• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il soccorso stradale di veicoli elettrici preoccupa gli operatori e ne mette a rischio anche la vita. Per questo motivo chiediamo una regolamentazione del settore e riteniamo che servano dei corsi di formazione specifici”. Lo ha detto Eleonora Testani, presidente A.N.C.S.A - Associazione nazionale centri soccorso autoveicoli, in occasione della giornata inaugurale della prima edizione di T3 - Truck, Tyre and Trailer (Camion, Pneumatici e Rimorchi), l’innovativa fiera italiana dedicata alle tecnologie, ai mezzi e veicoli per il trasporto stradale, pesante e leggero, agli allestimenti, ai rimorchi e ai semirimorchi, agli pneumatici e alla componentistica, ai prodotti e ai servizi per la filiera dei mezzi di trasporto. Al via da oggi al 19 ottobre 2024 nei padiglioni del Piacenza Expo, la manifestazione è organizzata da Mediapoint & Exhibitions.


00:00What is the role of ANXA in the future?
00:05ANXA proposes to reach a regulation of the sector
00:14that is recognized by the State
00:20and that is instructed in the operational mode.
00:25I wish there were specific training courses,
00:28especially in this moment where we are facing the danger
00:33of the recovery of an accident vehicle
00:36and the electric state that can lead to the mortal danger of our operator.
00:45We will try to protect our employees in every way
00:49and we will try to have a movement rule
00:53and a specific training to be able to avoid the danger.
01:01The operators are afraid of this.
01:04I have 54 employees, my operators,
01:09who are not all obviously addicted to the road,
01:14but to the rescue.
01:17But those who go to the rescue,
01:19every time they go out, I am afraid.
01:22They also react to me,
01:25they ask me if this vehicle is electric.
01:30I don't even know how to answer this question,
01:33because those who transmit the call to me,
01:36the police, still don't understand
01:39this need to clarify if a vehicle is electric or hybrid
01:44or the normal traction of the diesel engine.
