Welcome to Plathville - Season 6 Episode 9 Wine Helps the S.3.x Ed Go Down

  • 2 days ago




00:00Time is going to start right now, so go ahead and get started, use your prompts, have fun.
00:05I'll let you know when the time is up.
00:07Very first, I guess I should ask what your name is.
00:09My name's Christian.
00:11What's your name?
00:14What was your name?
00:15My name's Lydia.
00:17I'm Will.
00:18What do you like to do for fun?
00:19I love to go hiking, especially living here.
00:20There's so much beautiful hiking up in the mountains up north and it's so close.
00:22I do love hiking.
00:23I just love a good view.
00:24I love a good sunset.
00:25If you had one night with me, what would you want to do?
00:30Anywhere in the world.
00:31Any situation.
00:32Unlimited amount of fun.
00:33It has to involve like some level of educational something.
00:36Like a museum.
00:37This is boring.
00:38No, they're not.
00:39Oh my God.
00:40I'm not exactly going into this looking for matches, and so to me, this is just a fun
00:44experience with my sister, a good exercise for me, and seeing a little bit more of what's
00:48out there.
00:49I don't like to read every plaque.
00:50I'm like a grazer.
00:51I just walk around with a book.
00:53Or like reading books or whatever.
00:57That's amazing.
00:58I don't know how to flirt very well.
01:01But I have learned that the best thing to do is just lean into like how I am, which
01:04is kind of weird and a little dorky and a little awkward.
01:09Hello, hello.
01:10How's it going?
01:12What's your name?
01:16What is your name?
01:21I just like authentic connections up front.
01:22If it's not there, it's not there.
01:23If you don't like a dork, move on.
01:25Would you ever go to like an adult smelling meet?
01:28I'd be horrible at it.
01:29I would love that.
01:30You like to smell?
01:34He looked at me like I had five heads.
01:35Why not?
01:36That's a fun time.
01:37What's the one meal that you think that you feel confident about cooking for?
01:39I mean, I can make a good breakfast.
01:40I can make a good like egg scramble.
01:42You know, like get some vegetables.
01:43Vegetables, okay.
01:44And four eggs.
01:45And make sure you got the pasture-raised eggs.
01:46Four eggs?
01:47That's so specific.
01:48Is that too many?
01:49No, it's just funny.
01:50That's very specific.
01:51I would have been like, if it's scrambled eggs, I'm going to do like 12.
01:54A lot.
01:55Two big mouths for both of us.
01:56That's a lot.
01:57Yeah, do you eat a lot?
01:58Okay, that's cool.
01:59I respect that.
02:00I was like, got to retain this muscle, bro.
02:01I don't think he's been speed dating before.
02:03Hi, I'm Connor.
02:04I'm Olivia.
02:05Olivia, nice to meet you.
02:06Nice to meet you.
02:07Are you from here?
02:08No, I'm from North Dakota.
02:09From North Dakota?
02:10That's right, Fargo.
02:11You're the first person I've met from North Dakota.
02:12Yeah, I'll probably be the last, honestly.
02:13Dead or alive, someone that you would like to have dinner with?
02:14George Washington.
02:16Because I feel like he's the one.
02:19No, that's the least of my concerns.
02:20What made you want to leave North Dakota?
02:21I feel like I know, but I'm just going to ask.
02:22No, I want to hear what you're thinking.
02:23There's nothing going on.
02:24There's nothing going on.
02:25That's right.
02:26I think it makes people more interesting when you don't have a lot to do.
02:27You have to make up games in your head.
02:28You've got to be more creative.
02:30Like Jeffrey Dahmer, you know.
02:31All right.
02:32So that was the end of the last round.
02:33I hope you guys had a good time.
02:34So what I need before you head out is for you to leave North Dakota.
02:35And I'll see you next time.
04:24We're in Tampa at the rental that Mariah got
04:25for the whole family to help her make her music video,
04:27we're all super excited about it.
04:29Mariah had a room, I had a room,
04:30Ethan and Isaac shared a bed in the other room,
04:33and then Barry took the sleeper sofa in the living room.
04:35It's been a while since Barry and I slept under the same roof,
04:37but you know, that's what walls are for.
04:40Hello, good morning.
04:41You got it cooking?
04:43Looks great.
04:46I couldn't wait.
04:48I had to go get my sausage, egg, and cheese when I went on my walk.
04:52It was just the thing, because the kombucha bar was open.
04:58And I couldn't resist the call of the kombucha.
05:04But this smells great.
05:09Generally, Kim's always positive.
05:11Maybe this morning, you know, she got up on the wrong side of the bed.
05:15Yeah, it's looking great.
05:19I mean, I'm up early making breakfast, and Barry comes in, and he just starts talking and talking.
05:25And I'm not really interested in hearing all the reasons why he's not having breakfast.
05:30If you're not having breakfast, then I guess I'm not cooking for you.
05:32I'm cooking for the people that haven't had breakfast yet.
05:36I think I'm actually just going to see what's going on with Isaac and Ethan.
05:40Okay, I think they're still sleeping. That's my guess.
05:42Oh, I could have fun with this.
05:46Maybe I should go have some fun.
05:49It is an adjustment going from being husband and wife to being friends.
05:54And I don't feel like we're there yet.
05:55I feel like we won't get there until the divorce is finalized and we've had some cooling off time.
06:00But I feel like right now there's some hard feelings and there's some hard conversations that still have to happen.
06:05And when we're not going to do that, well, we're here to support Mariah.
06:11Hey, Mom.
06:14Hey, Mom.
06:16Okay, come here.
06:24What's up?
06:25Shut the door.
06:26Oh, yeah.
06:27I don't like this.
06:28Shut the door.
06:33I just, I don't know.
06:35I just like, um, like there's nothing I can do about it, but I just have to figure out what to do about my hair.
06:54I left Tampa the last day of September, and I was grieving loss and heartbreak, and my hair started falling out.
07:03I would brush my hair, and it was just like...
07:07For people who don't know what alopecia is, it's an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss.
07:13These last several months, I've definitely lost about half my hair.
07:19I want to just take a shower.
07:25When I was a child, I lost all my hair.
07:29I think I was like three or four when it started falling out, and it didn't come back until I was eight.
07:34These last several months, I...
07:38have noticed, for myself at least, heartbreak triggers my alopecia.
07:50I think that it's an outward reflection of what's going on inside.
07:54It's so weird, though.
07:56Like, my first breakup, I lost a little bit.
07:59Like, there was like one or two spots.
08:01Well, this one was a lot harder for a lot of reasons.
08:05A lot more stressful, just, you know...
08:08But, yeah.
08:10I mean, there's one spot that's filled in.
08:13Oh, good.
08:14So, it's filled in completely, but there's still one here, one here, one back here, and then like here.
08:23And a few smaller spots, too, but...
08:28When your hair fell out when you were little,
08:33I researched everything I could find and tried everything we could think of.
08:39And, you know, nobody knows what causes alopecia, you know.
08:44But in the meantime, whether it comes in or not, you're so beautiful.
08:50And I'm so proud of you, even just for being brave enough to share that with people, you know,
09:00and get out there and make a music video.
09:08You're so strong.
09:10And I'm so proud of you.
09:15That's all I needed to hear.
09:24I love you.
09:25I love you, too.
09:31It breaks my heart that she's going through that again.
09:34Making the video, I'm hoping that that will just help her to kind of get closure and move forward.
09:39And that that will kind of relax something in her body that helps her hair start growing again.
09:45My job is to listen and love on her and support her any way I can.
09:49And that's what I'm going to do.
09:51Well, the next guy that you date is getting a full background check.
09:54So you don't have to worry about that again.
09:57Yeah, good idea.
09:59Even though I don't feel completely healed, I cannot imagine where I would be if I hadn't written these songs and written this album.
10:07I could see a million therapists and maybe they'd help some, but I'd still go home and write a song about my therapy session.
10:16I've put up with it this far. Keep going.
10:18And make a music video.
10:24I can't be sad anymore. I've got things to do.
10:27These songs are birthed out of the pain she went through with that guy.
10:31I kind of have a feeling that's why I never met him.
10:33Because he was probably scared of me.
10:35He had me believing everything, that he was a great guy.
10:39I have never met a master deceiver like that before.
10:42I mean, talk about scum of the earth.
10:57I love how you overlapped your vocals.
11:07Overlapped the vocals, yeah.
11:09Today I'm taking some of my family to the studio to listen to my album for the first time.
11:13Micah and Veronica drove up here from South Florida.
11:16My mom and Isaac are staying back waiting for Lydia and Amber to arrive.
11:20A lot of the songs we still have to tweak and do harmonies and maybe recut some vocals.
11:23But we have the skeleton, the meat of them.
11:26I poured my heart and soul into this album.
11:29This next song, September, I really like this song. I like this song a lot.
11:33You guys ready?
11:42I was in a relationship and the song that I'll say the most about what happened, I guess, is September.
11:54I was constantly left hanging, waiting for a lot of promises that weren't kept or broken.
12:00I couldn't handle another day of waiting for somebody that I knew would never show up.
12:10This album is a letter to him.
12:13I need him to hear these songs so that he finally knows what I was going through, what I was feeling.
12:24I thought you were my friend.
12:30What do you guys think?
12:31I love it.
12:32That's beautiful.
12:33And so Cliff, you know that these songs are birthed out of the pain she went through with that guy.
12:38I know all about it.
12:39Oh my gosh, I know all about it.
12:40You know all about it.
12:41Yeah, all about it.
12:42And the dad in me is like, I'm going to find this guy, wait till I see him.
12:45I kind of have a feeling that's why I never met him.
12:47Because he was probably scared of me.
12:49Well, there's a reason he never wanted to meet any of my brothers.
12:52When you go through things and things happen, you think you're the only person in the world that's going through it.
12:56Like, that's just how people are.
12:57Continue, I'll be back.
12:58When they start to talk about my story, I wanted to just get away for a little bit.
13:02I'll be right back.
13:05You know, she's still walking out of the trauma of this relationship.
13:10So back in September was a whirlwind of kind of emotions and stuff with Mariah in her life.
13:15And many things being exposed and coming to light that just allowed her to reach a bottom point, a breaking point with that relationship.
13:24From what Mariah told me, it's like, he would come and go.
13:28There was times when he was outside of her apartment and was like, oh, you didn't answer your phone quick enough, so I left.
13:34I don't really think he was there.
13:35I think he was just doing that to make her feel bad.
13:36Yeah, mind games.
13:37And it was sad because one day she got all dressed up to go somewhere and he...
13:51Would cancel randomly. I don't think he ever had the intent of going.
13:53We were telling her, like, no, that's not OK.
13:57He wanted her to be private about it.
13:59And I think it was so nobody could put their two cents in.
14:02As she got more tired with the relationship, she shared bits and pieces of it.
14:07We had messages back and forth.
14:09We would talk and just like, hey, I see this.
14:11I don't know how I feel.
14:12And I was like, hey, that's not good.
14:14You should be cherished.
14:15He would lead her on to the point where, oh, he's going to do better, he promises.
14:19And she believed it.
14:20I was like, if he wanted to, he would.
14:22Ethan, you had moved out of Tampa by then, right?
14:24So you weren't around.
14:25She was by herself in Tampa.
14:27Mariah told me that she had been in a relationship with him since I got back from Europe that year.
14:32And that's why she had moved out and wasn't talking with me.
14:35I found out that he was the one in Mariah's ear, pretty much keeping her from some of the family.
14:43But also, that was why me and Mariah didn't really have much relationship for a little bit.
14:47Because he was telling her not to.
14:50And at the very end, she found out that he actually had another girl that was either his girlfriend or his wife or whatever.
14:56But that he had a kid with this other woman.
15:00This guy was with another woman that he had a child with at the time.
15:05And that's probably why he couldn't make his dates with Mariah.
15:08I just met him once.
15:09I have never met a master deceiver like that before.
15:12I talked with him for like three hours.
15:14And I was impressed.
15:16I was like, wow, this guy's great.
15:18And then I never met him again.
15:20He had me believing everything.
15:23He was a great guy.
15:24You know, I can't even fully understand what he was up to.
15:27I mean, talk about scum of the earth.
15:29I mean, I'm only human, right?
15:32You know, there's the guttural response of like, I want to wring his neck and then, you know, do things like that.
15:38But then you're like, OK, OK, just calm down.
15:40Yeah, it's bad.
15:41But, you know, the good thing is she's out of there.
15:45The whole relationship was kind of up and down.
15:48So I went home to my family.
15:52Hey, Mariah.
15:54I just needed somebody to talk to.
15:56And once I explained everything to them, they did some digging and they found some stuff.
16:00And they said, leave.
16:02Just no answers needed.
16:04No questions asked.
16:05Just leave.
16:12You were just talking about everything.
16:16Having to get some things out.
16:19I know you've gone through a lot lately.
16:21You know what?
16:22It's a lot of pain, but then you're just like, oh, well, like, I have no choice but to keep going.
16:28Looking back, if I could change anything, I would have at least gone to him with the questions I had and asked.
16:35But at the time I was so hurt.
16:38I wrote this album, like, in hopes of answering some of the questions that I'm trying to come to terms with having no answers to.
16:45You get to the other side, you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and you're like, oh, it does get better.
16:59I haven't sung in six years.
17:02This is going to be interesting.
17:04Ethan has an amazing voice and so much talent.
17:07I wanted him to be the best artist on this song.
17:09My heart's guarded, yeah, the fences are up.
17:12I threw away the key and the door is shut.
17:22Come on in.
17:25All right.
17:27Mariah asked me to sing a song with her today that she wrote for one of her albums.
17:32So talk to me. What are we doing?
17:33So I think Cliff sent you the song Guarded?
17:37That's the one. He's going to sing the second verse and we're going to kind of do a collab.
17:39This song is talking about my heart's guarded, the fences are up, nobody's getting it.
17:43Like, nope, never mind. I'm good.
17:45I think he and I can both really relate.
17:47So I wanted him to be the guest artist on this song.
17:50I haven't sung.
17:51I haven't sung in six years.
17:53Six years.
17:55That's since The Family Band.
17:57Don't expect a lot.
17:59No, I expect a lot from you. You're going to do great.
18:02Music stopped when me and Olivia got married.
18:04She kind of unfortunately mocked the singing that my family did and told me I didn't have a good voice.
18:10And I didn't really sing after that.
18:15Dang, I can even hear myself breathe.
18:18Oh, this is going to be interesting.
18:23Oh man, I remember this.
18:25This is definitely the nicest recording studio I've ever been in.
18:27The first recording studio that we ever played in was this little shack in the back of this guy's pole barn in South Georgia.
18:37Middle of nowhere.
18:38It was just a brick building.
18:40He had a little room.
18:41He had all old equipment.
18:42And that's where we started.
18:44And there's like something kind of fun about it.
18:47Alright, you ready to go?
18:49I can't believe this is happening.
18:51Let's do it.
18:55Deep breath.
18:57The first time your heart breaks is always the hardest.
19:02You feel like you're dying and it gets a little easier.
19:06That's what they all say, but I think they're lying.
19:10The more time goes by, and given the situation of the divorce, you know, the children, I know, within their hearts long for the simple.
19:17Back when life was simple.
19:18Because it all flows back to that time when we had a family band.
19:23Maybe that's the problem, my heart's gone numb.
19:25We can't even do it, we found the right one.
19:28I won't be broken again.
19:30There's something about singing that gets pain out of you that you can't really, I can't express any other way.
19:35Of course I'm lonely, that's the price that I pay.
19:38For letting someone in with no intention to stay.
19:41My heart's guarded, yeah, the fences are up.
19:44I threw away the key and the door is shut.
19:47I think that was it.
19:49That actually was really good.
19:51Yeah, that was it, I think that was the take.
19:53Good job, Ethan.
19:55This makes me so happy.
19:57When you're going through something tough, it's easy to lose your passion or your spark, but you can also use that as fuel on your fire.
20:06Ethan has an amazing voice and so much talent, and I'm just like, don't ever give that up, don't ever give that up.
20:11So hopefully he'll see that and be like, okay, I can do it too.
20:14You've gotten back in the water again, after not swimming for a while.
20:18Yeah, the pain you feel from heartbreak, some of that can only be conveyed in music.
20:22Maybe Cloth Family Band version 2.0 in the future?
20:26Yeah, I mean that's a possibility, I definitely could see me performing with Mariah or any of my siblings that would want to.
20:32I think getting the band back together could be something that happens soon.
20:36Sweet, I'm excited.
20:37But singing does something to you, you know?
20:39Oh, it definitely lifts your spirits.
20:41Like it's like, oh, I can't be sad and sing this song, or dang it, I can't be happy and sing this song.
20:45One of the two.
20:49Should we start with the tablecloth?
20:51Let's decorate the cake first.
20:55Micah said his mom was very like, her way or the highway.
20:58If they come home, we could hide an eater or the cake.
21:02Yes, I want the cake done done before they get here.
21:04She wanted to do the cake first, so that's what we're going to do.
21:07I'm just here for the ride.
21:11Today is the big day.
21:12I still don't know how everything's going to work out with this music video.
21:16Whatever happens, happens.
21:17It is what it is.
21:18Do the best you can.
21:19That's all.
21:20Honestly, what time is it?
21:22And I'm wondering where everybody is.
21:24It's almost 6.30.
21:28I am in Sedona this weekend.
21:29I've got like a fun little holiday rental.
21:31And I brought a guest.
21:32We started off just talking to each other.
21:34I was keeping my options open.
21:35But back in my head, I was like, there's this guy.
21:47I don't know.
21:48I don't know.
21:49I don't know.
