• 2 days ago


00:09Previously on The Apprentice your task this week is to come up with an innovative
00:14Flatpack piece of furniture the boys brought a folding chair to the table
00:19I present to you the folder that is awesome
00:22While the girls tidy sidey let them down it does look very unattractive
00:27Stop trying to pass the buck all the time, right? It's not loving a box on wheels
00:32Leaving the boys sitting pretty
00:38In the boardroom, this is one of the best products that I've seen all the years that I've been in this ballroom a third win
00:45for the boys a
00:48Third loss for the girls tidy sidey wishy-washy
00:53Poxy boxy you are the designer you
00:56Creative license Natalie and Asma came under fire. This was a disaster
01:01I've got my eyes on you, but there was no hiding place for Sophie in the past three weeks
01:06I haven't seen anything from you
01:08You should have done much better than this you're fired and she became the third casualty of the boardroom
01:16Now 13 remain to fight for the chance to become Lord sugars business partner
01:315 20 a.m
01:41Hello good morning, this is Lord sugars office
01:45Lord sugar would like you to meet him at Surrey docks in East London the class will be with you in half an hour
01:50Thank you
01:53Sorry docks in East London
01:59Chop-chop, I don't know what's worse getting woken up or getting woken up by Louisa. I think we're gonna be selling me
02:08Fish, I think we get the team still today the girls need help basically if we work with boys
02:13I don't think I'd like to work with see because I think that he's just like better for the bullshit
02:19I could be their savior
02:30Now I've been like in the bottom three it's just given me so much more drive
02:35I've been in there twice and it does really make you see the whole picture and realize that you know
02:39What this is just you need to stand up for yourself
02:44A stone's throw from the city
02:48A bit of rural life
03:02Good morning
03:05Well, here we are in the Surrey docks farm
03:08Now over the past 10 years
03:11Farmers have brought their shops into the cities and this is not just happening in England. It's happening in New York
03:17It's happening in Tokyo. It's happening throughout the world
03:20It's a great new trend your task this week is to open a farm shop
03:27Now I've laid on a couple of shops for you in perfect locations
03:31I'd like you to source stock for your shops and sell it to the public
03:35The team that makes the most amount of profit will win and in the losing team one of you will be fired
03:43Now it's time for me to mix the teams up a bit
03:47Uzma and Natalie, I told you last week that I'm gonna keep my eye on you. So I'd like you to move over to team Endeavour
03:54Miles, Jason and Jordan move over to team Evolve
04:00Now here's the good news
04:02We're gonna have a lady in the winning team because I've got to tell you ladies
04:07I've been disappointed and here is the time for you to show what you can do
04:13Because you haven't shown me much up until now
04:16Good luck. I'll see you back in the boardroom in a couple of days time
04:24Country farm shops have hit the high street
04:29An appetite for organic produce locally sourced and sold means profits are ripe for the picking
04:37Today teams must scour the southeast for stock. Tomorrow sell it from farm shops
04:47Ladies welcome to the team. Welcome to the team. Let's make this 4-0. Let's get it done
04:54But for the newly mixed teams today's first job choose a leader. I'd really like to be PM
05:01First to volunteer Louisa. I think I'm really suited to this task. I've got a shop in a local town
05:07I source local produce, you know
05:09I deal with local farm shops. Before we make any decisions anyone else want to throw their hat in? I'd like to be project manager
05:16have an interest in farm produce and
05:20Think I can do really well. Have you produced and sold stuff yourself? No, okay, but I don't think it's rocket science. I
05:28Think you're gonna definitely know more about something on this. All right. I think it seems that everyone's happy with Luke being project manager
05:38Think this task is really suited to my skill set. I've opened a shop. Oh, that's a cake shop. We make everything on site
05:45Really hoping that I'll be the first project manager to lead team evolve to a win
05:50We need to decide what products are gonna stock our shop with I reckon something like buffalo meat
05:54I think you can get a lot more excitement around a meat that someone's not tried before especially if it feels
05:59If it feels unusual at my school
06:01There was a van that came out with ostrich burgers every week and there was a queue a mile long
06:06I'm just worried the buffalo is not gonna have a real universal appeal. It's unusual and I think that people will go for that
06:14With meat agreed a takeout idea from Jordan the way I would play this is that we should have buffalo that we sell
06:20But we also get a load of fruit and veg and make soups
06:22We don't have something that's higher value or something that's lower value. I think super is a really good idea
06:26We can also sell jacket potatoes
06:29We're gonna have our buffalo meat and then we're gonna get vegetables potatoes and fruit in charge of the other team
06:36Regional sales manager Neil I'm thinking about margin. So I'm thinking about what we can actually get the most profit from
06:43I've got no idea about the farming industry whatsoever
06:46The reason why I've put myself forward is quite simply as I'm a born leader and I can drive people to get good results
06:51We need to have a specialist thing. I think we go for milk. The profit margin is better on it
06:57This has got the unique selling point is you know, fresh milk with the milk is like a guaranteed seller
07:02Yeah, I disagree because I think people will have milk at home. They're not popping out to buy milk
07:06Yeah, what I do I had was something simple like cheese on toast
07:10It's warm is simple, you know vegetarians can eat it meat eaters can eat it, you know, it's a generally loved product
07:16Can I just respond to that?
07:17My business at home is buying fruits turning it into a shake and then selling it myself for like three pounds and the produce
07:23For it must be about 40 pence. We're making an
07:26Amazing mark upon the milkshake right? It's done Kurt's heading that or don't want any arguing. I'll have the final say on it
07:32I'll just say something people. I don't want to talk about it anymore. It's done. That's what that's what we're doing
07:38Listen the simple thing is we win the task. We all stay none of us gets fired. Yeah
07:4510 a.m
07:48Both teams hit the road
07:52Today they must hunt the home counties for farm fresh produce. I think something like apples and
07:59Satsumas, they're in season at the moment
08:06Long as you get the blueberries, we're still in action with the milkshake
08:10Yeah, whatever they are
08:12Can we think about what we are telling terms of quantity 80 burgers 200 sips? How many jacket potatoes?
08:18Should we go 150 be optimistic potatoes are really cheap
08:2314 pound for a 25 kilo sack how many potatoes are in a kilo?
08:27No, are we gonna go with any costumes because I don't mind dressing up as a scarecrow
08:36Lunchtime for Louisa and half her team a buffalo farm
08:43A buffalo farm
08:55Snapping pictures to promote their produce tomorrow Jordan
09:02Like what you're doing there
09:05At the on-site butchers, it's down to business
09:14I need to think about the best margins in Buffalo the sirloin and the fillet looks amazing
09:21And we'll sell really well. How much is that wholesale Buffalo fillets cost 28 and can retail at 45
09:30Buffalo, they're thinking yes, it's high cost. It's medium margin. All right, but it's different
09:37And that attracts people you attract them in Buffalo, I've never had Buffalo
09:42We're gonna have the burgers and 95 pounds the fillet for 24 pounds. It's a risk
09:47They've got a lot of money tied up in that meat and beef jerky for 40 pounds
09:53We have to wait and see on that point a meaty investment
09:59At 159 pounds
10:02Heading out to a dairy farm half the other team led by Neal
10:07In terms of the shakes, I've got Alex on the numbers at the moment. We're going to need about
10:13250 mil of milk for every shake
10:16I think we could aim to sell around 200 at three pound each which would be about 600 pounds where I think that's very optimistic
10:23I don't think 200 style optimistic. I don't
10:27It's your business
10:32What do you think about his numbers on that hundred shakes when you break that down again?
10:37What is that? That's weird. So one every two or one every three minutes
10:48Looking to bulk buy milk for Kurt shakes
10:53Yeah, Neil Alex and Natalie
10:57See ya
11:00Thanks for seeing us today
11:03Oh, that's wonderful looking to do some milkshakes, you know, if we say hundred liters at 40 p a liter
11:07We'll just get it all done quick sale job done
11:10Doing the sums company director Alex. I'm just working out 17 pounds and we got to divide that by two which is going to be
11:21So simple I'm just forgetting now, which is yeah get a calculator out, but I work it it's gonna be 25
11:2850 sorry, that's gonna then be 21 pound 25 and that is for 50 liters just into what you know, what then?
11:37Total of 44 pound 75, but I shake your hand if you want to do a 40 quid
11:42If you bottle it yourselves
11:45I'll shake on 40
11:53Next squeeze in a photo opportunity milking cows
11:59There we go, I got it right I got a cow
12:04I'm not an animal person. I've never had
12:08If I run will they charge
12:11That one is
12:14Why don't you get a close dog? No, okay, but you I come come here you
12:22Bottled up and ready to go 100 liters of premium Jersey milk
12:30On the other team out to bulk buy veg from an Essex grower
12:34Okay, so here we have all the stuff from the farm miles Francesca and Jason
12:39The best way to fill up the shop is to fill it up with bulky things
12:43Yeah, it cost us very little and which we can mark up at a very big price and that is vegetable
12:49How many cabbages have you got about 80 or 90 around? Okay, that's a lot of cabbage. Yeah
12:53Normally to wholesale we sort of offer sort of 10 to 15 percent. So we do it for 60
13:00What else have we got bunch beetroot one pound 25 each at the moment retail and what about trade them for us?
13:06I do a pound a bunch and the corn of the cobs 20p and how many of those do you have?
13:11A couple of hundred in there. I thought yeah, we've got some body in here then. Yeah
13:19They do grow some of their own produce and things we can get a better deal on our cabbages sweet corn
13:28Because I think that we need to remember the bulk of our money
13:31But it's going to be from our burgers our soup and our jacket potatoes and what we just want to sort of stock the shop
13:40You know just to make it look like really rural really rustic
13:45so hang on so you
13:47You you want us to try and buy things that look nice in the store rather than products that we're gonna sell
13:55On the car, but maybe by six
13:59Farming make it look more local. We're gonna dress the whole store with six cobs
14:03Oh, I just sort of use a bit of logic like I only really want you to spend about 40 pounds
14:10Listen, you hang on a second
14:12Engage brain. Yeah, we will do now. We know now we know we have a
14:19Do you see why we've lost us
14:26Picking up fruit for their milkshakes was my Kurt and Z taking around the farm like this
14:42Yes, we're here we've just bought the apples and we've taken pictures and we're on our way back to the car just just one second
14:49I'm thinking we do need to have kind of a reasonable amount of stocking
14:55So it's quite a large order personally, I think we should limit what we spend
15:02If you look at what we're buying at the moment for the milkshakes we can take 600 pound on that
15:07What we've got to remember is people are coming to buy food to this market. They will buy it
15:11I I don't really agree to be honest. Are you cool with that?
15:17What you're saying is we're gonna make enough off the milkshakes don't buy a lot of stock well
15:20You don't sell it what we're gonna do
15:22Still at the Essex farm and shopping on a shoestring. I mean, there's no point in buying dressing for the shop
15:28I just think we made a decision a bid for a bigger budget from
15:32Francesca to get enough produce to actually make the shop look like it's got something in it. We need to spend 150 pounds
15:38Can we do that? What kind of stuff are you getting? Yeah, cuz that's a lot of money
15:44a hundred corns
15:49Genuinely without this bulk of stuff we are gonna look like we have an empty shop
15:53Well, I get the point about the shop looking bear, but I'm just worried about the quantity. So we're making the call
15:57We're gonna do that. We need to spend that money and spend the money and we'll work triply hard
16:01Did you get a phone to 125 just let them do it. Perfect deal done at
16:08146 pounds
16:10If we hadn't pushed in and ended up getting the items we have we'd have an empty shop
16:14I mean we would literally have a bear shop
16:22Sent by Neil to stock up on more produce
16:25I wouldn't spend too much money on it. What about the cabbage Kurt's half of the team goes shopping
16:30I don't think if we make any money on that definitely get some pears
16:33Oh, I don't think so. I think a couple of them could sell quite well. I don't
16:40Wants to go into business with Lord sugar selling smoothies and fruit drinks, therefore, that's all he's focused on
16:44He's using this task to show Lord sugar. What a great business is what great profit margins that comes to 30 pounds
16:52But actually this task is about having a farm shop not just milkshakes I don't think we should buy any more let's go
17:02For 30 p.m
17:05On the other team at an apple juice specialist
17:14Miles Francesca and Jason
17:19You got 40 of those
17:27We are at the second farm with the apple juice and we think it's just amazing gorgeous
17:37Should we buy another 25 quid's worth of this stuff? We can't really spend any more money now
17:42I really think that we've got enough produce and we need to rein in the spending. I
17:48Think that we've got enough. It sounds like you guys have bought a lot
17:51Oh, you don't want to go to anywhere else after this and buy any more produce. No, we haven't got the budget for it
18:01Just been sold, you know take your stuff and go home
18:04I just don't get it
18:06I'm concerned about
18:08Lack of stock. I just think it's ridiculous
18:13With the rest of her team sent packing last on Louisa's list
18:18Potatoes at a 10 or a sack are gonna come up at 60 quid. So you're talking about a hundred and twenty weeks
18:25Okay. Thank you. I do stand by my quantity
18:28I do think that we've got enough produce especially when we make our soup and our potatoes
18:34We've gone more down the takeaway route
18:36We can buy a sack of potatoes and make a huge batch of soup sell that soup at two pounds fifty. We're laughing
18:44at a Surrey farm
18:47Bulk buying blackberries for tomorrow's shakes at the moment. We sell them in the farm shop for
18:53225 upon it Neil I can do them for 150, but that's the bottom line
18:58Well, I would like to do if that's all right
18:59Why you're kind of weighing them is just call my other team and just check what other produce we've got
19:07in terms of the stock
19:08How much have you actually got of each thing just so I can start thinking about the shop way out?
19:13This is a pretty big shop
19:15We haven't got a lot of edge. We spent about 33 pounds all in all
19:21In terms of your budget we said 100 pounds how much have you actually got about 10 cabbages about
19:30Whatever gone not a lot not a great deal
19:35The only thing is I don't want to be left to the point where we we kind of sell out and we're still there thinking
19:41Yeah, we've done a good job, but we could have sold up all the amount. I
19:45Know we're gonna make a lot on the on the shakes. There's a big margin on them
19:50Kurt wanted to save money on produce
19:53He wanted to spend that less because he's putting all his eggs in one basket of the actual milkshake. They've really balls door
20:0015 minutes before suppliers must shut. I don't want to do is pay a retail price the problem
20:06I've got now is I haven't got a lot of stuff to sell wholesale
20:10Out of options. It's a dash around the farms on-site shop
20:16Get anything with chocolate and what else he's popular
20:20I'll buy that all of that 250
20:23One two. Oh this many do you think one of these never mind put them back? We've got carrots
20:28I'm really disappointed with your sub team. In fact, I'm pretty pretty annoyed
20:32How come we've ended up having to get all this when I thought that I was supposed to be a sub team
20:38That's not the question. I can't change it now
20:40I've got to get on with it and got to make sure that we sell the stock we've got tomorrow the best margin
20:507 a.m. Today teams must flog their farm bought produce to the public
21:04Here we are d-day
21:06It's all about the sales from which I know that we've got a strong skill set in in this team
21:11Isma I've never seen a cell whenever she's had the opportunity to sell she's always kind of backed away
21:19You know what I I enjoy this type of selling you could put me inside or outside I'll be good anywhere
21:26You're gonna see me in action today
21:31East London
21:36For both teams shops in foodies favorite Broadway market bags of carrots here
21:46At Louisa shop buffer local a
21:50pep talk from the project manager
21:52So our main USP for today is we've got really unusual unique buffalo meat
21:57Our main selling is going to be the takeaway stuff. We're gonna aim to do 150 jacket potatoes 200 soups. That's
22:06Items to sell that works out that everyone has to sell either a jacket or a soup every 10 minutes
22:11So set yourself a target
22:12I said you need to be realistic of their lunchtime products or and the soups a bit more during the day
22:16I think we're gonna have different periods of the day. That's one two, three. Yeah, I can address the shop
22:20Yeah, Jason and Rebecca are gonna get started on peeling potatoes cutting leeks and onions
22:25Okay for the other team
22:27Fruity cow, it's good though. Because when people come you can say look, you know, I was there yesterday
22:32Here's the phone to me actually doing it. It's a good job. We got fruit and veg jokes. There ain't all there is
22:37Taking stock project manager Neil. We could have bought over stuff, but it wasn't
22:43Got what we've got and we need to move on with it. I'm really frustrated with a sub team
22:47I sent him out with clear direction
22:49They brought half the stock back what I asked them to do Kurt works in the smoothie business milkshakes is very similar to that
22:55He's committed to me that you can sell me 200 shakes today and make 600 pounds. That is commitment
23:00That's what he's got to deliver. And that's what I'm gonna make sure he does. You've got a lot of shakes
23:06Easy, right if I take that yeah
23:09Okay, hold me tight 10 a.m
23:14At Louisa's Buffalo call doors open we can do your steaks we can do your burgers member. It's not a steak
23:21It's an award-winning
23:23Buffalo steak it's worth a lot more than normal. It's 20 points for the pack of two. We should be 10 points
23:29It's premium award-winning mate
23:31the burgers
23:39We don't want to price it because one person's coming so that's a bit pricey, okay
23:47We've got all
23:52At fruity cow
23:54Osma can we get rid of all these empty boxes and let's get people in the team still isn't ready
23:59We've been open for what about 45 minutes. No one's been in the shop adding some rustic charm
24:05Cosmetics entrepreneur Osma if you've got too much stock don't put it all out
24:09For example, we don't need all this on here the way you do displays is so it looks like there's so much there
24:13But there's actually not it just looks full. Let's just get moving. Yeah
24:21It's really important to get it perfect
24:25Don't eat without coming to us we've got hot lunch at buffer local soup simmering
24:32potatoes prepped
24:34But outside leaking potato soup piping hot fresh all fresh ingredients made here no early takers for Louisa's lunches
24:43Miles we've got 347 takeouts to sell big push night on the
24:47Potatoes, you know what to do hot soup jacket potatoes
24:50One of the key elements of this is the high margin takeaway market leaking potato soup, sir
24:57Freshly made those ingredients. They've got such an enormous amount that they've got to shift if they fail to do so
25:04Pain in the boardroom. I don't think we give tasters because it's not nice
25:13Hot potato and leek so you flavor it yourself when you get home to make it taste nice
25:20Two minutes at fruity cow milkshakes milkshakes milkshakes
25:25Would you like a milkshake a post-breakfast boom in Kurt shakes?
25:32Have you got the straws
25:39Orders for milkshakes are coming in thick and fast. It's just three pounds fifty and I'll get one done for you straightaway
25:45Yesterday Kurt said I'll win this task. I'll make you the 500 pound profit and the pressures on we're doing well now
25:51These are biggest moneymaker as well. We're making like three pound every shape
26:13Making a profit from top-class Buffalo Louisa's team
26:19Thank you very much have a good one
26:25Told you that won't the quality of the meat are willing
26:28Quality costs money. Like don't be afraid to tell them the quality costs money, but with takeaways still not selling
26:34Can we choose you some piping hot soup leek and potato freshly made this morning a master plan from miles
26:40We put it out on the front so people can physically see it and smell it and try it
26:44Why don't you get Jason Rebecca?
26:46Quite what they're doing ask them to make up one jacket potato with tuna one with cheese and beans make it
26:53Make it look beautiful. Yeah, make it look pretty. I'm gonna clear a space down there
27:01Down the road
27:03Can invite you inside with fruity cows cold shakes the hot sellers to milkshakes, please a plan to diversify from Kurt
27:11We go and buy some really cheap
27:13Apple juice base. Yeah, then we can put things like carotene because you got the sweetness on the apple
27:17Okay, what are apples and maybe a bit of pay I make a juice what we're getting apple juice. Yes
27:23I'm doing what with it selling it. No, no, basically
27:27We're adding it to the sake aren't you adding it to the carrot juice and stuff to make some juice just asking his question
27:34Just m3, please
27:36Thank you
27:38We've got juices and that's carrot apple and pear
27:56To juices, thank you very much. Bye. Bye
28:00Come on guys come and have a look we're gonna miss out we're gonna be gone
28:05Still to sell a single spud we need to get rid of the hot food
28:09Louisa's team. I'm pretty happy to be sort of sitting here and doing the hard labor
28:14I mean the hard labor needs to get done in charge of cheese Rebecca and Jason
28:18I just think that the salesmen are just going to get all the credit for this and our sort of
28:24Work in the kitchen isn't is going to go unnoticed right? These are the best we can do in terms of display. I
28:30I can't serve it like that. All right, I'm gonna do something with it. Thank you. Okay, I
28:37Mean words words defy me. Yes, I can't sell that
28:44Ladies and gentlemen, I have some fresh produce here for you today outside fruity cow straight from the farm
28:51We're here for one day only trying to pick off passing trade
28:59Whales eggs was my husband I keep moving around cuz it
29:04Just do it. I'm selling a mere three pound the birds only lay them two days ago. We're doing a
29:09Milkshake. Yes with the milk that we've
29:12You know got on ourselves. Yeah, Osma. I don't really know what she's here for. You won't get any cheaper in London
29:20Think I could do a better job without her, but I'm just gonna try and utilize it for the extra productivity
29:24Honey of blackberry, sir
29:27This is not cool. Come on up to fruity cow the two pound 50s you want for
29:35First buffer local enjoy it. See you later. Thank you for stopping
29:40Finally an appetite for soup and spuds fresh leek and potato soup. It's wonderful. Yeah
29:47Honestly, you need to get that system refined mate, we're not gonna sell enough if we do that
29:53Jason is sort of in a world of his own. I've not really found any of his skills that he's got
29:58I mean so far. He sort of can't sell he can't negotiate. He can't make soup. He can't put it in cups
30:03He is a trickless pony
30:06Literally, it's someone waiting for that. See. Yes. Okay. Don't just stand you're talking to me. It's someone waiting for you
30:12Yes, okay, don't just stand you're talking to me and someone's waiting for something I think it's to go with the potatoes
30:22Just take take yeah, that's not how you do it. Just take just Jason
30:40Fresh juice
30:42fruity cow
30:44Bit of a plan you can sell that as a 10 pound box get rid of that one come back
30:49I'll give you another one. Yeah. All right. Yeah 10 quid. Ladies and gentlemen. We're here just for one day only
30:54I got shakes. I got milk and I got some great fruit and veg the milkshakes are holding their margin
30:59They're selling well, not 200 but steady sales all day. Hello there gents
31:03Do you want to have a look inside our fresh farm produce shop, but there is a lot of other stock left to shift
31:09Hey, we've got all this, you know, oh my words got loads
31:13Push the milkshakes is the highest margin is on the milkshake. So let's keep turning over the milkshakes
31:17We're making the money 50p a pint of milk, which is cost price. I want to get rid of it
31:22We should just do you know
31:24All right. I don't want to think about it. Just go with what I'm saying. We're running out of time. Yeah
31:3060 minutes to go don't be shy people. We're only here for one day. There you go
31:39So five pounds that'll be in total, thank you
31:43You won't get cheaper than this. I've got to get rid of two for a pound. Go on sir to
31:48Let's try some this apple juice
31:50Six pound change. It's been fantastic. Thank you very much. We're pushing towards the end now
31:55We've not got much stock left push the soups
31:57Don't you worry about too much about the jacket potatoes jacket potatoes are epic fail
32:01Made a really good call yesterday on the products if we hadn't pushed for that stock in that farm shop
32:06We'd have had nothing in this store today
32:09Strategy for the last hour is a bag of potatoes for two pounds. We've paid 38 people kilo
32:16So we're still making profit and we're flogging them milk is two per pound if you want it. Thank you very much
32:23Fresh from the ground organic all-over taters
32:33Organic potatoes
32:35Like reason apples
32:38Time everyone
32:406 p.m
32:46I'm pretty confident that I've led the team to the best of my ability
32:49We've driven the sales and I think we've probably done enough to win
32:55Yesterday we're really focused on having takeaways and just stocking the shop up to make it look like it was full with other stuff
33:01I'm had to change strategy a bit
33:05So that might be our downfall
33:08Tonight the farm shops shut
33:12Tomorrow the boardroom
33:37You can go through to the boardroom now
34:02Good afternoon
34:04Sugar well
34:07fresh farm food brought to the city
34:11Team evolve you with a project. Yeah project manager. No sugar. What happened?
34:16We quickly identified that we wanted to go to the Buffalo farm Buffalo Buffalo meat. Yeah, right
34:22He was in East London not the Wild West
34:25Buffalo you decided actually exotic meats are a big trend in the industry Lord sugar and we thought it'd be a really interesting hook
34:31You didn't think you had any cowboys than your team then did you we wanted to?
34:35Have you tried Buffalo lot? You know, I haven't what then maybe you should
34:41You wanted something different is that just to be outrageous then we wanted to have something unusual so that people would walk past
34:48Creates a bit of a buzz and interest again had other produce for them to buy. We went for soup and jacket potatoes
34:56is that
34:58The type of thing that people would expect from a farm shop. I thought if you go into a farm shop
35:03You want something a bit special? No, I was very keen to go for the soup
35:08Just thought it was quite a low-cost product to have you thought you're gonna make your money on take away. Yeah
35:14Initially, we thought having soup and jacket potatoes a low-cost product
35:18We'd be able to sell a lot of them and that's where we'd make our money
35:22What was your target on soups and baked potatoes?
35:24What do you think you were gonna make 200 soups and 150 jacket potatoes and got an idea how many you did doing yet?
35:3170 sips and about 15 to 20 jacket potatoes 20. Yeah, you targeted
35:37150 baked potatoes and you think you sold about 20. Yeah, that's correct as soon as we realized we stopped
35:45Baking the potatoes put them for sale in the shop and I have to be honest our strategy totally changed
35:50I think that we limited ourselves
35:52We had a couple of more lunchtime products if you like
35:54So the sales window was a bit more limited was this because Louisa clamped down on on the budget?
36:00Yeah, I felt that we could stock a shop without blowing all our money
36:04And I get the distinct feeling you really wanted them to go and pick up a few bits and pieces
36:10Just to dress your shop up a bit. Yeah, but don't go and spend too much money. Well, yeah
36:15I was like don't go mad
36:16We made the decision that we were gonna end up coming back with nothing to sell and a shop that looks empty
36:21Didn't you get told to go home you had an hour and a half left?
36:24We felt that you know, if you've got an hour and a half left in the day to go home is it's futile
36:30So overall then good project manager. I think there were flaws all the way through
36:35We had no real budget and we had no direction at all in terms of products
36:40We were looking for you said use your initiative and I think we did
36:43Right. Okay. Now then Neil you are the project manager of endeavor. That's correct
36:49Well, I'm pleased because I did comment a week or so ago that I was getting feedback the a bit of a backseat driver
36:55So tell me what happened. We went with milkshakes and we did how did that come about came about because of Kurt's
37:02Experience he obviously runs a shop that does shakes
37:05The milkshakes that we were gonna make would be Apple and BlackBerry because he thought that that would sell well and BlackBerry
37:11It sounds like a mobile phone
37:13Was Kurt very forceful in wanting to do this
37:16He was but I I kind of wanted to utilize the experience that we had in the team
37:21I think it would have been silly of me to go with something that was unknown
37:24Kurt was very very strong on how many units he thought that we could sell everybody agree with this milky thing. Yeah
37:30Did you agree? I?
37:33Agreed with the strategy obviously he's got his experience
37:35But I disagreed with the quantity you set your target to sell 200 shakes in a day. Is that right?
37:40Yeah, I had the idea that if we if we push the milkshakes we could make 500 pound profit
37:45And then I thought if you sell them
37:48Now tell me about
37:50Neal's leadership style here. I mean I got the feeling from Karen initially. It was a bit
37:58Dictatorial is that right direct your surname is fluff right no relation to the coffee. Are you I'm quite similar
38:05But there's no relation now
38:06Because he had a special way of dealing with his teams as you know also, yeah
38:12Happy we a project manager
38:16Kurt non-committal Kurt on the fence
38:18I still I had some problems with Neil initially about the budget he was setting and I don't think he had the clear direction
38:24All right, let's look at some of the numbers here
38:31Let's get some details on your team Endeavor showing okay. Well total sales on the day
38:381097 pounds and 82 pence
38:41You spent five hundred and fifty eight pounds and 15 pence which meant you made a profit
38:47Five hundred and thirty nine pounds and sixty seven pence
38:50Right five hundred and thirty nine sixty seven is the profit for Endeavor Nick. How about involved?
38:57Evolved total sales
38:59one thousand two hundred and forty nine pounds and fifty two pence a
39:05Of six hundred and eighteen pounds generating a profit of six three one
39:11Get in
39:13Can I just remind you this is not a football match very low sugar. I knew it would be tight. I'm pleased to win, right?
39:21I make that
39:2391 pounds difference. Yeah
39:28Looks like you herded your buffaloes out of the field. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'm not going to let you win
39:34I'm not going to let you win. I'm not going to let you win. I'm not going to let you win
39:37I'm not going to let you win. I'm not going to let you win. I'm not going to let you win
39:41Herded your buffalo team quite well then in the end wasn't so bad after all. No, I think you might have them to thank
39:49Because from what I've understood if you'd have just pioneered on the takeout stuff
39:53You might not have had that win. Anyway your treat
39:56I'm gonna send you to a top restaurant called the tram shed and
40:01Their top chef is going to cook you a four-course meal of the best of British products. So have a good time
40:27Well, you lost by
40:2991 pounds
40:31You were focused on milkshakes milkshakes and all that and that's fine. If you'd have sold you 200
40:38You may have won the day you didn't you sold 113
40:43I'll see you back in here shortly and we're going to this in a bit more detail. Okay
40:59I'm cooking dinner for you guys this evening's part of your treat
41:04Jason if you want you can wash up some dishes. I was well, yeah, I'm very good at grating cheese washing dishes
41:12Who was it have a guy taking a grass off the bone
41:15Get your knife in
41:18I was really pissed off with miles and sub team in the boardroom because it came across that I didn't have any control over
41:23The team they saved the day
41:25They thought we'd failed hence why they didn't say I was a good project manager, but now they're all happy
41:59What's your thoughts on on where we went wrong did we make the right show at the start
42:06Kurt was very very milkshake focused. I think that deluded his mind
42:11We didn't sell what we are that a good enough margin
42:15440 pound on stock we didn't even double it
42:19Neil's got to take responsibility for the failure of this task
42:22He was responsible for the sale side and we didn't sell at the margins we needed to I
42:28Hate losing it's not something that I'm used to
42:32We went for milkshakes because that's what Kurt does on his day-to-day business
42:35He said he'd get 200 shakes sold. He failed at doing that. He should be very nervous and very worried
42:58Can you send the candidates in please we can go through to the boardroom now
43:20Got the feeling that the milkshakes took over this task really right you all agreed you were gonna make milkshakes
43:27Yeah, yeah, you agreed as the project manager that we're gonna make I made that decision
43:32Oh, you went off to go and buy God knows how many hundreds of liters of milk?
43:36This task was lost right at the beginning in the roots. All our focus was milkshakes milk milkshakes milk
43:41It'd be silly for me not to go with the expertise that I had of a sub team leader that sells it for a living
43:48You sell a funnel voyage somewhere and halfway through the voyage you think yourself I've made a right cock up here
43:54This is not right. There is a mistake. But what's done is done. You've gone for shakes. You've got the goods
44:00You've got the milk. You've got all the stuff. So halfway through if you've recognized something's wrong. You need to change your plan
44:07Why didn't that happen? You're absolutely right one thing you did do though Kurt you diversified to add juices
44:12What were those juices with the main juice we did was carrot pear and apple. Where'd you get that apple juice from from Costco?
44:19From a cost cutter stock. Yes indeed
44:22Bearing in mind that you are a farm shop trying to project a fresh image
44:29Homegrown and you come up with a juice which is made with
44:33Lovingly picked stuff from the shelf of a supermarket again
44:37I'd love to take the responsibility for that as well, but I have to put my bike here
44:41He told me what we needed. Can I make one point? That's still me profit wise putting into this task
44:48350 plus worth of money. How come your team only managed to raise 200 pound between the fire?
44:54Well, the shakes and the juices came to
44:57373 pounds worth of business. That means sales you told me
45:03273 pounds that way as I was my shake. How much did you tell me?
45:09Just answer my question
45:11200 how much did you say it would make 500 pound profit 650 pounds 500 profit
45:16I still sold double the takeout products that the other team sold
45:20Are a higher margin and I wasn't at the front of the house selling them
45:23I could have produced another 70 shakes, but at the front you weren't selling efficiently enough. I said you'd sell shakes
45:31What was those we're doing on this task because last week I said I wanted to keep my eye on these two ladies
45:36Osma, I think she's a weakest person in my team
45:38Oh, really? I tell you the reason why Osma is I think we could have done the same job
45:42It's not even better without you. Here's the other point which is seems to be coming through here
45:47You asked them to go and buy some other stuff. Yeah, non
45:51Shaky stuff. Yes other things for you to sell
45:55Wait, I give him the budget and it my decision was to spend as much of the budget because I was confident
46:00We was gonna sell it and make good margins Kurt was against the idea
46:03But the problem we then had Lord sugar is by the end of the day if it wasn't for my team
46:07We'd haven't hardly any stock at all to sell. That's not true. I'm sorry
46:11Well, I give you a big
46:13If you would he put you in a compromised position then?
46:16Yeah, because I think I'm buying from a shop at the end of the day to the shop buying retail
46:20I mean I ended up buying fruit and veg from a shop to sell in a shop because I didn't have any more stock
46:25But did you send your sub team out and you say look look?
46:29Spend a hundred quid. Did you give any direction on what?
46:37Let me just say this now, okay
46:39Right, we'll give you a budget of how much to spend here how much to spend there those figures were not followed
46:47Listen to me. We absolutely wrong
46:49It's absolutely wrong
46:50We lost this task because we sold near enough half the shakes that we said Kurt said we was gonna sell that's not true
46:55And then the flip side of that is I bought my produce from a shop to sell in a shop
47:02Where's the responsibility lie then now with Kurt
47:06I'm gonna take some responsibilities project manager. I can't shy away from that. You know, I'm the leader
47:10I had the final say but I went with somebody who's an expert in that field
47:14So the military cluster he told me if you would have sold more
47:18You know, I need to know
47:21Who you're bringing back into this boardroom? I don't think I've got to be too much of a rocket scientist to work out
47:26Yeah, one particular person
47:28So, can you tell me who you're bringing back in this board? Okay. I know smart
47:33Right. I don't understand why you're bringing me back. I'll tell you a reason why you're smart now
47:38Okay, I'll ask you to explain when you come back in here. Bye you others go back to the house. Okay
47:53Right, I'm gonna have a further chat with Karen so step outside and I'll call you back in in a few moments. Thank you
48:07Neil was he a good manager. Did he assert his authority or did he get browbeaten here by Kurt?
48:15I mean in the case of Uzma, I couldn't have made it much clearer last week
48:20I'm gonna give you another chance and yet again the comment we could have done the task without her
48:26This is a third time back in the bottom three. Why don't they see the contribution that she made?
48:35Yes, good sugar, can you send the three of them in please good sugar we'll see you now
48:54Wanted to ask you why she's back here. Yeah, perhaps surely explain. Absolutely
48:59I brought us my back for one reason is I believe she was the weakest person in my team
49:05It's no surprise to me that she's been in the bottom two a couple of times out the free tasks already
49:11Uzma was asking me questions throughout the day of things that just completely relevant and I think that she
49:17Unfortunately is the weakest link in my team. I'm sorry if it's direct, but that's that's exactly why I welcome it
49:22It's fine third time. I believe in this final three. He's brought you back in here because he don't think you contributed
49:28What is it about you that alienates other people in this process because he's the second person
49:34If not the third that has said you don't seem to do anything. There's a saying no smoke without fire
49:39Why do you think these people have this opinion of you in the process?
49:42I just think it's an easy way out Lord sugar and I'm being really honest with you. Listen, can I finish?
49:47This is the problem with working with you boys. No one lets you talk
49:50I personally think you said that you hadn't your eye on me and I think he's to put me in
49:56But I had my own you from last week
49:57I didn't have my own you from the pre from from I just think it's an easy way. It's an easy route
50:05Question cuz exactly exactly what I thought he was gonna say
50:08And that's why I tried to explain myself if I wanted the easy option and if I wanted a safety blanket
50:12I probably would have brought you and Natalie back in because you're both in the bottom free last time around
50:17Natalie were really really hard
50:19I think Osma is out of a death and I brought her in based on the performance of the task and she was a weakest
50:24Link, I don't think you brought me in here because I've been here twice before I did
50:27Yes, you did. Yes, you did and she's done very well to get here
50:30But I don't think she's got any chance of winning the process
50:33Neil some of the things that you say in your CV is that you're not afraid to trample over people, right?
50:39Absolutely, but only if I've got a point to prove and I know exactly where this task went wrong
50:43And I also know I've been the strongest candidate in the first three tasks. Where was that written? Is that your opinion?
50:49Yeah, it's my opinion. It is my opinion and that's what I'm giving. So it's a fine line
50:53You know between confidence and being a bit cocky. No, I do that
50:58And do you not feel that you're a bit cocky in in thinking that what you say goes and nothing else
51:04No, I don't anybody else is wrong. Although that I'm quite outspoken
51:07I think if you speak to the other people around me in the other tasks, I've proven that all being outspoken. I've delivered results. Hmm
51:16Anyway Kurt
51:17You convince this project manager according to him that you should do
51:24Milkshakes in this particular task. Yeah, you then made the fatal error of putting a number a stake in the ground
51:32200 was your figures, right? You put a noose around your neck. Don't you think I put me neck on the line?
51:38Yeah, should I be sympathetic towards that you put in a noose around your neck because he's jumped on that and so is everybody else
51:45But you're supposed to know what you're talking about. Do you know what I'm talking about?
51:48I put myself forward and said I'll be able to sell these shakes
51:51It was the best takeaway product out of the whole of this task by a large margin
51:55And now I'm being criticized because I said I'd sell 200. He was so convinced for it that I had to go with it
52:01He convinced me that he would sell them 200 milkshakes. He told me he'd get around 650 pounds
52:06Are you what a person that could be talked into something then? Oh, absolutely not. But that's his expertise. That's his field
52:11You know, why shouldn't you be fired today? I'm fed up and sick and tired of talking about milkshakes now
52:18I agree. You tell me why you should stay in this process. I contributed 50% of the total profits for this task
52:25I shouldn't have put a stake in the ground and said, okay, I'll make 200, but I put me neck out
52:29I wasn't standing in the background
52:31Who do you think should be fired?
52:33I think Neil made some mistakes
52:35But Osma was the weakest link in the team the whole of the two days. Osma, who should be fired?
52:40I think it should be Neil. And Neil? The failure of the task in terms of the weakest candidate Osma
52:45Don't tell me about weakest candidate because you're digging a hole for yourself. Your job as the project manager here is
52:52To talk about who is responsible for the failure of the task in which you were the project manager
52:57Yeah, okay. I don't want you sitting over here doing my job. Yeah, I do understand. I apologize for that
53:01I believe Kurt should be fired for the failure of the task
53:04But I put me neck on the line to try and assess it, to try and make it better
53:07I make more money for Takeaway Pubs than anyone else. I take it on board. So why am I the failure of the task then?
53:11Because you said you would get £650 and you got nowhere near that.
53:15Gentlemen, you know what? I don't want to hear any more
53:23Kurt, if you thought this shakes route was going to actually be your chance to prove to me that your business model is solid
53:31Then you failed
53:33Because how can I go into business with somebody who doesn't know how many can sell?
53:37I don't know how many can sell.
53:39I'm asking for any comments, you know?
53:42Uzma, third time in this final three and a couple of times people have said you don't contribute, okay?
53:52I have had comments back from Nick and Karen who have had the benefit of following you
53:58And I have to say that they support some of that in some respects
54:03Neil, you took the helm here. You decided that you wanted to be a project manager
54:13But you got browbeaten
54:15And I do think that putting the blame solely on him is unfair
54:21And for that reason, Neil, I've got to tell you that there's not much space left for mistake
54:33But my intuitive feeling at this moment is that, Kurt
54:42If you want me to believe in your business model, you have got a lot to learn
54:52And the first thing you've got to learn is stop spouting your mouth off on how many you're going to sell, how many you're going to make
54:59Uzma, no smoke without fire, I say
55:03I'm sorry, Uzma, you're fired
55:05Thank you for the opportunity, Lord Sugar
55:19Go back to the house, the pair of you
55:21Thank you, Lord Sugar
55:28Thank you, Lord Sugar
55:51The last thing Lord Sugar said to me was there's no smoke without fire
55:55He hasn't yet seen the fire in me
55:57And I'm going to take my business idea, I'm going to make it happen
56:00And I'm going to make millions from it
56:05Kurt took a risk and he didn't pay
56:07So if you're getting stuff wrong in your own field
56:12It was actually a mistake from Neil to make him the sub-team leader
56:18Does that mean that Neil is really just a backseat driver?
56:21Can he drive the car?
56:26That's it
56:33Tell us all about it
56:34I don't think the right decision got made
56:36Have you knocked down a few pecks now?
56:38Absolutely not
56:40I had a weak link in the team and they're no longer here
56:44Now 12 candidates remain
56:47Lord Sugar's search for his next business partner