As parabolas de Jesus

  • 2 days ago


00:00Thank you for not allowing this tape to be copied.
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00:30The Parable of the Two Sons
00:57Once upon a time, there was a man who had two sons.
01:00He went up to the first and said,
01:02Son, go and work in my vineyard today.
01:10Look at that, my friend.
01:12One day, all of this will be mine.
01:15Don't forget your brother.
01:17What does that have to do with anything?
01:19I'm the oldest. The oldest gets everything.
01:21No, if you're not worthy.
01:24Are you saying I'm not worthy?
01:26I'm just saying...
01:28All of this will be mine one day.
01:30You'll see.
01:44Today is harvest day.
01:47Wake up, my children.
01:49The fruit is about to be harvested.
01:51They already got up and left.
01:55If we don't harvest today, all of the harvest will be lost.
01:59And I'm too weak to do this alone.
02:03Go on.
02:05I'll go look for the boys.
02:07All right, Josh.
02:21If I sell some of these, I'll be my own master.
02:24For me, it's enough to plant, harvest, and sow.
02:28Until that time comes, I need your help at home.
02:33It's harvest day.
02:35Oh, Father.
02:37Come on, before it's too late.
02:39But I...
02:40Come on, Micah, come on.
02:43I'm staying here.
02:45What did you say?
02:47I'm tired of the vineyard.
02:49That's all I do.
02:51What does Jackie do but play all day,
02:53and worry about the day when all this will be his?
02:55He can take care of everything.
02:57That's enough for me.
03:07Don't you have anything better to do than watch me work?
03:11Not that I remember.
03:13Well, here comes your father to refresh your memory.
03:17Jackie, today is harvest day.
03:20I'm sorry, Father.
03:22That's what you always say.
03:24And yet, I always need to look for you when there's work to do.
03:28I'll be right there, Father.
03:30I promise.
03:31Do that.
03:33Otherwise, we'll miss the harvest.
03:38You're not going?
03:40No, Father.
03:41I'm busy sometimes.
03:42But the work always ends up being done, whether I go or not.
03:45Take it easy.
03:51We're not going to finish even half of that at this rate.
03:55It's a terrible loss.
03:57It is.
03:58So many fruits.
04:00It's not the fruits.
04:02It's the respect for my children.
04:08I'm sorry, Father.
04:10It was wrong how I spoke to you.
04:13I'm here to work, if you'll forgive me.
04:17Everything is forgiven and forgotten.
04:47It looks like I came back just in time.
04:56I have something to tell you, Micah.
05:00I'm sorry.
05:02I'm sorry.
05:04I'm sorry.
05:06I'm sorry.
05:08I'm sorry.
05:10I'm sorry.
05:12I'm sorry.
05:14I have something to tell you, Micah.
05:18I don't think I'll live much longer.
05:21I want you to inherit this vineyard.
05:24I don't want to take anything from Jaquim, Father.
05:27You're not taking anything.
05:29Jaquim expected the vineyard to be his, just because he was older.
05:33But you've always been here, whether you like it or not.
05:37That's why my vineyard is yours.
06:03There was a certain rich man who wore fine clothes...
06:07and lived a very comfortable life.
06:10There was also a certain beggar named Lazarus...
06:14who stayed at the gate of the rich man.
06:17His body was covered with wounds...
06:20and he begged to be fed with the crumbs...
06:23that fell from the table of the rich man.
06:26You need to rest, Lazarus.
06:31Let me finish this.
06:34But I like to do this.
06:37I'm very worried. You're not well.
06:40I'm as strong as King David.
06:43Well, not on the day he died.
06:47But I'm sure I'll be fine.
06:50I'm sure I'll be fine.
06:53Well, not on the day he killed Goliath.
06:57But 50 years after that.
07:00Now be patient.
07:02I'll bring enough food for all of us.
07:06Absolutely not.
07:08It's my turn to get food.
07:10Are you very weak?
07:12No, no.
07:14You take care of your son.
07:17He needs you.
07:44Get this out of here.
07:46And don't let me catch you...
07:48giving these crumbs to that beggar at the gate.
07:52He's like the dogs that get together in the trash...
07:55never going to leave if you keep feeding him.
07:58It's a shame to leave him hungry, sir.
08:01The shame is that he makes the entrance to my property...
08:04look like a pothole.
08:06But if I don't feed him, sir...
08:08he's going to die.
08:10So what?
08:13You and your damn compassion.
08:16You think it's a virtue, don't you?
08:20Yes, sir.
08:22Now get out of here.
08:24Send him away, or I'll whip him...
08:26and leave him to die.
08:31Lazarus, get up.
08:33It's you, my friend.
08:35Take this and go away.
08:37The master said he'd whip you if you stayed.
08:48Lazarus, you need to get up.
08:50If the master finds you...
08:53How dare you disobey me?
08:56I'm sorry, sir. I...
08:58Get out of the way.
09:00I'll show you how to expel a beggar.
09:05At least he had the good sense to die before I caught him.
09:09Get rid of him.
09:11Now you see what you've earned for all your compassion?
09:15A whip on your back.
09:23Come, Lazarus.
09:26Come with us.
09:38Poor Lazarus.
09:45Poor Lazarus.
10:07I am Father Abraham.
10:10Welcome to my home.
10:24Calm down!
10:59This can't be happening.
11:01No, it can't be.
11:06I'm so thirsty.
11:13Abraham, save me.
11:17I'm so thirsty.
11:19I'll take anything.
11:22Let Lazarus wet his fingers in the water...
11:25and refresh my tongue.
11:27These flames...
11:31Oh, son.
11:34Remember that in your earthly life...
11:37you had so much.
11:39And Lazarus begged for your mercy.
11:42Now he has comfort.
11:46And you are tormented.
11:50But there is nothing we can do for you.
11:54Because between us there is a great abyss...
11:57that no one can overcome.
12:00I can't go to you, nor can you come to me.
12:07at least do this.
12:12Tell Lazarus to speak to my brothers...
12:15and tell them to change...
12:18so that this terrible place does not end here.
12:22Your brothers have the words of Moses...
12:25and of all the other prophets.
12:28Pray that your brothers hear them.
12:31No, no, Father Abraham.
12:34If one of the dead speaks to them...
12:37they will certainly believe.
12:40If your brothers cannot be persuaded...
12:43by Moses and the prophets...
12:45they will not be persuaded by anyone...
12:48even someone who rose from the dead.
13:34The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man...
13:37who is going to travel to a distant land...
13:40to call his servants...
13:42and entrust his property to them.
13:53Hurry, hurry, hurry!
13:55The master is going to travel tomorrow!
13:57Where to?
13:59I don't know.
14:01He just turned to me and said...
14:03He's going to travel tomorrow...
14:05for a long journey.
14:07That's what he said.
14:09A long journey.
14:11But he didn't say when he'd be back.
14:13He just said, a long journey.
14:15I feel sick at sea.
14:17I hate long journeys.
14:19I get sick for a long time.
14:21He's leaving.
14:23What do you think of that?
14:25Well, now I need to find another job.
14:28No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
14:30Why don't you stay here?
14:32You mean I have a job...
14:34where I work for someone who's never been here?
14:37But that's very good.
14:40Oh, don't be so comfortable.
14:43There are supplies to carry...
14:45and it's going to be a long journey.
14:48I'm not going to work all night.
14:50He's expecting too much of me.
14:55Tell the master that everything will be ready in the morning.
14:58Thank you, Arad.
15:12Good morning, Arad.
15:14Good morning, Thor.
15:16Where's Rod?
15:18I'm sorry, master.
15:20I'm not feeling well.
15:22I'm sorry to hear that, Rod.
15:24I'd like you three to take care of something...
15:27while I'm away.
15:32I entrust you with these precious coins.
15:36You can do with them whatever you want.
15:39But when I come back, there will be a settlement.
15:42Make them multiply.
15:50Thank you, master.
15:54I divided these coins...
15:56according to your experience and skills.
15:59Rod, I'll expect much more from Arad and Thor...
16:03when I get back from what I expect from you.
16:05They received more.
16:07But if you manage this one silver coin well...
16:10your reward will be the same as theirs.
16:13I promise.
16:15And I just hope you do the best you can.
16:19Each one of you is very special to me.
16:22I'll miss all of you.
16:40Look, Rod.
16:41I'll be happy to help you if you want.
16:43Me too.
16:44Oh, no.
16:46I know the master very well.
16:48I'm not going to risk this coin.
16:50No, sir.
16:52In fact...
16:53I'm going to bury it right now.
16:56And when the master comes back, I'll bury it.
16:59And he'll have his coin back.
17:02You're making a big mistake.
17:05You can persuade him...
17:07by showing him how to make the coins multiply.
17:13Dear God...
17:15I need your help to make these coins multiply.
17:20Give me the wisdom to use them in the best way.
17:22The best way to use these coins...
17:24so that I can give a good return when the master comes back.
17:29Excuse me.
17:30Can you show me the shortest way to the valley that is beyond the lake?
17:34It's that way.
17:35Ten days on foot.
17:37Ten days?
17:40I can see it from here.
17:42Yes, that's true.
17:43But the lake is very vast.
17:50Nobody lives in that valley, you know?
17:52Yes, I know.
17:53But the emperor had a great idea...
17:55and wants the people to live there now.
17:58So he sent all of us there.
18:00All of us?
18:02Two hundred families.
18:04They're all moving.
18:08Two hundred families?
18:11But it's a high-quality land.
18:13That's true.
18:15Of course I can't sell it cheap.
18:19There are some tough places here and there.
18:22But they're good for a house.
18:24A nice, sturdy building.
18:27I'm going to plant wheat.
18:31Are you saying wheat?
18:33Wheat that grows in wheat fields?
18:38I've met crazy people in my life.
18:40But you...
18:44You're definitely not one of them.
18:52I'm going to feed the horses.
18:54And then...
18:57I'll take another nap.
19:00Oh, no!
19:02Why didn't Arad and Tola fix this?
19:05If they think I'm going to do everything around here...
19:08while they're out multiplying their coins...
19:10they're very wrong.
19:12I'm going to take a day off.
19:22I haven't seen you since you got that...
19:25What's it called again?
19:27A job?
19:29But now you're going to see me a lot again.
19:32You got fired again, didn't you?
19:35My master's gone on a long trip.
19:38So what are you waiting for?
19:40Come on.
19:41Let's have fun.
19:43That's exactly what I was thinking.
19:47But you pay, because now I'm kind of broke.
20:03Did you bring water home?
20:07And you piled the firewood?
20:09And you cleaned the stables, didn't you?
20:14It looks like we finished everything.
20:17Good night.
20:18Good night.
20:21They've already done everything!
20:42Good night.
20:58Keep cutting, friend.
21:10Very good.
21:11Let's see.
21:13I hung again!
21:19Let's drink!
22:10Missy sissy
22:12Thank you boss, Oh Judah
22:16Vim procurar um nome de muitas vírgulas
22:20Será que nós podemos ir atrás do senhor e pegar o trigo que deixar cair para alimentar nossos filhos quantos filhos são o todo
22:28Quarenta mais ou menos
22:38Espere o resto do trigo fica para a senhora e as outras viúvas
22:44custa muito alimentar 40 crianças
22:47Mas o senhor também precisa viver ainda há tempo para plantar de novo antes do fim da colheita
22:54eu ficarei bem
23:04Está pronto
23:11Exatamente quem eu procurava
23:16Duzentas famílias estão se mudando para o vale além do lago
23:20todos eles vão pagar para serem transportados pelo lago em vez de circundá-lo a pé
23:25Eu acho que se você quiser você pode duplicar aquela moeda
23:29rapidamente como amigo do rod
23:32eu não estou falando com você você é a coisa mais distante de amigo que eu posso imaginar
23:37Mas por que você e o arado continuam vindo aqui eu não vou me arriscar a perder aquela moeda
23:44mas o mestre o mestre espera demais das pessoas
23:54Este é o melhor trigo que já vi na minha vida é quando tenho de pagar para ter minha terra de volta
24:01desculpe não está a ver
24:04mas pode comprar todo o trigo que quiser por 10 moedas e ainda ter um bom lucro
24:15Isso é tudo que posso pagar
24:17Obrigado amigo se 200 fazendeiros pagarem o mesmo eu terei 200 galinhas para vender
24:33O mestre ele voltou para casa
24:42O quê
25:01Olá seja bem-vindo mestre como você se saiu com as minhas cinco moedas
25:08Veja mestre eu ganhei mais cinco moedas
25:12muito bem e por ter sido consciencioso com estas poucas coisas
25:17eu vou fazer de você administrador de muitas obrigado mestre
25:23E você toda o senhor me deu duas meses e agora estou devolvendo quatro
25:31muito bem
25:33você também vai administrar muitas coisas
25:37Sua recompensa será tão grande quanto a diarra de
25:47Mestre eu
25:49eu fiquei com medo eu
25:52sabia que não importava o que fizesse com ela o senhor nunca ficaria satisfeito
25:56bom aqui está ela pelo menos eu não a perdi
26:04Você não poderia ao menos dela levado aos banqueiros para que eu pudesse receber juros por ela está vendo o senhor nunca está satisfeito
26:11sempre espera demais
26:13eu só esperava que você desse o melhor de si se tivesse feito isso sua recompensa não teria sido diferente dos outros eu
26:21prometi você
26:24Dei sua arte
26:27Sinto muito
26:29Você não pode mais morar e trabalhar aqui eu sinto muito
26:51Que Jesus
26:53Come on
26:57Who's kicking
27:25Love you
28:16Do-do's kiki
28:20And he taught the whole nation to listen with the heart.
28:36Master gave money to his servants
28:42Saying that one day he would go to collect
28:48And whoever used it in the best way
28:53By his side he would go to sow.
28:59We heard stories that Jesus told
29:05To all who wanted to listen.
29:11And he taught the whole nation
29:18And he taught
29:24Taught to listen with the heart.
29:41Brazilian version by Centauro
30:11Brazilian version by Centauro
30:41Brazilian version by Centauro
30:44Brazilian version by Centauro
30:47Brazilian version by Centauro
30:50Brazilian version by Centauro
30:53Brazilian version by Centauro
30:56Brazilian version by Centauro
30:59Brazilian version by Centauro
31:02Brazilian version by Centauro
31:05Brazilian version by Centauro
31:08Brazilian version by Centauro
31:11Brazilian version by Centauro
31:14Brazilian version by Centauro
31:17Brazilian version by Centauro
31:20Brazilian version by Centauro