Blues Clues S03 E17

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Hi, out there! It's me, Steve! Have you seen Blue, my puppy?
00:07Let's go! Come on in!
00:21Hi! Come on in! Something very mysterious happened, and I want to tell you about it.
00:31Ok, so this is what happened. It was early this morning, and Blue and I had just finished our toast and jelly.
00:44We were in the backyard, playing a game of kick the ball.
00:49Blue kicked the ball pretty hard, and it flew past a stone wall.
00:53Now that was our favorite ball, so I went to go get it.
00:58And that's when I saw something mysterious.
01:03It was new. It was different. It was something I had never seen before.
01:08It was a cardboard box, and a stack of logs, with some stones in front.
01:13It looked like somebody was building something. A fort, maybe. But I didn't know who.
01:19Blue, I called. Did you build this?
01:23Blue said, no.
01:26So we looked around, and we wondered, who could the mystery builder be?
01:32Hey, wait a minute.
01:36You're good at building stuff.
01:39You come over a lot.
01:43Are you the mystery builder?
01:47No? Really?
01:49Well, if you're not the mystery builder, and I'm not the mystery builder, and it's not Blue,
01:54well then who is the mystery builder?
01:59Oh, great idea. We'll play Blue's Clues to figure this out.
02:03We can be like detectives, who use clues to solve a mystery.
02:11We are gonna play Blue's Clues, cause it's a really great game.
02:14So remember, Blue's paw print will be on the clues.
02:17Blue's Clues.
02:21Okay, that was mysterious.
02:24Where did the paw print go?
02:27That way!
02:28Ah! Nice work, detective.
02:31Those little marks are the evidence that the paw print went that way.
02:37Hey, you know what we need to play Blue's Clues, our handy dandy?
02:40Hey, you know what we need to play Blue's Clues, our handy dandy?
02:44Notebook, right. Come on.
02:48Hello, detectives.
02:50You might need this for your mystery.
02:53Oh, right.
02:55Our notebook, so we can write down the clues to our mystery.
03:00Thanks, side table.
03:01You're welcome.
03:03To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find...
03:07Paw print!
03:08Oh, a paw print, right.
03:10And that's our first...
03:14Then we put it in our...
03:15Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:19We gotta find another paw print, that's the second clue.
03:22We put it in our notebook, cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:27We gotta find the last paw print, that's the third clue.
03:30We put it in our notebook, cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
03:34You know what to do.
03:35Sit down in our thinking chair and think, think, think.
03:41Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time,
03:44we can do anything that we wanna do.
03:52You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today,
03:56trying to figure out who the mystery builder is.
03:59Will you help?
04:01You will?
04:03So, did you see which way Blue went?
04:06That way!
04:10Blue's head was the evidence that she went that way.
04:14Come on.
04:17Looking for clues to our mystery
04:21To find out who the builder might be
04:26Steve! Steve!
04:28Steve, Steve!
04:29Steve, down here!
04:30Who's calling my name?
04:32Who's calling my name?
04:34Mr. Salt, right there!
04:38Hey, Mr. Salt!
04:39Shh! Quiet!
04:49What's going on?
04:50Something very mysterious is happening around here.
04:57There's a scratching sound coming from behind that door. Listen!
05:13Look! A leaf!
05:17I wonder who left it.
05:20The mystery builder!
05:22That's a definite possibility.
05:25Well, let's see if we can figure out where this mystery leaf came from.
05:30You're thinking like a true detective.
05:33So, where do leaves come from?
05:40Trees, right!
05:42Well, let's see if we can find some trees.
05:45Thanks, Mr. Salt.
05:51Okay, there's some trees over there.
05:55Well, which trees do you think this leaf could have come from?
05:59The apple trees?
06:01The maple trees or the evergreen trees?
06:06The maple trees!
06:08In the middle!
06:09The maple trees!
06:11How did you know?
06:14Oh, yeah!
06:15This leaf is big like the leaves on those maple trees!
06:19Good job!
06:20Okay, there's still a lot of trees to choose from.
06:24So, which trees do you think this leaf could have come from?
06:30Those right there!
06:33Well, how do you know?
06:36Oh, yeah!
06:37This brown leaf is the same color as the leaves on those trees!
06:41Come on!
06:42Alright, detective, we still have three trees to choose from.
06:45So, which tree do you think this leaf could have come from?
06:52That tree right there!
06:54That tree?
06:55How do you know?
06:58Oh, right!
07:01Yeah, see?
07:03This leaf is the same color as the leaves on those trees!
07:07Come on!
07:09Yeah, see?
07:11This leaf is the same shape as the leaves on this tree!
07:14And the same color!
07:16Way to use the evidence!
07:18A clue, a clue!
07:20You see a clue?
07:22Right there!
07:26These little footprints are our first clue to our mystery!
07:32You know what we need?
07:33Our handy-dandy...
07:35A notebook!
07:37So, these little footprints...
07:41So, we start with a curved shape for the heel.
07:45And four ovals for the toes.
07:49Like this.
07:50Another heel.
07:55And four more ovals for toes.
07:58And we have footprints.
08:01Hey, Blue!
08:02We found our first clue.
08:04These footprints.
08:09Are these your footprints, Blue?
08:15So, who could the mystery builder be with footprints?
08:19You know, the clue is kind of like evidence.
08:23What part of the body makes footprints?
08:30So, the mystery builder must have feet!
08:38Do you know the answer yet, Blue?
08:41You know, let's follow these footprints and see if we can find the feet that made...
08:59There's Pao!
09:09So, if we know that the mystery builder has feet,
09:12could Pao be the mystery builder?
09:21No, because Pao doesn't have feet.
09:24So, she couldn't have made those footprints.
09:28Let's keep looking.
09:37It's Tickety.
09:38Does Tickety have feet?
09:43Tickety does have feet.
09:45Maybe she's the mystery builder.
09:49Excuse me, Tickety.
09:50We don't mean to bother you.
09:51We just need to check some evidence.
09:53Um, OK.
09:56So, Tickety, is it true that you have feet?
10:00Yeah, I have feet.
10:02Tickety has feet.
10:04So, would you mind making some footprints in that dirt over there, please?
10:11All right.
10:12So, do those footprints match these?
10:21You're right.
10:22Those footprints are a different shape from the ones we found.
10:24They don't match the evidence.
10:27Well, Tickety, thank you for your cooperation.
10:30No problem.
10:31Hey, Tickety's not the mystery builder either.
10:34We better keep looking for clues.
10:37The mail's here.
10:38Let's go.
10:40Here's the mail.
10:41It never fails.
10:42It makes me want to wag my tail.
10:44When it comes, I want to wail.
10:54Psst, Steve.
10:55Oh, hey, Mailbot.
10:56Shh, I can't hear you.
10:59Oh, hey, Mailbot.
11:00Shh, I got something for you.
11:02It's a mystery letter.
11:04Mystery letter?
11:07Thanks, Mailbox.
11:11We just got a letter.
11:15We just got a letter.
11:16We just got a letter.
11:18We just got a letter.
11:20Wonder who it's from.
11:24It's a leaf.
11:25It's a leaf.
11:28And it's just like the one we found before.
11:31Steve, come to the fort.
11:36Steve, the fort is growing.
11:39Yeah, look.
11:40There's a roof on this fort.
11:43And it's made from leaves that look just like this one.
11:47Very mysterious.
11:49The mystery builder is struck again.
11:52This fort is awesome.
11:56Maybe that's the mystery builder.
11:59A clue, a clue.
12:01What, you see a clue?
12:03Right there.
12:07I didn't see it. Which way did it go?
12:09That way.
12:10That way?
12:11Follow that clue.
12:16Look, it's the house next door.
12:18Wonder if the clue is anywhere around here.
12:21The clue, right there.
12:30Right there.
12:34Do you still see it?
12:36Well, we better write it down.
12:38What was the clue on?
12:40A tail.
12:41A tail, great.
12:42We need our handy dandy...
12:46Okay, so, a tail.
12:51How am I going to draw a tail if I didn't even see it?
12:54Maybe you can help.
12:56So, was it a straight tail or a curvy tail?
13:04Wait, was it really bushy or kind of skinny?
13:12A curvy, skinny tail.
13:15Like this.
13:17Our second clue is a curvy, skinny tail like this.
13:23Good detective work.
13:25So, we're trying to figure out who the mystery builder could be.
13:29And our first clue was these footprints.
13:34And now our second clue is this curvy, skinny tail.
13:38So, who could the mystery builder be with these footprints and this curvy, skinny tail?
13:49But I think we better find our last clue.
13:52Detectives, come quick.
13:56I think I just saw the mystery builder.
13:58Really? Where?
14:02Well, I tried to take some pictures.
14:05But I missed.
14:06Well, do you see any evidence in these pictures of where the mystery builder went?
14:13Right there.
14:15There? By the stone wall?
14:18How do you know?
14:20The tail.
14:22Great detective work.
14:24There's the mystery builder's tail.
14:26By the stone wall.
14:28Let's go there.
14:32The tail.
14:34It's gone.
14:36So, where do you think the mystery builder went?
14:39That way.
14:40That way.
14:42How do you know?
14:43The footprints.
14:45Oh yeah, the footprints.
14:47That's our evidence.
14:49Come on.
15:00Well, these footprints go two ways.
15:04Well, let's try one way and if that doesn't work, we can go the other way.
15:15Shhh. Listen.
15:18That must be the mystery builder.
15:26You must be the mystery builder.
15:29Let's go check the evidence, just to be sure.
15:34So, Gopher.
15:36We've noticed that you have footprints that look like this.
15:39And you have a tail that looks like...
15:48Does this look like Gopher's tail?
15:54No, it's a totally different tail.
15:58So, Gopher, I guess you're not the mystery builder.
16:03I thought we solved it.
16:04I guess you're not the mystery builder.
16:07I thought we solved it.
16:09We better go check that other set of footprints.
16:28So, which way do you think the mystery builder went?
16:32That way.
16:33That way. How do you know?
16:37The swing.
16:40Oh yeah, the swing. It's still swinging. Someone must have just pushed it. Come on.
16:51The mystery builder must be around here somewhere.
16:55Aha! I think I got a picture of the mystery builder!
16:59A clue!
17:01Yeah, there's a clue on this picture.
17:05I think I got a little too close.
17:07That's okay. We can still write it down in our handy dandy...
17:11Notebook. Right. So, this picture.
17:20We make a point here, then a curve, then another point here, and we have this picture.
17:26Hey, we have all three clues. You know where we need to sit to figure out this mystery?
17:31Thinking chair!
17:32Our thinking chair. Right. Great job, Mr. Salt.
17:35Thank you.
17:40Okay, detective. Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
17:46You will help, right? Great.
17:49So, we're trying to figure out who the mystery builder could be.
17:54And our clues are these footprints, this tail, and this picture.
18:03So, who could the mystery builder be?
18:07Well, let's look at this picture for evidence.
18:12I see two triangles. What do you think those triangles are on top?
18:21Ears. Yeah. So, this must be a picture of the mystery builder's head.
18:26Well, what has a head like this, with pointy ears, a curvy skinny tail, and makes these footprints?
18:36A kitten.
18:38A kitten. Yeah. Because a kitten has a curvy skinny tail and has pointy ears and makes those footprints.
18:47We just figured out Blue's Clues.
18:51We just figured out Blue's Clues. We just figured out Blue's Clues.
18:54We just figured out Blue's Clues. Because we're really smart.
18:58Come on, Blue. Let's go see if we can find the mystery builder.
19:06All right, detective. Just let me know if you see the mystery builder.
19:11All right, detective. Just let me know if you see the mystery builder.
19:42You're the mystery builder.
19:44You built this fort.
19:48What's your name?
19:49What's your name?
19:50Oh, uh, I'm Steve.
19:53This is Blue, and this is our friend.
19:57Hi, I'm Periwinkle.
19:59Hi, Periwinkle.
20:01Do you like my magic fort?
20:03You can come into my fort if you say the magic words.
20:07Hey, Periwinkle, is this where you live?
20:11No, this is my fort. I just moved into the house next door to yours.
20:15Really? Wow.
20:17Periwinkle, the mystery builder kitten is our new next-door neighbor.
20:24I did it! I took a perfect picture of the mystery builder and Blue together!
20:29I'm Periwinkle.
20:31I'm Blue.
20:33I'm the mystery builder and Blue together!
20:35I'm Periwinkle.
20:37Hi, Periwinkle. I'm Mr. Song.
20:40Welcome to the neighborhood.
20:42Here's a picture of you and Blue.
20:44Wow, thanks a lot.
20:47What a day, detective. We solved the mystery, and we met a new neighbor.
20:54Now it's time for so long.
20:57But we'll sing just one more song.
21:01Thanks for doing your part. You sure are smart.
21:04You know with me and you and my dog Blue, we can do anything that we wanna do.
21:14Bye, Steve.
21:30Bye, Blue.
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