Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1954) CLIMAX

  • 19 minutes ago
The Climactic Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. North

In the golden age of black and white television, a show captured the hearts of many with its blend of mystery, comedy, and romance. "Mr. and Mrs. North" was a sophisticated series that aired in the early 1950s, featuring the charming couple Jerry and Pamela North, played by Richard Denning and Barbara Britton. The duo lived in New York City and had a knack for solving crimes, often outwitting the police to the delight of their audience.

One of the most thrilling episodes of the series was titled "Climax," which aired in May 1954. This episode was the grand finale of the series, and it did not disappoint. It involved a crazed sailor on a killing spree, a storyline that kept viewers on the edge of their seats. The Norths, with their usual wit and bravery, were on the case, unraveling the mystery in a fashion only they could.

The episode "Climax" was not just another installment in the series; it was a farewell to a memorable pairing of two characters who had become beloved by fans. The performances were top-notch, with Steve Brodie delivering an emotional portrayal of a man on a mission to find his navy buddy's killer. The dark alleys and suspenseful plot twists were a fitting send-off to a show that had entertained audiences with its light-hearted approach to detective work.

The legacy of "Mr. and Mrs. North" lives on, as new generations discover the series through various platforms. The show's blend of genres and the chemistry between the leads set it apart from other shows of its time. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of classic television and the characters that bring stories to life.

For those who appreciate the nostalgia of classic TV, "Mr. and Mrs. North" offers a delightful journey back to a time when storytelling was simple yet captivating. The episode "Climax" serves as a reminder of the show's charm and the era it represents. So, if you're in the mood for a classic mystery with a dash of humor and romance, why not revisit the adventures of Mr. and Mrs. North? You might just find yourself swept up in the intrigue and charisma of a bygone era.

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00:00Mr. and Mrs. Knorr, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Carl, honey, why don't you roll up your sleeves and get them out of that water?
00:51Here, let me do it for you.
00:52Keep your hands off of me.
00:53All I want to do...
00:54I know what you want to do.
00:55I said leave my sleeves alone.
00:57All right.
00:58Goodness, a person who thinks he has something to hide...
01:00Oh, get out of here, will ya?
01:02Shut up.
01:03I said get out of here, will ya?
01:10I said get out of here, will ya?
01:21I said get out of here, will ya?
01:46I said get out of here, will ya?
02:05Fourth victim found dead.
02:06However, the very nature of the crimes make it unlikely that there will be an early arrest
02:15of this maniac.
02:17What a neighborhood to meet your shipmate.
02:18A man could get killed just standing here, even without a maniac on the loose.
02:19It's soft, Jerry.
02:20Yeah, maybe.
02:21But can't we wait and take the two of you on back to your ship?
02:22No, I promised Doug I'd meet him here and have a brew with him.
02:23Thanks, anyway.
02:24You're welcome.
02:25You're welcome.
02:26You're welcome.
02:27You're welcome.
02:28You're welcome.
02:29You're welcome.
02:30You're welcome.
02:31You're welcome.
02:32You're welcome.
02:33You're welcome.
02:34You're welcome.
02:35You're welcome.
02:36You're welcome.
02:37You're welcome.
02:38You're welcome.
02:39You're welcome.
02:40You're welcome.
02:41You're welcome.
02:42You're welcome.
02:43You're welcome.
02:44You're welcome.
02:45You're welcome.
02:48Take it easy.
02:49Goodnight, beautiful.
02:50Shove off, civilian.
02:51Don't forget dinner tomorrow night.
03:15Hey, wait a minute, it's me doc doc
03:19Why you silly ain't don't you know better to jump me in cities not about you
03:25You and how many Marines
03:32Come on let's get that brew
03:48Stay with him Doug
04:04Better get an ambulance. There's no need to hurry
04:16We want to help all we can lieutenant wagon, but
04:19Like we said we didn't get too good. Look at the killer
04:21I know but try now see if there isn't something about one of these men in the lineup that doesn't ring a bell
04:27All right lights out run them on in groups of four
04:32Sit down
04:37Last group first man
04:40Name Joe Smith alias Joseph cafeteria
04:44What step out Joe?
04:49Turn around Joe
05:03All right, Joe step back
05:06Thanks, man
05:08Name Frederick Allen tiller. I did a lieutenant. I'm the one I
05:14Know Fred you've confessed to every murder. I've investigated in the past five years. Oh
05:19That ain't true lieutenant I
05:21Didn't confess to that trunk murder over on Madison and I didn't confess to that that shooting in Kelly's place last year
05:28You know that that's all Fred
05:31Thanks, man
05:33Name Carl Denver. How's the job going Carl?
05:41Probably the only guy in the world likes washing dishes good keep at it
05:49Next man
05:51Name Hick Grayley
05:55All right, turn around Hick I
05:58Said turn around
06:05Okay officer that'll do run them off
06:08All right, all right you glued to this spot go on go on
06:20I'm sorry lieutenant. Yeah
06:22Probably turning the killer loose to try again. I don't wish to try me. I'd give him a real reason to hate Navy men
06:29Yeah, I bet you would chief
06:31Only if you'd let me know
06:35Yeah, I bet you would chief. Oh
06:37Incidentally in the small world department. I understand you're having dinner with a couple of dear friends of mine Pam and Jerry North
06:43Talking to Jerry this morning and your name came up. No fooling. You know, Jerry Norris. Sure
06:47Hey, this was a great little naval officer too bad. They convert him back civilian after peace broke out
06:59For one of you. Oh
07:01Doug if it's a day and tell her I'll be available tomorrow night
07:05Well, maybe I'll see you at the Norse later chief fine lieutenant. Bye
07:10Yeah, sure I understand but hello hello
07:17Somebody wants to give us a tip on the killer said to meet him in the alley where we found a sailor
07:22Well, we better tell the lieutenant
07:25No police or no tip the man said yeah. Well, what are we waiting for?
07:29Oh, you got a day with a Norse for dinner. I'll keep this date my foot down. I know butts. I'll see you later
07:41Well, I'll see you later
07:47Real great food
07:51Pam would you marry me if I dropped my old shipmate out the window on his head?
07:59Now that's what I call a loving wife me shattered and dying and she's worrying about street cleaners
08:09Hiya Bill
08:11Fine. Oh
08:13Yeah, yeah, he's here. Just a minute. That's for you clipper lieutenant wagons. Huh?
08:20No, yeah this clipper ale
08:28No, you're lying to me
08:31Never mind. Just tell me where
08:34Just shut up and tell me where
08:37Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there
08:44They found Doug he's shot
09:00Clipper you can't blame yourself
09:10Thought 38 what's left of it this time the killer used a gun
09:16This is no way for a guy to die lieutenant
09:21Come on clipper, let's go home. Now. You go on home Jerry you'll pay
09:30Go on beat it
09:34I'll get the guy to
09:38Get him if it's the last thing I ever do you're asking for trouble to you
09:44I'm gonna find it to you tenant
09:47It's gonna be one kill it the state isn't gonna have to spend any money on trying
09:52Chief I know how you feel, but oh, yeah
09:55Do you remember boot camp?
09:58You remember all the liberties and the dirty little ports that we couldn't even spell the names out
10:02Or maybe you were with us trying to nurse a package of cigarettes
10:06To 18 days on a stinking life raft. You know how I feel, huh?
10:11Well, if you do lieutenant, then you know, I'm gonna get the guy that did this to Doug arrest that man. Oh, no
10:17What's your charge material witness will do? Yeah, that's not good enough
10:21You're not taking me in and this guy isn't gonna stop me. He'll have help put the handcuffs on him. No
10:27I said you're not taking me in and this guy isn't gonna stop me
10:31I said you're not gonna take me and not till I even a score for Doug
10:36Come on in but somebody's gonna get hurt
10:44Clipper at least sit down so I can talk to you. Can you talk Doug back to life?
10:52Will revenge bring him back?
10:57Pam I appreciate what you and Jerry are trying to do for me
11:01Well, at least that's something come on sit down
11:04It may take Jerry a long time to talk bill into letting you out of here. Bill's a little mad at you
11:09That's a slight understatement
11:12You must have spent your early life on a wrecking crew
11:16I'm sorry about that
11:18Well, do I get life? You know why he had to arrest you. He's willing to turn you loose if you cool down
11:24I'm practically frozen. I'm too easy going to stay riles. You know me Jerry
11:29Sure, I know you Clipper
11:33Well, let's get out of here. I still got three hours Liberty. Okay. All right, I'll release you but I'm holding you responsible
11:44But I'm still a little shaky, I think I'll go for a little walk I'll join you at your place later, huh?
11:48Yeah, I'll go along with you. I could use a little walk myself
11:51Pam you go on home and fix some coffee and stuff, huh? But Jerry I
11:57All right, I'll have it on the table
12:00Jerry I'm not alone. I'll still go with you suit yourself
12:15His friend the chief said he had one too many told me to bring him here to his wife
12:19If that's you the tab is 160. Oh
12:25Oh, you're keeping yeah, you're his wife. Thanks
12:38Here drink this
12:41Shall I call a doctor? No, no, I
12:46Just took one of Clippers best clips
12:49Yeah, he's down on skid row trying to find Doug's murder
12:54After he hit me with that sucker punch, I shouldn't care what happens to him, but Bill made me responsible for him
12:59I've got to stop him. Oh, well, then you better take me along to lean on hero. No
13:06Once in your life, you're not big enough or strong enough to stop me
13:16You wait in the car Pam, please
13:23Thanks anyway
13:28Return my waiter Jerry. I don't want to fight with you
13:33Well, that's something
13:36Now do you come back home with us? No, not just yet. I'm too close to the killer. You're what?
13:41Yeah, it can't be too far from here. All the beatings took place within two blocks of here. Oh
13:49Don't you imagine bill wagon knows that too?
13:52And Clipper he didn't become a lieutenant by being stupid. He'll find a guy who killed Doug
13:58Sure, he will. I'll throw him what's left as soon as I finish
14:02Clipper hail one man police force judge jury and executioner. What's your secret? I asked questions
14:10Do you think wagon doesn't ask questions? These people hate cops. They lie to him as a matter of principle
14:15But they won't lie to me Jerry
14:18We'll see but you take it easy
14:22Or I'll let the Navy know how you feel about avenging Doug's death. They won't take any chances
14:27They'll ship you out so far and so fast. You'll have a beard down to here before you see Manhattan again, maybe
14:33But don't do it Jerry. Just don't do it
14:43Tell me a jump I want to talk to you
14:47I've witnessed a lot of amateur night investigations in my life Clipper
14:51But this one takes the prize you invited yourself Jerry. Yeah, and I'm seeing it through
14:57But when are you gonna get out of left field? You've talked to every stumbled bum on the block
15:02And what did they tell you? What can they tell you?
15:05Did you expect someone to point out the killer? You can't be that thing. I know what I'm doing
15:09He said that before but what is it?
15:13You know, it's altogether possible that I might make a helpful suggestion if I knew
15:18All right, Jerry
15:20I'm looking for a guy a guy by the name of Denver
15:23He's a pearl diver and one of these joints on this street
15:26I saw him in the lineup that wagon had for Doug and me the name stuck with me because I knew a Damon Denver
15:32And I thought you were fouled up before now. I'm sure
15:36Look, Jerry. Do you think Doug wanted into that alley looking for a floating crap game?
15:41We got a call at headquarters. They said to come down that alley. They tip us off to who killed that sailor
15:46Well, it turned out to be a trap and I let Doug walk into it by himself. Where are you going now?
15:50I'm going over and have a little talk with his Denver character. The newsboy here says he works across the street
15:59Look chief, I don't know about any call. I told the police I got the police and tell me
16:03I had nothing to do with it. I couldn't have I was right here washing dishes when your buddy got killed. That's Katie
16:08It's true. Leave him alone. He was washing dishes. Just like you said
16:11I understand how you feel. Everybody seems to understand how I feel
16:15Why doesn't somebody help me find out who killed Doug? Come on Clifford. This isn't getting you anywhere
16:27Cover me Katie
16:32Come on Clipper, it's after two o'clock. We're taking you back to your ship. This has gone far enough not for me Jerry
16:37Do I have to call Bill for help? Oh, you wouldn't do that to me Jerry
16:43Wouldn't I Clipper he's serious
16:47Wouldn't I Clipper he's serious
17:12I'm all right. The guy misses awful close
17:17Jerry what was that noise? Jerry? What's happening? Jerry? Jerry?
17:24Maybe he's gone. Maybe he's not keep your head down
17:28I'm gonna give him a target and he better shoot awful fast cuz this targets gonna be moving
17:46He's gone I would have at least tried for a Clipper
17:50And get on the phone and tell Bill to get down here on the double. I'm going after Clipper
17:54You trying to get yourself killed
18:24You just come in here. Yeah, about three four minutes ago. I'm just taking a break from those greasy dishes next door
18:29Is that against the law or something? Don't give me smart talk. I asked you a question. I answered you know, I go on me
18:36What's up chief I just took a shot at me a second ago and come in here
18:42That on the level
18:45Well, you can search me if you wanna go ahead I want you to
18:53Mac I seem to be pushing you around tonight. It's okay chief. If you was to ask me
18:58Did I see somebody come in that door just ahead of you?
19:05It's over there in the shooting gallery a character named tiller and maybe you remember him chief in the lineup with me
19:10I saw him come in
19:20Good evening. Yeah, this is a guy. He's what it was. Tell the police. He killed his sailor. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I
19:26Don't know why they wouldn't believe me. I kept telling them but they
19:31You know, sometimes I think they just don't want to believe me
19:34Yeah, I'd like that hammer murder last summer
19:37And no matter what I said, that's his angle chief. He runs in with a confession and the cops kick him out
19:43Seems like the cops don't want it made too easy. Just a minute. Mr
19:46Teller that hammer murder you mentioned the victim was a
19:50Fashion model named Sandra. Yeah called her the white chameleon. Yeah. Yeah, that's right, and I did it
19:55Forget him clipper. What do you mean? Forget him that hammer murder?
19:58He just confessed the white chameleon case bill wagon sent that killer to the chair six months ago. Well, then why?
20:05Come on
20:08I'll send you a book on abnormal psychology. You can read it the next time you're at sea
20:12Tiller doesn't know why he confesses. He just confesses
20:16All right, tell her didn't do it
20:19Well, wait a minute if Teller didn't do it
20:23He did
20:25That's right chief
20:27How do you want it?
20:29Killing you are just about square things between me and the Navy. What do you mean? What things?
20:34ten years
20:36Ten years I did in the brig at Portsmouth
20:38And then they kicked me out of the Navy so I could rot on skid row. I
20:41Figure that's worth about six blue jackets. You're off your rocker mister. Those five men you killed didn't do anything to you their outfit did
22:09The breeze wounded not bad enough
22:11Let the law take care of it. He's Jerry get out of my way before you get hurt, too
22:17But not don't let him hurt me
22:21Morning you Jerry telling you get hold of yourself Clipper
22:25Look at him. He's not a responsible man. He's ill. He needs treat not a bullet. Doug doesn't need a bullet either
22:31Move Jerry Clipper listen, I've listened all I'm gonna listen. I said a move
22:42Jerry I didn't mean that. I'm sorry
22:45No, no, all I did was trying to get just wanted to kill somebody anybody
22:49You almost made that mistake once tonight. Go on get it over with go ahead put a bullet in
22:55And spend the rest of your life trying to live with a guy who shoots down another man because he's sick
23:00kill him
23:01You're just as sick as he is. No, no, don't let him shoot me
23:07Please please
23:10Stop him. Don't let him hurt me
23:22Get the chair I
23:25Can't even hate on
23:29This makes me sick at my stomach
23:32me too
23:33It's lucky you changed your mind Clipper you to touch that gun out and nailed it
23:37Take him away
23:44And you
23:46Handing him a gun. Have you gone completely out of your mind?
23:50It was his decision bill. He had to make it himself
23:55Besides I could do any harm with an empty gun. Well empty. Yeah, I checked it
24:07Darling the next time you save my life, please be a little less violent. I'm fragile. Nice to meet you miss fragile
24:27When you were in the Navy did you have a girl in every port?
24:30You know, naturally that's regulation. Didn't I ever tell you about them?
24:34I was this kid in New York. What was her name? Oh, yeah. I remember Pamela. Oh, what a look a real doll
24:43Then we sailed to Norfolk. I barely got off the gangplank and this girl threw her arms around me
24:49I'll never forget her name
24:54Loved that girl then there was San Diego Pam. Oh, yeah, she was a good friend of mine
25:00That girl then there was San Diego Pam
25:04New Orleans Pam, maybe I can get you out of that rut. Huh? How do you mean? Well, just call me Mabel
25:27And mrs. North is directed by Lou Landers produced by John W. Lofton a
25:34John W. Lofton production
25:37Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning featuring Francis de Sales
25:52This has been a film presentation
26:06© BF-WATCH TV 2021
