Animated Bible Stories - Esther

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00En surveillant l'endroit de certaines ruines anciennes, deux jeunes archéologues, Derek et Margot, et leur ami nomade, Mokey, se trouvent emprisonnés et s'emmerdant dans un trou d'eau de sable.
00:30Et quand la poussière s'arrête, ils se rendent compte d'une grande chambre remplie de reliques et d'artefacts de l'autre civilisation.
00:45Et là, au loin de la caverne, une porte avec une inscription étrange.
00:51Tous ceux qui entrent dans ces portails passent par le temps.
01:31Hey guys, I've got to have some food. I'm a growing boy.
01:35You mean a groaning boy.
01:38My stomach's pushing on my backbone, but maybe there's something over the hill.
01:44Do you hear something?
01:45You mean like bacon sizzling, popcorn popping, crackers crunching, sodas fizzing?
01:51Shhh, listen.
01:55Well, unless it's my stomach growling, it sounds like music.
01:59Come on, let's go to the top and see.
02:11Hey, sounds like a party. Let's go.
02:14Yeah, a party means food.
02:30Excuse me, miss. We're strangers to your city. I'm Margot, this is Derek, and that's Mokey.
02:37What's happening? Where are all the men going?
02:39Welcome. I am Esther. King Ahoshverosh has been feasting with all the royal princes for many days, and now he has invited all the men of the city to come and enjoy the feast.
02:50Feast? Hey, we're men. Do you think we could go to the feast?
02:55Well, thanks a lot, fellas.
02:58Relax, Margot. We'll bring some back to you.
03:01Sure, they must have take-out.
03:03Please come in. My cousin Mordecai is going to the feast. We'll ask him.
03:14Cousin Mordecai, this is Margot, Derek and Mokey. They are strangers to our city.
03:19Could the boys go with you to the feast? I will prepare food for Margot.
03:23Well, there are so many attending the feast, I'm sure you could go.
03:27Put on your finest robes, as we will be in the king's presence.
03:31Sorry, but these are all we got.
03:33Not exactly appropriate. Come with me, boys. We'll find something.
03:41Please sit down, Margot. I will fix us some food.
03:44Esther, you said King Ahoshverosh, so that means we're in Persia.
03:50But I noticed from some of the articles in your home that you must be Jewish.
03:54Yes, a great many of our people have returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.
03:58But many of us remain here where we have been born and raised.
04:12You both look magnificent.
04:16Esther, we will not be late returning. I'm sure our guests will be sleeping with us tonight.
04:22Yes, cousin. Enjoy yourselves.
04:24Yo, no problemo.
04:41Boy, this is living!
04:43I wish Margot could have come.
04:51Oh, don't be frightened, Mokey. She is Hazmin, the palace pet. Very friendly.
04:57I think she likes you, Mokey.
04:59Well, a guy can't have too many friends.
05:03Well, noble princes of Persia and Medea,
05:06what do you think of the riches and wonders of my glorious kingdom and my excellent majesty?
05:12Ah, majesty, you are all powerful, from India to Ethiopia,
05:16and you have excellent taste in food and drink, and an eye for beauty.
05:20Speaking of beauty, how is your beautiful Queen Vashti?
05:24Will our eyes behold the beauty of your Queen Vashti?
05:28Yes, yes, of course. Now you shall have a feast for your eyes.
05:32Go, summon Queen Vashti. Bring her here that my guests might view her.
05:38At once, your majesty.
05:42Oh, the queen must be pretty.
05:44Yes, boys, she is beautiful.
05:46Hum, if I were she, I don't think I'd like being paraded out here to be displayed like a prize horse or something.
05:53You are probably right, Derek, but the king's commandments must be obeyed.
06:07Yes, my lords, what is it?
06:09Your majesty, his royal highness King Ahasverus desires your presence in the great hall.
06:14It shall be our pleasure to escort you.
06:17My lords, you shall not have that pleasure.
06:21I have no desire to go.
06:23But, but his highness commands you.
06:26I will not be a spectacle for all that rabble.
06:30If the king wants to see me, let him come here.
06:33I shall inform his majesty of your reply.
06:38Your majesty, she refuses to come.
06:43She refuses to come?
06:44Said she would not be a spectacle for your rabble.
06:52What shall be done with Queen Vashti?
06:54She has not obeyed my commandments.
06:56She has insulted not just your majesty, but also all the princes and all men in the provinces of your kingdom.
07:03When the women of the kingdom hear of this, they shall have no respect or obedience to their husbands.
07:08If it pleased the king, write a royal commandment that Queen Vashti be banished for her disobedience,
07:14and then choose another queen that is better than she.
07:17Ah, yes. Yes, yes, this must be.
07:22Appoint officers in all your provinces to gather all fair young maidens into the palace,
07:28and let the maiden who best pleases you be queen instead of Vashti.
07:33Very good, Haman.
07:36I appoint Lord Haman above all princes.
07:39He will carry out my wishes.
07:41All shall bow to him and show respect.
07:44Now go see that Queen Vashti is banished from Shushan,
07:47and start the search for my new queen.
07:52I do not trust Haman.
07:55I do not trust Haman.
07:58I wouldn't buy a used car from him.
08:00Or a watch.
08:01Car? Watch?
08:04Just a little inside joke.
08:17Derek, save Monkey!
08:21C'est assez. Elle m'aime.
08:24N'aie pas peur, Margot. C'est juste Hasmine, le pote du palais.
08:28Elle s'occupe souvent de cousin Mordecai et va avec lui quand il va au travail.
08:32Esther, le roi a banni la queen Vashti de refuser de l'obéir à lui.
08:36Il envoie les officiers pour gather toutes les maidens faires dans son royaume, et...
08:40Et la meilleure des maidens sera calme, Monkey.
08:43Oh, désolé. J'ai juste été excité.
08:46C'est vrai, Monkey.
08:48La madame la plus agréable du roi sera la queen.
08:51Oh, c'est une histoire de Cinderella pour toi.
08:55Oh, euh, rien.
08:57Maintenant, Esther, je suis sûr que les officiers vont t'inclure quand ils rassembleront les maidens.
09:02Et avec ta beauté, tu pourras être choisie.
09:05Cousin Mordecai, comment pourrais-je être la queen?
09:07Le roi est persien et je suis un juif.
09:10En tant que queen, tu pourrais être une grande influence pour notre peuple.
09:13Le roi ne doit pas savoir que tu es juif.
09:15Tu seras une grande queen.
09:17Et pense à toutes ces fêtes.
09:19Oh, c'est tellement excitant, une queen.
09:24Esther, mon amie, si le roi voulait choisir ta queen, c'est pour un bon but.
09:32Va chercher les plus belles maidens de la ville royale.
09:36Apporte-les ici pour que le roi choisisse sa nouvelle queen.
09:45C'est parti.
10:08Ouvrez le portail du roi Ahasverus.
10:11Nous rassemblons les plus belles maidens du royaume.
10:14Une desquelles, le roi choisira sa queen.
10:17Je crois qu'une jeune maide de grande beauté habite ici.
10:20Oui, c'est vrai. Je devrais l'apporter à vous.
10:27S'il vous plaît, je suis un officier du roi.
10:29Oui, monsieur.
10:40Elle ne vous menacera pas, monsieur.
10:41Elle a juste un peu mal au dos jusqu'à son déjeuner.
10:47C'est ma cousine, Esther.
10:57Oui, elle devrait être votre compétiteur.
10:59Venez dans le portail.
11:01Si le roi ne vous choisit pas, vous devrez être apportés.
11:10Vous n'êtes pas inattractible.
11:12Merci beaucoup.
11:14Venez, le roi peut juste vous trouver amusant, si pas beau.
11:18Oh, pas dans votre vie, Buster.
11:21J'ai des choses à faire et des endroits à aller et le palais n'est pas l'un d'entre eux.
11:25Buster, je suis Tarsek, l'officier du roi.
11:29Et ce n'est pas dans ma vie, mais dans la vôtre si vous refusez.
11:33Hey, les gars, aidez-moi. Je ne veux pas être queen.
11:37Je n'ai même pas encore gradué de l'école.
11:39Ne vous inquiétez pas, Margot. Vous serez sorti sur la première ballade et vous reviendrez dans peu de temps.
11:43Oui, ça pourrait être très amusant.
11:46Oh, sur la première ballade, hein?
11:48Allez, Esther.
11:56Est-ce que vous n'avez pas envie de nous attendre pour que Margot revienne?
11:59Oui, ça ne devrait pas prendre longtemps.
12:01Bien sûr, vous êtes tous les deux bienvenus dans ma maison.
12:09Merci, merci.
12:14Hey, les gars, il reste deux maisons pour le roi.
12:19Prenez ces maisons et dressez-les.
12:21Vite, le roi est prêt à choisir sa reine.
12:30Je dois aller faire mon travail sur les lieux du palais.
12:32Est-ce que vous pourriez venir avec moi?
12:34Je pourrais faire votre travail dans la cuisine.
12:36Vous pourriez être près de votre ami Margot.
12:38Ça serait génial.
12:39La nourriture dans la cuisine du roi doit être la meilleure.
12:55Ah, là vient ce gars à qui tout le monde doit boire.
12:58Oui, c'est mieux de boire et d'éviter les troubles.
13:01C'est bon, c'est bon.
13:18Vous deux n'êtes pas les meilleurs amis, hein?
13:20Mordecai, si Lux pouvait tuer, tu serais mort.
13:23Oh, ça va bien.
13:25On a juste une petite différence d'opinion.
13:32Maintenant, je vous accueillerai dans la salle du trône
13:35où chacun d'entre vous sera vu par le roi.
13:37Mais n'approchez pas sa majesté jusqu'à ce qu'il soit appelé.
13:40Et si il vous apporte son sceptre d'or,
13:42vous devez toucher le bout du sceptre.
13:45Si vous ne le faites pas, par la loi, vous serez mis à mort.
14:10Maintenant, Esther...
14:20Quel est votre nom?
14:21Esther, votre majesté.
14:23Ah, votre voix est comme de la musique.
14:27Vous êtes le plus grâceux, sire.
14:29Maintenant, regardez dans mes yeux.
14:36Ah, doucement comme une dame.
14:44Je n'ai plus besoin de voir.
14:46Esther sera ma reine.
14:49All right! Hooray!
14:52Oops, sorry.
14:58His Majesty King Ahasverus is pleased to present his new queen, Queen Esther.
15:13Let the days of celebration begin.
15:19Cherish, during this celebration, the king and gods will be married with wine.
15:24It's our one chance to slay the king.
15:26That's right. It will be a good time.
15:30Did you hear that?
15:31Who are those guys?
15:33They are doorkeepers and traitors to the king.
15:36The king should be warned.
15:38Yes, I must get word to his majesty.
15:41But I cannot approach him unless summoned.
15:43Ah, I will tell Queen Esther and she can tell him.
15:57Your cousin Mordecai says he must speak to you at once.
16:02Excuse me, my lord. I must speak to my lady in waiting.
16:06Don't be long, my dear.
16:19Esther, my queen, you look troubled. What is it?
16:23I have just learned from your gatekeeper, Mordecai,
16:26that he overheard your doorkeepers, Big Son and Cherish,
16:29plotting to murder you during the celebration.
16:31Ah, I have sensed their growing disloyalty.
16:36Well, a dagger in the back would spoil the celebration.
16:39But this assassination plot shall not happen.
16:43Your majesty!
16:44Have guards search the palace. Find Big Son and Cherish.
16:48Arrest them and prepare the gallows for them.
16:51At once, your majesty!
17:12Mordecai, again you do not bow to me.
17:15I am second in command to the king.
17:18Everyone must bow to me, even you.
17:21I am a Jew, Haman, and I do not bow to you.
17:25Careful, Mordecai.
17:27If you will show me no respect, perhaps you would respect the gallows.
17:33Oh, king!
17:34There are certain people scattered throughout your countries
17:37who obey their own laws instead of yours.
17:40They may even resist paying taxes to you
17:43and will cause trouble throughout your kingdom.
17:46One of them even works in your grounds as gatekeeper.
17:52Let there be your law that these people be killed.
17:56I will even pay taxes for them.
17:58Yes, yes. Issue the edict to kill these troublemakers.
18:01Put my seal upon it and it shall be law.
18:11All Jews in the royal city of Shushan
18:14and the provinces of King Ahasuerus
18:17shall be gathered together and hanged on the gallows
18:20by order of Haman, second in command to King Ahasuerus.
18:26Esther will be a great queen.
18:28It's nice for Margot living it up as a lady and waiting to Esther,
18:31but we are going to have to be on our way soon.
18:38What is it, friends?
18:41Read that. We are doomed.
18:47I am a Jew, Haman, and I do not bow to you, even you would respect the gallows.
18:53Ah, I have brought this upon our people through the hatred Haman has for me.
18:58I shall tear my garments, put on sackcloth and ashes and mourn with you.
19:12Look, you must somehow get your friend Margot and flee.
19:18Look, you must somehow get your friend Margot and flee.
19:22As you are not Persian and are guests in my home, you are in grave danger.
19:28What is this sackcloth and ashes Mordecai has to wear?
19:31It's a custom in these days when things are very sad and there is dying,
19:35the people put on a rough cloth and sprinkle ashes on their heads.
19:42Hey, Esther is Jewish. This could mean her too.
19:48Oh, I could really get to like this life.
19:52I wonder where Mordecai is.
19:54He has always come under this window each night and it has been days since I have seen him.
19:59Listen, something is wrong.
20:03Nothing seems to be moving in the city and there are these strange sounds.
20:07What can it be?
20:09Permit me, Your Highness, but the sounds you hear are many people in the city
20:13who are weeping and in mourning.
20:15They are wearing sackcloth and have put ashes on their heads
20:18and your cousin Mordecai, the gatekeeper, is one of them.
20:22Oh, Esther, what do you suppose is wrong?
20:25I do not know.
20:27I will send him some new raiments. Perhaps that would make him happy.
20:31Yes, a new outfit always gives me a lift.
20:34Take my cousin some new robes so that he might cast off that sackcloth.
20:38At once, Your Highness.
20:46Your Highness, Mordecai, the gatekeeper, refuses the robes and still wears the rough sackcloth.
20:52I will send Hattak, the King's Chamberlain, to Mordecai and find out what has caused this.
21:07Oh, Hattak, my friend.
21:11Oh, Hattak, my friend.
21:14It is because of Haman's hatred towards me
21:17that the King commanded that I and all my people be put to death.
21:21You must take this to Queen Esther.
21:24Tell her she must go to the King and plead for the lives of her people.
21:28No one can approach the King without being called,
21:31or they will be put to death, even the Queen. It's the law.
21:35Tell her, if she remains silent now,
21:38she and all our people will be destroyed.
21:43And Mordecai said,
21:45it may be for this purpose you have been made Queen over this kingdom.
21:50Tell Mordecai to gather all our people together and fast for three days and nights.
21:55I will do the same and then...
21:58I will go to the King against his law.
22:01Oh, but Your Highness, the King might put you to death.
22:06I must do this.
22:08And if I perish, I perish.
22:14Here, let me help.
22:16If I do not come back within the hour,
22:19find your friends Derek and Mokey and leave the city.
22:36Madame, no one enters the King's council chamber unless summoned.
22:40I am Queen of this kingdom.
22:49The Queen! She was not summoned.
22:51It means death.
23:05My Lord, forgive me. I could not wait to be summoned.
23:09I must speak to you. Please.
23:12Come, my dear.
23:14Now, what do you have to tell me that you would risk death for?
23:18My Lord, I desire that you and Prince Heyman come to my quarters tomorrow night.
23:23I shall prepare a banquet and then I shall make a request of you.
23:27A banquet?
23:30You hear? A banquet!
23:35You are the most beautiful and bravest lady in my kingdom.
23:40We shall be there, eh, Heyman?
23:42I shall inform my wife and household of this great honor.
23:48Oh, wife, your husband's star is on the rise.
23:51Tomorrow night, the Queen has prepared a banquet in her quarters for just the King and me.
23:56Then I shall hang that accursed Mordecai and begin the extermination of his people.
24:01Prepare my finest robes.
24:04Ah, what joyous happenings!
24:09Margo, I am worried that...
24:11Oh, Esther, it will work. It's got to.
24:14Make way for the King!
24:17I'll be in the next room.
24:25My Lords, please be seated.
24:29Ah, ah! A banquet fit for a King!
24:35A wonderful feast, my dear.
24:38Now, what is your request?
24:40Even to have my kingdom, it shall be granted.
24:43If I have found favor in your sight and to grant my petition,
24:47let the King and Heyman come to another banquet I will prepare for you tomorrow,
24:51and I shall make my request then.
24:53Very well, Queen Esther.
24:56Tomorrow, your banquet and your request.
25:01Just the King and I were at the Queen's banquet,
25:03and tomorrow, I'm invited again with the King to another of the Queen's banquets.
25:07But all this means nothing as long as Mordecai the Jew sits at the King's gate.
25:12Let a gallows be made.
25:15And tomorrow, speak to the King about this Mordecai.
25:19Then, go merrily to the banquet, and the next morning, hang him.
25:24Of course! The King has signed the edict.
25:35Guard! Guard!
25:40Send in the keeper of records that I may read the chronicles.
25:43At once, Majesty.
25:48Who was it that warned Queen Esther of Big Son and Teresh's plot to assassinate me?
25:57What honor and dignity has been given Mordecai for his warning?
26:01Nothing has been done for him, your Majesty.
26:03Send Lord Heyman to me at once.
26:06You say the King desires my presence immediately?
26:09He probably wants to reward me for the way I have handled
26:13the accursed Mordecai and the Jewish problem.
26:17I have no doubt that the King will be pleased.
26:20Lord Heyman, what shall be done to the man that the King would be pleased to honor?
26:25Oh, well, your Majesty.
26:27Let the man who is pleased you be dressed in your royal robes,
26:30put upon the King's horse, and with the royal crown on his head.
26:34Have one of your noble princes lead him through the city
26:37and proclaim that this is done for the man the King delights to honor.
26:41Yes, Heyman. You are the noble prince.
26:45I command you to take royal robes and crown and put them on Mordecai, the Jew.
26:52Then have him mount my horse and you are to lead him through the city
26:56and proclaim to all that this is the man the King delights to honor.
27:01People of Shushan, behold.
27:04This man has delighted the King and today he's being honored in this way.
27:12Enjoy this now, Mordecai.
27:14But later this week, you shall hang.
27:21Another wonderful feast, my dear.
27:24Now, what is your request?
27:26If I have again found favor in your eyes, my King, and it pleases you,
27:31save my life.
27:33I would like to see you again.
27:36Yes, my King, and it pleases you.
27:39Save my life.
27:41Your life?
27:43And my cousin Mordecai's, and the lives of my people.
27:47It's not as if we are being sold as slaves, but we are all about to be killed.
27:52Who would dare threaten my queen's life?
27:54Who is he? Where is he?
27:56It is he, Lord Heyman.
27:59Because of his hatred for Mordecai.
28:03The man I have just honored?
28:05The man who saved me from the assassination plot?
28:15Please, your Highness.
28:17Heyman, will you dishonor my queen here in my house?
28:22Your Majesty, if I can explain...
28:26Heyman, is Mordecai the man who is to hang tomorrow?
28:30Well, I...
28:32Answer me!
28:33Yes, your Majesty, but...
28:35There will be a change of plans.
28:38You will take Mordecai's place on the gallows, and he shall take yours.
28:44Take Lord Heyman to the gallows to be hung on the morrow,
28:47and bring Mordecai to me.
28:50He shall have honor in my kingdom.
28:52But, your Majesty, I didn't know her Highness was one of them,
28:57or I wouldn't have.
28:59My lovely queen,
29:01nothing nor anyone shall cause you sadness.
29:05I shall issue letters throughout the kingdom that the Jews should not be killed,
29:09and if they are attacked, they are to defend themselves.
29:13My dear,
29:15your bravery and love have saved your people.
29:21Tomorrow and every year at this time,
29:23there shall be feasting and celebrations for your people in honor of you.
29:29Revelry that shall drown out the name of Heyman.
29:33Another feast!
29:35This is where we came in.
29:43Goodbye, dear friends.
29:45You shall have safe journey through the kingdom.
29:47Thanks for everything.
29:49We'll never forget you.
29:51Yes, real cool. It's been a blast.
29:59You know, if I'd been ahead of Esther in that line,
30:02I might be Queen Margo now.
30:05Right. How about helping with these going-away presents, your Majesty?
30:11Here, take mine too.
30:19Hey, fellas, this is no way to treat a queen.
30:28To be continued...
30:58To be continued...
31:28To be continued...
