Mr. And Mrs. North (TV-1954) REUNION

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Step Back in Time with Mr. and Mrs. North: The Reunion Episode

The 1950s were a golden era for television, and one of the gems of this period was the sophisticated and witty series "Mr. and Mrs. North." Starring Richard Denning and Barbara Britton, the show followed a married couple living in New York City who had a knack for solving crimes, often outwitting the police in the process.

One of the standout episodes from this series is "Reunion," which aired in 1954. In this suspenseful installment, Pam North is taken hostage by Jerry's former college roommate, now a professor, during their college reunion. The professor demands the school halt their atomic production program, threatening to detonate an atomic device at the school's field-house during a basketball game.

This episode is a thrilling ride from start to finish, reflecting the era's anxieties about nuclear technology and the Cold War. It's a fantastic showcase of the show's ability to blend drama, mystery, and romance, all while maintaining a light-hearted tone.

For fans of classic TV, "Reunion" is a must-watch. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of "Mr. and Mrs. North" and the talent of its stars. You can find this episode available for viewing online, a perfect way to indulge in some nostalgic entertainment.

So, why not take a trip down memory lane and experience the charm and suspense of "Mr. and Mrs. North"? It's a delightful journey back to a time when television was in its infancy, and every new episode was a cultural event. Happy viewing!

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00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Four, three, two, one.
00:53Congratulations, doctor.
01:11I'd say the test was a complete success.
01:14Marvelous accomplishment.
01:15You're too kind.
01:17I'd like to congratulate you too, Dean Howard.
01:18Great show.
01:20Well, I must admit it was quite impressive, Colonel.
01:22Have you met Henry Barton, Dr. Nielsen's assistant?
01:25Delighted to meet you, Professor Barton.
01:27I'm sure this is a happy moment in your life.
01:29Dr. Nielsen really put your university on the map this morning, Dean Howard.
01:33Well, Colonel, I'd like to think that during our school's long history, we've made many
01:37great contributions to our country and to mankind in general.
01:40Of course, of course.
01:41It goes without saying.
01:42But now through Dr. Nielsen, you've given us a terrifically powerful atomic bomb that's
01:46compact enough to fit into a suitcase.
01:50Think of it, gentlemen.
01:52It could literally fit into a small suitcase.
01:54Yes, think of the convenience, especially if you wanted to take an atom bomb with you
01:58over the weekend.
01:59Well, gentlemen, I think we'd best be going.
02:03Dr. Nielsen.
02:04See you.
02:08Goodbye, sir.
02:21Well, Henry, I thought you left with the rest.
02:28I was just going.
02:29Oh, well, you're not leaving town, are you?
02:32I'm afraid I must.
02:34Well, Henry, this is reunion weekend.
02:36You'll miss the big basketball game Saturday night.
02:39That can't be helped, sir.
02:40Well, I was saving this as a surprise, but I suppose I'd better tell you Jerry North
02:44is coming down.
02:47Jerry's coming here?
02:48Yes, accompanied by his wife.
02:49And he particularly mentioned how much he's anticipating a reunion with his old roommate
02:53Stuffy Barton.
02:54Now you can change your plans, can't you, Stuffy?
02:56I mean, Henry.
02:57Sorry, sir.
02:58I'm afraid that's impossible.
03:01Henry, I know you've been working dreadfully hard lately, but it seems to me that a little
03:05change is seen to be just about what you need.
03:08Goodbye, sir.
03:10Goodbye, Henry.
03:12Do get some rest, will you?
03:43Jerry, you're not going to try to pack that, too.
03:54Certainly not.
03:56I want you to store it away for me very carefully.
04:00I'll guard it with my life.
04:03You know, that's the ball they gave me when I sunk the basket that won the conference
04:07title for the old school.
04:09Did I ever tell you about the time...
04:10Yes, darling.
04:11Several hundred times.
04:26Universities forever.
04:34Forming bonds we'll never sever.
04:39Oh, that's beautiful, Jerry.
04:41Simply beautiful.
04:42You like it?
04:44It isn't really the tune, and I don't really care for the words, but that tum-tum-ti-tum-tum
04:51gives me a feeling of...
04:55Well, that's close.
04:56The word I had in mind was nausea.
04:57Oh, cut it out.
04:59How do you like the old emblem, huh?
05:00Oh, no.
05:01Oh, what's the matter with it?
05:02Well, how are you ever going to get the old emblem off the old suitcase, old boy?
05:03Get it off?
05:04I just put it on.
05:05Good grief.
05:06Now what?
05:07Well, who's it from, darling?
05:08I don't know.
05:09It's from a friend of mine.
05:32I'm afraid to open it.
05:33Oh, Poole, give it here.
05:41It's for you from someone at the college, someone named Barton.
05:44Oh, that stuffy Barton.
05:47My old roommate.
05:48You remember him?
05:49Read it.
05:51Staying home, signed Henry Barton.
05:54Stay home.
05:57Should I sing a chorus of universities forever while you explain that to me?
06:01Oh, stop it.
06:03He knows there's nothing in the world that would keep me from coming down there this weekend.
06:07This is just his idea of a gag.
06:09It is?
06:11For Dean Howard from Henry Barton.
06:14Is it urgent?
06:43Nielsen speaking.
06:46Oh, hello, Dean Howard.
06:52And Barton writes that this terrible thing is going to happen at the gymnasium during the big game tomorrow night.
06:58You must come here at once.
06:59I'm so happy you could come down for the reunion.
07:02The dean has been looking forward to this visit with both of you.
07:05A team of wild horses couldn't have kept me away.
07:08Where is the dean?
07:09He has someone in his study.
07:11Oh, someone in the dean's study.
07:13Believe me, I spent many an uncomfortable moment in there myself in my day.
07:17Were you a bad boy, darling?
07:19No, just like all the others, sort of happy-go-lucky.
07:22You know, the old school hasn't really changed much.
07:25I mean, it's been a long time.
07:29You know, the old school hasn't really changed at all, Pam.
07:31It's the same carefree, happy place.
07:33Is it?
07:37I'll be right back.
07:43Dean looks kind of worried.
07:45Yes, he does. He has me worried, too.
07:47It's good to see you again.
07:49You got my letter, the one about the room?
07:52The room?
07:54Yes, my old room in the dormitory.
07:55Yes, yes, yes, that's available.
07:57I'll be here someplace.
08:00Mary, those are your curtains.
08:03Oh, here.
08:07Is there something wrong?
08:09No, no, just a little problem we have to solve.
08:12Jerry, you and Pam must not be alarmed.
08:15Not even a ten-point tech lead could alarm me.
08:18I'm full of confidence.
08:20Say, tell me, where is old stuffy?
08:22I mean, Professor Barton, my old roommate.
08:24I'm dying to see him.
08:26Well, I'm afraid that's not possible.
08:28I don't understand. He's here, isn't he?
08:30Well, Professor Barton is no longer a member of the faculty.
08:34Stuffy's been fired?
08:36No, no, no. Let's say he's resigned, but you'll understand.
08:40I'm very busy. Will you excuse me?
08:42Of course, Dean Howard. I'm sure you're very busy.
08:44Well, see you later, Dean.
08:46It's all right, Mary. It's all right.
08:52This is it.
08:54This is very exciting, Jerry.
08:57It's been a long time.
09:09Yeah, I've got it all figured out.
09:11And it's a raw deal.
09:13Again, please?
09:15Stuffy. He probably got stubborn in front of some knuckle-headed basketball player.
09:20That's just about it.
09:21I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
09:23They can't push my old pal Stuffy around and get away with it.
09:26So this is the room you used to share with him, huh?
09:29Yeah. The old place hasn't changed much either.
09:32Oh, come now, Jerry. I'll bet you don't even remember what it looked like.
09:38Well, now that you mention it,
09:40there is one thing in here that's a definite change for the better.
09:44What's that?
09:48Oh, we led a spartan life in those days.
09:52Well, the pictures are different, but same old wallpaper.
09:56Look. You can still see the place where a case of beer erupted.
10:00Oh, weren't you the gay dogs, though?
10:03What do you know?
10:05Look. The same old mirror.
10:08Stuffy and I used to scribble messages to each other on the back of it. Look.
10:12Well, sure enough.
10:14Jerry, this is an historical monument.
10:15Well, you think this is something.
10:18Wait till you see our secret passageway.
10:21You're kidding.
10:22No, I mean it. There's a way of getting in and out of this room without being seen.
10:26And we found it mighty convenient after hours.
10:29Well, where is it?
10:31Right there. If they hadn't found it and closed it up.
10:36See that trap door?
10:38Now, all you do is turn this closed, Hug.
10:51Oh, honey, this is...
10:55What is this? A gag?
10:56I can assure you one thing, Jerry. This is definitely not a gag.
11:01Step back, please.
11:02You too, Mrs. North.
11:07Over there.
11:12That's better.
11:14If this isn't a gag, what is it?
11:17Didn't you get my wire warning you not to come?
11:21While you're about it, you might explain that, too.
11:24I believe I will, Jerry.
11:26And I must warn you, both of you.
11:28Don't make any loud noises or sudden movements.
11:30Or I'll shoot at once. I mean that.
11:32What a reunion.
11:34You see, this is all part of a plan.
11:38My plan. To save the human race before it blasts itself off the face of the earth.
11:42Well, that's a commendable notion, Stuffy.
11:46So far, I'm with you 100%.
11:48Oh, me too.
11:50But how do you propose to go about doing it?
11:53You'll see how.
11:55Because you disregarded my warning, you're both in the middle of it right now.
11:59In the middle of what?
12:03It's probably Dean Howard. He's the only one who knows where to reach me.
12:07All right. Talk to him.
12:10Be careful what you say.
12:18Hello, Jerry. This is Dean Howard.
12:21First, I want to apologize for being so evasive about Professor Barton.
12:25You see, I had to clear things with Washington before I could really talk to you.
12:29Washington? Secret Service?
12:32Yes. They feel that Barton may try to contact you, his old roommate.
12:35And if he does, you're to communicate with me at once.
12:38Yes, but what's wrong?
12:40Jerry, it sounds incredible, but Barton has managed to fabricate an atomic bomb.
12:45A bomb small enough to go in his suitcase.
12:47Barton left a note warning us that he would detonate the bomb at the gymnasium at game time tonight.
12:53Unless we discontinue all further research.
12:55He must be completely off...
12:58Well, what shall I do?
13:00Well, telephone me at once if he tries to reach you. That's all.
13:05Six o'clock.
13:09That means we have two hours.
13:16So, you might as well be comfortable.
13:25The bomb.
13:27What's the matter, Jerry? It's all right.
13:30It's set to go off at eight o'clock.
13:32Two hours to go.
13:35What if your watch is fast?
13:37What isn't?
13:39You shouldn't be so nervous, Mrs. North.
13:41No, of course not. Silly of me, isn't it?
13:44How did you make that thing, Stephie? I mean, after all, what is it?
13:48I know. It isn't something you just knock off on a rainy afternoon.
13:52That's what you're trying to say, isn't it?
13:54Something like that.
13:56It took a long time, Jerry.
13:58A long time.
13:59Bit by bit, I learned what I had to know.
14:02And piece by piece, I gathered what I needed.
14:05You duplicated Dr. Nielsen's bomb?
14:08No. Too much of Dr. Nielsen's work was kept secret, even from me.
14:12This bomb is my own creation.
14:17It is a notable achievement.
14:20It is, but...
14:22What now?
14:26Now I can talk to them in the only language the Advocates can speak.
14:29The Advocates of atomic diplomacy understand. Now they've got to listen to me.
14:33Stephie, look. Your plan can't possibly work.
14:36No single individual can make the decision you're demanding.
14:39We just don't operate like that in this country.
14:41Jerry's right. Don't you see that?
14:43No, he's wrong.
14:45If I, Henry Barton, one scientist working alone, can stop atomic production here,
14:49scientists all over the world will follow my lead.
14:52One man can't gamble with the fate of a whole nation. It's insane.
14:55But groups of men, working together for the destruction of the entire world,
15:00this you consider perfectly rational?
15:02I didn't say that, and I don't believe it.
15:04I can't buy that, and I can't buy your project.
15:07Maybe you don't buy it, Jerry.
15:09But you're going to have to sell it.
15:14No, there's a limit to what you can force a man to do.
15:17Even with a gun.
15:20Supposing a gun is pointing at his wife?
15:23You wouldn't.
15:25I would.
15:27You're going to carry my final message to Dean Howard and those men from Washington.
15:32What's the matter, Stuffy?
15:34Nothing, nothing. I'm all right.
15:39What happens if I refuse to act as your spokesman?
15:44You won't.
15:46Mrs. North is going to stay right here with me.
15:48If they try and rush this house, I'll shoot her at once.
15:53Be reasonable, man.
15:55They're going to turn you down, they've got to.
15:58And you haven't a chance of getting into the field house with that suitcase.
16:03Jerry, you must think I'm crazy.
16:08Open it. All right, go ahead, open it.
16:11Go ahead, it's all right.
16:25It's empty.
16:27The bomb's already in the field house.
16:30Set to go off at 8 o'clock sharp.
16:32I suggest you don't dawdle along the way, Jerry.
16:36Listen, I'm not leaving you here with this...
16:38Don't waste time talking, darling, I want you to go.
16:42One more thing, Jerry.
16:44In case they think they can trick me into revealing the location of the bomb.
16:48Tell them there's three more bombs.
16:50One in Washington, two in New York, set to go off at different times.
16:52And I'm the only man in the world who knows how to disarm them.
17:04Well, that's the situation, gentlemen.
17:07Now we know the whole story.
17:09We've heard Mr. North's report, isn't there something you can suggest?
17:12There's the possibility he may be bluffing.
17:15Yes, but it's a bluff I hate to have to call.
17:17Dr. Nielsen.
17:19Dr. Nielsen.
17:21Well, there's always a possibility that he does have the bomb.
17:24And so long as it is a possibility...
17:26We can't sit here and talk our time away.
17:28What's the last word from Washington?
17:30They don't have the answer and neither do I.
17:32You've postponed the game time, we're keeping the crowd from entering the field house good enough.
17:36But we can't possibly evacuate the town and the college within the next hour.
17:40Well, even if we could, there's still New York City and Washington.
17:43Do we evacuate them?
17:46Even if we were to sacrifice Mrs. North?
17:49Which we're not about to do.
17:51Assuming we got our hands on Barton alive.
17:54How do you reason with a lunatic?
18:01Can't you be reasonable?
18:03Think of all of the innocent people, women and children.
18:06Even tiny little babies will be slaughtered.
18:09I'm thinking of them.
18:11I want the whole world to think of them while there's still...
18:14Still time.
18:16Time's running out.
18:21Jerry, I want to be here.
18:4348 minutes left.
18:45Barton's the key to the whole situation.
18:47There's got to be a way.
18:48There is.
18:49Come and get him.
18:50Oh, Pam.
18:51Where's Barton?
18:52Tied up on the floor of the room.
18:54Suddenly he just keeled over like that.
18:56Of course, radiation fever.
18:58Working alone in secret is bound to be exposed.
19:00Well, you can diagnose him later.
19:01Come on.
19:08Where is he?
19:10But he was right there.
19:11He broke loose and got away.
19:13We can't be very far.
19:14You'd better alert the other men.
19:17I'll start to get this Geiger counter.
19:19It'll show the radioactivity in Barton.
19:22Well, where is he?
19:23It's a good question.
19:24Let's try to find the answer.
19:34Wait a minute.
19:36Jerry, see what the game's standing for.
19:39Jerry, see what the game's stuffing.
19:41He's at the field house.
19:43He left me this message just like he used to.
19:45It's our only lead, but look at the time.
19:47We'll never find Barton in the time we have left.
19:49Dr. Nielsen, can't you?
19:50Geiger counters.
19:51Barton's been exposed to radiation.
19:53Wouldn't he show up on them?
19:55Will it work?
19:56Well, it should if he's radioactive.
19:57Do you have any more counters?
19:59Would you get them, please?
20:00Dean, would you get a hold of Regan
20:01and tell him to send the men over to the field house?
20:04Come on.
20:06We'll search the gym first.
20:12Kramer, Hennessy, continue on into section 17.
20:18Corey, Rosen, move over into section 25.
20:20On the double.
20:29The guns will be over here, under the stands.
20:34It's close.
20:35It's very close.
20:37Which way?
20:38I think that way.
20:42How much time have we?
20:43Time to burn.
20:44Let's move.
20:49There's nothing here.
20:50Just these.
20:51Luminous paint.
20:52At the rooting section.
20:53They use them for stunts between the halves.
20:54We've got to get out of here.
20:55The rest of you men out of the building.
20:57Everybody out.
20:59Come on.
21:07Come on.
21:13Come on, this way.
21:16Wait a minute.
21:19In there.
21:21It's locked.
21:22Step back.
21:28He's out cold and our time's almost up.
21:32There's the bomb.
21:33He hid it in there.
21:37Can you disarm it?
21:40I can only try.
21:42Don't touch it, Nielsen.
21:47Deal, Jerry?
21:49No deal, Stuffy.
21:51There never could be.
21:53Just a big hole in the ground when that thing goes off.
21:55And the world won't even know why.
21:57If that's enough to satisfy you.
21:59I'm not going to do it.
22:01I'm not going to do it.
22:02I'm not going to do it.
22:03I'm not going to do it.
22:04I'm not going to do it.
22:05I'm not going to do it.
22:06I'm going to satisfy you.
22:07You got it made, boy.
22:10In other words,
22:12if I can't save humanity,
22:14I might as well save the university.
22:16That's about it, Stuffy.
22:17How much time?
22:21Two minutes.
22:31Just a second, North.
22:32How do we know he isn't stalling?
22:34You don't.
22:39One minute.
22:45Fifty seconds.
22:51Forty seconds.
22:57Thirty seconds.
23:02Twenty seconds.
23:13Five seconds.
23:21It's all right now.
23:24It's harmless.
23:31Barton, what about the other bombs in New York and Washington?
23:34No other bombs.
23:36I was just bluffing.
23:39But it could have happened.
23:43Gotta make sure it never does happen.
23:50Ball goes to Melton, back to Kemp, he's in for a set shot.
23:53It's good, and state wins 48 to 47.
23:56Listen to that crowd go wild.
24:04Well, the doctor says Stuffy will probably be all right in time.
24:08They're arranging for him to have psychiatric help.
24:10Oh, that's wonderful.
24:12Hey, what's happening at the game?
24:14Oh, it's over.
24:15I wrote down the final score.
24:1847 to 48.
24:20Close, wasn't it?
24:21Wow, it sure...
24:22Yeah, but who won?
24:25Who won?
24:28There was so much shouting.
24:29Wait a minute, don't.
24:30Oh, I can't believe it.
24:32Oh, Jerry, I'm so ashamed of myself.
24:35I don't know if we won or if we...
24:38I'll read about it in the morning papers.
24:50Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by George Blair.
24:54Produced by John W. Loveton.
24:58A John W. Loveton production.
25:01Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
