• 2 days ago
00:00Hey guys, I'm Tom the Tech Jap and I want to find out which has the best camera between
00:04the new iPhone 11 Pro Max and also the 11 Pro because they share the same camera and
00:09the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus.
00:12Both phones offer a triple lens camera setup with a main lens, an ultra wide and a 2x telephoto.
00:17Of course there are loads of other reasons why you may prefer one over the other but
00:21I wanted to take the latest phones from Samsung and Apple and just see how the cameras compare.
00:26Let's start with a little 4K video test.
00:28I'm shooting this with the rear camera on both so I'm actually looking at the back of
00:32the phones.
00:33Both these phones do shoot up to 4K 60 video, this is recorded at 4K 30.
00:37I should say that unfortunately this is not my house, I'm just staying here for a little
00:41I wish I had a pool this big but it's a nice little area to do some camera tests.
00:46Now one of my favourite things that you can do with both these phones is actually record
00:49in ultra wide 4K.
00:51So if I swap to that, you can now see how my arms are awkwardly holding up both phones
00:56but you do get a much wider field of view and actually you can do that on the fly.
01:00You can change through all three camera lenses on both phones while recording 4K.
01:04And when it comes to things like Instagram stories, I do find myself shooting in ultra
01:08wide 4K a lot more than I thought I would.
01:11So this is a cool little feature.
01:13So let's come on over to Tucker who's playing in the grass.
01:19So this is the ultra wide lens and then we've got the main lens and finally the 2x telephoto
01:26lens on both.
01:27And both phones also use audio zoom so it actually targets the audio based on the subject
01:31that you zoomed in on.
01:55Side by side, you can definitely see a difference in the brightness and the colour temperature.
02:07The Note on the left is brighter and has a warmer tone.
02:09Just look at the white t-shirt on the guy in the middle.
02:11They both look great though, especially with the ability to switch to the ultra wide lens
02:15and get the whole graffiti deli away into the frame.
02:18Bonus points if you can tell me what city this is in the comments below.
02:22And then we've got low light video and while it's not quite pitch black outside, you can
02:26see the huge difference between the phones.
02:29Everything is a lot brighter and more visible on the Note but at the expense of a lot of
02:32noise and pretty ropey quality.
02:38But what about video from the front selfie camera?
02:41While the iPhone has had a bit of an upgrade this year, it can now shoot 4K30 from the
02:45front camera, the same as the Note 10+.
02:48Just from looking at the phones, it looks like I'm getting a bit more in the frame on
02:52the iPhone.
02:53Now, if I not stare directly at the sun but point towards the sun, it's very, very bright
02:59You get a bit of an idea how it handles the really bright highlights.
03:02Now, if I move into the shade, so you can see how both phones compare dealing with the
03:06bright background and the slightly darker foreground of my face, essentially.
03:10I can't really give any firm conclusions by just looking at the screens because, well,
03:14they're quite different screens, so you guys have to tell me which one you think looks
03:19Which one sounds better because I've been switching between the microphones throughout
03:22this video.
03:23So, in terms of audio quality, if you're doing lots of selfie videos, that will also be an
03:28interesting test.
03:29Now, one thing the Note can do which the iPhone can't is shoot live focus video or basically
03:34portrait mode video.
03:35You've got that nice blurry bokeh background and it's the same with the rear camera.
03:40Again, the Note can shoot this live focus video whereas the iPhone can't.
03:44But let me know in the comments below what you make of live focus video.
03:48If it's something you would use, if you think it's gimmicky and fake or the best thing since
03:51sliced bread.
03:53The iPhone 11 does have a new trick up its sleeve though in the form of slowfies or slow
03:57motion selfie video which is shot at 120fps in full HD.
04:02I figured my partner Sarah would be a much better model for showing this off than me.
04:07It's not the best quality but it could be cool for an Instagram story.
04:12We're nearly five minutes into this video and so I think it's about time we looked at
04:16a few photos.
04:17And as I jump through the three lenses, you can see this is going to be a close one.
04:21Now we're back in the alleyway and again like the video clip from earlier, looking at the
04:25white t-shirt you can see a slight difference in colour temperature.
04:28If I crop in by 300%, I do think the iPhone offers a tiny bit more detail though like
04:33the hair on the legs of the camo shorts guy and the brown bag.
04:36The Note 10 seems to over sharpen a bit to compensate but this really is nitpicking.
04:41Now I love how colourful this shot is but if you look at the white paint, I'd say it's
04:45a more natural looking white on the Note 10 versus a cooler sort of ice white on the
04:50The black t-shirt also looks more realistic on the Note.
04:52It's a little bit washed out on the iPhone.
04:54I've been staring at this bar shot for about five minutes now and other than catching that
04:58lady picking her nose on the iPhone's photo, it's incredibly difficult to see any major
05:04It's like one of those spot the difference photos.
05:06Now this is a portrait mode shot or what Samsung call live focus.
05:10You can adjust the intensity of that bokeh blur on both phones even after taking the
05:13shot so don't focus too much on the different levels of blur.
05:17Both phones can also take portrait shots using the ultra wide lens.
05:21Let's move on to some tricky low-light conditions and both phones look good but if you look
05:25at Mario on the back of the chair, the Note 10 has done a better job here at evening out
05:29the exposure.
05:30It's a similar story at the bar.
05:31The Note 10 aggressively reduces the highlights on the TV.
05:34The blue drink me sign on the right is also a little clearer on the Note but I do prefer
05:37the more natural colour of the iPhone shot.
05:40Here's a quick low-light portrait shot although neither are using their respective night modes.
05:44Although while the iPhone's night mode is automatic, it doesn't actually work with portrait
05:48shots for some reason.
05:49Still, the iPhone is the clear winner here.
05:51It's much clearer and better lit.
05:53Switching to the ultra wide lens, these guys are going to hate me for using this photo
05:57but there's still significantly more detail in the iPhone shot.
06:00Now let's talk about that night mode and as I say, it's automatic on the iPhone so depending
06:04on the light, using it handheld, it'll give you a two or three second longer exposure
06:08whereas you need to switch to the dedicated night mode in the camera app on the Note 10.
06:13In this shot, the more colourful, contrasty look of the Note is more appealing at first
06:17sight but it does suffer from a lot of noise and the buildings in the distance aren't as
06:21detailed as the iPhone's.
06:22Back at the house now and this is how it looks using the Note 10's normal photo mode and
06:27then in night mode.
06:29But side by side with the iPhone, well, they both do a really good job.
06:33While the Note 10 is brighter, it is also heavily over sharpened.
06:36Just look at the driveway.
06:37So to my eye, I think the iPhone looks more natural.
06:40With this close-up night mode shot, you can still see that sharper versus softer look
06:44between the Note and the iPhone.
06:45I have to say though, it was harder to get an in-focus shot on the Note in night mode.
06:50I often had to take three or four photos to get a non-blurry one like this.
06:53I found the iPhone much more consistent.
06:56And finally, a couple of quick selfies.
06:57I'm sure you're already sick of seeing my face by now.
07:00The Note definitely has more contrast versus the flatter but more evenly exposed iPhone.
07:05Quick selfies are a similar story.
07:07And again, the iPhone is a lot brighter but which do you prefer?
07:11And last but not least, a quick selfie of me and Sarah.
07:13And while the framing isn't identical between these shots, it is interesting to see that
07:17both phones still struggle with edge detection sometimes.
07:20Sarah's sunglasses trip the Note 10 up a bit but I think worse than that on the iPhone,
07:24only half of her face is in focus which is a bit odd.
07:27Although you can see the Note 10 handles the bright background better.
07:30The sky is completely blown out on the iPhone.
07:32So then, the big question, which do you think had the better camera?
07:36The Note 10 Plus or the iPhone 11 Pro?
07:38Let me know in the comments below and also which other phones you'd like me to do a camera
07:41test on.
07:42Thank you so much for watching guys.
07:43I really hope you enjoyed the video.
07:44And if you want to see more from me, make sure you do hit that subscribe button below.
07:48And I'll see you next time right here on the Tech Chat.
