Bad Girls-1999-S02-Ep-06

  • 2 days ago
Karen reprimands Sylvia for her recent bad attitude and signs her up for physical training. Zandra discovers she needs glasses. Shell acts up during group therapy causing unrest throughout the entire wing. Josh makes Crystal an offer.


00:28don't see how you could have mixed up the two prisoners.
00:31Because Newby Prison were late sending Tessa's papers, that's why. You know they always lose
00:36them when they're trying to offload troublemakers, in case the next prison won't have them.
00:40You still should have checked them at reception. It's your responsibility.
00:43Well, it was the other one causing trouble when I was there. Mad Tessa was meek as you
00:48like. I mean, we all just assumed...
00:50It's not good enough, Sylvia. Because of you, there was a major lapse in security. Anyway,
00:57it's not just yesterday.
00:59What isn't?
01:00Well, your attitude, generally. Cutting corners, off-hand with inmates and officers alike,
01:07always complaining. I get the impression you don't really care about this job.
01:12Oh, Mum, that's really unfair.
01:17So you're committed? You still have that burning wish to make the prison service a better place?
01:24Well, I may have been a bit below par since my neck injury. What with painkillers and
01:31sleeping tablets.
01:35Well, maybe we need to help you back into shape.
01:41Well, you're obviously not in the peak of condition. Do you exercise?
01:49Maybe that's the answer. I'll put you on a course of training, see if that helps.
01:54You mean, like the gym?
01:57Well, unless you're going to tell me you're too old for it, Sylvia.
02:00Oh, no, Mum. Course not.
02:07Low blood pressure.
02:08Yeah, not much you can do about that. Doesn't even mean a lot. It's when it's high that
02:14you have to worry.
02:15Really? Oh, I'll get your second opinion, shall I? Harley Street be all right for you?
02:19If you take as many drugs as you do, then your body's going to react.
02:23I'm off them now.
02:24Yeah, well, stay off them. And you just had a baby. That can't have helped.
02:30Right, go and stand over there. Here, come on. Stand here.
02:36Right. Put that over your left eye. See those letters on the wall?
02:47Right, try the other eye. From where you left off.
02:57When did you last have your eyes tested?
02:59Don't know.
03:00Not since you left school.
03:06When did you last have your eyes tested?
03:08Don't know.
03:09Not since you left school, I imagine.
03:12I suppose so.
03:13And the headaches are constant?
03:17You need glasses, that's all. Her eyesight's terrible.
03:28Sorry. Am I hogging the en suite?
03:31Not at all. No.
03:40Is that what you're in for?
03:43Oh, sorry, I don't mean a prior or anything.
03:46People are bound to find out sooner or later, aren't they?
03:50I'm in for manslaughter.
03:54What happened?
03:59My husband, Peter, was dying of cancer.
04:03He was in terrible pain.
04:05In the end, he couldn't stand it any longer and he asked me to help him along.
04:10Begged me, in fact.
04:12What did you get?
04:15Three years.
04:19All right, Barbara?
04:20Yes, thank you.
04:21I'll give you five minutes, then I'll take you down to breakfast, show you the ropes.
04:25Don't worry about Wade. We'll get you out of here as soon as we can.
04:33Why would you say that?
04:34Because he hates my guts.
04:40What are you in for?
04:41May I ask?
04:44Same as you. Manslaughter.
04:47Only with me it was for real.
04:50See you later.
04:53Low blood pressure? What does that mean?
04:56Don't know.
04:57Well, didn't you ask?
04:58He's Dr Nona, isn't he? He never tells you anything.
05:01He must have said something.
05:03They just tell you to piss off if you ask anything.
05:06It's like we deserve to be ill.
05:09I'm going back to see him.
05:10No. Don't do that.
05:15I knew there was something else.
05:18I need specs tonight.
05:24See, that's why I didn't want to tell you. Because you just laugh.
05:26I laugh because I'm relieved. I thought it was serious.
05:30Well, it is. I'm going to look stupid, aren't I?
05:33No, you won't.
05:34Have you seen the specs they've got in here?
05:36If it's your looks you're worried about, stay off the smack.
05:38I am.
05:41You really, then?
05:42Straight up. You asked me to, didn't you?
05:46Yeah, I know, but...
05:47Well, I'm doing it. For you.
05:54But I'm not wearing specs. No way.
06:00Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you later, Barbara.
06:02See you later.
06:03You get up, friend Wade. Who goes on top? You or her?
06:07Shut it, darling.
06:09You haven't got a clue what's going on, have you?
06:12I'm sorry. I don't understand.
06:15Well, if you can't work it out for yourself, darling,
06:17just keep your knickers on after dark, that's all.
06:23I'm sorry.
06:25I'm sorry.
06:29Lesbo, ain't she?
06:36The gym?
06:37At my time of life.
06:39I don't know where I'm expected to lay hands on a tracksuit.
06:42I'm going to have to go out and buy one after work.
06:45Bobby'll have to get his own tea.
06:47I hope she doesn't start us all on that one.
06:49Oh, you watch. She'll pick us off one by one.
06:52It'll be me today, you tomorrow.
06:55Oh, and the hours I work.
06:57It's more like the Burma Railway than an English prison.
07:00You're always saying we're too soft in here, Sylvia.
07:02And Helen wasn't tough enough.
07:04Looks like you got what you wanted now.
07:09I still don't know much about you, really.
07:11What do you want to know?
07:13I don't know.
07:14Where did you come from, for a start?
07:16Where do you come from?
07:20Oh. Own place?
07:22Yeah, small terrace. I'm doing it up.
07:24You know what I say, Josh? That fuse box.
07:26They're not playing up a lot.
07:28Can't do those screws any more. We've heard of Fred's away.
07:30We got a fault?
07:32Yeah. Funny how it always goes wrong when Crystal's around.
07:37You know what? I'm going to come back when it's a little bit more quiet.
07:40I'll see you later, yeah?
07:44So, what happened to that other boyfriend of yours, then?
07:46Yeah, the one at the church.
07:48Oh, he wasn't a proper boyfriend. More like a prayer mate, really.
07:51Are you sure Josh is your type?
07:55Well, cos he only said Jesus in there.
07:57He will be.
07:59Ah, she's got the thumbscrews on him already.
08:02What a friend we have been, Josh.
08:06All our sins and griefs to bear.
08:12Oh, hello.
08:14I was just saying, I'm surprised you haven't had time off after that mad Tessa business.
08:18Yeah, well, I'd rather be at work than stuck at home dwelling on it.
08:22Thanks again, by the way.
08:24I believe you're in line for a medal.
08:26I'm passing it up, as it happens.
08:28Oh, why's that?
08:29It's nothing special, what I did.
08:31I've said you should get it instead.
08:33That's very noble of you, Jim.
08:37Why do you have to say it like that?
08:40You did very well the other day, you know.
08:42It's just you don't have to overdo it.
08:45I'm not a complete shit, you know.
08:52No, but I really am coming off on this time.
08:56I'm going back into detox.
09:01I'm just sick of letting people down.
09:04Which people are these?
09:06Well, my personal officer.
09:12He's the only man that ever really cared about me.
09:14And he said that if I don't come off from now, I'm going to kill myself.
09:19Well, as long as you're doing it for yourself as well.
09:23Doing it to please others will only get you so far.
09:26Girls are always doing that, though.
09:28Pleasing men.
09:30That's what they're born for.
09:31Why do you say that?
09:33Well, it's like men can do what they want.
09:35No one cares what women think.
09:36It's just men. Bastarding men.
09:40They're not all bad.
09:42I hear them at night.
09:44They're not all bad.
09:46I hear them at night.
09:54When I'm asleep.
09:57Men come into my room stinking of beer.
10:01Do you know them?
10:06I can't really see them.
10:08They're all blurry.
10:11There's one bloke.
10:13Always the same.
10:15I can never see his face.
10:17It's just, like, out the corner of my eye.
10:22Nice man? Bad man?
10:24Bad man.
10:26I wake up in a sweat sometimes.
10:30Do you know him?
10:50Can you describe him?
10:52Might be useful.
11:02No, he...
11:04He's just more of a shadow, really.
11:08Like a long shadow.
11:21OK, er, we'll pick this up tomorrow, shall we?
11:56You OK?
12:00You're not having a wash?
12:02Not tonight, no.
12:04I'm not having a wash.
12:06I'm not having a wash.
12:08I'm not having a wash.
12:10No, I'm a bit tired.
12:12I know, I'm not being funny or anything,
12:14but the sun goes off in here.
12:16Open toilet, bad ventilation.
12:18I'll have one in the morning.
12:20You sure you're all right?
12:24Night, then.
12:26Night, Nicky.
12:48Oh, my God.
12:50What have I done?
13:04Hey, Ge, look at this.
13:08Oh, my good God.
13:12Where are you going?
13:13I'm gonna go and tell the others.
13:15Here, girls, you've got one coming.
13:16Have a look at these. Come on.
13:18Get in it, get in it.
13:19Oh, my God.
13:21She's still in there, do you know?
13:22Yeah, I can't believe it.
13:23It's like, come over there.
13:24Come over here.
13:26Go, go!
13:30My God!
13:36Don't worry, it's always like this on the first day.
13:38You'll soon toughen up.
13:40Come on.
13:51Are you all right, Jane?
13:53I'm fine.
13:54Those tablets are not helping, though.
13:55Yeah, well, she won't get them specs.
13:57There's no way I'm going full right.
13:59You'll ruin your eyesight, then.
14:01Not because of Vanny.
14:02It's a sin, you know, Vanny.
14:04Don't start that crap, for God's sake.
14:06It's because she fancies Dominic.
14:08She's scared in case she gets those jam jar bottoms,
14:10and happens to have, like, love bottoms.
14:14That's crazy.
14:15I'll just sod off and leave me alone.
14:27What is it?
14:28I need to talk to someone. I've got a bit of a problem.
14:31Is it an emergency?
14:34Well, sorry, love, you'll have to go through the proper channels.
14:37You can't just come knocking on the door.
14:39Say your personal officer.
14:41Only it's about Nicky Wade.
14:44Oh, come on.
14:46In that case, you'd better come in.
14:54So you were talking yesterday, Zandra,
14:56about doing things for other people?
14:59Do you mean, like, if I come off drugs for someone else,
15:02then they mess me about, that I might go back on them?
15:05Well, that's the danger.
15:07Like with any form of addiction, you have to want to stop.
15:19Sorry I'm late, miss.
15:21Not interrupting anything, am I?
15:25Oh, well, not to worry.
15:27I'm going to be a good little girl from now on.
15:30And that's a promise.
15:35So, I wonder if you could tell us
15:37why you've chosen to dress like this today.
15:41I've not upset anyone, have I?
15:43I just thought it'd be a laugh.
15:45You could have worn a shorter skirt.
15:47I like short skirts.
15:49They're sexy.
15:51I'd like to go on the tube like this.
15:55And on the straps.
15:57Skirt rides up me bum.
15:59Can you see all right there, sir?
16:01Oh, what are you doing with your hand? You are naughty.
16:04And you're a tall one, aren't you, sir?
16:06Are you peeping down at my boobies by any chance?
16:09You naughty!
16:11OK, why don't you sit down for a minute, Cheryl?
16:19I think it might be a good idea
16:21if you and I talked on our own for a bit at the end of the session.
16:24Have I been a bad girl, miss?
16:35Well, well, Wade.
16:37I might have known you couldn't keep yourself under control.
16:41What are you talking about?
16:43You've been flaunting your bits and pieces, apparently.
16:46Poor Barbara's got enough on her plate
16:48without you coming on strong to her.
16:50Show a bit of modesty, if you know what that means.
16:53Just get off my case, Lenno, all right?
16:55Don't worry, Barbara.
16:57I'm not going to let you get away with it.
16:59I'm not going to let you get away with it.
17:01I'm not going to let you get away with it.
17:03Don't worry, Barbara. We'll get you out of here as soon as we can.
17:08Meantime, Wade, keep your dikey fingers to yourself.
17:22You talk a lot about men, Cheryl.
17:24I like men.
17:26What is it you like about them?
17:28Are they nice to you?
17:33What is it, then?
17:35They're bastards.
17:38So you don't really like them?
17:40I can't stand them, can I?
17:44Why do you say you like them, do you think?
17:47I've got to pretend, haven't I?
17:50They expect it.
17:52They want sex off me.
17:56And if they don't get it...
18:02I take it anyway.
18:05Is that what happens to you?
18:11This has always happened.
18:17When was the first time?
18:19I don't know.
18:22Been going on all my life, see.
18:27Since you were how old?
18:33Ever since I can remember.
18:43If you had a problem with me, Barbara, you should have come to me.
18:46I'm not one to feather behind my back.
18:49I keep telling you, I thought it was in confidence.
18:52Confidence? In this place?
18:54He'll use anything you tell him to put the knife in.
18:56I didn't say any of those things he said.
18:58Well, what did you say, Barbara?
19:03I just said I was nervous about sharing a cell with...
19:06A dyke.
19:08I never mentioned that word.
19:11He had no right to say those things to you.
19:13I feel terrible now.
19:15Good. Then you know how I feel.
19:19I hope you get your move.
19:21Maybe you'll get put in with Dockley.
19:23Or how does a junkie sound, jacking up every night in the bunk opposite?
19:26That'd make you feel safer.
19:28I'm really sorry, Nicky.
19:30Prepare, darling. I'll be happy to be alone again.
19:33Oh, and as for fancying you, get real.
19:36Even if I was available, I wouldn't touch you with a cattle prop.
19:52Look, can we make it a flower bed next time?
19:54I'm nearly in a coma with this thing.
19:56You ever been to Kew Gardens?
19:58Can I say I have?
20:00Well, you can take me next month, if you like.
20:02Always wanted to go there.
20:04We're going to be spending quite a bit of time together, by the sounds of it.
20:07What, are you complaining?
20:09No. No.
20:13So you've got somewhere to live when you get out?
20:16Someone's floor, I reckon.
20:18It's only if you were desperate.
20:20You could always move in with me.
20:23I mean, there's a spare room, Chris.
20:26You should know.
20:28You're married? You have six children?
20:30Listen to me, will you?
20:32It's what you might be expecting from me.
20:34I don't want no misunderstandings, all right?
20:39Bloody hell. Right, thank you.
20:43What's going on here?
20:45I'm emptying slops, miss, innit?
20:47Well, empty them, then, and get back in that kitchen.
20:50You don't stand gossiping all day.
20:53Why is it every time I see you, you're nattering to some girl or other?
21:01Chuck them all over your space suit next time, stupid fat cow.
21:07You are one gorgeous-looking girl, Crystal.
21:10You know that?
21:13Thanks, Sheila.
21:17So you are getting somewhere with Dockley?
21:20Faster than I thought.
21:22It's scary, though.
21:24We are doing the right thing, aren't we?
21:26It's not an exact science, Karen.
21:28Well, can my staff help in any way?
21:31Give her support, reward good behaviour, go easy on the bad.
21:37It's the only way. Right now she's a powder keg.
21:40Go in hard and she'll blow.
21:53This is crucifying my neck.
21:55That's because you're putting a lot of pressure on it.
21:57Let the tummy take the strain.
21:59Can you come and test my tummy, sir?
22:01Yeah, have mine, sir.
22:03What's she doing this for, anyway?
22:05She's going to join the SAS.
22:07She'll end up killing herself.
22:09Yeah, let's keep our fingers crossed.
22:11Oh, I knew this would flaming happen.
22:16No, no, no.
22:20Right, come on, everybody! Bedtime!
22:22Come on, Buddy Buys Julie's. Come on!
22:25Come on, everybody! Bed!
22:28Please, don't mess me about. Now!
22:31Come on, Cheryl, in we go.
22:34Come on, don't muck about.
22:36Get your hands off me! What are you trying to do, rape me?
22:40I'm sick of men touching me up in this place. It's all you ever do.
22:43What are you talking about?
22:44You spy on us through the peepholes. You watch us on the bog.
22:48What kind of a man works in a women's prison, anyway?
22:51A sick perv, that's what.
22:53Can't pull on the outside till you come in here for easy pickings.
22:56Just touched your arse.
22:57Yeah, well, don't, in future.
22:59How would you like it if I touched you?
23:01Kept groping you every five minutes.
23:03What's going on?
23:06She won't go in her cell.
23:08In there now. I want a word.
23:10Right, that goes for everybody else. Come on!
23:13Right, listen up, Alastair.
23:22Dockley's lost it, man. She's mad.
23:24I don't think she's mad.
23:26You should have seen her in the therapy group.
23:28She's wearing this tiny little skirt, practically frigging herself.
23:31Well, what's she got to lose?
23:33I don't know.
23:34I don't think she's mad.
23:36You should have seen her in the therapy group.
23:38She's wearing this tiny little skirt, practically frigging herself.
23:41Well, what she says about men working here is right.
23:44Well, they're not all pervs.
23:46Mr McAllister's better than most of the women screws in here.
23:48That's true.
23:51Some of us like men, anyway.
23:53We're not all dykes like you, Denny.
23:55Well, you like Dominic, for sure.
23:57He's been trying to get into his pants for ages.
24:00No, I haven't.
24:01And if you go around saying that, then...
24:07Have a drink of water, Zandra, innit?
24:09What good's water for headaches, you moron?
24:11I'm only trying to help.
24:16Drink it.
24:20What's the matter with you, girl?
24:24I thought I had it.
24:27The sooner you get them specs, the better, man.
24:32I know it's a difficult time for you right now.
24:35But there are rules here.
24:37He was trying it on.
24:39All the men are at it in here.
24:41You know that isn't true, Cheryl.
24:43You don't see.
24:45I can't walk down the land of an atom all having a grope.
24:47I was gangbanged this morning.
24:52Look, if you could just tow the line over the next week or so,
24:55I might see about getting your job back in the kitchen.
24:57Now, how does that sound?
24:59I'd love that.
25:00It was not a promise, but don't do anything silly.
25:02No, no, I could get a knife from the kitchen and kill Mr Fenner.
25:28Wakey, wakey!
25:30She's bleeding mind!
25:32What are you on about, Demi?
25:34Well, have you seen enough?
25:36Or do you want to strip search me and all?
25:50All right, if I come in?
25:52No, it bloody well ain't!
25:54Clear off!
26:01Right, coming in.
26:03Fire off!
26:06No, this isn't right!
26:08You've been spying on us all the time.
26:10You can't keep those up there.
26:11Oh, can't we?
26:14Well, when have I ever spied on you?
26:16Well, you might not be so bad, but...
26:18What about him?
26:21Yeah, and dressing us with his eyes.
26:23That's what we have to put up with all the time.
26:25You're going a bit over the top, don't you think?
26:27No, we don't.
26:28We're going to put a stop to this.
26:29Yeah, your peep show days are over, Mr McAllister.
26:32Now, go on, get out!
26:38I tell you, I've seen that face on Denny before and it's dangerous.
26:42Well, what happened exactly?
26:44It's this sexual abuse nonsense.
26:47They've all got it now.
26:48You smile and it's rape.
26:50Well, I didn't even have to smile.
26:52It's just a few people playing up.
26:54He won't last.
26:56Cheryl Dockley's not just playing up.
26:58That group therapy's deranged her.
27:01She was deranged a long time ago and it's our job to find out why.
27:10You do art, don't you, Bags?
27:13I want a black marker pen.
27:15We're not allowed to take them.
27:16You want me to cut your tits off and make curry out of them?
27:19Then get it before lunch.
27:25I appreciate your concerns.
27:27Look, if you can just bear with me,
27:29I'm sure it'll sort itself out.
27:32Anyway, I'll keep you posted.
27:44I thought you were getting better.
27:46Oh, I was, ma'am.
27:48It's this new exercise regime.
27:50I've been having spasms down my back with all that jogging.
27:54Don't take my word for it, ma'am.
27:56Ask Dr Nicholson.
27:58He says I'm lucky I can still walk.
28:01Well, if your neck's bad, then you'd better go on light duties.
28:05Are you OK to supervise the visits?
28:07Well, I suppose so.
28:09Only Malcolm says any sudden movement.
28:14Dr Nicholson.
28:17So go on.
28:19What did Malcolm say?
28:21He says necks are funny things.
28:23It's touch and go and I'm at work at all.
28:26Well, take it easy, OK?
28:28I don't want Malcolm wrapping my knuckles, do I?
28:37So do your hands get sore?
28:40Milking all them cows?
28:42Not now, Josh, I'm late.
28:44Look, I've been showing them to me.
28:46I'm going to get a bollocking.
28:48Quickly, just for me.
28:52All right?
28:53Here you go.
28:55What's this?
29:01Oh, Josh, it's beautiful.
29:04I fought a cross with the religion and all that, so...
29:07Oh, for God's sake!
29:12I hope not.
29:19Listen, you know the offer of the room?
29:22I meant that, you know.
29:25Will you think about it?
29:27Yeah, yeah, I will.
29:34Nice work, Babs. Anyone see you?
29:36I don't think so.
29:41How's that look?
29:45I said, how does it look?
29:50Now, right on the wall, Fenner is a rapist.
29:53I can't do that.
30:08Now, you're a dead man.
30:12You do art, don't you?
30:14Please, Cheryl.
30:16Have you done dead bodies yet?
30:18Here, give it here, you dildo.
30:30Right in the goonies.
30:35Your joint's coming on a treat, Babs.
30:46It was Cheryl.
30:48Try telling your friend Fenner that.
30:53Yeah, I reckon we should have a major rethink about our wardrobe, do you?
30:57What do you mean?
30:59Eye tops and long skirts.
31:01Oh, stop them ogling? Good idea.
31:04Afternoon, Mrs H.
31:07What were you doing in the wars, miss?
31:10What's so funny?
31:12Nothing, miss.
31:13I was wondering how you were.
31:15You wouldn't laugh if you had to wear this round your neck, I can tell you.
31:17Must be a real drag.
31:19No, I'm warning you.
31:20No, no, no, you don't understand.
31:22We'd rather have you in charge than any fellow, miss.
31:24You're a woman, innit?
31:28Right, well, carry on.
31:50Get down to the visitors' room, quick.
31:52You've got to see this.
31:58Hiya, Nicky.
32:01I wasn't sure you'd come.
32:03I said I would.
32:07But it wasn't that long ago I thought I'd never see you again.
32:12You still looking for work?
32:14I've got one or two irons in the fire.
32:21I missed you, Nicky.
32:25Missed you?
32:29Since you left, I've...
32:34Well, I'm here now.
32:37Till you get bored of coming.
32:40Or till you meet someone else like Trish did.
32:43Listen, you never know what's going to happen.
32:46Yeah, right.
32:48You've still got nine years to do, remember?
32:51I want to talk to you about that.
32:53I think you should appeal.
32:58Shall, there's some graffiti down the corridor.
33:01Know anything about it?
33:02Yeah, I do.
33:04She did this to me and all.
33:07Who did?
33:09That new girl, Babs.
33:11She said she'd kill me if I told anyone.
33:14Don't want to bring back the death penalty for loonies like that.
33:18I thought I'd seen it all.
33:20But an ex-officer visiting a con.
33:23They'll be letting them run the place, Max.
33:26I don't want to be getting my hopes up just to have them dashed.
33:29Honestly, Nicky, there's been a lot of cases a lot more serious than yours
33:33that have had a successful appeal.
33:35A waste of time, innit?
33:37Look, let me put it another way.
33:41Will you do it for me?
33:44I'd do anything for you.
33:46You know that.
33:50Well, that's it settled.
33:52All right, that's it.
33:54Time's up.
33:58I'd better go.
34:03I'll see you soon.
34:05Yes, you will.
34:07Be good.
34:10And remember, we're going to make this work.
34:12I promise.
34:41You took the pen from the art room and wrote the graffiti on the wall.
34:45No-one told you to do it?
34:47No, miss.
34:49Oh, for God's sake.
34:51Dockley did it.
34:53How do you know?
34:55I saw her.
34:57You don't really think she did it, do you?
35:00Is this true?
35:08Well, thank you.
35:10Oh, any time.
35:12Love, love.
35:26Thank you, Ricky.
35:28I hate Dockley more than I hate you, darling, that's all.
35:36I'm telling you, it was Babs. Why would I do this to myself?
35:39Why'd you do anything, Dockley? For attention?
35:42Are you going away for a while?
35:44Don't be stupid.
35:45What's the matter, sir? Don't you want it?
35:47Real men want it.
35:48Are you a puff, sir?
35:50Are you a puff?
35:52You and your therapy.
36:12I love you.
36:45You've got to let me out now.
36:47Please, I promise to be good.
36:49You can't keep her down here forever, you know.
36:51Yes, I know.
36:53This isn't going to help her.
36:56So what do I do?
36:57Send her back on the wing and let her cause merry hell again?
37:00No, I'm sorry.
37:10I'm sorry.
37:19Oh, tough.
37:23Letter came for you this morning.
37:25Of course we had to open it.
37:27People smuggle all sorts in. Can't be too careful.
37:31Fenner, if you read my mail, I swear I'll...
37:34You'll what?
37:35I'm only doing my job.
37:40An affectionate girl, Helen.
37:42Nice turn of phrase.
37:44She likes you.
37:55I'm sorry, but there it is.
37:58I thought the sessions were helping.
38:00I thought you in particular got something from them.
38:05Especially as regards your violent past.
38:08No, I was never violent.
38:11Who wasn't?
38:19Who wasn't violent?
38:23My dad.
38:30It wasn't his fault.
38:32I wanted it.
38:35The judge who sent me down, he said I was evil, personified.
38:40I must have been to have wanted that.
38:44To have wanted what?
38:49Sex with my father.
38:57How old were you when this started, Cheryl?
39:01About 11 or 12.
39:05And you never spoke to your mother about it?
39:10My mum?
39:13It was her who made me do it.
39:24What's he said now?
39:26He's only intercepting my letters from Helen and reading them.
39:29What? Is that allowed?
39:31Yeah, when it suits them. Security reasons.
39:34Kill him one day, I say.
39:36Hey, hey, what's going on?
39:38Where's my mail?
39:39What makes you think you've got any?
39:40There was a letter for me this morning.
39:42No, there wasn't.
39:43Yes, there was. Fenner's got it.
39:44It had nothing to do with the mail this morning. I did it.
39:47Why? Expecting something from someone, were you?
39:51Looks like she's forgotten you.
39:57Shit, he was winding me up.
40:00He'll do it in the future, though.
40:03Do they read everyone's mail?
40:05No, only people they don't like. Don't worry, they won't read yours.
40:09In that case, maybe I could help.
40:16I used to sit on his knee and give him a cuddle.
40:21And then I'd give him a kiss.
40:26And then it just went from there.
40:29And you couldn't stop him?
40:31No, you don't understand.
40:33He didn't want to do it.
40:35It was me forcing him.
40:38Cheryl, when things like this happen, it is never because the child wants it.
40:43Why did my mum get cross with me then?
40:45I used to make her jealous, see?
40:47That's why I did it half the time.
40:49It'd be his favourite.
40:51I thought you said she made you do it.
40:57But when I say cross, she was only cross at first.
41:02After that...
41:06Well, it weren't just me and Dad after that.
41:11Anyway, my dad buggered off about eight years ago.
41:14I don't even know where he is now.
41:17It's all in the past, innit?
41:19Cheryl, you've got to understand.
41:23What they did was an extremely serious crime.
41:28I keep telling you, I wanted it.
41:31I'm not like them kids on Childline ringing up and grassing on their parents.
41:35I enjoyed it.
41:41Do you still see your mother?
41:44She looks after my kids while I'm in here, don't she?
41:47With her new fella.
41:56Not worried for their safety, are you?
42:01It's you who wanted sex after all, isn't it?
42:03Not your parents.
42:06I don't know.
42:10I'm not sure anymore.
42:13God, if anything's happened to them, I'll never forgive myself.
42:19It's all my fault.
42:22None of what you have just told me is your fault.
42:31Come here.
42:34It's all right.
42:36It's all right.
42:53Glad to see you wearing them.
42:55You made me jump.
42:57How do you feel?
42:59All right.
43:00My head still feels like a building truck's popped on it.
43:03Well, it's not going to happen overnight, is it?
43:06Let me know if it doesn't get any better, yeah?
43:09See you later, Groucho.
43:12Piss off.
43:23Rosters for next month. You asked to see them.
43:26Thanks, Jim.
43:28Something wrong?
43:31I'm going to have to stop the therapy sessions.
43:36Don't tell me you're not pleased.
43:38I just don't think prisons are ready for it yet.
43:41That's my reservation as well.
43:43Do you still want to go to prison?
43:46I don't.
43:48I'm not ready for it yet.
43:50That's my reservation as well.
43:52I've decided.
43:54And without support from above...
43:59I've also decided to bring Chell back on the wing.
44:02Is that wise?
44:04She's had four days. I haven't the heart to keep her there any longer.
44:10Oh, by the way...
44:13I saw this in the local paper.
44:15Glad to see she's on the mend.
44:46That's a bit heavy going for a no-hopper like you.
44:49What are you doing here?
44:50One of those irons of the fire I was telling you about.
44:54You've got a job here?
44:56Prison service professional.
44:59I'm working for Area Management.
45:01Special programme for women lifers.
45:03I'm back in your case. Literally.
45:06Nice to have you back, Chell.
45:08Do you really mean that, sir?
45:11Of course I do.
45:13I'm going to try really hard this time, sir.
45:16I don't want to go down the block again. Ever.
45:19I want to be here, with my friends.
45:22Well, let's hope you manage it.
45:29I'm sorry.
45:41Come in, Sylvia. Sit down.
45:46Make no better?
45:47Oh, I'm soldering on, Mum.
45:50My Bobby's not too happy about my coming into work,
45:53but what can you do? Can't let the side down, can you?
45:57Is Bobby your partner?
45:59He's my husband.
46:03I mean your dancing partner.
46:06Did Malcolm prescribe ballroom dancing as well?
46:10It was just that one evening, Mum.
46:13Don't dig yourself in deeper, Sylvia.
46:16I don't like liars, and I don't like skivers.
46:19One more slip.
46:23I did think four weeks' training would be enough.
46:26I'm extending it to three months now.
46:28And if I see you in that neck brace again,
46:30I'm going to rip it off and stick it where the sun don't shine.
46:34Now, get out.
46:36And start behaving like a senior officer.
46:50What, and you're not having me on?
46:52Straight up, Sam. They're the biz.
46:54Your hair could do with a bit of a makeover, though.
46:56Yeah, how about having it up?
46:58Oh, yeah, what, with, like, long, fringy bits over your eyes?
47:00What, so I can't see out the specs?
47:02Yeah, but you'd look dead tasty, though, wouldn't you?
47:04Yeah, we should give you a makeover, too, while we're about it.
47:06For your new fella.
47:08Well, how many of you got it in for men,
47:10and next you're trying to tart me up? Make your mind up, Mum.
47:12Yeah, well, we ain't the ones with a problem in that department, are we?
47:14What do you mean?
47:16We've just got something to ask you.
47:18No, I ain't.
47:21Well, we was wondering, you know,
47:23don't want to be nosy or nothing, but...
47:25You being a Christian in there...
47:27Yeah, does that mean that you've never, er...
47:30Is that all you two can think about?
47:33Both, no.
47:34Tell them to mind their own business.
47:36I don't care. I'm a virgin, and I'm proud of it,
47:38and I will stay that way until my wedding night, innit?
47:41You and Harriet haven't got married, love.
47:43You don't know what you're missing.
47:46How did Cheryl seem?
47:47A lot better.
47:48Goodness, for that.
47:52Come on, Mr Fennel!
47:55Why don't you string me up like Rachel X?
47:58It's what you want, innit?