How the Universe Works - S02E03 - Planets from Hell

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00:00Our universe is violent.
00:06The cosmos is full of planets from hell.
00:10What we have is a collection of monsters.
00:14Super hot worlds roasting at thousands of degrees.
00:19Frozen planets too cold for life.
00:23Desolate worlds seared by deadly radiation.
00:28Even planets where rock rains from the sky.
00:32We have hundreds and hundreds of these things we found and they're crazy.
00:38We search the heavens for worlds like our own and find planets where life could not
00:43possibly survive.
00:46How can the universe be so weird?
00:51Is the earth a one-off?
00:54The only habitable planet in the universe?
00:59Or are there worlds like ours out there, just waiting for us to find?
01:24Look out at the cosmos.
01:29Billions of galaxies.
01:37Trillions upon trillions of stars.
01:43And one profound question.
01:47Is anyone else out there?
01:51We want to find another earth.
01:53Is there a pale blue dot orbiting some star out there in the galaxy?
02:03The search is on for worlds that could harbor life.
02:08We're searching for our own vision of ourselves out there in space.
02:11We're searching for our heaven.
02:17We've already discovered more than 700 planets beyond our solar system.
02:26And yet these exoplanets look nothing like our own.
02:32Boy, were we wrong.
02:38All these solar systems that we're seeing in outer space, we find that they don't look
02:43like our solar system at all.
02:46We are the oddball.
02:48We're the freaks.
02:53These are nightmare worlds.
03:05And the cosmos is full of them.
03:09We're finding all different flavors of hell.
03:12All these different ways that planets can go wrong.
03:14So that's where we are right now.
03:17Searching for heaven, finding hell.
03:27These are worlds where life couldn't possibly survive.
03:32Could we really be alone?
03:39A cosmic fluke in a universe hostile to life.
03:44We may soon have the answer.
03:47Now we have discovered hundreds of exoplanets in outer space at the rate of over one exoplanet
03:53a week.
03:54In a few years, that will probably be thousands.
03:56And in the end, there could be millions or even billions of these things waiting for
04:01us to discover them.
04:04How could all of them be planets from hell?
04:08The quest for answers starts here, 63 light years from Earth.
04:19We've discovered a planet.
04:22It's even larger than Jupiter.
04:27And it has a serious problem.
04:37Its orbit is incredibly tight.
04:40It's closer to its star than Mercury is to our sun.
04:48And 30 times closer in than the Earth.
04:53The result is a superheated hell.
05:01But there's another reason why nothing could survive here.
05:14And that's the ferocious wind.
05:20The surface is battered by a never-ending storm.
05:32We can't see these winds with our telescopes, but we know this superstorm exists.
05:48Because of this.
05:52NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
05:56Spitzer can see things that we can't.
06:00It doesn't use visible light.
06:06Instead it sees in infrared.
06:09It's a part of the light spectrum we don't see with our eyes.
06:14The planet is heat.
06:19One advantage of studying the universe in infrared is it gives us this opportunity to
06:24see the light coming from planets around other stars.
06:27When you try to look at the light of a planet next to the light of a star, the star is hundreds
06:32of thousands of times brighter than that planet, which renders the planet very, very faint.
06:37But if we push into the infrared part of the spectrum, the internal heat of the planet,
06:43just as my internal heat, causes the planet to glow.
06:47Now it's observable and measurable.
06:53Spitzer gives us something completely new.
06:56The very first weather map of a planet beyond our solar system.
07:03This simple image is a technological triumph.
07:10The colors represent temperature differences.
07:14But the map also proves the planet has hellish winds.
07:23That's because the hotspot isn't where it should be.
07:29One side of the planet permanently faces the star, so its center should be the hottest
07:34point on the planet.
07:38It isn't.
07:42Something pushes the planet's hotspot to the side.
07:47And that takes incredible force.
07:58Only a non-stop 6,000 mile an hour hurricane could be this powerful, 20 times stronger
08:11than the strongest winds on Earth, 8 times the speed of sound.
08:22A small shift on a weather map.
08:28A series of supersonic winds raging on an alien planet.
08:38Truly a planet from hell.
08:49We're finding new planets at a staggering rate, an average of one a week.
08:58Each one could be an Earth-like heaven.
09:03But the more we explore them, the more hellish worlds we find.
09:09And some are so nightmarishly hot that they're more than uninhabitable.
09:18They shouldn't even exist.
09:33This Jupiter-sized gas planet is 256 light years from Earth.
09:39In infrared, it shines like a star.
09:44Tens of times brighter than Venus, the hottest planet in our solar system.
09:55It's a blistering 3,700 degrees.
10:03It's nearly impossible for a planet to get this hot.
10:16Its hellish temperature provides a clue to its appearance.
10:29An absolutely black object could absorb enough light from its star to reach such scorching
10:36If you were coming up on the night side, away from the star, you would just see this blackness
10:44in front of you.
10:45Very little radiation, very little light.
10:47It would almost just look like the stars were avoiding a part of the sky.
10:58Just as black pavement absorbs sunlight and heats up on a sunny day, the black planet
11:03roasts beside its star.
11:10We don't understand its atmospheric chemistry.
11:13There's nothing on Earth that can absorb so much light.
11:23The planet's only color comes from a scorching hot spot.
11:29As you flew around to the day side, things would begin to glow red hot.
11:34There'd be a huge swirling storm, all red and glowing.
11:38What a hellish world.
11:45Deep inside, clouds of titanium oxide swirl around a solid heart 100 times heavier than
11:56Darkness visible, another world from hell.
12:04But some planets are even bigger, seemingly impossible puzzles.
12:13Here's a mystery.
12:14Every astronomy textbook says that gigantic Jupiter-sized planets form way out in outer
12:20space where it's really cold.
12:22So why is a Jupiter-sized planet, what's it doing inside the orbit of Mercury?
12:33Jupiter-type planets can only form far from their parent stars, out in the cold of space.
12:47A gas giant orbiting this close means these monsters can move.
12:56This is WASP-12b, a scorching vision of hell.
13:05It's so close to its star that its orbit lasts just one Earth day.
13:11This world is so hot it's over 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
13:15This is just crazy hot.
13:18WASP-12b is one of the hottest planets in our galaxy.
13:25We've never seen anything like this before.
13:28This certainly is one of the most violent environments in the universe.
13:38WASP-12b is only 2 million miles from its star.
13:44Firing heat puffs up its atmosphere, giving it the density of styrofoam.
13:51In a big enough bathtub, it would float.
13:56We actually think it's so close to its star that the gravity, the tidal effect of gravity,
14:01warps it into almost an egg shape.
14:03It's not even round, it's oblong.
14:10Tens of miles beneath the puffed-up atmosphere lies a solid core.
14:17It's rich in carbon, and the pressures are extreme.
14:23There could be mountains of diamond and graphite, and seas of liquid tar.
14:39But WASP-12b won't last long.
14:44It orbits so closely that its star is literally tearing it apart, ripping away nearly 190
14:51quadrillion tons of gas a year.
14:59One million years from now, WASP-12b will vanish.
15:15The question is, how did it get so close in the first place?
15:28This is the birth of a solar system.
15:32In the center, a new star.
15:40Around it swirls a disk of microscopic dust grains.
15:48These are planets in the making.
15:51Dust grains collide, and every time they collide, they merge, and so they get bigger and bigger,
15:57and so they sort of grow like the dust bunnies under your bed.
15:59And you have 100,000 years or a million years to make a very big dust bunny, and they get
16:05bigger and bigger and bigger.
16:14Trillions of miles from the star, it's cold enough for ice to form.
16:23Ice picks up dust and gas.
16:32These gaseous clumps grow bigger and bigger over millions of years.
16:37Eventually, they become gas giants.
16:45In our solar system, the gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, all form this
16:53way, in the distant orbits we still see today.
17:02So how did WASP-12b end up so searingly close to its star?
17:10The answer, gravity.
17:14This planet is huge, 40% more massive than Jupiter.
17:25Its immense gravity disturbs the dust disk it formed from, creating turbulence.
17:37And so the planet creates waves in the disk, you know, sort of density waves, and you can
17:42sort of think of them as like waves on an ocean.
17:46The gas giant becomes a galactic surfer.
17:52Over hundreds of thousands of years, the planet rides the waves inward toward the star.
18:00As the planet gets closer and closer to the star, it starts to feel the radiation from
18:07the star more and more, and so it heats up.
18:11Traveling millions of miles from the cold outer reaches of the star system into the
18:19tight, scorching orbit we see today, an ice-cold world becomes a planet from hell.
18:31Nobody had any real clue that you could form a planet a billion miles out from a star.
18:37It somehow moved in.
18:39That is incredible, but that's really the only explanation of how these planets got
18:44so close to their stars in the first place.
18:50WASP-12b is bizarre, but it isn't alone.
19:02We've found many of these super-hot, super-close giants.
19:08We call them hot Jupiters, battered by supersonic winds, blacker than night, hotter than hell.
19:29But these hot Jupiters all have one thing in common.
19:36There's no life here.
19:40These planets are just about as different from the Earth as you can possibly imagine.
19:44In fact, we've now found over a hundred of these things, rendering them so common that
19:50the question really emerges, which ones are the weirdos, them or us?
19:58This planetary roller coaster has consequences.
20:02As they spiral inward, hot Jupiters cause chaos.
20:06They create a whole new class of planets from hell, orphan worlds flung away from their
20:14star into the emptiness of interstellar space.
20:32Planets orbit stars.
20:37Between the stars is a vast sea of darkness.
20:42We've always thought of space as being empty.
20:44That would be considered its defining characteristic.
20:47That's why we call it space.
20:49But when planet hunters switched from gazing at stars to staring deep into space, they
20:58made an amazing discovery.
21:01Out of the darkness, between the stars, planets began to appear.
21:12First, one dark gas giant, then several more.
21:24Eventually, ten dark, starless planets emerged from the shadows of space.
21:39I often wonder what it would be like to be on one of these rogue planets in between stars.
21:46The night sky would be perfectly black, it'd be festooned with stars, it'd be beautiful.
21:54But if you were at one of these planets, you would be in a world of perpetual night.
21:58There would be no sunrise or sunset, there would be no warmth of the sun.
22:05These planets formed around a star, but now they roam the darkness of interstellar space.
22:15Their journey here was violent, each one forced from its home orbit by the gravity of a hot Jupiter.
22:30A Jupiter-sized planet is an 800-pound gorilla.
22:35Where does it sit?
22:36Anywhere it wants to.
22:42Hot Jupiters are killers.
22:48As they surf in toward their star, their immense gravity disrupts the system.
23:00Curling planets from their orbital paths.
23:04It flings into outer space any small planet, so any planet unfortunate enough to be orbiting
23:11close to the mother star would be flung into outer space with a passing Jupiter.
23:25These planets will never again feel the heat or see the light of a star.
23:34All the rogue planets we've found so far are gas giants.
23:38But perhaps there are smaller, rocky worlds too.
23:49Worlds that were once like Earth.
23:54The large Jupiter-like planets are just easier to see, but there's no reason to assume there
23:58also aren't smaller orphaned planets.
24:01Maybe as a Jupiter planet moves in toward the star and plays ping-pong with the planets,
24:05even something like Earth could have gotten kicked out.
24:08Then you would have this cold, frozen little world, just streaking between the stars, dark
24:13and lonely.
24:17These planets are victims of a violent gravitational battle.
24:22Frozen, orphaned Earth twins.
24:27There may be hundreds of billions, with a B, of these planets roaming the galaxy.
24:33Now there are only a couple of hundred billion stars in the galaxy, so that means these rogue
24:38planets may actually outnumber stars.
24:46Right now, we find an average of at least one new exoplanet a week.
24:52As our technology improves, we'll see smaller and smaller planets orbiting stars.
24:59Worlds with a solid surface like our own.
25:03But the first rocky planets we've found are nothing like Earth.
25:09These planets have been to hell and back.
25:27We have found hundreds of alien worlds.
25:32And now for the first time, we're finding small planets made of rock, just like Earth.
25:47Planets this size are potential homes for life.
25:55But instead we find more planets from hell.
26:01Weird, nightmarish, and uninhabitable.
26:20This is Coro-7b.
26:26A world of violent extremes.
26:32Two hells in one.
26:37It's so close in that its star looms 360 times larger in the sky than our sun.
26:48On Coro-7b, the first hell is unimaginably hot.
26:56The surface is a furnace, roasting at 4700 degrees.
27:04Lava boils, turning the atmosphere into vaporized rock.
27:10When a cooler front moves in, small pebbles condense.
27:17And rocks rain from the sky.
27:20If that's not a classic vision of hell, I don't know what is.
27:25But that's only half the story.
27:31The hot side of the planet is locked, permanently facing the star.
27:40Beyond is the twilight zone.
27:47It's temperate here, cool enough to turn the lava oceans into solid rock.
28:00But this pleasant zone is narrow.
28:05Travel further, and you descend into a second hell.
28:14This is the dark side.
28:20The half of the planet that never sees the sun.
28:26Eternal darkness and savage cold.
28:32The temperature is hundreds of degrees below zero.
28:39So one side is hot, another side is cold.
28:41You either have, you know, fire or ice in the extreme.
28:44The coldest places in the universe and the hottest places in the universe.
28:47You couldn't think of a worse place to end up.
28:55The planet was not always this way.
28:59Turn back the clock 1.5 billion years.
29:06Coro-7b is forming.
29:11But it isn't rocky.
29:14It's a gas giant, a hundred times bigger than Earth.
29:24It migrates in toward its star.
29:30As it closes in, the star blowtorches gas from the planet.
29:38Its gaseous shell blasts off into space to reveal a rocky core.
29:49Coro-7b is the skeletal remains of a hot Jupiter.
29:55Its parent star has reduced this once massive gas giant to a rocky cinder.
30:10It's hard to imagine planets more extreme than Coro-7b.
30:17Yet they do exist.
30:21Dayworlds, machine gunned by deadly cosmic rays.
30:41This is a pulsar 7,000 trillion miles away from Earth.
30:51It's a kind of cosmic lighthouse.
30:57This unbelievably tiny world, just 10 miles across, fires an intense beam of radiation
31:04through space as regularly as an atomic clock.
31:10A single cubic centimeter, the size of a keyboard key, actually has about as much mass as Mount
31:17Smash a Mount Everest into a cubic centimeter, the whole star, which is only about 10 miles
31:22across, is like that.
31:26It's one of the most hostile environments in the universe.
31:30Anything nearby gets hammered by intense gravity and magnetism.
31:37No one expected to find a planet here.
31:41But this pulsar has three, small, rocky, near-Earth sized.
31:53They were the first exoplanets ever discovered, and the last place you would ever find life.
32:02It's got a tremendous magnetic field.
32:04It's blasting out X-rays.
32:05So these poor planets are just getting cooked by radiation.
32:09The word Earth-like I don't think could be applied to these guys at all.
32:17The X-ray beam strafes the planets over and over, firing radiation a million times more
32:24deadly than medical X-rays, slowly stripping their surfaces away.
32:37These are sterile worlds.
32:42Everybody admits there's no chance for life, at least as we know it, on the planets that
32:46orbit the pulsar.
32:51Radiation cooks pulsar planets to death.
33:00The opposite hell is no better.
33:04Frozen worlds too cold for life.
33:10In the constellation Scorpius, 20,000 light years away, is a red dwarf star.
33:21These dwarfs are tiny and relatively cool.
33:36And this planet is too far away to fill what little heat there is.
33:42It's so distant, its orbit lasts 10 Earth years.
33:49It's the coldest planet we have found in the universe.
33:58Its surface is a frigid 370 degrees below zero.
34:05This is a world made entirely of ice.
34:09Methane, ammonia and nitrogen are gases on Earth.
34:17Here they form a frozen, toxic frost.
34:23Glaciers and canyons and cliffs of ice are the only terrain.
34:30Here hell really has frozen over.
34:43Our search for Earth's elusive twin reaches another dead end.
34:50Perhaps we are truly alone.
34:58Or will our first tantalizing glimpses of an alien world, potentially perfect for life,
35:06Earth, the only habitable world in our solar system.
35:25But in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars, can we really be alone?
35:40It's a question that planet hunters are trying to answer.
35:45The whole purpose, in my opinion, of the discovery of exoplanets is to establish our true place
35:52in the universe.
35:54Who are we?
35:56Where do we belong in the cosmic scheme of things?
35:59Are there other planets that can have life just like ours?
36:05That's where NASA's Kepler Space Telescope comes in.
36:11Kepler lets us calculate how far a planet is from its star.
36:15That's critical in figuring out whether it could sustain life.
36:21Life on Earth is only possible because we're the perfect distance from the sun, not too
36:27hot and not too cold.
36:33Just right for liquid water, oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, and life.
36:46You know, journalists say, follow the money.
36:49Astronomers say, follow the water.
36:52Because water is the universal solvent that dissolves most chemicals, and that's where
36:57DNA got off the ground.
37:00And where there's liquid water, there could be life.
37:05We're looking for planets that are not too close to their parent star, where all the
37:10water would boil away, and not too far away from their parent star, where all the water
37:14would be tied up in a frozen form.
37:16We're looking for that Goldilocks zone, where the temperatures are just right for liquid
37:20water to pool on the surface.
37:26Once Kepler has identified a new planet, astronomers check whether it lies in the habitable zone
37:32of its parent star.
37:36So far, Kepler hasn't found a single confirmed Earth twin.
37:45But it has identified more than 2,000 planetary possibilities.
37:52And it's this sheer abundance of planets that gives scientists hope.
37:58The important thing to remember is that even though we're finding all of these terrible
38:02planets that are just completely unlivable, is that we're finding lots of them.
38:07We're finding hundreds and thousands of these planets.
38:10And what that's telling us is that planets are easy to make.
38:14And that means that even rare things are probably out there in large numbers.
38:20Even if the Earth is a rare, precious jewel in our galaxy, there may be dozens or hundreds
38:25of them out there.
38:32Kepler has opened our eyes to a universe full of planets.
38:37We can now guess at how many there might be in our own galaxy.
38:44Fifty billion.
38:50Fifty billion worlds just waiting to be discovered.
38:55And we think one percent could be in the Goldilocks zone of their star.
39:06That's 500 million planets, each with a chance of harboring life.
39:14Right here on our own doorstep.
39:24We haven't found one yet, but we're getting closer.
39:33This is Gliese 581, a red dwarf star 20 light years from Earth.
39:41Gliese 581 is a tiny little star.
39:44If the sun were the brightness of about a hundred watt light bulb, then Gliese 581 would
39:48be like a little Christmas tree light, a tiny little fairy light, very, very small.
39:52This shifts the life zone in, because now if you want to be warm enough, you need to
39:56snuggle up right next to the star.
40:07The star has four planets.
40:11Three are too close and hot for liquid water.
40:16But the fourth is different.
40:21It's a rocky world twice the size of Earth.
40:26And it's right on the edge of the Goldilocks zone.
40:37In theory, if the planet has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, it could trap enough heat
40:43to have clouds, rain, and oceans.
40:51It would be a strange place to live, twice Earth's gravity, bathed in permanent red twilight.
41:07But right now, this weird world is the closest we have to a planet like ours.
41:15It's a promising start.
41:19When we actually know for a fact that up there around that star is a planet like Earth, that's
41:25going to just fundamentally change how people look at the sky and how people perceive their
41:30place in the universe.
41:31So that's going to be a profound moment, not just for me, but I think for humanity in general.
41:37Our goal is to find another Earth, but along that path, we are going to find more things
41:46than we could have ever possibly imagined.
41:48And that's the part I love about this the most.
41:51We don't know what craziness is going to be around the next corner when we're looking
41:55for more planets.
41:56I can't even imagine.
42:05Two decades ago, the only planets we knew were right here in our solar system.
42:13Now there are hundreds, all very different from our home.
42:23The universe is filled with hellish worlds, super hot, ultra cold, violent and bizarre.
42:47But the universe is also unimaginably vast.
42:53With so many stars, there are probably countless Earth-like heavens.
42:58All we have to do now is find them.
