As árvores escolhem um rei Desenho Bíblico

  • 2 days ago


00:00Little Missionary, huh? The trees choose a king.
00:09Silence, folks! Tomorrow the registration for the school's new guild begins.
00:15Why don't you apply? You're so responsible.
00:19It's true. I bet you would improve the school a lot.
00:22It's not even an idea!
00:25If I get elected, I'll become even more popular.
00:28Imagine what a dazzling little me presiding over the guild.
00:32So, does anyone here want to apply?
00:37It looks like we already have two competitors.
00:40Well then, start your campaigns, because this election will be tough.
00:45Haha! I can easily beat this antisocial nerd.
00:50Especially with the help of my little friends.
00:54Get out of school, decadent brag. Vote for Maíra for president.
01:00Give the school a prize. Maíra, guild president.
01:07Man, what a overproduction!
01:14What's that face, David? Don't get discouraged. The day is just beginning.
01:18But look how many people are in Maíra's booth.
01:21But that's because they haven't heard our proposals yet.
01:25Maíra's must be a fiasco.
01:27If she has proposals, right?
01:29Guys, attention! Listen to David's proposal.
01:35In our management, the guild will sell natural snacks, healthy and nutritious juices.
01:42Oh, bread with spinach and eggplant juice.
01:45Hmm, delicious!
01:48We will also create an entirely new science lab.
01:52Wow, super fun. Let's study even more.
01:56In addition, we will also increase the library, informatize it and...
02:00Oh, how boring, huh? And this badge doesn't deny that it's a nerd.
02:04Our badge is going to rock. Tell our proposals, my co-religionaries.
02:09To start, instead of this junk snack, let's put a Jack-Jack unit in the school.
02:17If they eat this every day, they will end up spoiling their health and getting fat.
02:24Don't be afraid, cuties.
02:26Because in Maíra's management we will have a super gym with devices to detonate any extra junk.
02:35Yeah, I don't think we have a chance.
02:38They are playing dirty, promising absurd things.
02:42I've given up a long time ago.
02:44But how discouraging. It doesn't even seem that you believe in the power that our faith in Lord Jesus has.
02:48You will see, they will change their mind. We have the truth on our side.
02:52I want to see that.
02:53Lend me the megaphone.
02:55Guys, I want you to pay attention to what I'm going to say.
02:58It's a story for you to think well before electing the new president of the guild.
03:02Ready, here it comes.
03:04Gideon was a hero to the men of Israel, because in front of an army of 300 men, he freed them from the yoke of the Midianites.
03:11However, while he lived, Gideon refused to govern Israel, and he didn't even want to appoint any of his 70 sons for it.
03:17However, after his death, Abimelech, an illegitimate son of Gideon, who was terribly greedy,
03:23presented himself as the best candidate to be king of that people.
03:26So we will, dear nephew.
03:31Nothing more natural than Abimelech being our leader.
03:34Yes, after all he is one of us, and since he will lead us, let's give him a silver present.
03:41With the silver he earned from his people, Abimelech hired some cruel and uncharacteristic men who agreed to do whatever he ordered.
03:48Along with these men, Abimelech went to his father's house, where his brothers lived, and there he killed almost all of them,
03:54because he feared they would try to take him out of power.
03:56Of the 70 brothers, the only one left was the youngest, Jotão, who managed to escape and hide.
04:01After that, Abimelech was proclaimed king, but Jotão wouldn't let that happen.
04:06Long live Abimelech, king's brother!
04:09Citizens, listen to me. Listen to me, and God will also listen to you.
04:13Once upon a time, the trees decided to elect a king.
04:16Then they said to Oliveira,
04:19Reign over us.
04:21Would I stop giving my olive oil, which God and men in me pray to me to dedicate to other trees? Never.
04:28Hearing this, the trees went to talk to Figueira.
04:31Me, being a queen, would I leave my sweetness and my good fruit to me to dedicate to other trees? Never.
04:39Faced with this refusal, the trees went to ask Oliveira.
04:43Would I leave my juice, which pleases God and men, to me to dedicate to other trees? Of course not.
04:50Then all the trees gathered and went to talk to Espinheiro.
04:54Reign over us.
04:56That's right, but you'll have to stay under my shadow.
05:00Otherwise, let the fire of Espinheiro go out and burn the cedars of Lebanon.
05:04Today you rose against my father's house and killed his children and made Abimelech reign.
05:10If you are sincere in choosing Abimelech as king, rejoice with him, and he will also rejoice with you.
05:17But if not, let the fire of Abimelech go out and consume you, and let the fire of you go out and consume Abimelech.
05:23After saying that, Jotão ran away and hid, because he was afraid of his brother.
05:27Three years later, the providence of God made the people rebel against Abimelech, punishing him for the evil he had done to his brothers.
05:35A battle began and about a thousand men and women ended up dying burned.
05:39And soon after, Abimelech also had a sad end, as his brother Jotão had foreseen.
05:44That's why we have to vote with conscience, because bad choices never end well.
05:48Choose the one who is sincere, has the best proposals and...
05:51They already did that, Amadinho. I have the best proposals and this is indisputable.
05:57Hey, come here!
05:59My dear electorate, give me a license that now I'm going to have a meeting with my party colleagues about the Olympic pool that we are going to build.
06:08What was it? Why did you interrupt me?
06:11Don't you think that this story of the intruder is going to shake up our campaign?
06:15But of course not! These morons are believing in everything we are promising.
06:20These people are very stupid and naive.
06:22And besides, it's obvious that it's much cooler to vote for me,
06:26that I'm more beautiful and wonderful than that weird nerd from Davi that...
06:32Oh no!
06:33What was it?
06:34Your microphone!
06:35What's wrong with my microphone?
06:37It's broken!
06:40We have to thank Davi for being president!
06:44Wow, you really did it, Amadinho!
06:47Amadinho is really awesome!
06:49Don't mention it! Thank the Lord!
06:51And now Davi, get ready, because there's a lot of work ahead!
06:55I don't know! I'm dying to start!