeah, I try not to hold any hard feelings against her.
08:40So, have you processed certain things? I mean, you're not in denial, obviously, right?
08:45I don't know. Because she was in Minnesota before I came down here, and
08:54she wanted to do the paperwork and finalize financial stuff and all,
08:58and I told her I couldn't do it.
09:00Were you feeling rushed?
09:03Yeah. My advice to you would be, yeah, don't rush it.
09:05Take the time you need to get to the point where you're okay.
09:09I was kind of surprised that she wanted to rush it, especially after everything we've been
09:12through. I mean, it seems ridiculous to have it end after you tried so hard, but whatever.
09:17I guess things don't always work.
09:20I think being home with my family, seeing my siblings, it's going to be good for me.
09:26Yeah, it's helpful to have somebody to listen and talk to.
09:30We should go finish the game.
09:32You want to go shuffle?
09:33Let's go play a game.
09:34We can let you guys talk.
09:35Sounds good. Y'all talk.
09:39You guys can come join us playing games whenever you want to.
09:42Okay. We won't be long.
09:43Sounds good. Come join us.
09:46So, I mean, what you're going through, I've already been through in some respects, right?
09:51It's just different person to person, but there's just common denominators.
09:56Denial, bargaining, anger, depression, right?
10:02Yeah, I keep waiting for the depression to go and it hasn't. It's been a while.
10:08It's a visitor. You understand that, right?
10:13So do you beat yourself up?
10:16Like I'm a failure?
10:18Yeah, but I feel like there are a lot of things I could have done differently.
10:22I think you did a lot. You really did so much to make it work.
10:30Now, why did she not see that then?
10:37Because it's not about you in her realm. It's about her in her realm.
10:42I feel like this last year has been the hardest year of my entire life.
10:47I feel like I have learned an immense amount.
10:49I feel like I'm not even the same person today as I was a year and a half ago.
10:53And to hear my dad say that he thought that I,
10:58at least at the very least, tried all I could,
11:00that was probably one of the most encouraging things I've heard in this whole ordeal.
11:07It's like I am still very young, you know?
11:09In the big scheme of things, I'm only 25 and there's a lot of life ahead of me still,
11:13but I don't know what to do.
11:16I just thought getting to know somebody again, all over again, it's like...
11:20Well, that's so early. You don't have to.
11:23It's probably healthier not to rebound into something.
11:29The depression that I carry around that haunts me every day, it is there.
11:32It's a pain. I hate it.
11:33But I do feel like my dad understands what I am going through because he's been through it.
11:37He's at a different point in his process, but he's been an extreme source of encouragement.
11:43After there have been many days I've thought about it, I was like,
11:45well, if my dad can do it, I know I can do it.
11:47So, you know, we're missing Amber Cassie Mercy.
11:51Kim's got them for this week.
11:54So they're down with her.
11:56Do you have plans to see them?
12:01Because they're not going to be here while you're here.
12:02Are you going to try to see them?
12:04I hadn't made any plans. I didn't know that they weren't here.
12:17This door says fortunes, so I believe this might be it.
12:21Your destination is on the right.
12:25Today, Lydia and I are going to see a tarot card reader.
12:30And I have no idea what to expect.
12:33That sounds scary, but that's why we're doing it.
12:37Come on in.
12:39Good morning.
12:40Good morning. Nice to meet you.
12:42My intention in getting a tarot reading is to
12:48kind of dismantle any prejudice I had against it in my head
12:51to figure out what it is for me.
12:53I feel like I'm very open to
12:55what would have been deemed occult practices when I was a kid.
12:59There's a lot of people who believe in it and who don't,
13:01and I really can't weigh in on that unless I've experienced it.
13:04I want you to cut the cards in half, please.
13:07Now, which deck would you like for me to start with first?
13:10Um, this one.
13:14I have no idea where to look when these cards are being laid down
13:17because I can read things on them, but it doesn't mean anything to me.
13:20And then I'm watching Tanya's face to see if her brow furrows
13:22or if she, like, looks surprised.
13:24And then I'm sitting there like, what? What is it?
13:25Like, yeah, it's kind of overwhelming, actually.
13:29It's just putting cards on a table,
13:30but it feels like a whole lot is resting on that.
13:34You do have a long life to live, which is very good.
13:39But you're definitely a water soul.
13:42When you're more around water, that's when you're more at ease.
13:47Do you live near the water, the ocean?
13:49I do. I usually go to the ocean once a week.
13:51Very good.
13:52And that's the best thing to do organically
13:55when you're not feeling yourself and to feel balanced and grounded.
14:00I am seeing an angel around you, protecting you and guiding you.
14:04But it says a brother. How many brothers do you have?
14:08I had four and then one died this year.
14:10That's the one here. I'm sorry. God rest his soul.
14:22Earlier this year, at the same time that Ethan and I were getting divorced,
14:29my youngest brother was killed unexpectedly.
14:37It was weird going back home for his funeral and seeing my parents
14:42and the older siblings who have kind of kept to that very religious lifestyle.
14:46The way that they got through that funeral and that week was,
14:50we know he's in heaven and that's what we're putting our faith and trust on.
14:53And Lydia and I were sitting there during the funeral holding hands going,
14:56OK, so if you don't believe that, what do you have?
14:59And I find myself asking that all the time.
15:00Is he just gone completely? Does he exist in a different realm?
15:03I don't know. And it's scary not to know.
15:05And I understand why people use religion as a crutch.
15:09I just don't want to lean on it. And so it's a lot of questions and
15:13wondering and trying to be OK with not fully understanding.
15:19So there's trust issues. But why am I sensing abandonment?
15:23Was that from childhood?
15:25Um, a lot of people in my life.
15:28Yeah, you need to move on from that. Forget about it.
15:32It happened. Nothing you're going to do is going to change it.
15:36The moment she said she was sensing abandonment, I thought,
15:39I'm going to pay her well.
15:42But that rings really true.
15:44It does show me that you're meant to be married once
15:47and you're meant to have two children.
15:49Only once.
15:50Yeah. The man that's in your life, can I have his name?
15:57I don't know because I just got divorced.
16:00But you've got to be patient and give him time to grow.
16:04He's very stuck in his ways.
16:07So as you see the mind here, he's a little bit twisted,
16:10but he's going to have different relationships.
16:13And I see two other relationships coming for you as well.
16:17And they won't work for you and they won't work for him.
16:20So that's the timing that you and him will reunite.
16:24But I'm sensing that in two years.
16:33The man that's in your life.
16:36Do you feel he's going to come back?
16:39Because it says he's going to come and go.
16:42When I look at my relationship with Ethan,
16:44I've learned to never say never because, ironically, you say never.
16:49It happens, but you can make it happen.
16:53So he's never going to come back because you're not there.
16:57For me, it's very much like I don't want him.
17:01say never, it happens.
17:03Ah, but I want to say never.
17:10I do not want that.
17:11And I don't like those cards.
17:17It does show me as well that you feel
17:18like a fool of some kind.
17:21Do you feel you wasted your time,
17:23your energy, your love in that relationship?
17:26Every now and then, but I think that that's like
17:27the part of me that is not,
17:29or like the part of me that's hurt from it.
17:31The part of me that accepts it,
17:33like realizes that it made me who I am.
17:36Yes, true, but did you forgive him?
17:39I think so.
17:41Well, forgiveness comes in steps.
17:43It doesn't come overnight.
17:45If someone like doesn't fully believe,
17:47can they still have an accurate reading?
17:50Oh, yes.
17:52I guess a lot of people would have questions
17:53about what they're told,
17:55but I wanted to know, respectfully,
17:57if she ever gets things wrong.
18:00I can't get over the fact
18:01that I'm supposed to go back to my ex.
18:03I can't get over that.
18:03So I'm just like, it's our chance.
18:06You've gotten some readings wrong.
18:09You're welcome.
18:10Oh, I sweated a lot.
18:11I'm sorry.
18:12You're sweating on your pillow.
18:13It's okay.
18:14It's okay, I sweated on my pillow too.
18:16It's okay.
18:18Let me walk you girls out.
18:20I can't get over like, I'm marrying my ex again?
18:26I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
18:30Thank you for your time.
18:31Take care.
18:32Dude, I told you.
18:32Some things were so right, so right on the nose.
18:34Other things I was like, probably not.
18:36Probably not, because I don't want that,
18:37so I'm not going to do that.
18:38I'm very glad I had this experience with Lydia Grace.
18:40If anything, it's less trippy to hear something
18:42with your sister sitting next to you going,
18:43uh-huh, I told you so.
18:45It's better to walk outside and say,
18:46what the actual to my sister,
18:47than walk outside and say to myself,
18:48what the actual?
18:50Well, I'm glad we got that done.
18:52That was a lot.
18:56I'm like a Tesla on 1%.
18:59Sing a singing song.
19:00Lydia's about to wake the whole house up.
19:02♪ I hear you when you cry at night. ♪
19:05Micah is enjoying the inside of his eyelids.
19:07♪ I'll carry you. ♪
19:10I mean, they must've been really interested.
19:14Cheers to a single life,
19:16whatever it brings us.
19:17This is like one of your first times
19:18being out single with me.
19:21Jacob, I go by Jay.
19:22Jackie, my name's Jackie.
19:23Your name is not Jackie.
19:25I know, so back me up.
19:26You doing okay?
19:30Today's my last day in town before I leave.
19:32And if I want to see my little sisters,
19:33I have to go down to see my mom.
19:38There they are.
19:40I think the last time I saw my mom
19:41was probably about two years ago.
19:44Ethan can be unpredictable.
19:48He can have something stewing on the inside
19:51that he's upset about that you don't know about.
19:53And then he can just surprise you with it.
19:55So I'm a little bit nervous.
