Dahmer - S01e10 - God Of Forgiveness, God Of Vengeance

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God of Forgiveness, God of Vengeance
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00:00So you've never done construction work before?
00:27No. Well, like I said, it's just stuff around the house, helping my ma, you know?
00:31Well, don't sweat it. There's nothing to it. And honest to God, you got the right build for it.
00:35Oh. Well, thanks.
00:37Just come inside, answer a couple of questions, and don't even think of it like a job interview, okay?
00:50What, um, what's that smell?
00:53Oh, you know, probably a dead raccoon or something down in the crawlspace.
01:02Here you go.
01:03What's this?
01:05What the heck did you...
01:07It's an RC Cola.
01:09What the heck's wrong with you?
01:11Sorry. Thanks.
01:16So, you looking for full-time, part-time?
01:21I mean, I'll take as many hours as you can give me, you know?
01:25Just depends on what you want to do.
01:27PDM stands for paint and design and maintenance, so, you know, all kinds of work to be done.
01:38You go to that bar a lot?
01:41Because I've never seen you in there before.
01:48Let me show you something.
01:57You Catholic?
02:01You Catholic?
02:08The only knot I remember from Boy Scouts.
02:14Tryin' to get that.
02:17Gets real tight, don't it?
02:20Your hand will turn purple if I leave it like that.
02:26Look at me.
02:29I'm gonna show you a trick.
02:59Come on, man.
03:02Quit strugglin'.
03:07You do not want to piss me off.
03:10Trust me.
03:30Please, God. Please, God.
03:34God can't help you.
03:37I'm God.
03:42Prison authorities in Illinois are preparing to execute one of America's most notorious serial killers.
03:48A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that the execution of John Wayne Gacy can't go forward.
03:54Gacy is scheduled to die by lethal injection on May 10th,
03:57giving the confessed murderer just two months more to live
04:00after a legal battle that has gone on for more than 14 years.
04:04Here now with more is Frank Currier.
04:07It was 1978 when the world first saw the horrifying images of body bags
04:12being pulled out of John Wayne Gacy's house near Chicago,
04:15and of Gacy, later convicted in the torture murders of 33 young men and girls.
04:22Oh, God. You're finally gonna fray that guy.
04:25You do something like that, you don't deserve to live.
04:29Man's gonna burn in hell, and not fast enough.
04:32He's the worst of the worst.
04:34He's not the worst.
04:37Who's worse than him?
04:41My neighbor.
04:47You ever smell a dead body, Linda?
04:50No. I have.
04:52Jeff was cooking them up next door.
04:54Smell came right through the vent into my house.
04:58Can't get it out of my nose.
05:01That smell.
05:17The fuck?
05:19Sorry. My friend's sitting there.
05:23Fucking Louis Vuitton, motherfucker!
05:25Calm down.
05:3950 bucks for your autograph? No way.
05:43Come on, man. This has got to be worth at least, what, 100 bucks?
05:48That's gonna be a collector's item.
05:50I'll give you a discount.
05:53Hey, I'll throw in some of these porno pics these girls have been sending me.
05:58I got no use for them.
06:00Porno pics?
06:01Pussies hanging out, everything.
06:03Okay, JD.
06:08All right, fellas. Don't get mad just because I'm getting a little sun today.
06:34Yo, I'm tired of your disrespect, Domo.
06:38I'm a fan of your food.
06:39Your fucking sick-ass jokes, selling your heart out.
06:42I don't give a fuck.
06:44I don't give a fuck.
06:46Your food, your fucking sick-ass jokes,
06:48selling your autographs like you're some kind of celebrity or something.
06:51You think prison is a game?
06:53You think we're here for your fucking amusement?
06:55Hey, man, I didn't mean any disrespect.
06:58I'm just trying to pass my time.
07:01Same as you.
07:02You ain't the same as me.
07:04I've atoned for my sins.
07:06Whatever you did to get in this joint,
07:08it's clear that you got zero remorse.
07:11I'm a Christian, and I find your behavior offensive.
07:18Stop being an asshole and quit with your fucking games, all right?
07:21Hey, Garver, let's take a walk.
07:31And why exactly are you doing research on Mr. Dahmer?
07:34I'm not doing research on him.
07:36I just wanted to see what he did to get in here
07:38and see what the big deal about him is.
07:40Time spent in solitary has put me out of the loop, is all.
07:46Well, Mr. Scarver, according to the system,
07:49because of your psychiatric condition,
07:51your access to certain viewing materials is restricted.
07:54Look, like I told the doctors,
07:56a certain food causes me to have these psychotic breaks.
07:59You know, bread, refined sugar, and all that artificial crap.
08:07Ever since I changed my diet and found Christ,
08:12I've been okay.
08:15Come on, Ms. G, pretty please?
08:18Pretty please?
08:48Come on.
09:19Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
09:33He drank a lot. He drank a lot.
09:39Maybe that's where it began to go wrong for John Gacy.
09:42He doesn't know, nor does he seem to care.
09:45he loses himself in his paintings.
09:48This is Christ as I see him in myself.
09:51And it's monolithic, because Christ to me is monolithic.
09:55He's all things to all people.
09:58Not worried about facing God?
10:01I'm fairly comfortable with him.
10:04The Catholic services, I've been a servant for the priest
10:07for the last 10 years.
10:09And I have no qualms about doing that.
10:13I've had confession, I've had communion.
10:17I'm at peace with myself.
10:20John Gacy now faces death by legal injection.
10:24Tomorrow night, we'll hear how he's
10:25the victim for being found guilty.
10:27You can ask him.
10:38Uh, can I talk to you a sec?
10:48So why do you think there's so many of us now?
10:52You mean inmates?
10:54No, I mean guys like me.
10:59People they call serial killers.
11:05Well, I'm not sure anybody knows the answer to that.
11:10Some say it's the interstate highway system,
11:13a relatively new invention in the history of this country.
11:17You can kill somebody and disappear fast.
11:20Dump the body 1,000 miles away.
11:23Or maybe it was World War II or Vietnam.
11:27Dad's coming back from the war.
11:29They're traumatized.
11:30Don't talk about it.
11:31They're absent, abusive.
11:33They raised troubled sons.
11:35There's also the explosion and wide availability
11:37of pornography, which wasn't the case until the 1970s.
11:47You believe there's such a thing as just being evil?
11:55I think you could probably guess that I do.
12:04You know, I went to church as a little kid.
12:12And then on Halloween, I went as the devil.
12:17And something felt good about that.
12:22Then I got a little older.
12:24And I made an altar to him, the devil.
12:29And I was planning on making a life-size one.
12:33That's what I was saving a lot of the body parts for.
12:37Even in movies, like Star Wars, I always
12:42like the bad guys more, you know?
12:46Well, so did I.
12:49Those characters are written.
12:52Those characters are written better.
13:00What do you really want to ask me, Jeff?
13:06Well, I was watching that John Wayne Gacy on the news.
13:18You know, people say we're the same,
13:21because we both did terrible things.
13:25But I really think we're different.
13:31I admitted to everything, all of it.
13:36And Gacy still says he didn't do it.
13:41I wanted the death penalty.
13:45And he was saying that he's not afraid to die,
13:48because he's made his peace with God.
13:54And he's going to go to heaven.
13:59So I guess my question is, do you think God's
14:08forgiven him for all that?
14:12Are you asking about him, or about yourself, Jeff?
14:19I don't think I deserve forgiveness for what I've done.
14:23Well, it's not about deserve, Jeff.
14:25That's the thing about grace.
14:27We don't deserve it, but we get it anyway.
14:31You know, Jesus wasn't alone when
14:33he was dying on the cross.
14:35There were two criminals that were being crucified
14:38with him, and one of them said to Jesus,
14:40kind of making fun of him.
14:42He says, hey, if you're the son of God,
14:45why don't you save yourself, and save us while you're at it?
14:48But the other one, he shouts this guy down, says, hold on.
14:53You and me, we're criminals.
14:55We're getting what we deserve.
14:56But this guy, Jesus, he didn't do nothing wrong.
15:02Then he says to Jesus, I'm going to do
15:06Then he says to Jesus, remember me
15:09when you come into your kingdom.
15:13And so Jesus turns to him, and you know what he says?
15:19He says, today, you will be with me in paradise.
15:24Jesus didn't ask him what he'd done to get crucified,
15:26didn't ask him if he was sorry.
15:28All this guy had to do to be saved
15:31was to believe that Jesus was the son of God.
15:36And let us not forget, Heavenly Father,
15:40that you are a loving, merciful, and just God.
15:44And we ask that we may practice mercy and forgiveness
15:49in our own lives, as you have shown
15:52mercy and forgiveness to us.
15:56In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
16:03And Sandra?
16:04She's good.
16:05About to have her second baby.
16:07Praise the Lord.
16:09Boy or girl?
16:10We don't know yet.
16:11We fixing to find out next week.
16:14Well, give it my best when you see her.
16:15I will.
16:17So why'd you want to see me?
16:21Well, Pastor, what you said in your closing prayer
16:28today about forgiveness, showing mercy, I mean,
16:33I know it's the Christian thing to do.
16:36And we all have fallen short.
16:38And at some point or another, we all deserve grace.
16:42But when it comes to Jeff Dahmer, I can't forgive him.
16:50Even though there may be something wrong with his brain,
16:55or he couldn't control his self, I can't.
17:02I can't forgive him for what he did to me.
17:06I can't forgive him for what he did to me.
17:11I can't.
17:14My heart is full of hate, ooh, revenge.
17:24I thought him being in jail for the rest of his life
17:28would be enough.
17:32It's not.
17:38I want to see him suffer.
17:41I ain't been having nightmares about it.
17:47And I see myself hurting him, giving him pain,
17:58making him beg for mercy.
18:04I'm scared, Pastor.
18:08I'm so scared.
18:11I just wish I could get past these feelings, you know,
18:17that I could stop living in vengeance,
18:24that I could get to a better place.
18:26Maybe, I don't know, maybe not forgiveness,
18:30but something close to it.
18:33Because if I keep letting hate and anger consume me,
18:41I'm not going to know myself no more.
18:51You have a big heart, Glenda, which can be
18:54both a blessing and a curse.
18:58And you have every right to feel those feelings
19:01and think those thoughts.
19:03But how do I make them stop?
19:05You can't.
19:08You can't.
19:09All you can do is pray for strength
19:11and ask for God's guidance every day.
19:17And perhaps come to church a little more often.
19:27It's not going to happen overnight.
19:31It just takes time.
19:34And then one day, maybe a month from now, maybe a year,
19:41you'll see Jeffrey Dahmer's face somewhere,
19:44and you won't feel a thing.
20:05Hi, Dad.
20:06Hey, Jeff.
20:07How you doing?
20:08Good to see you.
20:09You too.
20:10You look good.
20:12You look healthier.
20:13I do?
20:15Maybe it's the pills they got me on.
20:17They give me that Prozac.
20:20Oh, yeah?
20:22You think that helps?
20:23Yeah, I think it helps even me out.
20:27There's no booze in here.
20:29I think that was a lot of my problem.
20:31Yeah, I think so too.
20:35You miss it, the drinking?
20:38Oh, every hour of every day.
20:41So it's probably good I can't get any now.
20:48I was thinking about you and Sherry.
20:50You guys should maybe go on a vacation
20:52with all that book money.
20:54Oh, yeah, the book.
20:57The book didn't do so well, Jeff.
21:00The reviews were good,
21:02but I understand why I think a lot of people
21:06thought that I was trying to profit from the victims
21:10and whatnot.
21:11It's not true.
21:12It's not true, but what are you going to do?
21:15It's probably curse from the beginning.
21:25Well, there's something I got to tell you, Dad.
21:30Something I'm planning on doing.
21:36I want to get baptized.
21:41That's wonderful, son.
21:45I thought you'd be happy.
21:47Only problem is, I don't got a baptismal tank in here,
21:50and I still got to find somebody to baptize me.
21:54That's just, that's so great.
21:58That's so great.
22:01And you know,
22:05baptism's all about washing away all your sins.
22:11God forgiving you is one thing,
22:14and I know he could do that, but...
22:18I guess what I wanted to ask you, Dad, is if...
22:25if you could ever forgive me.
22:36I would.
22:40I'll forgive you, son.
22:44I do.
22:47I have.
22:50Because you're my son.
23:00That's good.
23:04Thanks, Dad.
23:10Hey, there.
23:27Glenda. Thank you for coming.
23:30Thank you for inviting me.
23:32You loud folks don't know how to throw a wedding.
23:35Please, sit.
23:41Oh, no, I'm good.
23:42It's tradition.
23:59That is strong.
24:01You may not have too many of these,
24:03or you might not even remember your son's wedding.
24:09I'm really happy for you sometime.
24:12You and your family deserve this,
24:14especially after everything that's happened.
24:19Today's a good day.
24:26I try to be happy for my family.
24:30I smile.
24:32I try to be strong.
24:36I've been waiting to feel like myself again before.
24:42But it just gets worse.
24:45Because every morning I get up,
24:48and I remember Jeffrey Dahmer still alive.
24:53But not Kun Lok.
24:56Not my son.
24:58I get it.
25:02Maybe the best we could do
25:05is keep pretending to be strong.
25:08And eventually, one day,
25:10maybe we'll forget we're pretending.
25:24Come on, Tsum Tsum.
25:25Let's get out on this dance floor and show them how it's done.
25:39Dahmer versus Jesus?
25:42Is this for real?
25:43It's the newest issue in his Jeffrey Dahmer series.
25:47Just when you thought folks couldn't stoop any lower.
25:50It's sick.
25:51It's like they're making him into a superhero.
25:54Freedom of speech, my ass.
25:56I know, girl.
25:57Though to be honest,
25:58I'm not sure who should be offended more,
26:00us or Jesus.
26:01So what do we do?
26:02Say we file another lawsuit.
26:04But we lost the last one.
26:06Aren't we just gonna lose again?
26:08There's a chance we might.
26:09Then is it really worth it?
26:11Are you saying that we should just forgive
26:13and forget what Dahmer did
26:14and allow these folks to continue to profit off of him?
26:17Why expend all that effort to file another lawsuit
26:21if at the end of the day we lose again in court?
26:23Because it makes a statement.
26:26It reminds people that Jeff Dahmer isn't a superhero.
26:31He's a serial killer.
26:34It also reminds them that
26:36our sons weren't just Jeff Dahmer's victims.
26:39They were real people.
26:41They lived.
26:43They sang in the choir.
26:45Loved to dance.
26:47Teased their sisters.
26:49They were young men who had hopes and dreams for the future.
26:53And mothers.
26:56Who loved them.
27:00So even if we lose in court,
27:02if we can manage to get that point across,
27:05we win without winning.
27:12I know I'm not gonna read this,
27:14but I hope Jesus whoops Jeffrey Dahmer's ass.
27:18Whoops Jeffrey Dahmer's ass.
27:48We use this for rehabbing injuries and whatnot.
27:51Will this work?
27:53I believe it would.
27:55Anything else you need?
27:57I'm sorry, you're giving me everything I'm asking for.
28:00I thought this was gonna be a lot harder.
28:02Religion pacifies.
28:05You know, warden, I spoke to him,
28:07and I'm gonna tell you what I told your chaplains here.
28:10Dahmer wants to be saved.
28:12It is genuine.
28:15Hey, Casey, do you have any last words?
28:21How about...
28:23you all kiss my ass?
28:27How's that for last words?
28:30Where you going, J.D.?
28:32I'm getting baptized.
29:00Someone made that for you.
29:02Yeah, nice, right?
29:04Some lady in Oklahoma.
29:22Motherfucker, man.
29:32Jeff, I baptize you in the name of the Father...
29:38and the Son...
29:41and the Holy Spirit...
29:43for the forgiveness of sin.
29:46I don't know what to do.
29:48God Almighty, Heavenly Father, you've got to talk to me.
29:51You've got to tell me what to do.
30:21Official time of death, 1258.
30:30Welcome to the family of God.
30:35Congratulations, Jeff.
30:38You're saved.
30:46Don't do it, Lord, please.
30:49Just do what I gotta do.
30:52Do it.
31:25Work duty.
31:43So, J.D., what you gonna do with your 25 cents an hour?
31:47Blow it on porn or cigarettes?
31:51Don't know.
31:52Probably just give it to the church.
31:55Well, that's fucking lame.
32:05You got me.
32:06I'm just fucking with you, man.
32:21Work duty.
32:42Guys are getting some help this morning.
32:51Fine by me.
33:27I'm gonna clean the locker rooms.
33:29You wanna let me in?
34:39What'd you do to him?
34:41Don't cry for him.
34:45Dude murdered his wife,
34:47stabbed her in the face five fucking times,
34:49and tried to pin on two black guys.
34:52Ain't that some shit?
34:58But ain't nothing compared to what you did, though, Dom.
35:03So you didn't just murder them.
35:07You desecrated their bodies
35:09and cannibalized their flesh.
35:11Answer me, Dom!
35:14Did you really eat their flesh?
35:22And that 14-year-old boy?
35:27Oh, fuck.
35:29What made you do it?
35:32Did you enjoy it?
35:34I was lost.
35:36I turned away from God.
35:39So you believe in God?
35:41Yes, I do.
35:44I've returned to God.
35:48I feel...
35:55I believe in God, too.
35:59But my God is a God of vengeance.
36:03He punishes evil.
36:05Been at it for a long time.
36:08And when he can't do it himself,
36:10he sends in vessels to execute his justice.
36:15The Lord spoke to me, Dom.
36:20The Lord spoke to me, Dom.
36:24He asked me to punish you for all the innocent lives you took
36:30and the families you destroyed.
36:32You may convince yourself that God has forgiven you.
36:39But you can never escape God's wrath.
36:44It always catches up with you.
36:53See, Thelma?
36:58I'm his vessel.
37:34You liked seeing a man in pain, didn't you?
37:48And that 14-year-old boy, he did them horrible things to him.
37:54I drugged him first so they wouldn't feel anything.
38:01Well, Dom, you're about to feel every second of this.
39:01In the name of the Father,
39:04the Son,
39:07and the Holy Ghost.
39:42Oh, no.
39:44Okay, we'll be right there.
39:49Mr. Donner?
39:51Is he okay? Can we see him?
39:53Just, um...
39:55I'm afraid it's bad news.
40:41Don't look at me.
40:43Don't look at me.
40:45I'm sorry.
40:47God, Jim, I'm sorry.
41:06I love you.
41:10I've loved you since the day you were born.
41:15And I'll love you till the day that I die.
41:54I didn't say a thing, did I?
42:04Mr. Donner?
42:06Miss Flint?
42:11I don't understand.
42:13Jeff's body's been cremated.
42:15They sent the remains to Sherry and me two weeks ago.
42:17Half his remains.
42:19The other half went to me, okay? His mother.
42:22After your son was killed,
42:25there was, of course, an autopsy,
42:28and when they do that, you know, the body is kind of...
42:31Dissected. Lionel knows all about that.
42:33He's who kind of sparked Jeff's interest in the subject.
42:36You're a piece of work, aren't you, Joyce?
42:38Guys, look, could we...
42:40The brain was removed to determine the cause of death.
42:44Now Miss Flint feels that we have an opportunity here
42:48for something good to come out of all this.
42:50Scientists at Fresno State University
42:52would like to study Jeff's brain.
42:54Hold on. I don't understand.
42:57Where's his brain been all this time?
43:00I mean, where is it now?
43:04In the pathology lab at the University of Fresno.
43:07University of Wisconsin.
43:11No way. No. No way.
43:13Lionel, please, just listen for once.
43:16He wrote a will.
43:18He said he wanted to be cremated as soon as possible.
43:20His whole body. You know, his brain's part of his body, okay?
43:24He said no open casket, no funeral, no headstone, no marker.
43:27If you care so much about Jeff's wishes,
43:29why'd you have a memorial service for him, then?
43:32It was just a few family friends.
43:34But not his mother.
43:36Okay. The brain should be cremated.
43:38It should have been when the body was.
43:40We have a chance here, Lionel,
43:42to find out why he was the way he was.
43:44Was it something he was born with?
43:47Maybe there was some small tumor somewhere.
43:50Well, I think each of us has our own idea
43:52about why Jeff was the way he was, don't we?
43:54Stop it. Shame on you.
43:56You know, they just did this very same thing
43:58with that, uh, John Wayne Gacy.
44:01They took out his brain, and they made slides and whatnot,
44:05and you know what conclusion they reached?
44:07Perfectly normal.
44:08Well, that's what they're gonna say about Jeff's brain, too.
44:10How do you know?
44:14Answer is no, Joyce.
44:17Never gonna happen.
44:19No, I think we need to try to put this behind us.
44:22Quit dragging it out and just, you know, move on.
44:28Mr. Dahmer, this is something
44:31that Mrs. Flint will choose to pursue in court.
44:34Yeah, I bet she will.
44:38If you be good, I'm gonna let you watch cartoons
44:40when we get home, okay?
44:42All right. Let's see.
44:45I got Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and...
44:48Cookie, cookie!
44:50Okay, well, which one you want?
44:52All of them!
44:54I'm gonna get you two.
44:56You know why? You're spoiled.
44:58And you know why you're spoiled?
44:59Because you're a bratty little rascal.
45:02Come on so you can help me put this stuff up there.
45:04You gonna be a big boy and help me?
45:15The court recognizes a rather unusual situation here.
45:19It's one I certainly never encountered before
45:21and probably won't again.
45:24We have competing interests
45:26from the two parents of the deceased.
45:28I recognize the statement of wishes of Jeffrey Dahmer.
45:34And I'm also concerned with the issue of closure.
45:37This is a rather evil chapter
45:40in our human existence, so to speak.
45:43I believe it would be beneficial to the public
45:45in all concern that there be closure
45:50and that this matter is resolved once and for all
45:53and we move on.
45:59I hereby order the brain to be destroyed.
46:09I also have to say
46:11I object to the very nature of this inquiry.
46:15When one considers an individual like the deceased,
46:19there is a temptation to try to know
46:22and know definitively
46:24why someone like Jeffrey Dahmer is what he is
46:29or was.
46:32I think there's a real danger there.
46:36There are no easy answers when it comes to someone like him.
46:43You'll never know why he did what he did.
46:48That's an uncomfortable truth to be sure,
46:51but it's one you need to accept.
47:07Thank you for seeing me today, Ms. Yang.
47:10Of course, and I appreciate your patience, Ms. Cleveland.
47:13I realize we had to reschedule a few times.
47:16I'm sorry?
47:17Seven times.
47:19That's how many times your office rescheduled this meeting.
47:22But it's okay.
47:24Like all those times I called the cops on Dahmer,
47:27I'm used to having to be persistent.
47:30So, Ms. Cleveland, how can I help you today?
47:33Well, I wanted to see how the progress was on the park.
47:38The park?
47:40Mm-hmm, the park memorial.
47:43I was told that the city was planning to turn
47:45the old Oxford Apartments on 25th
47:48into a park after it was demolished.
47:51So I wrote your office a letter saying
47:53y'all ought to make the park a memorial to Dahmer's victims.
47:57And you wrote me back a real nice letter,
47:59signed your name and everything,
48:01saying that you would look into it.
48:03Yes, right.
48:04So anyway, I'm here on behalf of some of the victims' families
48:08to get an update.
48:09And I walked past there the other day,
48:11and it's still a vacant lot.
48:13I mean, I spent nearly two years.
48:16So I'm checking our system,
48:18and it seems we're still waiting on some permit approvals.
48:21How long do those stay?
48:23Well, it's hard to say until Public Works
48:26finishes its safety inspection, which they can't start,
48:29until the city planning department starts their inspection.
48:31Ms. Yang, all we are asking for is a damn park.
48:36That shouldn't be that hard.
48:38We're not asking you to build a Taj Mahal.
48:40Ms. Cleveland, building anything in this city,
48:43it involves a lot of red tape.
48:45I realize it's frustrating.
48:47But can I be honest?
48:51There are a lot of people here
48:53who don't want to build anything on that lot.
48:56They just as soon forget what happened.
48:58Not everybody can forget.
49:01Y'all demolished a building,
49:03but that don't erase what happened.
49:06It erases the victims.
49:08And all we are asking
49:10is that y'all put something on that site
49:12that honors their memory.
49:14It's the right thing to do.
49:16It's a decent thing to do.
49:19So will you please discuss this
49:22with your supervisor or whomever can do something?
49:25Absolutely, and I will do everything in my power
49:28to help expedite that process.
49:30But from my experience, these things take time,
49:33and I'm afraid that you and the families
49:35might have to wait a little longer.
49:39That's all right, Ms. Yang,
49:42because I'm used to waiting.
49:45I am determined to see this through
49:48for the victims, for the families.
49:52I ain't gonna let Jeff Dahmer and his evil
49:55be the only thing folks remember.
49:58As long as I have breath, I'll keep waiting.
