Blues Clues S03 E26

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Hi, out there! It's me, Steve! Have you seen Blue, my puppy?
00:07Come on in!
00:22Hi! Welcome!
00:24Look what Blue brought home from school! It's a big bag of words!
00:29There's some really great stuff in here. Come on!
00:33See? We've got big words like summer salt.
00:37And we've got little words like me and you.
00:45You and me. I like that.
00:49And, oh, here's a good one. Wiggle! Wiggle!
00:57It's fun to say. Hey, can you wiggle? Let's see.
01:02Yeah! See? That's what it means to wiggle.
01:06Wiggle's fun to say and fun to do. These words are great!
01:10Hey, Blue, what do you think we should do with our words?
01:17Great idea! We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what we should do with our words.
01:22I love Blue's Clues.
01:25We are gonna play Blue's Clues cause it's a really great game.
01:29So remember, Blue's paw prints will be on the clues. Blue's Clues.
01:33Now we have to get rid of this paw print. But, uh, how?
01:38I know what we could do. We could, uh...
01:42What's the word I'm looking for? It's, uh...
01:44It starts with an S and it's the thing you do with a broom.
01:47You know, you s... s... What's that word?
01:53Yep, that's it. Sweep. That's the word I'm looking for. Sweep.
01:58Let's sweep this paw print away.
02:02There we go. Hey, you know what we need now?
02:05Our, uh, our thing there.
02:07Uh, what's that word? It's, you know, it's handy dandy.
02:12Notebook! Right. Come on.
02:17Blue's Clues, I'm so excited!
02:20Hey, thanks, Sidetable. Me too.
03:21Vous allez m'aider, non?
03:23Super! Alors, euh...
03:25Vous avez vu où est allé le bleu?
03:28Là-bas. Cool.
03:29Alors, euh...
03:31Hey! Allons chercher des clous!
03:34Avec nos spectacles.
03:37Nous cherchons des clous, des clous, je me demande où ils sont.
03:43Un clou, un clou!
03:44Stew! C'est un bon mot.
03:46Mais qu'y a-t-il de différent entre stew et soupe?
03:48Je veux dire, c'est les potatoes?
03:50Non, un clou!
03:53Oh! Regarde, il y a un clou.
03:55Sur ce mot.
03:57Faire. Faire.
04:00Hey, tu sais ce qu'on a besoin?
04:02Notre handy dandy.
04:04Notebook! Right.
04:05Alors, le mot faire.
04:08On commence avec un M, puis un A, un K, et un E.
04:15Là, ça s'écrit faire.
04:18Alors, nous essayons de trouver ce que nous devons faire avec nos mots.
04:21Et notre premier clou est le mot faire.
04:26Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire avec nos mots avec le mot faire?
04:29Tu sais?
04:32Oui, peut-être.
04:33Mais je pense qu'il vaut mieux trouver deux clous.
04:36Steve, viens ici!
04:38Hey, ça a l'air comme Mme Pepper.
04:42Allons marcher dans la cuisine.
04:48Juste... Juste marcher.
04:51Vas-y, Steve. C'est important.
04:54OK. On sera là-bas.
05:00Tu sais, je pense qu'on a besoin d'un mot plus rapide que marcher.
05:05Qu'est-ce que...
05:07Qu'est-ce que... scurry?
05:09Tu penses qu'on arrivera plus vite si on... scurry?
05:13Oui. Allons scurry. Parce que... parce que nous sommes en hurle.
05:22Tu ne suis pas M. Salt et Mme Pepper.
05:25Bonjour, je suis Steve. Et c'est Blue.
05:27Bonjour, je suis Mr. Oil. Et c'est...
05:30Mme Vinegar. Et c'est notre bébé, Vinagret.
05:34Vinagret est faim.
05:36Je vois. Bienvenue.
05:42Steve, nous n'avons pas fini de préparer le déjeuner pour nos amis.
05:46Nous avons besoin de vous pour faire la salade,
05:48pendant que nous finissons les sandwiches.
05:51Oui. Vous êtes notre seul espoir.
05:55Votre seul espoir? Mais nous ne... Non.
05:57Hey, peux-tu nous aider à faire la salade?
06:00Super. OK. Nous ferons de notre mieux.
06:03Bonjour, est-ce que le déjeuner est prêt?
06:08Il vaut mieux nous attendre.
06:09OK, écoutez-moi bien.
06:11La première chose que vous devez faire, c'est de laver le déjeuner dans le calendrier,
06:14pour que l'eau s'échappe dans les trous.
06:18Très bien. Nous serons de retour.
06:20Et souvenez-vous, Steve, vous êtes notre seul espoir.
06:29OK. Donc, Mr. Salt a dit de laver le déjeuner dans le calendrier.
06:35Mais je ne sais pas ce que le mot calendrier signifie.
06:41Hey, peut-être que ça, c'est un calendrier. Hein?
06:45Que pensez-vous? Peux-je laver le déjeuner dans ça?
06:51Non. Non, parce que ça, c'est un calendrier,
06:55qui a beaucoup l'air d'un calendrier,
06:57mais vous ne pouvez pas laver le déjeuner dans un calendrier.
07:02Prenons un autre exemple.
07:04Qu'est-ce que Mr. Salt a dit?
07:06Il a dit de laver le déjeuner dans le calendrier,
07:09pour que l'eau s'échappe dans les trous.
07:13Donc, nous devons essayer de trouver quelque chose
07:15qui a des trous pour l'eau qui s'échappe.
07:18Vous voyez le calendrier?
07:28Ça doit être le calendrier,
07:30parce qu'il a des trous pour l'eau qui s'échappe.
07:33Comment ça va, Steve?
07:35Bien. Nous laverons le déjeuner dans un calendrier.
07:39Maintenant, vous devez ajouter quelques croutons à la salade,
07:42pour qu'elle soit bonne et croustillante, OK?
07:45Ne vous inquiétez pas! Le déjeuner est prêt!
07:48OK, alors nous devons ajouter quelques croutons à la salade.
07:53Mais je ne sais pas ce que le mot croutons signifie.
08:00Oh! Qu'est-ce que c'est?
08:02Ce sont des croutons?
08:06Non, non, ce sont des crayons.
08:09Très bon pour la couleur.
08:10Pas si bon pour la salade.
08:12OK, je dois réfléchir.
08:13Qu'est-ce que Mme Pepper a dit d'autre?
08:16Elle a dit d'ajouter quelques croutons à la salade
08:20pour qu'elle soit bonne et croustillante.
08:22Donc, les croutons doivent être croustillants!
08:25Voyez-vous les croutons?
08:34Ah oui!
08:35Très croustillants!
08:36Et ça a l'air d'un toast!
08:39Ce sont les croutons!
08:41Ajoutons-les à la salade!
08:44Steve, il reste une dernière chose à faire.
08:46Il faut tosser la salade
08:47pour que les ingrédients se répandent dans la salade.
08:52Et souvenez-vous...
08:53Je suis votre seule espèce d'espoir!
08:54Non, ne parlez pas avec votre bouche pleine!
09:01Maintenant, il nous reste à tosser la salade.
09:06Tosser la salade?
09:08Est-ce que nous devons la tosser?
09:10Comme si on tossait une balle?
09:15Ça serait dégueulasse!
09:16Peut-être que tosser signifie autre chose
09:18quand on parle de salade.
09:20Mais qu'est-ce que M. Salt a dit?
09:23Il a dit...
09:24Tosser la salade
09:25pour que les ingrédients se répandent
09:27dans la salade.
09:29C'est ça!
09:30Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire?
09:39Oh, oui!
09:40Ça marche!
09:41Ça marche!
09:42Donc, je suppose que tosser la salade
09:43signifie mélanger.
09:45Est-ce que c'est prêt?
09:46Ah, bien sûr!
09:47Mais bien sûr!
09:48Une salade crouton croustillante
09:50mélangée à la colanderie est prête!
09:54Cette salade a l'air délicieuse!
09:56Hmm... délicieuse!
09:58La salade est délicieuse!
10:00Merci beaucoup!
10:01Vous êtes une grande aide!
10:03De rien!
10:07Nous l'avons fait!
10:08En fait, vous avez fait
10:10un bon travail!
10:12Une clé!
10:13Oui, une salade bien faite!
10:15Une clé, une clé!
10:18Hé! Il y a une clé sur cette lettre A!
10:20Ce qui peut aussi être un mot,
10:22comme dans la clé A.
10:24Vous savez ce qu'on a besoin?
10:25Notre magnifique...
10:27Notebook, oui!
10:28Alors, une A.
10:32Faisons une A.
10:35Une A.
10:36Alors, nous essayons de déterminer
10:38ce que nous pouvons faire avec nos mots.
10:40Quelle était notre première clé?
10:44La clé Faire!
10:47Et maintenant, notre deuxième clé est la lettre A.
10:51Alors, que pouvons-nous faire avec
10:57Faire A?
11:00Peut-être, mais...
11:01Je pense qu'il vaut mieux trouver notre dernière clé.
11:05Le mail est là!
11:47We just got a letter.
11:49That is a nice word.
12:01It's a letter from our friends.
12:16They picked it together.
12:18Then they became friends with the pig.
12:20All of them went to the castle.
12:22They took roller skates
12:24and skated on the moon in outer space.
12:27They saw an alien that was purple.
12:31Then they colored.
12:34Bye, Steve!
12:43Did you see that?
12:44Blue just skidooed into that...
12:46blank piece of paper.
12:50Blue skidooed, we can too.
12:55Hey, Blue.
12:56Why did we skidoo into a blank piece of paper?
12:59I mean, there's no place to go.
13:05Did you see that?
13:06Blue just held up the word Road.
13:09And a road appeared.
13:13Blue just held up the word Wagon.
13:15And a wagon appeared.
13:16This... this is amazing.
13:18You know what we have?
13:19We have the power of words.
13:21We can make anything happen.
13:24I wonder if we can find out what's at the end of this road.
13:32Hey, this is great.
13:33We have Sky and Sun.
13:36Let's try Lion.
13:40Pardon me, I don't mean to disturb you,
13:42but we're just trying to get by.
13:46Okay, so maybe Lion wasn't the best choice of words.
13:49How are we going to get to the end of this road
13:51if there's a lion in the way?
13:55Brilliant idea, Blue.
13:56We can use the power of words
13:58to help us with this lion problem.
14:01So, let's see what words we have.
14:03We have...
14:05Well, which word do you think will help us more?
14:08Let's try them out.
14:09See what happens.
14:10First, let's try Ferocious.
14:19Now let's try Tame.
14:25So, which word do you think will help us more?
14:28Let's see.
14:30So, which word do you think will help us more to pass this lion?
14:33Ferocious or Tame?
14:41It looks like Tame means gentle or calm.
14:44I think Ferocious meant mean.
14:46All right.
14:48Tame Lion.
14:49All right.
14:50Let's go.
14:53This is cool.
14:55Hey, nothing's stopping us now.
14:57Hey, nothing's stopping us now.
15:00Jazz music.
15:02And Bullfrog.
15:05How about...
15:10Now there's big rock in our way.
15:14Of course, Blue.
15:15We can use words to change this rock.
15:17And maybe we can get by.
15:19All right, let's see.
15:20We have...
15:29So, which word do you think will help us more?
15:32Well, let's see.
15:33First, let's try...
15:35An enormous rock.
15:40I see.
15:42Now, let's see a minuscule rock.
15:50So, which word do you think will help us more to pass by this rock?
15:54Enormous or minuscule?
16:02Looks like minuscule means really tiny.
16:05And the enormous rock was really big.
16:09Minuscule rock is easy to get by.
16:15Here we go.
16:16To the end of the road.
16:25It's taking a long time to get to the end of this road.
16:27Hey, Blue.
16:28Do you have any words that might help the wagon move faster?
16:33All right.
16:34We have...
16:40So, would we want the wagon to move swiftly or sluggishly?
16:47Well, let's see.
16:48First, let's try swiftly.
16:50All right.
16:52Now, let's try sluggishly.
16:59So, which word would help us to make the wagon move faster?
17:03Swiftly or sluggishly?
17:11Looks like swiftly meant quickly.
17:13And sluggishly was pretty slow.
17:15All right.
17:16Oh, yeah.
17:17Now, let's try sluggishly.
17:20Now, we're really cruising.
17:22Cruising swiftly to the end of the road.
17:26Here we go.
17:29I think I see it.
17:30I see the end of the road.
17:38This is it.
17:40This is the end.
17:42But there's nothing here.
17:50A clue.
17:51You're brilliant.
17:52With the power of words, you turn nothing into a party.
18:03A clue, a clue.
18:04You see a clue?
18:06Right there.
18:07Oh, there.
18:11Wait, I don't see...
18:15There's an enormous clue on this enormous word.
18:25You know what we need?
18:26We need our handy dandy...
18:30The word...
18:36To write poem, we make a P, an O, an E, and an M.
18:44That spells Poem.
18:46Hey, we have all three clues.
18:48You know what that means?
18:49We're ready to sit in our...
18:50Thinking chair.
18:51Thinking chair.
18:53Let's go swiftly to our thinking chair.
18:58Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
19:01You will help, right?
19:04So, we're trying to figure out what we should do with our words.
19:07And our clues are...
19:08The word...
19:12The word...
19:14And the word...
19:17So, what should we do with our words with the word...
19:19Make, the word...
19:20A, and the word...
19:28Maybe we could put these words together in a sentence.
19:33Well, can you figure out a way to put these words together in a sentence that makes sense?
19:41Make a poem.
19:43Make a poem.
19:45That's it.
19:46That's a perfect thing for us to do with our words.
19:48Put them together to make a poem.
19:50We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:54We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:56We just figured out Blue's Clues.
19:58We just figured out Blue's Clues.
20:00Because we're really smart.
20:01And bright.
20:02And brilliant.
20:03And clever.
20:06Okay, let's go.
20:10Right, Blue?
20:11Let's use some of our favorite words to make our poem.
20:14Hello, hello.
20:16Oh, hey.
20:17Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper.
20:18Remember how we helped them make that salad for their friends?
20:23Hello, tame lion.
20:25Do you like poems?
20:27Hey, remember how we rode the wagon to the end of that road?
20:32Okay, Blue.
20:33Do we have all the words we need for our poem?
20:38Our poem is called...
20:40Words, words, words.
20:44Mix and fix and toss and giggle.
20:48Crunchy croutons walk and wiggle.
20:53Some like soup and some like stew.
20:57And little words like me and you.
21:00Everywhere that you look, in wagons, salads, or in a book,
21:05are words, words, words.
21:09What a great poem.
21:10Great job, Blue.
21:11Hey, great job to you, too.
21:13You were an enormous help today.
21:20Now it's time for so long.
21:23But we'll sing just one more song.
21:27Thanks for doing your part.
21:29You sure are smart.
21:30You know with me and you and my dog, Blue,
21:33we can do anything that we wanna do.
21:37Bye-bye. See you later. Thanks for helping.