• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Per poter migliorare il nostro Servizio sanitario nazionale e per poter fare in modo che i 140 miliardi di euro che vengono dedicati per il 2026 al fondo sanitario, credo che sia arrivato il momento di ridefinire una governance tra Stato e Regioni. La sostenibilità passa anche attraverso la manutenzione del sistema e la programmazione dei vari fattori produttivi”. Così il direttore generale di Agenas, Domenico Mantoan, a margine del summit dal titolo ‘Equità e Salute in Italia – Le leve per la sostenibilità’, tenutosi a Roma presso il Palazzo Ferrajoli.


00:00To be able to improve our health system and to be able to make sure that the few or many billions
00:13that are dedicated to the health fund, 140 billion in 2026, I believe that the time has come to redefine
00:21a governance between states and regions, without taking anything away from the regions,
00:28but on the part of the state it must take up a role of programming, a role of control,
00:34it must, in my opinion, take up a national health plan and, above all, it must maintain the health system
00:43starting from the tariffs, starting from the ILEA, starting from the governance of the state-region relationship.
00:51This can also lead to an improvement of the health services, first of all the big problem
00:57that today the population feels, that of waiting lists.
01:00I would start from a new governance and from the definition of new or old tasks,
01:09but no longer performed by the central apparatus of the state.
01:15In the central apparatus of the state I put the Ministry of Health,
01:18I put the Health Supervisory Board, the AIFA, the Agenas, etc.
01:22So the state must do its part, update the ILEA, update the tariffs,
01:26it is not possible, what happened the other day, that the tariffs are updated at least after 20 years.
01:35So sustainability also passes through the maintenance of the system
01:44and the programming made in time of the various productive factors,
01:49including the programming of the staff, we have seen that in recent years it is missing.
