Mr. and Mrs. North (TV-1954) DEATH DOLL

  • 26 minutes ago
Exploring the Mystery of "Death Doll" in "Mr. and Mrs. North"

The 1950s were a golden era for television, with many shows that have become timeless classics. Among them was "Mr. and Mrs. North," a series that brought mystery and charm to the small screen. One episode that stands out is "Death Doll" from 1954, which combined suspense, drama, and a touch of the supernatural.

"Death Doll" follows the adventures of Pam and Jerry North, a married couple who find themselves embroiled in a web of intrigue involving a voodoo doll and a jealous wife. The episode is a perfect example of the show's ability to blend comedy, drama, mystery, and romance into a compelling narrative. The Norths, played by the charismatic Richard Denning and Barbara Britton, were not professional detectives but had a knack for solving crimes that baffled the police.

The plot of "Death Doll" revolves around the investigation into the death of an explorer. Among the clues are a voodoo doll and the deceased's jealous wife, leading to a tale that is as much about human emotions as it is about the mystery. The episode is a showcase for the talents of the cast, especially Ann Doran, who delivers a standout performance as the sinister wife with a penchant for voodoo.

The episode's director, Paul Landres, and writers Lee Erwin, Frances Lockridge, and Richard Lockridge crafted a story that was ahead of its time, touching on themes of betrayal, superstition, and the complexities of relationships. It's a narrative that resonates even today, as it delves into the darker aspects of the human psyche.

For fans of classic television, "Death Doll" is a must-watch. It's an episode that captures the essence of "Mr. and Mrs. North" and the era it represents. It's a reminder of the storytelling prowess that classic TV shows had, and why they continue to be beloved by audiences around the world.

If you're intrigued by the mystery of "Death Doll," you can find episodes of "Mr. and Mrs. North" available on various platforms. It's a journey back in time to when television was in its infancy, yet the stories it told were timeless. So, why not take a trip down memory lane and experience the suspense and charm of "Mr. and Mrs. North" for yourself? You might just find yourself captivated by the intrigue of "Death Doll."

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00:00Mr. and Mrs. Knorr, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Well, here's one that killed a man, and I saw it happen.
00:50The dead man was a native of Mindanao in the Philippine Islands, and he could very well
00:55have been a formidable figure in open combat, but it never came to that, because his enemy,
01:00the one who hated him, made this wax doll that you see here.
01:05What a bold little fellow, isn't he?
01:08The killer obtained this wooden object, a personal possession of the dead man, and then
01:11after making the proper incantations, drove it through the skull of the doll.
01:17Oh, did I ever tell you how I obtained this poison dagger?
01:22But, Berth, I don't think I understand.
01:24What happened?
01:25With the doll, I mean.
01:27My husband has a fine feel for the dramatic digression, Miss Whitman.
01:31You'll learn that in time.
01:36The recipient of the death doll died within 12 hours, Anne, screaming, clutching his skull,
01:42obviously out of his mind with pain and terror.
01:46Are you...
01:47Is that story part of one of your lectures?
01:49Haven't decided yet.
01:50Do you think that some of the ladies in the audience might find it rather disturbing?
01:53This lady did.
01:54And to think, when I was a little girl, I used to like to play with dolls.
01:58But you've outgrown the habit now, haven't you, darling?
02:00I mean, after all.
02:03Have you taken care of our hotel reservations for the tour, Miss Whitman?
02:06Why, yes, Mrs. Dixon.
02:07As a matter of fact, I've received confirmation on all of them.
02:11You understand, of course, that our hotel suite must be in a quiet location.
02:15I suffer from...
02:16Yes, yes, we know.
02:17Now, don't worry.
02:18It'll be all right.
02:20Mr. Mamos in the corps.
02:29No, muchas gracias.
02:31Are you coming to work for us again, Garcia, while Mr. and Mrs. Dixon are away?
02:35Oh, please, Garcia.
02:36You said you enjoyed yourself the last time.
02:38And Jerry gained five pounds.
02:40Muchas gracias, senora.
02:42I would like very much to...
02:45Bring a key.
02:47Oh, you clumsy fool!
02:51Perdóneme, patrón.
02:53Lo siento.
02:54No es usted culpa.
02:56Now take this stuff back into the kitchen and don't worry about it.
02:58Muchas gracias, senora.
03:00That was a fine exhibition of your famous courage.
03:03You've been spoiling for an argument, haven't you?
03:05Shall we have it right now?
03:06Are you putting me on the defensive?
03:08That's a switch.
03:09You and your moods, your medicines and your ailments.
03:12You have me to the point where I'm apologizing for being alive and well.
03:15My doctor says...
03:16Your doctor?
03:17You don't need a doctor.
03:18You need a psychiatrist.
03:19Why don't you stay home and see one instead of dragging all over the country,
03:22hanging on my neck?
03:24What are you saying, Prescott?
03:26You can't mean that you don't want...
03:27Can I make it any plainer?
03:29Frankly, I think a little vacation would do us both a lot of good.
03:32A little vacation from each other.
03:35We're leaving now, Prescott.
03:37I'll check with you in the morning.
03:38My advertising man has your schedule all set up.
03:40Book autographing sessions, literary teas.
03:42You know the routine.
03:43I have a copy of the schedule, Mr. Norris.
03:45Oh, good.
03:46Well, if there are any questions, we can get together in the morning.
03:49You can phone me and I...
03:54That's odd.
03:56What is it?
03:58Well, I've never seen this one before.
04:01How can you tell?
04:03It looks like part of your collection to me.
04:06And this.
04:07This is my tie clasp that I haven't been able to find all week.
04:10Very dramatic.
04:12Very dramatic.
04:13Your coats are in the guest closet.
04:34Is this your idea of a joke?
04:36If I had made it, I wouldn't have been joking.
04:39It wouldn't work.
04:41I'm not the superstitious type.
04:44You're the great Prescott Dixon.
04:46A highly civilized man who beats his servants and betrays his wife.
04:50I'm sorry I struck, Garcia.
04:52I lost my temper.
04:54I owe him an apology.
04:55As for you...
04:56Yes, what about me?
04:58Do you think another apology is going to take care of that?
05:00I have no intention of apologizing to you, Edith.
05:03Whatever has happened, you brought on yourself.
05:05Brought on myself?
05:07I've ruined my health and wasted my life just to be with you.
05:10You're being a martyr.
05:12There's nothing wrong with this marriage that you couldn't cure with a little honest self-appraisal.
05:16That's right.
05:18Justify yourself for running off with another woman.
05:21Ann Whitman?
05:23Look, Ann is the tour manager appointed by lecture bureau.
05:26That's all she is.
05:28What kind of a fool do you think I am?
05:30Several kinds, since you ask.
05:32And I'm becoming pretty tired of every one of them.
05:35I'm getting out of here.
05:37You're not leaving me, Pres.
05:39Or I'll let you walk out.
05:41Put that down.
05:45Stay away from me, Pres.
05:47I'm warning you.
05:54Pres! Pres!
05:57Señora, que pasa?
06:04I'm in trouble. Terrible trouble.
06:06What is it, señora?
06:08You must help me. There's been an accident.
06:11El señor Dixon?
06:13Si, es muerte.
06:15Es muerte?
06:16He was beating me because I was trying to protect you.
06:19El patrón es muerte.
06:21I've been your friend. Now, I need you.
06:23You must help me.
06:25But, señora.
06:26You must take this and throw it away.
06:28But, please.
06:29No, don't. Please trust me.
06:31I'm afraid. I'm afraid, señora.
06:33It's all right. It's only a small thing.
06:35You must take the gun to the park and throw it in the lake.
06:39Throw the gun into the lake?
06:41Si, enseguida.
06:42I'll be waiting.
06:44Oh, do this for me, Manuel.
06:46I promise you'll never regret it.
07:05Give me the police. And hurry.
08:48Good night, Doctor, and thank you.
08:50You just try to relax, Mrs. Dixon, I'll be right downstairs.
08:59But what if Garcia comes back?
09:01Now don't you worry about Garcia. We'll take care of him.
09:07Good night.
09:39Mrs. Dixon ran into Garcia just as he was making his getaway.
09:43He tried to attack her, but she broke loose.
09:45And when she phoned the police, he took off.
09:47I just can't believe it. The little guy must be out of his mind.
09:50Poor Edith. How is she, Bill?
09:52The doctor says she's in pretty good shape, considering what she's been through.
09:55I'm going to her.
09:56Oh, wait a minute. Before you do, there's something I want to check.
09:59Oh, what is it?
10:00Mrs. Dixon says that her husband struck Garcia earlier this evening.
10:04That's right. We were there. Anything else?
10:06No, no. Not at the moment.
10:10A prowl car spotted Garcia in the park, and he hid off in the bushes.
10:14You know, that guy's really a cat.
10:16Which way do you think he's heading?
10:18Well, my guess is uptown to the Spanish section.
10:21Well, if you don't mind, Bill, I'd like to tag along.
10:23I speak the language a little, and, well, Garcia knows me.
10:27Well, it could be useful, but, uh...
10:29What about Pam?
10:30Well, if I know Pam, she'd rather stay with Mrs. Dixon.
10:33They will be all right here, won't they?
10:35Oh, sure. I got a man outside, and I got a whole flock of men combing the neighborhood.
10:38Good. Come on, let's go.
10:39All right.
10:42I just wanted to let her know we're leaving.
10:44All right.
10:45Oh, Jerry, I think I'd better stay here with Edith tonight. Do you mind too much?
10:49As a matter of fact, I knew you'd feel that way. I just wanted to say good night.
10:52You'll be all right. Bill says he has police all over the neighborhood.
10:55Well, the question is, will you be all right?
10:57Oh, I think I'll be able to find my pajamas.
10:59Anyway, I want to ride around with Bill for a while.
11:02Good night.
11:03Good night.
11:04Good night, Pam.
11:10Yes, dear?
11:11I can't thank you enough for staying with me like this.
11:14What are friends for, Edith?
11:16I know I should be terrified alone.
11:19Every sound I heard, every shadow that moved.
11:23I know I'd think it was Garcia coming back.
11:25And now you heard what Jerry said. The police are everywhere.
11:28They'll never catch him.
11:30I know.
11:32I know these little men from the jungle.
11:35I know these little men from the jungle.
11:38They move so quietly.
11:41So quietly.
11:44You never know when they're going to slip in through them and try to...
11:46Now, look, Edith.
11:48I know you're terribly upset, and I understand why after all you've been through tonight.
11:53But I know Bill Wigand.
11:55And if he has to take New York apart a stone at a time to find Garcia, that's exactly what he'll do.
11:59He'll find him.
12:00Now, you go back upstairs to bed.
12:13Stand back.
12:18Open up in there.
12:24Open up. It's the police.
12:26Come on up.
12:28Come on.
12:34Sorry, friend.
12:36Los sentimos.
12:38Let's go.
12:59Senora North, ayudarme.
13:01Help me. You must help me.
13:14Why did you do it, Garcia? What made you shoot Mr. Dixon?
13:17Senora, I don't... I...
13:20Mano! Mano!
13:25Edith, what are you doing with that gun?
13:28He killed my husband. I'm going to get him.
13:44He got away. Over the fence.
13:47He got away. Over the fence.
14:12Where are you?
14:13Donde esta?
14:15Si. Si.
14:17Otra vez.
14:19What is he saying? What is...
14:20Garcia, you must give yourself up.
14:23No, no, wait. Look, if you're innocent, I'll help you.
14:26No, they won't shoot you. I give you my word.
14:29Ask him if he can come here.
14:31He'd never make it.
14:32Garcia, I'll arrange everything.
14:34Look, and you won't be hurt. That's a promise.
14:37Si. Si.
14:39When? Cuando?
14:42Donde esta?
14:45Bien. Lo mas pronto posible.
14:48What's happening? Tell me.
14:50I've got to reach Bill.
14:52But what is it? Where is he?
14:54Oh, Jerry!
14:56I'm keeping a man on your door during the day, Mrs. Dixon.
14:59I've also got an extra man on during the night.
15:01I'm sure this will be all right.
15:10Oh, yes, he's here.
15:12It's for you, Lieutenant. It's Jerry. He says it's urgent.
15:16Yes, Jerry.
15:29And it's got to be that way, Bill. I gave him my word.
15:32All right.
15:34But I'm not going to have you getting yourself shot full of holes.
15:37Where is he?
15:39Where is he?
15:41And that's the address. Now, how soon will you pick me up?
15:44In five minutes. I'll be waiting.
15:57Mrs. Dixon.
16:03Mrs. Dixon, I'm leaving now.
16:05Be careful answering your door.
16:07The door outside will scream any callers,
16:09but it's a good idea for you not to take any chances.
16:11Yes, Lieutenant. Bye-bye.
16:17Don't let anybody in that doesn't have business here.
16:20I'll be back later.
16:37Stay there, Pam.
16:39But I...
16:41Stay in the car and go home. I mean it.
16:43All right, Bill. I'm sorry.
16:45Okay, let's go. Wait a minute. He expects me alone.
16:47Can't tell what he'll do if two of us walk in there.
16:49That's the chance we'll have to take. Believe me.
16:51Well, the odds are better if he sees me first.
16:53I'm sure he will.
16:55I'm sure he will.
16:57I'm sure he will.
16:59I'm sure he will.
17:01I'm sure he will.
17:03I'm sure he will.
17:05Believe me. Well, the odds are better if he sees me first
17:07and I have a chance to talk to him.
17:09All right, but if you're not out in five minutes, we're coming in.
17:11Okay. Now relax, Bill.
17:27Hey, Garcia.
17:30¿Dónde está?
17:45Let's get here. Come on.
17:51Hurry. Over here.
17:55Are you all right, Jerry? I'm all right. Watch out.
18:01Toss your gun out, Garcia, and come out with your hands up.
18:27Get him out of the alley.
18:33Come on.
18:43He's just grazed. You'll be all right.
18:47Right here, Pam.
18:49Oh, Jerry, darling, are you all right?
18:51Oh, sure, sure.
18:53I thought I told you to stay in the car.
18:55Oh, yes, but I...
18:57Oh, she's an old-fashioned type, wife, Bill.
18:59Gets nervous when people start shooting at her husband.
19:03I'll check back later.
19:05Well, Garcia's still on the loose,
19:07and there's no trace of the guy who winged Donovan.
19:11I just don't get it.
19:15Why should Garcia take all that risk to lure me into a trap?
19:17Why me?
19:19That's a good question.
19:21And if Garcia was really ready to surrender,
19:23then why did his friend in the balcony
19:25take a shot at me and then shoot Donovan?
19:27I don't know.
19:29Maybe he thought Garcia wasn't in enough trouble.
19:31Maybe he wasn't a friend of Garcia.
19:33Well, that's a nice new theory,
19:35but I'm afraid it has a fairly big hole in it.
19:37Of course.
19:39If he wanted to eliminate Garcia,
19:41why didn't he shoot him instead of Donovan?
19:43I don't know.
19:45He's nearsighted, or it was too dark.
19:47Maybe he wanted the police to do his dirty work for him.
19:49Now, Pam, you're just being silly.
19:51Why should anyone want to eliminate Garcia,
19:53especially in such a roundabout way?
19:55Questions, questions.
19:57If you two are so smart,
19:59why don't you come up with a few answers?
20:01Take it easy, Pam.
20:03I don't think you're being silly.
20:07You're welcome.
20:09You're very welcome indeed.
20:27You're welcome indeed.
21:07I thought I heard a scream.
21:09Oh, I dozed off,
21:11and the doorbell awakened me from a very bad dream.
21:13A nightmare?
21:15Yes, but...
21:17What is it? Have you...
21:19Yes, we caught up with him.
21:21Is he dead?
21:23No, he's badly wounded.
21:25I picked him up. He's in an emergency hospital.
21:27Have you, uh...
21:29talked to him?
21:31No. He's in a coma,
21:33and there's a chance he may never come out of it again.
21:35Uh, as a matter of fact,
21:37I've already, uh, taken the guard off your door.
21:41Oh, oh, yes, of course.
21:43By the way, uh,
21:45have you left the house at all today, Mrs. Dixon?
21:49Why do you ask?
21:51Oh, just a pointless question, really.
21:53A man on duty would have reported it, of course.
21:55Yes, of course.
21:57Is there any chance that...
21:59That may be for me.
22:05I left this number at the hospital.
22:11Yes, he's here.
22:13Thank you. Hello?
22:17Oh, uh, just a moment, Doctor, please.
22:19Would you excuse me, Mrs. Dixon?
22:21Yes, certainly.
22:33Go ahead, Doctor.
22:39And he's regaining consciousness.
22:41Good. What's the room number?
22:45I'm on my way.
23:51Let me go!
23:53Now, take it easy, Mrs. Dixon. You can't talk your way out of this.
23:55What do you mean? I thought he was the man that killed my husband.
23:57I see. Is that why you tried to murder him?
23:59Yes, I knew it was wrong.
24:01It won't work. We won't buy it anymore
24:03than we buy those death dolls that you've been planning.
24:05You could have killed Garcia at the warehouse this afternoon,
24:07but you didn't because you wanted us to do it for you,
24:09if possible.
24:11That's a lie.
24:13It's the truth, and we can prove it.
24:15Mrs. Dixon, we're going to take Garcia alive,
24:17perhaps before the night is out.
24:19We'll see about that.
24:21What is he going to tell us?
24:41She said you knew the language.
24:43The senora say dinner is ready and it's delicious.
24:45Then she say
24:47you are her beloved wife.
24:57He say
24:59that you are his beloved wife
25:01and he
25:03is your beloved husband.
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