• 2 days ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:12Your task today is to come up with an online dating concept and create an advertising campaign.
00:19If you could put your arms on his shoulders as if you were sort of going to kiss him.
00:25Jordan took the lead.
00:26I want to be able to go onto a website because I am a strong, sexually liberated and high
00:31powered woman.
00:32Oh yeah, looking good.
00:33But Alex's ad campaign raised some eyebrows.
00:36Hi, I'm Herbert.
00:37No, no, no.
00:38I'm not liking this at all.
00:39Project manager Jason tried to woo the over 50s.
00:42How about something like love ignition?
00:44That's so cringe.
00:46But went through a break up with his team.
00:48Jason, I think you've lost it.
00:50Louisa, you're project manager from here on in.
00:53In the boardroom.
00:55I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
00:57A win for Jordan's team and a bad day for Francesca.
01:02What a total mess.
01:04Tough love for Louisa.
01:05It was the most disgraceful display of bad manners I've seen in many a long day.
01:11But heartbreak for Jason.
01:13Jason, it's the end of the road.
01:16You're fired.
01:17Now seven remain to fight for the chance to become Lord Sugar's business partner.
01:37Good morning.
01:38This is Lord Sugar's office.
01:39Lord Sugar would like you to meet him at the Gherkin.
01:42The cars will be with you in 30 minutes.
01:48Guys, wake up!
01:50Guys, we're going to the Gherkin in London.
01:53I feel like a bit shed about being in the boardroom.
01:56Obviously, if you're coming across as being aggressive,
02:00tone that down. I got called aggressive.
02:02What the hell is Neil, bloody Pitbull?
02:05He should be illegal.
02:16Do you think Alex is going to have to be PM now?
02:18They've got to be, haven't they? Surely. We're in week nine.
02:24I've been put forward before.
02:26It's just people obviously haven't had the confidence in me,
02:28whether it be my age or whether it be business experience.
02:31I don't know.
03:02Good morning. Good morning, Lord Sugar.
03:04Welcome to Circe's restaurant,
03:07right at the top of this iconic building, the Gherkin.
03:11This restaurant is well known for providing top-quality food
03:16for busy executives.
03:18These days, there is a demand for top-quality food
03:22at home.
03:24The ready-meal market is worth over a billion pounds per year.
03:28And your task this week is to come up with your own ready meal.
03:32And I have laid on three top retailers
03:36who you're going to present them to.
03:39And the team that gets the most amount of orders
03:41for their ready meal will win.
03:43And in the losing team, one of you will be fired.
03:47Now, Team Endeavour, no more deliberation.
03:51Alex, you are the project manager.
03:55Done deal.
03:57Evolve, sort it out amongst yourselves.
04:00Everything clear? Yes, Lord Sugar.
04:02OK, well, good luck. Off you go.
04:04Thank you, Lord Sugar.
04:10Ready meals, one of the hottest trends in food.
04:15Combine a top-notch recipe with brilliant branding
04:19and a slice of the market is there for the taking.
04:28But first, one team needs a project manager.
04:32I'm happy to let one of you two lead,
04:34especially after last week.
04:36I'm definitely happy to put myself forward
04:40on the basis of just making sure that we've got
04:43a kind of really organised and structured approach to what we do.
04:46I'm happy to project manager this as well.
04:49I have no idea about cooking. I can't put food together.
04:52I do know that I eat these probably every day of the week.
04:57I guess it comes down to me to decide who.
04:59I'm going to go with Neil just because I think that you're
05:02more of a natural-born leader and I think it...
05:05Just for sake of ease, to work together,
05:08it may be better for the team.
05:10Next, how to make their dish stand out.
05:14The thing I quite liked was the idea of the fusion,
05:18which was like mixing two cultures together.
05:21So, you know, like a Caribbean-Mexican dish.
05:23Running the other team and warming to his new role.
05:27OK, so we've got to create a unique thing.
05:30First time project manager, Alex.
05:33Like, one thing which I thought about, doing something like paella.
05:36I actually think that rather than jumping into dishes,
05:38it might be better if we just start talking about, like,
05:40markets that we think might be interesting.
05:41I mean, I've said paella just because it's quite a simple dish
05:44to put together. I think we need to start at the start,
05:46which, first of all, of the sectors are we interested in.
05:51I think we've got more chance of being unique if we can come up
05:53with an exciting brand around kids.
05:55It is really, really important for me to actually win this task.
05:58I mean, I haven't been a PM before and I think I need to prove
06:00to Lord Sugar, as well as my team, that I can be a good project manager.
06:03What about you, Neil? For me, I like kids,
06:05cos I think you can get a really strong brand.
06:07Yeah. OK.
06:08Finally, decide who designs the packaging.
06:11I mean, Miles, as well as being a parent,
06:12I think it would be key to have you on board
06:14with the marketing side, along with myself.
06:16And who creates the product?
06:18Leah, I know you don't like cooking,
06:19but I'm sure the chef will be lovely to you.
06:22OK. Jordan, I'm going to put you in charge of that team.
06:24I'd really like you to lead on that and obviously work together
06:27with Leah to make sure that we come up with a good dish.
06:29Would you both have any problem if the two of you went to do the food?
06:32I genuinely wouldn't even know where to start, as in cooking it.
06:36Obviously, I own a cake shop.
06:38I can bake, but I sure as hell can't cook.
06:42My worry is you know about ingredients and how to put it together.
06:46I would not claim to be any kind of expert on savoury ingredients at all.
06:51I think what we'd probably best do is utilising Louisa,
06:53who's got good experience in branding and stuff as well,
06:56to come with me.
06:57Louisa made it quite clear she didn't want to go to the kitchen,
07:00despite the fact that she owns a food manufacturing business.
07:03And guess what?
07:04She's staying with Neil and she's in the branding team.
07:06Are you comfortable with that?
07:09They went at each other in the last task.
07:11It wasn't very pleasant.
07:12They're going to have to find a way to resolve their differences.
07:16Let's make sure we're on a winning team, yeah?
07:18You two, keep the peace.
07:19Oh, don't worry. We'll be fine.
07:21All right, cool. Excellent, let's go.
07:25With the ready-meal kitchens in Derby,
07:27cooks from both teams hit the road.
07:31Do you not cook at all?
07:32I mean, I can cook a pie.
07:38The rest stay in London to whip up brands.
07:42If we're going to be looking at the kids, what are you thinking?
07:45There's a couple of names I'd come up with.
07:47Dracula's dinners.
07:48I'm thinking about creating a brand of food from around the world.
07:52A name I had is Popty Ping.
07:54The reason is, is that Popty Ping is actually Welsh for microwave.
07:57Could have a character, Popty.
07:59Could dress him up differently.
08:01If we do Spain, you could have him dressed as a bullfighter.
08:06It's young people, niche kind of product for students.
08:10I've come up with a few names.
08:11Go on, Banswan.
08:12I've just got really simply, good stuff.
08:17One strong idea we've got now,
08:19meals from around the world for kids.
08:21I really like that. Yeah, I do too.
08:23I came up with Deadly Dinners.
08:24A strap-on of healthy, horrible food.
08:26I don't like healthy, horrible food.
08:37Leather Lane Market.
08:40It's not really raining, Alex.
08:41With two kids' meals in mind...
08:44Be good to get some feedback from some,
08:45if we see a few women or whatever, or mums.
08:48..Miles and Alex.
08:50The first option we've got is we're going to create a brand
08:52where we're doing various kind of foods,
08:54like, you know, a bit of a geography lesson, really.
08:56So we'll do, like, a little Spanish paella.
08:59I'd be interested in something like that.
09:00Food. It's not going to be, like, paella-flavoured mush.
09:02It's going to be actual, proper food.
09:04So your kid is actually eating a prawn.
09:06Yeah, yeah, that's good.
09:08We are focusing on the kids.
09:09We have two very different ideas.
09:11Miles is quite keen to try and create this whole Dracula dinners
09:15and horrible, gruesome things,
09:16and I'm quite keen to go on the geography aspect.
09:19The reason is I think it can be purchased all throughout the year.
09:22No-one's going to want to have Dracula bolognese at Christmas.
09:25We've got a couple of ideas for themes.
09:27One of them is to come along the lines of something like
09:29deadly dinners, where you make something out to be
09:31it's a bit of a gruesome meal.
09:32Yeah, they love that. We do that at Halloween.
09:34Yeah? Yeah.
09:35And the other one we've got is trying to link in the concept
09:37of kind of geography and food.
09:39So saying about, you know, maybe having the characters teaching
09:41kids about food from around different places around the world.
09:43Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah?
09:45Which one of those two do you think is better?
09:46Well, they'd like the monster thing. Yeah?
09:48But adults, personally, would prefer the geography thing.
09:51Food for thought.
09:53I hate it when you say that.
09:57I love the geography thing.
09:58What you're doing is you're educating kids,
10:00and I think that the mums and dads and the shop owners
10:02will actually buy into it.
10:04Hop-de-ping, lovely little dishes.
10:06I just struggle with that because it doesn't link in.
10:09Look, here's an idea. Now, I've got pop-de-there on a gondola.
10:13Italian, innit?
10:18What does that tell you about geography?
10:24Please, Alex, I'm just trying to get you to look objectively
10:27at what you've written there.
10:28So then what have you got for it then?
10:30Right, so what I've got is deadly dinners.
10:33No, no, no, no, no, not for that, for pop-de-ping.
10:35Bloody hell, I'm going to go with the geography idea.
10:37And you need to work with me to structure that
10:40so that you're confident enough to deliver a great pitch.
10:46What we're off to now is a Caribbean restaurant.
10:49Now, because Fusion is about bringing two kind of cuisines together,
10:53we're kind of wanting to do a Caribbean dish with a Thai twist
10:57or a Thai dish with a Caribbean twist.
11:01Pushing on with Fusion, next stop, a West Indian restaurant.
11:06Welcome to my kitchen, yeah? Oh, thank you.
11:08What I want to get out of our meeting is a Caribbean chicken dish
11:12that we can put together.
11:14Perhaps we should do a dry Jamaican chicken.
11:17Is it spicy? A bit, a bit spicy.
11:20A bit spicy? Yeah, a bit spicy, yeah.
11:27Derby, the development kitchen.
11:30Hi. Hello. How are you doing?
11:31I'm Francesca. Anish.
11:33With ready-meal experts on hand...
11:36So we've got your whole spices, ground spices.
11:39..both teams can turn ideas into professional prototype products.
11:44Let's get cooking.
11:46On Neil's team, charged with creating Fusion flavours...
11:51..entertainment entrepreneur Francesca.
11:55OK, so, to make a Caribbean chicken, right,
11:59I'm going to tell you all of the seasonings that you need to use.
12:03Right, listen, I do not cook. Is this simple?
12:07It is simple.
12:08Right, so now you're going to get an onion, sweat it in the pan.
12:10Add the peppers and the carrots, paprika, coriander,
12:15half a stick of lemongrass,
12:17just over a quarter of a teaspoon of minced ginger,
12:20two tablespoons of desiccated coconut, garlic.
12:25Louisa was very clear this morning,
12:26I don't have knowledge of savoury food, I don't cook.
12:29We've come to a kitchen, she's all over the food,
12:31it's clear she has knowledge.
12:33For paprika, I'd put two teaspoons.
12:36Right, but Francesca's in the kitchen,
12:39she's going to have to cook, she's going to have to taste.
12:41I hope she's up to the job.
12:43It's exactly like you'd cook a stir-fry, yeah?
12:46Stop, stop, like, I don't cook stir-fries.
12:49Just have to try it, try it as a go.
12:50You've got to try it. Then what?
12:52And then you can add in a tiny bit of passata
12:54and make it into, like, a wet sauce.
12:56Does that make sense?
12:59Fine. I can't cook and I don't cook.
13:02And now I've got, like, a three-tiered recipe.
13:05I don't know what passata is, patatas, passata.
13:08And I was eating Thai noodles with Caribbean chicken.
13:11I eat ready meals and I wouldn't buy that.
13:15I've been royally stitched up by my team members.
13:18Can you burn chicken?
13:26A London design agency.
13:29What we're working with is Caribbean chicken...
13:32OK. ..with Thai noodles.
13:34Sounds different.
13:37Don't you like ginger mista?
13:39I think it's...
13:41It's just boring, I'm going to annoy people.
13:43Basically, what you're trying to envisage is your Caribbean chicken
13:46coming together with your Thai noodles.
13:48You wouldn't expect it to be nice, but the pat, it's really good.
13:51Yeah. In the middle of the pat, you could have, like,
13:54the two flavours almost colliding.
13:56Yeah, so you want to be... With a bit of a pal. Yeah.
13:59Try, oh, my pal. Like, here, are you...
14:01We need ingredients. Are you powerful enough?
14:03Was it powerful... Cuisine.
14:06..powerful cuisines brought together for powerful minds?
14:09It takes a strong person to work with me.
14:11And, you know, if I am working with a weak person,
14:15it's kind of, I'll eat them for dinner a little bit.
14:17On one side, you can have ingredients and whatever.
14:19And then they can read the description on the side.
14:22And Neil is very strong, and together it feels like we're
14:25sort of level-pegging.
14:26It's not boring, is it? That's one thing.
14:29It is out there, innit?
14:37On the other team...
14:38It's not that I think my idea is better than your idea.
14:40No, exactly. My problem, Alex, is it's not crystal clear.
14:43And like or dislike what I'm offering, it's clear.
14:49..from Miles, one last stab at his idea.
14:53So, is it deadly dinners, horrible food made healthy, is it?
14:56Healthy, horrible food. Healthy, horrible food.
14:59My mind is going so much on these two blinking ideas,
15:02it's tearing me apart.
15:03In the next five minutes, which one have we got the most chance
15:06of doing a great job on?
15:07Deadly dinners.
15:10The kitchen for Alex's team.
15:12The bolognese we're happy with?
15:13Yeah, very.
15:15That looks nice.
15:17Are you on, my love?
15:18That's a bolognese.
15:23Dinner time.
15:26Here's your typical Italian bolognese, but with prawn.
15:31Last-chance feedback for some final tweaks.
15:34And this is just a kind of light Italian dressing.
15:37The theme would be to get children to explore new countries.
15:41The first one, the tomato one, it's very tasty, actually.
15:44I like it.
15:45I like it.
15:46I like it.
15:47I like it.
15:48I like it.
15:49It's not too mushy.
15:50OK, that's good.
15:51What do you think of the bolognese sauce with the prawn?
15:53Do you think they're, you know,
15:54they're not something that's traditionally put together?
15:57My children loved prawns.
16:00And, in fact, when one of them was very young,
16:03she wanted a box of prawns for her birthday.
16:06So we were just...
16:07I think it works.
16:08Do you?
16:09I think it works.
16:10I think it's OK.
16:11What are we wrapping, kids?
16:12Which one do you like the most, if any?
16:13You can be honest, don't worry.
16:14You can tell us if you don't like it.
16:16I like that one.
16:17She does.
16:18We have prawns Provencial.
16:21OK, so that's with a tomato sauce.
16:23OK, cool. Listen, we've ended up going with the Deadly Dinners theme,
16:29so it's the perfect flavour, to be honest with you.
16:34I thought we were working with the... Yeah.
16:36I mean, to be honest, it's true to form with Alex,
16:40but it just suddenly turned.
16:43Signed off and into production, Deadly Dinners.
16:49I think we need to say in the boring bit for parents,
16:51there's not really any bat's blood in it.
16:53Next, a face for the brand.
16:56I still don't know whether or not to put fresh fruit and veg
16:59around the skull. I don't know why, I just think... No.
17:02I've just stepped out of the design studio and they've plonked
17:06a skull right in the centre of the packaging design.
17:10Where do you find skulls?
17:12You find them on dangerous products like bleach and drain cleaner.
17:18Listen, it's got to appeal to kids.
17:24Do I need to cook ginger? I think I've put too much onion in this.
17:28In Derby, still wrangling with her team's recipe...
17:31How do I check if the noodle's cooked?
17:33If it was spaghetti, I'd throw it at a wall.
17:35..first-time cook Francesca.
17:37Well, if it sticks, it's ready.
17:39There you go, it's done.
17:41Hello. Hi. Hello.
17:44OK, my name's Francesca, I'm from Evolve.
17:47We have decided to go with a bit of a fusion of Caribbean and Thai.
17:51What do you all think about what's just coming around,
17:54the idea of Thai and Caribbean together?
17:56Not sure it would work. No. OK.
17:58They've got two separate identities and I don't know...
18:01Obviously, you want this fusion. Yeah.
18:03I'm just not sure whether or not that fusion works with those two.
18:06I wasn't sure about them together, I'm still not sure.
18:08The noodle's I don't like at all. OK. Just a little bit dry.
18:11Hello? Hey, Fran, you all right? Yeah.
18:14They hate the Thai, like, fusion thing.
18:18They just didn't think it worked.
18:20Did you like it together?
18:22I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't have a second to even taste it.
18:26If the food doesn't look good or doesn't taste good,
18:28then obviously it defeats the object of the task.
18:31We did tell Francesca to try the food throughout.
18:33I don't know why she hasn't done that.
18:35She should have tried the food.
18:37We've got to make a call on it and I think the call we need to make
18:40and, Louise, if you're happy with it, is we keep it as it is.
18:43The USP is a fusion and we'll go from there.
18:45Brilliant. Got to go.
18:47For deadly dinners, two minutes before designs must be finalised...
18:52What I'm thinking of is if we put the vegetables by here
18:54and the yummy by here, you can put Bat's Blood pasta by there.
18:58..still tinkering, project manager Alex.
19:02I just think, mate, we keep it really simple.
19:04I like it, let's just move on, we haven't got any time.
19:06I just don't know whether or not this is getting too thin.
19:08I think let's not overcomplicate it.
19:10I think we're kind of there.
19:14I don't know, do you want to do a carrot?
19:16No. Mate, let's not reinvent the wheel where we're at now.
19:19Alex is very frustrating to work with.
19:21I do think I spent a significant portion of my energy today
19:25probably managing Alex as a person.
19:28I had to really be careful how I got him to back my idea,
19:31but I do think the brand's really strong.
19:33I would be proud to show that to someone.
19:35Are you happy?
19:36I don't mean to be a pain as well, but is it possible...
19:38No, I'm happy, mate. Stick with that.
19:45Signed off by Louisa and Neil.
19:48Doesn't it look great? That looks great!
19:51Oh, my pow!
19:53This is young, this is funky, this is contemporary.
19:55It plays exactly to our target market.
19:57It really does.
19:58Happy? Yeah. Me too.
20:00Neil, give me a cuddle!
20:02We're a dream team, is that what it is?
20:04We are a dream team. Yeah.
20:06Louisa seems to have taken on board feedback
20:08from Lord Sugar in the boardroom.
20:10She's stopped game-playing,
20:11she's pulling together with her team,
20:13and she's actually coming up with some good ideas.
20:15There's no in-between with me and you, is there?
20:17No, we love each other. A love-hate relationship.
20:20I think I'm finally beginning to see a serious businesswoman emerge.
20:37Dispatched overnight from Derby...
20:41..for both teams, sample ready meals.
20:44Oh, thank you very much. Thank you.
20:50For Alex and his team, bat's blood pasta.
20:53I like it. I think it's really cool.
20:55I think it's really cool.
20:57I think it's really cool.
20:59I think it's really cool.
21:01I think it's really cool.
21:03I would have wanted this when I was a kid.
21:05It's very dark. It looks Halloween-y.
21:07I think the main concern I have is that it looks like a Halloween meal.
21:11You know, very seasonal in that regard.
21:15It's great.
21:17It's quite tangy. Yeah.
21:21Here we go, the moment of truth.
21:23For Neil, oh, my pow!
21:25Those noodles are quite chewy to eat.
21:28It's a bit bland.
21:30Thai and Caribbean fusion.
21:32There's no actual real flavour. Yeah.
21:35There's no pow in all my pow.
21:40Today, both ready meals must be served up to supermarket giants.
21:46Half the teams stay home to prepare presentations.
21:49Deadly dinners. Healthy, horrible foods.
21:54Half set off to gather market feedback.
22:00I'm really confident we'll sell thousands of them.
22:03Yeah, hundreds of thousands. Yeah.
22:07For deadly dinners...
22:12..a panel of experts.
22:14I've got here bat's blood and prawn pasta.
22:20Here we go, kids.
22:22Make sure you blow it hot.
22:24Make sure you blow it hot.
22:26What's your favourite part of it?
22:28The bat's blood.
22:30Prawns were actually really good, I thought.
22:32You like the prawns?
22:34I like all of it. You like all of it?
22:36Yeah. Yeah, it tastes nice.
22:38You really like it, do you? That's excellent.
22:41Three more dishes that everyone's going to have to share.
22:44So who wants it?
22:50And what about the grown-ups?
22:55I, as a parent, tend not to buy anything with skulls.
22:58I'm not sure if that's going to be appealing to me.
23:01From that, I wouldn't be looking at that
23:03thinking I'm buying a healthy dinner for my kids.
23:05Fair point, fair point.
23:08I want everyone to play a game with me.
23:10If you think you might maybe want it, put one hand up,
23:13and if you really want it, put two hands up.
23:16We've got legs up as well. We must really like it.
23:19Would you get your mum and dad to buy that?
23:24The tasting session at the primary school went down a storm with the children.
23:28They loved it. They voted with all four limbs.
23:32The parents, however, not so delighted with it.
23:36The parents, on the whole, said no.
23:39Bye! Whoo!
23:44Take these two out to the first table.
23:46For Oh My Pau, a hungry pack of powerful minds.
23:50I think the packaging. It definitely grabs attention.
23:52Yeah, it's good. There's no spice in it at all.
23:55It's just very bland.
23:57It doesn't taste like Caribbean chicken or Thai chicken.
24:00The taste side of it does let the whole product in.
24:03I think it's good.
24:05I think it's good.
24:07I think it's good.
24:09I think it's good.
24:11The taste side of it does let the whole product down.
24:14Louise is taking great joy in the fact of,
24:16oh, you know, you didn't taste it.
24:18It's got no seasoning, it's got no chilli.
24:20It was flavourless and watery.
24:23Thai noodles are dry.
24:25Well, you can cook. You knew what ingredients had to go in it.
24:28And you were telling me how much of everything.
24:30If you thought it should have more chilli in it,
24:32you should have told me to put more chilli in it.
24:34This one said, do you like the Thai noodles?
24:36Yes, they were good. So it wasn't spicy enough.
24:40How are you doing? You all right?
24:42Mixed feedback. Generally, on the whole,
24:44they really like the packaging, but the flavour's too bland.
24:48We just need to sell it as that we would add more salt and would add more chilli.
24:52Yeah, OK. I'm actually going to go in there and say, you know what?
24:55We know that we could add more flavour to this
24:57and that's something we're willing to do if you're going to buy in bulk.
25:03Presentations prepared, feedback logged.
25:07The kids loved it, both in terms of taste and in brand.
25:11Oh, my goodness! That's fantastic!
25:16Although 93% say it would stand out and catch their eye,
25:20the conversion to would they buy it...
25:2332%. Yeah.
25:25I think we need to spin... Yeah, just don't put that in.
25:28Both teams must pitch their ready meals to three major retailers.
25:32This is a really big shop.
25:34You excited? Absolutely.
25:36I'm geared up for it. Let's get in here now.
25:39With hundreds of meals on the shelves, it's a competitive market to crack.
25:44So we're from Team Endeavour. Thank you very much for seeing us today.
25:47For Alex's team, first pitch, Asda.
25:51We're really passionate about what we've created,
25:54and we're here, we're so happy to show you what we've got.
25:58I mean, the industry itself,
26:00it really does seem to have gone through a bit of a revolution
26:03over the last few years.
26:05It's... Excuse the noise in the background.
26:08He's just preparing, by the way, for you, something nice to eat.
26:15Fueling the market.
26:17The microwave's not on.
26:19Do you want to press the big button at the bottom?
26:21So we're really working on the basis that kids love everything gruesome
26:25these days.
26:26The strap line on there, healthy, horrible food.
26:29Something for the kids and something for mum on there as well.
26:32I've got a couple of issues as a mum myself.
26:34You've put me off totally with the packaging,
26:36cos you're talking about the packaging.
26:38I've got a couple of issues with the packaging.
26:41You've put me off totally with the packaging,
26:43cos you're talking about the fact that it's deadly and it's horrible.
26:46Because I think you would appeal to my two boys greatly.
26:50You don't appeal to me as a mum.
26:54First for Neil's team, upmarket online supplier, Ocado.
26:59I'm really happy to present to you, O, My Pal.
27:02Caribbean chicken meets Thai noodles.
27:05The really bright colours of O, My Pal
27:07will make it stand out on your website.
27:09We want people to see this on your website and click and buy.
27:12O, My Pal is creating a new fusion fashion with regards to food.
27:17I think the packaging is really good and would work well online,
27:21but I don't think it's very Caribbean.
27:23The constructive feedback we got was they would buy it
27:26if there was a little bit more spice or a little bit more flavour in the sauce.
27:29If you was to put in a substantial order with us,
27:32that is something that we can do very, very easily.
27:35I thought Louisa did a good pitch.
27:37She made it very clear that, you know what,
27:39if we can put extra flavouring in to make it even better,
27:42we can do that as well.
27:43So I just wanted to hit that head-on and I think we did a good job.
27:47Serving around nine million shoppers a week,
27:50next for Deadly Dinners, Morrison's.
27:54We are so excited to be here today.
27:57Deadly Dinners, what does that say to you?
28:00It says deadly. It says, you know, there's something about that.
28:04Can I ask a couple of questions?
28:06You're branding solely because it's Deadly Dinners
28:08and I think that almost makes it sound negative to market.
28:11That might be quite tricky.
28:12We can call it deadly and everyone will recognise that it's playful,
28:15it's tongue-in-cheek. You hope so. Yeah.
28:17I have a ten-year-old daughter.
28:19OK, the guise is, you know, it's gruesome, it's gory,
28:21it's all those things that kids might like,
28:23but clearly we're trying to position it
28:25as it is a healthy, nutritious product.
28:27This product would be absolutely perfect, you know, for your...
28:31I think what we're really hoping is that as a concept,
28:33you can understand the brand and where we're trying to go.
28:37Interestingly, one thing I sensed, and that is,
28:40that the team didn't have that much confidence in Leah
28:43because the others kept butting in.
28:45Under the guise of these Deadly Dinners making...
28:48Brussels sprouts become zombies' eyeballs.
28:52At his second pitch, armed with oh-my-pow...
28:56Our USP is bringing Caribbean chicken with Thai noodles.
29:01Project manager Neil...
29:03Over 60% of the people we saw said they enjoyed the combination
29:06of bringing Caribbean chicken together with Thai noodles.
29:1093% said that it would catch their eye on a supermarket shelf.
29:1583% of the people that we questioned said that they loved the name,
29:19it was impactful.
29:21Neil's pitch was incredibly boring, loads of facts,
29:24totally unengaging, and I don't think it was very good at all.
29:28The idea of the fusion thing, yeah, I think it's good.
29:31I think the two cuisines, Caribbean and Thai,
29:34for me, they don't really deliver on flavour.
29:37Moving forward, it would be seasoned more.
29:39We'd use some Scotch bonnet chillies, I'd use some pineapple,
29:42and if you were to place an order with us,
29:44that would definitely be delivered to you.
29:46That's something that we can do quite easily if used to order en masse.
29:55Really, really want to keep the energy high in the team
29:57and just make sure that we go in there and we absolutely smash it.
30:00I'm excited to be doing my first pitch, I think it's way overdue.
30:03Lord Sugar's given me grief for it,
30:05so I'm really excited to be able to step up,
30:07because I'm really quite good.
30:09So why aren't you pitching on it?
30:11Look, me, I am more of a manager.
30:13I've given you the floor, just do it.
30:15Do you know what I mean? Get it done.
30:17Just do it for yourself and, as well as that, do it for the team.
30:21Final pitch for Deadly Dinners...
30:23I'm Jordan. Hi, Lawrence.
30:26In this market, you're actually selling to two people.
30:29You're selling to what we call the purchasing manager,
30:32so the mum or the dad of the house,
30:34and then secondly, on the other hand, is the children themselves,
30:37and so we had to work out something that both catered to the parents
30:40and also catered to the children at the same time.
30:42Would you be offering an exclusive at all?
30:44Absolutely, for the right deal, exclusivity would be fantastic.
30:47Oh, my God, well done.
30:49Such a good pitch.
30:51Absolutely well done. Well done.
30:58For the other team, last chance to convince that,
31:01oh, my pal, can pack a punch.
31:05This, for us, is a really affordable, value-for-money,
31:08ready meal that really targets the people that want to eat it.
31:11I get the concept, and that's really lovely in terms of trying
31:14to get people to explore different flavours,
31:16and I completely understand that.
31:18I think you're not really bringing out taste in your branding,
31:21so it talks a lot about powerful, and because it's such a bold packaging,
31:24I'm expecting an explosion of power.
31:26In terms of the flavour, still at the same cost,
31:28we can actually add to the flavour of the Caribbean chicken
31:31and make it exactly what you need.
31:33That's something we're willing to do if you want to put the orders in.
31:37Yet again, the retailers have come to the conclusion
31:39that the food makes no impact at all because it's tasteless.
31:42They've tried to sell the idea that they're going to develop the flavour,
31:46change the flavour, improve the flavour,
31:49it just really is down to now whether the retailers believe them.
31:56Pitch is over.
32:02Do you think people were disappointed that they liked the brand,
32:05but then when they tried it, didn't follow through with that?
32:08No, I think what maybe we could have done...
32:10Come on, Louisa, keep stabbing me. I haven't felt it hard enough yet.
32:13I'm not stabbing you, I'm just saying that was general consensus.
32:16I gave Francesca as much information as I could give over the phone.
32:20But you know what, it doesn't take a genius to try something
32:23and think this could be added, you could have done that now,
32:26you tried it and you said it was bland,
32:28and you would have added more chilli if you were there,
32:30you would have added a bit more salt.
32:32Anyway, can't change it, can we?
32:35Orders, if any, will be placed tonight.
32:39Tomorrow, the boardroom.
33:05You can go through to the boardroom now.
33:29Good afternoon. Good afternoon, Lord Sugar.
33:33So, this task was all about ready meals.
33:36I asked you to go off and design and brand some ready meals
33:40and then present them to three major supermarkets in this country.
33:45Alex, I made you the project manager
33:48because you hadn't been project manager before.
33:50Tell me how you got on.
33:52To be honest, we were quite torn from the beginning.
33:54Myles had an idea about doing this deadly dinners concept,
33:57making food very playful and interacting with children
34:00and a little bit gruesome and tongue-in-cheek.
34:03I'd come up with an idea which I just called it Popty Ping.
34:07Popty being the Welsh for an oven, is that right?
34:10That's correct. And that idea I had was about doing...
34:13Well, it's gone down well in Swansea.
34:15I don't know about the rest of the country.
34:17OK, the idea I had then with that
34:19is that doing foods from around the world
34:21and trying to engage children
34:23to broaden their taste buds at a young age.
34:25I heard from Nick that you were adamant, as a project manager,
34:29that you wanted to go with your geographic thing.
34:32That is correct. At one point, I did.
34:34Because how do we get this, then?
34:36I took some thought back not to go with my own personal likes
34:38but to maybe go with someone who has children
34:40and that's why we went for that idea then instead.
34:42So, we passed the idea of the deadly dinners and...
34:45How did we get all these pictures of a skull on there?
34:49Because normally you see a picture of a skull
34:51and it's something you don't give to kids
34:53or you keep it away from kids.
34:55Kids, they love everything gruesome
34:57and what we really wanted to try and do
34:59was create a product that was exciting children
35:02and getting them to really engage with the meal.
35:04What we've actually ended up calling this dish
35:06is Bat's Blood and Prawn Pasta.
35:08Bat's Blood and Prawn Pasta? Yeah.
35:10So, this is going to be part of a range of products, yeah?
35:13Yeah. Like lethal lasagne, maybe,
35:15your next one, or homicidal hummus or something, yeah?
35:19In general, then, folks, decisive project manager or not?
35:23He listened, I think, was the strong point for me.
35:26Listened or was browbeaten by you?
35:28I do think I put quite a lot of energy into perhaps making him see
35:32it was the only real genuine idea we had.
35:34Right, OK.
35:36On Team Evolve, Neil, I believe you are the project manager?
35:40That's correct. How did that come about?
35:42It was just myself and Francesca that put ourselves forward.
35:45Louisa didn't want to put herself forward this time.
35:48Felt a little bit sore from last week, did you?
35:51To be honest, I wanted our team to unite,
35:53I didn't want any arguments,
35:55I just wanted us to work together well and win.
35:57OK, all right.
35:58And, well, he was your project manager, OK?
36:01I really like working with Neil.
36:03Yeah, all right, so what did you do, Neil?
36:06Well, I split the team into two.
36:08I sent Francesca to go and actually do the tasting
36:10and make sure that we had a good-tasting product.
36:13You are in the kitchen, right, and you two are doing what?
36:17To actually come up with the creation of the brand and the name.
36:20Oh, my pal.
36:22Sounds like dog food.
36:24Before we left, we'd agreed that we wanted to go with fusion food
36:28in terms of the cuisine and actually try and create something
36:31that is really, really unique, and that's what we set out to do.
36:34So you mixed it, Thai and Caribbean?
36:36That's correct, yeah. Is that right?
36:38How did you think it tasted?
36:40I didn't even taste it. I literally...
36:42You didn't taste your own food?
36:44I just made it as quickly as possible.
36:46That is the most bizarre explanation I have ever heard in my life.
36:50The problem Neil had is neither of the ladies cook.
36:54No, I can cook basic food, but...
36:56You actually made it quite clear you don't cook at all.
36:58Yeah, that's what...
36:59I think it became clear I had the most knowledge out of the three of us
37:02with regards to cooking, eventually.
37:04OK, the next day, you take this, oh, my pal, and this concoction here,
37:09and you go to a group of 32 people.
37:11Let me tell you what they had to say.
37:14Tasteless, serving suggestions, don't serve it.
37:19We realised that, so we hit that head-on,
37:21actually with the retail, to tell them...
37:23That's why I heard there's more heat in a snowman's nose than that thing.
37:27Anyway, it didn't have the pow, so we put that into the pitch
37:30and we let them know that, you know what,
37:32we've had some great feedback about the brand...
37:34Great feedback about the brand?
37:36I heard somewhere down the line that a figure of 93% of people liked it.
37:40The epitome of market research is you pluck a few little bits and pieces out...
37:44This is food. They didn't like the food.
37:47Anyway, how did you get on in your pitch?
37:50In terms of the pitch, I really put passion into it,
37:52I really tried to kind of sell the brand...
37:55Glorious, I think.
37:57Karen said it went on for 20 minutes.
37:59Well, I did actually find it.
38:01Bit like your food, bland and unexciting.
38:06All right, well, look, let's find out what went on, then.
38:12Karen, the online supermarket Ocado, how did your team get on?
38:16Well, they liked the concept and they said if you put a bit of pow
38:20in your recipe, they'll give it a trial and they'll place 300 orders.
38:25300? Mm-hm. OK.
38:30Well, they did like the product.
38:33Placed 1,000 orders on a trial basis. 1,000 orders.
38:38Karen, what happened at Morrison's?
38:42Again, they liked the concept, but they said it was just too tasteless
38:47to consider placing an order.
38:49No orders? No orders.
38:52Nick, your team in the same supermarket.
38:56They were uncomfortable with the name
38:58and were not prepared to place any orders.
39:01Also no orders.
39:05While I'm with you, Nick, Asda?
39:09They felt the product was just plain wrong.
39:14No orders.
39:17No orders.
39:19No orders.
39:22Karen, and how did your team do?
39:24Again, they really liked the concept.
39:29And they believed Neil when he said he would improve the recipe.
39:33And on that basis, they're going to trial 2,500 packs.
39:41Evolve. That means you've got 2,800 orders.
39:45In this endeavour, you've only got 1,000 orders.
39:51So, Evolve, you've won. You pulled it off.
39:55Well, your treat this week is that you're going to the Bedford Autodrome
39:59and you'll be spinning around in a Ferrari.
40:03Oh, my God!
40:05Hope you enjoy yourself and I'll see you on the next task.
40:08Thank you very much. Thank you.
40:10Thank you, Karen. Oh, my God.
40:15They love the concept and the pictures. Well done, everyone.
40:18That's great work.
40:21And I think it's fair to say that in our lives,
40:24we've all had seafood come back to haunt us.
40:29I'll see you soon. Come back and we'll discuss a bit more.
40:33As you know, one of you will be fired.
40:49Who'd like to go first? Definitely me.
40:51I usually lead the way rough, so... Oh, my God!
40:56Are you sure I can't have your girl? No, out.
41:01She might have just picked you.
41:05Later, loser.
41:09She's got to change gear.
41:25The only reason we've lost this task
41:27is cos the actual product and the design is totally wrong.
41:30The concept, the whole Deadly Dinners concept
41:32that I followed you with on is totally wrong.
41:35I should have stuck with my instincts and done the idea
41:37that I thought was acceptable for the parents,
41:39but no, I listened to her parents and it's cost me.
41:41Cos the fact is, the brand was wrong and that's down to Myles
41:43and he's the one going home today.
41:45I think the skull scared some people away.
41:47I think that... It was too strong.
41:49Yeah, there was a lack of clarity about who the real buyer was.
41:53I do think that's my baby, that brand,
41:55and if it's come down to the fact that the brand's wrong,
41:58then, you know, I'm absolutely a key part of that.
42:17Can you send the four of them in, please?
42:19Yes, Lord Sugar.
42:21You can go through to the boardroom now.
42:35No orders from a couple of the people that you pitched to.
42:39Any idea why?
42:41The whole brand and the message that we gave across
42:43was totally incorrect and they could see no future for it.
42:46I wouldn't suggest it's totally incorrect.
42:48Well, let's analyse why we never got any orders here.
42:52I'll read off to you some of the things
42:55that one of the leading supermarkets had to say.
42:58Mum is our customer.
43:00And the packaging must appeal to Mum.
43:03They said this is something that won't sell to the parents.
43:06And that's the irritation I have,
43:08is that I went with something that was aimed at the kids
43:10rather than sticking my gut instinct
43:12to go with something that the parents would like.
43:14Why didn't you say that when we were designing the packaging?
43:16That's very interesting, Alex.
43:17So, you go to some school, yeah? Yeah.
43:20OK. And there were some parents there. Yeah.
43:23And some of the parents said
43:25they dislike the combination of the healthy and horrible.
43:29Suggests healthy is horrible.
43:32Tend not to tout things around with skulls.
43:35Implies poison.
43:37What is the point of going to a research group
43:40if you take no bloody notice of them?
43:42We did take notice of them.
43:43We took some really, really strong feedback
43:45from the kids who really engaged with the product.
43:47And the thing is, the packaging...
43:48Yeah, of course they loved it, cos it's a bit of terror.
43:51If you made a, you know, slugs and snows
43:54and puppy dog towels deadly dinners,
43:56yeah, if kids would love it, then parents wouldn't buy it.
43:59I think you were swept away
44:02with the enthusiasm of 50 or 60 children.
44:05Of course they loved it. They're all egging each other on.
44:08It's fun. They've never done this before.
44:12One of the supermarkets, the one that you pitched to, Leah,
44:15the man that you pitched to,
44:16said he couldn't get a question in edgeways
44:18cos a load of other people were jumping in.
44:20I think, to some degree, the pitch went round in circles at times
44:23and they started asking questions
44:24before Leah had managed to finish her pitch.
44:26I'm not sure Leah fully had their attention.
44:28You know, it wasn't a wonderful pitch.
44:30I'm the first to hold my hands up to that.
44:32But it wasn't, it was equally as strong as your smile,
44:35which was as dull as dishwasher.
44:37Jordan delivered a blisteringly good pitch.
44:39Jordan's was the best, quite easily.
44:41How were you able, Jordan, to persuade the online retailer
44:44to make 1,000 orders if the other two couldn't?
44:47I was clear that I thought it could run a double campaign.
44:50On one side, focusing on the children and brand recognition
44:53and going with actually something very similar to what we've got,
44:56and on the other side, focusing on parents
44:58and the fact that it was something you didn't need to feel guilty about.
45:01So, what I want to get to the bottom of here
45:05is who is responsible for the ultimate branding of this product?
45:09The ultimate branding and the responsibility for this product
45:12is done with Miles.
45:13Do you say that, Miles? I'll take that.
45:15And do you believe it's the failure of the task?
45:17I think it's an integral part of the failure of the task.
45:20It was the only idea.
45:21In all honesty, I was working independently.
45:23You don't have a clue about where the brand should be pitched.
45:26So, on my own, that's the best I came up with.
45:29The reason it is, and this is why we've lost this,
45:31is because I followed you based on the fact that I was thinking
45:34that you're a parent, you know what you're looking for,
45:36and I would be missing a trick.
45:38You were sat with me when we were creating that product.
45:41Look, look, look, this is like a microwave meal here.
45:44Things are getting a bit heated, but we're going round in circles, OK?
45:48The simple fact is, the only reason we've lost this
45:50is because we've totally run with the wrong brand. That's it.
45:53Why didn't you stick to your original idea? Are you weak?
45:56In a way, there are two aspects of it.
45:58I felt as though I probably wouldn't have had full cooperation from Miles
46:01if we didn't go with the idea, and if I have got a parent with me
46:04who says that that is what they would go with
46:06and that is what they buy for their kids and that is right,
46:08that's experience that I cannot learn or I cannot have.
46:14Right, so...
46:18..Alex, you're going to bring two people back into this boardroom.
46:22I'm only going to bring in Miles,
46:24just because I think that is where the task has failed.
46:27I'm honestly very pleased with Leah and Jordan's...
46:29Yeah. I asked you to bring two people back into this boardroom.
46:32Well, then the only one I can bring in then on performance would have to be Leah.
46:35Right, OK. Jordan, go back to the house. I'll see you on the next task, OK?
46:39Thank you, Lord Sherman.
46:44You three step outside. I'm going to have another chat with Nick.
46:49One of you will be leaving the process, OK?
46:58Alex, you know, he's a young boy, he's enthusiastic.
47:02He can't focus on the end result.
47:05He just gets carried away with the enthusiasm
47:07and he runs down various different directions,
47:10making snap decisions, and it becomes a mess.
47:15Leah, she's obviously a very, very clever girl,
47:18but in the past nine weeks, has she come up with anything?
47:21She may well be academically gifted,
47:24but in this boardroom, she has very little presence.
47:28And then again, you've got Miles,
47:30where all of a sudden has piped up and defended himself
47:34on this marketing idea here,
47:36but he went off the rails as far as that's concerned.
47:42Yeah, send the three of them in, please.
47:44Lord Sherman, we'll see you now.
47:55So, Alex, Miles is back here because you're going to say
47:59that he is totally responsible for the failure of this task,
48:02in your mind, then?
48:04In my mind, purely on the fact that there was the strong point...
48:07You're not? You're not, where you had the ultimate call
48:09and we're doing it or not?
48:11Yeah, well, I mean, to some extent as well, yes,
48:13and that's why I said that I was only going to bring myself and Miles in.
48:16I'm glad you brought Leah in, because I've got a few questions to ask her,
48:19not just on this task here, but also about what you think
48:23you've contributed in the last nine weeks.
48:26Week in, week out, I perform in whatever role I am given.
48:29Last week, I was a director. This week, I was made chef.
48:32I delivered on that.
48:34Potentially, that doesn't put you in the frame of glory,
48:36but I have delivered.
48:38I don't think you can say that I haven't performed.
48:40I have performed week in, week out.
48:42Well, I'm saying it because I'm talking about coming into business
48:45with me, a quarter-of-a-million-pound, 50-50 business.
48:48Can you do that? Can I? Of course I can do it.
48:50I am the most reliable, consistent person in this process.
48:53I am the person that will deliver.
48:55I am the type of person that you would give a quarter-of-a-million-pound
48:58and think, she isn't going to go off and do something crazy with this.
49:01I am a sensible person. I deliver task after task after task
49:04in any role that I am given, and I have performed in every single sector
49:07that you need me to perform in to be a business partner.
49:10I'm raising the issue because we're here in the ninth week now.
49:14You know, there's three more weeks to go,
49:19and one of you, including those that are back at the house at the moment,
49:24is going to be my business partner,
49:26where I'm going to invest £250,000 in, right?
49:29And up until about two-and-a-half minutes ago, I haven't heard you speak.
49:32I know you're asking what I've done. What has Miles done?
49:35I have outperformed Miles on every task,
49:37other than sell a few vegetables and the grocery task.
49:39I'm not sure what else you've done.
49:41OK, look, how are the last two tasks going in terms of your creative input?
49:44You're very good at actually picking on the back of other people's ideas
49:48and slating them without actually putting your head above the parapet.
49:51Right. Miles, Mr Monaco.
49:54You come across as somebody, you know, VIP clubs in Monaco
49:58and bumping into His Royal Highness the Prince Albert in Monaco.
50:02You won't bump into him in Loughton in my premises, I can promise you.
50:08Right? I mean, do you think you've performed in the last nine weeks, Miles?
50:12I do, actually. I only know luxury brands and high-net-worths.
50:15You know, I've been selling beer at markets,
50:17I've been selling fruit and veg, I've been selling flat-pack furniture.
50:20I mean, it's almost been twilight zone, not just out of my comfort zone.
50:24Right. And you, Alex, you sit there passing the blame there.
50:28You're a young man, OK, who claims he's started up some business somewhere.
50:33I mean, I set my business up when I was 19 in a garage.
50:37This is your tombstone business, is it?
50:39It's a house sign, an opening plaque and a memorial business.
50:42And your proposal to come into business for me is what?
50:45Some kind of legal umbrella company?
50:47Yeah, that's correct, yeah. Put it this way, I sold my slate business
50:50and I've invested some money in a CCTV company to start up with.
50:53In three months, that's done incredibly well, even though it's just started.
50:56Slate, video, legal. Yeah.
50:58Have you got any qualifications as far as law is concerned?
51:01No, as far as law is concerned, no, not at all.
51:06You know, I always say to young people
51:08is that you need to stick to what you know.
51:10I totally agree. Alex, you come up with ridiculous, ludicrous suggestions.
51:14He constantly comes up with these silly ideas
51:16and he doesn't tie into sector expertise at all.
51:18Hang on, whoa, whoa. I am a realistic prospect.
51:20Then how come it is successful?
51:22Alex, not owned by you, my love, not owned by you.
51:24But, Leah, no, Leah, it clearly is.
51:26You can't just go off on a tangent and start a law company
51:28with absolutely no knowledge of the sector whatsoever.
51:30It's silly. It's totally unrealistic.
51:32And then Richard Branson can't go off and do spaceships
51:34with no old concept of actually making spaceships.
51:36I'm pleased. With the greatest respect,
51:38I wouldn't even categorise myself in his league.
51:40No, I understand, but what I'm trying to say is
51:42I'm really trying to go for my end goal, which is this.
51:44Fine, but if you've gone from tombstones to video cameras
51:47and now you want to go off and do the law.
51:49Yeah. I think you're a bit of a grasshopper brain.
51:51That's not correct, Lord Sugar, because...
51:53OK, OK, I've got it. Listen, OK, I've got it.
51:58I think it's very clear that Leah holds you responsible for the failure.
52:03No, I hold Miles responsible for the failing of this particular task.
52:06Miles has said that he's a man who does branding.
52:08This man has been in business for 23 years.
52:10I have just about been on the planet that long...
52:12Give me strength. ..and that's what he's come up with
52:14in terms of a brand for this.
52:15Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut.
52:17He didn't deliver on it and he was the person doing the graphics,
52:19doing the name, doing all that's on it.
52:21Yeah, I mean... Take your voice and be quiet.
52:23Oh, Miles, please.
52:30Alex, you should have stuck to your guns on this thing here.
52:36But I do admire your enthusiasm.
52:40You're very, very young, right?
52:42And I have to say that for someone as young as you,
52:45you are someone to be admired, yeah?
52:52Leah, you've spoken up in this last few moments.
52:58I see a different person there.
53:00But, um...
53:02I am a quieter individual, but I can deliver.
53:05I don't want to hear any more from you now.
53:09I mean, here you're rattling off like an AK-47 machine gun now.
53:13You've spoken more in the last ten minutes
53:16than you've done in the last nine weeks.
53:19Miles, um...
53:21The fatal error is...
53:24..you've got your customer on.
53:35But, Alex...
53:38I think you're a young, young man.
53:42You're a young, young man.
53:45Alex, I think you're a young, enthusiastic chap,
53:49and I want to send you off with a bit of advice.
53:52Try and stick to something, right?
53:54And you're going to succeed, OK?
53:56But at the moment, Alex, it is with regret.
53:59You're fired.
54:00Thank you very much for the opportunity.
54:02Karen and Nick as well. Thank you.
54:22Miles, an outsider looking in on this
54:25may think you've got away with murder here, OK?
54:29It's my 45 years in business that tells me
54:32that you deserve to remain in the process, OK?
54:35Thank you very much.
54:36Having said that, it's getting very tough, very competitive now.
54:40This leniency won't be around any more,
54:42and the same applies to you, Leo, OK?
54:44The pair of you, back to the house.
55:08This had been my first time to project manage in nine tasks,
55:11and, you know, unfortunately, it didn't work out.
55:13Maybe I shouldn't have listened to other people
55:15and carried on with what I would have done
55:17and we would have actually won this task.
55:19But I've still got my end goal,
55:20and that is what I'm going to work towards.
55:24Who do you think, Jordan, is to blame for the task?
55:27It seemed like Alex was in serious trouble. Right.
55:30And Miles had a lot to answer for.
55:33If Leo doesn't come back, I'm going to be really sad.
55:36Oh, no!
55:38You all right, mate?
55:40It's really good to see you, man. Phew!
55:42Do you want to talk us through what happened?
55:44I felt so bad. Alex is such...
55:46He's the biggest character, he's the funniest bloke,
55:48but, you know, I think it's getting really serious now,
55:51and I think you're on your merit as a person,
55:53not just how you perform on a task here.
55:55This is business plan.
55:57Genuinely, are you a realistic investment?
55:59Yeah, he just said that, basically,
56:01partly I haven't, like, spoken.
56:03But she bloody well did, then.
56:06In the fight for Lord Sugar's quarter-million pounds...