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Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 20


00:00So I can't even have banter and try and make friends while I'm here
00:04Previously she said to also not hold my hand. Let's make him jealous. She's been super flirty with you
00:08She's trying it on with all the other guys. It's not a swingers club rumors at the retreat put Hannah in the firing line
00:14It looks shady. I'm not gonna sit here and get every single person tell me
00:22You're speaking to me like shit just going about things like a dickhead
00:25While a candid confession stick with your current partner or twist twist
00:32Through Polly's marriage into turmoil the fact that you've gone. I'll switch to Steven
00:38I'm getting better every week, and I'm you're still not happy
00:50I'm waking up by myself. I haven't got a wife
00:53There isn't a fiber in my body that cares about also as two marriages hit breaking points
00:59She tries to talk to me the dinner party. I'm just gonna ignore her eyes begin to wander. I've got 24 hours to enjoy myself. I
01:07Definitely could let my hair down tonight
01:09So you find Shannon attractive, oh, she's my type
01:13Steamer said if Ryan doesn't turn up tonight. I'm gonna shoot my shot
01:17Leading to a clash of husbands if I wasn't here the crack on with her
01:24This wasn't part of the fun and Adams hurt feelings, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Adam there you go
01:30It's a fake. Sorry, I don't quit spark renewed conflict with wife Polly the stuff that he said about me
01:51Do look very handsome Sam I say thank you darling don't you worry I'll be looking handsome as well when I get all dressed up
02:00The couples are waking up to their final day at the retreat
02:16Dear Casper funny. I got my way. I've got my wicked way. I've got a snook
02:25Yes to that
02:29There was mood lighting around the fireplace a carafe of red on the side
02:34I've removed the pillows between us to snuggle on in and then I finally said close your eyes Casper
02:45People are going to be very excited for us
02:51And I've been getting on really really really well, we've got a bit tipsy last night I gave in after a few glasses of wine
02:58It was a good kiss
03:02You're getting your hair cut today, I'm getting my hair cut today finally let him loose
03:14I have not seen Rochelle for the whole of this retreat. I'm waking up in my bed by myself. You know, I haven't got a wife
03:23I can't see no way back from my marriage
03:28Don't see any point we are staying together while on this retreat
03:32After a dispute over the previous commitment ceremony you sat on the couch and you said that how when I said about not being mentally
03:39Stimulated you said that caused you distress. We had ample opportunities to talk about in private. You never mentioned that to me
03:45It's fine for you to say you bore me. It's fine for you to say
03:54Arguments and then just walk out
04:00Let me just watch as you have let me just say this what about your lies
04:03I'm not gonna actually sit here and let's talk about your lies also. I don't want to be
04:09Questions just you're a liar. You're just you're a fraud
04:12Rochelle and Orson decided to spend the rest of the retreat apart. I am done
04:21It's good to be in this setting alone
04:24There isn't a fiber in my body that cares about awesome, that's the reality of it
04:29I don't have any intention of going into the dinner party with him tonight
04:37Good morning. Good morning. How you all right? Did you sleep well? Um, not really. It was a spud. Yes
04:44I'm tired today. I just feel like every day. I'm walking into a lion's den and I'm
04:49Just attacked and then after like get over it and then it's just like whoa, it's a lot
04:55At girls day yesterday, I felt completely ambushed and it was horrible
04:58I'm kind of getting a bit bored of having to justify every single thing. I do and say I feel like you cope with it
05:04Very well, I think you'll be walking in to the dinner party separate
05:10Waking up this morning. I feel like I've had a really shit week
05:13I'll feel a bit drained of the whole thing and even my husband's pied me off
05:17But I came on this retreat site for this marriage, so I'm still here
05:22We were actually much really really really well, and I've never felt
05:26The connection that me and him felt instantly in a long time like I've not felt that was someone in a long time
05:32I would love to get through to Steven and just say what you want from me like what you want me to do
05:47Won't talk to her. I'm so out of it. There's no words left to be said in my opinion last week
05:53I went to the committee ceremony with the attitude of I'll give it a go. I
05:58Don't think I'm the person she needs the next set
06:02Will be in front of the experts if she tries to make the dinner party
06:06I'm just gonna ignore her if she tries arguing. She'll be arguing with herself. I'm just not here for anymore
06:11I've got no energy left for her
06:13We're seeing Shannon on our own last night
06:17Should have a suitcase going to a new apartment
06:19Something must have been brewing for us just end up in a room on her own
06:22I saw Ryan last night quite late and Ryan was just like oh, yeah, I'm just getting to bed now
06:28Shannon is my type outside of it like completely. Yeah tats and everything right even without that. It's just the face
06:34She might be single now, bro
06:43Ryan and I had our first little fallout last night. He kind of thought I was hiding things from the girls day
06:49So we just decided it's best to spend the night apart. I
06:54Feel like the arguments totally blown out of proportion like it was just minor things
06:58I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Like I've not done anything wrong
07:06Last night Shannon came in climbed on bed. She's like, so what questions did you let's get us?
07:12So I said what questions did the girls cast?
07:15So I can't remember now. They sat the over blah blah blah just like tried to buy it off
07:20So I said I'm not gonna answer what's been said what's been said reviews like Lacey came in she's like, I ran you all right
07:27Shannon gets up. She goes. No, we're not. All right and walks out. She's stellied elsewhere last night. Don't know. She is
07:34Hopefully you saw it saying that the dinner party. Let's see. Who's there?
07:40I'm feeling calm to go into it than a party. I didn't really want to go in on my own
07:44I am because I knew it was nothing. But yeah, we need to work it out
07:47I'm really needed this but the wife's happy you got free reign. Just go mad. Do you think it's gonna make me look good mate?
07:53I think I like the idea as well that we haven't got a mirror. So you can't see what I'm doing. I could be doing anything
07:59How are you?
08:01Yeah, well when I got back to
08:03My lodge last night with Ali. I was like, oh my god. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late
08:09I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late
08:12I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late
08:16My lodge last night with Alex I found out that Polly had said she'd switch to Steven
08:21That's gonna hurt. Yeah, it was a bit of a kick in the teeth
08:24Her reasons behind it was is because Stevens in touch of his emotional side. He talks about his feelings and he's very open. Yeah
08:31I've just said to her like I think it's
08:34Disrespectful and I feel like you've kind of moved me off in front of everyone. I got really pissed off and I walked out
08:39I'm a little bit nervous going into the dinner party today
08:42Me and Polly haven't really spoken this morning. So God knows what's gonna happen
08:51Good morning
08:53You okay? Yeah waking up this morning. I still feel really upset because things between me and Adam still haven't been resolved
09:02Adam left this morning. There was no kind of bye. I'll see you in a bit. Like there was no reassurance from him. I
09:08Woke up really early give him a spoon give him a kiss on the back, but then not got anything
09:15Yes, I shouldn't have said
09:18Twist straight away. I should have said stick
09:21However, there are tendencies in Steven that I want from Adam
09:26That was it Adam has said a lot of stuff that I've had to take on the chin
09:30He says things sometimes in the moment that he doesn't necessarily mean and then he has to explain himself
09:35I've done exactly the same as he's done and I got what I got, which is really unfair
09:41What on earth makes him think that that's acceptable? I agree. I don't deserve that
09:46I do not deserve to go in there tonight to be made feel like shit
09:50Woe betide Adam. I'm bored of it
10:01Here we are guys the fourth dinner party and of course this time all our couples are away on their luxury retreat
10:08It's a very different environment, of course because it's much more relaxed for our couples
10:12Hopefully they can let their guards down a little bit and really deepen those connections and recently we've had three new couples join the group
10:19It'll be interesting to see how they've been integrating
10:26It's looking fabulous, isn't it?
10:29Emma and Casper and Casper's hat what's going on there? Hopefully he's gonna reveal something fabulous. Yeah
10:38Last time we saw this couple Casper said leave and we really asked Emma to lean into that more vulnerable
10:44Fragile side because that was really what Casper was wanting to see. I wonder if she's done that. Do you wanna say it?
10:51Oh, yes. Yeah, let's see the hair with it off. Oh
10:59Wow a different-looking Casper
11:02I like it. I really like it
11:07Not at all
11:16Know gorgeous people
11:20Hello, you look amazing
11:24We've got some bubbles open here you are darling hostess of the millsteps. Thank you so much. Cheers Casper. Cheers
11:31Trace it goes together. Yeah
11:35How I feel about Casper's new haircut, I really like it
11:38I think it's way more subtle than I thought it would be
11:42We did have a still glass night I did plan the kiss I said I was gonna didn't I
11:49This is real progress from the last commitment ceremony Casper was saying leave and now they're snogging
11:59Once you break the ice now
12:00It becomes a bit more less of an awkward thing because once you've opened the fridge you might as well put your hand in and
12:04grab something
12:07Have you heard about any sort of what's going on with the couple's the guys are around
12:12I always went I think it was Alex Adam and
12:15Awesome. Alex asked did
12:18Polly say twist like is this true? I was like, yeah
12:21I had Adam round to mine this morning to cut my hair and he's really disappointed with Polly
12:25He was surprised, you know, cuz he said stick
12:30Well, that's quite a shock because Polly and Adam have been getting on so well
12:34So I wonder what what's going on there?
12:43And here come Polly and Adam
12:46Walking in together. So this is quite a surprise because we know that something has happened looking fire once again
12:53Thank you, my love and it looks like Adam doesn't want to be there
13:04Me and Polly are going into the mixer together. I think she just want the sling calm
13:08So I just let her do it, but I'm still pissed off and I don't want to speak to her yet
13:15Our Verdu is getting a little bit
13:26Touching her a week ago was like I fucking way and now she's like, let's jump at the bed together
13:31I'm like, well, it's like from here to
13:33Yeah, yeah and the more she pushes like this and more I'm gonna withdraw it's trying to find that balance
13:39These two clearly feel very differently about intimacy
13:43Casper feels awkward about it all and we know he's a guy with high privacy settings
13:48But Emma feels that the floodgates have opened she needs to be careful not to push too hard. Otherwise, she might well push him away
13:58We had a big argument last night when everyone left
14:03I feel like it's just breezes ego a little bit and I feel like if that's what it needed to take to get you to
14:08Admit it more than you're letting on then fucking show me that
14:12He hasn't supposed to be all day
14:15He said that he wants space and he wants to sort his head out I've respected that he was like
14:19I've never got so angry. This has never happened in a relationship before and I thought what because I haven't had a fucking backbone
14:24Sorry, you forgetting some of the shit that you said about me on the couch in front of all of our friends that you don't
14:29think's embarrassed me
14:36Over the last few weeks Polly has tried different tactics to get Adam to
14:41See her and to be attracted to her and I do wonder whether this is like another tactic
14:47So Adam can be a bit jealous and if that's the case that is the worst way to get your partner's attention
14:54So pissed off to be fair if someone said someone's
14:57Good-looking. Yeah
14:59So what but it's the idea of switching that's such a big thing
15:04You said this you lying you're trying to get out of it. You tried to turn it on me. It's like just own it
15:10at the last commitment ceremony Adam gave permission for Polly to cheat and here he is upset because
15:17She has now said I want to twist
15:19I suspect here Polly is wanting to punish Adam for some of the nasty things that he said to her
15:26But as we know two wrongs don't make a right this couple are in danger of slipping into that point scoring
15:33Dynamic and no one's gonna win. Oh
15:37Wow Orson's alone
15:47So, where is Michelle have you seen her I guessing not the last time I saw Michelle is the day when we got here
15:56I've been
15:59Compromising I'm doing I'm doing nothing's coming back. You're not even opening up to me emotionally so I could maybe help you
16:07Nobody live with us. So nobody knows what I have to deal with on a daily basis like I've really tried
16:15I genuinely tried
16:18The last commitment ceremony Orson Rochelle both said stay
16:22I do wonder if some of Rochelle's feedback about him not being good enough for her
16:27Has really played a part in him walking in today by himself
16:43Kieran and Christina all smiles high energy. Here we are the party can start
16:48How was boys day meant was it I feel said you were the funnier I
16:55Think I said I'd avoid you as a husband because I think you'd your energy is too much for me
17:13Hello, yeah, I like how you you look really well close
17:26As I don't know it's had an argument over them questions, I don't know but I know
17:30Shannon and Ryan spent the night apart last night. Yeah, I don't know
17:35That's a big change, I mean we need to understand what's happened between the last commitment ceremony and today
17:42Hopefully it's not too serious
17:47Why did Shannon and Ryan spend the night apart last night, you know
17:50Yeah, don't lie and all the dead
17:58Looking amazing
18:05Alex on my eyes
18:07Why is she like her son? I don't know. Apparently she stopped on her own last night. She looks upset
18:13You okay? First of all, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay
18:16like why and I was asking questions about girls then and he thought that I was hiding stuff from it and
18:21Then Lacey came in and I was all right, and I was like no and that just totally set him off
18:38Walk in and I feel pretty nervous. I don't really know who's mad at me. So I don't know really what I'm walking into
18:45Hello, sunshine stage
18:47What were the cats dragged in?
18:51Yeah, that wasn't very kind Holly I'm not even gonna I'm not even acknowledging who's just walked in
18:56So it sounds like Holly and Hannah have had a bit of a run-in
18:59It makes you wonder what Hannah actually did to make Holly and Polly so angry
19:05Smuggy, okay
19:09You're right
19:13Okay, are you saying hi no, no, you're okay
19:26Why to say hello, why the fuck should I say hello fucker
19:32Fuck her
19:34You've rubbed me the fucking wrong way now
19:51Stephen's walked in he actually annoyingly looks quite fit. You look very bright. Thank you so much. Okay
19:59Hopefully we can both enjoy the dinner party as a couple
20:04How are you? Yeah good. Oh wow, you actually don't know I'm done talking to
20:12Jesus Christ that was fucking frosty
20:17No matter what she has done at least hello sure at least an acknowledgment, yeah, it's disrespectful
20:24Yeah, you might say hello
20:50Jesus Christ, that was fucking frosted
20:55No matter what she has done at least hello sure at least an acknowledgement, yeah, it's disrespectful
21:01Respectful yeah, you might say hello, but you say hello
21:11When we saw Hannah and Stephen at the commitment ceremony things were rocky Stephen felt betrayed by Hannah and
21:19Hannah was trying really hard to prove to him. I'm not like that. He's not able to get past that
21:25She's a fucking idiot. She's a fucking idiot
21:30She was like oh, we're not saying hello. No, not really. I don't even want to breathe in your direction
21:34I wouldn't even piss on you if he was on fire go away
21:37The thing that really annoys me is the fact that she actually looks really nice
21:40Well, she actually looks really nice. And that's what's pissing me off the most
21:46And it's annoying me cuz I'm gonna be like where's your seat from I
21:50Mean in many ways this is classic deflection isn't it on Polly's part things are not going well between her and Adam so she's
21:58Shifting the focus on to another person
22:03Why are you looking at me like that
22:07She's like me every day
22:11So do you I like this
22:14Here's her care
22:16No, we are good at the minute. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're good man
22:19These arguments that happen as long as you're both willing to stay and fight for what you've got
22:23You always come back stronger because every every time me and Harley both heads
22:29When we resolve it, I learned something about we've come such a long way and you will hit so many obstacles
22:35But it's how you deal with them and how you come back together is what will make you progress
22:40They sound like they know what they're talking about. I think the two of them have been listening to us. Hmm. So this is progress
22:54Ryan coming today. She moved out last night. I said is it done and she's like we'll see if it turns up
23:00So if he turns up, it's not done
23:04Better be quick
23:11This is
23:12Awful news for Ryan and Shannon. It is it's sad
23:17Would you pull a firetruck though if he don't turn up
23:22Gotta be fast
23:25It's a easy question only if I knew it wasn't turning up full stop I think you take take time take deep breaths
23:32See what happens
23:39So this here is a definition of car and run I don't know what he's playing at he's new to the experiment
23:45They've come up against one hurdle and he's already thinking about looking outside of his own relationship
24:05Basically Ryan doesn't believe she's back on girls day. We don't know and she stayed apart from me
24:11So is it coming today?
24:13She's been here a while
24:16If he doesn't come in would she stay with Steven
24:24What did he say just said it if he doesn't come in when he stay with Steven Wow, he just said it
24:31If he doesn't turn off you find Shannon attractive. Oh, she's my time. She's absolutely she's my time the sexist straight up
24:39Do something tell me okay
24:45Oh, yeah, I'm back
24:57John I need to try
25:02This is something that needs to be a bit DL, okay. Oh, yeah, beautiful
25:11Okay, so basically you've just seen that Stephen call me over he said what's going on with Shannon and Ryan
25:18Do you think they're done and I said I don't think they are
25:21And he said if Ryan doesn't turn up tonight, I'm gonna shoot my shot
25:26Because she's just my type
25:28He went so does that mean she'll know the same with Steven?
25:30I don't know why do you miss worded that I went do you think she'll be saying even all that?
25:34No, no, I
25:36Just wanted to give you the heads up though is not my time. I don't want anyone else for Ryan here
25:41I know you don't I can literally don't want anyone else
26:07Here he is talking to devil he is Ryan now
26:24Stephen looks disappointed. Well, Stephen looks a bit uncomfortable
26:33This wasn't part of the fun
26:56Stephen looks disappointed. Well, Stephen looks a bit uncomfortable
27:06This wasn't part of the fun
27:21So here he is trying to control the narrative with Holly
27:26Essentially redesigning what he said because of course he didn't say it respectfully come here my G
27:45Missed you
27:49I'm so glad I finally got my big hug off of Ryan
28:06It's nice to hear both Ryan and Shannon saying they've missed each other
28:10Hopefully this is just a blip for the two of them. Well, what does this mean for Steven?
28:24You're right, I'm gonna you yeah, how you doing bro, I'm chilled no, man
28:36How are you
28:45You know what Hannah
28:47When I grab the tape to you, I like you
28:51You're no nonsense chick. She says what she feels fiery
28:55These are all the personalities I asked for when I wanted my wife, you know, I like that about me. So
29:03No, no, I don't see them
29:10What's Orson really saying here sounds a lot to me like you're the wife I wish I had
29:17Listen, I've got 24 hours to enjoy myself. I
29:22Like Hannah, I definitely could let my hair down tonight knowing that which I was not here. The boy band look is a lot
29:28It is serving
29:30What is it sir? Fresh out backstreet boys. They're black guy backstreet
29:40Ultimately, I suppose of Orson Hannah both of them have been rejected by their partners
29:44So they're looking to each other for the affection and affirmation. They're not getting in their own marriages
29:50Although it sounds like Orson might want to take it a little bit further
29:57FYI, I'm I'm gonna explain to Ryan when I can get him on his own
30:09Respect I don't want to get out of proportion for what it is. You know, I mean, I'm just gonna grab him now
30:20Can I have a quick chat with you yeah, yes
30:24Well, here we go phase two of damage control this is fear deer in the headlights
30:35Good yeah, we start with the event
30:47So I'm putting out with you now while we're here I
30:50Lost and Adam's told me to let my son. Everyone said
30:55Can you run and Ryan never came a king?
30:57Well, I was like I said she was a sexist. Of course. I was like, but I'm not gonna make it a thing
31:03if Ryan walks in especially
31:06And we bought him but everyone's spoken about it
31:09But that's all it was
31:14Ain't fuck I'm not that guy I
31:16Didn't want to make into a big thing. I didn't want it to come across disrespectful that I'd done it behind your back
31:23It looks like Ryan sees right through Steven, I think the fact that Steven is
31:29Rewriting history. He knows what he said before was wrong
31:33Holly spoken to her the fucking dismissed go around but I'm not the type
31:38Stevens definitely broke all code. He's here for the wrong reasons, but nothing to say to him
31:58You're gonna get
32:13Wow, you could still see the tension between Polly and Adam they're still not talking to each other
32:24Two got some fucking faces on you man. You can't sit there like that all night. Come on, man
32:29I've given him his time and his space. It's not down for me to go to him. I've done enough
32:35You say you've done enough. We haven't tried to speak to me today. You haven't spoke to me
32:39Why would I initiate a conversation with you? I?
32:42Think with Polly and Adam we find that they find themselves in these types of conflicting
32:47Situations and they can't seem to get their way out of it. They both want to be heard
32:53But they're both not listening to one another
32:56I've said one thing. Do you not think the things that you've said in the past of hurt me and I haven't taken that makes
33:01Okay, does that we're going back down that road? What do you mean? Does that not make it?
33:04Okay, there's been a lot of things that you've said that you shouldn't have said
33:07Yeah, I know but mom was just wording it wrong. You didn't word this wrong
33:10I said I want the qualities Stephen has in you the stick or twist or use a twist
33:15Listen I've said that I was sorry. I said that I fucking worded it in a wrong way
33:19Well short we say apart from I'm sorry. I should have worded it differently. Well, I don't know
33:22But you expect me to just be like, yeah, cool. Let's go on then. Let's be happy
33:25So do you think that I should have been? Oh, okay. Yeah cool after you said it's minimal attraction there
33:29I thought was over that but let's keep bringing that all we're not over it though. This is why we're going in circles
33:34In a nutshell, this is what you're doing. I shouldn't have said that I worded it wrong, but you did this and you did that
33:41childish man, I
33:44Have to say Adam has a point here Polly knows she needs to apologize
33:48So she does so but then backs it up with but but but but but yeah an apology is worthless
33:55Unless it is done in the proper manner the fact that you're turning this on me is a fucking joke
34:01I'm turning on you. You are turning on me because I'm sorry. I've apologized. I've owned it. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry Adam
34:07There you go
34:33Right now my worry is Holly's gonna speak to Ryan about what I said about Shannon
34:37I'm worried. It's just gonna escalate into something doesn't need to be it doesn't need to happen
34:43Ryan don't attack
34:47I'll walk around
34:55Right guys
34:59So I will tell you what got said to me tonight
35:03Stephen said what's the crackling Friday?
35:06Because she's coming on her own and I said I just know that they had an argument last night
35:10So I said if Ryan comes through the door, I think they're gonna be absolutely fine
35:14He said if Ryan doesn't turn up tonight, I'm gonna stick it on Shannon
35:20Fuck me. He's lied to me tonight and I don't respect that. Did he word it like that to you? I
35:29Just remember saying I didn't want it to come from anyone else. I don't think he touched on that part
35:35He was banging on yesterday bro cold, it's not a swing. That's cool
35:41That's what he said. Well, we said he's making a swing this club. I
35:46Will keep my enemies very close to my chest and he's my enemy
35:52Shannon minding filming
35:55So when I saw him walk in and then I saw everyone whispering I was like nah, I'm not letting this get out of hand
36:00Someone said that
36:03Shannon walked in by themselves that you're gonna shoot. I would do that on the stick and twist question. I said fucking stick
36:09I'm loyal to my boys to that extent
36:12His story to me is different to what he said to Holla
36:15It weren't the truth
36:17You can't say it's not swing this club and then the day after if I don't come I'm gonna jump onto it because your relationships
36:30If I wasn't here the crack on with her
36:37He's a muppet muppet muppet muppet muppet muppet the best not talk to me
36:44Cheers to doing a lot of growing this week at the retreat. I think we've both grew a lot from this which you
36:56Was growing you can't go no more
37:01Still got your console. Oh, it's horrible, isn't it?
37:04Don't you spin out? I don't know. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do
37:07I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do
37:09I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to do
37:11I don't know what I'm supposed to do
37:13God it's been ages as well. It's been since the honeymoon
37:18That's the only thing that's missing in our life at the moment, isn't it darling?
37:25How are you
37:28Are you okay tired? I
37:31feel a little bit gutted because
37:33Stephen hasn't spoke to me all day
37:36But I'm really trying
37:39What you been in today?
37:41I'm done talking to
37:43I feel like every time we talk it just gets intense and I can't be after that. Why did you want to stay in driving?
37:51I've explained this to you. I can't be asked the arguments anymore. I'm sorry. It's worked out like this
37:56But genuinely I'm cuz I came into it with the right intentions
38:00I'm out
38:02It's interesting that he's checked out. But yet he has so much animosity
38:07Towards her he doesn't even want to engage or talk to her. Why is that?
38:11It's so sad because he is just quitting before our eyes
38:15There's really nothing more Hannah can do with this situation. Can you not accept my apology though?
38:20And realize that I made a mistake. I can't accept that apology, please. I'm just asking I get that but please let's just not go
38:27There again. Yeah, but I do I want to be friends if you like
38:29I don't want to leave her like on this bad don't need to be a friend. I came in here to marry you
38:34She lost all my trust you said you wanted to stay with me, but you're cracking on to all the other men
38:40She's lost my respect
38:42Why would I want a friend like that in my life? Don't want her in my life full stop. I
38:46Know we've been through this experiment together, but that is what it is to me. I'm just being honest with I'm sorry
38:52I'm sorry
39:02Our respects even being honest, but it does feel a bit shit that he's basically said I don't want to have a friendship with you
39:11I'm upset, but there's nothing I can do
39:30Probably need to be honest with myself and say that my husband isn't willing to work with me
39:34So I'm gonna do what I want to do
39:38in the hot tub I
39:41Have always gotten well with awesome. He's a really good guys have my back in here since day one
39:46To make out right now
39:51Wow, that is some pretty full-on flirting
40:01You look at that and you say okay
40:02Here's someone who's got to the point now where she feels she'll never be able to get through to Steven
40:08The marriage is a lost cause and she's seeking attention from one of the few people in the room
40:14She's connected with
40:26Yeah, I think after the ceremony we had a big like a
40:30Big night like just getting a bit closer to Amy just putting everything on the table. Yeah, and I think it was nice
40:36Especially when you came up and you put your arms around me
40:38She said like you'll be okay like it wasn't like a judgmental. Can you reach your arms all the way around him?
40:43The neck bit. Yes
40:53Do you prefer him with that accent
41:06The honesty box
41:13Oh my god
41:15We had a bath together this week, which part of my body. Did you enjoy washing the most?
41:23Part of your body that I enjoyed washing the most I like your bum
41:30I really like your bum. I really really like your bum
41:37Christina if I was an animal, what would I be and why I would really like you to be a koala
41:44So you just cling to me all the time
41:53It is very cute because essentially she's saying cute and cuddly yes
42:07Think the biggest challenge that I can see with you Amy is we're both very slow burners you are I
42:14Think emotionally I am so I think because things are going so well
42:19We might be a slow burner, but we might end up in a big bonfire, baby
42:36Would you sum up our time in the retreat
42:42The retreat has been the most positive week we've ever had I have leaned in
42:50Since the commitment ceremony I had a job to do and that was to show Casper that I can change and I can take feedback
42:57Because didn't think I could take it before so I have taken on the feedback of change. I've leaned in I've relaxed into it
43:12How do you feel about how far we've come since our first dinner party
43:17I mean we were not in a good place in our first dinner party. Let's be honest. It's a lot of effort in this week
43:21We've definitely grown as people. We've come a long long way. We're so much more comfortable around each other. It's
43:28Definitely moved in the right direction
43:40Great to see that Emma has really stepped up. I think there's hope for these two. This is progress
43:48Ryan her committed are you to our marriage?
43:51I'm very committed to this. I've only had eyes for you. I've got no eyes for nobody else
43:57And if it wasn't you I'd leave her
44:05Ryan with the clever delivery they're talking of course to his wife Shannon
44:09But also to Steven making it clear that he's not down with the wife swap
44:26Why do you think we've had such a difficult week
44:31I think we've had such a difficult week because you haven't let your guard down
44:35You haven't let me in and I still don't know how you feel about me wholeheartedly
44:39And that's why I feel like we've had a hard week. I thought was having a good week until the girls and boys date
44:46But I feel like you haven't shown me
44:48How you think and how you feel about me? I?
44:52Am getting better and better at doing that and the fact that everyone else can see I'm putting the effort in
44:57We was actually having a really good week until yesterday for the question, okay, I'm not doing this now well agree to disagree
45:04I can't talk to you honestly
45:11What else do you want me to do what the fuck else expect me to do I
45:21Will say Adam Adam she did have some lovely things to say about you at the girls not I do promise you that
45:29Yeah, but then she also said some shit things
45:32One shit thing about the qualities that he's got that I wish that you had it was little comments like oh
45:36I wish you is more like Steven and because he can fucking talk about how he feels and you don't you can't compare me to
45:44Someone else especially when my mates man, okay?
45:47He would have even given me a bit of reassurance before you left this morning, which was a cuddle
45:51Do you think that would have made me feel a lot better?
45:53I needed that and I didn't do that headspace. There's no offense. I wasn't thinking about you not gonna
45:58Love it. You don't think about me you don't
46:02Face which is what I've given him all day, but it's still not good enough
46:08What the fuck you want me to do move to Timbuktu where the fuck you expect me to go
46:16Don't just say sorry. I've told you how it is. It's a fake. Sorry. I don't cook it
46:21Do you not think that I've given him enough time for everything?
46:24Absolutely Polly fuck that comment Holly. That is bullshit. All I've given that boy is fucking time
46:35You've made the mistake own it don't keep saying I've done this man. Maybe you should have said stick
46:41I know that I've said I should have done that but he has said some shitty things on that house
46:47The stuff that he said about me
46:50for me to then sit there and take
46:55It's fucking hurtful
46:57Do I mean
47:10Next time I want to spend the rest of my life with you
47:13She's finally seeing who I actually am the impact of the retreat hits home. I felt betrayed. My head's been scrambled
47:21It almost felt like sex was a sales pitch pushing some marriages. This is gonna be hard to hear
47:26This is why I prepare myself for the worst to breaking point at that moment
47:32I knew I could not stand him just like squeezing blood from a stone
47:37Were you trying to make Steven jealous?
47:39You can't make a guy jealous of you that doesn't give a fuck about why do I want you to speak to this girl?
47:42But it's a shocking revelation. How have they not been sneakily kissing?
47:47They've watched
47:49You consider what you did an act of infidelity that delivers the biggest blow of the evening
47:54She deserved to know I think it's bullshit snake
47:59Don't tell me to shut up you a sly guy say you're talking fucking shit. It is very clear that this relationship is done
